Midnight Werefox Call

Story by SnowyFoxy on SoFurry

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#2 of Snow and Hank

Snow gently picks at her teeth as she's lead on the sofa, staring blankly at the TV as the screensaver cycles round again. She looks over at Hank at the other end of the sofa to see him passed out, one ear flopping down and leg twitching. The rise and fall of his fluffy chest lulling Snow into a sleepier daze. She quietly gets up from the sofa and adjusts her bra before walking over to the coffee table and turning off the TV. She turns to Hank to see his big german shepherd leg stretched across the floor, resting against the coffee table. She gives his leg a nudge with her foot. Nothing. She nudges a little harder. No response. She leans over Hank and starts rubbing his chest up and down. His leg starts to kick slightly at first, then the movement gets stronger as Snow picks up her pace, scrubbing at his fur.

"Coooome on." Snow mumbles. "Wake up champ, get yourself to bed."

"It's so embarrassing when you do that." Hank grumbles without opening his eyes.

"But the leg thing is so cute you little pup." Snow grumbles right back. Hank starts to sit up as both their phones sound off at the same time. Suddenly fully awake, Hank looks up at Snow "Oh shit, is that going to be a call?"

"Sounds like it." Snow removes her phone from her pocket and waits a second before a call comes through. "Yep, pick up your phone." She answers the call as Hank reaches into his pocket and does the same.

"Handler F here. Team 34, are you available?" a voice states from both their phones at the same time.

"Available." Snow says in the clearest voice she can muster.

"Available." Growls Hank, standing up to start getting ready.

"We have reports of a werewolf in St John park, you're the closest team."

Snow raises her hand at Hank to signal him to stop. "I can take this one. Werewolves are my specialty, get some sleep." Hank changes direction and walks into the bedroom without saying a word. "I'll take this one alone, F" Snow smuggly purrs. "Good boy." she whispers at Hank, covering the phone with her hand. Hank's hand emerges from behind the bedroom door to flip her off. "Acknowledged. Please proceed with caution to St John Park. I'll have a CCTV feed shortly." F states, unable to hide the slight hint of exacerbation.

"I'll only be a couple of minutes." Snow says as she inserts her earpiece.

Heroes by David Bowie blasts suddenly as Snow starts the car. Frantically, she spins the volume dial to the left. "What was that?" her handler asks.

A quick "nothing" blurts from Snow's mouth as she pulls away onto the empty nighttime streets. "Got CCTV yet?" Snow asks as she pulls round the corner and gets up to speed.

"Nothing yet, it's an old system. I'll have it in a minute or so." F replies.

"So it's only a report of a sighting. No incident?."


"I might get away with just talking to them."

"I don't condone that action. CCTV linked, standby." F robotically chants at Snow. A few seconds pass before F starts talking again. "Subject appears to be jumping from tree to tree, incredibly mobile. Appears to be six to seven feet tall." Snow's eyebrows raise. "Be advised, subject may be a werefox."

"Isn't that a little big for a werefox?" Snow replies, brow lowering in confusion.

"Muzzle shape indicates vulpine species."

Snow pauses for a second. "Understood. Arriving at location now." Snow flicks the car onto the pavement and grabs her revolver from the holster next to her left leg. She steps out of the car and tucks the gun into the back of her jeans, leaving her thigh holster empty.

Snow marches up to the closed park gate and vaults it effortlessly. "I'm in the park, where are they?"

"I see you, they're one hundred meters to your left, they've seen you." replies F.

Snow's fox eyes and ears work overtime for a second as she searches for the creature in the darkness. "I have a visual." Snow calmly states as she locks eyes with a large, dark orange creature in the trees. "I can see you!" She calls out.

"I know." the beast replies in low pitch but calm tone.

"My name is Snow." She says as she starts to slowly walk towards the tree the orange mass is crouched inside of. "I'm Andy. Can I help you?" The beast replies.

"You can sir. Can you tell me what you're doing in a park this late at night?"

"Just getting some fresh air, ma'am" Andy calmly replies as he takes one large step down from the tree.

"F, bad call on the hight. Easily eight feet. I have the situation under control. I'll call if I need anything."

"Understood, agent. Goodnight." F signs off, ignoring Snow's comment. She puts her hands on her hips and looks the werefox up and down.

"I've never had the chance to see a werefox up close without it being a struggle before." She exclaims to the beast towering above her.

"I'm sorry to hear we're so difficult." Andy replies, taking a gentle step towards Snow.

Unphased by the movement snow reaches a hand out. "Do you mind if I give you a quick look over, I'd be surprised if you hadn't hurt yourself diving through these trees."

"I think I may have hurt my foot actually." Andy's claw points down at his right foot.

"I'll take a look for you. A thorn maybe?" Snow says in a caring tone as she takes a knee in front of his foot. She reaches inside her jacket and pauses in shock. The feeling of her fur wasn't expected. She moved her hand up and touched the lace of her bra. That's all there was, just a bra. She tried to hide her shock and continue. After all, Andy wouldn't have seen her face.

Snow pulls her torch out from her jacket and shines it at the beasts enormous foot. She quickly spots a large thorn only just pricking the surface of his skin. Snow plucks it out quickly with her thumb and index finger. Andy doesn't flinch. "There you are." Snow nervously mumbles as she puts the torch back into her jacket. "Thank you darling, you're very kind" Andy replies. Snow looks up as she's about to stand up again. She's met with the werefox's musk as her face almost touches his crotch. Surprised, she takes a sharp breath in, only for the arousing scent to fill her lungs. She feels her crotch throb in response. "Is something the matter?" Andy sarcastically ponders.

"Not at all sir." Snow responds obediently, unable to fight the arousal filling her body. She notices that the werefox's cock is gently unsheathing as she's inhaling him more and more.

"Are you sure?" Andy asks in a patronising tone. He starts to play with Snow's hair as his cock slides closer and closer to her face. Having her hair played with in this moment was all Snow needed to give in to her submissive desires. She slowly opens her mouth and licks at the tip and Andy's cock. She reaches up to grasp it and realises there's still no sign of the knot. His cock was easily 7 inches already and he was clearly nowhere near done. This hit Snow hard. Her pussy clenched and she felt herself start to ruin her underwear. She was already weak to his scent, there was nothing she wouldn't do for him if his cock got any bigger.

"I know what you're thinking my dear, just give in. I'll let you enjoy my cock." Andy growls at Snow, sensing how deeply under his spell she was.

"Thank you sir." She replies without thinking, opening wide and pushing his huge cock into her mouth. She starts drooling almost instantly, the sound of the drops making Andy harder and harder in Snow's mouth. Snow starts to feel how incredibly wet she's become and starts to unbutton her jeans. "You're so eager, Slow down." Andy purrs somewhat seriously. Snow ignores the fox's request and begins to masturbate under her panties with one hand while she jerks him into her mouth with the other. Finally, the beasts knot unsheaths. A full foot of cock in total. Most of which is already inside Snow. She reaches further down his shaft and rolls her hand around his knot. "Stand, my dear." Andy commands. Snow takes a second to gag on his cock a little longer before doing as she's told. "Take those jeans off."

"Yes sir." Snow replies whilst slipping out of her jeans.

"Keep those panties on. They look good on you."

"Thank you sir." Snow blushes.

"Hands and knees." Andy snaps. Snow drops to her knees once again and leans forward. Andy towers over the little white fox's body as he walks around her. He steps back around to her mouth and slips his cock back in as far as it will go, Snow's gag echoing across the empty park.

The lengthy cock repeatedly pushes against the back of Snow's throat as Andy uses her mouth as a toy. She gags repeatedly at first but relaxes as all she feels is deep gratitude for being used by such a powerful beast. Right as Snow realises she's running out of air, Andy removes his cock and slowly walks around his prey once again. Snow gasps and lowers her shoulders, desperately trying to tempt her superior to try her other holes. Andy sees her display clearly in the dark and kneels behind her. He rubs his cock up and down her holes, spreading out her wetness. "I can't decide what hole to use first." Andy giggles. "Can you decide, Darling?" Snow shakes her head slowly, just wishing his monster cock was back inside her. His cock rubbing against her was driving her crazy, she knew it would be a tight fit.

Andy holds on to her waist and moves his in a little closer, pushing his tip into her tight pussy. She pushed her head down further to spread herself wide for him as he slips the first inch into her. She lets out an uncontrollable moan as she feels how wide he is. He slides back and forth, slowly adding a little more cock each time. Inch by inch, moan by moan, he makes his cock half into snow. "Please. All of it." Snow manages to purr between moans. She reaches back and grabs her ass, pulling herself wider for him. "Of course." Andy Smiles.

He forces the rest of his shaft into Snow in one smooth thrust and she lets out a squeal of pleasure and a little pain. A single tear rolls down her cheek and into the grass as the werefox pulls his cock back and forth inside her. As she stretches out for him, she can feel the cock pushing on her insides. Her stomach bulging slightly as he uses her faster and harder. "I need you to cum in me!" She squeals back at him as he begins to relax and fuck her without care. He leans forward and places one of his giant paws on the back of her head. He moves one foot past her thighs and leans into her. His knot beginning to push against her lips, slipping them open a little more with each thrust. Her pussy begged to be knotted, allowing half the knot in and out with ease as Snow's thighs shuddered. "Take it, you slut." Andy growls, edging closer and closer. "Please! Please! Please!" Snow begs with each thrust.

The Beast suddenly knots his slave and pulls back and forth before gushing his load inside. Snow can't handle the pleasure and her eyes roll back as she squirts over and over onto the grass. They stay here panting for a second before Andy lifts Snow up and leans back, sitting her on his cock. This pushes his cock a little deeper into snow, forcing her to keep cumming. She continues to squirt, it gently trickles over Andy's balls and onto the grass below.

Snow rubs her bulging belly while cum softly leaks from her. "I'll carry you back to your car, don't worry." Whispers Andy into her ear. She closes her eyes and relaxes back into his chest, relaxing completely.

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