2019-05-31 - Anything Goes (Vel'Gahrus)

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Artist - killioma https://www.patreon.com/killiomaartworks

Author - Runa https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGods

Vel'Gahrus - Parapanora

In this story, Vel finally meets Ilorek on his ranch after sharing some custom made potion-wine! Of course, Ilorek feels the need to intimately thank Vel for this gift and I'm sure you can all figure out how this goes down!

This is the final May 2019 'warmup quickie'; for anyone in the $25+ categories on my Patreon (And some at the $10 level), you get one of these every month that I'll be using to warm up in the morning before starting that day's main project!


Anything Goes

Ilorek swirled his glass of wine as he sat in his comfortable chair, intense yellow eyes staring across the room at Vel'Gahrus. "You've brought me quite the delectable drink, Vel. I'm impressed."

Vel'Gahrus was not intimately familiar with his hippogryph host but knew him through mutual association with Ceylon the gryphon drake. Vel worked in an orchard across from The Vore House and through Ceylon's company NoThEn Labs was able to develop ademane rich fruits for use in potions that didn't dilute the effect or flavour; those same berries were used in a wine he made that was both delicious and magically energizing. As a chemist, Ilorek had a refined taste for both of those things.

Vel blushed as his host enjoyed a sip of the wine. "I'm glad you like it. I know you are very hard to impress and I wanted to only bring you the best. I don't know much about wine myself but I have contacts that helped me to pluck the best bottle from our reserves just for you. If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to bring you a season's worth, depending on how much you drink." He looked up and down the much larger fellow and smiled. "I'll be sure to give you the big bottles."

"I'd like that, but a case would be plenty. Six bottles of this potent concoction would be plenty for the wife and I. We don't drink all too often and - actually, scratch that; I don't drink all too often but she can't get enough. If we have a stash of two dozen bottles she'll drink a bottle a day until we're out." He laughed, a hearty guffaw that made the feathers on his chest stand on end. "So six bottles is plenty."

The two shared a bit of laughter in Ilorek's study - which also doubled as the living room and for some reason the inner portion of Ilorek's stables - over their mutual love for the wine. It was an apple and cinnamon wine, which was strange and uncommon but absolutely delicious even if it wasn't the proper autumn season to enjoy it. Ilorek then took a sip by prodding his tongue into the wine glass and staring with devious intent over at Vel.

"You know, I'd love to properly pay you thanks for your offer, Vel." He insisted with a nod.

"I'm not sure what you mean, 'Rek. You're paying me very handsomely for the wine and you're already giving me more than I'm asking. I couldn't possibly ask for more." Vel was trying to play sweet and ignorant but thanks to Ilorek's very lewd expression he knew exactly what the hippogryph meant.

It was also quite clear that Ilorek knew this as well because he slowly shifted his position by unfolding his legs, deliberately giving Vel a look at what was under his kilt, then folding them back up the other way. This brief View allowed Vel to see that the hippogryph possessed a rather impressive, well-shorn, and moist package under that kilt of his, a member that was clearly equine in nature. Once Ilorek was sure that Vel got that glorious glimpse, he made eye contact with a grin. "Well, I see no reason why I can't give you a little extra, a firsthand show of my appreciation."

Though the flirtation made Vel blush a bit, he was actively trying to be more upfront in his communication while also not letting people treat him as a submissive little kobold or something. He was a dragon, just a wingless dragon; he was not 'submissive' to anyone. He was just a bottom! Huge difference. Similar, but different. "Actually, Ilorek, I'm going to have to cut you off there." He interjected. "I don't mine the coy nature of your subtle innotation, but if you wanna take me out to the barn and do something lewd to me, just say so. I've played games enough in my life and I just wish that people would be more forthright with me rather than playing hard to get or assuming I'm too shy to make a move." He swirled his wine and took a sip, his expression confident. "How do you respond?"

This took Ilorek by surprise. He chuckled to himself and took another sip before gently placing the wine bottle on the table between them. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm just as fed up with subby bottoms acting so meek and scared and bashful all the time that it takes some of the fun out of it. Ceylon's not like that and it's quite refreshing; I'm glad to see you're similar. So tell me, Vel, what would you like for me to do to you as proper thanks for the wine? A favour for a favour."

"Surprise me." Vel suggested before putting his glass down next to Ilorek's.

"Do you have a safe word?" Ilorek responded while unbuckling his kilt. He wasn't wearing a shirt of any kind and really didn't need to take off the kilt, either, but it was sexy to watch.

Vel also unbuckled his pants. "I do, but I'll keep it a surprise for ya. Trust me, you'll know it when you hear it." Once his pants were undone, he shimmied out of them and let them fall to the ground around his ankles while Ilorek did the same thing. He then peeled his shirt off and waited to see what Ilorek did next.

In an almost boring move, Ilorek stood up straight in front of Vel, grabbed his wine glass one last time to down it all in one gulp, then grabbed Vel's as well and finished it too. Once he was done with both wine glasses, he put them back on the table and snapped his fingers to command Vel. "Up, come on, let's go."

"Where exactly are we going?" Vel asked as he did as commanded. "Why can't we have our fun in here?" It was meant to be a silly or rhetorical question, one Ilorek was not expected to respond to since the answer really was quite obvious.

He did, anyway. "Well, I respect my books and the rest of my study; if we're gonna get messy it makes a whole lot more sense to do so in the stables. At least there we won't have to clean up afterward and can just get one of the stable boys to do it. Tell him the stallions were mating and missed."

"Mating and missed. That's a term I've not heard." Vel said with a laugh. "So, this just got rather formal. A little bit awkward, how do you propose we-"

Ilorek cut him off by grabbing him around the waist and hoisting him over his shoulders. He slapped Vel's purple rump once and started heading for the door. "I'll be sure to keep an ear out. Say your safe word if you don't like what I'm doing. In the mean time, shush." He kept one arm wrapped around both of Vel's legs and the other hoisting up his tail from below as he exited the house through the front door, leaving the bottle of wine open in the study.

His property was quite vast, a ranch northwest of Klyneth nestled against the southern edge of the Vast Emerald Wood. The entire property was shaped almost like a bowl, with ten meter tall cliffs surrounding it on all sides and the fields inside it all covered in pastures and barns. Ilorek's homestead was built to look like a story-and-a-half log cabin, buried in the corner between two pastures that each had access to the stables in the house itself next to the study. While they were inside, one entire wall was nothing but a gnarled, rustic border between the study and stables, giving the entire room an aura of barn animals at all times. This was by no means a problem for Vel.

Ilorek carried Vel all the way from the main house to the big red and black barn that was nearest the treeline to the north. He didn't even bother opening gates or shooing away the horses or ulokar beasts, instead just hopping over the fences and pushing his way through each of the herds while the animals each took turns sniffing and nibbling Vel's extremities. Ilorek then slid open the barn door and walked inside, closing it behind the both of them.

This left them both in the dark, where Ilorek then laid Vel down on a bale of hay on his belly before turning to turn the lights on. However, right before he flipped the switch, he glanced back to see a blushing Vel with his tail up and pink-fleshed rump exposed. A faint glimmer of light seeped in through the window, reflecting off his booty and illuminating his soft ballsack from behind. Ilorek chose not to turn on the lights and instead walked back to Vel. "Anything goes?" He cordially inquired.

"Anything goes, yeah." Vel confirmed. "Within reason, of course. And as long as you don't get any pussy involved. No mares, no bitches-"

"I'll be sure to keep Valencia far from the barn." Ilorek assured as he took his final step forward. That single ray of light streaming in from the window illuminated him, revealing that his sheath, balls, and slowly unfolding equine cock were all soaked with his arousal and gleaming with reflections. This allowed Vel to see every fold, every wrinkle, and every bead of fluid that collected along his shaft.

In addition to the stark visuals, Vel caught a faint whiff of that familiar and distinct equine musk that emanated from Ilorek's loins. He was a dragon and not a mare, so he wasn't finely tuned to the intricacies of stallion musk but that didn't stop him from basking in the earthy sweetness of it, the aura of stud permeating his nostrils so deeply he could taste it in the back of his throat.

Ilorek cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck to get prepared. "So, no females; other than that, anything goes. Got it. Hope you're adventurous because once I get going there's no holding back. Also, I don't last long each time but I regain my stamina really quickly. I am half stallion, after all."

"I understand that." Vel acknowledged while reaching back with one hand to pull his rump cheek to the side. "So go ahead; ever heard the mantra of show, don't tell?"

The invitation gave Ilorek all the motivation he needed to take his first move which then carried on to motivate him right through to the end of his first climax. Completely nude, the hippogryph stepped over top of Vel and rubbed his crotch to urge his member to swell and unfold to its full size and girth, lacking only the rigidity of a fully erect member to go on to the next step. However, it was clear that Ilorek wasn't going right for the mount and was instead acting a bit more compassionate.

He got onto one knee behind Vel and dug his claw into the hay bale that the dragon was resting upon, holding it in place. While there, he wrenched Vel's tail up with enough force to hoist the drake's hind end right up off the hay before lowering him right onto Ilorek's open beak, where a tongue was waiting to prod his depths.

Though Vel was keeping an open mind, he was shocked to feel the hippogryph's beak pressing up against the underside of his tail. He expected barn animals, cocks, toys, magic, and everything else in between but wasn't expecting Ilorek to start with a bit of rimming! This was the most pleasant of surprises and Vel basked in it by relaxing and melting onto the bale of hay, tail resting heavily on Ilorek's forehead as the hippogryph licked and probed at his booty.

And probing was definitely the right term to use, too. Ilorek's inexplicably long, tapered tongue practically snaked its way a half meter into Vel's depths to tug and caress the dragon's bowels in all directions before slowly tugging out and then doing it all over again. Vel knew Ilorek was a massive stud but had no idea his tongue was that long or versatile. Prehensile, it seemed. Not that he was complaining and, skies above, his passion showed as his entire body started snaking along with the wavelike undulations of the hippogryph's tongue, booty hole clenching at every apex.

But that wasn't enough for either of them, so Ilorek gave one final probe and a beaky kiss to the dragon's tail hole before finding himself a comfortable spot behind Vel, knees on either side of the hay bale and hands on either of his rump cheeks. From there, he tensed up his loins to give the final pump of blood that fully erected his cock, hoisted it up while spewing precum on Vel's cheeks, then laid its shaft in the dragon's crack, tip probing the base of his tail and median ring throbbing against his taint.

In an odd way, this little tease hit some wrong buttons for Vel. He loved the sensation of having that thick, equine shaft between his buns, but after having tongue so deeply invading his loins he felt like it was somewhat unfair to him. He wanted to be stuffed, hotdogging usually came before that. And yet, this worked out in his favour!

The deep rimming he received was very nice, so nice in fact that one loop of Ilorek's tongue was hitting Vel's prostate with such expertise that it nearly brought the drake to his climax well before he was prepared to do so. This was quite fortunate for him, since he'd have actually been embarrassed had he climaxed before the stallion mounting him.

Of course, Ilorek was not wasting any time with his actions. While his cock was resting in Vel's booty cheeks, he grabbed the drake by the hips and squeezed those cheeks together around his cock while also using both of his thumbs to press down on his shaft and ensure it didn't pop out thanks to the sleek layer of precum he'd spurted on the dragon's rump.

In an effort to help, Vel lowered his tail to create a seal between its underside and his rump cheeks, effectively trapping Ilorek's member between them and treating himself like a sleeve for the hippogryph's pleasure. While this was plenty pleasant for the both of them, the sinister (not sinister at all) intentions behind it was to hopefully guide Ilorek's cock tip right into Vel's rump. Though they'd only just begun, Vel was ready to dive right into the main course. He'd felt tongue and shaft, he wanted the whole cock to the base.

What he didn't realize was just how well endowed Ilorek truly was. Sure, he saw the hippogryph in a semi-aroused state, swollen and fully exposed, but that wasn't the same as seeing him entirely hard. Vel had grown accustomed to thick stallion cocks in his time, but he was expecting Ilorek to be a bit on the small side since he was a biped rather than a quadruped. What he didn't realize was that, as Ilorek's final throbbing pulsations coursed through his length, his cock had nearly doubled in girth and was bigger around than Vel's forearm! The drake hadn't noticed this because his tail and rump cheeks were pretty soft and didn't give a proper gauge to the stallion's endowment.

This all changed the second Ilorek did as his partner wished and leaned into Vel, cock sliding past the rump cheeks and semi-swollen glans grinding up against tail hole. He lowered his chest to Vel's back and churred in his ear, hot breath tickling the scales there as a means to distract while he applied just the right amount of pressure on his cock to pop the head in with one juicy lurch! Once the bulbous tip breached the dragon's booty, he kept pushing until every bit of it disappeared between his cheeks!

Vel's eyes went wide as he gasped and squirmed in place, throat and rump tightening as he struggled to handle the girth of the stallion's shaft! He balled his fists, tensed up his tail to wrap it around Ilorek's waist, and dug his toe claws into the ground as his body adjusted. He growled and whimpered, but pushed back all the same; he may have been taken by surprise by how big Ilorek ended up being, but he wasn't incapable or unwilling to handle it.

Not only did he push back, but he started to grind and gyrate his hips in order to better take on more of the equine's length deep within him. This worked so well and Ilorek cooperated with such precision that the hippogryph's tip formed a tiny bulge in Vel's belly that prodded the bale of hay from within! This could have been unpleasant for someone not properly versed in the ritual of deep and thick penetrations, but Vel had been practising all his adult life for this and the bulge in his belly was just another lovely sensation to add to his desires.

Ilorek seemed to know this and did nothing to slow his pace or be gentle. Sure, he started off nice and slow by pumping himself in and out going from leaving only the bulbous tip plugging Vel's rump from the inside to easing himself in so deep their thighs touched, but his pace quickened after only a few dozen thrusts and before long he was slamming his hips to Vel's with such vigour that the bale of hay they were laid upon started scooting along the ground!

And it wasn't enough that Ilorek was bucking with the strength and depth of a horse, he also was doing so into a hole that wasn't quite lubed well enough and was only slick by the virtue of precum and some of Vel's natural internal lubricants. While this may have been uncomfortable for anyone else, it was just right for the pair of them.

Ilorek felt a whole lot more friction and Vel's tail hole rim really gripped him a whole lot better than usual. This meant that the dragon's hole actively tugged outward in an attempt to not let Ilorek's head pop out of him and then his bowels had to readjust upon having Ilorek thrust deep once more.

Of course, this also meant that Ilorek didn't last long. True to his promise and characteristic of his equine half, the tightness and friction and distended nature of Vel's rump coaxed a quick climax from the hippogryph in the form of an expanded flare the girth of two fists side by side followed by an explosive eruption of stallion seed deep within the dragon's booty! Ilorek grunted and hissed into Vel's ear as his length throbbed and his flare pulsated, urethral ridge expanding and constricting to welcome seed into it before squeezing it into Vel in rapid succession.

Vel tried his best to maintain his composure but the added slickness and heat of the hippogryph seed mixed with the pressure of having that equine flare pressing out against his prostate practically milked the orgasm from him! The main difference was that when he burst, his seed all soaked into the bale of hay and disappeared, the coarse nature of the vegetation keeping him from bucking or moving in response to Ilorek's thrusts. All he could do was grasp the edges of the bale while whimpering and clenching his bowels to not let any of that delectable seed escape him.

Unfortunately for Vel, stallion anatomy was pretty consistent post-climax. Ilorek's member softened up and started to shrivel back up, tugging on Vel's hole only to have the expanded girth of the flare keep it from popping out. At least at first. Before long, Ilorek gave a single tug to have that massive flare of his burst from Vel's depths, sucking a torrent of equine seed out with it.

Vel quickly reacted by clenching his rump in order to close his tail hole, thus containing as much of Ilorek's essence within him. He mostly succeeded, but a few spurts of it seeped out over his taint and soaked his balls before joining his own cum stain in the bale of hay.

Once Ilorek had pulled out and had parted ways with him, Vel turned to playfully tease. "I thought you said anything goes?" He prodded. "That was pretty tame, all things considered, but thanks for your gift. I'll be sure to enj-"

He was cut off mid sentence as Ilorek stepped over him with one leg on either side of the bale of hay. "What, you think I'm done with you?" He countered, then snapped his fingers to summon a few heads to poke in from the darkness and into the light, revealing a brown-feathered gryphon, an ash gray ulokar, two horses, and a blue dragon. "I'm just getting started. Like I said, I can keep going, I just need a bit of rest time in between; I'm sure this guy will keep you busy until I'm ready for round two." He reached over and patted the brown-feathered gryphon on the neck, summoning the drake to join them.

Vel folded his hands up on his chest and whimpered. There was nothing else for him to do but wait and see what Ilorek and his ranch had in store for him.