Three Heads are Hypnotized Better Than One

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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Three Heads are Hypnotized Better Than One

_You know, I'm not always a horrible dragon when I use my mental abilities to enslave others.

Sometimes I can be helpful. Guided meditation is good therapy, relaxing, and good for mental healthy and physical well being.

Rosendra the rose-colored hydra is a good friend of mine, so when she started asking details about how hypnosis and mind-control worked, I offered to give her a demonstration.

It's all I could do to return the favor after her last visit went so well.

Fortuna (and her characters) get special treatment. In other universes, dimensions and timelines, best be careful. :)_

Have Your Hydra and Eat it Too Have Your Hydra and Eat it Too ( Previous artwork of this beauty. )

Artwork and Rosendra are © to Fortuna Story and Deveron are by DragonTalon

Rosendra held all three of her heads low, her necks curved gracefully as she regarded the smaller anthro dragon, getting a close up view of his bronze-colored form. It was hard to keep her heads from automatically repositioning themselves to give her a 360 degree view of the object that had caught her attention. Her left head wanted to lean forward to get a view of his backside, and her right head itched to angle further down and pull back to keep his entire body in sight. With all three heads lined up in a row like she was now, she could see more than with just one, but was used to seeing every side of anything that interested her.

She trusted Deveron, and knew he wouldn't hurt her but was nervous all the same to be touched so intimately. Not that he hadn't done THAT many times before, but being held down and mated, or even tied up was one thing. Hypnosis was quite another, but she couldn't deny she was curious to how it felt. She had tried meditation before, but with three heads it was difficult to ignore all the stimulation and feelings they generated. Even though she had many heads, she only had one consciousness, one mind. But each head had it's own set of eyes and ears, a refined sense of smell, it's own instincts. Like her paw would reflexively pull back from a hot flame, her heads could all notice and react to threats or stimulus. It took effort to still one, and more to calm all three, and all that concentration and effort made it impossible for her core to focus on meditating. The world was *intense* when viewed through multiple sets of sensory inputs, and her kind weren't equipped to 'calm down' like the single-headed always told her.

"Just relax... are you ready?"

Her three heads all gave a small nod, six eyes level with the smaller anthro dragon, looking at his face. Then her two outer heads tilted as they caught movement, seeing his hands reaching up to gently stroke and caress along her jaws and noses. She let out a soft churr of pleasure at being petted, and her two outer heads looked at each other, each watching the other being pet, no need to go cross-eyed looking at a hand on ones nose when another set of eyes could get a much better angle. It felt good to be touched, and she almost missed when his hands began to emit a soft, greenish light, a nimbus of energy outlining his fingers. Her four feet shifted nervously as she felt her face tingle where he touched, his fingers caressing, roaming, no, searching as they slowly settled into place.

The tingle she felt spread along her two side heads, her central head turning to the side to get a better look at one of the hands. The green light was flickering along his fingers and her muzzle where it touched, like the sky sometimes did, but with a single greenish hue. Her body shivered, spine arching as she felt more than saw that soft, wispy light sinking into her, and she almost pulled away before she felt it's effects.

"Oooohhhhh..." she said with her central head, feeling odd sensations in her two other heads. It wasn't numbness, not exactly, her vision from those two heads wasn't dimming, but simply feeling less important. More relaxed. Like when a leg fell asleep, but without the painful tingles, instead just feeling a gentle buzzing in her heads, slowly creeping down her neck as her eyes began to dimly glow a soft green. She watched with fascination as her right head began to droop, jaw relaxing, the tip of her tongue sliding out, and those green tinted eyes began to roll up, losing focus.

She suddenly realized that she could only clearly see the one head she was looking at with her central head, that her vision was limited to a single viewpoint as both side heads drooped and hung, eyes half-lidded and unfocused. But there was no claustrophobic feeling that normally invaded her thoughts when she closed multiple sets of eyes, or was blindfolded, just a sense of relaxing peace, like a warm blanket had been draped over her sides, only getting an unfocused blur from her now brighter glowing eyes.

"Uhhhhhhhh..." was all she was able to say, her side heads feeling heavy and knowing they would have slumped all the way to the ground if his hands had not been holding them in place. But he was too small to actually hold their weight, and she could dimly sense it wasn't his muscles holding them up, but his mind. Her body shivered again as she tried to move her side heads, finding they were not responding to her commands, but to his. She felt a distant sense of alarm, but it felt so... good. It was if her side heads were floating, weightless and quiet except for the pleasant tingling. That sense of alarm, of being trapped slowly grew as her heads drifted deeper and deeper into their entranced state, and she let out a soft whimper.

"Shhhh... relax... you're safe... easy..." said a voice.

Her middle head turned to look at the source of the voice, and she gasped. Her eyes met his, a familiar green glow but far brighter, filled with glittering specks seeming to swirl in his irises. She couldn't help but stare, dimly wondering if they were moving or if it was some kind of patter-based illusion. What made them glow? Why were they so pretty? How did it feel so GOOD to stare into them. Her thoughts swirled around those eyes, drawn into them like a whirlpool slowly spreading in her mind, sweeping up all her attention and focus. Her central, dominant head began to droop as her eyes unfocused just like all the others, staring into the dragon's single pair.

Six eyes glowed brightly as Rosendra let out soft moaning sounds through all three of her muzzles. She could feel another presence now, tenderly probing at her thoughts. That sense of alarm grew, and then faded as the males thoughts touched, and calmed them. "NNnnnngggh..." was all she could manage, feeling his familiar caress. Her body let out a shiver again, but this time of pleasure, eyes lidding further as she felt herself being gently stroked and pet, as if an insubstantial hand was reaching inside of her and petting her very soul. That tingling filled all three heads now, extending down her necks and into her core, expanding throughout her entire body from there.

Huff. Pant. Her breathing caught as wisps of pure thought explored her body and mind. Everywhere they touched felt good and relaxing, the tension literally draining from her limbs as they were stroked and caressed, muscles along her back unknotting and hardly noticing as her haunches thudded to the ground as she sat, too relaxed to stand, sensual pleasure causing her tail to arch, emotions and inhibitions unrestrained by the dragons hypnotic touch. It wasn't just her two side heads floating now, but all three along with the rest of her body. She felt at peace, like she were half asleep and just on the edge of dreaming. But they were not her own dreams, but his. That thought brought her slightly out of her trance, again feeling a twinge of alarm. Those thoughts were squeezed out of her mind, literally as her entire body felt as if it were being hugged. She groaned and trembled in the pleasure and comfort of that hug, not just arms around her neck or wings covering her sides, or even the tight mating grip from behind. Instead, every inch of her, inside and out was being hugged and she could FEEL the love and comfort caressing and holding her.

Her entire being melted, slumping into the arms, and control of the dragon. Every trouble, every problem, every doubt were gone now, her mind relaxed and content. She wasn't asleep, she was aware of everything. The ground under her feet, the touch of the dragons hand, the wind drifting over her body. But she simply experienced them dreamily, mixed with the sensation of another mind exploring hers, guiding her unresisting mind and body with his thoughts and the touch of his hands. Her body moved as he commanded, and with a happy sigh her mind followed along for the ride.

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