Vacation Time Part 2

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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After a whole year of waiting Fox and Krystal were finally together, it was no surprise to the team and Fara was a little jealous since she was the one who had a crush on Fox first but her attitude soon changed as she spotted Fang. He ended up being a nice guy thanks to some help from Krystal and she liked the fact that he plays a guitar in the afternoon just to pass the time.


"Yeah Lucy?"

"Can you get us some drinks at the bar?"

"Sure, getting thirsty myself."

As Fang left for the bar a gang of huskies walked up to the girls, their leader was well built and no doubt a spoiled rich boy who had his eye on the vixen, before the girls could say anything he sat down next to Fara with a toothy grin as she turned the other way.

"You wanna know what I love about this place? the view."

"Ain't that a classic, look pal why don't you and you're little passi go find some airheads to screw, you're good at that."

The whole pack stood in shock, they had just been dissed by a vixen who they considered to be another whore. The girls all laughed as Fang came in with their drinks, as Fang looked at the kanines they became intimidated by the look on his face and his scar, after giving them their drinks he turned to the gang and only growled two simple words.

"Back off...."

The dogs instantly made a run for it as Fangs eyes became piercing before he grabbed his drink and sat down in the now vacant beach chair to enjoy the breeze, while the other girls applauded Fara was blushing slightly since she had never seen someone that strong, not even Fox. As the sun began to set Fang walked over to Fara with his backpack and a friendly smile on his face.

"H-hey Fang."

"Hey Fara, I thought I might walk you back to your place tonight seeing as how those thugs might still be around."


Fara couldn't explain why she was feeling so nervous, Fang was just like any other guy she met. Friendly, caring, always good to talk to but somehow Fang seemed different. As they made their way to the hotel Fara spotted rain clouds coming in fast and by the time they reached the building the storm had already started.

"Well...guess I won't be checking in tonight."

"You could stay at my place if you like-! (WHAT'D I JUST SAY?!?) I-I mean-"

"Well if you insist then thanks."

Hours later they found themselves in her apartment waiting out the storm. Fang was taking a shower with his hair still tied, while he let the hot water soothe his body Fara was just outside the door in her towel blushing like crazy with thoughts racing through her head.

"You can do this *takes deep breath* just relax *exhales*."

Fara then entered the bathroom disrobing her towel and quietly entered the shower as Fang turned around to see her magnificent body. His face flared up with embarassment as he closed his eyes looking away from her.

"FARA!! sorry I didn't know you wanted to-mmph?!?!?"

He was cut short as she pulled him in for a kiss and clutched her arms around him, Fang wanted to push her away but his body betrayed him as he held her and slowly pushed her against the wall, as they broke the kiss Fara looked into his eyes with a smile as she held his cheek.


"I didn't know how else to tell you..."

Fang smiled before resuming their kiss and lifted her legs up from the bathroom floor and slowly inserting himself in her making her gasp in surprise as she felt her inner walls being stretched for the first time. She squeezed him in tighter as his length fully entered her and before long he began humping her against the wall.

She panted and huffed with pleasure she never felt before and started to feel a warming sensation from down below as Fang pushed harder and harder making the moment more intense, each grunt and pounding brought them closer to climax as Fara kissed him one last time.

"Fang! I-I-AAAAAAHHH!!!"


A loud thunderclap drowned out her orgasm as Fang filled her womb with his seed before letting her down gently to rest. An hour later the lovers found themselves in bed cuddled together waiting out the storm. Fara laid herself on Fangs chest as she said two words that she had been saving for a long time.

"I love you."

As Fang saw his new girlfriend drifting off to sleep he held her close and promised this one thing.

"(Fara....If what you say to me is true then I will protect matter the price...)"

The End.