QUICKY 2019: A Phoenix Also Falls

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#1 of QUICKY 2019

just a quicky little thing, as a project to crank out some small flash fiction over a few hours. They're just smutty things bouncing around my head

The sun beat down intensely upon the gardens outside, making the small crowd gathered for the show glad they were indoors. A cool breeze from the AC kept summer's heat at bay in the small stage. A single simple, heavy chair waiting up front, near the front row.

That heavy wooden chair was anything but typical if one looked it over. THe heavy wooden legs and arm rests adjustable. Heavy black leather straps waiting to be filled, while a rough chain dangled from the back. Hooked to a pole so the height could be adjusted, while a handle and bar it was hooked to would draw the chain back. In doing so a heavy pole would slide forward, to double tighten the strangulation loop for what was likely not 'The Comfy Chair'.

The wait for the morbid show was more jovial and relaxed. Likely because they weren't waiting their turn to sit in the chair and it's fatal ministrations. Curious who would be next to spend their final moments of life as a spectacle for an uncaring audience.

The curtains parted, and a glorious bird of black and red strode forth. Heavy chains about his wings, hands in front of him in clacking manacles. His glorious, glittering peacock tail of reds and oranges lifted proud like a bonfire behind his sleek, muscular form. And like all good shows, he wore nothing else. Brilliant eyes showing no strain at the lurid crowd, half masturbating openly in preparation of his death.

The tall phoenix required the chair to be raised up. The pole following, clattering the chains with practiced motion from the two heavy set lizards that were his executioners. Their dull, brown and tan scales making a contrast to the fiery plumage of the powerful avian.

Like all things for this strange show, likely a purposeful choice. The tall, regal bird forced to sit down. His huge tail guided past the pole to still present, if askew. Wings guided over the back as the chain was drawn around the phoenix's slender neck. A hood of black going over his head and neck, draping his shoulders in dark leather. the chain tugged around neck and twisted into the locks to be snug already. Pinning the regal avian to sit tall, not that he would any other way.

Those powerful black scaled legs were pulled taut to the legs of the chair. Spreading his legs to show the yellow down of the male's lap. A red, slender arousal already poking out, and throbbing to life as he was roughly and casually pulled into place with no ceremony or pomp.

His elbows were drawn to the base of the armrests to be locked down. Leaving his hands still manacled, as chains were tugged around each wrist. Pulled firm and locked up on the upper corners of the chair, holding his hands to his chest as if in prayer. Though he kept his long, scaled talons relaxed and clasped together, to show his control over his body with his head the musky darkness of his well used hood.

With a last twist of leather to ensure those knees were pulled apart and held in place the two heavy set lizards took their place. Each gripping a handle of the garrote device, and twisting. Slow but surely as the wood made a faint creaking and the chain made soft clacks as guiding studs gripped and pulled the chainlinks back.

There was a faint huff as that chain dug up into neck. The powerful bird's head nudged forward just a little. Then inch by inch the chain was dragged inexorably back. Digging into the leather and showing the outline of metal links pressing against unseen feathers and flesh. While the heavy, rounded pole pushing that neck forward was unseen, the effect was obvious. Sliding the phoenix's head forward to show that chain digging deeper. A deep, muffled huffing of breath turning to a gurgle. A subtle wiggle of covered beak, instinctively seeking relief from the pressure on the back of his neck and around his throat.

His hands clench, but he doesn't fight. Muscular body flexing as his arousal twitches to full stiffness. Impressively long as it twitches in the lights for all to see. Lewdly exposed as his spread legs flex and talons flex and splay. Muscular clenches of his body as instincts force him to tug and jerk to try to stay alive. But everyone knows he won't be let go until midnight, a lurid little decoration for dinner afterwards.

Clack clack clack. THe chain rattles as the two lizards now have to put some weight into their motion. THe chain lewdly taut. That neck pushed out a little as his head lifts instinctive. A damp spot of drool forming in the hood as the strong male can no longer breathe. Throat crushed shut as the two guards casually lock the bar in place. Nowhere to go for the phoenix now as they casually leave. Their job done.

Other parts of the handsome bird are drooling too, pre oozing and squirting as the male's belly flexes. His head quivering and bobbing, awkwardly lifted from the chain and pole crushing his neck. FIngers making awkward little clenches as he tries to hold himself still and fight his instincts while he's conscious. But the slump back of his head suggests his once potent life won't last long without precious oxygen and blood reaching his brain.

Seconds tick by, as the only sounds are the quiet clatter of metal of the phoenix's flexing at the chain around his throat. A subtle creak of wood and leather as those muscles flex. All his strength for not, as it ebbs from him heartbeat by heartbeat. His arousal jerks and twitches as it flares. Recognizing his helpless end approaching swiftly perhaps. Or lusting as his proud body is humbled so potently.

Whatever it is to drive that orgasm it certainly is powerful. His length throbs visibly.. then a long ribbon of cum gushes forth. SPlashing a delighted dragon, whose silver scales get painted with a ribbon of dying bird semen. The rest of his orgasm splashes awkwardly onto the floor and onto his belly. Aimlessly squirting as that once proud beak slumps back without the strength to hold his head up.

Broken, and soon to be defeated fully as drool pours into that hood. Head askew and limp, but his life is yet to be fully ended. Erection half erect as his belly heaves and chest rises and falls. Straining to pull breaths past his broken throat. Each motion eating up the rest of his stale air trapped in his lungs.

There's a rattling of restraints as the once potent, proud male spasms and shakes in his restraints. His brain misfiring as limbs clench and tug in reflex. Seizing up as those once regal looking muscles tremble and clamp down in cramps and seizures as his body breaks down. His tail flicking like a fire sputtering out behind him. A final unconscious struggle for life as the crowd watches in awe.

And just as sudden as those jerks started they end with him sagging in the chair. Tail slumping to the floor, penis flaccid on his belly. No more rise and fall of his flat chest. Talons of hands and feet gently curled as tendons pull snug with nothing holding them open. The stillness marked by silence as chains and straps no longer creak with the pressure of his struggles. Broken by the chair as the tension in the air let's go. In many cases quite literally, as several masturbate to climax to the sight of the dead phoenix before them. A quiet applause perhaps a little more scattered, but lasting longer as some finish their breathy orgasms before they can clap.

The breathy stink of sex strong in the room, lusts fulfilled, as dinner carts are brought out for other desires to be fulfilled. The centerpiece now set for all to admire as the show goes on, long after the life ended.

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