
Story by Tazo on SoFurry

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Standing at the starting line, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. It's not like I hadn't prepared for all this; two months previous working on my endurance, stint as a lifeguard at the community pool for the better part of a year ... still, once you put it all together into something like a Triathlon, it takes on a new sort of challenge. Even more anxiety causing was the decision of the sponsoring board to run it backwards. A new sort of Ironman-style challenge to the event, I suppose. Still, I'd resolved to give it a shot. Being a lizard, the changes rapid changes in environment were always a stumbling block for cross-training. Hit the pool and suddenly I'm having to shrug off shock while trying to reach the other end. Start running in the sun and I have to push myself through the torpor. Individual training helped to deal with each part of my issues but facing them altogether, that would be the real challenge.

The assembled crowd around me was diverse, if a little mammal heavy. Most of the city had come out for this and those who weren't in the race were cheering on the sidelines. It's always nice to get that emotional high right before a race. Helps to push you through the first stumbling blocks. I settled myself back into my scales and lifted my head narrowing my eyes to keep the sun's glare out of them. That's when I noticed him.

He'd shuffled in a couple of feet in front of me, settling in with only a few looks around at the competitors. Jungle lizard, from the look of his scales. They scintillated, flickering between greens, red and purples in the early morning sunlight. Surprisingly enough, that wasn't what stood out the most. While everyone else, myself included, was decked out in athletic gear that most of us broke the bank on, this guy was wearing nothing more than a pair of biking compression shorts. Basic black with a double blue line down either thigh. I chuckled a little to myself, mostly due to my own getup which may well have doubled for a superhero costume. Something to be said for going simple.

My ears tingled as I heard the starter reach the top of his platform. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he lifted the pistol, my own heart beginning to pound as I drew smooth, quick breaths between my nostrils. The crack echoed against the pavement as the starter signaled and I was off.

Most of the start was a blur, breathing and pacing drawing more of my attention than the rapidly thinning mob around me. A few started off with sprints and wound up gasping for breath within in first three-hundred feet. By the time we rounded the first mile, I was in a small cluster of athletes and for the first time I looked up. Only four or so were ahead of me and not by very far. As I glanced around to each I couldn't help but frown a little. My fellow reptile was no where to be seen. Well, I thought, it was nice to see another one in the race at least.

The second and third mile went off well enough, some jockeying for position left me back a couple more runners but the two in the lead were starting to slow. With two more races ahead, I wasn't about to push myself hard when I didn't have to. I took a deep breath of the morning air, letting myself enjoy the world around me a little to stave off the exhaustion a little bit longer.

"*huff* Man ..." I started a little as an unfamiliar voice next to me broke my brief distraction, "I shoulda *puff* laid off *huff* the breakfast."

Turning, a smile crossed my lips without my thinking. Next to me, doing a nice job of keeping pace, was the lizard from before. Musk glistened off his scales, his mouth nearly slack-jawed, as he desperately tried to compensate for the exertion. Still, he was up here at the front of the pack after being out of sight for the first leg of the race. I had to give him credit for the comeback.

"Gotta keep it ... light." I said, between breaths, "or you ... go into a food coma too easily."

"At least *huff*," he grinned, "I'm not the only *puff* scaley crazy enough *huff* to try this."

I chuckled, "don't think ... I'm gonna let you ... win just because ... of species solidarity." I'd fallen back a little from the head of the pack, the conversation was distracting, but I so rarely saw other reptiles in the big city. I figured a little indulgence wouldn't hurt.

"Good ... *huff* 'cause I was *puff* thinking the same thing." He shot me a cheshire grin and leaned forward enough to weave through the three runners ahead of me. With a start, I realized I was staring at his backside as he pressed ahead of the pack.

I nearly bust out laughing. The cheeky bastard was daring me to beat him now and I wasn't about to give up without a fight. Leaning into the wind, I broke the smooth breeze over my back and torso, feeling the relief wash over me as it wisked away the heat. My feet pounded against the ground as I drove ahead, weaving through the pack and pushing past the finish line with my new nemesis only a handful of footfalls in front of me.

Each runner grabbed a bike off the rack, most of them almost throwing them to the ground as they legged up on them like a mount. With a quick kick-start, I hit the start line for the second part of the Triathlon well in the lead. Biking, though I hate bragging, was one of my best events. I'd been riding since I was a hatchling and pushing myself since I hit high school. Here, the gearing could help to compensate of my exhaustion and it was a welcome respite from the aches I was already feeling in my feet from the pavement. Still, halfway through the race my thighs were burning and the provided water bottle was running low. Glancing back I saw only a handful of mammals chugging along in the warm, late-morning sun as I drew in close to one of the refill stations.

I tossed my bottle to the volunteer, a teenage otter with a grin that looked like he'd just found heaven, and took a few slow breaths to keep my heartrate in the endurance bracket. As the otter filled my bottle back up, I glanced down the raceway and met eyes with my new found rival.

"Giving ... up so soon?" He shouted, between breaths as he zoomed past me on his bike. He grinned over his shoulder for a moment, standing up on the pedals to wag his thick tail at me tauntingly. I gritted my teeth through a half-smile and snagged the bottle back with a quick thanks. Now he was making it personal.

Back on the bike I pushed myself hard. The gear-shift groaned as I swapped gears every couple of minutes to weave through the ever reducing pack. Three bikers wound up between me and the jungle lizard as we rounded the last turn. The rest of it was a straightaway to the beach with the bike racks on the end of the walkway. Still, a number of volunteers were closer to the water's edge for those who wanted to gain a few precious seconds in the swap to make up for lost time. Of course, a racing bike on sand wasn't recommended but I'd torn through my share of dunes back home when I was younger and I needed the lead. I zoomed past the racks, leaving more than a few of competitors stunned as my tires hit the sand. I could already feel the bike beginning to lose footing as I skimmed closer to the water. With one last breath, I hiked myself up on the pedals and rocked forward just enough. When I slammed on the breaks, the bike skidded and lurched, throwing my other the handlebars and straight into the water. I was a rough landing but if scales are good for one thing, it's avoiding scrapes. I could barely hear the murmurs and cheering as I moved into a breaststroke well-ahead of the pack. Sure, I'd probably be penalized for the stunt but it was worth the story and the lead.

Of course without the gentle transition between warm sun and cool water, I was already feeling the early tremors. I'd come to terms with cold but my core biology always seemed to rebel against the idea. I lengthened my strokes, keeping my blood pumping without stressing myself too much. Already some of the aquatic mammals who'd fallen behind in the early parts were making up for their time. Two otters and a bulky beaver were eating up my lead. At this point, I let them have it not wanting to risk freezing up and bobbing around like a buoy until they could send someone out to pick me up. The important thing was, and I confirmed it by glancing over my shoulder, my rival was still churning his way forward with the majority of the competitors.

Being the last event, the swim seemed to drag on the longest. Spurts of sudden chills coupled with the overwhelming sense of exhaustion left me lagging back more than I would have liked. Still, this was about pushing myself. I willed my arms to move forward as the opposite shore drew closer and closer. The shallower water began to warm up in the noonday sun and slowly the last of my shock wore away. Just in time too, as I pulled myself up onto the shore and was greeted with a three-hundred meter sprint to the finish line. I skipped to towel, letting the water act like sweat to keep me cool, and paused only long enough to take in a smooth, water-free breath. Soon enough my claws were pounding into the sand as I pulled on my reserves to get me to the end.

With pavement shortly underfoot and the finish line within eyesight, I heard a familiar harried breathing from a few feet back from me. He'd managed to pull through the swim closer to my time than I was hoping but he'd taken the smart route of letting the water still clinging to his scales work for him. At a hundred meters, I could swear I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I pulled in shorter, shallower breaths, pushing my way through the fatigue. At fifty, he was next to me, his eyes narrowed and his smooth, rounded snout arched out in front like a race horse jockeying for the photo finish. I growled under my breath and pushed harder, my feet feeling like rubber as they slammed into the cement.

At twenty meters we were still neck and neck. The crowd was little more than a blur of color and sound as my eyes remained focused on the finish. At ten, I thought fro a brief moment about just collapsing. Exhaustion was rattling around in my bones and my breath felt like liquid fire. The jungle lizard had fallen a few steps behind, though, and that gave me just enough to push me through the end.

I remember the cheers and the referees congratulating all the racers but to be honest, once I crossed that line, I stumbled to the nearest patch of grass and collapsed on my back. I didn't even see who won and for a few moments in the afternoon sun, I didn't give a damn. I did it and that was enough for now.

After a few moments of catching my breath I lifted myself back up on my arms, arching my back up to stretch out a few of the kinks while I tried to focus on the leaderboards they had begun to post at the finish. A familiar voice, ragged through it's labored breathing, pipped up next to me.

"You beat me ... by forty-five seconds." The jungle lizard slapped my shoulder gently, "if you hadn't pulled that stunt at the beach, you're time would have been mine."

I grinned broadly, "good thing I did then. Can't have you green scales beating us desert dwellers out just because we don't live around water."

He extended a hand, "I prefer John over 'green scale'."

I shook it gently, "Zac. Without the h."

"Well, Zac, without the h, you've beat a complete stranger at a triathlon. What are you going to do next?"

"Lay here," I said, relaxing back into the grass, "long enough that I can walk again. Then, maybe grabbing some lunch." I closed my eyes, "takes quite a bit out of you to run, bike and swim your way to the opposite side of town. Particularly all at the same time."

"Indeed." John's voice hesitated for a moment, "I don't suppose ... you'd mind some company?"

My eyeridge quirked without me realizing it. I popped open an eye, glancing up at the other lizard who had turned a decidedly ruddy brown around the cheek bones. He was already looking away as I smiled, "I'd love some. You got a favorite place?"

A smile appeared on his snout again, "There's a little hole in the wall on 5th. It's not high class but, they make good food."

"Fair enough. I'm not usually on this side of town." I let out a puff of air as I wobbled my way to my feet. "Lead the way, compadre."

It turned out John had pretty good taste in food. Not exactly what I would have expected from the place but I suppose I didn't have room to talk since my previous weeks had been spent with protein shakes and energy bars. Real food was taking a little time to get used to again. John, for his part lead most of the conversation. Apparently the triathlon what a whim for him. He saw the sign up sheet a week before entries closed and decided to push himself.

"That explains the shorts, I suppose." I chuckled as I downed a third glass of water.

"These?" He motioned to the spandex garment still clinging to his legs, "... these are my, well ..." He chuckled self-consciously, "they're my lucky shorts."

"Lucky shorts?" I looked incredulous as the waiter refilled my glass. "I've heard of charms, tokens and coins but not many people with lucky workout gear."

John scratched the side of his head, "I wore them in high school, when I tried out for the wrestling team. They wouldn't allow loose cloth," he popped a mushroom in his mouth absentmindedly, chewing it for a moment as if to gather his thoughts, "so I grabbed the only spandex thing I could find at the store, threw it on and got a spot on the team."

I grinned, "fair enough. Though one spot on a team isn't really a precedent."

John pursed his lips for a moment, "they've been lucky in other regards too." A half smile danced on the end of his snout.

"Really?" I leaned back in my chair, "cycling race? Job interviews? Lottery winnings?"

John folded his hands and looked into my eyes, "they make my ass look fantastic. Gets me compliments when I'm out and about."

I nearly choked on mozzarella stick, my cheeks already flushing a deep brown. That, I thought, is what I get for goading him.

John laughed for a moment before leaning over the table, "you could, take a closer look if you'd like."

I blinked, probably more times than I had since the start of the race. John, now that I wasn't imagining his exhausted body flopping behind mine, was not at all hard on the eyes. Athletic build, smooth chest with all the right curves and the shorts ran just low enough to be enticing. Exercise did tend to rev up the engines for me and that triathlon was more than a little bit exerting.

"Check please," I said curtly, grinning across the table at my new found friend.

Getting back to his place was the usual affair, stealing glances and exchanged knowing looks. Not so enticing as the prospect of what would happen once his slid his key into the lock and pushed open the door to his apartment. Pretty spartan, I thought to myself before I felt the smooth touch of John's fingertips along my back and the gentle shut of the door as he pushed it closed with his tail.

Our lips met tenderly at first, eyes fluttering shut as we enjoyed the intimate contact. His hands trailed along my sides, coasting softly over my firm hips before laying atop each other at the base of my tail. My own touch lingered on his shoulders and upper back, pulling him near to me as our chests touched lightly. Tongues intertwined as he nudged me gently over to his overstuffed couch. The two of us, him atop and me now underneath, fell back onto the cushions with a soft sigh shared between us.

John's hands were quick, I barely had time to breathe as the cool air began to rush over my chest. He peeled back inch after inch of my singlet, letting his fingertips brush over the smoother, sensitive scales of my chest. Each motion was met with another delicate kiss along my neck and collar bone, sending shivers up my spine. He leaned in close, our chests touching as he kissed me gently on the forehead. His hands had already found my hips, squeezing them firmly as he nudged the crumpled spandex down around my calves.

I could already feel myself flush, my hips moving of their own accord as my athletic amour slid down over me. A gasp escaped my lips as the thick contour of his groin, throbbing behind a thin layer of spandex, grazed along my reddening slit. He nibbled along my neck as he situated that bulge right against my groin and began to buck his hips against me. It was a horrid tease, my lips felt like they'd start bleeding at any moment as I tried to suppress my cries of need. Obviously he knew how to drive a lizard wild. I forced my eyes open, looking up into his pleadingly. With a grin he pressed his lips to mine again and slid those shorts down just enough.

I admit, I blushed a little at the sight. What he lacked in length, he made up for in girth. It arched up between his thighs, his heavy sac dangling enticingly below. I felt him shift above me, my legs going aloft as the warm, thick length found it's way between my rump cheeks. He whispered words of encouragement, his pre-cum oozing copiously along my tight pucker, as he slowly began to press inside me.

I couldn't hold back, a let out a long pent-up hiss as he forced me open. My claws dug into the couch for dear life as I felt like I was going to split in two. My own member slid eagerly from my slit, flat against my belly and glistening with natural lubricants. He brushed a clawtip along the underside, letting it dance along the head until I felt like I was going to scream. Then, with a final grunt, his hips slapped against my backside as he was firmly entrenched inside me.

My hips rolled smoothly, a trick I'd learned while doing some personal exercises, and I was rewarded with a low, lusty whimper. My insides squeezed and kneaded around his swollen shaft as I gripped his shoulders and pulled him down into a kiss. Lips locked and I nearly plunged my tongue down his throat as he began to rock against me with a steady motion. The sofa creaked as the momentum built, his hands grabbing my sides and squeezing until the muscles started to feel sore. I, in turn, lavished him with kisses, nipping at his throat and urging him to go harder, faster. Our musk mingled until it began to block out all other scents in the air. In the midst of our oral wrestling, his snout tore away from mine, teeth glistening without mingled saliva as he let out a thundering growl. In an instant, my backside was flooded with a torrent of cum. His sac was pulled tight against the base of his shaft, as if it was trying to pump out every fluid he had into me. My own cock throbbed needfully between my thighs, hovering on the edge of orgasm. I darted my hand down, giving it a few swift pumps before a felt my own body tense, streamers of my seed splattering across my belly and chest.

It took a moment, in the heady heat and air, for us to manage a word or two. John leaned down to kiss me once more, stroking my hip gently as he slid back out of me. He looked a little embarrassed, standing there with a stained pair of shorts and his impressive endowment still bobbing between his thighs.

"Sorry ... it's been a little while for me." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't mean to go off so soon."

I rolled my head to the side, my body still prone and wanting to remain that way. "If that was too soon, I'd hate to see what you consider stamina."

John smiled, kissing my chest gently and letting his tongue linger on the few strands of cum that made it to my chest. "You certainly taste nice."

I stroked his arm softly, "and you feel nice."

Kneeling down, John rested his hand against my side, my fingertips brushing along his headridges. His eyes lifted towards the little square of a window he had looking out at the city, the sun still bobbing along the skyline. My hand fell to his cheek as I pulled him close. A soft sigh escaped his lips as the two of us basked in the mid-afternoon sun.

The clock flashed five before I even considered moving. John chuckled as he helped me off the couch, my feet already pins and needles and my tail equally dead weight. I stumbled forward, pressing against him once more as our lips met in a awkward but welcome kiss. His hand fell to my hip once more as he nuzzled gently along my neck.

"Told you they were lucky shorts." He whispered, tickling the fork of his tongue around the edge of my ear.

"And to think," I smiled, "I didn't believe you."

We parted ways after a shower together, a gentle thing of touches and kisses. Explorations from cheek to cheek, both of us learning and enjoying each others contours. I stepped out into the hallway in a borrowed t-shirt and my cleaned singlet, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. It's good to push oneself, I thought as a smile danced across my lips, and even better to have someone want to push back. John's number tucked into my pocket and a sense of satisfaction for a day well spent kept the ache of the race from going too deep. As I trotted down the stairs, rolling the piece of paper between my fingers, I glanced back up at the building. John's silhouette was visible through the curtains, leaning against the sill. Ahead of me, a long stretch of road leading back to my place.

Sliding my cell from one of the contoured pockets I punched up the number in my hand. After a couple of rings, a confused voice answered.


"If you're not busy," I looked back up at the window with a grin, "I could go for some chinese. Care to come along?"

A short chuckle came over the phone, "I'll be right down."

I closed my phone and leaned back against the building hoping that John's shorts might prove lucky a few times more.

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