Revenge is a dish best served in a layer of latex

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#2 of Chronicles of Hinash

So it was reuested and so it is, a sequel to Orc on a subway. Lets see what Owen and Hinash get up to this time.

If you enjoy this please let me know as it will help decide what kinds of stories I wll continue to write.

Thanks for reading!

2287 AD, 21st of July, 3:48 pm

Owen gasped out sharply, his lips and face flushed as he shot his load into the toilet bowl at work, hoping that no one else was in there or that they couldn't hear what he was doing. His cock was harder than it had been in ages, ever since that orc on the train, his foreskin stuck behind the overly engorged head A few moments later and his hands and cock were dry but still sticky and his cock was slowly going flaccid, the foreskin eventually pushing back over the sensitive knob. He glanced at the phone in his other hand, the name (Hinash) and a phone number the only things being displayed. He grunted and thrust it back into his suit pocket, his pants back on and adjusted so the still diminishing bulge didn't show.

It had been three weeks since he had had been taken by the orc in the subway. 24 days to be precise. He could probably have worked out the hours too given enough time but it wasn't like he was obsessing over that bit thug with his large body and thick green cock. He barely gave him a second thought. Except once a day when he was jerking off into the staff toilet over the memories of the orc's cock inside him, the humiliating and truthful words making him gasp almost as much as the talented orc's thrusting.

He shook his head and got back to work, double checking figures and cross referencing then compiling it into a graph adding it to the Endernat folder and surely Theo must've noticed something by now. He stopped and tapped his pen against the tablet he had been writing on. He knew he hadn't been as interested in sex with him lately, though he still did his duty. Even this morning in the shower he had had Theo against the shower wall and was thrusting in and out of him, thinking how much better it would be if it was Hinash's rump he was pounding. If anything though Theo seemed happier, seemed to be enjoying the sex more.

This jumping of thoughts between work and the orc and Theo and the lump growing in his pants after only draining it not long ago lasted until the corporations mandated mid afternoon 10 minutes relaxation break. His monitor froze and the lights on the pad flicked off as soothing music filled the air. A few groans of annoyance filled the air as people got halted in the middle of an operation.

Owen's hand went to his pocket and stroked the bulge of his phone slowly, like it had done dozen of times before. And each time he hadn't been man enough to just call the lousy orc. He knew what he wanted, no, what he needed. He needed revenge on that orc, he needed him on his back as he railed him and shot his seed in there, no barrier to soften the sensation or leave the orc free of his mess.

His cock was hard and straining in his pants as he glanced at the clock, five minutes of relaxation time left. No time to leave his cubicle and find somewhere private he'd have to wait until tomorrow.

NO! He'd said that every day now for the last week once he knew what he needed. He'd call now dammit. The phone was in his hand in a moment and dialling the next before the more rational part of his brain knew what it was doing. The phone rung on and on, past the fifth repetition. A few more and it would be voice mail and he knew he couldn't leave one there, maybe he should just hang up now...

"Hello?" A deep voice, the one that he fumed about while jerking himself off, slurred down the phone. "Sorry, just woke up. Who is this?"

"Owen" The human replied, his voice almost wavering as his rational brain caught up and yelled at him that this was the guy who basically raped him, he shouldn't be calling him to arrange rape by appointment.

"Owen.. Owen..." The voice mused at the other end.

"From the subway a while back" Owen replied, his voice a little further away from wavering even though his lips were dry.

"Oh yeah! Finally got the balls to phone huh? Wanted another round?"

"No you bastard, I want the dignity you took from me and the self worth I had and I want to stop imagining you when I'm fucking my boyfriend's ass!" Was the words he wanted to say but instead all that came out was a stuttered "Yeah..."

"Ace, I'm free right now if you..."

"I'm at work"

"Heh, really? What're you wearing?"

"What? Why does that matter?" Owen's brow creased as he tried to work out what game the orc was playing with him this time.

"Just wondering if it's the same suit, if you even washed it afterwards or if it still has my sweat on it" He paused and let Owen's anger start to boil before continuing "I'm butt naked here myself. I'm sure you'd appreciate the sight. Anyway, I have things to do. I'll send you my details, just drop by tonight if you want to" And before Owen could reply the phone was dead.

"Please continue with your work" came a soft calming asexual voice over the PA as the calming music faded and the lights on his tablet blinked on. Owen blinked and then quickly logged back in, the penalties for being late back from relaxation were quite severe.

5:30 pm

The icon at the bottom of Owen's screen blinked from green to yellow, indicating he was now on unauthorised overtime. He saved his work and shut down the terminal while a hurricane of thoughts roared through his head. Last time it hadn't really been cheating, it had just kind of happened, this time it would be. What if the big orc was in a bad mood? What if he had friends over he wanted to share him with?

He pulled his phone from his pocket and flicked it over to Hinash's profile which had been updated with his address, an apartment building that bridged between the streets and above. It wasn't far from the stop before his own, which was where the orc had gotten off last time, in both senses of the word.

He was already on the train, minutes before the orc's stop when he made the decision to see him. Just to talk, tell the orc what he had done, make him feel maybe a little guilty. The throbbing in his pants had a different opinion but he was sure he could overcome that weakness, despite failing to do so before.

The door to the building was worn but in a lot better condition than he had expected. It even had an intercom and buzzer to let people through. The fact that is was broken and just occasionally sparked or gave random two or three word clips from inside random apartments negated its benefit though. He glanced at the phone that hadn't left his hand since leaving the subway, as though it was some kind of guiding light or shield.

Faded carpet and funny smells filled the corridor along with a moist heat, but it was better than a lot of the properties he had been to in more questionable business deals than he would care to remember. The door in front of him had the same number as his phone and his hand shook as he bought it up to knock.

"You can still back out of this" Thought the cowardly part of his brain as his knuckles stopped a split centimetre from the doors uneven surface. "Like hell he can! Knock knock knock" Cheered on his groin and his anger and his lust. "You don't even have a weapon and he's far stronger than you" finished off the rational part of his brain before it checked out for the night and his fist beat against the door.

There was some shuffling and then the feeling of movement through the warn boards beneath his feat under the threadbare carpet before the some chains rattled and the hum of electronic locks diminished as they were being disengaged. The door swung open and revealed an even more muscled orc than Hinash had been.

He had proper traditional orc hair, long braids, and dark stubble covered his chin. His red eyes were darker than Hinash's and his face was far more orcy, his tusks larger and just a shade longer. At that moment he wasn't wearing anything on his chest, just a pair of shorts covering large, well muscled legs. Vivid scars from gun fire and other weapons told a story across his chest. The story was probably a long involved one but in summary it said this. I don't die easy and have been in lots of situations to prove it.

"Whatcha want pink?" The orc growled as he lifted a drumstick to his mouth and took a big bite chewing and then talking with his mouthful "We told the last bunch we weren't interested in their god. And if you're a lawyer well..." He grinned and revealed bright white teeth smeared with a little chicken fat, at least Owen hoped it was chicken and not something else "We just love lawyers"

"Grent!" A voice called out from the darkness behind the tall orc and then a hand on his shoulder pulled him back a little "This is the pinky. I told you about. From the subway?" Hinash stepped forward and was almost exactly the same as the memory Owen had of him. After seeing the other orc, Grent apparently, he seemed a little smaller but still intimidating. A blue t-shirt with a few rips covered his torso while black shorts concealed what Owen so desperately wanted to see. The frame of the door bended and threatened to collapse with both orcs pressed in it.

"Oh is it?" Grent replied, his grin getting even wider as he stepped forward, his free hand landed on the humans shoulder with a thump that made Owen's knee's buckle under the strength before he was guided into the apartment.

The smell hit him first, not bad but just intense and very, very male. The walls had a faded and cracked coat of paint where there weren't pin ups of blood bowl teams or barely naked females of all races. The apartment was surprisingly neat according to the stereotypes Owen held in his head about orc living quarters. There were some plates on the table and some magazines, porn by the look of the cover, on the floor next to two sofas. The wall screen flashed pictures of some comedy show or another but the sound was muted.

"So, is he for sharing or do you have dibs?" Grent continued, his hand leaving the humans shoulder as he collapsed onto one of the sofa's, the entire thing teetering back and then forward onto all four legs and the ground shook a little. He grabbed another piece of chicken and dropped the bone of the last piece back onto the plate.

"Depends on what he wants" Hinash replied as he moved behind the human. His hands moved around and unbuttoned his jacket and then pulled it back and laid it over the arm of a couch.

Grent grinned and moved a hand down to unzip himself but not pull the fly open, offering no view to what was inside but arousing the humans curiosity to no end. "Well? Think you can handle two orcs Mr. pink?" Grent said, his teeth showing as he grinned wide.

Owen gasped as he felt the sharp edge of tusks moving along the back of his neck as Hinash unbuttoned and pulled off his shirt, just letting this one drop to floor as his hand stroked over the humans sparsely haired stomach, a light coloured treasure trail leading down into his pants and a few specs of hair around his already perked up nipples all the body hair he had.

"Well Owen? Last time it was just one orc in a hurry in a subway. Tonight it's two orcs with all the time in the world to spare..." Hinash continued for Grent, obviously the more eloquent of the two. Owen felt the orcs voice more than he heard it, the broad chest against his back as hot air moved over his neck. A gasp caught in Owen's throat and then come out as a soft groan as his cheeks turned red.

"I.. I..." Owen struggled to find words as a large familiar heat was pressing against his back and large hands tweaked a nipple. His cock pulsed in his briefs, a wet patch already forming, as his cock strained for attention. His eyes locked onto Grent as he tugged his shorts down revealing that unlike his shorter counterpart he wore underwear. Very tight grey briefs in fact, with an almost obscene bulge in the front.

"I'm bigger than him you know" Grent said, the grin on his face not diminished in the slightest as his free hand stroked across his bulge nice and slowly, obviously for the humans benefit. The material stretched and moved as he did so, the little glimpses of a ball sack here or pubic hair there enticing Owen more than if the orc had just pulled them straight off.

"I like to let him think it is" Hinash said behind him, his voice low like a stage whisper so his chest vibrated against the humans chest. His hands moved down and undid the belt buckle of his pants and then the button and the zipper before letting them fall down and pool around Owen's ankles revealing a modest bulge that was average or slightly more for humans but was nothing compared to the orc currently fondling himself on the couch.

"I.. really shouldn't." Owen started his voice as firm and confident as it could be until Hinash bit the back of his neck, letting the sharp tusk tips press until they almost penetrated the skin and then released. "I came... I came here to...." He struggled to continue as a large green hand cupped his entire basket of goodies and squeezed just the right amount to show who was in charge while still giving pleasure.

"You came here to fuck, pinky" Hinash said as his hand continued to tease the human under him. He enjoyed the feelings of power and arousal, the two mixing together to be far more pleasurable than either one individually. Plus he also had the sight of Grent teasing the human in his grasp to enjoy, it had been a while since Grent had been in the mood for males, but apparently this human was just the thing to bridge the gap.

"And now you get to double your fun, lucky you" Grent continued for Hinash as he stood up and put the chicken leg back onto the plate with the others and then stepped forward, his scent of arousal getting thicker as Owen was sandwiched between the two fine orc specimens. Grent's hands pulled his grey briefs down a little, letting Owen see thick dark pubic hair and the wide base of his orcish meat.

"Reach in and hold it" Hinash ordered before Grent could, his tone light but firm knowing that Owen wouldn't resist a single command he gave. Owen hand moved forward and shook a little before he hesitated. Hinash growled and squeezed Owen's package a little tighter until Owen gasped out in pain and reached forward into the warm depths of the orcs jock.

"Ohhh, he's got soft hands Hin" Grent let out as his cock throbbed in Owen's grasp.

"Just wait until you burry that thing back here" Hinash replied and thrusted his hips forward, the shape of his erection evident even through his shorts and the humans thin briefs. "When he's all slick with my seed already."

"Pffft. He wants a real man" Grent retorted as his hands tugged down his briefs in a quick fluid movement and revealed to Owen just what he had in his hand. What he had was a long thick uncut orc cock, thicker than he could grasp around from base to tip, the length shorter than Hinash's but the girth definitely made up for it. "Besides, you've already had a turn back there."

"It's not a matter of turn taking" Hinash replied as he stepped back away from Owen. Owens body almost collapsed to the ground as Grent reached around and gripped him by the rump before he tugged him against him and away from Hinash. "He's mine afterall. I get first dibs. Unless you object Owen?"

Owen gasped as Grent guided his length in between the humans thighs, his hand pulled away from the thick meat as the orc led himself forward. Owen couldn't help himself as he grabbed onto the big frame and thrust back, a deep moan escaping his lips as he did so.

"Seem to me he's pretty eager to ride me first" Grent said as he turned his head to face Hinash who had pulled off his shirt, revealing a large chest, muscular but not as defined as Grents. There were a few scars but nothing compared to Grent's body, and a lot was covered in thick hair on his chest and stomach. His pants were tugged down next revealing the orc to have been going commando again. His skinnier but longer length bounced in time with his steps as he walked over behind Grent and ground his member along his rump making the other green skin grunt out.

"You get the pinky first I get to break your rump in until you finish, Grent" Hinash growled as he thrust forward, making sure his glans hit against the larger orcs unprepared hole. The orifice tightened as the smaller orcs grinds. "Or you let me have what's mine and you take sloppy seconds."

"You'll use lube?" The orc replied, his hips pressed forward away from the long thinner green meat behind him and made the smaller human gasp out. Hating himself for it Owen moved a hand down to unbuckle his trousers. His own member, smaller compared to either of the orcs, almost burst his underwear as he pulled it out, only having been this hard one time before in his life.

:"'course" Hinash replied as he bit the larger males neck in an orcish show of affection. "Don't I always?" His hips ground further forward making Grent flinch but also fight to hold in a gasp as the head pressed against his ring making it spread just a little. "But you keep me waiting in this corridor a minute more..."

Hinash didn't need to say another thing as Grent lifted up Owen and carried him into the bedroom. The bedroom was small and tidy, a double bed with slightly dirty white sheets and a cupboard being the only furniture. Some clothes were scattered across the floor around an overfull laundry basket.

Grent ignored all this and threw Owen onto his back on the bed and then moved over him critical eyes examining the smaller scrawnier humans form. His thick green member dripped pre over the humans own as he took in the sight of his smooth unblemished skin, the smaller muscles under a small layer of fat, the pubic hair above, to the orcs view, a quite unimpressive penis. With a growl Grent lifted up the human's legs and moved down and presses his tongue against the tight, clean sphincter.

Owen moaned out loudly. His hands gripped at the sheets as the orcs tongue pushed into him and spread him out in an almost sinfully delicious way. No one had ever done this to him before and his eyes rolled back in his head as the sensations overwhelmed him. Grent's hungry tongue pushed deeper and deeper into the tight pucker, working his tongue this way and that, loving the grunts and moans the human is gave him. With a last thrust the orc's tongue pulled out and was replaced immediately by three fat fingers which thrust in to the first knuckle and back.

Hinash moved in behind Grent, he had already lubed himself up while watching the other orc eating out the gasping human. He thrust a single finger into the larger orcs ass but took his time to let it slide in knowing how much of a wuss Grent was when it comes to anything going into his ass. He smiled as the iron tight ring clamped down around him and then twisted and twirled his finger working the ring until it relaxed. Then he added a second finger and then a third, each one slid in over the course of several minutes.

Owen couldn't help but look down as the taller orc finished with his fingers and had moved himself to line up with the humans tight ring. Just past the taller orc he could see Hinash who had thrust his finger in right to the palm and saw that his other hand was wrapped around his cock. Without any waring Grent slammed his hips forward and buried his thick head inside Owen's tight anal ring. Owen couldn't help but curse out a series of swear words from the pain of the enormous prick that had spread him open. Grent didn't stop though and was soon buried in right to the hilt. a look of pleasure on Grent's face as the humans oddly accommodating ring spasmed around him as his huge girth spread out the tight ring.

Hinash grinned as the large orc moved away and his fingers slid back to the just the tips. He pulled his fingers back the rest of the way and then moved in behind Grent. He presses his tip against the now well lubed ring and then slowly moved forward.

"Ohhh that's it Grent, Squeeze down, it just makes it all the hotter!" He growled out as he hit home, his longer shaft pressed deep inside Grent which made the thicker cock pulse and spurt inside the human. Hinash then pulled back so he's only half hilted and rested his hands on Grents hips. "Now then, fill that pink thing up so I can get my go."

Grent grunted out a reply but couldn't really concentrate, his organ all wrapped up in hot tight human ass and a thick green prong rubbing his prostate ever so slightly had made his cheeks a deep mahagony colour. His hips started to move back and then forward, thrusting back to the hilt on Hinash's organ and then forward until he's balls deep inside the human. He groaned in pleasure as Hinash moved forward and wrapped his arms around the larger orc, working his hips back and forth expertly as the larger orc continued to fuck Owen.

Hinash smiled as he worked his hips and made deep grunts as Grent thrusts back and he is driven balls deep again. Despite how Grent moved and how his hole spasms Hinash knew exactly how to work his best friends ass, slow powerful strokes instead of hard and fast. His eyes watched Grent and took into account the larger orcs own thrusts and accommodated for it, pulling back or thrusting forward to make the larger orc grunt and groan.

Owen was completely oblivious to Hinash's talented member as it worked Grents inside as at that moment the thickest prick he'd ever felt was rearranging his insides. He gasped and arced his back, he wanted more of that cock inside him and gasped like a wild thing as it was delivered. His hands gripped and tugged at the bed sheets as his own cock spurted it's watery pre beneath him in a steady series of wet splotches.

Grent grunted louder as Hinash grinded against his prostate. Slowly and deliberately he thrusted right into the base and moved his hips around to stimulate just that part of him before he pulled back. "Go on, fill him up Stud, I want my turn" Hinash whispered into the larger orcs ear before he bit it and hammered his hips back and forth, hard and fast, the room filled with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

Grent hollered out in pleasure as the other orcs long prick hit places inside him that made his cock swell, his vision blur and his hips thrust forward on autopilot. His hands gripped the humans sides harder which made Owen fear for his ribs as Grent gave two hard thrusts. The thrusts nearly pushed Owen off the bed if not for his hands which held him up. At the end of the second thrust Grent held himself deep inside the human as he came, thick globs of his semen coated the insides of the human beneath him. His massive prick pulsed as his hips gave a few last thrusts and then pulled free, exposing the well stretched ass dripping his cum.

"You can pull out now Hinash" Grent gasped out as he stroked his length with his hand to get the last few drops out and then wiped his hand across the humans pale flesh. He shuddered a little as the other orcs length slid out of him which left him feeling a little empty but mostly relieved. "I'm gunna go shower then head out." The orc continued and then stood and moved towards the door. He paused and looked back at the two. "You were good Pinky, come around again sometime" He grunted out as the only admission of enjoyment other than his still half hard prick before he turned and left the room.

"My turn now" Said Hinash as he grinned and smacked the humans ass, gently for an orc but still enough to have made the human gasp out in surprise and a little pain. The orc reached over to the small table next to the bed and pulls a condom out of the drawer. Slowly he opened it and then, where he knows the human can see, slowly slid it down along his length, the condom ending a few centimetres before the end of his large length. The latex was tight around his green length, his foreskin already pulled back from the fucking he had been doing before.

"Like the view don't you" Hinash continued almost conversationally as he moved behind the human on his knee's. His hands spread the pink cheeks apart to see the already well ploughed hole spread open before him. Without any need for foreplay he moved his latex covered glans up against the humans hole and thrust half of his cock in, filling the human as much as his boyfriend does when he is fully enveloped within him. "Ohhhh fuck..." Groaned out Hinash "I love an already spread out hole. Grent always does a good job of spreading bitches for me. Just don't like another guys spunk on my junk or I'd have skipped the rubber this time"

Owen shivered underneath the large orc as he felt the large hands spreading him and then gasped out as the thinner, but still thicker than his own, orc cock thrust into him. His cock throbbed heavily between his legs, still all pent up from Grent's hard thrusting. Owen couldn't help but start to push back against the orc's rock hard prick, a shiver ran across his body as it slid into him, deeper than Grents had until he felt the orcs thick pubes pressed against his ass and large balls rubbed against his own.

"Ohhh damn you're eager Owen" the orc dropped the humans name instead of the insults he has been using heard the gasp he had hopped for. He knew how much fun it was to fuck someone, he never was wanting for bed partners. But to fuck someone's mind while you fucked their bodies was better than the raunchiest most depraved sex imaginable. He already knew the humans triggers, he had given them up so easily on the subway, now he just had to hit them again.

Hinash wordlessly pulled back and then thrust forward again, taking his time and making sure not to stroke the prostate as he knew it would send the moaning, lusting man over the edge. He continued his thrusts back and forth and knew exactly what his limits of pleasure were. Once comfortable with his speed he began to speak again. "You liked being Grent's bitch didn't you? He's not like us though, he likes girls mostly. But he has a thing for other species, like you. Some kind of orc dominance thing"

Owen shivered weakly beneath his almost gentle thrusts. He whimpered and moaned and was unable to block out any of the words that the orcs deep voice was filling the room with. At the last word the orcs hips changed direction and thrust against his prostate and then, just as suddenly, was back to it's previous path.

"You name it, he's fucked it! Me? I'm a connoisseur. I look for the guys hiding something, the guys begging to be fucked and used by a big strong orc but know it's wrong, it's nasty, it's awful." Hinash sped up his hips as he continues to alternate his angles, something he stimulated the moaning humans prostate and other times he avoided it completely, playing the humans ass like a skilled violinist. "But in their eyes you see it, they are just begging to be underneath me, gasping as I spear them right to the hilt."

Owen gasped out as Hinash thrust right in deep and held there for what felt like a small eternity but is just the count of five before a faster thrusting began. The humans eyes are squeezed shut and his breath is coming in gasps as the orc manipulated not just his ass but his mind.

"Ohhh yeah, I get them deeper than any other man has ever had them. Deeper than their boyfriends who've always made them gasp before. Deeper than the orc toys they have bought and used, loving every fucking second of it and then hidden in their shame." Hinash dropped down over the human, his large stature making the process easy as his large muscled arms are on either side of Owens, his thick stomach and chest hair pressing against the human's bare back. "Oh fuck yeah, I can feel your hole tightening around me Owen, you're loving this. Every fucking second of it. I don't think anyone has ever wanted this as much as you"

The orc grunted and thrusted harder and harder while the human beneath him moaned like a cheap whore in a porno film. Then just as suddenly the orc stopped, straightened up and pulled out, his long thick prick taking it's time as it is pulled from the humans tight rear. Owen looked back and the engorged member which was stretching out the latex, his pre juices having filled the tip just a little.

"You came here for revenge didn't you Owen?" The orc said as he gripped the base of his cock and waved it back and forth while he watched the humans eyes follow it. "You've been obsessed with our train ride jaunt and blame me for not feeling as good with whoever it is you have at home. His average sized dick, his tender loving manners..."

Owen trembled as he turned, his cock had never been as hard than ever before while the orc dissects his soul and motivations so well. They stared each other for seconds which leads on into a minute before the human finally nodded. "Y..yeah. I wanted to.. to.. to.. I just..."

"Shut up." The orc growled out before he pressed forward and kissed the unsuspecting human deeply. The tusks made the two mouths seal awkwardly but no less passionately. "See, no love there was there? Just lust. Now you can take your revenge, pound my ass for all your fragile human body is worth, get it all out of your system and never think of me again. Or you can lay back and let me fuck you like you want, like you have lusted over for these last weeks. Like your boyfriend will never be able to"

Owen hesitated. He had come here wanting revenge and ended up between two orcs and had loved every second of it. He knew he didn't love the orc, Hinash had made it clear through that kiss, the entire time he had been comparing it to Theo's kiss. He wanted the orc so much but couldn't stand him either. He loved his boyfriend, but the orc was right there too. His boyfriend never made him feel like an animal in heat. His cock was still rock hard and was the one who made the decision for him when he pushed the orc onto his back. Hinash didn't resist in the slightest and even moved and held up his legs for the smaller human.

"Condoms are in the drawer, I have some your size I think" Hinash said as he stroked his length. He watched the human as he hesitated, obviously wanting to pound him without the condom but then he quickly moved to the drawer, grabbed one and slid it down himself, as though this was all a dream that would vanish if he took too long. The humans cock was no where near Grent's size, Hinash's usual partner for when he bottomed, and with the mearest thrust the human slid right in to the orc's hot rump. He shuddered at the pleasure, the immense heat of the hole around him so much hotter than anything he had been in before. The hole was loose around him but he barely noticed, his cock swollen and throbbing almost painfully.

His hands roamed over the orcs larger chest, through the thick hair and found his nipples and toyed with them as his hips began to thrust slowly. His usual skill when he was with his boyfriend lost as he took his revenge on this brutish beast. He grunted loudly as he pressed in deep then pulled back, the lack of tightness around him in no way making him any less aroused or stimulated. After only seconds of fucking he was already ready to blow.

Hinash looked up at the human and placed his hands on his ass and pulled him in deeper. "You call that fucking Pinky? This is your revenge? You'll only get this one chance you know, make it good".

The human reacted to the words and growled for the first time in his life. He began to hammer his hips back and forth showing no mercy or compassion for the beast beneath him. He has lost himself in the more animal side of his lust as he grunted and moaned and used every last inch the gods had given him, which was still not enough. The orc gave out a small grunt, the prick inside him had finally hit it's mark, just beyond the length of Owen's erection when he was normally fucking. "That's it Bitch, get your own back."

Owen shuddered as he felt his orgasm sweeping over him with no way to stop it now. His hands gripped the orcs chest hair and tugged as he thrust in as hard and as deep as he could. His tip spurted it's load into the thin barrier, the tip ballooned as it filled with his seed. He shuddered and gasped as he got what he wanted, his cock hilted inside the burly orc, as he blew his wad. But it wasn't quite what he wanted, the orchad a drin on his face and was still hard, not moaning and trying to resist as he had desired, and he was wearing a condom instead of messing up that thick green rear.

"That it then Owen? All good?" Hinash said as he pushed the human off of him, the spent organ receding from him easily. "You can use the shower before you go if you want. Unless..."

Owen looked at the orc as he left the sentence unfinished, his thick green cock still hard between his legs, still encased in the latex. He had his revenge, he knew he should just leave. The orc wouldn't have any more power over his dreams and he could enjoy his boyfriend again... but... but...

His hand was on the door knob when a voice filled the room. "Follow me, leave the condom on". He was startled to realise it was his own voice, but the orc just nodded and stood, his cock bouncing with every step as he followed Owen to the bathroom. Hinash waited patiently as Owen set the water temperature and intensity and then stepped in and bent over slightly, his ass presented to the orc as the hot water flowed over his body.

The orc needed no invitation and entered the shower, the water and then Owen in that order. He pressed in right to the hilt, the human's hole still spread and still moist from Grent's cum and his own vigorous fucking. Owen gasped and pressed back against the orc who had wrapped his arms around the smaller human and then thrust his hips back and forth, working just a few inches in and out of the human's tortured hole. He didn't bother with the mental fucking this time, he already had gotten his fix. The human had taken his revenge, which had surprised him, but then had asked him to fuck him again. He knew this human was his for as long as he wanted him.

Owen shuddered as the orc's hot length burrowed back and forth, spreading out the deeper parts of him Grent hadn't gotten to and Hinash had only teased before. His hand moved down and stroked his rehardened length hard and fast. The hot water flowed over their bodies which made Owen feel even more and more hot and bothered. A second orgasm builds starting in his balls and spreading across his body until everything tingled in anticipation.

Hinash grunted and thrust harder, letting both their bodies shift in the shower as their feet slipped about from the slickness. He lowered his mouth to the humans neck and bit down on the clean pink flesh and his tusks marked Owen with two red gashes as he grunted and pushed in right to the hilt. His cock swelled and made the human gasp out in discomfort at the sudden new girth. His gasps and moans were eclipsed by the orcs own deep guttural yell as he filled the condom deep inside the human, knowing next time he wouldn't share with Grent and it'd be his seed inside the human.

Owen's own prick exploded against the shower wall as the orc swelled and thrust and shot inside him. Owen let his eyes close and lost himself in the pleasure of the moment. Both human and orc eventually began to come down to earth and just stood there in the hot water gasping for air.

"Mmmm, I'm not usually so gentle Owen." Hinash growled out as he pulled back to the tip and then pulled free. He tugged off the condom and tied it up, letting it run under the water for a few seconds in front of the humans eyes before he threw it into the bin, "Next time that'd going to be inside you."

Owen just nodded, feeling a blush burn over his cheeks. He had found his revenge, taken it and then found it hadn't been what he wanted at all. His mind was a blur as he got dressed, the orc still naked and damp, watching him with a faint smile. He had reached the door as was going to leave without another word when Hinash spoke.

"I like fucking you Owen. You're eager and tight and pretty attractive for a human. So for your own good you shouldn't come back again. Or at least tell your boyfriend what's going on, he deserves to know. Might even surprise you. That being said" Hinash grinned and stroked his cock slowly, letting the human watch as his thick dark green knob slid in and out of the foreskin "You come back and I am more than willing to push you over the sofa and fuck you until you'll have to crawl back home."