A Twist Of Fate

Story by Blank001 on SoFurry

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After seeing her father off, Angel decides to pay the horses a caring visit. What she got was something beyond even the scope of her imagination.

This is my part of an art trade, as well as an opening piece for me to accompany that of the work done by Angel over of FA. Please check her profile out, because by supporting her, you're supporting me as her business partner.

Thanks you all!

Cobalt is mine

Angel belongs to Angellsview3 over on FA.https://www.furaffinity.net/user/angellsview3

"The place is yours to look after whilst I'm out on business, Angel. Try not to turn the place to ash with your magicy-mumbo-jumbo whilst I'm gone will ya?"

"Yes father..." she said as she fixed her fathers white winter cloak, adjusting it so it flowed symmetrically off his shoulders as she scoffed at his words, her smile turning sour as she continued on. "... Please be careful Father; There's been an increase in troll sightings of late, not to mention that the natives have been teasing at the borders recently too." She said softly, an air of concern in the she-wolves voice. The man of the house turned to face his daughter, a reassuring eyes-closed smile adorning his weathered and aged face, one hand placed upon his waist, his other on the pommel of his sheathed blade. "Don't fret, child; I've been doing this sort of thing since before your beauty graced these lands. I'll be fine. Now, get along and make sure the other horses are secure whilst I ride out on Wispa, there's a storm coming and I want to be sure the horses wont get out again this time. Be good now, child!"

With a kiss to Angell's forehead, he strode confidentially towards the door, taking one look back to memorize her beautiful face before twisting the handle and heading out to his mount. Angel waved her father off, watching as he rode out into the snow-clad countryside, finally turning to head back inside once he was out of sight. As she let out a sigh, she closed her eyes; feeling the bracing winter wind upon her back. She opened them, her auburn eyes now burning with fluorescent light. Then, as if by magic, an unseen force fought back against the winter gale which kept the door wide open, shutting it firmly, bolting it thereafter. "Ahh... I'm getting better by the day." She said as she brushed snow flakes from her shoulders, the light in her eyes fading as she walked towards the back door, remembering she was told to go and check on the horses.

With years of practice, Angel's grasp of the arcane had come to her as naturally as a newborn drawing its first breath: Yes, there were struggles, but after the longest time, Angell had developed a feeling for how her magic flowed, letting her power flow through her veins like the natural course of a meandering river. She had learned only recently though how to channel those powers, directing it for more practical usage, and with further practice, she had begun to master even that.

With a click of her fingers, the back door bolt slid open firmly, the clunk of iron colliding with iron ringing out in the silent home before a long creek sounded, the back door swinging open just in time for Angel to pass the threshold. "It's becoming unconscious now, like.. an extension of myself, almost." She muttered to herself in quiet contemplation, turning her head back to the door before she beckoned it to shut with one finger. With a confident smile, she strode out into the wintry gale, squinting her eye as she looked left, into the coming wind. But as she raised her left hand, her palm open towards the gale, the building gale almost build an aversion to her form, as if a bubble had surrounded the female, encapsulating her body as she walked the one-hundred yard path towards the barn. In a similar fashion, Angel slid the bolts open on the barn, swinging the doors open before her before closing them up behind her, her eyes losing their luster once more.

"Phew... multi-tasking is harder... as expected..." She said as she took a seat upon a nearby hay bale, eyes closed as she began her breathing exercises. After a brief moment, She took a deep breath before opening her eyes, lifting her head with a smile as she surveyed the open plan barn, looking to see that each stable door was firmly shut and bolted. She placed her hands upon her knees, pushing herself up with a smile as she headed towards one stall in particular, one with a sign that read 'Cobalt'.

"All the other horses seem to be all locked up and fine; now to check on my man." She said, the tell-tale blush of primal attraction betraying her. Her eyes burnt bright as the lock dropped from the door, the door swinging open just enough for the she-wolf to slide in before closing it behind her. "Good evening, handsome. I missed you." Angel said as she turned to face the stallion which resided within the stall.

The Clydesdale stood 18 hands tall, from shoe to withers, his coat an abyssal black with white socks on all four legs that faded into the black at the first joint. His mane and his tail were white as snow, each adornment french-plaited with the care and attention of Angel from earlier that day. Cobalt nickered softly as he sensed her walking in, his ears pricking up, facing towards the female with complete attention. As Cobalt plodded closer however, Angel's eyes began to burn once more, both her hands lifting up until the stud was within reach, placing each hand upon each of his cheeks. The two closed their eyes, then reopened them as Angel pulled away with a smile.

"... Did your Father take his sword this time, Angel?"

"Yes, I made sure to check. No sprint across the countryside for you today, and certainly not in this weather." Angel said, a hand caressing the stallions cheek as she pursed her lips, pecking Cobalt's soft nose.

"Good... I hate cantering in the rain and mud." Cobalt said in a gruff distasteful tone within Angel's conscience, a wry snort of hot air jetting from the stallions nose as he exhaled sharply, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, I also made sure to see him off. I didn't head back in until he was way out of sight." she said, stroking down the stallions neck, brushing the dust from his cropped fur, dusting off his withers. "Why do you get so dusty so quickly? I was only here this morning, and now look at you!"

"its called a dirt bath.. you should try it some time!" He said light-heartedly, his tail flicking up as his head craned round, his eyes following after the she-wolves form. "besides, I know how handsy you are... this just gives you a justifiable excuse."

Angel whipped her head back, giving the stud a scowl before breaking with laughter. "For a horse, you have a lot to say..." she said as her hands dusted off the stallions rump, Cobalt staying put like a champion prize winner. "... though, perhaps that's my fault, for teaching you so well."

Cobalt let out another hot snort as he chuckled, flicking his tail once more, buffeting Angel playfully. "That may be the case, but I'm certain that I have plenty to teach you too, stable-girl..." He said as he stepped forward, circling the she-wolf as his pride began to show. Cobalt kept his head held up high, the power of his breed commanding respect as he trotted around her, his arousal showing off just how much he had to offer. "... and judging by the scent I caught on the way in, this evenings meeting isn't just to exchange pleasantries and expand my vocabulary, is it now?"

Angel's eyes darted away from Cobalt's, her cheeks flushing red as she looked down towards the hay bedding before they rose up to meet the stallion's impressive fully-dropped equine erection. His balls were a black as his fur, but the close she looked up towards his tip, the more strawberry-milkshake pink flesh she began to see. Like his fur, it too had a color fade to it.

"Cobalt... y-you know I'm a virgin, don't you?" she said, stuttering nervously as she ogled the powerful beast before her.

"You didn't need to tell me for me to already know that. I've seen the way you look at me, the way you gaze upon my sheath and balls as you clean me; You've wanted me since you first laid eyes upon me in the near city all those months ago. As for your virginity though, only a nervous virgin would take this long to do anything about her sexual frustrations." Cobalt said confidentially. He had a black and white way about him when speaking to Angel.

Flustered, Angel approached the stud, reached down under his barrel of a belly and gently gripped behind the glans of his thick cock, her thumb rubbing a little over the head.

"That may be true, but I still own you, so show a little respect..." she said, her eyes narrowing up at him before her nervous demeanor once again returned to her.

"There we go, there's that fire I knew you had inside you. The fire I see in your eyes whenever you use your magic. Such unbridled power is positively attractive to me." He said with a horsey smirk, grunting as the female released her grip on his penis, the member throbbing, slapping against the studs belly.

"Now, are you going to do anything about this? You know I wont talk to you for another week if you leave me hanging again like last time." He warned, stamping once to show he meant business.

"No, there's no need to worry about that: We have all the time we need..." Angel said softly, cooing into the studs ear. Angel's eyes once again burned brightly, and by way of magic, her clothes began to unbutton and slide from her form, the she-wolf floating a half foot off the ground to give her clothes room to remove themselves from her athletic body. As they began to fold themselves upon a nearby barrel, Angel touched down softly upon the hay, her nipples perky with arousal, her aroused scent freely wafting around the stall. "... but I wont need much time, from what I can see." She said with a smirk, her eyes dimming as she walked over towards the stallion, seeing his erection had become rigid, pre-cum flowing like a broken and leaking tap.

Cobalt knew by now that Angel was confident she would be able to follow through with whatever she said, the usual method of stimulating him by hand being preferable over oral stimulation. But, as she crouched beneath the stud, Cobalt felt one of her hands being placed upon his front left leg before her other held behind that gland once more.

"You cant mean to..."

"Just, stay still, and let me do the work. I'm a virgin, so give me time to acclimate... that means."

"Don't spoil it." he said abruptly.

Without hearing anything else from her, he closed his eyes and began to feel her hand massage the head of his cock once again, pre-cum leaking from the urethral opening. But as he adjusted to the constant pleasurable affections of the she-wolves hand, he felt warm, wet, matted fur pressing against the flat head of his cock, only for that fur to part, the rare inner flesh of the she-wolves pussy coming into contact with the studs tip.

"easy now... easy..." Angel said, more-so to herself as she eased herself back, her puffy furred lips spreading out and over the head of her mounts cock until she felt that rigid mass of flesh pop past her ring of muscles, sending bolts of pleasure through her body. "F-f-f..." she stuttered, stifling a curse as she adjusted to the studs size.

"An-Angel... y-you don't have-"

"Not another word!" she demanded, pushing back against that fleshy rod, taking another four inches inside as she let out a guttural groan. Angel had never done anything like this before; yes, with inanimate objects, but not with anyone. She placed both hands now upon each of the stallion fore legs, her body shuddering as she worked herself back upon the studs cock, her hips rolling from side to side taking each inch she could until she felt that fat head attempting to siege her inner sanctum. She knew that wasn't going to happen, so she stopped right there, her forehead sweating, steam rising from her body as her inner flesh adjusted to Cobalt's sheer size, her walls stretching and flexing around him.

She clenched and flexed her walls, keeping him erect until she felt ready to take the final plunge. Slowly, she worked herself free, sliding off that cock with a wet pop that forced an orgasm. "G-Gods that was intense..." She said as she got out from beneath the stallion, slowly walking over to the stalls entrance.

"H-Hey!! What did I say-" Cobalt began, ears flattened before he saw what Angel was doing. She had indeed walked over towards the entrance, only to brace herself against the reinforced door, tail raised up and over her back with her feet spread wide apart. She was offering herself up to cobalt, and that wasn't an offer he was about to refuse willingly. Cobalt quickly trotted over to the presenting female and with lightning efficiency, reared up, linking his hoofs over the door of the stall. He began to thrust and gyrate his hips forward, his wet cock tip jabbing and poking at the females rump, trying desperately to locate that warm and inviting home once again. A few seconds later, Cobalt had found his mark; with one thrust, his cock tip had popped past Angell's lips, with a second, he had thrusted his arousal in as deep as it went beforehand, remembering this benchmark depth as he draw his hips back to begin his assault.

"F-Fuck!" Angel exclaimed in pure delight, her head kicking up in sheer delight as she felt the stallion find his mark, her knees almost giving way beneath her as the stud bucked, his hind legs chattering against the floor as he worked back and forth, his cock sliding in and out, in and out, over and over. The entire event lasted less than two minutes, but Angell felt each second in slow motion: She felt the dragging of the stallion flesh as he pulled back, the power of his breed with each thrust forward, and as seconds ticked by, she felt the expansion of the studs gland as it flared out inside her vaginal canal.

"A-Angel... I'm almost-"

"Do it Cobalt!" she exclaimed out, yet again in a fit of pure euphoria as her muscles clamped down around his flesh, the telltale heated splash of a females orgasm spilling out onto the floor.

Without question, Cobalt's entire body became rigid as he sent home his final thrust, his own orgasm spilling over the precipice as his back arched. Angel's eyes rolled up as she felt that flared tip mashing up against her wombs entrance, the urethra slotting nicely into her cervix before she felt it; a sudden explosion of heat, bursting forth into her untouched sanctuary, again and again, over and over, the feeling of throbbing flesh overcoming her fragile mind. The heat came again and again, seconds rolling by before she began to feel that same heat dripping out of her body and down her legs; the sound of hay rustling as drips of equine semen splashed onto the floor. Angel rose her head up to meet Cobalt's, sighing in post coital delight before the stallion's arousal slowly softened, receding until the flared head popped free of her used sex. A small flood of horse semen rushed from her depths as Cobalt dismounted, looking over what he had accomplished.

Angel remained quiet and still for a moment; her legs shaking, her body aching as she grew accustomed once more to a body without horse power within it. Moments later, she stood up, turning towards cobalt, offering an affectionate hug around the neck as seed still oozed from her body.

"It must have been a twist of fate for me to have met you, my stud." She said with a smile.