Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 14

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#14 of TOTGM - After Story Specials

Chapter 14 - Battle and Befriend!

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Trials of Training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dakd7EIgBE Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Alright! Not bad!" Chris praised, having paused his travels to train with Valora and Sera, letting them practice fighting in case the need arose again. "I admire your pep, but you're a little too headstrong..." he point out, looking at Valora making her rub her head with a guilty laugh. "It's great to be offensive, and I'm proud of how you want to leave your shell now. It shows you're prepared to give it your all against your opponent, but defense is also key." he reminded, making the Pokemon scowl slightly. "I get it... You feel like you've spent enough time defending yourself. Things were rough for you and you're ready to fight back, but at the same time you should still hold onto some of that preservation instinct. Barriers are a necessity in a battle, so defense will always be just as important. You more than anyone should be in tune with your instincts when it comes to avoiding the one attacking you." he went on. "Don't remember the fear you had, but the relief that came with escaping a threat. Your desire to beat your opponent is great, but you should feel the same drive and pride in making sure you can keep them at a distance. That's not a sign of weakness." Chris reminded. "As far as you..." he paused, looking at Sera as she gave him a cocky smirk of sorts. "Don't get too full of yourself... You've done well, but when you let accomplishments get the better of you..." he paused before Midna suddenly snatched her tail from behind and dangled the small fox in the air, making her flail and panic. "You lose sight of too many things. You leave yourself open to things that should be obvious." he lectured, waving his finger as the fox dangled with a sulk. "Before, you were able to keep up with both of us, all it took was one moment of thinking you were the best to lose everything." he warned.

"Years ago, I learned the hard way what happens when you get too comfortable with your power, when you think you've got things under control at all times and can do no wrong... In a way my own pride put me in a grave, so I know what I'm talking about." he assured as Midna released Sera and sank into the ground, slithering up to Chris before shooting up his body and perching atop his shoulder. "I know you wanna impress me kiddo, but leaving yourself wide open like that won't do you any good, nor' will it make me think higher of you." he lectured as her ears sulked, getting a nod in response. "Now... Lets try it again!" he pressed, getting a noise of agreement from both. Nearby, both Sliggoo and Zorua sat, with the former munching on a nearby bush while the later lay with a yawn as she analyzed Chris's teaching methods. "Another lesson!" he suddenly called as Sera delivered rounds of her Scratch ability, leaping about and swatting at him, only to be scooped by his staff and hurled off onto a branch in a nearby tree before he turned and sent his staff down on Valora's calyx as she attempted to leap toward him and use her leaves to land a hit, making her legs wobble as she struggled to stand. "Not only are offense and defense key, but you can even use them as a form of the other!" he smirked, backing away as Valora rubbed her head, looking up with an "Eh?" of curiosity while Sera stood on the branch she landed on, tilting her head with her own curiosity peaked. "For instance..." Chris paused, turning toward the fox. "If you used your abilities right, you could've avoided landing there, and instead you could've found a way to attack me even from the air. Fire is a form of the ultimate freedom if you learn to use it right!" he smirked.

"When used right, you're never truly helpless. It can give you wings, take you to places you never thought you could reach... Think about it." Chris nodded, returning his focus to Valora as she blinked at him. "When it comes to you, nature is your ultimate ally. Just as Sera will always have her fire, you have the Earth itself ready to fight for you, and to protect you. Look around, and instead of fighting alone, let Mother Nature aid you." he coaxed, the Pokemon murmuring thoughtfully in response as she looked around. "Let your fire guide you, let the nature that surrounds you protect you! Fight to defend, and defend to attack!" he hinted before charging at Valora, hammering his staff down on her calyx time and again, forcing her back as he knocked her about. "Don't let your allies be invisible! Use them!" he insisted. Gradually growing more and more frustrated from the onslaught, after a moment the Pokemon let out a furious shout and knocked his staff back with a swing of her leaves before drawing in seeds from the surrounding flora, using them in a Seed Bomb attack to force Chris back and allow her to distance herself. "Y-Yeah!! That's it!!" he praised, knocking many seeds back while stumbling about to avoid other seeds until the attack ceased. "There you go! You used an offensive attack as a form of defense! Look at the space between us now!" he grinned, making Valora pause as her mouth opened slightly in an "I get it..." manner before smiling with a proud nod. "See there? Defending yourself doesn't seem quite so shameful now, does it?" he winked, making her smirk. "Even when you're trying to defend yourself, you can still deal damage to your opponent and throw then off their game, giving you a chance to recover and retaliate!" he instructed.

"Now about your..." he continued. While he was distracted however, Sera readied herself to leap from the tree she was in, showing a sly smirk before sending herself springing through the air. Noticing this, Midna quietly alerted him by his ear, making Chris pause before glancing back with a grin. Suddenly turning, he thrust his staff up before him as his own defense, stopping Sera just as her claw swiped down at him, pausing her in the air before jumping back and landing before him. "Not bad... Sometimes a sneak attack can be a good thing. But again, never forget the danger of an enemy on the alert. Even if I was talking to Valora, remember, I've got an ally keeping watch as well." he reminded, holding his finger up letting the imp perch itself on it with a cackle making Sera scowl at the sneaky creature for spoiling her plan. Blowing a raspberry in response, Midna made its way back to Chris's shoulder and sat with a grin. "Just as there are two of you, I have Midna on my side. Not only do you have defense and offense, making use of your partners in a fight can tip the scales too!" he instructed. "Wanting to be the best is all well and good too, but sometimes to do that, it takes teamwork. Sharing that podium with your partners is better than never reaching it at all. There are some things you just can't do alone." he warned, making the two look at one another. "Now... Keep everything I've said in mind, and see if you can get past us!" he pushed, readying himself as Midna arched up on his shoulder in a feline manner, grinning once more with an eagerness to spoil more of their attempts at besting the man it defended. For some time, even with the two attempting to work together, Chris seemed impregnable as he twist and turned, retaliating with precision.

Doing so in a way that kept the two back, yet avoided any legitimate harm, it seemed as though it was a match to see who would tire first, yet as time went on Sera and Valora gradually improved. Finally nodding at one another, Chris paused with a raised brow, the two separating putting both himself and Midna on guard. Watching with her own curiosity peaked, Zorua continued her observation as the two took positions both before, and behind Chris as he glanced between them. "Divide and conquer...?" he muttered before seeing a sly smirk on Valora's face. With both she and Sera taking on ready stances, Valora held her arms out with a deep breath before yanking them inward with her hands clenched. With a gust picking up around them, Chris focused on his surroundings as the nearby flora swayed, releasing their seeds which began gathering around the Pokemon before him. "That again...?" Chris thought while Midna dug its claws into his shoulder to give him a subtle alert. Slightly adjusting himself, he focused on Sera as well as her ears began glowing, tiny embers wafting from them as she grinned. "Alright... Show me what you've got!" he thought. Suddenly holding her arms out to her sides, Valora tightened the rotation of her gathered seeds above her, raising her arms making them rise before focusing on Chris, and with a thrust of her arms forward, she let out a grunt and rapidly fired off her ammo, forcing him into a defensive situation as he blocked and swat her attack away, finding himself forced to duck and dodge about. "Not bad, but is that all?!" Chris shout while running along, Valora's seeds kicking up dust as they hammered the ground just inches behind him. "Her precision's improved too..." Chris thought, glancing where the seeds were landing.

Next thing he knew, he accidentally ran right up to Sera, and with a deep breath of her own, opened her maw and unleashed a massive Flamethrower, making Chris drop to his knees and slide along the dirt up to her while arching himself sharply back, stopping mere inches from her attack as he looked at the blaze wide eyed, Midna doing the same until it ceased, both blinking in surprise. "Shit..." he muttered, letting out an "oop!" as he covered his mouth, adding "You didn't hear that!" in an insistent manner, making the fox giggle from surprising him. Feeling the breeze picking up again, Chris froze and looked toward Valora who'd replenished her ammo, smirking in a smug manner. "I'm not out yet." he scowled, lifting himself before standing between the two once more. "You're getting the hang of things, but you've still got a ways to go." he reminded, the two maintaining their confident auras as Valora attacked once more. Barraging him with seeds, it was an attack that both, kept Chris away and wore him down at the same time, allowing her to stand in place and recover while simply focusing on targeting. Now and then, Sera would find a chance to break through and deliver a round of close-range attacks, making it a constant struggle for Chris to avoid both the bullet-like seeds and the claws of his ever improving daughter. Eventually finding his own chance to retaliate, he warned "Brace yourself!" as he swung his staff at the airborne fox, having made another leap toward him only to wind up feeling the brunt of his staff as he caught her and sent her flying once more, only to give Valora a chance to get close and begin retaliating herself using her calyx against him, causing Chris to stumble back with his teeth clenched.

In the air, Sera winced from the blow she'd taken, looking down at Chris before recalling what he'd said. Noticing the embers from her ears, an idea struck that made her eyes widen before gathering flame in her maw, and using her rotation to her advantage, gathered herself in a boomerang-like Fire Spin that sent her flying off while Chris was fending off Valora, the Pokemon using a combination of her calyx and remaining seeds to keep him pinned. Taking notice of the blade-like fire spinning above, Midna tried to alert Chris as a metallic streak of light began appearing within the flame, and by the time he was finally able to turn, Sera made impact with his arm as he raised it in defense, with Midna cloaking it in the veil of its shadow to form a barrier that kept him from the brunt of the blow, his hand looking like a dark claw of sorts as he struggled to remain on his feet due to the force of the impact. Having combined Iron Tail with her Fire Spin, the crafty fox created her own airborne attack as her fire waft away, and with his body trembling, Chris swat her away before stumbling back, losing hold of his staff and landing on the ground. Blinking in surprise, he lay still as Sera and Valora approached, with the fox standing on his chest and showing a smirk while Valora did the same, the two savoring one of their first tastes of superiority from having brought Chris to the ground beneath them. "W-Well... I'll admit... You got me." he smiled with slight sweat on his face. In response, Valora put a foot on him, leaning forward and poking his nose with a "Yeah we did!" type of noise. Sitting on his chest, Sera barked while eagerly wagging her tail, making him smirk before rubbing her head. "Atta' girl... Now THAT made me proud of you!" he grinned, making the fox all the more energetic as she stood and rubbed her face against his. "Ha ha... Lil' furball..." Chris chuckled.

Sitting up, Sera slid off him and ran around with a wide smile while he noticed Valora glancing away, her hands fidgeting as though expecting something as well, having grown envious of the affection between him and the fox. Giving another smirk, he gave a "C'mere" coax and pulled her in, offering a hug with his arm making the Pokemon freeze up and flush. "You did good too. Way to go Valora!" he grinned warmly, causing her eyes to widen and light up as she looked at his face. "You're really getting the hang of that seed attack of yours. I won't be able to avoid it anymore at this rate!" he praised. Finding herself flustered by his earnest tone and the warmth of his smile, the Pokemon quickly distanced herself from him with her arms out, waving them about while stuttering before turning away and fidgeting once more, her own smile from ear to ear showing. "Mm...?" Chris replied, blinking curiously only to be distracted by an agitated "Hey!!" from Zorua nearby. "Wazzup? Wanna train too?" he asked. "No! I'm starving!" she replied sternly. "You said we'd eat when we stopped. Instead you've been prancing about this whole time!" she lectured. "R-Right... Guess we did get caught up in stuff." Chris laughed apologetically, scratching his cheek before standing. "I was a little rough with that last hit, you okay?" he asked, looking at Sera making her hold her chin up proudly with an assuring bark. Smirking in response, Chris gave an "Oh you..." remark and nudged her with his foot, making the fox giggle and nudge him against the shin in turn, rubbing herself against him affectionately. "I owe you too for helping defend against her attack! Could've really busted my arm there." he added, scratching Midna under its chin making the imp swoon slightly, grinning in response.

"Alright... I'm guessing you'd like a bite to eat too?" he asked, looking at Valora and Sera as they nodded and gave sounds of agreement. "Come on over here then... I think it's time I showed you what I got in that last village..." Chris smirked, motioning them to follow as he approached his belongings, with a bag having been tied sitting next to his rucksack. Looking around, he let out an "eh?" before focusing on Zorua, getting a "what?" as she sat up. "Where's Popplio at? She was right here last I checked." he point out. "Oh... She went off in that direction. Didn't seem interested in your sparring... Thing... You were doing." she answered with a shrug. "Mm..." Chris muttered, looking in the direction Zorua mentioned. "...I'll have to check on her." he added before focusing on his supplies again. "You remember how I had all of you wait for me outside that shop in the village?" he asked, untying the bag by his rucksack. "How could we forget, we had to sit forever outside that place." Zorua replied while Sera and Valora approached curiously. "Hey Sliggoo! C'mere! Got somethin' for you too!" Chris called, rustling the bag to draw her attention, the Pokemon perking up with a curious noise and approaching with a smile. "You've all been doing so well lately... I thought it was time to give you a little something." he praised, taking out a small box and setting it down in front of Sera before placing one in front of Valora as well. "Had your names put on the boxes... Ah, here's yours." he added, placing one in front of Zorua before giving the next to Sliggoo with a smirk. "It's not much, but I hope you like it. Took so long because I had them all made kinda special." he grinned, the group looking at one another.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Special Treats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1VQnbY-gE Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Sniffing her box first, Sera caught a whiff of a cake within, making her eyes light up before quickly flipping the lid with her nose. Looking inside and about to dive in, she suddenly paused when she looked at it, covered in white icing with colors matching her fur used to draw her face smiling on its surface. Around her was a heart drawn with pink icing, and words she didn't know around the border. Blinking intrigued, Valora opened her small box as well, finding her own face smiling on hers surrounded by different flowers. Letting out an "eh?" sort of noise, hers too had words she didn't understand, the two looking at one another before focusing on Chris as he smiled. "You like it?" he asked as they looked back at their desserts. "See, on yours it has your face, and a bi--ig heart! The words there say "I love you" around it!" he explained, detailing Sera's treat to her. "You always make me so proud of you. Always showing a smile, lighting up a dull day... You've even been through some pretty rough stuff, yet still I always see you showing a happy face. So this here's for you, my lil' fire princess." he grinned, ruffling her head making her eyes light up. "On yours, it says "So cool" around it, see?" he explained, beginning to detail Valora's cake. "You've really started to blossom since we met... Fighting off those birds the way you did, walking around in the open without fear... It hasn't been long, but the steps you've made are still amazing." he praised, making the Pokemon blush slightly. "That's what the flowers are about! You're blooming into a real swell lady, so you deserved something kinda fancy to show it." Chris nodded. Pointing at the word "Cool" she then point at herself with a curious sound.

"That's right! Someone who's able to do what you've done, going from hiding the way you used to, then taking on a whole flock of the very Pokemon that kidnapped you... And winning in a single attack no less! I used to spend so much time protecting you from stuff, and now you're standing up for yourself, AND others! Someone like that is the coolest!" he grinned warmly, making her eyes light up the same as Sera's while he turned to Sliggoo, noticing her face buried in her box. "And uh, yours..." he began, only for her to raise her head with her cheeks stuffed, icing covering her mouth while her cake lay in pieces. "...Err..." he paused, showing a smile with sweat on his face. "I guess it's the thought that counts, right?" he chuckled, rubbing her on the head and getting a happy noise from her before burying her face back in her treat. Suddenly hearing sniffling, Zorua muttered "Here we go" making him turn to her before focusing on Sera and Valora, both of whom had started tearing up as their lips quivered. "H-Hey now, what's with that?" Chris panicked as their tears started plipping on the ground, both letting out touched noises as he sweat nervously. "Sentimental nonsense..." Zorua grumbled before glancing down at her box. Looking between it and Chris, while he was focused on the others she nudged the lid off her box as well. Unlike the others however, when she looked at hers the Pokemon blinked before showing a scowl. "HEY!! What's this?!" she snapped, making Chris jolt and look at hers while Sera and Valora wiped their eyes, trying to collect themselves. On her cake, a picture of her looking angry with her mouth open could be seen, with a tiny fire shown coming from her mouth. "Heh... I couldn't resist." Chris smirked.

"There's words on yours too, see?" he point out as Sera and Valora looked as well, their cheeks suddenly bulging as a snicker escaped their lips making Zorua drop her ears and growl at the two. "Tiny yet strong..." Chris read in a warm tone, making the group pause and look at him. "Say what?" Zorua asked. "Tiny yet strong." he repeat with a smirk. "You're pretty feisty... You always talk big, kinda spit fire at folks in a way... But deep down you've got a good heart under it all." he praised, the Pokemon maintaining an unimpressed face. "You're cold, but you're not a stone. There's a part of you that does care somewhere inside... That's why you helped me out before, give advice and all... You're pretty smart and honest, even if what you say does tend to burn a little. Maybe the face is a bit much, but would it have been honest of me to put anything else there?" he asked, the Pokemon looking at him for a moment before looking down at her cake. "We tease each other, maybe... But we're still friends, that's why I had that written there to make up for it. If nothing else, I've learned a thing or two from you as well." Chris nodded, Zorua remaining silent before showing a small smirk. "Eh... Whatever... I would've been more creative though." she shrugged as the girls and Chris looked at one another and smiled. "Go ahead and enjoy your stuff, I'll go check on Popplio in the meantime." he instructed, taking out another box and setting it on the ground. "Here's yours Midna!" he offered, opening it up with fruit on top instead of a picture. Salivating with its tongue out from the offering, the imp paced to and fro along his shoulders excitedly as he held out his finger, allowing the imp to jump on it and spring off like a diving board before landing in the cake with a splat.

"At least you've got style." Chris chuckled as the imp popped its head up from the surface of the cake, cheeks bulging with a blissful look on its face before taking a slice of peach and stuffing it in its maw. "You're a pig." Chris grinned as Midna squealed from the sweetness of the fruit and dove back into the cake. "I'll be back in a few." he added, looking at the others. "...You gonna eat?" he asked, looking at Sera and Valora in surprise as they looked down at their treats with a somewhat guilty vibe in their faces. "I know you like em', but nothing lasts forever. If you don't eat, it'll spoil, and that'll really be a waste." he warned, the two looking at him and nodding sadly before Sera lowered her head, pausing to look at her cake before taking her first bite. Though sad at first, once the flavor hit her eyes lit up and a shudder ran through her, letting out a muffled squeal of her own as Valora took a fork out from inside her box and tried hers as well, causing the same reaction. "See? Good stuff, huh?" Chris grinned, the two nodding at him excitedly. "Enjoy ladies." he waved, looking at Sliggoo as she feast on her own treat. "Gonna have to clean you up later..." he smiled nervously as she raised her head and tilt it with a "hm?" type of noise. "Oh, nothing, go ahead and eat." Chris coaxed, getting no arguments from the Pokemon as it buried its face back in its box. "Over there, right?" he asked. "Eh? Yeah, somewhere in that direction." Zorua nodded before he made his way off. "You girls behave! I'll be right back!" he assured with a wave, letting them enjoy their sweets as he made his way through the nearby brush, shrinking into the woods as he moved along. Looking around, he followed a trail Popplio had left below, murmuring about where she went as he walked.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Beautiful Bonds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WeCVTNZ7tE Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Not long after he began his trek, Chris noticed a clearing ahead that gave off a shimmering type of glow, and as he approached and the light faded, he found himself standing before a pond, with Popplio looking at the scene before her as the sun reflected on the ripples. Remaining still and silent for a moment, Chris finally approached, stopping next to her with a "Mind if I join you?" comment. Merely focusing ahead, Popplio gave an "mm" in response, in turn letting Chris sit by her while setting his bag down. "Nice place you found... Guess you're kinda tuned into where water is?" he asked, the Pokemon staying silent as she looked on. Merely looking at her, Popplio had a different kind of beauty to her as the light touched her from the waters surface, one that was both radiant, yet reclusive. It was an aura that inspired both nostalgia, and somehow loneliness as he looked at her eyes, making him focus ahead as well before looking down. "Still going through the motions...?" Chris asked, finally getting a second "mm" from her. Thinking back, he remembered how she'd kept a distance since she joined their group, meeting the others with silence whenever they tried to get close. In a way, she was relatable to Zorua, though her avoidance came not from agitation or a loner persona, but seemingly from a heart too closed off to acknowledge anyone. It was as if, had he not been looking right at her, she could simply vanish at any moment. Though she'd been prevented from suicide, in a way she was still dead within, the scene before them seemingly being her only means of acknowledging her presence in the world, one of the few things worth existing for as she took in a deep breath, letting the view alleviate some of her struggles.

"...I know you came here for some quiet, be alone and all, but..." Chris paused, looking at the Pokemon once more. "...Mind if I tell you a story?" he asked, Popplio remaining silent before glancing at him with yet another "mm" in response. "The world... I'll be the first to admit... It's a rough place... Each day it seems like it tries to give you more reasons to hate it than anything." he confessed, looking over the pond while leaning back in a relaxed manner, his arm across his knee. "You see so many wrong things happen, and time and again, things happen to you as well." he went on, making Popplio look down. "It's a reality that never stops testing you... Always pushes you to the brink... You always feel like the cards are stacked against you." he admit. "But... We still go on. Even with all the bad stuff that happens, we keep existing, we keep finding ways to beat that stacked hand trying to put us down." he smirked, taking out his device. "I'm... Going to show you something I haven't even shown the others yet..." Chris offered, bringing up his pictures on his device. "Three years ago... On my first journey, it was no more than a day or two that I ran into the first person that would change my life forever." he smiled, looking at an image on his device with a warmth that peaked Popplio's interest. "Back when I was a little kid... My parents gave me to my grandpa to raise. I uh... Was kind of a problem kid, in a way, so they thought he and his friends would do a better job preparing me for the world." he revealed. "So when I say I know what it's like, the kind of abandonment you went through, the things you've felt... I know it all too well." he assured. "When my old man passed away, the other elders who'd raised me, pushed me to see the world. That's when I met..." he paused.

Holding his device out, he revealed a picture of himself standing next to Serenity, the Pokemon showing a small smile of contentment as she leaned against him with her hand placed against his chest while he grinned in a proud manner. "Serenity..." he continued as Popplio looked at the image. "When we first met, she was just a tiny Ralts, barely tall enough to get past my shins..." he went on, showing a picture of a Ralts as he spoke. "The... Way we met was pretty sad though..." he confessed, going back to the picture of him standing with her. "She had just been born, and a human managed to capture her... Problem was, she'd been born blind, and because of that, the human who'd taken her, just threw her away, right off a cliff." he revealed, making Popplio's eyes widen as his own expression turned to one of remorse. "You... Aren't the first Pokemon that I've met who was born in a way she couldn't help... And was punished for it. That's why... It hurts me even more, knowing what you've been through because of the same thing." he added, looking at Popplio with an earnest sympathy in his eyes that sent a twinge through her. "The night I found her, she was crying at the bottom of that very cliff. I climbed down, took her in my arms, and climbed all the way back up. I tended to her from that point on, and did everything I could to teach her how to use her remaining senses to live as full a life as possible." he went on before looking back over the pond, suddenly showing a smile. "Eventually... She was able to win a Gym Battle thanks to all the effort we put into her other senses, and evolved into a Kirlia shortly after." he revealed, showing a picture of a Kirlia as he spoke. "She was a cute thing, that's for sure... Just like you!" he praised, giving a warm smile.

Hearing this, the Pokemon felt another twinge before turning away, her body seemingly saying "Yeah right..." as she looked down before focusing on the scenery before them. "...She went through a lot, we both did. And yet, despite what another human had done to her... Despite all her pain, despite her first memories in this world being of abuse... I managed to find a place in her heart..." he resumed, once again looking at the picture of the two of them standing together. "She... Came to love me. One day, we were attacked by a pack of Houndoom, and their leader, it was crazy powerful..." he told, showing a picture of both Houndoom and their Mega form. "Just like when we'd first met, she was thrown from the cliff we were camping at. I managed to jump and save her, but as a result, I almost died in her place. It was one hell of a landing, and... She became so furious, she lost control of herself so much, she forced herself to evolve into her final form..." he explained, once again showing the image of them together. "She became a Gardevoir, and got revenge on the Pokemon who'd attacked us. Problem is, when she evolved that final time, something... Dark... Grew inside of her too. It warped her, made her personality kind of... Wicked... She'd always hated humans, but after she evolved again, it got way worse..." he went on before telling Popplio about all the things Serenity did, and tried to do to people. By the time he'd finished, Popplio's attention was grabbed in such a manner she was once again facing him directly. "...Would you do something for me?" he asked, making the Pokemon tilt her head. "Look here... See?" he point out, emphasizing his blind eye. "Ever noticed the way they look different?" he asked, letting her look at both.

"I... Loved her so much, we got to this city at one point. In it, there were some of the smartest people I'd ever met. Working together, we made a machine... Can you guess what it was for?" he asked, Popplio remaining silent as she shook her head. "It was..." he continued, giving Popplio another look at the picture of the two of them. "A device that could take away the sight in my eye... And give it to one of hers..." he revealed, making the Pokemon's eyes widen once more as another, stronger twinge ran through her. "I gave up half of my sight, so she could have half of what she'd never had. It was a success, and from that day on, she was able to see the world, by my side." he smiled with loving, tender nostalgia in his expression, looking at the image himself. "I'll never see out of my left eye again for the rest of my life... And thanks to that, she'll see for the rest of hers... It was, and always will be worth it." he chuckled. "...Want to know what else came from that love?" he asked, looking at Popplio again, getting a nod as her eyes finally showed a glimmer of light in them. "...This..." Chris revealed, showing a picture of him leaning toward Serenity as she lay in a bed, cradling an egg wrapped in a blanket of its own in her arms as she showed a fulfilled and blissful smile, with Chris grinning proudly from ear to ear. "...I was a father long before I met Sera..." he revealed, Popplio's mouth opening. "It's hard to explain... But thanks to my genes being a little... Different... We were able to have a kid together." he resumed. "Your kind, and humans... They both think you're different. They think you're weird... They're uncomfortable around you... Think you're a freak..." he point out, the reminders making the Pokemon return to her somber state. "I say that, because it's how I've lived too." Chris insisted, coaxing her to look back at the picture.

"I had a child with a Pokemon, something that should be impossible, something others don't accept. I've been cast out because of it plenty. Folks think I'm weird, I can't tell you how many are uncomfortable just looking at me. They think I'm a freak and all... I know what all of it is like. But guess what...?" he asked, Popplio looking at him once more. "The love, and the support I have from my friends... My family... It makes all that hurt go away." he grinned, showing a picture of him and Serenity standing together, this time with a small Ralts in Serenity's arms which he was ruffling on the head, making it flail its arms at him as both he and Serenity showed a laughing expression, her child just as picky about its hair as she is. "Maybe there's no changing the way other people are... But so long as you've still got someone close to you, to your heart... Someone who stands with you, and by you no matter what... All of a sudden, it just kinda doesn't matter anymore, and if anything, it just makes you feel bad for the folks who're so negative." Chris smirked. "I've kinda laughed at those very people from time to time myself, because you come to realize just how ridiculous and sheltered folks can be when something out of the norm makes them have a panic attack." he shrugged. "Serenity was born different, and was punished for it, just like you. All it took to overcome all of that, was one person who believed in her, cared for her..." he pressed before putting his device away and taking the final box from his bag. "That's why..." he paused, setting it down and opening it, revealing a cake with Popplio's face smiling, surrounded by bubbles. "I'd... Like to do the same, for you." he nodded as she looked at the dessert.

"You're different... But that's not a bad thing. It doesn't make you any less of a person than anyone else. If being with Serenity has taught me anything, if nothing else... It makes you so much more." he coaxed tenderly, making her look up at him again. "Others can hurt you, and by that same token, others can heal you. I know it's a lot to ask, but... Do you think you can open up, just one more time?" he asked before pointing at the words surrounding her cake."You're beautiful." he read, with more light showing in her eyes as a result. "I'd just... Like the chance to help prove that. Not so much to anyone else, but... To yourself." he explained. "I won't force you to bond with me. It's just... After stepping away from suicide and traveling with us so far... Would it really be so bad? Just to give one more person, one last chance?" he asked as she focused on him. "You ARE strong Popplio, you're a beautiful girl with so much potential. If you'd give me a chance to help you see that for yourself..." he paused before pulling his device back out, revealing a picture with him squatting on the ground, a Ralts and Buneary both having climbed on top of him and waving while a trio of Snivy stood proudly, and somewhat smugly at his feet as they held their noses up and smirked while Serenity, Rose, and Alicia all stood in their own proud and content manners around him, smiling in their own ways as well with Ninetales in the distance behind them, emphasizing her role as an overseer even during family moments. "I have so many more stories to tell you..." he promised as she gazed at the image and all the Pokemon in it. "I'm... Not a perfect person. I have my flaws, I've done good and bad things... Some of which I'll never forget, or... Live down..." he admit, glancing away guiltily.

"But... One thing I will always do, is live for, and protect the people I care about most. If you'll let me, I'll do the same for you. No matter what." he vowed. "My whole family is made of people who suffered, who were abused and cast out just because of who they were, and together we fought past everything, and were able to be together like this. To smile through it all, and stand without any weights on our shoulders." he point out. "The world will be the way the world is, but that doesn't mean you can't create your own little world within it, one all your own that has all the happiness and peace you'll ever need. Sometimes, it just takes a little help to make that little world." he coaxed before reaching out and placing his hand on her head. "How you were born doesn't matter, the past will always be behind you. What really counts? It's the story of how you overcome it all, and you've already made one heck of a beginning to your story... I just wanna help you fill out the rest of the pages, if that's okay." he chuckled, pulling his hand back and standing. "...Will you keep trying, so I can tell you the rest of my story too?" he asked with the glow of the pond reflecting on him, making his aura seem all the warmer. "It's true, I'm a human, part of the same race that caused you so much pain. If there's anyone you shouldn't trust, maybe it would be me... But could it really hurt to try? After all... I've opened up to you, and now you know things I haven't even told the others yet. I trust you with all of that... Why not do the same for me?" he asked. Standing up, Chris pat himself off with a sigh of contentment, satisfied with getting his feelings out to the isolated Pokemon as he turned. "I'll let you have a lil' more time alone... Think about what I said, okay?" he finished, looking back with a smile.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - One More Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9TanR_3M0o Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Beginning to head off, Chris offered a wave, giving an "Enjoy the treat!" remark which made Popplio look down at her cake. Thinking about all she'd been told, combined with his treatment of her up to the current point, she reflected on how much effort he'd put into keeping her from ending her life. In a flashback moment, she thought back on the blurry sight of him rushing beneath her and catching her at the last second, taking the brunt of the landing before recalling her attack that nearly ended him. And yet despite that, he still worked to keep her alive and well. Even if she hated it, in a way there was a different sort of feeling deep down beginning to form from recalling how he'd tried to make her eat and drink, struggling to tend to her needs despite her constant refusals to live and taking all the bites and slaps she gave him in the process. And despite that, there he was, talking to her softly, offering her praise and gifts, and rather than pushing, coaxed her along and left without overwhelming her, now giving her respect as well and trusting her to be on her own. Looking at the words, though she couldn't read, the knowledge of what they meant sent twinge after twinge through her, and as these sensations gradually made their way to her heart, Popplio looked at Chris's back, thinking about his relationships not only with the Pokemon by his side now, but those in the memories he'd revealed, and for the first time she could remember, she felt herself wondering "Is it okay...?" as he continued on. Upon this thought, her eyes widened before returning her focus to the cake, looking at the word "Beautiful" and the way the surface was decorated. Looking at herself smiling, though it was so subtle one would blink and miss it, she too showed the tiniest smile in turn.

Feeling something else beginning to run through her, it wasn't the twinges of before, but rather a sprawling type of warmth that was far more surprising, and confusing than anything else she'd sensed. Nonetheless, looking back at Chris, just as she wondered if trust in him was alright, so too did she question the warmth before slowly closing her eyes and letting it spread. And sure enough, little by little, it began to radiate from her body, creating a glow separate from that of the pond as it slowly wrapped around her like a blanket, one pure in color as its waves of blue and white waft about, and within this light, a change slowly began as Chris sensed something behind him. Pausing in his steps, he slowly turned to see the final moment of Popplio's change, and as he finished turning the light around her brilliantly flashed, exposing her as a Popplio no longer, but a lone Brionne who stood with her eyes peacefully shut, savoring the last of the warmth within her as it slowly vanished before opening her eyes and looking at Chris, his expression wide eyed as he remained still. "Y-You...?" he spoke, the surprise limiting him as Brionne remained silent before giving him a single nod. Merely standing in place, he watched as she looked at her cake, slowly leaning down as she saw the icing version of herself smiling. Pausing for a moment, Brionne finally took a small bite before raising and showing Chris another smile of her own while chewing. Seeing this, he found himself shedding a tear, making the Pokemon show a curious look before he caught himself and quickly wiped it away, letting out a single sniffle before nodding with a proud smile. "Looks like you've just started a new chapter..." he point out, getting a second nod from her.

Walking up, he squat back down before the light of the pond with a "Way to go" remark, and after some time had passed, the two finally returned to the others, and as Chris walked out of the brush first, he was greeted by the groggy group that had each finished their cakes, stuffing themselves into a lethargic state as they raised and waved with slightly nauseous behavior. "Moderation is key... Methinks you ate too fast." he chuckled, noticing even Zorua had finished hers and was shaking off her own ill affects from her gluttony. "I got someone you're really gonna wanna see here." Chris point out. With each showing curious looks, Chris stepped aside with a smirk as Brionne made her way out from the brush, making the girls eyes widen while Zorua merely raised a brow. Nearby, both Sliggoo and Midna were asleep, with the slug-like Pokemon lying back on her shell while the imp rest curled on her bloated stomach, the two having eaten themselves into a light coma of sorts as they snored in their sleep. "Our friend made another step to recovery... Make sure you give her some support!" Chris grinned as Sera and Valora circled the newly evolved companion. Sweating slightly, Brionne wasn't sure of the attention, only for the two Pokemon to begin praising her new form in their own languages. Though he couldn't understand, as Chris watched the expression on Brionne was all he needed to grasp the conversation as she showed a shy, but appreciative look on her face. Though she seemed nervous, at the same time there was relief in Brionne's face that made Chris nod in approval, while nearby Zorua showed a small smirk of her own. "Not bad... I suppose..." she nodded, only to freeze once she noticed Chris smirking slyly at her.

"I heard that..." he replied. "Hush you." she sneered, making him chuckle again. "I guess I was right after all." he point out, referring to what he'd told her when he gave her a cake as well, a hint which Zorua picked up on making her face away. "Don't push it." she warned before he returned his focus to Brionne and the girls as they admired her new ears and the dress-like ruffles lining her torso. Suddenly pausing, she looked up at Chris, getting a nod from him in turn.

"No matter the bad in the world, so long as you've got good friends and family..." he reminded, his statement making Valora and Sera look at him curiously as Brionne nodded...

Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 15

Chapter 15 - A Gooey Cutie! "So... We still going in the right direction...?" Chris asked as he walked along, looking at the map on his device as they veered slightly off course. Turning his head, he focused on Brionne behind him, hitching a ride...

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 158

Chapter 158 - Justice and Jealousy "You know, you could've let me talk a little longer..." Chris point out as they rode through the city, Serenity sitting with her arms crossed and a scowl of frustration showing. "You could have act less happy."...

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 157

Chapter 157 - A Cause Worth Fighting For! "So... You said something about expecting me...?" Chris asked as he walked along the second floor of the Temple's main chamber alongside Mother Tsarea, having finished her evening services for those who...

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