The Price of a Bear

Story by Marcus Callahan on SoFurry

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I hit the lights and the red and blue spinners throw some garish shadows around the ally ways. I don't know what's up with this guy, for the last hour he's been trailing around the streets. On it's own that's not so odd if it wasn't a quarter to twelve at night. He's driving like a lost dog looking for home, I can connect with that. Being a werewolf and all.

It takes him a moment to notice I'm there, another moment before he realizes I'm there for him and he grips the steering wheel angrily. He pulls off pretty quickly, but waits for me to walk up to the driver side window, my nose tells me that he's not happy but I've got a gun, and five inch talons. The guy flinches when he notices I'm a 'wolf but recovers when he sees the shiny P.D badge. I ask him what he's doing, roaming the streets at a time like this. He says he's cruising for hoes. I believe him he looks the part, something odd about him.

I tell him it's illegal to 'cruise for hoes' around this part and pull out my ticket book. I have to lean in to get his license and registration. That's when he grabs me by the throat. No human can grab a wolf by the throat, this guy is something else.

He turns my head so I can face him, eye to eye. He almost spits out that he's a bear, that he's been a bear his whole life, that the one day he goes looking for a hoe that can take an ursine cock his size, a fucking werewolf cop pulls him over. I think he's talking about me.

Werebear, well that explains a lot. He releases my throat and I tell him it's not so bad being a cop. He glares at me but it's broken the tension and I suddenly realize that he's not bad looking.

I ask what he's looking for in a partner and I don't need to add hidden meaning into my words. He looks me over, nervous at my bold step, but he's never been laid before. He thinks and I give him a choice. Follow my squad car, or not.

I'm not trying to seduce the bear or act coy in any way. He wants some action and I want some action, fair exchange so I didn't need to pull the stops out for him.

I get back behind my wheel and flatten my tail into a more comfortable position. I radio in; tell them I'm signing off; that I'll drop the car off tomorrow. I get a vague reply and turn off the dashboard.

The tires spin up gravel as I pull out into the street and the mystery bear just sits there as I drive off.

I don't look for him in the rearview mirror I just head home, He has his choice and it's up to him to take it, although I am a little nervous at my boldness.

I pull into the lot behind my apartment complex and pull out a cigarette. I didn't used to smoke, hated the things to be honest, but there's this wererat and after sex with him you'd sell your soul for a second round.

I light up and wait for the bear to park.

He walks over and steals the cigarette from my lips, draws a breath. Oh yeah, he's decided all right.

I head off up the stairs with my man-bear in tow and lead him into my apartment. We don't speak, no names, no pleasantries, only one thing will happen between us.

As soon as we get inside the cigarette finds an ashtray and before I can even ask if he wants a drink he crushes our mouths together.

Bear tastes like coffee, my cigarette and the wild. I'll tell you what, it might be his first time but he sure knows how to kiss, all tongue and teeth.

He breaks for air and tells me he likes my smell around the place. He hopes I haven't rescinded my offer. Doesn't realize he has me pinned against the wall. I'm not going anywhere.

God he can even multitask, as his lips return to mine he fumbles my uniform shirt, I only lose two buttons in the process.

He plucks me off the wall and staggers around letting his nose lead him to my room, still exploring my mouth, my tail acts as a shield against anything that gets in the way.

Finally bear gets my shirt open and runs a free hand through the thick fur on my chest, casually tweaking a nipple.

I end up thrown on the bed free to suck in a few breaths. I peel my jacket and newly opened shirt off and throw them on the floor.

Bear murmurs happily at the exposure of my thick thatch of white that decorates my chest and belly only a few shades lighter than the charcoal of the rest of my fur. Says he likes it, makes me look very mature. I say it's not fair. He's still clothed, and human. If he listens he ignores me and descends on my revealed chest wetting fur with his tongue, chewing on my nipples. I start to question the validity of his first time claim but the question never reaches open air, There's no doubt about his desperation for sex and at the rate he's suckling I can only gasp as he draws blood on my left nipple.

He stands back and surveys his work, the slathered white fur, the drop of crimson. He says he can smell more males than me on my bed and more than just one lycan species. I tell him to mind his own business and he laughs saying I'm about to be his business and asks whether he should mind me.

Bear shucks off his t-shirt brazenly exposing a silver nipple ring. He's big, well rounded, the muscles under there put mine to shame, his belly he says is a bear thing and that the nipple ring will be the only recognizable feature of his human form through his fur. The pants come off so slowly, a strip tease as he rids himself of his lower garments, tugging the snug fitting pants down those thick thighs revealing a pair of crimson boxers that must be at least five sizes too small, and pronounce the curves of his ass, and then they too are gone. But for the moment he only tempts me with those muscular buttocks, his cock he says will be part of the big reveal, he grins over his shoulder and hints at how big an unveiling it will be. I pant mostly for his benefit and tell him that whenever he's ready to go the full monty and show me his beast, I'm more than ready to look and feel this size for myself.

He bares his teeth as that grin widens, says that's good because he's just as willing to introduce me to his body. Intimately. At that look, that grin, my stomach unrepentantly flips and a dark flicker of doubt runs through me. He is big, strong, he stretches his muscles, cracks his joints impressively, a growl reverberates from deep in his lungs. He shows me his change.

Every lycanthrope transforms at their own pace and in their way. All through the species, of rat and cat, of wolf and bear and fox, no two transformations are the same.

Thick fur is the start of bear's transformation and it hides a lot of the more violent changes beneath its immense rippling chocolate brown waves. In fact the tide of fur hides far more than it reveals, enough so that his transformation is only hinted at beneath its depths.

Bear turns back toward me and true enough the nipple ring is his only noticeable feature, the shiny metal starkly contrasting against the fur.

I grin and tell him I can barely tell he's male under all that fur. As the changes continue he growls through his new ursine muzzle and tells me in explicit detail how much he's going to show me how male he is.

The noises quite down, the cracks and groans cease and the transformation from man to werebear is completed.

Bears are the only lycan species I know of whose limbs get shorter when they shift to half form, it's their torso that makes up the good five or ten extra inches of height and that is complimented with large, flat, clawed paws, a thick ursine muzzle and cute little bear ears. This is the first werebear I've seen and he is an impressive pile of masculine muscle at least a hundred extra pounds over my own weight.

Stretching again, bear regains his dignity by asking me why I'm still clothed, why my body isn't bared for his inspection. Manages to get a blush out of me as I struggle out of my uniform slacks. I don't bother with the utility belt I just dump that as well. He asks what the shorts are for I strip off the lycra compression shorts and ask whether he's ever tried to walk around with a sheath. He confesses to not trying it around humans. I stand before him, both of our lycan forms bare, unclothed, as naked as nature intended. Although for reasons far different than nature intended. For a long while we stand and admire each other contained within the dim light from the streetlamps outside

I can tell in his eyes that he is ready to take me now, without foreplay, but I know I am not ready; first I'll have to know what I'm dealing with.

His gaze draws me in, checking over the entirety of my furry form, his eyes pause here and there and he grins, compliments me on being a big dog. I tell him he hasn't seen anything yet.

Finally after an age of just looking, Bear languidly stretches out on my bed giving me full access to his ursine contours, spreading his limbs wide for my inspection of him.

I join Bear on the bed hastily, crawling up beside his body on my hands and knees working my fingers through his rough fur as I pass it. It's odd looking for a body's contours under fur as thick and dark as this. My own fur is quite short and hides very few of my lupine curves. Bear is a decisively fur laden structure however, a mass of muscles hidden discreetly by a mass of musk laden fur.

Mercilessly I tease Bear's nipple ring, the only key I have to the map of his body and he grunts and licks his muzzle as I slather attention to his concealed nipples. But I am here for more than tight nubs and before long my searching nose directs me south through his jungle of course fur, my paws glide, finding and tracing the outlines of muscles and curves.

My nose leads me to the most aromatic of fur, at the conjunction of Bears legs and one of my wandering paws grazes over a hidden nub in his crotch, something that jerks at the contact. I look to bears eyes for permission but he's lost in the massage sighing deeply with his eyes firmly closed and his shaggy head thrown back.

I wrap my paw around this nub, hardly the tip of the organ concealed but still it barely fits into my grip. I press onwards urging his meat free of its oppressive sheath.

And onwards my paw goes disappearing into the haze of fur, taking with it the cover to his tool.

Apparently crotch fur for bears is even longer than their chest fur so that I find myself drawing his moist sheath back a good nine inches before hips stop my clutching hand.

I admire the revealed flesh of ursine phallus. The cock is long and thick, slightly conical, the tip bluntly pointed and it widens substantially towards the base before thinning out where it joins him. Down its length are odd ridges and veins, aching for inspection.

I taste bear with my long, lupine tongue and he cries out. He grumbles out that my tongue feels like sandpaper and I inwardly curse my stupidity and my tongue. Outwardly I apologise, but with such tasty looking meal before me it isn't long before I'm drooling. The drool matts down the thousands of rough little hairs on my tongue, bathing them, covering them and...

Bear groans as I return my tongue now silken and smoothed out by saliva. I taste Bear as if he is an expensive dessert, my eager tongue sampling his length, his width. My tongue is alternately a whip, a hand. I can do a lot with my tongue it's my pride and joy and Bear joyfully mutters expletives as I curl it around him to tractor his sex into my mouth, engulfing the huge rod with heat and saliva while urging him deeper into my oral cavity.

Bear grabs a fistful of my mane and fucks my mouth, crushing my muzzle into his fur. He's starting to fatten and lengthen, that size, that girth and he isn't even hard yet. He lets me suckle him for ages, by let I mean he drags my head onto himself over and over again, unrelenting and in complete control of his crotch and my face, masturbating himself with my maw, pleasuring himself with my working throat although I'm not complaining at the fleshy taste in my mouth, the salty meaty taste of ursine maleness, thick cock snugly filling my throat.

I gag, splattering his crotch with saliva as bear pulls my muzzle from him, moving me down a few inches he drives my head into dense fur. My tongue explores the aromatic forest of crotch hair, soaking all in its path. But I know what I'm looking for and as soon as my tongue wraps possessively around his leathery scrotum bear encourages my stay by pinning my muzzle between his thighs, his hand still gripping in my mane.

My mouth suckles this sizeable new morsel; it misses the tasty flesh of his penis but is willing to substitute this swollen, sweaty sack of ripe testicles. The pendulous balls are rolled around in their steaming scrotum, are pulled and pressured within the suctioning of my mouth, nibbled gently by sharp teeth. The way bear holds me chokes my air supply off, I'm suffocating in his wild smell and my mouth is lost in the taste and texture of his huge, undulating sperm factory.

Again I'm unwillingly plucked from my meal. Before me is Bears beloved cock. He's big, far thicker and longer than before. The veins have expanded filled with blood, the ridges have also become more prominent like jagged peaks on a mountain and the conical shape is greatly enhanced. I will him to throw my mouth back onto his shaft so I can relive the tastes and sample these new erotic textures. His length is still coated in my drool from my last encounter with it, slick and rubbery, if he wasn't gripping my hair I would be diving upon him.

As I watch his tip it emits a pearlescent droplet, an offering from deep within his streaming ballsack, my exploring and oral teasing seems to have paid off in the form of this shiny, creamy droplet. Oh how I want it but Bear teases me for a long while holding me at range before drifting my head closer. Near enough so my stretching tongue can steal this treasure I worked so hard for but not near enough for me to engulf the rest of him. And so my tongue tip curls and lifts the fragrant droplet from its ridged pedestal, it runs over my taste buds enlightening them to this new taste of bear before slowly retuning it to my maw where I delight in the ursine offering.

Bear draws me up the length of his prone form, still forcefully commanding my head through his savage, aromatic wilderness of dark fur until I straddle his hips and our lips are forced together by his rabid clutching of my mane. For a moment we fight for his tasty droplet, a titan battle of teeth and tongue until we are both sharing blood.

Bear finally releases my mane; he allows my small victory and a moments respite to pant in a few breaths. He informs me that my tail is wagging madly, that he hasn't even started with me yet. I can feel it behind me generating a small hurricane as it wags, I can also feel my cock pressed into his stomach, having slipped from my sheath hopeful for action in his course belly fur.

Bear captures my flailing tail and I grunt at the ursine restraint, I grunt again as his other hand maneuvers the tip of his drool slicked shaft against my asshole.

Sneaky, sneaky bear.

I know what he's after now. But I can't. I inform him that it's been too long since I was fucked last, that I need some time and some prep before being broken in by something that big.

He asserts his dominance, cajoles, taunts, threatens, comforts, begs all the while pressing at my passage and I realize something, forcefully restrained in his grip, far, far too late I recognize the look in his eyes. The beast, more than willing to go the extra yard, I'm suddenly scared. If I fight, I'll lose and he wants me to fight. I have initiated this, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to get him to go slow and gently, but I doubt it

I succumb. He asks for certainty as if it's my choice, as if he won't force himself upon me if I decline, as if a part of me isn't begging as well and I uncertainly agree a second time. Time to reap what I've sown.

Bear drags me down by my tail, so my head rests under his chin, and then he jerks his hips thrusting his massive phallus between my asscheeks.

He doesn't penetrate with the first tearing thrust but it fucking hurts anyway as his sharp tip tears at the flesh below my sphincter. Again for his second time his pointed spear fails, the thrust goes far too low against sensitive skin and I cringe and whine at his attempt. I'm not ready for this, for him.

He pauses for a few seconds to encourage me; he says all the right things. Chaste his lips meet mine and he thrusts a third trying to catch me off guard. Almost succeeds, the very tip, the pointed tip presses at me but he loses traction and slips agonizingly from me.

It's only the forth attempt that he succeeds and penetrates only because of the sheer violence of the thrust and I do cry out and thrash in pain, trying to escape him. Trying to escape my decision

He looks me in the eye from no distance and tells me to relax my tight little wolf hole, says I'm not making this easy for him. I can't order my body to relax past what I'm already trying

Bear's hands switch to my hips and he holds me still, just within my breeched defenses, waiting. It hurts, I can feel that he has torn my sphincter in his haste, but I'm not bleeding badly.

I'm glad that I got him off the street, no ordinary whore would have been able to take this and I know he would have tried anyway. No, it takes a special whore, a stupid cop werewolf whore.

Bear senses that I'm ready; I'm not and get a fresh batch of agony as he begins to fuck me. I should have insisted in getting prepped or at least lube, the only reduction to our friction is my quickly drying saliva But it is too late now, bear is fucking me and he has no qualms about it being raw and dry as he hunches his fat cock up into my rectum. This is a position that I should be taking initiative in but I'm acting the submissive. Letting bear do what he can. And he can do a lot; in fact he uses my body to pleasure himself, pulling me onto his prick like a possessed man.

I moan as every penis ridge makes my rectum home and bear claims his ownership of me. He's hurting me, dragging me back and forth on his cock and he knows it whispering encouraging nothings in my rushing ear. It isn't too long before bear is unable to access me further from beneath me. He says how great it will be when we roll over, how much better it will feel. I try to soothe the fire, tell him how great it is like this, how sexy it is like this. But bear just smiles sweetly in complete control as his bulk rolls us over and I am pinned fully beneath him, for a second he reads the pain and unease on my face and I have a glimmer of hope that he will find reason and release me.

A fool's hope. Bear's muzzle locks with my uncooperative one and he surges forward. I don't scream as he thrusts deeper into my body but my mouth opens in a grunt of pain, allowing him to explore me with his own. In a position where he can fully utilize his body he begins screwing me like any other bear would screw its mate, hard, deep, and brutal. But I am no bear; I'm half a wolf and half a man. Neither parts of me are designed to take such a cock, now both parts of me are being forced to. For his part bear pants and grunts as he hovers over me. His powerful forearms pin my shoulders to the bed holding me immobile against his increasingly violent thrusting. My mouth still grunts, in pain. Were he human or 'rat or even to an extent another 'wolf I would and already have been able to adapt but Bears shaft is thicker the further you go down its length forcing my anus wider with every inch he thrusts into me.

Twice bear compliments on my tightness, grinning down at my agonized form as he steadily bores me with his fat ursine phallus.

By now, the first hour, my saliva has long since dried up and Bear's penis rips and tears thin flesh with his manic pounding, punishing my undeserving sphincter with his huge, dry sex.

His beady bear eyes darken as the smell of blood and arousal reaches our nostrils and the harsh ripping sound generated by his massive tool permeates the night air.

Words that are mostly growls escape him, he says that he's fucking me good and raw, reminds me I'm his bitch, how it's my duty to pleasure him.

Bear grunts, ramming himself into my body, thrusting into me while a thick vein on the underside of his meat adds a new dimension of pain. He delights at my whimpers, alternating angle and stroke as he gains ever more depth. He utters a few more profanities and painfully reopens the bite on my nipple.

Even my exposed cock hurts, rubbed raw between our rough furs.

Bear growls and it frightens me. Even now my torn anus is refusing him, is completely refusing his titanic cock base. For a werebear, to get this far and not be able to fully fuck his mate it is completely unacceptable for him to relent.

I roar in agony and actually beg him to stop but Bear is possessed, incapable of surrendering to my bowels, he ignores my plea. Bear rears up onto his hind legs, anchors my thighs with his forelegs.

He yanks me back and simultaneously rams forward, but even all this ursine power but does not achieve his goal. And so he tries again, another thrust that makes my bowels shudder under the impact and tears a shrill cry from my raw vocal chords.

He draws my ass back over his whole length suspending my body with his strength, he holds me so just his penile tip is inside my gaping, inflamed hole, listens to my frantic pleas. Tells me to shut up, says I'm about to get just what I wanted, a whole ursine cock crammed balls deep in my ass, he tells me that I love bear cock or I wouldn't have asked for it, tells me that everyone knows what a bear cock is like, that some people become obsessed by the size, hunger for it, he tells me it's obviously the case with me, that my secret is safe how much I obviously want this. He calls me his bitch again. Says nothing more.

A deep roar builds up from within Bears gullet. Propelled by the fury at my bodys defiance, his apparent inability to finish the job, embarrassment over how de-masculated he'd feel should he have to pull out.

I feel Bears body coil with every rising octave, every muscle tightening, stretching his tendons, straining as he tenses for one last thrust still precariously positioned just within my asshole.

At the apex of the werebears bellowing roar, he throws his hardest thrust into me. It is a thrust generated and propelled using his entire body, sufficient strength to knock down walls yet he uses it here for one thrust into my bowels.

He is a tank, a speeding freight train into my already brutalized rectum, boreing his impossible flesh as deep into me as he can go.

Thicker and thicker it gets as the inches fly forward. His strength is unbeatable, his momentum only increases. My ass can no longer slow his invasion and he isn't slowing down under his own steam.

So as the walls stop shaking from his mighty roar Bear's massive penis base rips my gaping hole wider as he tears his whole shaft into my ass, like squeezing a Virginia baked ham into a mouse hole.

Such a union is not meant to be, I can feel that he has ripped something, several things with his conquest of me. I can only whimper pitifully at the pain but I won't give him the satisfaction of my tears even now after all of this he won't see my tears.

Bear's tongue licks around his muzzle and he laughs a baritone, masculine sound, tells me that everything can fit with effort, says I should be happy now that I've got what I wanted. He looks to our union and those dark eyes light up, he tells me how arousing my impaled ass looks, bulging with his thick cock and dripping with blood, how he loves the feeling of my contracting bowels, how horny I make him.

I can barely muster the energy for another agonized yelp as he draws his lumbering bulk back so that his huge penis base rests in the grasp of my freshly ripped sphincter. He just leaves it there laughing as my body squirms in agony around his impaler.

Then finally he pulls out, all the way so I am free of him, his cock bobbing in the open air.

Two seconds later he jams his huge phallus straight back in, right to his hilt so his balls bruise my ass with an almighty thwack, shows me the difference between having no bear cock in my ass to being entirely stuffed with bear cock, his demonstration only easier due to the flow of blood.

Bear grunts and groans as deeply rooted as his body will go without cramming his testicles inside me as well. He fucks me now, his huge cock using my rectum without resistance.

To penetrate me even deeper Bear returns his sweaty, fragrant body to mine, smothering me under his heady chest fur. His jarring thrusts position his muzzle so close to my ear I can hear every pleasured pant as he drills me. As his beast mates me

My legs hang limply either side of his thrusting hips and my tail is angled painfully under his jerking body out between his pumping legs. Time and time again his length disappears into me punctuated by a thick squelch at every in thrust, a dull smack as his testicles bounce off me

I lose track of time as the numbness spreads out from my sphincter which flares only when he misses a thrust or angles his shaft differently, then I feel pain, in fact the only mark to the passage of time is Bear himself constantly panting and grunting into my ear

His breathing deepens, becoming more labored and the loud groans in my ear become thicker and huskier, a telltale sign of an approaching orgasm, his body too finds a common orgasmic pattern, inside me thrusts turn more erratic, more painful, becoming jerking spastic assaults on my tender bowels.

Finally after an age of mating torment, where I have been subject to the harshest, cruelest fucking I have ever encountered, a fuck where I have been forced to beg and bleed and cry to pleasure the man at my hole. After all this Bear comes to a rest fully inside me, touching my deepest places with his painfully enormous beastial cock, growling and nibbling my shoulder.

Something happens that I cannot believe is possible, I notice it immediately but my mind refuses to accept, it seems so unfair after all I have just been through after hours of brutal fucking. But it is happening anyway, deep inside my bowels. Bear's engorged phallus is growing.

Deep masculine laughter returns full force to my ears. It is that raucous laughter of a bear thoroughly amused at my disbelief.

He informs me, with great delight and male pride, how big he is getting inside me what sort of size is now making room inside me. I cannot believe him, even as my insides are forced to accommodate growing ursine cock. All I know is that he is too big, far too big for any non ursine to take. Bear knows this, knew it all along. He goes as far as to apologize but I doubt the sincerity in his words as he groans a feral groan of pleasure at this new dominance.

If and when I choose to utilize my phallus knot and tie a mate to me during sex, I let the other party know full in advance what me and my penis can do, it became a mating rule of mine, so that the other party can choose to accept me or not and even those with more spacious passages will feel discomfort at the wolfs formidable bulge.

Had bear told me what he was capable of in advance, had he the same rules as I have, I would have cut my losses, maybe sucked him off. I think that is why he didn't tell me.

The tip of Bears cock, one of the smallest parts of his member is almost as rippled and budged as my knot was capable of becoming, if you can imagine what my knot is like, almost the size of an orange, then you can imagine how thick his smallest end was, as for his thickest part it is too big to contemplate let alone take inside of you unprepared. Bear says that he's seventeen inches fully pumped and erect, more than half that across and as he finishes growing I don't doubt him now. I can feel him, without even moving the bulk of his body, burrowing into my intestines.

For a while I wonder how even another bears insides can take this, bear tells me the only one that doesn't get hurt during bear sex is the fucker. I suddenly remember that of all the people I know only one had sex with a bear. He said it's something you won't ever forget. Bastard.

Bear yells fuck from the bottom of his ursine lungs, rattling the windows in their frames, his body contracts and every part of him seems to jerk toward his crotch. He informs me that this will hurt too.

It does.

His first spasm of ejaculation lasts five seconds. For five seconds his cock delivers his first payload of sperm into my ass, one continual blast. And a blast it is, a searing shot that spews literal ropes of cum to lash deep into my intestinal tract.

Bear grunts and contracts, I feel another bulge pump through his shaft right from his cock base, when it reaches the tip he fires again but there is no hollow space inside me to accept semen and even bear's spasmodic phallus can't force cum to flood my stomach, so the creamy delivery searches for an alternate exit, one plugged with seventeen inches of solid bear cock.

Another grunt, another seminal volley. My insides are distending around his implacable phallus, the space filling with pressurized bear semen. The pressure as my bowels inflate around his shaft is too intense for me, I cry out in pain. As we watch, even externally you can see bear fill me, my lower stomach bulges slightly, as if he is actually making me pregnant

Surging from his mighty fuck tool, semen is again forced into my packed spaces and my stomach fattens considerably more but this time it finds the exit and I almost scream as the saline in his cum works into the wounds inflicted to my raw exit.

I can only groan and try not to thrash, bear doesn't have a knot to tie to his mate, his cock is a knot, the whole beastial tool. His shaft still ejaculates, thick sperm ropes filling me past overflowing so his copious spendings stream from my battered anus to soak my sheets time and time again.

Bear is lost in the orgasmic afterglow, still pumping inside me. He doesn't look the brutal fucker now. He looks peaceful after stealing my intestinal virginity, hovering over me, seeding me far past where any cock has ventured.

Ten minutes he stays there, rooted inside me, finishing off his anal ejaculations with the look of a bear whose been well fed.

Yes, bear has fucked me over good.

Bear shuffles backwards and I ask him what the fuck he thinks he's doing. He looks at me and says he's taking a shower, wants to wash the cum and blood off himself so his fur doesn't become a bloody mess. I tell him to wait, saying his huge cock far too deep in me.

The languid grin returns to bears muzzle, a look that's says he's proud at the fact he's made me his bottom bitch, even though I'm trying to save myself. He says he doesn't understand me, first I want it and come to him begging for it, then I don't want it and whine, and now that he's here I want it to stay in me. Says he's tempted but needs a shower, he tries to tug himself from me but that's not going to happen any time soon, not without...

Bear cups my buttocks but before I can yell at him to stop he jerks himself backwards, the pain is indescribable, I almost pass out but unmercifully I am still awake to feel what he is subjecting my body to now he has finished sex.

He gets frustrated again, far too soon. He's fucked me, used me as his cum bucket, now that he's had his fun he wants out of my worn body.

As he tugs I can hear the drying semen in my ass squelch loudly with every move Bear makes as he wildly tries wrenching himself from my depths, encouraging my ruined sphincter to open to even greater dimensions than he has already forced it to accept, he put in fourteen, fifteen inches now he's trying to take out seventeen.

The animal is just as brutal with his withdrawal as he is with his invasion, forcing my legs apart, tugging at my thighs until I'm sure that a leg will dislocate. I can feel that the bones of my pelvis are actually being wedged apart by the massive girth of his bloated arousal and it's only being forced more as his fat shaft beats against my exit.

My body tries a last ditch effort to encourage bears stay, the only thing it can do in a situation like this. I feel in despair as all my muscles tighten, even the torn, savaged ones, my body spasms as he attempts to pull me off him, lightning travels up my nervous system and finally I pass out from the pain of extraction.

I'm woken up by a hard shove, then another.

Slowly my eyes crack open against my will and I'm staring into the face of a werebear. He frowns, looks confused, says he thought he'd killed me, I'm not entirely sure he hasn't.

My whole rear end burns in agony but since he's standing there I can assume he succeeded extracting himself from me. He's sitting on the edge of the bed leaning over so we are face to face. He kisses me and I manage to not bite him, he stands up and laughs, says he's glad he doesn't have cop killer on his rap sheet. Then a sly smile, he says that he was sure I'd want to see his cock while it's still huge after just cumming, see how much of him I'd taken.

He turns around brining his impaler to view. It's gigantic, the biggest cock I've ever laid eyes on, seventeen inches of raging ursine fuckmuscle. It's shaped like an arrowhead, like one of the stone ones from the history shows, long and rough, ridged and jagged the whole length of the tool, it scares me to know that I was fucked by that, almost doubt it but the telltale signs are there, my blood coats the rough phallus, making his cock an evil looking bloodstained weapon, one that has brutally fucked me for hours and inseminated passages I don't even have names for.

Bear laughs at my astonishment and says he needs that shower, trudging off to my bathroom in all his naked ursine glory.

I hate him silently.

The shower starts, the rhythmic deluge gives me something conscious to concentrate on, my body is begging for sleep but I have to see the damage. For five minutes I roll over onto my stomach, freeing my tail, relieved to find that the damage is all anal. I try to touch myself there to ascertain how great the damage is but it hurts too much and I can't quite bring myself to.

My whole lower boy is now soaked from the pool of fluids that bear left, a huge dark patch that soaks most of the sheet, some of it is still thick and white, some still thick and red. Matting my fur against me. I'm glad for the plastic layer or my mattress would be as fucked as me.

Bear emerges from the shower, fresh and clean.

He walks over to my prone face down form and groans loudly. He laughs and jokes that I should hold that position. He leans forward, his big bear hands run through the soft fur between my thighs; I don't even have the energy to tell him to get lost.

With one hand he pulls me down the bed until my head rests in the pool of excess and I'm forced to inhale his scent, but that is not the objective, no the objective is to have my legs hang off the edge of the bed. His hand probes up my thigh toward my destroyed anus and my tail snaps down between my legs to guard me from his renewed intrusions.

The bastard laughs again, tells me not to be like that, reminds me how I begged for him to stay in me. I wonder if he realizes I begged him to stay to prevent further damage. One hand grips the base of my tail and jerks it painfully away, he whistles softly, notes how raw the damage looks. I can imagine.

He crams a thick finger into my burning rectum and I have to bite down into the sodden sheet to stop my cries of pain, my mouth comes alive with the combined taste of bear and myself.

He frigs me with that finger until its slick with the liquids from my hole, then it withdraws so his muzzle can suckle the juices. Twin thuds sound behind me and my rear twitches at the feel of a harsh, hot breath. I whine loudly as his tongue works into my ruined hole following the progress of his finger, tasting my tainted rectum. It's a long tongue, rough, rasping at my insides as he laps at our liquids, reveling in our taste reinforcing my knowledge that saliva is a good preventative against rectal ripping, not as a cure, had this been his first gesture in mating I may have made it through, or at least have been more willing.

Bear withdraws his tongue slowly. He pauses to tell me that I should thank him for loosening me so much, that now my hole gapes so widely that I'll now easily be able to take bear cock, mentions a sex starved friend that's also a werebear, before saying that he'll demonstrate how loose I am. He positions himself behind me, on his knees then he surges forward with his gigantic penis and totally unconcerned at my pain he fucks me again.

It's quicker this time, the pounding of my hole. I suppose that being so close to his last orgasm makes bear more aroused, or maybe the pain makes me lose time, whatever the reason it takes bear only minutes to reach the plump form he managed before as he pummels his own cum out of the way.

I think he pretends to work at making it more beneficial to me because he reaches under me, rubs my sheath for a while but he quickly abandons his sole attempt at arousing me and resumes harshly ploughs my aching backside.

For reasons unknown to me Bear chooses not to seed my bowels again, no this time he pulls out, sighing and groaning he masturbates himself and when he ejaculates it sprays all over me, covering my back with thick ropes of bear jizm, it goes further, reaching to soak my mane and shoulders, painting me with his seed anointing my entire body with the scents of his sexual release, with his cum claiming me against any other predators that want to fuck me.

As a final statement his shaft forces my jaw wide and a group of forceful volleys from his cannon flood my mouth with hot, fresh bear semen, straight from his huge balls to my maw. He holds my head on his squirting cock until my cheeks bulge and I'm forced to swallow his generous deposit of sperm then he releases me, jacks twice on his cock and sprays one last load all over my face.

He stands and admires his work grunting in approval he utters cum for the cum puppy. It's one I've heard before although not with so much of the stuff.

I'm covered with drying clumps of bear semen both inside and outside, my rectum, my stomach, my fur, skin and hair. Just another whore covered in the cum of his fuck.

Bear sighs, contented but doesn't stay, he returns to human form, drags on his clothes, watches my prone body, slathered with cum and sweat and blood. Says he's glad that he's now found a bearcock taking bitch, that he and his werebear friend will enjoy me many more times.

As he makes leave he grabs a cigarette and leaves with two parting gifts, a trail of smoke and a promise of his return.

Comments? Criticisms? Flames? All welcome: [email protected]