Species Survived

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A trade with Duhad written in November 2018

As the small sleek ship smoothly sailed just below the solar skies, Fulton sighed and looked out the cockpit window to the surface. Below was much of the same since he and his co-pilot Collins had seen since they had started the survey: aged architecture, crumbling roads and bridges, and other such signs of a civilization that had once existed on this world, a world not so much unlike Earth which was why it should have been interesting. It was habitable and exactly what the fleet desired and yet Fulton sighed again as they passed miles upon miles of the decaying remnants of a culture that no longer mattered.

"This is a waste of time," he growled.

"Huh?" Collins blinked and sat up in his seat. "What is?"

"Chasing this signal," Fulton said. He waved a hand towards the window. "We should just call the fleet and say things are good to go. We're--"

"Following protocol," Collins said. "Who knows? Maybe there's some of...well, whatever these people were left underground or something."

"Our subsurface scans would have showed that," Fulton snorted. "Plus, why would they be living underground? The surface isn't irradiated or anything."

"Maybe they know something we don't," Collins suggested.

"Ha!" Fulton laughed. "No. They don't know nothing. Know why?"


"They're extinct. Dead. Since thousands of years ago. Hmph. And people are always complaining about how we're self destructive as a race. Well look at these losers--they definitely lost the space race."

"That's not what that means. I mean, I don't think it does."

"I don't care," Fulton huffed. "You know what I mean."

"Umm..." Collins scratched his head. "What did you mean?"

"I..." Fulton sighed and shook his head. "Forget about it."

"Whatever you say..."

Collins sat back in his seat and closed his eyes just as the control panel beeped. Immediately he was upright and alert again, but Fulton was already going over the source of the disturbance.

"Finally!" Fulton exclaimed. "Computer found the source and..."

The ship suddenly shook and both men grabbed at their armrests.

"Huh," he said. "We're here already. Strange, it's like..."

"Like what?" Collins asked.

"Like we might not be wasting too much more time," Fulton smirked. "Buckle in. We're landing."

The ship suddenly stopped sailing so smoothly. Fulton growled and gritted his teeth, though he smirked a bit at the worried expression on Collins's face.

"Cheer up, buttercup," Fulton said. "Weren't you listening? We're landing, not crashing."

"What's the difference with this hunk of junk?"

For that Fulton had no answer. While their scout ship was graceful in the skies, its performance in landing was not quite so smooth. Fulton was soon back to grimacing as the ship creaked and shuddered with every moment of descent. His frown only deepened when he thought that landing meant they would have to take off again too, a process somehow even worse than landing. He sighed once more and watched as the remnants of the long dead civilization came closer and closer. Their landing area was no different than the rest of what he had seen; if anything, this area was littered with rusted, rectangular metal buildings that Fulton could only guess were used as storage, housing, or both and one of them contained the source of the signal. His gaze swept over them and then his vision blurred as the ship seemingly dropped out of the sky. He gritted his teeth tighter together and heard Collins scream as they fell faster and faster, Fulton's stomach seemingly migrating up to his mouth. Fulton choked back bile, closing his eyes and shuddered as the ship suddenly stopped. His stomach settled back into place as the ship too slowly settled onto the ground, the control panel beeping followed by a rush of air as the ramp came down. Fulton opened his eyes and stood, stretching his back as he looked over to Collins. The man sat, his eyes wide open and his face pale.

"What the heck was that?" Collins said, voice barely above a whisper.

"Hell if I know," Fulton said. "Let's just hope it'll take off after that."

Collins nodded and leaned forward. He looked over the control panel and shrugged.

"Everything looks fine," he said. "Maybe it was just..." He frowned and sat back. "I don't know. Everything seems fine..."

"Thanks for that insight," Fulton said. "Now come on. Let's find this signal so we can get this over with. The sooner we find it, the sooner we're back on the Independent."

"Unless we find something else," Collins said.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Something...something interesting?"

"Again, you're so insightful," Fulton said, rolling his eyes. "There's nothing interesting here, Collins."

"What are you talking about?" Collins said. "This is what we've been looking for! A planet far from EG jurisdiction with plenty of water and liveable without any sort of terraforming or life support equipment. This is gold, Fulton. Pure gold!"

"Really?" Fulton said, looking out the window. "Because all I see is rust."

"You know what I mean," Collins huffed.

"Oh yeah?" Fulton snorted. "What do you mean?" He held up a hand. "Don't tell me yet. Let's get to the surface. I've got the MUT. Don't forget the pack this time.

Collins nodded, the two grabbing their respective equipment. After a minute, Fulton led the way, Collins following as they walked down the ramp. As they emerged from the ship, Fulton took a deep breath of air and smiled. It was good, clean air, reminding him so much of a home he now regretted living.

"Alright," he said, looking down at the MUT. He pointed towards the mass of rusted, rectangular buildings they had landed just outside of. "Says it's in there."

"Where?" Collins asked.

"Umm..." Fulton frowned. "That one, I think?"

"Ok. Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Forgetting something?"

"What I meant?"

Fulton rolled his eyes.

"Ok," he said, walking towards the building. "What did you mean?"

"That we've done it!" Collins said, excitedly behind him. "Us! We! You and I! We scouted out the perfect planet. This world is meant for us! And..." He smiled. "You're probably right. This signal probably is a waste of time, but it's not really a waste if it's that final confirmation that there's nothing here that would threaten our settling down here. Heck, maybe it'll help us."

"Help us?" Fulton peered at Collins. "You're expecting something here, aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes at the other man. "Do you know something I don't?"

"No," Collins said, shaking his head. "Call me an optimist--"


"--but I'm hoping that it's like...a time capsule."

"A...time capsule?"

"Yeah, full of all this species' information and learnings and philosophy. A different perspective, you know?"

"I know," Fulton said, holding a hand up as they reached the building. "Huh. This must be the back. Must be someway in because I don't see..."

He went around the side and Collins tagged behind.

"What do you know?" Collins asked.

"Hmm?" Fulton grunted. "That that's stupid."


"Yeah," Fulton nodded and smiled as he came upon an opening in the building, a doorway that may have once had a door but no longer. He peered inside, but it was empty. He shrugged and stepped inside.

"Why?" Collins murmured, stepping in after him.

"Because you wouldn't be able to understand it," Fulton said. "At least not until the translation techs get to it and even then there's no guarantee that...what the fuck?"

"What?" Collins asked.

"It's just that..." Fulton frowned and stared down at the MUT. "It says the signal is coming from here but..." He looked up and around the empty room. "There's nothing here."

"Maybe it's a glitch?"

"Maybe but..." Fulton shook his head and began to pace around the room. "I knew this was a waste of time. Fucking hell, Collins, we could have--agh!"

Fulton was falling. It was so sudden that Fulton swore that his scream still hung in the air where he had just been, in that rusted metal building but now he was falling, falling in the dark, falling in the dark. The MUT slipped out of his hands and he grabbed for it, but it was falling much faster than him and so was Collins too, the other man tumbling past him with a cry.

"Collins!" Fulton screamed, or tried to scream but all that came out was a grunt as he hit the ground--soft, padded ground, so soft that there was no pain from the sudden landing and yet the wind was still knocked out of him. He groaned and rolled over onto his back, wheezing for air as he felt his face come to rest against something metallic and yet slightly warm. He quickly realized he was laying his head on the MUT. In the dark he awkwardly stumbled to his feet, still panting for breath as he picked up the MUT.

"Collins?" he said, glancing around. He heard a moan and turned to see the dark outline of his co-pilot slowly standing up. Fulton yelped when he noticed another shape by Collins, a shimmering, swirling mass of gold and red.

"Collins, look out!" Fulton shouted, pointing towards it.

"Huh?" Collins turned his head, shouted, and jumped back. At that moment, white light flooded the area. Fulton winced and raised, blinking back the sudden illumination while he watched the swirling mass form into a shape humanoid and yet not human. It was human enough, yes, standing on two legs and generally human in form, but it also had wings and claws and a pointed reptilian snout all composed off the red and gold substance that upon closer inspection appeared to be letters from some alien language.

"What..." Fulton blinked. "What the fuck is that?"

"Me?" the digital dragon tilted its head. "I am...well, I don't have a name. I wasn't given one. I'm just an artificial intelligence."

"You speak Spacer?" Collins said in awe.

"Only recently," the AI said. It motioned towards the MUT. "Thanks to that interesting device. So much information in so little!"

"The multi user tool?" Fulton said. "But..." he shook his head and pulled the device protectively to his chest. "I didn't say you could touch it!"

"Oh, my apologies," the AI murmured. "And you also have my thanks."

"Your thanks?"

"Yes!" the AI crowed. "For finding me. You've saved our race."

"What are you talking about?" Fulton growled. "You're not making any sense!"

"Shh!" Collins said, putting a finger to his lips.

"Don't shush me!" Fulton yelled.

"It's just a shame there's so few of you. Ah, but a start is a start!"

"What are you--" Fulton began, any further words lost as the room flooded with a red gas. He coughed and covered his mouth, backing away from the AI while Collins did likewise.

"Doing? Why, we're beginning! This introduction of nanites should do the trick!"

"N-nanites?" Collins whimpered. "Did he just say nanites?"

"Indeed I did! Enough of them to ensure you are extremely virile members of your race!"

"But I already am!" Fulton protested, trying to bat away the gaseous cloud even as it coalesced around him and seemed to sink into his and Collins's skin. "I've got a son in every port."

"He really does!" Collins said.

"Ah," the AI said. "You seem to be confused and I don't blame you. This is a grand task you're undertaking. The rebirth of a species is a big responsibility!"

"Rebirth of a..." Fulton growled and lunged at the AI, only for the construct to disappear with a shimmer and reappear inches away. "What the fuck are you on about?"

"F-fulton, your skin!" Collins exclaimed.

"He said species, not skin!" Fulton hissed, turning towards his co-pilot. He meant to say more, but then he saw what Collins meant. The other man's skin was shedding its hair and his skin had started to shimmer with black scales. Fulton looked down at his own hands and let out a yelp when he saw that the same was happening to him and, now that he saw it, he felt it. His whole body itched and he shivered as he felt the scales subsume skin. He balled his hands into fists, at least until he felt his nails turned claws start to dig into his palms. He opened his hands and stared down at them, still human in structure and yet less human in appearance with every passing moment, the black, leathery scales nearly glistening under the bright illumination. He looked at the AI.

"What..." he swallowed. "What are you doing to us?"

"Interesting," the AI said, putting its hands on its hips. "I've told you already and yet you ask again. Perhaps I overestimated your base form's intelligence. I may need to adjust your mind."

"You're not touching my mind, you alien fuck!" Fulton shouted. "You're not--argh!"

Fulton screamed as his face wrenched forward, the man falling to his knees as he felt at his face with his now clawed hands. He let out another yell that cut off to a pitiful hiss as his jaw pressed forward into a proto muzzle, nose sinking away into two small slits at the end. He grit his teeth, wincing as they sharpened and spaced out further apart in his stretching snout. He felt his hands pressed back by his snout's growth while his ears shrank away into two indiscernible holes. For a second, his hearing totally left him and Fulton could only stare soundlessly at his stretching snout and spreading scales. Then his hearing returned with a ring and a pop just as he felt another wrenching sensation, this time near his rear. He fell on his back and whimpered as something pressed out of the base of his spine, poking and prodding against the confines of his pants. He shook his head, the hair falling away and leaving him with a bare scalp as he hastily undid his belt. He angrily threw it away at the AI, who again disappeared and reappeared, this time right in front of Fulton.

"You seem distressed," the AI said, peering down at the changing human. "This is surprising?"

"Surprising?" Fulton spat, his voice now carrying an ever present hiss especially as the scales spread over his slightly thickening neck. "You're turning us into freaks!"

"Freaks?" the AI murmured. "But this is perfection!"

Fulton opened his snout to reply, but all he did was flick out his thinning, forking tongue at the AI as he panted and wheezed, chest rising and falling as the scales rapidly overcame his torso. His heart thudded, each beat followed by surge of growth as what could only be his tail pressed out and out above his increasingly scaly rear. Within his boots, his toes thickened and pressed out, new talons scratching against their confines. In the next moment, his boots burst apart, his new claws clicking against the floor while his feet adjusted to allow for digitigrade walking.

"This is perfection," Collins said in a hushed tone.

Fulton turned his head and saw that his co-pilot was faring no better than him. Faring no better, and yet he seemed overjoyed, his draconic snout set into a serpentine smile that only fell away temporarily as twin horns pushed out from the back of his head, ones that gradually curled forward. Frills formed at the side of his head, and they glowed with an iridescent gold.

"Perfect? Collins, what are you--nngh..." Fulton groaned as his horns pushed out and his frills came, though his glowed an angry red. "What are you saying?"

"That this is, well..." Collins smiled and ripped away his pilot's jacket to reveal his chest scales that glowed the same gold as his frills. "This is perfection!"


"We're becoming better, don't you see?" Collins said. "This world is meant for us!"

"You...you..." Fulton shivered, falling forward onto his claws and arching his back as his tail stretched longer and thicker. "Your mind's been messed with!"

"No, no," Collins said, shaking his head. He got to his feet and stood confidently in a new stance that wasn't quite so different than the old. He didn't even flinch as a pair of translucent, golden glowing wings sprouted from his back, only shivering slightly. "I speak for myself."

"But..." Fulton whimpered as his shoulder blades ached. Before he could react, his wings burst from his back, ripping his jacket to tattered and leaving his back exposed. He shuddered, and the rags fell away to reveal a chest glowing red that was beginning to brighten into yellow.

"But what, Fulton?" Collins asked. "This world is meant for us and that means we must be meant for this world."

Fulton growled and shook his head. He looked up at the AI and narrowed his eyes at it, his gaze momentarily hazy as his pupils shrank into dark slits and his sclera turned yellow.

"You did something to him," he said. "Stop messing with his mind!"

"I did nothing," the AI said. "Other than introduce the nanites, of course. It seems your friend is more intelligent than you. He recognizes his destiny."

"Our destiny is to--"

"Revitalize the species," the AI interrupted. "The plague was merely a setback. With your help, your species may thrive again!"

"I'm human!" Fulton hissed even as the last of his skin was subsumed by scale and his tail experienced one final spurt of growth.

"No longer," the AI said. "You are better."

"Much better!" Collins said, nodding in agreement. "Much, much better."

Still on the ground, Fulton snarled and looked towards his co-pilot.

"You freak!" he said. "Should have known you were a xenophile."

"It's not about that," Collins said as he rid himself of the rest of his clothing. He stood naked yet scaled in front of Fulton, his frills and chest glowing golder than before. Though he was nude, there was no sign of his manhood, only a slit in between his legs.

"Then what's it about?" Fulton growled.

"It's about being better," Collins replied, and motioned towards his scaled, draconic form while smiling toothily. "Is much, much better. I feel powerful. Virile."

"And I feel like shit," Fulton said. "You might be fine with this but I like being human, goddamnit." He turned his head towards the AI, hissing at how his snout remained ever present in his vision. "So turn me back!"

"That's quite impossible," the AI said.

"Turn me back!" Fulton shouted.

"Again, impossible," the AI said. "Do you not know the meaning of the word?"

"Come on, Fulton," Collins said, stepping forward and offering a clawed hand. "This is the best thing we could have found from the signal."

"The best thing?" Fulton spat. "The best thing would have been nothing."

"Why is he upset?" the AI asked Collins. "You will both be instrumental in seeding the rebirth of the race!"

"I don't want to seed anything!" Fulton protested.

"I see," the AI said with a nod. "I did not know that was your preference."

"What?" Fulton blinked. "What preference?"

"Very well," the AI continued. "Adjustments in progress."

"Adjustments?" Fulton asked and the answer was another burst of gas directed at him. He coughed and shivered as his scales went cool. Then they went hot and he was panting, scratching at what his scales and what remained of his clothes. He quickly tore the latter away while he continued to pant and hiss, his hips creaking and groaning as they slowly slid apart. He shuddered and groaned and heard his tone rise, his eyes widening as he felt his Adam's apple shrink away just as a certain heat hit his crotch. He sat back on a plumping up rump and stared between his thickening thighs at what lay between his legs. Like Collins, his member was concealed within a slit, but now he could feel his cock shrinking away inside while his slit became puffier, more defined, inviting, and decidedly feminine. He shrieked and dipped a claw into his slit as if he might retrieve his diminishing member, but he only experienced unexpected pleasure as his claw came into contact with that sensitive slit, leaving him shivering and shocked at the sensation. He quickly pulled his claw out and could only stare at his feminizing nethers while his horns shrank away on his head, his shoulders shrank inwards, and his waist slowly started to press in into a more hourglass shape. He continued to stare even as his musculature melted away in favor of a more shapely, daintier definition to his limbs and torso and it took a sudden concentration of warmth at his chest for him to take his gaze away from his proud pussy. He hissed when he saw his chest press out and he raised his claws to meet the swelling mounds, but they would not be deterred, the scaled flesh spilling out perky, sensitive breasts. Fulton hissed again and pulled his hands away from his newfound tits when his claws brushed against his stiff, sensitive nipples, resting his hands on his wider hips as he stared at his still swelling breasts, watching as they swelled and swelled into sizeable breasts. He panted and his breasts jiggled, the former man blinking in disbelief at what had just happened to him. No, her.

"No..." she said in a meek, soft tone, the yellow glow on her frills, chest, and now breasts shifting into a shimmering blue. "I'm--"

"Perfect," Collins hissed.

Fulton looked up and let out a squeak. She hastily covered her breasts as she noticed something peeking out of Collins's slit that hadn't been there before, his stiff spire that looked so...enticing?

"No..." she said, shaking her head. "You...you--"

"Made you female," the AI supplied. "And I must thank you. It is the more logical course. Two males cannot copulate and produce more of the species. A male and a female can. A male and many females would be even more ideal."

"More females?" Collins said. "I could always call for backup..."

"No!" Fulton shouted, staggering to her feet, hating how her tail swayed behind her and her breasts shook. "You aren't going to call backup." She seethed and stared at Collins. "You are going to change me back and...and..."

"And what?" Collins asked.

"Yes, what?" the AI echoed. "Reversion is an impossibility. You are a healthy, fully functioning female. Above fully functioning, actually. Your gestation period has been reduced from months to days and your average clutch should be roughly forty percent more than usual. Progress!"

"Gestation period?" Fulton said. "You mean like...?"

"Pregnancy," the AI said. "Gravidity. Eggs."

Fulton shivered at the word, especially as a sudden rush of warmth surged in her nethers and it was only growing warmer.

"Don't..." She rubbed her thighs together, hissing as she felt her slit go slick. "Don't say that."

"Say what?" the AI murmured. "Eggs."

Fulton shivered again and the warmth in her nethers only intensified. She tried to push the word out of her mind but there it stayed and it wasn't so much a word as a concept, a dream, a--


"N-no," she stuttered. "I don't want--"

"Eggs?" the AI asked.

She panted and felt her arousal drip down between her legs. Bewildered, she stepped back, hips and tail swaying as she looked at her swollen, slick sex, so warm and inviting and ready. Ready for what?

"Eggs," she panted. "But--"

She blinked. Why had she just said that? She didn't want eggs. No, she needed eggs. No, that wasn't right. But wasn't it? Isn't that what she needed? Why else would that need be rising in her mind. It was intrusive, yes, but weren't all instincts so overpowering?

"No, no, no..." she murmured, clutching at her head. She bore her allegiance to her fleet and species still but...but her species had changed and so had she. Perhaps her compatriots could see the same? Perhaps these instincts were what she wanted?

"Yes," the AI said. "This is what is needed. You are a savior. A mother to be of a revitalized race and your mate is more than virile enough to ensure you stomach shall nearly always be swollen. You two will be remembered as the savior of this species"

Fulton nodded her head then shook it angrily as she closed her eyes. She dug deep as she tried to understand why she had just done that. Why did that sound so nice? A firm, swollen stomach filled with eggs along with breasts filled with milk to feed all the young dragonlings she was sure to have thanks to Collins and his enticing dragon dick that she desired so strongly in her now more than ever.

Fulton's eyes snapped open and the first thing she saw was Collins' cock. Her maws fell open and she licked lustily at her snout at the sight of it. She looked up to Collins, her eyes wide and pleading, her frills, breast, and chest a passionate purple.

"Please," she murmured.

"Please?" he said, tilting his head.

"Please, please..." she panted and fell onto her hands and knees, her mind and loins afire with carnal want. She turned around and lifted her tail, exposing her slick sex. "Please."

"Please what?" Collins asked.

"You know what I want!" Fulton shouted angrily, her colors momentarily red. "Come on and fuck me!"

"You want it?" Collins laughed.

"Y-yes," Fulton panted. "P-please, just...just...do it already!"

And so Collins did, the male upon the female in an instant. He gripped at her shapely rear, the dragoness raising it to better help him while she lowered her chest, breasts pressing into the ground as her tail swayed enticingly. Her slit pulsed and she shuddered in need and in the next moment that need was met as he pushed into her. Then he truly took her, thrusting in and out, in and out and she fell into the pleasure of the motion, panting and hissing and moaning and flapping her wings with every pleasurable push as he came closer to climax and her to her goal, her desire, her need to be a mother of a species long since silent. Her first climax came quick and still he continued to thrust in and out of her until she had her second, her mind so overcome by the pleasure that she scarcely felt how he shuddered and stiffened. Then she was truly on the plateau of pleasure as she felt his seed flood her womb, her inner walls clamping hungrily down and attempting to milk his cock of every drop. She fell against the ground, twitching and panting while he slowly withdrew, patting her rear lovingly before he stumbled away in a happy daze.

"Gosh, you were tight," Collins said.

"S-shut up," Fulton panted.

"A successful trial!" the AI exclaimed.

Fulton turned over, sitting on her rounded rump and squeezing her thighs together as she felt the aftermath of their coupling run down her legs. She shivered and stared at the AI.

"Y-you shut up too," she said.

"Unlikely," the AI said. "There's much to be said. Congratulations are in order, of course. Quite a coupling! Very, very successful. Why, the swelling should start any second."

"A-any second?" Fulton said, staring timidly at her stomach. "B-but--"

"Again I must repeat myself," the AI said. "Your gestation period has been reduced which means that the eggs will soon be forming."

"E-eggs?" Fulton blinked. "Eggs. Eggs!"

Her belly gurgled and she looked down at it and a soft smile came over her snout as she watched it slowly start to swell rounder and firmer with every passing second. She cradled her growing belly, her smile only widening when she saw her breasts were swelling too with milk for her future hatchlings.

"Eggs..." she cooed.

"Indeed, eggs," the AI said. "The first clutch of a race's rebirth. Of course..."

"Of course what?" Fulton snapped.

"You could use some help. While the facility can sustain you and many hatchlings, more females would help."

"Help?" Fulton said with a blink.

"The fleet," Collins said.

"The fleet..." Fulton murmured, shifting uncomfortably as her belly continued to swell, her pregnancy obvious and that made her feel...well, it made her feel proud. Proud to be pregnant. Proud to soon be a mother. But...would there be anything wrong with other mothers too? Especially mothers who were once like her? Misguided and imperfect?

She looked up at the AI.

"Yes, your fleet," the AI said to Collins. "I could convert many more and the majority would be females. You would be lord of your own harem."

"That sounds nice," Collins said, then shook his head. "No, it sounds..." He smiled broadly. "Perfect."

Part of Fulton wanted to protest this, but as she gazed upon the ebony drake she frowned and looked back to her belly. She rubbed at it as she wondered if this is what she wanted, the eggs, the responsibility, and what was to come. Despite herself, she smiled. Perhaps the male, her mate, was right. Perhaps this planet was the perfect world, a perfectly fertile world, an ideal place to raise her family or perhaps...perhaps an entire race? But that would mean more females, and more females meant more eggs. More females meant more mothers to help each other out and it surely didn't mean less love for her. Oh no. She was sure she was going to get plenty of that. Collins already looked ready for another round.

"Call them," Fulton said suddenly. "Tell them..."

Her smiled mirrored Collins's own.

"Tell them we've found it." She nodded and cradled her gravid belly, so firm and full and pleasantly weighty. It felt good to be so perfectly pregnant with eggs aplenty. "A perfect world. A perfect, fertile world." She giggled and rubbed her belly. "One well worth our time."

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