Two trips one fall (re uploaded)

Story by yiffysaxplaya1213 on SoFurry

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#2 of High School Buds

Ximen has just got up on a Friday morning with a woody and he needs to get ready for school without letting Adam seeing anything but a 'straight' Ximen.

No warning needed...

High school buds chapter 2


Ximen quickly jumped up out of bed, searching through his closet and both sets of drawers trying to find the baggiest pair of shorts and shirt he could to hide his erection until he could think up some way to make it go down.

"Adams here, Ximen!" His father called, the sound of the door opening hit Ximen's ears.

"Hey Mister B." Adam said from down stairs, his footsteps moving to the stairs to move up to Adam's room. Ximen began to hurry, panicked by the fact that Adam, the male who had given him an erection just by a simple dream was coming, and he still had to get dressed! "Yo Ximen! Ain't got all day. Just remember to grab some tunes for the car tonight at the Drive inn!" Adam's voice called from only a few steps down from Ximen's door. Ximen's eye grew wide, he had forgotten all about that. He would just be him, Adam, and Adam's truck seeing a double feature until going to camp out in the woods on Adam's property just on the edge of New Miami, exactly where Ximen's dream had been set.

"Alright... One more sec and I'll be ready." Ximen murmured, knowing the wolf's sensitive hearing would pick it up. Ximen quickly slipped out of his shorts, pulling on a pair of baggy, black basket ball shorts, a Large, baggy 'New Miami High' white tee with green lettering and a pair of black, athletic flip-flops before grabbing his CD case and running out the door and square into Adam.

"Who set your litter box on fire?" Adam joked, giving Ximen a playful noogie before starting back down the steps and out the door. "Bye Mister B." Adam called, smiling as he looked around the corner into the kitchen at Ximen's parents before getting his keys out of his pocket. Ximen followed a few feet behind, tail curled up between his legs, eyes on the ceiling to avoid looking towards Adam's tail and below.

"Sorry for bumping into you Adam.." Ximen mumbled, opening the door of the two-door, 4-wheel drive for truck. Midnight black with candy apple racing stripes, and a crimson leather seat in the front. Ximen climbed in, shutting the door a little too softly making Adam wonder what was going on.

"Something wrong? Seems like your briefs are in a bunch..." Adam asked after putting his keys into the ignition and sitting back, looking over at Ximen with a mischievous smile across his maw. Tail was sitting across his own lap, blue eyes sparkling in the dim morning light, feet bare, pants tight enough to show the bulge of his large sheath. Fur atop his head had been shaved into a Mohawk the previous night for the game, number one jersey on over a tight tank to hide the silver fur of his chest.

"Just tired is all... Didn't have the.... Didn't have a good rest last night." Ximen mumbled, hands and tail falling into his lap to hide the slight bulge that had lost size as he had gotten ready for school. Gaze rested on the dash board in front of him, thinking that his dream had only been a look into what might happen, warning him that something to that extent might happen but he knew Adam wouldn't give into his sexual preference, or at least, that's what he thought.

"Dude... We're best buds.. You know you can talk to me, right?" Adam said, deep blue hues staring over at Ximen, a secrete longing had been locked deep inside to hide the fact he noticed every little thing about Ximen, the slight blush to his cheeks, erection he assumed was from a dream about some other guy at school. He knew there were a few other flamers that looked Ximen for help, all except Adam knowing what that would do to his football career. So he faked the girlfriends, the sex with them, even wore condoms to avoid getting an unwanted child to raise before eventually coming out of the closet.

"Yea.. Well... Some things are meant to remain secrete...." Ximen mumbled, dome falling to rest against the dash board, sighing as he faked a cough and rubbed his nose against his tail. "Just not feeling well... Think I'm coming down with something..." He added, but Adam knew it was something else, knowing it had something to do with the hidden erection.

"Ok Ximen... Just fasten up..." Adam mumbled, fastening his own seat belt before making the 5 minute drive to school silently, tail tip flicking against his lap to the beat to some tunes on the radio. When they arrived, Adam took his parking spot, the closest to the football field and entrance to the school before poking Ximen to make sure he was still awake. Ximen had a few tears in his eyes but he said nothing, wiping them off on the collar of his shirt before getting out of the truck, leaving his CD case in the floor of the truck. "Come on Ximen... lets go in before we're late.." Adam said quietly, patting Ximen on the back before opening the door, trying to come up with an excuse for his friend when they arrived at the table with the other guys.

Ximen sat at the furthest point of the table from everyone else, paying no mind to the soft murmurs, him as the main topic of the table. He trusted Adam to tell them all he was sick, which he did, but not without a worried glance Ximen's way. If only he could get Ximen into a private area and speak with him, thinking maybe the bathroom would be empty during Lunch. Then they'd talk, about the small hidden erection, about the depression, about his own secrete feelings.

Ximen said nothing as the bell rang and he moved to home room, Sports history, past football seasons at New Miami was the topic, and as always he was the main answerer of the questions. Class passed by fast, and when the bell rang he didn't even move, having the next 2 classes in an English light before Senior science class and then lunch. Adam walked in to class, sitting down at the desk next to Ximen, passing him a note silently before getting out his stuff for Media editing. They made a short news cast for school, today's had been canceled due to a shortage on news gaining a free day all work was put back into folders and bags for Monday.

Ximen made a silent nod to Adam, slowly opening the note to read.


You need to tell me whats up with you man... Your beginning to worry me... I know your not sick, I know about the erection this morning... I want to know what the dream was... even if it was about me man... J/K... You know I'll talk to you about anything... even you have a crush on some guy... I wanna talk to you at lunch, Junior high bathroom, 12:17 sharp."

Ximen grew stiff for a moment, swallowing nervously as he looked over at Adam, nodding silently after a moment. Ximen's hand slowly raised, asking permission to go to the bathroom to 'rid himself of the problem', losing the small bit of dinner he had forced down last night. He waited about ten minutes, wiping his muzzle clean before moving back to class. He didn't look at Adam until he left fourth period to go to Science, telling him he'd be in the bathroom. He barely did a thing in science, the sub, a small, three feet, two inches tall rabbit gave them a small chapter in their books to read over solar power before sitting back in the chair reading a news paper for the rest of the period. Ximen sat alone at a lab table in the back, reading silently. He read further than he was supposed too, but he barely picked up any information. Sweat collected on his brow as he looked up at the clock, it was 12:10, barely one minute before bell. Ximen's book was layed into the desk, empty notebook was collected, chewed pencil stuck into the metal rings before leaving as soon as the bell rang leaving no room for Questions.

"Ximen! Wait up!" Called Adam as Ximen moved into the bathroom, causing Ximen to lose a step, trip over his own tail, falling flat on his face in front of the door. Ximen moaned slightly, shaking his head as she slowly pushed himself to his feet with the help of Adam. "Man, are you ok?" Adam asked quietly, slowly helping him into the biggest stall in the back, sitting him down on the bar on the far wall. Ximen nodded, but remained silent as he looked at the few writings on the wall about the cutest girls, some student teachers, one about a tail raiser that had just come out of the closet.

"Ximen... I want to know what's been up with you..." Adam said, stepping in front of Ximen's gaze, lifting his chin to stare down into his eyes. Deep blue hues of the wolf meeting the emerald of the orange tabby's, soft touch made the tabby's face grow hot but he only shook his head.

"Adam.. In your note when you were joking about me having a dream about you... shouldn't have been so much a joke..." Eyes clenching shut as Adam pulled his hand away from his chin, expecting to get pelted right then and there. But nothing but a gasp came, no angry growl, Adam didn't even leave him, only standing there, jaw dropped as he stared down at Ximen.

"I... Ximen...." Adam couldn't find the words to tell Ximen he was Bi curious. Ears folded forward, the light fur along his lower neck turning a slight pink, head lowering as he curled his tail around his groin.

"Adam... I'll leave.. I know your not a... I know your not.. Gay..." Ximen mumbled, slowly moving from his place atop the cold, silver bar, taking a step toward the door but was blocked by Adam's arm, his head shaking as he looked down at Ximen.

"Ximen... I might not be gay... exactly.... But... you could call me Curious, man..." Adam mumbled, licking across Ximen's maw softly, drawing Ximen into his chest firmly. "Tonight... we could skip the drive inn and... and talk maybe..." Adam said quietly, a hopeful glint in his eyes as he watched Ximen. Ximen's ears perked up curiously, thinking it had to be another dream, but after he had slipped his foot from one sandal, he stuck a toe claw into the flesh of his ankle to prove he was still awake.

"S-Sure Adam.... I'd like that..." Ximen said nervously, smiling slightly as he nuzzled into Adam's chest before being pulled off to lunch. Both boys gained control of themselves after splitting up so they wouldn't have anyone spreading rumors about them, walking off to lunch but unknown to them both the Football coach saw them both. The male's eyes narrowing as he followed Adam through the hallway, trying his best to hide the rage within his thick bull cow skull. He said nothing to Adam, making a mental note to talk to him about it after the game tonight before heading off toward the teachers lounge.

After Adam had made it to the table, Ximen sat beside him in his usual place, both always being late for their own little reasons. They arrived a few minutes early than they normally did, but none of the guys even seemed to notice. They both stole there usual share of French fries from the other guys, laughing and joking along with the others. Ximen and Adam couldn't help but to glance at each other, gazes seeming to make a mental touch to one another before breaking free to keep anything from seeming out of place.

The lunch bell rang after about 10 minutes, sending Ximen to his Music classes and Adam off to Gym and health. Ximen stopped off in the bathroom, heart pounding in his chest. He could still smell Adam's scent on the edge of his nose, skin still feeling the slight tingle where Adam had touched him. Adam hadn't even been mad about the dream, but he must know Ximen has a crush on him, but maybe, just maybe, he could let out his feelings tonight.

After lunch Ximen made his way to the bathroom, taking the end stall just a moment before the bell rang to avoid running into anyone on his way out. He groaned slightly as he heard two males come in, unobvious to him that he was main reason they were in here.

"Adam and Ximen are spending too much time together..." Rang a low, bass voice of a bull cow, a snort from a smaller lizard was the only answer he got. They both had check the stalls, but had missed the few around the corner not really caring if their conversation carried. "I'll speak to Adam after the game... Warn him about his football career.... And I'll speak to Ximen about taking a less... noticeable job in the marching band with the rest of the tail raisers..." The Coach mumbled, no voiced response could be heard as they walked out, bringing Ximen's mind back to reality, ruining his dream of getting to show Adam his feelings. Tears began to well in his eyes, head pressed against the cold, painted stone of the bathroom wall before he made his way to class, small black lines running through his eyes, depression was beginning to creep in.

Before he knew it last bell rang and he made a quick sprint home, taking the path around the football field and through the small section of woods to his house. He wished he could have talked to Adam, but he knew Adam would be in practice, with extra laps for the whole team because of him. He had no need to sneak, knowing his parents weren't due home for another five or six hours. He went upstairs, into his room and nuzzled down into his bed, curled up into a small ball beneath the Blankets.


"Alright, ladies! Tonight's homecoming and We're not going to lose our winning streak to these pansies from Cincinnati!" The coach roared, pointing towards the track making the whole team know he meant business. "Adam! There's an Extra 4 laps for you! And you better be finished before the rest of the team!" he added, snorting at Adam's low growl before going to sit in the shade on the side of the building. Adam sprinted the 14 laps easily whilst the rest of the team huffed and puffed out the ten they had to do. Adam always got an extra lap or two, but four was over doing it. Adam was soaked with sweat after the extra push-ups, extra weight in the weight room and his ears were aching after coach had gotten done yelling at him. Adam had missed all but one of the water breaks they had taken, angry enough to take down his coach after practice was over. They had an hour, and after looking around to find Ximen he knew something was wrong.

"Adam! Get your Ass back here, boy!" The coach roared, but Adam didn't even look back, Shoulder pads, helmet and leg pads remained on as he got into his truck and floored it all the way to Ximen's house. He ran all the red lights, almost crashed into an elementary school bus, and almost drove past Ximen's house.

When he had arrived, his anger had settled slightly, helmet remained in the truck, along with his practice jersey and shoulder pads as he ran up to the door, forgetting to knock as he went inside. He slowly walked up the stairs, chest was bare, sweat dripping from his body filling the house with his scent but Ximen's parents would barely notice it when they got home.

"Ximen.. What happened?" Adam asked after slowly opening the door into Ximen's room, ears perked hearing the soft whimpers of his friend. Ximen slowly looked back at him, tears had been sloppily wiped from his face before he sat up, shaking his head.

"Nothing's wrong, Adam... J-Just deciding not to go to the game tonight..." Ximen mumbled, only wearing a white tank and a pair of black boxers as he slowly moved to turn back over but Adam went over to his bed, standing on the edge holding onto Ximen's shoulder. He looked down at him, anger and rage was in his eyes making Ximen whimper but he was determined not to take it out on him.

"Ximen... Coach said something to you and don't lie to me... Somethin' is going on and I don't like it..." Adam said, tone was firm, but an odd softness was held to it, hand moving Ximen's shoulder to his chin, forcing Ximen to look him in the eye.

"I over heard Coach and the VP talking... He doesn't want you and me spending so much time together... thinks my sexuality will ruin your football career..." Ximen mumbled, spilling out the whole story to Adam after a bit more pushing. Adam growled slightly, shaking his head as he let of Ximen's chin, moving over to stare out the window silently. Unvoiced rage swirling within his head as he knew what he had to do.

"Ximen... Meet me at my house after the game... Go ahead and get the tent up if you want.. I won't be long after the game ends..." Was all Adam said before leaving, expecting Ximen to do as asked because Ximen always did.

The game was a success, New Miami won 52 to nothing. Three of the other team's players had been injured, one from New Miami had been knocked unconscious and his leg broken. Adam had fought hard, but during the pre-game cycle talking with the other team's captain he had made a request, which had been fully granted by the other team and it's coach after the situation had been explained with a bit of tweaking.

Adam had been late to arrive at his house, Ximen had taken Adam's car to the hospital to pick him up, silent as he drove the long way home. He knew what had happened, the break was on the knee joint, ruining Adam's football career through high school and college.

"Ximen... I had too... Please understand..." Adam pleaded with him, tried to explain over and over again, but Ximen had only shook his head, eyes remaining on the road with a cold, distant stare. Adam sighed, wishing he had never talked to Ximen about his feelings, about his curiosity.

Forty-five minutes later Ximen pulled into Adam's drive-way, taking the keys out of the ignition before getting out of the door, walking around to the other side to help Adam into his house. "Come on, Adam... I already called your parents and told them the bed news..." Ximen mumbled, carrying his own CDs and Adam's sports bag down into the basement. He payed no attention to the saddened glances of Adam's father, or the tear stained face of his mother.

"Ximen you have to spend the night.. I have to talk to you..."Adam pleaded, eyes gaining a puppish glow trying to convince Ximen to stay in every way possible.

"Alright.. Alright man.... I'll stay..." Ximen mumbled, throwing Adam's sports bag and keys down into the corner, resting himself down into a chair he had pulled up beside Adam's bed. "What do you want to talk about?" Ximen asked, waiting a moment until he saw Adam about to talk. "About the way you ruined your Football career over me? About the way you argued with coach after you had gained consciousness before being taking away in the ambulance?... God Damnit Adam! You were number one quarter back in the state!" Ximen yelled, voice raised just enough to try and convince Adam that he was no longer crushing on him, that he didn't really want to be here.

"Ximen... It wasn't only for you.. It was for my beliefs.. My needs." Adam said quietly, closing his eyes as he layed back on his bed. Ears folded forward as he pressed the power button on the radio letting a silence come between them both for about an hour before Adam's mother came down with a fresh made pizza before leaving them alone.

"Adam... I made a mistake telling you how I felt... What I had dreamed..." Ximen mumbled, beginning to stand but he had tripped, leg held by Adam's powerful arm. Adam had true anger toward Ximen in his eyes, blue orbs narrowed as he motioned Ximen to sit down.

"Shut up Ximen... I know you don't mean that." He mumbled, a vein in the side of his neck beginning to throb as he watched Ximen, knowing that he was bringing fear into the smaller tabby but right now, he didn't care. "If you want to leave and ignore your feelings... ignore my feelings... fine... Good-bye.." Adam said, letting go of Ximen's leg before turning up his tunes, glaring up at the ceiling.

Ximen was close to tears, biting down into the end of his tongue as he stood, moving up the stairs leaving his CD case behind, not stopping once to look back, not even mumbling a good bye. Ximen slowly walked upstairs, unable to face Adam's parents he went straight to the front door, closing it softly as he started to walk home, but instead, moved toward the river, hugging his coat to himself as he went to his usual spot to think but was unaware that he was being followed. His mind was off somewhere else, but he knew the route he was taking with his eyes closed, which made him ignore the snorts and stomps following him a ways down the street.


Adam growled softly after Ximen had left, winging his plate of pizza at the opposite wall. Luckily the plate had been paper, the pizza stuck to the dark green wall for a moment before sliding down leaving a trail of sauce, cheese and pepperoni starting about 5 feet up the wall. His hard wood floor wasn't affected, but the radio beside him followed the plate busting into thousands of tiny pieces before his stood. His mother raced down the stare to see what the commotion was, eyes growing wide as Adam grabbed his crutches and hobbled up the stairs and out to his truck.

His parents said nothing, mother went to clean up the mess in his room while his father made sure he had gotten into his truck ok silently. Adam started the truck, backed away after his father had back away safely. He headed toward the river, knowing Ximen wouldn't go home when he wasn't expected. He sped all the way to the river, driving through the tire marks and field before stopping short of the woods, having only a few feet to get to the river.

Ximen did nothing as heard the familiar roar of Adam's truck coming his way, ears didn't move from the back of his skull, tail didn't flick away from his lap. Knees were curled into his chest, tears continuing to flow down his cheeks as he stared down at the moonlit water. The form that had followed Ximen into the woods hid in the middle of large bush, horns had been filed down to points and painted black incase things started to get rough.

Adam had to almost crawl through the bushes, leaving his crutches behind in his truck. He had a pair of basketball shorts on, the same ones he wore to school that morning, and his chest remained bare. A defiant glare remained in his eyes, hand coming to rest on Ximen's shoulder as he turned over to sit stretched out behind Ximen.

"Didn't think I'd actually leave, did ya Adam..." Ximen mumbled, trying to hide the shudder Adam's touch gave him, face growing hot as he slowly looked back at Adam. Adam's defiant glare faded seeing the mood he had put Ximen into, not even trying to force Adam's gaze from the ground as Ximen turned to face him.

"Ximen.. I didn't mean to hurt you, man... but I didn't know any other way to prove that I like you." Adam's tone was soft, as was the lick he sent to Ximen's maw. Ximen blushed slightly, pulling away from Adam as he shook his head, sighing quietly as he stared back over his shoulder to look at the river.

"Adam... I don't want you getting into trouble with-"

"Ximen! Don't you get it?" Adam interrupted, wrapping his hand around the end of Ximen's maw to stop him from speaking. "I don't care... and if you think this'll ruin our friendship... it'll be no where near doin' that... Ain't nothing going to split us apart... Ya hear me?" Adam said, waiting for a nod from Ximen, which came a moment later, to show that he understood.

"Always thought you were straight, Adam..." Ximen mumbled, a sheepish smile creeping across his maw as he scoot a bit closer to Adam, nosing his shoulder softly. Ears were pushed forward, face was hot, blushing beneath his fur.

"So did I man... but hey... We haven't done anything yet.." Adam said quietly, hand moving over onto Ximen's knee. Adam and Ximen stared at each other for a few moments, arousal building up between the two but nothing more happened. Both boys began to give off a musky scent, Adam's hand slowly drifting up Ximen's thigh to the waist band of his shorts. Ximen gave off a small purr, but as Adam's fingers gripped the top of the waist band and began to pull it down he began to get nervous, grabbing Adam's hand with his own weak, sweaty palms.

The male in the Bushes snorted as the scent of musk reached him, eyes turned for a moment to avoid seeing anything more between the males. He had had enough of this but his shot was still blocked by Adam, no matter how shocked he was, he still stayed directly between Ximen and the hidden bull.

Neither boy had noticed the bull, even after about a half an hour of talking, touching and feeling. Time seemed to pass to quickly for the boys but ever moment more of watching the boys was making the bull sicker by the minute.

"Ximen... Don't be afraid.. I'm not going to hurt you.." Adam said after a few moments of silence with Ximen holding Adam's hand from moving any further along. Ximen only shook his head, blushing slightly as he leaned up to lick across the bottom of Adam's chin and neck. Adam blushed, fur pink beneath the small tank top that had been left on since the game.

This had been enough for the bull, before anything else could be said between the two he stood up from the bush, still hidden in the shadows. Gun came up from his side, two bullets loaded into it. Ximen's head snapped toward the bush, slowly standing as he heard the click of the gun as it was cocked and ready to fire. The bull only grinned, taking aim to Ximen's chest firing off a single bullet before running off, knowing he had hit his mark.

"Ximen!" Adam roared, pulling him back from the river as he fell, laying him down across the ground. "Ximen.. Please don't die... stay with me.." Adam said, mumbling to Ximen hoping it hadn't been a fatal wound. Blood flowed from Ximen's chest, leaking through Adam's furred fingers as the hand was pressed to the wound leaving the bull plenty of time to get away.

Luckily Adam's parents had heard the fired shot and began to worry, calling the police to tell them to go down to the river knowing that Adam and Ximen have played down there since they had been old enough to walk.

After what seemed like an eternity to Adam, the police finally appeared, one female raccoon ran over to them before yelling at her partner for an ambulance. "Who did this?" She asked, trying to keep her tone calm seeing the tears in Adam's eyes. Her partner returned with a blanket form the trunk, a human male handing it to Adam to hold over the wound.

"C-Coach H-hend-erson..." Ximen forced out, coughing as he layed his hand atop Adam's, eyes clenched shut as he forced every breath. The female officer nodded, her partner already running to the care to put a lookout for the bull cow, knowing the coach was the only bull cow within ten miles of the area.

An ambulance soon pulled up on the small dirt road about 50 yards from the river, running with a straight board toward them. It took the Officer a few moments to force Adam back, helping him slowly to the ambulance to let him ride along. The doctors took a moment to take Ximen's pulse, check the external damage and roll him onto the board before carrying him back toward the truck.

"He's going to make it, son..." The driver said quietly, giving him a reassuring smile as he helped Adam up into the truck and closing the door behind him. Ximen was awake, hand reaching for Adam's hoping for comfort, no tears coming from his eyes for he had no more to spare. No one spoke, only two boys staring at each other like a couple dragged from the alter by their parents, a ride-a-long nurse was bent over Ximen's chest, wiping blood away trying to see how deep the bullet had went. He seemed to be pleased that the bullet hadn't hit his heart, nor had went anywhere near the location of his lungs. He gave Ximen an IV into his free hand, not daring to try and pull away the hand from the much larger wolf.

Once they arrived from the hospital, a wheel chair was brought out for Adam, and Ximen was wheeled away as they got Adam into the chair. "He's going to be alright.. Just give us an hour to get the bullet out..." Another nurse said. Adam only nodded, covering his face with his hand as he was wheeled upstairs and into the private waiting room to await to hear of what had become of Ximen.