Walk a Mile

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Serling is given the chance to experience life in a much larger, stronger body than his own, and finds it rather enjoyable. Perhaps a little too enjoyable, in fact.

This story was written for Serling as his September Patreon commission. :3 It contains massage related transformation and masturbation involving a consenting adult male. ^^

Walk a Mile

"It... ah... it must be nice."

Serling murmured as he lay on the massage table, slowly beginning to feel his muscles loosen, and indeed to feel his whole body softening as the Spa's unique and magical massage oil began to work its miracles upon the coyote's body. Looming over him, the muscles beneath his chestnut furred arms flexing as he worked his fingers into the client's back, the stallion masseur let loose a gently curious, querying reponse.

"Hmm? What must be nice?"

It wasn't uncommon for Serling and Dave to chat at the start of their massage sessions, after all Dave had been massaging the coyote regularly right from the start of his visits to the Spa. Normally though their conversations occurred somewhat earlier on in the massage, by this point Serling normally so relaxed that he was all but incapable of letting slip more than blissed out, oh so pleasant moans. Today however was perhaps a little different from their average session. It had been obvious to Dave right from the start that Serling had been a little out of sorts. Not upset or angry in any outright visible sense, but definitely somewhat off from his normal pleasant demeanour. Now, as the coyote began to speak once again, Dave began to have an idea of why this had been the case.

"It must be nice to be so big. So strong. To have people admire you for how strong you look, or... or even avoid you if they're looking for someone to bother. I'll bet you never get pushed around, t-treated badly because you look like you can't defend yourself. Because you look big and strong enough to speak up for yourself, a-and for others."

Moving his hands further down the coyote's body, massaging and softening the flesh, the fur, even the bone of Serling's legs and midriff, Dave left the male's upper half mostly intact for now. He didn't ask Serling to provide any more details, that wasn't his job nor his place even if he and the canine male had developed something of a friendship over the years. After a few minutes had passed though, in the midst of tying Serling's legs into floppy, stretchable knots and kneading that knotted ball into one quivering lump of magically softened and hyper-relaxed flesh, Dave did murmur a response as it became clear that Serling had said all he wanted or needed to say.

He sighed heavily, returning his hands up the length of the coyote's body and placing them upon Serling's shoulders, a gesture of comfort more than a part of the professional massage he was seeking to deliver.

"It has its perks. But it has its problems too. Like you said, some people can be intimidated by a strong physique. They can make assumptions, and that can cause them to react negatively to you without cause. I'm not saying I'm cursed for being big and tough and physically able, god no. I get my privilege there. But, being big and strong doesn't give all the answers. I wish it did, but I have my crosses to bear, my issues and people that are tough to deal with, same as anyone."

Dave frowned as he fell silent, realising that though he had started out trying to be encouraging and optimistic towards Serling's own chances, he'd ended up pretty much with an all round bummer. He snorted, then chuckled dryly.

"If you're interested though... if you want to feel stronger for a little while, bigger, more muscular, more assured in your physicality... that's something we can help with. We can't change your mindset, but we can give you an insight into how it feels to be that big, buff guy, if that's something you're interested in."

Though much of his body was already softened to the point of being practically liquefied, and even his upper body was well on the way to a similar state, Serling forced himself to raise his head as best he could. He turned to look up at the stallion, blushing, but beaming with gratitude, and nodded.

"I... I think I really would like to try that, please."


The coyote soon found his massage continuing as before, and his worries and frustrations melted away as his whole form was reduced to a pile of quivering, semi-liquid goo piled in the centre of the massage table as Dave pressed the heel of his palms down into it like a baker kneading a loaf. Rather than being left there when his alert, conscious but now amorphous form was fully relaxed however, left to chill out and indulge in the pure peace and relaxation of that state, he felt himself being scooped up and into a travelling vessel of some sort. Most likely a bucket. He felt the gentle swaying of his form as Dave carried him out of the room and for what felt like an eternity through the Spa's various twisting corridors, past countless different therapy suites some of which the coyote had visited before, many more of which seemed like so much of this place to have simply sprung into existence since his last visit.

Eventually however he both heard and felt the metallic clank of his makeshift transportation being deposited upon another table, and had he found himself still bearing a muzzle to let him do so Serling might well have giggled as he was poured out onto a flat surface somewhat more cool and firm than the table he had been taken from. A metal surface, flat and featureless, over which he soon found himself being spread out by the stallion's strong hands. Stretched and tugged and pulled not quite flat, but spread thin and evenly out across the entire surface of the table. Only then, when he was quivering in his newly elongated state, did Dave address him in this new venue.

"What you're gonna feel next might seem a bit strange. A bit different. It... well, it is. Because of some recent accidents, the company that provides us with our massage oil found it necessary to create a quick acting chemical capable of reversing the cellular homogenisation properties of the oil. That is to say, we can make you go from being liquefied like you are right now back to being solid really, really fast. Normally this process would automatically revert you to your default state. But, as a helpful side effect we learned that your cells are so un-differentiated in their current state that they will actually accept a different blueprint around which to reassemble, if it is provided."

He fell silent. The goo-based form of Serling quivered visibly. Dave chuckled, he wasn't sure what kind of awed response he had been expecting, but that would have to do.

"Maybe I should just demonstrate. Just... stay calm, and trust me, okay? I'll be back in a little bit, give you a few minutes to adjust to things, then we can see about getting you relaxed all over again."

Serling heard the sound of Dave's strong hooves moving away across the room. He heard a whirring over the sound of a door being opened and closed, and felt himself jiggle like jelly as the table upon which he was resting suddenly began to move. Not to slide from side to side or anything that might risk his position upon it, but to move upward. The goo-based coyote's eyes were no more externally visible any more than his mouth, so he couldn't really see what was going on, he couldn't really see anything, but he could still very much sense his surroundings. He could sense light falling upon his skin, and he could sense that light fading as at the same time as he rose up, something else began to descend around him.

A momentary panic engulfed Serling as he felt something close around him, and all of a sudden in pitch darkness he felt his oozy, gooey self being squeezed. Not stretched or massaged, but pressed, compressed into not just one but a series of different, though interconnected shapes. He felt metal closing around him, dividing him off into broader bulges and, longer, thinner strips. He tried to remember what Dave had said, to keep calm. He focused on that thought. On the stallion's deep, confident voice. He knew that Dave must surely have been close by even if he wasn't in the room, and he tried his best to obey the stallion's request to trust him. To trust that if anything went wrong, he'd be here.

Nonetheless, Serling felt a wave of fear wash over him as he felt a rush of air, a fine mist of some liquid being sprayed over and through his liquefied form. He gasped. He cried out as all of a sudden he felt himself solidifying once more, way, way more rapidly than he was used to. There was a brief, momentary discomfort as he felt his body forced back into the positions allowed by the walls clamped down all around him, positions that felt familiar, and yet deeply new and unnatural. His legs stretched out, but they didn't feel like his legs. His arms flexed, but with muscles far larger and more broad than any his coyote self had possessed. He opened his muzzle to yelp in shock, and instead heard a muffled, echoing whinny ring out from the enclosed space in which he was trapped.

Less than thirty seconds later, with a gentle hiss of releasing pressure, light reached Serling's eyes once more as the device in which he had been re-formed began to slide open. The upper part retracted back into the roof above, revealing a multitude of metal plates that had shifted into the outline of a familiar looking species. The lower part meanwhile lowered itself back down to the level of a normal massage table, and as Serling pulled himself upright upon it and swung his legs over the edge preparing to hop off to the floor below, he gasped loudly in shock. He stared down at his legs, not grey furred as they had been before, but coated in short, rich chestnut brown hair. He stared down at his feet, at his paws, or rather at where they should have been, instead seeing large dark hooves.

Scooting off the edge of the table, a coarse haired whip of a tail following behind his strong, taut backside, Serling staggered slightly as he landed upon legs that realistically speaking he had never before used to walk. He righted himself soon enough though, albeit with his hands outstretched for balance, regarding them as equally long and strong as his legs. On the far side of this rather empty room there stood a mirror, and he stumbled towards it, listening to the loud, firm, satisfying clop of his feet upon the wooden floor. As he walked, he ran his hands over his chest. His washboard stomach. He reached up and felt his biceps one by one, flexing them and whinnying softly, then moving his hands swiftly to his long, handsome face.

He stared at himself in the mirror, running his fingers through his dark mane of hair and moaning softly. He must have been easily a foot taller than before, and much more broad in stature. He wasn't a coyote any longer, he wasn't a canid of any kind in fact. He stood before the mirror, naked in all his glory, a horse. Not just any horse though, an absolute carbon copy of the very masseur to whom he had lamented his lack of strength. He was Dave, physically at least. And just as he had while feeling the horse's strong hands massaging him, he felt safe, he felt secure, he felt powerful to see himself in this form.

"Hey, you!"

He bellowed in a loud, booming voice so much unlike his own, pointing a stern finger at the mirror, then grinning goofily.

"Leave him alone. Get the fuck out of here, or you'll have these to answer to!"

He pulled a muscle-man pose, grinning cheesily as he kissed his bicep, then swinging round and levelling a punch at thin air. Then a kick, almost toppling over with the force and speed with which his hoof launched itself through the air.

"You want to pick on someone? Pick on me!"

Again he punched and kicked at the air, grinning, grunting with effort, revelling in his new almighty body.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't like it when someone your own size fights back, huh?! Don't like it when it's a fair fight, do you. Coward!"

His heart pounded in his chest as he fought an imaginary foe, exorcising the frustrations he had encountered earlier that day, imagining what would happen now if he was faced with that same situation. He wouldn't feel like a weedy high school kid being pushed into a locker by some jocks. He'd feel like the jock with a heart of gold, stuffing the bully into his own locker before taking the bloody-nosed nerd they'd been picking on to the cafeteria to share an ice-cream. Serling would have continued to fight that imaginary fight for longer, but he felt something a few moments later that stopped him in his tracks. Something slapping against first his left, then his right thigh as he lunged forward in another shadow-boxing manoeuvre.

He froze, staring down at the source of the assault in confusion. It took a few seconds for him to realise what he was looking at, so different was it in size and shape from what he had been accustomed to in his prior form. When he did realise what it was though, in all its vast, almost foot long glory, he let loose a loud whinny of absolute humiliation.

"Oh god! O-oh god, I... n-no... I didn't mean... I'm not..."

He grasped at his erection, at his huge equine erection, and groaned as his hands squeezing and pressing against the throbbing shaft of dappled flesh only served to send a wave of pleasure surging through his strong body. Yes, he thought his new body was handsome as hell. Yes he was fully aware of how attractive Dave was, and how much he would have loved to look like that, to be able to excite and titillate others with his body. But this wasn't how he had expected that pride, that enthusiasm for his own naked body to manifest, though now he thought about it there really was no other way for such feelings to make themselves physically known.

Urgently, nervously he looked towards the door of the room. The door through which Dave could return at any moment.

"G-go down. Please. Please just... aahh... ahhh god... g-go down..."

He pressed down on his erection. He tried to let go of it, whinnying nervously as it sprang back up, throbbing so urgently it slapped against his flat stomach and sent a fresh wave of pleasure crashing through him. He tried to cover it with his hands, but doing so barely covered the flared tip and the balls at its base, leaving a good ten inches of flesh still exposed and throbbing in full view of anyone who would walk in. He looked down in dismay, shuddering as he saw before his very eyes a bead of glistening pre-cum forming upon the erection's tip.

"I... I h-have to make you go away..."

The coyote turned rather horny stallion moaned in desperation, shaking his head in terror as he realised what he was thinking about doing, and how utterly mad an idea it was.

"I have to. I... o-oh... ohhh god... yes..."

He wrapped first one hand, then both around the upper portion of his huge horse cock, and with fevered determination as he realised this truly was the only way to ensure that the erection went away, Serling began to masturbate. He pumped his cock harder and faster than he'd done to his former canine erection in years, utterly unabashed and lost in the sensations, familiar and yet wholly new, his body very aware that this was technically its first time ever experiencing such pleasure. He spread his legs into a wider stance, humping at the air as he rubbed wildly at his member. He felt his eyes growing heavy, almost unable to see, unable to care about the room around him as he staggered forward with an immense thrust and a deep, bellowing whinny of pleasure. He lurched across the room once, twice, three more times, bucking and thrusting ahead of himself with such force it was as though he were a fine breeding stud attempting to find the eager, waiting embrace of a mare or indeed another stallion.

Barely a minute must have passed, all his new and unprepared body could handle, before he felt himself rising towards orgasm. He was glad of the haste though, for the sooner he came the less chance there was of him being caught in such a humiliating state of uncontrollable arousal. In that moment however his desire not to be caught was rapidly becoming a secondary concern, the primary one swiftly becoming the simple matter of achieving release, and feeling the pleasure of his newly huge, pendulous balls emptying themselves through his huge cock.


Serling bellowed proudly, confidently to no-one and everyone in the entire world at once.

"I... I'm gonna..."

He gripped his cock hard, humping through the tightly squeezing grasp of both hands as his eyes fluttered open, hazily able to see where he had stopped staggering, just a metre or so away from the closed door to this room. He threw back his head with a cry of relief as he realised he had done it, he had gotten away with it without getting caught. He opened his muzzle wide, he let loose the most joyous, uncontrollably potent whinny of ecstasy, and...


Dave heard a frantic whinny from within the room, and broke into a run as he crossed the final few metres of distance between himself and the door behind which he had expected to find a happy, delighted equine version of Serling. Instead though now he feared finding a man panicked and terrified at the sight of a body that wasn't his own, crying out in what sounded like terror or even agony at whatever was tormenting him.

He flung the door wide open, ready to call out Serling's name and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

His eyes bulged.

His mouth, hanging open, could only remain that way as he felt a thick splatter of cum hitting him in the chest of his masseur's scrubs, followed by another lashing him square across the face.

He saw Serling, or rather he saw Serling in his body, feverishly masturbating, cock in both hands and pumping wildly as more and more strands of thick cum sprayed out across the open doorway and himself within it.

And then, as the stallion's orgasm abated and his head slumped forward with a weary, happy groan, he saw Serling's eyes meet his own.

He saw Serling stare into his cum-streaked face.

And as Dave got the rare chance to see what his own body would look like if suddenly stricken with the most exquisite, acute humiliation he had ever known, all he could do was wipe the dripping strands of cum from his muzzle, smirk, and raise a stunned, amused eyebrow towards the former coyote.

"So... I guess I don't have to ask how you're liking my body, huh?"

By Jeeves

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