Story by wlfmn on SoFurry

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#2 of Hunted

The story follows an Anthropomorphic wolf and an unlikely Wood Elf partner in his journey to not undo the horrors of his past but more come to terms with and accept them as well as any consequences that arise from his past. The two of them will have to overcome monumental obstacles mentally and physically in order to continue to survive and grow to complement each other's strengths and build on their weaknesses. All in a world littered with different monsters, demons, creatures, and races as well as all the drama, action, love and loss that comes with epic adventures in the world of Alta.

Chapter- 2 " Thieves and Liars "

Haraku awoke the following morning to Anareecie's father kicking him in the foot.

"You dead beast?" Haraku groaned. He hadn't shed any gear last night except for his rain-soaked cloak that hung on the door. A Pounding headache and the blazing sun behind the elf greeted Haraku. Groggy, foggy, and well hungover he struggled to sit up with a groan. The old elf scooped up his flask.

"don't." Haraku tried to warn him just as he took a whiff.

"Fucking hell beast what was in this?! " The elf gagged and threw it back to the ground.

"It' was a dark dwarven ale ". Haraku muttered, he put his hands to his temples and groaned as he massaged them.

"Well since your still here I would like to have a word with you, Anareecie convinced me to feed you if you were still here as a sign of good faith. However." he kicked the wolfs foot again. "you better go down to the creek just past the tree line there and wash the stench and booze out of your fur. I won't have you stinking up my house now get to it before I change my mind you drunk mutt." Haraku nodded.

"thank you...sir." he grumbled. The old elf just nodded as he turned and headed off towards the house whistling as he went.

Insult to injury for Harakus hangover as he gritted his teeth at the shrill sound. Eventually, he brought himself to his feet, threw his cloak in the cart, and lead his horse in the direction mentioned.

" Might as well let you have a drink yeah? " he said patting the horse on the neck. The Clydesdale snorted almost as if to agree. Anareecie was down at the creek with her own horse brushing its mane while it drank and grazed on the grass. " Your father...he's...pleasant " The sarcasm in his voice was ripe, eliciting a giggle from the young elf as she watched the wolf come down the slight bank to the water's edge.

His horse pulled ahead of him eager to satiate its thirst. Haraku raised one arm and scented the air before dipping his toes in the water.

"yeah he can be a stickler about that kind of thing" The wolf swirled his feet around in a small pool on the edge distorting his reflection.

"I don't smell that bad... do I?" Anareecie shrugged being less than helpful.

"No worst than any other beast Id say." Haraku blinked unsure if that was an insult or a compliment.

"Right..." he nodded scratching his head for a moment. Unfortunately as easy as bathing was dismantling armor layers was not.

Haraku had to first unbuckle the belt that held his daggers on before tossing them to the shore. Anareecie watched out of the corner of her eye and continued to brush. The armor itself was very form fitting and held many pouches and straps a few small vials of differently colored liquids sat neatly against his ribs on his left. He had to loosen several buckles on each side to loosen it enough to pull it over his head before being tossed to the shore as well.

Under that, he wore a light chain mail shirt that took a bit more effort to pull off but was eventually tossed as well. A few buckles on each bracer, another set of belts on his greeves, the lacing of his trousers. Then the shin guards. Anareecie glanced over once more only to startle herself seeing the naked wolf next to her.

"oh... sorry I-I didn't realize you were...ah..." she stammered and then turned her back to him. Haraku chuckled tossing the last vestige of his gear onto the shore. "you really are a sheltered farm girl aren't you?" He half grinned letting a fang peek out from under his chops.

Haraku started to wade his way over to a fallen tree in the creek that looked to have created a nice little pool next to it perfect for bathing. Anareecie scoffed at him.

"I am not!" she then muttered under her breath, her cheeks blushing as she did. " Dumb hú níf " Haraku was now in the deepest part of the pool, it was nearly waist deep but it was more than enough to bath in.

"dog face?" he replied. Anareecie squeaked before slapping a hand over her mouth. She was not used to being around a creature with such good hearing.

"I forgot you understood that." Her face was burning with blush now. "I-I will see you at the house...don't be too long or you will miss breakfast." With that, she and her horse headed back to the house. Haraku couldn't help but watch as she retreated, thoroughly embarrassed. The icy chill of the creek was refreshing, to say the least. Still being mountain runoff even its frigid waters were a bit much for his hide. He took a few short sharp breaths before plunging under the water.

"Gah! so cold...hoooOOo fuck that's cold!"

Back at the house, her father was already at the table waiting when Anareecie entered.

"where is the beast?" He asked before stuffing a fork full of fried greens in his mouth. She took a seat next to him with a sigh. "He should be in any minute now he was washing as I left." picking up her own utensils she began to feast on the vegan meal herself. Moments later the door slowly opened, a large black head poked in, fur frazzled and still not quite dry. His nostrils flared some taking in the various scents.

" Sit down, sit down already." her father called somewhat annoyed. Being Wood Elves they're house and furniture were built too they're stature. Which meant a 6'9 wolfkin had to crouch to enter the tiny home and sitting at the table was a challenge in its self. Awkwardly he approached the remaining seat. Haraku was bewildered as to how to make this work without being cramped. If he just sad down his knees would be at his chest but what if...

The two elves stopped eating for a moment as they watched the wolf move the chair back and then take a seat cross-legged on the floor. Anareecie held back a giggle at her oversized guest.

This was a "slightly" better position.

"thank you for breakfast you really didn't need to do this" His heart sank as he finally looked at what was on the plate before him. " That's right...Wood Elves..." he thought as he speared a few of the measly greens with his fork. There wasn't a scrap of meat on the plate. Not so much as even an egg despite having chickens. To wood elves, all life was sacred. "Thank you" He nodded to the two of them.

"Anareecie tells me you were in the guard with Eldin? " Haraku nodded crunching away. "And what do you do nowadays?" Her father continued. Anareecie shot Haraku a worry some glance while mouthing the word "no". Haraku cleared his throat.

"I uh...I'm a Mercenary of sorts, you know a sellsword." Her father nodded slowly his attention fixed on his plate.

" Really now, is that how you came about that nasty scar on your neck?" Anareecie jumped in.

"he speaks our language too."

Her father was giving her a suspicious look now. He paused for a long moment. "interesting." Haraku was trying to finish the leafy meal now as quickly as possible without appearing rude. The sooner he got out of here the better. " so what brings you through these parts?... Mercenary. Some promise of riches? " His eyes locked with Harakus for a long moment. Anareecie could feel the tension between them.

"Im...looking..for someone actually." Haraku set his fork down on his cleaned plate. It was time to leave. Haraku half stood as best he could under the low ceiling and put the chair back. "Well it was nice meeting you two." he presented his best working smile breaking the deadlock between him and the old elf as he nodded to him then Anareecie. " and thank you again for the meal. Her father said nothing his eyes were boring holes through Anareecie and she could feel it. Haraku made his exit letting out a short sigh as he closed the door behind him.

"I've overstayed my welcome long enough". He muttered before letting out a sharp and short bark. His horse knew that sound as "time to go" and casually trotted over. As he was returning to his cart he could hear Anareecie's father yelling in elvish. Indeed the man was no fool and saw right through Harakus lies.

"I thought I raised you better than that." Her father sneered at her.

" wha-" before she could finish he cut her off slamming a fist on the table.

"You brought a damned bounty hunter into our home! OUR HOME Reecie. Don't we have enough problems without inviting every degenerate to come crawling over our farm asking who was here and why? That's a good way to end up with a dagger in the back. " he pointed his fork at her menacingly "men like-." He stopped and corrected himself. "those fucking monsters will step on everyone and anyone to get what they are after. I knew he was trouble. Don't EVER speak to that beast again. Better yet." The old elf angrily threw his silverware down. "don't speak to ANY beast again. They are all should stick to your own kind." he shook his head. Anareecie looked disgusted and stood up abruptly.

" You sound just like mother."

Her voice trembled she was so angry with him. "a speciest PIG!" Her father stood up so fast his chair toppled over as he pointed a finger at her.

"DONT YOU EVER SPEAK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT." He screamed. Anareecie shook her head storming off over to the mantle where her mother's prized bow rested on display and snatched it up along with the matching quiver below it. "What are you doing?" he growled.

"I'm not a child Alarune...I'm leaving!" she snapped before brushing past him to the door.

"where are you going? stop!" he demanded.

Anareecie just gave him a foul glair and left slamming the door behind her. "DAMN IT!" he shouted grabbing the back of his chair and tossing it across the room. Haraku was already back on the main road by this time, cowl pulled low over his eyes, lost in thought as his cart rattled along the dirt road. The horse was driving more than he was. The weight that had been building on his shoulders was becoming too much to ignore any more. He Knew when and where Titus would be this time tomorrow. However, he had been hunting him for months now what was a few more days? Just camp near the tavern, wait till its dark and snag him when he's drunk and at his weakest. Easy, it was foolproof...still something kept gnawing away at him like a tick engorged and ready to burst. Was he really going to let that farm be razed? Could he in good conscience stand by and let that kind of evil fall upon them? Haraku tried to shake the guilt from his brain.

"they could have asked for my help." he thought.

They both knew well what he was here to do Anareecie especially. "Anareecie..." he spoke the name just barely over a breath as he remembered the tavern. Worse still he knew better than any what Titus is capable of. Subconsciously he scratched at the scar. Killing children, women...anyone that couldn't fight back was just an easier target.

Anareeice would be a treat for him to defile and abuse until she was little more than a mangled corpse...and her father, it would be a mercy to him if he was fortunate enough to die first or else He would surely be made to watch before having his own throat cut. That familiar knot began to well up in his throat. Could he endure the nightmares that would surely follow? Unwanted memories of that fateful day started to flood back to him.

20 years ago-

The royal guard was escorting Locke's wife and two daughters who were returning home from a getaway in a neighboring kingdom. The fortune of gold that accompanied them was a gesture of goodwill from the king's cousin who lived in this other kingdom. Eldin and 7 others were assigned to escort the carriage on that cool spring afternoon. It was a sizable detachment of men. Necessary to ensure the safety of the royal blood with infamous bandits like "Titus the terrible" and "Aku the vile" terrorizing half the kingdom. They were raiding merchant and military caravans alike gathering gold, goods, and weapons hand over fist almost daily. Aku was the brains and Titus was the brawn. Together they were unstoppable...until this day...

The gilded carriage was nearly home Castle Black Stone was visible on the horizon. A few more miles of dense woods and they would be home. The carriage rounded a bend only to come upon a tree that had fallen and blocked the path.

"eyes open men!" Eldin called from the front. His skin was darker like his fathers while his sister took the pale complexion of the high-born mother. None of that was visible though under the layers of plate armor the guard was to wear.

"why have the scouts not alerted us of this roadblock lord Voltaire?" one of the other soldiers called. " Because they are dead or unaware. Men, formation protect the Queen!" he shouted drawing his sword. Then like a well-oiled machine, the other soldiers lined up on the sides of the carriage blocking it off with their horses. 3 to one side 4 to the other

"Everything about this reeks of a trap" one muttered.

Eldin pointed to one of the soldiers in the back. "Ride back to the rest of our unit while we hold here. Tell them to bring all the axes to the front on the double." Before the soldier could even turn around his horse suddenly collapsed pinning one leg. He howled in pain as they all suddenly looked back to see Haraku or "Aku" as he was known then standing over him, driving a sword in the gaps of the man's armor dispatching him with ease. Before the rest could react nearly a dozen bandits dropped down from the branches above. Even the most well-trained men had little chance in full armor on horseback once an enemy was already upon them. All but Eldin were tackled from they're mounts and stabbed repeatedly. In the carriage, the Queen closed her eyes and held her daughters close at the sickening sounds of her subjects begging for mercy as they were repeatedly impaled and beaten into the earth.

Eldin swatted his first two assailants away but a third yanked him from his horse. Luckily he fell onto his back. The impact knocking his helmet off. He deflected a Dark elf dagger, kicking him in the chest to stagger him and give him a chance to get to his feet. Just as he did another bandit came from the side backing him against the fallen tree as they both lunged. The man's sword skipped off his breastplate, dark elf fell to his knees and gripped the stump where his hand had just been severed. Eldin came in for a second pass and buried his blade in the elves shoulder.

"Come on!" he cried facing the remaining bandit.

Haraku was already quickly at work stacking crates of precious gems and gold on the ground. Some of the other bandits began to load up the remaining horses tying up the goods like saddle bags and Galloping off into the woods hollering victoriously as they went. Eldin had his remaining assailant pinned and nearly defeated when suddenly he heard an audible ground shaking "WHUD" at his side. A golden blur slammed him against the carriage and then the ground like a rag doll. Ear piercing screams echoed in the woods as two bandits yanked out the occupants. Eldin sputtered, dazed and winded rolled to his side and raised his sword to block Titus's downward swing.

The oversized ax didn't so much as even slow, snapping the blade and burying itself in the dirt. Eldin had never seen such shear strength and he certainly didn't see the cat's fist coming as Titus smashed in the elves nose sprinkling blood on the mirrored surface of his breastplate. The brute let out a hearty laugh as he grabbed the poor elves head in the palm of his hand and hoisted him to his feet only to slam him into the fallen tree. Branches shook and leaves fell to the ground from the impact. In a last-ditch effort to free himself, Eldin slashed Titus across his forearm with his broken blade. This only caused him to release his bloodied head and slam an open hand into his chest denting the plate against the tree. A wicked sneer crept across the cats face. His eyes were wide and wild. It was like Eldin was simply prey to him. Dropping the sword he sputtered and coughed as Titus dug in his heels. His claws digging into the plate threatening to puncture it. The muscles in his arm flexed under that golden fur spattered with blood. The breastplate groaned as it caved more, Titus was killing Eldin with his own armor, crushing him to death with the very steel that protected him.

His feet dangled as his back slipped up against the trunk. Eldin began to panic no longer able to draw breath. But Titus pushed harder still. The elf's eyes bulged until the plate gave entirely. There was a muffled pop as the plate crushed his ribs into him puncturing his lungs and everything else as gobs of gooey, frothy blood spewed from his mouth spilling down the lion's giant arm. Eldin's eyes fluttered for a moment before his head fell forward and his body went limp. The cat released his compacted corpse letting it crumple in a heap. Titus made a sound similar to a "purr" as he raised his arm to the contrast of the sky and marveled at his caked fur grinning a little as he rubbed some of the liquid between his fingertips.

"what do we do with these ones Aku?" One of the bandits asked driving the Queen to her knees by yanking her hair. Haraku was sitting bored atop a stack of gold filled crates at the back of the carriage just watching Titus have his twisted fun. "hmm?" He looked over seeing the queen in tears her dress tattered and dirty from the manhandling. He hands were folded in front of her as she prayed and begged for mercy. Her two daughters were sobbing from fear as much as the men gripping then by the hair and shoulders. Harakus eyes darted between the two of them then the Queen. They couldn't have been any older than maybe 9 and 13 judging based on the small tits starting to show on the older one.

"release them in the woods, they will be found eventually."

"no.." Titus boomed. Harakus ears perked, his head whipped to the side to look at Titus. " no survivors" He repeated pulling his ax from the dirt as he walked over before using the edge of one of the curved head to lift the Queens' chin. "Oooo but this one...I'm gonna have a little fun with." Haraku set his still bloodied sword on the ax pushing it away.

"let them go T. " Titus snarled.

" you know I hate to say it Aku but... yer getting soft pup. what? cant kill kids? Hell of a time to grow a conscience." he mocked looking around at the bodies. The few remaining bandits chuckled as well. " all of you.. go on with the others... I'll take care of these three." Titus licked his chops as he set his ax against the carriage and started undoing his trousers.

"p-please!" the Queen begged,

"you don't speak!" Titus snarled at her. "I beg of you let my daughters go I'll do anything you desire!" She pleaded with the lion.

"I said SHUT UP!" he roared raking his claws across her face.

"AH!" she cried putting a hand to the wounds, blood started to seep between her fingers.

Haraku stood up sharply and raising his blade to Titus's neck and growled.

"We got what we came for... let's go." Titus looked to Haraku and scoffed.

"ok, alright..." he sighed. Haraku hadn't noticed that Titus's hand was on his ax once again as he lowered his guard. "you can die with em!" Haraku stepped back, the ax whooshed past his muzzle. unfortunately, he was still in front of several heavy crates of gold and tripped over them in the process. Titus wasn't letting up either reversing the upward one-handed swing into a two-handed chop he split the topmost crate exploding gold coin all the way to the treeline. Haraku rolled to his feet sword at the ready now. The three remaining bandits braced themselves for the shower of coins and took several steps back dragging the girls with them as they watched wide-eyed as their own bosses were now hacking at one another. That crazed look burned in Titus's eyes hotter than ever as he hoisted his ax again and stepped over the mess hed made. "Your weak Aku." Titus huffed. "And there is NO place for weakness in my merry little band."

Haraku turned his attention to the men for only a moment.

"Let them go!" he barked. Titus let out a guttural roar

"I see one cunt run for those trees and the three of you will be next!" The men nervously looked at one another unsure of who to listen too.

"T STOP this! Is there no end to your blood lust?!" Titus Started to swing wildly at the wolf backing him into the tree line as he did his best to dodge them all as even a glancing blow could mean death. Haraku felt his back hit a tree. He would have to think quick and move quicker if he was to pull off this next stunt. He had watched Titus fight more than he liked to admit and knew his general patterns of attack. Setting him up for another two-handed chop he waited till the last second before it cleaved his skull and lurched to the side nearly losing his tail as the ax sank deep into a tree root. Titus yanked at the ax but it refused to give at first. This was Harakus chance.

With a lightning-fast draw and trained aim he drew the small drow crossbow that sat on his left hip a rare weapon capable of firing 3 bolts independently before needing to be reloaded, normally such a weapon is reserved for drow elf assassins that still were loyal to their matriarch. Haraku took aim at one of the bandits before sinking a bolt between his eyes. The bandit went rigid before falling over backward freeing one of the girls.

"RUN!" he barked. If Titus wasn't furious before he was now. Wrenching his ax free he then wound up and took aim at the little girl struggling to get away. Haraku turned the crossbow to Titus and fired once more. Alas, it was a moment too late to fault his aim as the ax left his hand whirling through the air like a great guillotine splitting the little girl in half before bouncing off of the fallen tree with a heavy "twang".

The child was dead before it knew what had even happened, her two halves dropping like a split sack of meat.

"NO!!" the Queen shrieked horrified at the sight of her little girl in literal pieces. Titus looked down at the bolt buried in his side just below his ribs.

"your aim is shit. " he snarled. Titus rushed the wolf who was distracted by the child as well and tackled him to the ground just as his final bolt whistled past his head. "you missed." He mocked pinning his arm down knocking the spent crossbow from his hand. Haraku was in a bad spot now as he felt the lion's weight settle on his chest. With his remaining free hand, Haraku attempted to drive his sword into the beast's side. The lion caught the wolfs hand before he could get it into position. "Gah!" he grunted hearing and feeling the bones in his hand begin to break in the lion's grip.

It was no use Haraku could no longer even fight as Titus ripped the sword out of the wolf crushed and mangled hand. "T wait!" he cried. But just as he finished his plea, his former partner, a friend even tore the length of the blade across the base of his neck cutting deep into him almost to the spine. Blood sprayed out in hot jets across the lion's muzzle giving him a mask of dripping crimson. The wolf's legs kicked as he gurgled and wheezed in his own blood Titus stood up dropping the sword at the wolfs side as he struggled for air. "got me all worked up ya did." Titus took a moment to catch his breath wiping the blood from his eyes before pulling the bolt out of his side.

"Hnngg" he grunted as he dislodged it and dropped it to the ground as well, blood trickled down his thigh though it was hard to tell what was his and what wasn't.

He stormed over to his henchmen knocking the one holding the girl to the ground as he violent picked her up by her white linen dress and tearing her trachea out with his great fangs before she even had a chance to scream. The queen now sobbing uncontrollably as she watched as the lion spat the hunk of flesh at her feet before tossing the child's body to the side like discarded trash. Blood ran down his neck, some dripped off his chin down onto the queen's face.

The blood of her own spawn. What misdeed had she done to deserve this she wondered. Titus took her from the last bandit getting a fist full of that royal hair. he started to drag her back towards the carriage kicking and screaming for her life.

"you two head back with the others I'll meet up with everyone at camp" he huffed still catching his breath. Without so much a sign of recognition, the two mounted up and wasted no time speeding off into the trees kicking up the dirt and pine needles as the went.

"fucking dog nearly ruined my appetite." He wiped the blood on his snout off on his forearm before giving the queen a rough slap on the cheek and racking the back of her head against the carriage wall " get on your knees" he demanded nearly tearing the binding off his trousers as he pulled them roughly down just past his ass. His half erect cock flopping out in the Queens' face. Haraku had rolled to his side still wheezing as his body clung to life. In the distance, he heard an elk bugle and birds were chirping.

The sounds of nature seemed so much louder now that death was closing in. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a pool of blood, his blood growing around him as a few more weak jets spurted out. Then came the sound "come on open up." Titus breathed jamming his cock in her mouth. "ah hey!" he slammed her head against the wood again. "Open your throat bitch."With one hand in a knot of hair, he put the other on the side of her face for support, his thumb over her eye, the razor-sharp claw of it resting on the bridge of her nose. "I feel any teeth and I'll gouge your eyes out" he muttered. Harakus vision was beginning to lose color and blur in and out. The last thing he heard and saw was Titus skull fucking the former Queen of Alta before everything went black.