How Pegasus Got His Wings

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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A retelling of the long-forgotten true tale of how Pegasus received his wings.

Exactly 1 year ago (like, to the day, kinda creepy), I posted a straw poll asking what stories people would like to see next. The others have all been done - Stud Dad, Dipping the Wick, S&L part 6 - but this one remained undone. Since it was never going to be all that long, I thought I'd polish it off. And here we are :)

I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here:

Gather round, my people. Gather close now, as the fire dies and the wind rises, and hearken to my words. You have heard the tale of great Pegasus, and the moment of his foaling, as fast and fair Perseus slew the monstrous one, the Gorgon Medusa. But I say to you now, this is not the true tale. Heed me close, and I shall tell you the untold tale. I shall tell you of how Pegasus received his wings.

In the early days of the world, when the gods were full of fire, and they yet spoke to men and beasts, there lived a stallion. He was a fine horse, as fine as any in the world, with hair as pale as mother's milk. His muscles shone like polished brass in the warmth of the morning sun, and his mane flowed like water through the air when he galloped. He lived upon the slopes of a mountain with his herd, and his life was happy and carefree. In the mornings, he would walk to the stream that cascaded down from the mountains, and drink of the clear, cold water. It would refresh him, and he would stride out into the fields on the slopes of the high mountain, head held tall, and tail swishing. He would whinny at his herd, and they would whinny back. They would eat of the sweet grass, and chase after one another in play, and mount one another for pleasure. And when evening came, they would retire to the forest, and gather around one another so that they might warm each other, and so rest until the morning, and thereupon begin again.

Now, in those days, the gods looked down upon the land and took note of all that they saw, and decided the fates of man and beast alike. For they had created them, and deemed it good that they should judge them so. But as they stared down upon the world, and spun the lives of men about their fingers, they would hear the sounds of the lives of the horses who lived upon their mountain -- for the gods lived upon the summit of that self-same mountain. The sound of the horses and their joyful lives were nickers and whinnies, trumpets and snorts, squeals and neighs; the noises of their play would rise into the sky, even as high as the summit of the high mountain. And the gods looked upon the horses, and beheld their simple, carefree lives. And the gods looked upon the grand white stallion, and were wroth -- for of all the horses, his life was the simplest, and the most filled with pleasure. For a horse is a horse, of course, and he lived as a horse is wont to live. He did not care for the men who lived in the valleys below, and he did not care for gods who resided in the skies above.

For he was a free horse, and he did as he wished.

And they were jealous, for they desired such a glorious creature to worship them, and they argued amongst themselves how best to win the horse over.

The goddess Athena said: "Horses are mortal, and they must eat. I shall construct a grand feast, and they shall eat of the victuals of the very gods themselves. And so shall they know us, and worship us." And so she did, and the fields became a cornucopia of every wondrous meal the gods ate, and she stood in its midst and called the horses forth. "Eat! Eat, and be merry, for the gods have cared for you."

But the handsome horse strode ahead of his fellows, and said to her, "What use have we of these foods? We are not as the gods, who demand the finest of every food and the reddest of every wine. We need only the sweet grass of the meadows, and the cool waters of the streams."

And Athena spoke. "And who makes the grass grow so sweet, and the ice waters flow from on high? Is it not the gods that provide even this bounty for you?"

And the grand white stallion laughed, and the sound was as the bubbling of a brook. "Mother Earth feeds us," he said, "and Father Sky slakes our thirst. I have seen the work of no gods in their unfailing love." And so the horses left the feast untouched, and Athena returned to the high mountain.

Then did Aphrodite step forward. "Stallions have been crafted in my image," she proclaimed. "They are the manifestation of lust. I shall come to him as a mare, and he shall be smitten, and he shall declare that only the gods could have created something as perfect as such a mate." And the goddess took the form of a mare, dusky and smooth, and went down to the fields where the horses frolicked, and approached the great white stallion. Her body was perfection, and her scent the smell of equine need. She walked before the grand stallion, her sex fluttering and squirting, her hips quivering with need to feel his weight upon her, and his potent sex within her.

"Come to me, my stallion," she said, and showed the stallion the pink warmth that trembled within her. "I would receive you, and your seed, and you shall sire a thousand colts to carry on your name from here unto eternity."

But the grand stallion laughed, and the sound was as the crash of boulders upon the slopes of the cliffs. "Foolish mare," he said, "why have you come to me? I do not care for the unpleasant dampness of a female. I seek out males, and the tightness of their rumps, and the strength of their bodies. I mount them, and they receive me, and my seed marks them. For I am a free horse, and I do as I wish." And he lifted his head high, and his penis dropped forth, and he slapped it upon his belly with a mighty sound. "My member shall satisfy only stallions for as long as I live," he said. And the mare retreated, and Athena returned to the high mountain.

Then spoke Ares, the god of war. "This stallion is proud," he said, "and he lusts only for males. Therefore, I shall give him a male of such stature that he cannot resist, and I shall mate him, and he shall declare that the gods are good to him, as we are good to all." And so did Ares take the form of a stallion, and go down unto the fields of the horses. And his form was black as night, with eyes that shone with fearful light, and between his legs was a thickness and a length that no stallion had ever beheld. And he did approach the grand white stallion, and snorted in lust, and slapped his belly with the mighty member betwixt his legs. And the white stallion saw him and was aroused.

"You are a most wonderfully made male," he said unto the stallion that was Ares. "I wish to mate with you." And he nickered as the black stallion approached, and whinnied as it nosed below his tail, where his hungry entrance waited. And the black stallion that was Ares leapt upon him, huge and handsome, and thrust until his member found the white stallion's hole, and pressed inward with a cry of pleasure. And the white stallion cried out too, and Ares fucked him. His cock was long, and did not falter; the dark eye at its head spat wetness into the white stallion, and he penetrated him fully. He gave the stallion all the pleasure that a god might give, and when his white god-seed flowed out into the stallion's rump, he trumpeted, and declared, "Thus, say you: the gods are good, and powerful, and worthy of your worship!"

But as he dismounted, his thick black member soaked in seed, the white stallion turned back to him. "You are most skilled, and your member has pleasured me greatly," he said, "but it has not sated me. Behold!" His cock hung long and pale below him, but his balls were yet full, and the grass unstained by white. "I have not sprayed my seed upon the ground," he said. "Why should I worship a stallion that cannot bring me to my peak? I thank you for your pleasure, but you are not worthy of my worship." And the black stallion roared, and Ares returned to the high mountain.

Finally, did Poseidon speak. "I have stallions in my retinue, who ride the fierce waves and cast fear and awe into the hearts of those who behold them. They are proud and beautiful creatures, and they must receive attention worthy of their forms. I shall pleasure this stallion, and let him spill upon the ground, and in his gratefulness shall he declare that only the gods know what he seeks." And the god of the sea took the form of a handsome youth, fine-featured and strongly muscled, and he went down to the fields of the horses, and he approached the stallion. And the stallion smelled him, and snorted, and gazed upon his beauty with a new arousal.

"You are a most well-made man," he said, "and I wish to mate with you." And the youth who was Poseidon got upon his knees, and let the stallion walk above him, and took his member in his hands, and began to pleasure him with his mouth. And the stallion whinnied and shook, and his flare grew larger in the male's mouth, as warm tongue and soft flesh attended to him. And Poseidon reached forth with a hand to fondle the grand white stallion's balls, feeling their grandeur and their need. "Empty yourself upon me, I beg of you," the man who was Poseidon said, "and declare me worthy of your worship." And the stallion bellowed, and his member grew firm and vast, and his white seed sprayed forth upon the man, soaking him from head to foot. Then did Poseidon stand, proud in the sunlight, drenched in the white stallion's gift. But the white stallion spoke.

"You have brought me to my peak," he said, "but you are yet a man, and not a stallion. Even the pleasure of the greatest mane pales before the lust of the slightest stallion. You are not worthy of my worship." And the man sighed, and Poseidon returned to the high mountain.

And then did Ares approach his brother, and declare, "We must needs seek unity, brother. For though this stallion is proud, together we might provide him the pleasure he yet seeks." And so the brothers resumed their forms, and returned both to the fields, and stood before the stallion. And the grand white stallion beheld them, and asked, "Wherefore have you returned to me? Have I not already delivered my judgement?"

"You have judged only the works of one male," Ares said, "but you are a stallion, and you demand more." And the black stallion turned, and lifted his tail, and winked at the white stallion as the mare of Aphrodite had done. And the stallion was aroused, and his member lengthened, and he sniffed eagerly at the stallion's offered hole. His nose slid lower, and he nuzzled with pleasure at the orbs the black stallion carried between his legs. "They are mighty, and your cock shall bring forth the gift within them," Ares said. And the white stallion trumpeted and mounted him.

And then did Poseidon stand behind him, and stroke softly along the wetted cleft of his passage. "You have already received my brother," the god said, "and now you shall receive me." And as the white stallion sank into the heated depths of the black stallion's body, so did Poseidon slide into the white stallion's body, with a member that would not shame a stallion. They mated with the fury of stallions, and the rut of long-denied release. Their bodies moved as one, and their sounds filled the air, rising even unto the height of the summit of the high mountain. The white stallion's cock drove in and out of his mate, pleasuring him as only a stallion member can, and the black stallion's cock leapt in the air, now slapping his belly, now swinging side to side. His liquids sprayed forth, and he trumpeted in pleasure. And Poseidon gripped the white stallion's rump, and fucked him with intensity, driving deep until he found the spot that made the white stallion scream with pleasure. And as three sets of balls rose, three climaxes were reached: man into stallion, and stallion into stallion, and stallion upon the ground.

And when the gods were finished, the white stallion was yet exhausted, and they stood before him. "Art thou now satisfied?" Ares asked. "Are the gods not worthy of your worship?"

"Truly," the white stallion said, now flaccid, and dripping upon the ground the remains of his seed, "you have pleasured me as no mere stallion ever has. And yet..." He raised his head, and his eyes were bright, and his mane was silver. "I am a free horse, and I do as I wish."

And the gods admitted defeat, and they granted him a name: Pegasus, or "god-pleasured". And they granted Pegasus wings of fine white feathers, that he might not merely walk, but fly -- even unto the summit of the high mountain itself. And it is said still in those parts that when the sky is thunderous, and rain falls upon the earth, that Pegasus has flown up once more to the heights, and is mating once more with the brothers Ares and Poseidon. And they say that the rain is his seed, falling down upon them, to slake the thirst of the horses and the men that desire always for it.