SYBT: A Night on Display

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#21 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Nessy an old friend of Doctor Hendly and an organizer of events has Hendly set to be the center piece of her latest exhibition, however Hendly brings a lovely fox in tow and offers her friend the Chance to join her as the center piece for the evening

So You've Been Transmogrified: A Night on Display

Nessy looked down at her watch, and leaned back in the chair, her center peace for the night had yet to arrive and its absence would throw the decorum of the night off completely. By trade Nessy was an architect but that had evolved into both interior design and museum curation, mainly one night exhibitions of expensive or highly treasured paintings or artifacts, tonight had her arranging a display of Greek and other Mediterranean scrolls. She was at present watching the rear cargo entrance sitting in a cheap office chair a kindly man had brought down for her. She leaned her head back and started to snooze a bit, the stress of the day finally catching up to her.

"Hey sleepy." came a voice and jostling hand. Nessy blinked and went rigid before relaxing, the sight would have been enough to floor her a few days ago but as of late she had gotten used to her friends new appearance. Doctor Carol Hendly, PHD in archaeology, director of a museum in the city and one time host of a cheaply made but well put together cable TV show, and a marble pegasus moonlighting as Nessy's centerpiece for the night, it was not the first nor would it be the last time Carol did so. Nessy looked at the finely crafted horse her longtime friend had turned herself into and felt a pang of jealousy, for her body, her looks, her skin. The kindly woman really did look as if one of the Greek gods had descended from the heavens and crafted her from a block of fine marble. Nessy an aging woman of 60 could not but lust for the youth full energy her friend now had once more.

"Your late." Nessy said standing up yawning and feeling all the aches and pain in her back rush up her spine. She looked the horse over and saw she had the correct attire for the evening, a Greek tunic chased around her body concealing her feminine bits, Nessy would have liked an exhibition of her friends body, she had not yet seen her naked but could only imagine how stunning her form could be given the right lighting and event. This however was more academic than artistic and as such she could not afford to be risque with her planning.

"Sorry I had..." Carol looked around and then back forward. "Hold on..." she said holding a finger up and walking back out the rear door of the building. She stood in the door frame, and waved to somebody. After a few minutes Carol saw her horsey friend walk back in with a redheaded figure in tow.

"Nessy this is Vixal Klyn, she's responsible for my good looks." Carol said stepping aside and letting the latex fox walk up to the woman.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you and your, uh company." Nessy said extending her hand and shaking, she found her eyes drawn not to the Vixens lovey flowing red hair, or to her curvaceous body, or to her glistening smooth latex skin, or even the red cocktail dress she wore to great effect. Nessy's eyes were drawn instead to the tail the fox possessed, mainly due to the fact that it was not a fox tail, but looked rather like a fish tail.

"I see my tail has your attention. Had a bit of a slip up in the lab the other day, got it all fixed up though, but uh... I kinda like the tail I got out of the deal, so I kept it." Vix said smiling.

"Right, so, I take it you're finally using your permanent plus one to my events." Nessy said smiling at her friend.

"Well kinda, truth be told I was wondering if you'd like to join me center stage tonight?" Carol asked smiling at her friend who now looked back at her with a look of confusion.

"What, like, with you with you, like, on the pedestal." Nessy asked in a voice now almost brimming with a rapidly forming nervous energy.

"Nessy, honey i'm twenty years older than you, and I've known you for about half my life, I can tell when something or someone catches your eye." Carol said in a circumspect voice.

"But, there's no time we only have twenty till the guests start coming, and what if something goes to hell, I need to be running things, not..." Carol stopped listing to Nessy and looked at her tuning her out and waiting for the woman to run out of breath as she rambled on. Once she did finally pause long enough to inject herself she did.

"Nessy, Nessy, your one of the best, got one of the best staff around for this kinda thing and you have been working yourself into the ground for a while, you have got everything nailed down for tonight and you know that, now how about you just relax, and observe it in all its glory." Carol said taking both her hands and planting them on the woman's shoulders. Nessy looked away from her for a second before sighing and looking Carol right in the eyes.

"Well, do we even have the time? I mean how the hell are you even gonna... oh, that's what she's here for right?" Nessy said realizing now why the latex vixen was standing off to the side smiling. Nessy looked over at her and saw the sly grin of the fox as she nodded to confirm her observation.

"Well, horsey or no horsey?" Carol asked her friend. Nessy bit her lip and looked at her friends body once more, reaffirming her envy of it.

"Hell with it, let's do it." Nessy said dryly shaking her head in resignation, she wanted to and she didn't want to but she knew she wanted to more than she didn't.

"Great!" Vix said clapping her hands together, "Just sign here." Vix said giving the woman a thick stack of paper from a bag she had slung over her shoulder.

"Covering your ass?" Nessy asked taking the paper and suddenly feeling a bit hesitant again, and remembering how the fox had said she had an accident the other day.

"Relax Miss, uh, is Nessy your first or last?" Vix said rubbing the back of her head.

"Marisa "Nessy" Thomas, just call me Nessy, everyone does formal or otherwise." Nessy said lifting the first page up and trying to skim through the paper.

"Nessy, I worked out all the kinks of what I'm about to do with your friend here." Vix said clasping one of Carols shoulder and then pointing the other hand at Nessy. "I can personally assure you that nothing bad will happen, plus that's mostly just about privacy, and shit." Vix said waving her hand about. "I get that looking at a big stack of paper with the old sign here and initial there thing is a bit nerve racking, but it's just for the books, your not signing away your life or anything, the only thing that does is let me collect a sample form before and after the transformation for my research, nothing weird or freaky, or scummy. Scouts honor." Vix said holding her free hand up.

Nessy sighed and took a pen Vix also pulled from her bag.

"Is this gonna be permanent?" Nessy asked sighing away.

"Only if you want it to be." Vix said grinning and thumbing through the documents as Nessy handed them back to her. "Great, all right let's get started." Vix said putting the papers in her bag and clapping her hands together. She then reached into the bag and produced a vile of a grey substance and a moderate gauge needle. Nessy watch as Vix drew out a sizable amount of the vial's contents and then flicked the tip of the needle once. "Alright, ready?" Vix asked. Nessy blinked remembering they were standing in a loading bay.

"Uh, we should go somewhere more private." Nessy suggested. Both of the other women blinked and nodded in agreement. They had let the excitement of the moment overcome their better judgment. After a few minutes the trio found a private room and locked the door.

"Not to be crass, but uh this works best if you get naked." Vix asked Nessy who completed and stripped down quickly tossing her clothing into a corner. Vix looked the woman over and nodded. "Hold still." Vix said bringing the needle to her neck and cleanly inserting it and then depressing the plunger and injecting it into her. Vix quickly removed the syringe and took a step back from the naked woman.

"Probably should have asked this beforehand but what am I gonna look like?" Nessy asked looking at her hands expecting something to happen.

"Well if I did everything right, which I might add I most certainly did, you should be a carbon copy of your friend right here." Vix said patting Carol on the back.

"Well alright then. I don't feel anything, you sure it's working?" Nessy asked.

"Its working, just takes a minute, should be kicking in any second now." Vix assured the woman.

Nessy looked at the fox skeptically and then back down to her hands. She felt nothing out of the ordinary. She was about to ask the fox one more time if she was sure everything was alright when she felt a chill run down her spine. The sudden sensation was enough to take the woman's breath away for a moment. She reached up to touch the injection site and felt her skin, it felt, smooth. She tried to look down at the area but could not get a good angle. Vix reached inside her bag and pulled out a compact mirror and handed it to the changing woman. Carol looked on and watched in fascination as did Vix and Carol.

Nessy took the compact and studied the changing area on her neck. The skin was turning a pale white color and as she touched it she felt its smoothness. She could feel it was cold, a bit harder then her normal skin and it was spreading all around her. It was moving up her neck and down her body at a rapid pace. As it left her neck and moved down her shoulder towards her right arm she suddenly felt the aches and pains of her shoulder melt away, replaced by a rush of endorphins. She then realized that the same thing was true for a good amount of her body, she felt, younger. She watched with her own eyes now as the white advanced down her arm A youthful appearance following as it progressed, years of age melted away as the changes flowed.

Her arm toned it self, growing in strength with new muscles under the skin but retained a feminine appearance through the silky smooth like quality her skin was developing. Her hand grew thick tips on the ends of her fingers as they turned white. She made a fist and flexed her arm looking at the modest strength and newly revised youthful femininity the appendage possessed. She smiled widely at the change and then blinked reaching the new arm to her nose as she felt the white skin being to spread upward towards her face.

She brought the compact back up and watched as her wrinkles faded away with the new coloration. She watched in amazement as her jaw both upper and lower seeming too began to push out from her face. Her nose blunted turning white as did the rest of her face changing into the smooth marble that she would soon be made of. Her features grew softer than they had been in years, a youthful elegance grew on her face one that she had long since stopped seeing in the mirror every morning now looked back at her. She ran her changed hand through her hair and was surprised to see it also begin to turn white. She had been grey for years but it was turned into a pure white like the color of her changing skin.

She watched as her ears migrated up her head turning growing upward a bit and turning the same marble white as the rest of her head. She felt the interiors of her skull begin to crack and shift as the rest of her new muzzle pushed out properly. She winced hard in mild discomfort as her new face settled into its new form. She opened her eyes and looked at her reflection in the compact and blinked a few times in disbelief. Her green eyes glinted the only point of color on her breathtaking face, it resembled her human face in a distant way but what looked back at her was a face that one of the great renaissance masters might have carved from a block of exceptional marble. She reached one of her fingers to the tip of her new snout making sure that it was real and finding the sensation more than enough to confirm it to her.

"That's... me." Nessy said as she looked with a wide grin at her new youthful face. She felt a new chill run over her body as she winced biting her lip as she looked down in time for the white cold marble skin to run over her breasts. Her bust was already of a commendable size and in truth only grew a marginal amount. The painfully good sensation came when her nipples turned to stone and grew hard almost begging for her to reach down and touch them. Nessy shook her head and took a few deep breaths relishing the pleasurable feeling but not letting it overtake her. She clicked the compact shut and watched the changing with her own eyes alone now. Looking on in fascination as her body grew more and more youthful wherever the changes spreed.

Her figure grew slicker, more slender years of pounds melting away and growing out her other regions. Her somewhat dull form grew to a mild hourglass figure. Her torso and stomach toning with new muscle and strength as her core developed. She looked over to her other arm and saw that similar changes to the one her other had already undergone were just now wrapping up. As the change rounded her hips Nessy felt a new sensation and turned around as best she could and watched a small white nub of flesh great and lengthened growing strands of white hair until a tail was formed. She grinned at the new appended and tried to flick it feeling the new muscle just above her rear growing in. It took a few tries but after a bit she found herself flicking it like she had had it all her life.

Her eyes wandered down from her tail to her rear, she rubbed it with one of her hands admiring the new luster her marble skin had as well as her new shapely figure. She reached out ward and bent down trying to touch her toes and finding herself more than able to do so, it was the first time she had done so in years. The discovery of her new found flexibility was almost enough to make her squeal in joy. She stood back up and looked over her upper body, now fully changed, she tried to bend back over and look at her legs but found the position not conducive to her viewing pleasure. The changing woman then sat down and stretched her left leg and watched as the white skin spread down it. Toning her leg, smoothing it out and growing the muscles within it. She ran one of her hands down the length of the changes feeling the smooth cold stone of her new skin. Drinking in the glinting light refracting off of it. She watched with mild discomfort as her foot started to length and her toes fused into a hoof. She found the sight of that transformation to be the only part of the process that she found unsightly. Nessy blinked as she gazed at her complete set of legs, they were smooth, curvaceous and even though she didn't like women in that way could not help but find them maddeningly attractive and hard to peel her eyes from. She went to stand up and found herself constantly looking at her body drinking it in and savoring the sight of her newly regained youthful femininity.

Nessy heard clapping and looked over at the two other women in the room and were she able to she would have blushed. She took one of her hands and rubbed the back of her head making a slightly embarrassed face. She suddenly felt an immense pressure on her back. Nessy winced hard and gritted her teeth and heard a sound like a loud tearing and a flop, then fluttering? She blinked and turned her head around to see a pair of white wings adorned with feathers stretched and twitching attached to her back at her shoulder blades. She stood up straight and felt the new muscle that controlled them growing in, she tried to flex them and after a few moments managed to fold the new appendages down like Carol had them. Nessy felt her new feathers and smiled warmly at them before turning to face the two smiling women.

"So... can I fly now?" Nessy asked still massaging one of her wings.

"Glide maybe, fly no your to heavy, those wings are mostly just for show, granted it's a pretty great show." Vix said pointing at the woman.

"Alright." Nessy said letting her wing go and looking herself over once more. She stood up and put her hand to her mouth thinking about something, before shrugging and clapping her hands together and jumping up letting out a happy "YAAAAY." she looked at the other two women and felt a bit of embarrassment. "Uh..." she chuckled and rubbed the back of her head again. "Thanks, this uh..." she looked down at her hands admiring the white sheen they had and then back at Carol. She walked over and hugged the other horse before coming back a hand on her shoulder and a finger pointing to her. "Alright, I got a kick ass idea for the center peace, this is gonna be great!" Nessy exclaimed.

Vix looked around the gathering of academics and there rich donors and felt out of place, she was dressed to impress and felt her exotic body drawing more than a few stairs away from the seemingly endless horde of trophy wives and gold diggers. She sipped at a martini she had ordered from an almost open mouth bartender and leaned on a marble pillar. She was looking at the center peace for the room this evening. A lovely display, something something the duality of man, two female anthropomorphic pegasus one sitting writing on a scroll the other standing proud looking towards the sky with a sword in hand, one in a Greek tunic, that other sporting pieces of armor Vix knew had been stripped from one of the displays. She was amazed the two could hold those poses for hours on end, she needed to ask them how they did that, even Nessy who had only been like that for less than three hours was a natural fit, and she was holding up that heavy sword to. She finished off her drink and looked around for one of the roving waiters but found she didn't have to wait.

"Here you go." A voice said and Vix found another drink waiting for her. She took it and then looked at its owner. A woman of about her own height with long flowing black hair, and piercing red eyes. She extended a hand and Vix took it looking at the woman with curiosity. "Vixal Klyn yes?" the woman asked. Vix nodded.

"Yes, and your..." Vix asked looking down at the drink and shrugging.

"Gwen." the woman said looking Vix up and down, Vix knew a lustful stare when she saw one, but something about this one was off.

"Miss Klyn, I'm something of a fan of your work, in fact I think it's fair to say that I'm a bit envious of your skills." the woman said crossing her arms.

"Please it's just Vix, and uh, skills in what exactly?" Vix asked taking a sip of the drink.

"As a sculptor of flesh, you have an amazing eye for detail, and judging by your tail, an impeccable sense of taste as well." Gwen said looking at the fox's shark tail and admiring how Vix had blended her orange and white skin with the longer thicker tail.

"I'm not sure..." Vix said then realizing what she was talking about, "Oh, uh, the transformations." Vix said blinking and trying to get a read on the woman.

"Your work on Miss Hendley and Her friend is exquisite, I myself have never worked with stone. I prefer metals and jewels, but I can respect the craft, no matter how it is practiced. That being said I would so love to discuss this with you further, over drinks, or a meal perhaps." Gwen asked smiling at the perplexed fox.

"How can you, I mean our company is the only one with the tech to..." Vix trailed off as she saw the woman's eyes glow with a fiery red color. She found herself entranced, and after a few moments she blinked and found the woman sipping on her own drink smirking.

"Your technology is miraculous to be sure, it may even surpass my own skill in some ways, but there is more than one way to sculpt flesh my dear." Gwen said punctuating her statement with a sip of her drink.

"Well what else is their, magic?" Vix observed sarcastically, she saw the eyes of the woman glow red again and this time felt something else their, something old, something powerful, something with energy that Vix felt was familiar. Vix blinked again and saw the woman was turning to leave.

"I like you, your calm, rational, and creative, I can see why the muses have an interest in you. Also don't worry my numbers in your phone, if you have the inclination give me a ring." Gwen said walking off and leaving Vix more than a little vexed. Vix dwelled on her last observation for a moment and then quickly took her phone from her bosom, she liked keeping things inside of it. There was indeed an entry for Gwen, it was the only contact in her phone that started with G. There was even a picture to go with it, the silhouette of a dragon. Vix locked her phone stuck it back into her bosom and leaned back against the pillar, she looked for the woman in the crowd but did not see her. She took a long pull off of her drink winced and shook her head and then looked forward at the two pegasuses, wings spread and still holding there poses.

"Magic." she observed thinking about the implications, and the opportunities.