Thursday Prompt: Oily

Story by Reogold on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories from the City of Chuxsas

"Something?" The hippo said in a thick accent that made her sure that the language wasn't the first one he knew.

"Uh cell phone cases."

He pointed with a paw to the fourth aisle away from the otter of the only four aisles the store had. She was glad she didn't have to go next to the otter. But she was mad with herself. She shouldn't be worried about that. Maybe he'd be a fan today. Then tommorrow it wouldn't matter when they were rolling in it.

I like Rag doll cats. No Rag doll is not a reference to the aerosmith song although a little ironic. No, the rag doll cat breed:

I think they're a naturally mojito cat that is cool with everyone and makes everyone feel better:

Honestly I couldn't think up a cat breed on the fly for the keyboarder for this story. Sorry.

This is for the thursday writing prompt: today


The elephant stripped off his shirt letting his bulk hang out for the audience to see. Marissa the calico turned away from the Tv. She didn't want to see that. Why on those daytime talk shows did some fat fur decide to talk off their shirt.

She looked at the bartender, a minx, and the complete opposite of the bulky elephant.

She downed her shot and the bartender asked, "You want another."

"No," she said and pretended to look at her cell phone.

Yeah, she could picture the two of them in bed. But no, this was professional. Her band was to go on in an hour at five when the bar opened. No, not today. Maybe tommorrow.

She looked at the text from Elsie her mare friend.

Elsie: I got the second interview nailed.

She texted back: Now you know what you can get from being jolly.

Shut the fuck up about jolly, came back the text.

She laughed at that and knew that Elsie didn't mean it. She'd been giving her crap about using the word jolly.

The calico cat noticed her cell phone case was getting worse so she looked at the bartender, "Tell Vic I'm going down to the store. I'll be back."

"Sure," the bartender said and went back to wiping glasses and doing dishes in the little sink behind the bar.

"What a gentlecat," she said low so as he wouldn't hear. She figured he would be looking at her girls and she glanced down at her spaghetti strap. Well most furs were into paws but most guys still liked what they liked since cave fur times. Everything was good with the gals she concluded.

She passed outside and almost smashed snout into the snout of a tiger striped tabby coming in. She took a moment, he was tall and was well built. She felt a stirring down in her crotch but brought herself back in.

"Excuse me," she said but he just nodded and passed on by her into the bar. Was he gay but she shook her head, no time for that, if she was going to start being a homophobe.

She went instead down to the store a block down and passed in. The only inhabitants were the hippo cashier with a tank top and close pants that made his bulk way more pronounced than she wouuld've liked. They had some god awful instrumental music playing between saxophone and trumpet somewhere. The other inhabitant other than the music was a greasy otter looking at the sunglasses and limited selection of shirts they had there. She couldn't tell from his coat whether it was once supposed to be white or pink.

"Something?" The hippo said in a thick accent that made her sure that the language wasn't the first one he knew.

"Uh cell phone cases."

He pointed with a paw to the fourth aisle away from the otter of the only four aisles the store had. She was glad she didn't have to go next to the otter. But she was mad with herself. She shouldn't be worried about that. Maybe he'd be a fan today. Then tommorrow it wouldn't matter when they were rolling in it.

The calico cat smiled at that as she went through the cell phone cases. She picked out a jeweled cell phone case pink. She was sniggering at it and going to put it back when her cell phone buzzed.

Griff, their drummer texted her: Sorry, I got mandated to stay over on 2nds until 6:30.

"God damn it," she shouted aloud then looked up guiltily at the others in the store.

The otter didn't seem to care. The hippo was on his cell phone positioned under the cash register and his great belly. She turned back to Griff's text but suffered a different memory of his face scowling when they broke up about three months ago. She came back to now now that she knew she was going to be late to work again if they didn't stop early enough after waiting for him.

But, his money helped with the instruments and other things. They would have to wait somehow. She didn't think but paid for the pink and jeweled cell phone case and went back toward the bar.

She worked thirds as a fork lift driver at the warehouse about three blocks from where Griff, the bombay cat worked at. They met in a deli and talked about playing music when in line and it went from there up until they were in a band and the relationship. She thought it was too much music for Griff but it had been a lot of things.

Her thoughts came back again to to now as she saw Vic talking with the antique, or some might call it junk, store owner from across the street in front of the bar.

"Hey, ready to go on?" The bear rubbed his paws together. He wore a tee shirt that did not cover his lower belly. His pants were also very tight and shouldn't be something he was wearing considering his bulk.

"Uh... my um our drummer is going to be late."

"No. Can't you stall or something. Wait no they'll walk out if you do that. Maybe you can play y'know without for a while. C'mon."

She tried to smile, "I'll talk it over with the band."

She went inside and back toward the bar. She passed Frank, a spotted gray and brown striped rag doll. He came over as she sat back at the bar and put a paw around in a hug.

"Hey your girl won't like that," Marissa protested but didn't move out of the hug.

"Naw she's open. How're you?"

She looked at him as he smiled at her and released her. Those rag dolls were so oily. They melted at the touch. She remembered meeting him at the coffee shop and he was in line ahead holding it up asking for the barrista's number. He made her feel better from the text from Griff.

She got another text from Elsie" Good luck, tonight.

Wyatt came up. He was their keyboarder and was white and red blotched cat, "Where's Griff?"

"He got mandated," she said glancing over at the drumset on stage.

"Aww shit. Fuck Damn it," He spun around throwing his paws up.

She smiled at that. If he wasn't so damn good on keys he wouuld be good on vocals or maybe backup. He really stood out with that fur.

"Um hey?"

She turned and there was that tiger striped tabby standing there. She was taken for words for a moment by his well built body.

"Vic says you need a drummer. I do drums sometimes."

"Aww cat, you're a savior," Frank gave him a paw bump and drew him in for a hug which Nathan smiled back at but released the smile when he caught eyes with Steve at the bar and drew away from the hug.

Marissa didn't pay it a mind but they went on soon after that. This was no frilly stuff. The tempo and pitch picked up with the bass and they had the place packed quickly. Then, after a few hours she noticed Griff was at the back scowling at them, with arms cross.

She announced, "We'll break for a bit. Be back." Then she hurried back and grabbed his paw as he turned to leave. "Just wait."

"No it looks like you're doing just fine."

"Hey stop it. He works here."

Griff hesitated and looked toward the back. Nathan was at the bar talking with Frank and they were in their personal space locked eye to eye. She thought that was cute. Apparently something steve didn't want to talk about.

Griff came back in and she gave him a push on the shoulder. He regarded her and went to the stage.

She texted back to Elsie: Everything going great.

Then, after the show was over with Griff on the drums, she hurried to the bus stop. Griff came after her and handed her the cell phone case she left.

"Aww shit, why did I buy this," she said.

"Yeah, I was surprised. But hey, real quick, do you want to come over later."

She considered him. He had tried this once or twice since then.

"I think I'll be too tired but I'll text." She left him and the went their own way.

Today, was the music. Tommorrow, would be back to normal.


Writer's Live Twice Distance She buried her snout into his fuzzy chest. She felt her tears getting his chest fur wet. "I just don't want to go. I don't want to leave you again. I want to stay with you," her speech broke between each sob. ...

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The inside of the snakes mouth countoured away from the bunny's eyes. He saw the snake's gullet flex and continued to look into it. "Now, you satisfied," The snake mouthed around him. As boa constrictor as he was he was used to keeping his mouth...

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The shrew was crying up at Elsie to buzz her into the building. She ignored it and sipped on her coffee and went inside to get out of hearing the shrew whine to her. Hell no. She picked up her phone and read the text she just got from her calico...

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