Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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"This is not going to go well" I told my boyfriend as we walked up the street to my house, Hoping that what I feared would happen wouldn't actually happen. "Don't worry so much, I mean how strict could your old man possibly be anyway?" asked the lizard.

"Let's hope you never find out" I told him as we walked up to the front door and entered the house.

As we made our way to across the living room, being as quiet as possible, neither of us noticed that my father was exiting his study and when he saw us he had his trademark displeased dad look and I got real nervous.

And without warning, my dad grabbed me and hugged me, before hiving a wet sloppy dad kiss right on the mouth, and took notice of the lizard standing there trying to process what had happened.

The older frog moved passed me and hugged the shocked chameleon, before giving him a sloppy kiss, but instead of pulling away from my dad like I thought he would he actually kissed back and I felt both angry and aroused at the same time.

When the kiss ended, my dad gave a little smirk as we tried to go into another room, but as luck would have it, my father had other plans and he held his arm out and blocked our exit and I gave an annoyed sigh.

"What is the one rule of this house?" he asked me with a knowing smirk.

My face paled as he approached the two of us, and as much as I wanted to tell him off, there was no way that we could do anything about it and more mixed feelings came out as my middle aged father eyed my boyfriend like a piece of meat.

"DAD don't do this I'm begging you" I said to my father.

I felt myself suddenly being pulled into another firm loving hug, and moaned as dad kissed me on the head lovingly. "I'm sorry kiddo, but you know that nobody can have sex with you unless they can last ten minutes with me first" I told my son.

My boyfriend James actually seemed eager to do this, and my old man gave him a smirk like he was going to biggest mistake of his life, and he moved in close to him and spoke softly "son I'm gonna make you cum so damn hard that when I'm done you'll beg me me for more" I said to the cocky lizard.

"Bring it on big daddy" he told my father in a playful tone.

As I watched James and my well dressed dad go upstairs, a small part of me felt bad that my boyfriend was about to be blown by my father instead of me, and yet the thought of him moaning and writhing under my old man's long slimy tongue made my loins tingle with pleasure.

I felt a little guilty for not telling James about my father's legendary skill at giving blowjobs, in fact my old man is so good at giving blowjobs, being a frog and all, that people around the city call him the drainer because he somehow manages to drain every last bit of cum from you.

Not wanting to be left out I go upstairs and listen outside my father's bedroom, and right away I hear James moaning in pleasure, wanting a closer look I gently open the door and before me was my boyfriend seated on the bed with his pants down with my father on his knees bobbing his head up and down.

As my dad sucked off James, I heard him whine as my father withdrew his mouth off his now wet dripping cock, only for his tongue to shoot out and slap the underside of the lizard's throbbing shaft before dad recoiled it back and lashed it out once more only this time it wrapped around James's cock with a resounding thwap.

Dad was clearly taking things much slower than he had in the past, in fact the last person to experience my father's tongue, was reverend Hollister and dad had the orca blowing his load with only two laps of his tongue.

And before reverend Hollister, there was Officer Cromwell, a Monitor lizard cop who had pulled over dad one day, and like so many others before him, he was writhing under dad's skilled tongue as well moaning like a bitch in heat.

I watched in amazement as my father had my boyfriend trying to hump his mouth, but dad held his legs firmly as his long moist tongue lashed up,down, sideways, and across the shaft leaving not leaving any area of the lizard's cock untouched.

"O-ohhhh my godddd!" exclaimed James as his hot throbbing lizardhood was lashed with that wonderful tongue.

Both dad and I could tell that James wasn't going to last much longer with the way dad was using his tongue, so opening his mouth dad whipped out his long tongue once more, and it slapped the lizard's balls as it wrapped around his cock and that was it for him.

James threw back his crested bellowing loudly as a thick jet of lizard cream burst from his cock and into dad's mouth, and a even bigger orgasm took place when dad withdrew his tongue and began licking up the spurting cock.

My eyes bulged at the scene before me, and after about five minutes, dad stood up like it was nothing and smirked at the now drained lizard lying on the bed, "oh m-my god that was fucking incredible" breathed James as he sat back up looking quite dazed.

"I said that I'd make you cum didn't I boy" chuckled my father.

Turning around to face me, my father glanced at my crotch and smirked widely, "it would seem that naughty little tadpole enjoyed himself wouldn't you say son" I said to my son as I went over and planted the wettest kiss possible on his head

"Daaad please don't call me that in front of James" I whined in shame.

"My little tadpole here has earned himself a good spanking" stated my father with a grin.

I was mortified as dad picked me up and held me under his arm like a child, and proceeded to leave, but on the way out he stopped and looked over at James and made a motion with his other hand for the lizard to follow.

James sat there stunned for a few minutes before stand up pulling up his pants and rushed over to my room, and stopped short and bit back a moan, when he saw my father seated on a chair with me bent over his knees.

I was exited and mortified at the same time at what was about to happen, Dad hadn't spanked me in years and somehow we both knew that this was going to happen, "James failed to make it past ten minutes and that means the two of can't be together" said my dad.

"You can't be serious Dad" I said to him unable to believe believe this was happening.

I'll be honest with you, there is no way in hell that I'll allow you to have a relationship with that weak punk ass lizard, for one thing he's at least a decade older than you and as cute as he is I'm not letting my teenage son date that thug.

"And don't hate me for saying this son, I love you more than anything in the wold, and if anyone gets the pleasure of seeing squirm while the blow you until you cum like a fountain it is going to be me and not some lanky collage drop out."

I was shocked that my middle aged father had just confessed his love for me, and while part of me wanted to feel sick at thought of my dad lust after me, I had the same feelings for my old man as well.

Ever since mom died, dad and I have been close, and even though we shouldn't have been as close as we were, and even now as I lay helpless over my father's knees about to get spanked I can feel the love that my old man has for me.

Now if only we could convince grandpa to move in with us, that would be great, however the only downside of having grandpa here would be that he'd find out about our relationship and want a piece of the action as well. And according to dad, grandpa is even more skilled with his tongue and gives one hell of a spanking.

I hope grandpa moves in because really want to see my father bare bottomed bent over grandpa's knees about to be spanked.

A boy can dream can't he?