Story by wlfmn on SoFurry

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#9 of Hunted

Haraku gets roped into a round of drinks before meeting an unsavory group of Luthalves as winter settles in. Reecie experiences a chilling night terror.

Chapter - 9 " Close Call "

A few others had trickled into the Alehouse as it was getting later in the day. Garrock and Raku were nearly 5 tankards in and Garrock wasn't showing any sign of slowing down. Raku, on the other hand, was starting to have to consciously pace himself.

"So with Firbrant gone yer in a tight spot then." The dwarf picked up his tankard and held it out for a toast. "Well can't change what's happened, nothin we can do about it. To sufferin! For it lets us know we're still breathing." Raku was hesitant to meet the dwarf's mug with his own taking only a sip after their vessels clanged together.

He was just glad Garrock didn't notice the amount holes he put into his story.

"What about you? How did you get dragged into a place like Black Rock?" Raku was quick to shift the attention away from himself whenever he could.

Dwarves are a peculiar race. They cherished things like the very process of smithing and culturally quite different from the other intelligent races of Alta. A dwarfs name wasn't something to throw about or slander without consequences. Most dwarves come from a proud line of miners, smiths, and even mages. Of course, they could perform countless other occupations but those three they valued above all others. What they valued most were family names. Asking a dwarf's full name was considered rude and ignorant and would often result in swallowing one's own teeth. However, if a dwarf was to share their surname with another it was a sign of respect and honor, a sort of kinship among close friends. Recounting tales of a dwarves past was likewise was done with grandeur.

Garrock sort of nodded to the question. It was a fair question after all. The beast had told his part and he was happy to drink with him so why not divulge a little. He thought for a long moment, he had been in Black Rock for so many decades now he could remember when some parts of it didn't exist yet.

"Well, a long time ago there was a great city built into the deepest parts of the Jagged Peaks. Khaldahn it was called. A couple of centuries ago it was a thriving trade center. Khaldahn exported some of the best Ale and was the number one mine for Mithril. Veins of the stuff thick as trees!" Garrock was getting visibly excited talking about his old home. His ale spilling some as he waved his arms about. A voice came from a nearby table.

" Khaldahn was a cesspool" Raku and Garrock both turned their heads to a table of 4 pale-skinned elves all bearing nearly identical equipment. A decorative short sword on one hip, tome on the other, and long two-handed silver swords sheathed on their backs. Two sat on either side of the table with an assumed fifth at the far end between them. The fifth, however, was hard to make out as it wore a heavy black cloak with intricate gold trim. Its cowl pulled low, the only identifying detail either of the two at the bar could make out was the faintest hint of a grey-skinned chin in the flickering light of one of the many lanterns illuminating the Alehouse. That, and a toothpick that kept shifting from one side of the hood to the other. If the gear wasn't a dead give away the smug grin the others had was.

"What would you sorry lot know about Khaldahn? " Garrock's grip tightened around his tankard as he glared at the snickering Luthalve's. The cloaked one at the far side of the table set his right arm on the table revealing a heavy ornate gauntlet that clanked against the wood as he leaned forward. His voice was quiet gruff and carried a weight you could feel when he spoke almost like a reverberation of an explosion but much more subtle.

"Garrock Hormiir... the last dwarf of Khaldahn." the drow muttered softly. Not even an instant later a partially full tankard skipped off the table bouncing over the drows shoulder. Some of the liquid within it splashing onto his cloak. The four other Luthalve's jumped to their feet then froze as the drow's gauntlet slammed down on the table. A purple translucent blade flashed from a slit above the knuckles of his gauntlet before fading just as fast as it appeared. "Put your weapons away!" As the drow stood one could see a momentary shimmer of scaled armor under his cloak as it closed around his figure. "Don't waste your energy, a slave and washed-up dwarf aren't worth the effort. Go, now back to your posts. The Luthalve's regrettably sheathed their weapons giving Garrock all manner of dirty looks as they sauntered off.

"Don't you ever speak that name dark elf swine! You have no right!." Garrock yelled. "You don't know anything about me or my home!" The few other patrons were looking at the scene Garrock had stirred up.

"Pretentious little dwarf, you'd best hold that tongue should you wish to keep it." The drow warned His hood shifted slightly towards Raku. " and you...stay away from the castle, you won't be warned a second time." The drow took the toothpick from his lips and flicked it to the ground before following his entourage. Garrock huffed still fuming angrily.

"Fucking Luthalve scum-sucking trolls." He slid from his stool and started to walk off. "I-I need to cool my head for a bit, be seein ya dog," Raku was speechless. The display he just witnessed and the ominous threat that mysterious drow left him with was still processing in his mind. He turned back to his nearly empty tankard before hearing the bartender clear his throat in front of him. Garrock had forgotten to pay the tab. Raku sighed, glancing to the bartender while fishing the necessary coin from his pouch and slapped it on the counter. Stay away from the castle? And what did he mean by the last dwarf? He seemed to know him. Did he recognize me as well? He shook his head at these thoughts and polished off the last of his ale before slipping from his own stool. It was getting late and he needed to get back to the cart. Reecie was likely waiting for him.

Back at the cart, Reecie had bee waiting for some time now for Rakus return.

"Stupid wolf," Reecie muttered her furred cloak pulled tight around her. The ground was covered in a fine layer of the white powder now and was still building. It was beginning to get dark, the temperature dropping even further. Reecie could see her breath clearly in small plumes. Where is he? Sitting in the back of the cart propped in a corner she drew her legs up to her chest closing her cloak around those as well creating a soft warm cocoon. Her mind wandered as guards began patrolling the main roads with simple lanterns. Several homes and shop windows began to shed a soft glow on the streets as candles were placed in windows. The hilts of Rakus daggers dug uncomfortably into the small of her back. How does he wear these all the time? Reecie tried to adjust them to be more comfortable. Her interaction from earlier replayed in her head. But that seal, that seal is new. Reecie pulled the amulet from her top and held it for a moment "what seal?" she whispered aloud. Could the Lathalve have been just trying to spook me? Maybe just to get me riled up? If so he never actually saw the amulet as far as she could tell so how did he know? All these things kept running through her mind over and over but no matter what she just couldn't make sense of it. The sunset was but a sliver in the distance now. She felt the cart shift suddenly and lifted her head to look around

"Raku?" She called but received no answer. Her fingers and toes were starting to ache with the cold. She didn't know how much longer she could just sit in the cart and freeze. "Raku is that you?" she called once more hearing something at the front of the cart. Looking over the seat and the footboard she realized the horses were gone! Quickly she stood up and saw Baymon hunched over two mutilated horse carcasses. His back was turned to her but she could see his fur was soaked in blood as he growled continuing to rip into the animals. Trembling as she went she drew one of the daggers from the belt, this was her chance. However, terror kept her feet planted. What if I miss? She thought.

"Reecie..." a voice called to her. Baymon must have heard it as well, his body twisted around violently those black soulless black eyes wide fixated on her. His gooey blood coated muzzle dropped open as he released horrifying sound like a thousand blood-curdling screams crying out all at once. "Reecie wake up!" The voice called again.

Raku shook Reecie's shoulder again before pulling the hood of her cloak down. Her skin was cold to the touch her lips a dull shade of purple. "Shit Reecie your freezing! Im s-" Reecie's form suddenly jerked to life with a sharp gasp.

"No no no! Wait p-please!" she cried pulling away from Raku almost as if he had tried to strangle her. Her whole body started to tremble, her teeth chattered uncontrollably. "B-b-baymun! The horsesess! H-h-h-he ate the h-h-h-orses!" A heavy layer of snow fell from her cloak. She must have fallen asleep at some point, but for how long? Raku shook his head

"Reecie calm down you're not making any sense. The horses are fine, look they are asleep!" He helped her down from the cart but still in her state her legs gave slightly and she nearly fell to the ground. The wolf stood her up putting his hands first on her cheeks then her neck, her skin was ice cold. Her eyes darted around her surroundings rapidly still trying to get her bearings in her confusion. "Why are you sleeping out here with just your cloak?" Reecie just sort of nodded absently

"Uh-huh. You smell bad, were you drinking again?" She mumbled. Her condition was even worse than he thought. Reecie went limp again slumping against Raku. "There wus a scury m-man at tha hamin ma..." Raku jostled her a little but she didn't so much as look up. A breeze started to course through the city and kicked up a flurry of snow in the alley. Raku picked her up and carried her out into the main road. He needed to get her someplace warm soon. An Inn would raise too many questions. Skor and Skal wouldn't be at the shop at this time. Rakus ears perked suddenly. He did, however, know of a home that was currently vacant. The wolf hurried off down the road. Fresh powder crunching loudly underfoot. He took a few alleys and side roads avoiding any roaming guards on they're routes.

The last thing he needed was to be caught as a slave carrying some unconscious girl around. Still, speed was of the essence as he wasted no time veering through the city until he arrived at Firebrants former residence. Best of all it looked like it was currently unguarded, the windows were shuttered all seemed quite. It was perfect. The brute had a quick look around to make sure he wouldn't be spotted and bolted for the door across the way. Hopefully, it wasn't locked but to his surprise as he reached awkwardly for the handle, another gust of glittering wind in the night sky pushed it open slightly. I'm not the first to be here tonight. Raku looked to his feet noticing a set of boot prints leading to the door as well but not away, whoever was here hasn't left yet.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He muttered the wolf raised Reecies head to his a little. Shallow but still breathing. Raku didn't have much choice in the matter at this point. Quietly he pushed the door open with his foot and scanned the interior of the first floor. Firebrant put up a fight that was certain. Raku could see the signs of struggle all over. A toppled desk, scattered papers, blood stains were everywhere, some from floor to ceiling. Pieces of a broken chair were scattered about. Thankfully much of the broken glass and dishes had been swept into a pile, likely by the investigating guards. No sign of intruder number one though. He spotted the fireplace and moved to set Reecie before it. At the same time, the door slammed behind him. Raku spun around with a snarl, all teeth and claws as the flat head of a short war hammer stopped just between his ears.

"Knights of the divine Dog! I almost caved your fukin head in!"

"Garrock!?" Raku was as surprised as the dwarf.

"What in the 9 hells are you doing here?" Garrock set his hammer down with a loud clang as he knelt down next to Reecie. "What happened?"

"Garrock please, act like you never saw us, she's freezing to death I need to get her warm." Raku started gathering the broken bits of wood. He could of asked Garrock what he was doing here but now was not the time. Out of the corner of his eye, Garrock slipped his hammer back onto his belt and opened the door again.

"Come on dog, grab the girl you two can rest at my home, this...this is a place of death. I can't in good conscience leave the two of ya here. I don't live far from here."

"Thank you Garrock I am in your debt." The dwarf just shook his head closing the door behind Raku with Reecie once again in his arms. A weak moan came from Reecie's discolored lips. Garrock led the two just around the corner and few houses down before climbing the steps to a smaller single story tiled shack. It wasn't nearly as nice as the Firebrant residence but on the other hand, it was already warm with a small fire burning. Inside was a single window on the far wall. To the left of the door was a small kitchen area. To the right was the fireplace, really it was more of a campfire with a chimney. Above that was a little loft floor where Garrock likely slept. Stairs lead down from there to the open stone floor and the single worn black rug he stood on, under the stairs was a pile of split wood. It was quite cozy and simple really. What more did a single dwarf need?

"Ah don't think I've got a lot in the way of spare blankets and such but let me look, you just get her by the fire. We can talk later." Raku was already ahead of the dwarf setting her down he started getting her out of the snow-laden cloak tossing it to the side, he put his hands to either side of her neck. Her skin was still very cold but her heartbeat was strong. They weren't too late to Rakus relief. A moment later a heavy brown wool blanket landed next to him.

"Ats all I got less you want to wrap her in the rug." Garrock leaned over the edge of the loft floor looking down at the two. Raku nodded

"This ought to be fine, I hope." He shook out the blanket putting it first around his shoulders before propping her up in his lap and enveloped the both of them together. Now Reecie had the fire at her front radiating heat through the blanket and Raku under it to her back. Making a sort of sealed pocket around them Raku used a trick animals use during the winter. The wolf hooked his snout under the blanket as well using the heat of his breath to warm her also. Garrock came down and stoked the fire a bit before locking up for the night. The brutes giant fur-covered arms pressed her shivering form to his belly and chest. He sat with her this way for a long while.

Every so often Garrock would toss another log into the fire and Raku would press his snout to Reecie's neck getting an idea of her temperature and heart rate before nuzzling back under the blanket. Her color was the first thing to come back. Slowly as the night dragged on she became more animated and vocal. Her mutterings were still incoherent at best but it was a good sign that she was recovering from the frigid night. Outside the window, one could see the snow wasn't showing any signs of letting up either. At one point Raku felt something under the blanket. Reecie was stirring, she ran her fingers through the fur of his arms getting hand fulls of it, her arms wrapped around his holding them like a giant teddy bear against her. She was safe and warm at last. Her eyes opened just slightly as she nestled into the fur of his shoulder.

"Where am I?" she muttered still not really awake.

"We are at the dwarfs. The one we met this morning, he was kind enough to put us up for the night." Raku removed his snout from under the blanket and cocked his head slightly to look at her. Reecie yawned and held his arms a little tighter as her eyes closed again. "I'm still mad at you...slave" her voice trailed as she drifted off again. As if he didn't feel bad enough making her wait on him while he was drinking of all things.