The Fastest Lap

Story by Kiyofox on SoFurry

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This was a birthday gift written for Feathers, a driving enthusiast and long time friend.

Feathers © his character, Kiyo © Elton M. Glover, story © Elton M. Glover 2010

The Fastest Lap

It was a beautiful warm Saturday afternoon as the helicopter touched down and the sole passenger hopped out. The whine of the rotors faded as the pilot went through the shutdown procedures. The lanky blue jay looked around before he picked up his sizable duffel filled with his race gear and headed toward the paddock.

Feathers was no stranger to the famous racetrack, having taken many laps around the historic turns both as an amateur and professional. He took a shortcut through the garage and leaned over the barrier wall that ran trackside. The driver inhaled deeply and sighed; there was something about the scent of asphalt and rubber that just got his blood pumping.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd make it." Without turning, Feathers looked up at the banner across the checkered line that read Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.

"You know I could never pass up the opportunity to school you on the track. But you realize, this is not a fair competition?" Feathers turned to see his friend grinning back at him; a relatively short red fox wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit and wielding a torque wrench. The fox slipped the wrench into a leg pocket and smirked at his avian friend.

"I've been practicing." Kiyo bounded over to his friend and embraced him in a hug. "It is good to see you buddy! Congratulations on making third place, I know you guys have been working hard with that new engine."

The tall blue jay patted his friends back and replied, "Thank you. Yeah, third is nothing to sneeze at, but just wait until next year. Let me tell you, that 24 hour race is grueling!"

The two friends laughed briefly. "Aw, come on, I know you loved every minute of it. Remember when we were kids playing those video games? Who ever thought you'd get to be in the real thing, eh?"

Feathers smiled and said, "Yeah I know. Funny how things work out huh? Speaking of which, congratulations yourself! I was completely floored when I heard the news. So what's it like having all that money?"

"Pff, more trouble than it's worth, but thank you. I hope you don't mind, I made a contribution to the Audi Team this year. Gotta show my support for my favorite driver, right?" The fox grinned and jerked his thumb towards the garage. "Come on, I want to show you something." Intrigued, the driver grabbed his gear and followed his friend.

As they rounded the corner of the open stall, a mechanic was just latching the hood on a pearl white Toyota Supra RZ. Feathers knew the machine was the favorite of Kiyo's, since he always picked it to race in. The sleek lines and body flares were pristine; even the bright lime green spoke rims sparkled. A large 12 was painted on the driver door and a single green stripe ran down the car on the driver's side.

"Impressive," Feathers said as he walked over to the car and gave it a walk around.

"Yep, I finally got my dream car. Just put on a fresh set of tires too. I spent all day yesterday adjusting the suspension. My lap times are in the 1:50's, but I think I could probably shave a second or two."

"Nice! This might be a fair competition after all. I have not been at Laguna for several months, and it has been even longer since I've driven it with a streetcar. Those prototypes are a peculiar beast, but once you get a handle on the reins, you'll never want to give them up..." He ran a finger down the race stripe.

"Then I think you will like what is in the next stall." Kiyo went over to where another car was waiting with a cover draped over it. "I'll give you a hint," he said as he pulled back the cover a bit and let the left rear corner and wheel show.

"No way!" The professional driver skipped over to the covered machine like an adolescent given the keys to the family car. He knelt down next to the distinct, large, rounded taillight assembly and ran a finger over the silver GT-R badge. "Don't keep me in suspense, let's see this little lady."

Kiyo grinned and with his friends help pulled the cover off the sleek, Canary yellow Skyline R34. "This will be your ride. I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of setting up the suspension, but I insist that you take it for a lap or two to make final adjustments."

"Awesome! This is going to be so much fun."

Kiyo grinned and said, "I know!"

Since Kiyo had privately rented the racetrack, there was minimal staff on hand. They did not need a flag staff, and the pit crew consisted of a chief mechanic, two techs and Kiyo's personal assistant delegated to Gatorade duty. There was someone to man the clocks in the tower and a security guard, otherwise the track was deserted.

After Feathers had donned his own race gear, Kiyo outfitted him with a wireless radio attached to his helmet. His crew chief and tower were patched in to the radio, and Kiyo had another handheld. A few minutes later, the yellow Skyline was purring on the start finish line as the professional driver climbed into the harness.

Kiyo's voice crackled over the com, "Radio check one two..." Feathers buckled the last lock and revved the engine as he settled into position. "Okay buddy, like I really need to tell you...just take it slow for a lap and let the tires warm up. That lady has been in the garage all morning. When the car feels ready, push it for a lap or two and then we can make some tweaks."

"Roger that," Feathers keyed back. "It's weird, sitting here on the grid with no cameras or crew scurrying around."

Kiyo laughed and replied, "Yeah, you get to relax and have fun." Feather's helmet nodded in response. "Tower stand by...all right, the track is yours."

Feathers could not help giving a quick chirp of the tires as he sped off down the track, taking the car through its paces. He negotiated the track at about 40% capacity and took the opportunity to get familiar with the car. The pro was pleasantly surprised to find it responded nimbly to his input, and made a mental note to compliment the chief on the car's setup. During his fourth lap, he pushed the car up to about 70% capacity and felt satisfied with the performance.

As the car rolled to a stop at the entrance to the stall, Kiyo walked up and leaned in the window. "How does it feel?"

Feathers unbuckled his harness and slipped off his helm before he turned the engine off. He made sure to take a cool down lap and was not worried about the engine overheating. He looked in his friends face and his eyes lit up in a smile. "Pretty damn good, actually. Your chief did a fine job of getting the car ready. I think just a quick tweak to the rear and she is good to go."

"Sweet! Now get yer beak out of the way and let me have my turn." Feathers opened his aforementioned black beak in a laugh and started the car so he could move it to the side. Moments later, Kiyo revved the Supra on its way out of the garage and took a few warm up laps.

Feathers sat on the pit lane side of the barrier and recalled some of the memories from past races at Laguna Seca. Just as he recalled learning the lesson of threshold braking, Kiyo buzzed the radio. "Hey buddy, I'm just rounding turn 10. Want to go ahead and start this shindig?"

"Anytime you're ready. How many laps you want to do?"

The Supra could be heard rounding the last corner as Kiyo wound up the engine preparing for a fast rolling start. "Let's go for 3. Tower, start the clock when I cross the line."

The attendant in the tower replied, "Roger that, you are green to commence run."

"Alright, let's see what you've got," Feathers chimed in as he watched his friend approach down the right hand side of the track. He could practically see the grin on the fox's face as he zoomed past the start finish line.

"Roger that!" Kiyo keyed one last time as he focused all his attention into controlling the beast under him.

The car quickly climbed up to 90 as he clicked into 4th gear. Kiyo held the line drifting slightly in towards center as he skimmed through turn 1 and drifted out to the edge of the track to set up for the hairpin. In his enthusiasm he held the braking just a bit too long and went into turn two a big sluggish. To recover he had to slip down into 2nd and crawl out of the final apex, which left him out of alignment for the next turn.

Chalking the first few turns up to nerves, Kiyo recovered more of his speed after he made it around turn 5 and started uphill. As the car gained momentum he was right at about 70 when he turned in and his wheels rubbed the strip at the apex of turn 6. Having been told the trick to setting up for turn 7 was to not drift out, he lined the car up to brake down to 50 before cutting into the next turn.

As he came to the crest of the hill, he could see his aim had been off, which caused him to brake early in order to set up for the Corkscrew. He missed the correct apex of the first turn, but recovered in the second half as he felt the car load up as he exited. Feeling a little better about his performance, Kiyo managed to find a pretty good line through 9, and left 10 up to instinct as he mentally prepared for the last corner.

Holding his acceleration for just a fraction longer than he had intended, he mashed the brakes and just managed to turn in at marker 1 as he slammed the car into second gear. He did not quite manage to match the revvs as he peeled around the corner, but the car quickly snapped back into line as the tires finally managed to grab firmly and he shot off towards the checkered line.

Feathers keyed the radio as he flew past. "Not too shabby, I make that a 1:49.86 lap time."

Kiyo grumbled to himself for a brief second, but quickly snapped his focus back to the car. This time around he felt calmer and more confident, and it showed as he deftly piloted the car through the hairpin. As he came around the second apex, he was delighted to see that he had lined the car up for a good approach to turn 3. Turns 4, 5, and even 6 passed in a blur as he felt himself become one with the track. Kiyo bled off speed as he positioned the car exiting turn 7 and gave a brief push as he crested the hill for the assault on the Corkscrew.

This time he braked at the appropriate marker and cut in expertly, and the car practically flowed through the S turn and he could not help but grin as he felt the car load up under its own power when he exited. Turn 9 and 10 felt much better the second time, and he focused all his attention on the spot where he would brake at 11.

Feathers heard the engine of the Supra chatter as Kiyo shifted on his way past the start finish line. He grinned as he looked at the portable time board and clicked the radio again. "You managed to find 2 seconds on that run, making it a 1:47.66. Keep it up!"

Kiyo grinned as he held the accelerator till the last second as he came down the hill on approach for turn 2. Jamming the brakes hard, he squealed into the hairpin and nearly drifted past the first apex. The car snapped back into line as he exited the second apex and shot down the track. Taking a smooth line through 3 and 4, he set up for turn 5 as the Supra growled down to 50 mph and he turned in.

The fox pushed the car hard as it climbed the hill and cut in at turn 6 without lifting. The car bounced past the apex and he held it firmly to keep his line for turn 7. Once again, he managed to line up the car and bled off just enough speed to enter into the S. This time was just as good as the previous time, and the car practically drove itself through the turns.

Kiyo pushed hard through turn 9 and could hear the tires protest as they managed to hang on while he drifted to the outside edge of the track. Turn 10 passed in the blink of an eye, which left him with the last turn that could make or break his track time.

As the markers approached, he firmly stepped on the brakes and shifted down to 2nd. When he judged that he had lost enough speed, he slipped the clutch and felt the satisfying grab of the tires as the car cut into the turn and the g-forces tugged at his body. Stepping on the gas, the car shot away from the turn and Kiyo quickly managed to grab 3rd and even 4th as the car flew over the checkered start finish line at a blur of 92 mph.

He let out a sigh of relief and let the car wind down as Feathers crackled over the radio again. "Good job! That last lap was your fastest, clocking in at 1:46.54. Looks like I might have some work to do."

Kiyo laughed and keyed the radio back. "Thanks man, I'll see you in a few."

Minutes later, Kiyo pulled the Supra into the garage and killed the engine after a final rev. He climbed out of the driver's seat and slipped off his helm. The tall blue jay was waiting and tussled his hair. "Not too shabby out there my friend. I can see you have been practicing."

"Well, we will see, eh? You ready for a run?"

Feathers cocked his head to one side and winked at his friend. "Always!"

Kiyo stood at the barrier wall exactly on the checkered line and looked up the track. He clicked the transmit button and spoke into the radio. "Give us the go when you are ready."

"Roger that," came the crackled reply. "I'm exiting turn 10 now, tell them to go ahead and light up the board."

"Roger," Kiyo replied. "Tower ready?"

"Roger, Roger tower has a green board; you are go for your run."

"Acknowledged tower, starting run," Feathers replied.

"All right you old feather duster, time to show this fox how a pro does it." Kiyo grinned as he heard the R34 rev as it exited turn 11 and zoomed down the track to the checkered line.

Feathers was in his element now, and his focus narrowed to a razor's edge. The car felt like an extension of his fingers and toes as it growled its way up to 95 after he clicked it into 4th gear. Turn 1 barely registered as he expertly navigated his line into position for the hairpin. Smoothly braking, the driver downshifted into 2nd and slipped the clutch just as he cut in at marker 1. Taking the turn as a double apex, he deftly managed the throttle and the car jumped out of the hairpin on its way to turn 3.

He felt the familiar grumble of the rub strip as he apexed 3 and grabbed 3rd gear. Feathers did not bat an eye as he cut in at the familiar spot for turn 4 and let the car press him to the side as he powered through. The professional driver smiled and shifted in his seat to prepare for the inevitable slam coming up in turn 5. Drifting slightly out to the right, he braked just as he hit 100mph and slipped the car into 3rd when he passed marker 2. Cutting the wheel in, the tires protested but held firm as Feathers correctly anticipated the threshold of the turn and kept most of his speed.

He punched the accelerator and the car growled its throaty roar as it climbed the hill toward turn 6. Again he turned the wheel at just the right point and felt the satisfying bump from the suspension as the car apexed the turn at full speed. Keeping the car on his intended line, the "kink" fell away as he nosed the Skyline up to 90. When the markers for turn 7 approached, he let the car drift slightly to the left before jamming on the brakes.

The GT-R slid smoothly past the turn and having seen the crest of the hill numerous times before, Feathers knew exactly where to aim to set up for his passage through the Corkscrew. Cresting the blind hill he stepped on the brake just enough to downshift into 2nd and pointed the nose down the best line through the S. The R34 roared as the driver gave it life and the car gripped the track like Velcro as it exited the Corkscrew.

The professional knew how to drive on the edge and when to push the envelope, but for the first lap he decided to stay in a comfortable zone and let the car bleed a little bit of speed as he swooped through the Rainey Curve on his way to turn 10. He did however brake late into turn 10 and carry his speed across the track as he settled down for turn 11.

He had battled this demon many times in the past and was confident as the markers stared him down. He did not flinch until marker 2 approached and he pressed as hard as he could manage, riding the excessive g-force that threatened the tires to loose their grip on the track. Clicking the drive down to 2nd, he slipped the clutch out perfectly and the GT-R sped away as he rounded the corner. Feathers smirked at having escaped the claws of the demon one more time as his eyes flicked in the rear-view mirror.

Kiyo heard the roar of the Skyline as it came zooming down the hill. He was amazed at how his friend could coax the car into such an impressive display. The fox grinned at the blue and yellow streak as the time board clicked off the first lap. He clicked the radio and said, "Damn you are fast! You clocked that one at 1:45.89. Let's see what else you got."

Feathers grinned and pressed the accelerator as he grabbed 4th and topped 103mph before having to set up for turn 2. Braking hard and apexing late, he guided the car along working the clutch and throttle and spun up the revvs in order to quickly grab 3rd gear before he cut through turn 3. He was definitely feeling like pushing the edge, and it showed as the driver wrung the car out all the way up to the redline as he negotiated turn 4 and set up for turn 5.

As before, he waited until the last moment before braking and expertly turned in at marker 2; the car straining to comply as he pushed the engine up the hill. Turn 6 fell away as Feathers bent the car to his will at nearly 80mph and tightly held the line as he passed the kink into the Rahal Straight. He had nearly hit 90 before he had to back off and line up turn 7. The car reluctantly bled off speed as the blue jay got set up for the crest of the hill, but his aim was true and he smoothly shifted into 2nd as he turned left into the Corkscrew.

The Skyline growled triumphantly as he fed it gas out of the last turn, and he embraced the crushing sway upon entering into the sweep of turn 9. The driver let the car drift across the track as he poured on a little more speed. He slowed to 65 and turned the wheel hard, letting the rear swing just a little out of line. Feathers let the car rage for the blink of an eye before he punched the throttle and commanded her to come back in line.

The yellow streak barreled its way toward the sharp left-hander one more time and the professional did not blink as his mark approached. Deftly pressing the brake and executing a heel-toe shift down into 2nd, he played out the throttle to give the R34 a higher rev to exit the corner. Feathers executed the maneuver beautifully and the tires squealed with glee as the Skyline swept smoothly past the corner.

Kiyo heard the tires and grinned as the streak of yellow sped down the hill. He looked at the board and could tell his friend was going to shave off quite a big chunk with this latest lap. As Feathers zipped by at 94mph, the board flashed the new time. Kiyo shook his head and keyed the radio. "I think I saw flames coming off you that time. You just set it at 1:43.35!"

Inwardly, Feathers allowed a brief flash of joy to flit through his mind. But his concentration never wavered from the combination of machine and driver pitted against time and track. Squeezing more speed from the R34, he dared to top out at 112mph before reeling it back in for the hairpin. Braking a fraction of a second later, he allowed the car to apex deep into the hairpin and nearly burned the tires as he speed through the second apex.

The car bucked beneath him straining to be free of its leash as the driver pushed it to the line and grabbed 4th gear on his way out of turn 4. He edged the car past 100 before having to once again pull on the reigns and force the car back under control. He expertly rode the brake all the way down to marker 2 and slammed home 3rd gear as he exited turn 5 on his way uphill. This time he could not quite manage to get the car up to 4th, but that did not deter him from taking turn 6 at full speed.

The car bounced through the apex with a solid grumble from the candy stripes and was on rails as Feathers coaxed the Skyline up to 90 before setting up for turn 7. This time through he decided to be daring and entered late into the turn, braking later and bleeding off more speed than the previous lap. This left him set up for the Corkscrew a bit early but with more track to accelerate into.

He quickly downshifted into 2nd and nosed the car over the lip of the curve. The car responded and flowed through the S as easily as water down a funnel, and he was actually surprised when he had to briefly tap the brakes upon entering into turn 9. The Skyline held its course through the sweeper and he gave it an extra kick before mashing the brakes heading into 10. Almost an afterthought, 10 crawled away in the rear-view mirror as Feathers set up for turn 11 a final time.

He pressed the pedal down until the last moment, staring the demon right in the eyes. Deftly shifting down to 2nd, he gave extra power to the drive train as he exited the sharp corner and left the hairpin quickly behind. Giving the car all his will, he pushed it up through 4th as the yellow blur crossed the checkered line and managed to hit 98mph.

Kiyo was astounded. "You have outdone yourself my friend. That last one clocked in at 1:41.19. Bring it on home, I owe you a drink!"

As the sun sat on the edge of the horizon, the two friends sat at the edge of the barrier wall; each on one side of the checkered finish line. Kiyo held up his glass of champagne to his friend. "May the wind be always at your back!" Feathers nodded and clinked his friend's glass before taking a sip.

"That was some display out there. I guess there is a reason why you are the pro, huh?" The two friends laughed.

Feathers said, "Well, I'm sure I could get you a pit pass sometime if you ever want to come to one of the races?"

Kiyo sipped his drink before he replied. "Oh, I don't know. I would not want to get in the way."

The two friends sat and watched the last sliver of the sun dip below the horizon. Feathers put his hand on his friends shoulder. "Thanks for inviting me out here, I had a wonderful time. This is the best birthday present I think I've ever had."

The fox grinned at his avian friend. "It was my pleasure, I had fun too. So, shall we do this again next year?"

"Sounds like a plan. Sure you don't want me to give you some pointers?" The blue jay nudged Kiyo in the ribs. The fox playfully swatted his friend's arm away.

"No way, that would be cheating." The two laughed again. "Don't worry, I'll practice."

Feathers took another sip of his drink and smirked at his friend. "You better."

Kiyo hopped off the wall and motioned for Feathers to join him. "So what is the next circuit you have coming up?"

The avian raised his eyebrows at the fox and said, "One word: Monaco!"

Kiyo grinned and replied, "Awesome."

The two friends chatted well into the evening as the pro described the nuances of the famous track. The two dream cars that were once fantasy and now reality listened on as they cooled from the day's performance. All in all, a quiet end to a great day.

Friends and Lovers

[A Companion's Heart](%5C) Friends and Lovers [Companions Forever](%5C) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All characters and storyline ©2010 Elton M. Glover. ~~ **Friends and Lovers** By Elton M. Glover Chapter 1 Karson eyed the clock, which read 6:25, and...

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Scratching the Itch

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