Impeccable Service

Story by Nanani on SoFurry

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#1 of Adventures of the Little Blue Housemaid

Writing exercise time! This will be the first of many different situations the curvaceous blue housemaid from Snowpoint finds herself in. This one's a bit more tame, of course. Master Givens has elected to put her up for a cooperative breeding program, which she's naturally both eager and receptive of. Her first client is a nervous but deceptively sweet Lucario, who was enlisted with the promise of a good lay, but found a lot more than he bargained for.

Night had long since fallen, the headlights of the car shown clearly on the garage as it pulled into the driveway, rivaled in brightness only by the lit porch lights at the end of the walkway. Soon enough after parking, the man took the lead with his shorter companion by his side, walking just a single pace behind him. Upon reaching the tall wooden front door, its scale truly realized by the both of them, the man elected to ring the doorbell instead, rather than knock, fearing it wouldn't be heard all too well. As a muffled tune chimed beyond the mahogany, they stood in silence, their arms folded tightly as the chilly night air swirled around them both. Though it was mid-spring, here in Snowpoint the cold would persist for another few weeks at least.

After a couple moments of impatient foot-tapping, the man elected to reach for the door bell again. Not a moment too soon, however, the lock clicked and the door opened, a slightly stocky man stood on the other side of the threshold.

"Mister Atkins, I assume?" he chortled, his hand quickly outstretched to greet the other man, who soon took his in a not-so-firm handshake.

"Yes, I apologize for the time." Mister Atkins nervously replied.

"No no, it's not a problem at all!" the man boisterously reassured, turning his attention to the other figure standing there. "She'll be happy to see him. Cyrus, is it?"

Finally it picked its head up, staring back at the man.

"A rather strong and capable Lucario, I'd imagine - Oh, how rude of me. Do come in, both of you." he stepped to the side, beckoning them both with an outstretched arm, Mister Atkins and Cyrus moved past him hurriedly, before the man shut the door behind them both with a click.

"Feel free to make yourself at home. I'll be getting out of your fur soon." the man continued, gesturing to the Lucario whilst reaching for a jacket hung upon a rack just beside the door.

"A-and I should probably get going too." Atkins stumbled.

"Yes, yes. I assume you've got yourself all set up for the night? If not, I can point you to the finest hotel in town for a reasonable price." the man chuckled.

"I-I'm fine, really. I have arrangements... thank you." Cyrus's owner nervously nodded.

"Good to hear!" said the man. "Now then, just before I go. Nanani, my dear!"

His call was firm and loud, echoing throughout the house, and almost enough to startle the Lucario who was still standing rather nervously in the entryway. His ears at attention, he could hear the softest of footsteps coming down the hall off to the left, away from the living room before them.

"Master! You've nearly forgotten your hat again..!" an urgent but silvery voice chimed in from that very same direction. Not a moment later and she had scurried into view. Just about a head shorter than the Lucario, a Glaceon as adept as anyone had ever seen walking about on two legs was clutching a homburg in both of her paws. The man bent down just a touch to take it from her, giving her just the warmest of smiles as he did so.

"I haven't forgotten anything my dear." his reply was as soft as he'd ever been. "Not with you around to help me remember."

This seemed to brighten the slightly worried disposition on the Glaceon in an instant, a bright smile on her face. Though it quickly faded the moment that she noticed Mister Atkins and Cyrus standing there as well. First she turned to Mister Atkins, her paws lightly gripping the hem of either side of her skirt, and displaying a curtsy.

"Wow..." the taller and more nervous man spoke. "She's really polite, Mister Givens."

"That she is, Mister Atkins." he almost audaciously clapped a hand on the man's shoulder, reaching for the door handle with the other. "Now, we'd best be off ourselves, shouldn't we?"

"Oh!" Mister Atkins snapped back to the reality he'd broken away from for a mere moment. "Yeah, yeah we should. Um..." And then for a brief second he looked at Cyrus. "I'll see you in the morning, bud. H-have fun."

The door swung open immediately afterwards.

"After you, Mister Atkins. I'll need you to move so I can get my car out of the garage anyway!" Mister Givens laughed.

"O-oh right! I'll get right on that!" Cyrus's owner's voice faded away quickly as he hurried down the walkway.

Just as the door was about to shut behind them both, however, Mister Givens poked his head back in one last time and whispered.

"Nanani dear, be a good girl for him tonight, you understand?"

To which she nodded politely. "Of course, Master~ I'll be very good, I promise."

"That's my girl." he replied, giving her one last smile before his head disappeared, and the door finished closing with a click.

She whirled around immediately thereafter to see an almost visibly red-faced Lucario standing there just a few feet behind her, nervously fiddling his own paws.

"So!" she was quick to grab his attention. "Your name is Cyrus?"

"Uhh..." he fumbled for a moment, his eyes catching hers, averting, and then catching them again. "Yeah- Yeah! Sorry."

"Oh, it's quite alright, Cyrus." she warmly smiled back at him, ironically enough to immediately melt some of that tension away, his disposition softening a bit. "There's no need to apologize. My name is Nanani~" to which she paused for another darling little curtsy. "It's an honor to meet you."

"A-aheh." he laughed nervously, but shortly recovered. "Ahem. It's an honor to meet you too!"

"Oh, how sweet~" she added thereafter, her smile never breaking an inch. "Tell me, Cyrus, have you done this before?"

"Well... yes." he paused, reflecting just for a moment before he said anymore, her eyes scanning his as he did so. "A few times, but... not like this."

"Whatever do you mean?" she inquired, a small tilt of the head and her smile fading a bit displaying any and all confusion she might've had. Everything about her disposition was powerfully genuine, and it consistently caught him off guard.

"I mean, it was never this... private or... I've honestly never been anywhere this nice." Cyrus mumbled.

"Oh! Well don't you worry!" the Glaceon chirped, and with a suddenness he wasn't expecting, she reached forward with both paws, and took ahold of his. "We're going to have a wonderful time together, I assure you~"

Again she bore the widest of grins, wrestling away his reservations in an instant. On top of the delicate and dainty manner in which she held his paws in her own, the way in which she presented herself, all of it was shockingly inviting to the Lucario. Inviting enough to turn his crooked and awkward smile into one as real and sincere as her own.

"Now, if you could be a dear, please follow meee~" she about sang her request, releasing her gentle hold on him before twirling around with such immediacy that it took a moment for the rest of her skirt to follow.

"Yes ma'am." he responded sternly, nodding without much thought.

"Please dear, call me Nanani. There's no need for formalities any longer~" she called back to him as she walked, leading the way down the same hallway from which he'd first seen her enter.

"Formalities... right." He returned, taking an extra step to keep up with her. Though he... just as suddenly took a step back, lagging behind only a few paces to keep a close eye on what was in front of him.

Nanani was a very sweet and pleasing Glaceon to behold when they spoke, but from this angle she was pleasing in another way entirely. His gaze trailed down her backside as they walked, her long and silken tassels were kept draped behind her shoulders, following the slope of her back down about halfway, but the real sight moved with little urgency just a bit lower. Her skirt, plaid in crimson and black, seemed short but presentable at first. But from behind he could see much more, her ample curvature bobbled hypnotically as she walked.

All of this only took him a few paces to notice, passing on by a couple sets of closed doors on their way down the hall, which then hooked a right before continuing on a ways. He had to peel his eyes a way for just a moment so as not to walk into the wall upon turning. She lead with a leisurely pace, humming idly to herself as they walked. It had been a few seconds already, and she knew full well what had sparked the silence.

"We'll take the room at the end, Cyrus." she piped up suddenly, throwing off the distracted Lucario, who then looked up to see that the hall came to an end at yet another closed door.

"Oh, right. Hold on a second..!" he squeezed past her in a hurry, catching even her off guard to see him rush to said door, and open it for the both of them. "After you, Nanani." he tried to play it cool, swallowing a lump in his throat shortly thereafter.

"Such a gentleman~" the Glaceon spoke softly, striding past without any hesitation. "Thank you, Cyrus."

"Of course." he replied with confidence, closing the door behind the both of them.

The light from the hallway disappeared entirely at the sound of the click, the atmosphere of the new room almost entirely different. A warm glow filtered throughout from a pair of lamps on end tables situated on either side of the bed. A silken black canopy hung over the top of the queen, tied down neatly at each corner, providing an opening on either side, as well at the foot of the bed. There was little else in the way of space. A four-drawer dresser sat on the right side wall, providing a neat walk-way between it and the bed, and the wall which ran left from the door they had entered featured another door at the far end, which likely lead to a bathroom or a closet, though it remained shut.

She had sauntered her way over to the bed in the time he had used to take in his surroundings propping herself up and taking a seat on the foot of the bed, her legs neatly crossed.

"Cyrus?" she began, drawing his attention back to her. "Do you have any... special requests before we begin?"

Her tone of voice had shifted noticeably. What was once high-pitched and sweet was a bit more smoky and lax, clearly enunciating the word "special" in a way that made him shiver.

"Are... you going to change into anything else?" he inquired.

She leaned back rather casually, resting her paws just behind her on the bed to keep herself upright. "I can, if you would like that."

"N-no I just figured... since you're all dressed up and... usually, well..." he trailed off even as he stared, her presence captivating him more and more by the moment.

"Usually we don't wear anything, you mean?" she waited a moment before chiming in, not wanting to interrupt.

"...Yeah. I've never seen a Glaceon wearing human clothes."

"But you like it, don't you?" she smirked, rocking back and then forward just a little from her reclined position.

All he did was nod. Truthfully, though he thought clothes on her looked out of place, they did their job to serve up an air of mystery for what she looked like underneath it all.

She sat upright fully again, taking her paws off of the bed and moving them to the buttons of her shirt. "I suppose I should change, though. Like it or not, these clothes of mine will only get in the way, won't they?"

He nodded again.

After all this time he'd been standing still, she paused to notice. "Come now, Cyrus. Don't be a stranger~" her sultry voice and beckoning paw carried his once planted feet over to her in a second. Just a few buttons more and she slipped out of her top, tossing it behind him and onto the dresser with total disregard. She stood up to greet him, mere inches between the both of them that were soon to disappear. Reaching upward, she wrapped her arms around his neck, dangling each paw off of his shoulder.

"Why don't you try getting a little more comfortable, Cyrus?" she whispered. "Let's learn about each other a bit."

In silent response, his own paws found her shoulders, before trailing down her sides. Slowly he felt his way down to her hips, resting on the waist of her skirt. She leaned in a little closer, whispering again. "Surely you can do better than that..."

There was a brief pause, and he had to take a moment to look down at where his fores rested, but shortly thereafter his grip abandoned post, brushing down the short length of her skirt, before sneaking their way underneath to cup the bottom of her ass.

"That's more like it..." her voice stayed hushed, and with a tilt of her head, she planted a kiss on the jackal's neck, leaving him to shudder yet again. His hold on her butt was firm, providing lift that left her mouth agape, a hushed gasp being all that she gave him. He didn't stop there, however, relinquishing his grip at once to feel her ass wobble back in place. He then traced the contours of her rear further. Her eyes had since left him, looking down at what her skirt unfortunately concealed as his digits adventured further. Once he'd caught her thighs he knew he was close, and with a smirk of his own, he pressed onward with just one hand. Her fur was so thin, and so soft, yet when he felt the delicate mound between her legs it was on another level entirely. She gasped again, sharply this time, shivering against his chest.

His once nervous disposition was completely gone by now, knowing after just a minute or so of intrepid discovery that he could be the one to take charge now after so many minutes of he relentlessly sexy teasing. That, and well, the first hint of his own arousal had by now begun to poke free, gently prodding her stomach.

"You should take that off now." he whispered into her ear this time. This time was hers to nod. Her paws fell from his shoulders and found the waist of her skirt. She sank down a few inches, rotating her hips as she pulled on the band, and tugging his paws away from their resting place beneath. The struggle was tugging her way past her rear, but once it had popped free with a little bounce, her skirt fell past her legs with little resistance, crumpling at her feet. No sooner was she fully undressed than she sank to her little knees.

First came a deep breath, her exhale sending a brief chill down the few exposed inches of his canine cock. His teeth clenched and he let loose a quiet hiss. Then came her paw, very carefully cupping his package as she moved in for the kill. Her tongue curled around the base of his tip, drawing back to let it flit the end and bounce his inches upward. All the while her digits gently kneaded soft space between the pair in his sack.

Such expertise left the Lucario groaning with pleasure, and soon rewarding her with the remainder of his tool, rigid and twitching with need mere inches from her face. She stared at it with longing, her eyes half-lidded with lust. His musk had just begun to creep on her, the swelling of the knot at the base of his length beginning to form.

She started slow, moving her hand away from his balls to carefully pinch the base of his cock, just below his swelling bulb. The Lucario panted lightly above her, watching her every move in earnest. With a little twist she pointed his cock upward, and took a deep inhale. Her snout ran all the way down his tool with sniff after sniff, each deeper than the last. Though it only took her a few seconds to intake his scent, the scene felt as though it lasted an eternity to him.

"You're..." she began to speak, but paused for just a second to breathe an exhilarated huff. "...intoxicating, Cyrus~"

"Addicted already, huh?" he was playful in his demeanor, grinning at both the sight and sound of her delighting in his member.

"Mmmhm" she murmured. Her tongue was out once again, drawing all the way up his shaft, from the base where she had began to the very tip. She didn't, however, remove herself from him again. No sooner had she reached the tip, did she open her mouth and sink down on him in one blissful motion that left the Lucario groaning loudly between clenched teeth. The Glaceon had taken every last inch of his save for his knot, and she moaned over those inches with such muffled fervor that the sound of her alone sent shivers up his spine. Unafraid of testing her limits, she leaned forward just a tad more, as if testing the idea of taking his knot. But it wasn't meant to be, both of them knowing full well once the tip of his length prodded the back of her throat. The brief gag that followed was enough to make her pull back, leaving little more than an inch or two lingering on her tongue.

She didn't skip a beat, however, murmuring with delight just as she leaned in to take him all over again. Wincing amidst the pleasure, he snuck an eye open catching her gaze staring right back at him, earnest and eager to please. The sight of her, wide-eyed and enthusiastic looking for more from him was one to behold, leaving him at least for a second in stunned silence. Her eyes remained locked on his, gently bobbing her head back and forth along the entirety of his cock over and over again. Pressure in his midsection had begun to mount, snapping him back to reality, and still she seeked more from him, that look of hers never wavering. She'd already fulfilled her earlier promise of fun, he certainly owed her something in return.

"Aheh." he laughed, then grunted, even as he reached to brush his paw past her cheek. "That's a good... girl."

His approval was all she needed, finally peeling her eyes away, and they fell shut. Now all she wished to do was please him, and to savor the flavor and feeling of his meat in her mouth. With a sigh he moved his paw behind her head; not to in any way guide or force her onto him anymore than she was, but rather to hold on as he rode her out. It was something to focus on as he staved off his creeping orgasm. But her mouth was just too good. The way her tongue felt along the underside of his cock, tickling it up and down again and again. The way her mouth squeezed him just enough when her lips relaxed. The way those lips kissed his swollen knot every time she took as much of him as she could. The sounds of enjoyment she made all the while.

And she, well, she could feel her legs begin to tremble. The haze on her mind from an overdose of his masculine scent clouded anything but further need and lust. Even when he tapped on the back of her head, before letting her know he was about to cum, she didn't stop. She stroked him excitedly with all that her mouth could provide, sucking down a release that wasn't quite there. Until of course, that first string of his seed found the back of her throat. One last time she lurched forward, her mouth pressed against his knot as firmly as she could manage as streams of cum filled her throat, and she gulped it all down without hesitation. Noisily and hungrily, which was all thankfully muffled by her full mouth, but just as much so by the moans of the male above her. Seconds of orgasm his later, his spurts of cum dribbled to a slow, and no longer was it even a mere struggle to swallow it all. Once he was reduced to drops, she tugged away; slowly. With one almost agonizingly long oral stroke she pulled herself off of him, flicking her tongue against the tip of his well-lubricated dick.

He stood there a moment in awe, breathing heavily in the afterglow. He was about to pull away from her, eager for whatever came next, but she took hold of his malehood one last time, grasping it gently in her paw, and planting a single kiss on its end. One last parting gift that let loose a whole host of butterfree in his chest.

His jitters only magnified when she rose to her feet, now that he finally had the chance to behold her entire form, naked as he wished she'd been from the start. She reached up to rest her paws on his chest, leaning in close to whisper again, carelessly rubbing against his erection as she did so.

"Where would you like to go next, Cyrus?" her seductive coo passed on by his ear.

"I'd like to..." he paused, still a little short on breath. "...I'd like to fuck you... hard."

His own paws wrapped around her voluptuous form, gripping her ass tightly again and growling into her ear.

"I'm all yours, stud." she didn't waver a beat, even with him roughly squeezing her best asset and the intimidation of him snarling in her ear.

Finally he had the opportunity to show her his strength. With his hold on her secure, he lifted her like a feather. She responded quickly by wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms over his shoulders. With a shove he vaulted the both of them up onto the bed, pinning her against the covers in an instant. One paw he used to plant just above her head, pushing himself upright as he looked down on her. The other he held right next to her negating the sense of space between them. He had wedged himself between her legs with his cock resting snugly on top of her puffy pussy, simply pointing her way. He began to move his hips, his feral rumblings in her ear chipping away at her provacative demeanor. She started to tremble the more his length ground against her snatch, her soft femininity tingling with increasing need. His eyes remained fixed on her, watching for the moment she would squirm. Her chest rose and fell more and more rapidly, all the while watching his dick move back and forth past where she wished he would go, her patience beginning to wane.

Then finally she let him hear a rather anxious huff. The Lucario drew his hips back, angling his length downward, and thrusted forward. Hard.

Nanani tossed her head back, her eyes catching his again, maw agape in a silent moan that quickly formed into a very audible one. The suddenness of him inside her spreading her wide made her body jolt with pleasure. He too couldn't help but groan nearly as loudly as she, her tight, yet slick pussy enveloping him in such indescribable warmth. He rolled his hips once at this hilt, his bulbous knot kneading the opening of her tunnel. She quivered at the sensation, her pussy squeezing him tightly again, and he grunted as he pulled back. Slowly but surely he tugged his way out of her, almost fighting against the vice grip her snatch had him in. His eyes squeezed shut, focusing for a moment, and she remained agape, breathless in her excitement. He didn't remove himself for too long, and sank back in with another satisfied groan. As soon as his knot pressed against her opening, he tugged away again, beginning the series of thrusts that were to come. He could bask in it all night, but there was more to be done. From here, however, his movements were slow. Even with her moaning beneath him like a whore, he wasn't getting much of anywhere fast, the buzzing in his crotch beginning to dull. After what had to have been at least two dozen thrusts he pulled himself out of her completely, leaving her perplexed amidst her heavy breathing.

"Change of... plans?" she huffed.

"Grrr... roll over, Nanani." he muttered. "Let me see your ass again..."

Her obedience was swift, making the most of the little space between them - though he had lifted himself up, now resting on his haunches at the foot of the bed - to roll onto her stomach. Her paws set apart just above her head, she took tiny fistfuls of the covers in each one as she lifted her plump end, propped up with her knees. He didn't pounce immediately, mind, taking a moment to admire the view again. With her tail flagged to the side he could finally see her pucker snug between each thick cheek, and her already mildly-spent cunny, from which a single drop of her honey dribbled in earnest. This time he took hold of her ass with a mind to keep himself steady, aiming his length for just a second or so before slipping it right back where it belonged, leading his partner to whimper with delight. It only took him a few thrusts to find his rhythm again, made all the more easily done by the springboard effect her ass had on his hips, allowing him to rebound and push back again without any thought.

Her little cries had quieted, but the pleasure was still just as good, the buzz in his crotch returning now thanks to how little effort he spent fucking her, and how fantastic her pussy continued to feel. Like a never-ending massage on his member, warm and slippery, he pumped his inches in and out of her with such ease. Each pounding was met with a satisfactory sigh from the Glaceon, a content snort from the Lucario, a combination of slaps from both his knot teasing the idea of slipping inside of her, as well as his waist and her behind colliding in earnest. The pressure in his balls began to mount, and he knew he was close.

"Are you going to knot me, Cyrus?" she whispered, a little short on breath.

"Grnn... not... yet." he grunted back, his eyes narrowing with focus, quickening the pace of his thrusts. Slap after slap followed, his grip on her tightening as he staved off that release for just a few more humps.

With one more shove, he ground his bulb against her pussy, seed erupting from his cock in a fury, filling her up in a matter of seconds. His groan permeated throughout his orgasm, and she moaned for him again, just the feeling of his cum flooding her pussy nearly bringing her to climax as well. Lightly he pumped his hips, his own dick sloshing around the contents of her brimming tunnel, which ran over soon after, his cum dribbling out and onto the bed. With his peak having reached its end, he pulled away with a tinge of apprehension.

"In need of a little rest, my dear~?" she cooed from where she lay, her hold on the covers relinquished before propping herself up on her elbows. He meanwhile, crawled beside her, conniving smirk plastered on his face.

"Nah, I'm good, Nanani." he confidently replied, pulling himself up into a reclined seating position, his head against the pillow. "Why don't you sit that cute ass of yours on down right here?"

He lazily tapped his paw against his thigh, right beside his still fully-erect and brilliantly slick cock which remained proud and tall.

"Why yes, of course~" she obliged, pushing herself upright and onto her knees. In picking herself all the way up, he couldn't help but admire the leftover cream that dribbled from her pussy and down her thigh. With such nonchalance in regards to the runoff she carefully stepped over his lap after turning around. A face-full of Glaceon booty was a sight to behold, and even moreso one to be handled. His paws found her hips this time, guiding her in the act of sitting. She in turn took her merry time, sliding her hips this way and that in a mesmerizing display of ample curvature. All the way down she sank, but the moment his tip found her labia again, he tugged. Both of them gasped with pleasant excitement, his dick completely filling her soaked cunt without a hint of effort. She was slow to wind down, her chest heaving as she pressed her paws against the bed, her legs trembling on his own. He meanwhile, leaned in close, her head just below his snout.

"I'm not going to knot you, until you squeal my name." he growled lowly in her ear. "Got it?"

"Y-yes..!" she gasped, his words leaving her both pleasantly surprised and shivering with anticipation.

"That's a good girl. Now lift your legs up." he commanded, his paws sliding underneath her thighs. With nothing more than a nod, she propped both of her knees up.

"Spread 'em." he coolly ordered again.

Her trembling knees were separated in a moment, and with a glance down her front he could see just a hint of his cock wedged in place against her lips. His paws moved down, and he scooped her up with a firm hold on her butt that surely surprised her. Almost immediately he began, using the strength of his arms to lift her up and down on his penis, thrusting his hips every time he was about to drop her. The angle had her crying out with every hilt in a matter of just a few fucks, her own paws coiled helplessly against her chest. All she could do was look down and watch as again and again she was pistoned in his lap. Somehow he was managing this even faster than before, long gone was the slow and pleasurable sex of before, replaced by an exhausting routine of rampant yet consistent screwing that was at least entirely new to her. Hearing her whine this way was music to his ears, and even amidst all his grunting and snorting with exertion he continued to egg her on.

"That's- rrr... it, Nanani... Moan like you need it."

"I-I do-!" she interjected, slapping a paw over her mouth to suddenly stifle a cry that never came.

"Go ahead and tell me... how bad." he whispered again, before gritting his teeth, trying so desperately to focus on maintaining such a tiring pace.

"I can't..!" she cried.

"I said tell me..!" he huffed, gripping her ever more tightly. It would've stung, were the sensations rippling through her pussy not so fantastic, thus it only did more to make her scream. And her outcry was what triggered the next step. In a burst of energy he lunged forward, holding her tightly as he pinned her against the bed. With him completely over top of her, she was pressed into the covers without an inch of wiggle room, the fervor with which he pounded her only increasing. With unparalleled speed he plunged his cock in and out of her soiled vagina, the raps of their hips meeting a blurb beneath his snarls and her whines. A few seconds became several, the Lucario doing everything he could not to slow down for even a second. Harder and faster, even, he wanted to fuck her into submission. She was happy to oblige, the pleasure in her pussy having become so much as it dulled every other sense she had. Her voice tiring with moans. She hadn't even paid any mind to the fact that she was close.

"CyRUS~~!!" she howled in desperation, the rush of her own release numbing the feeling of his tool with suddenness. Her pussy spasmed around his member, an instant jolt in his rhythm, and the go-ahead he's been looking for. With one last bark he shoved his cock into her hard, finally plunging his knot into her. As if he hadn't given her enough, this last orgasm was the most powerful of all, his cock bursting with cream that filled her fertile womb to capacity, mixing in with her own fluids and all the prior cum he'd given her. The rush lasted for what felt to both of them like an eternity, so long in fact that they had both come down enough to where they were merely breathing heavily against one another, while spurts of his cum continued to add up.

He carefully took hold of her, exhausted as he was, and rolled them both up onto their sides so that they might continue to pant together comfortably, tied the way they were. As the sensation began to wane, and their chests began to rise and fall with more ease, she was the first to pipe up.

"Cyrus... that was, truly remarkable~"

"You're telling me..." he sighed, propping himself up one one arm so that he might look over her. Her eyes had fallen shut, a smile on her face. Her tassels lay draped across the bed beside her, rather than neatly behind her, and after a moment's thought she was sure to remedy that, pulling them back into place.

He meanwhile, wrapped his other paw around her waist, letting it settle on her stomach. After remedying the problem of her misaligned facial decorations, she glanced down to his paw. Then, back up to him.

"I do hope you'll love them, Cyrus." she softly spoke.

"...You sure you're going to- Uh..." he paused, that apprehensive demeanor back as he blushed both at the pretense and the sight of her beautiful face.

"Let's just say I'll be very surprised if you haven't knocked me up~" she giggled, rather reassuredly.

All he did was sigh.

"Just give me a little time to wobble around with it, and Master Givens will send the egg your way as soon as possible..!" her voice was so chirpy, he could hardly believe she spoke with such sincerity over so big a task.

"I-I think it's stupid I can't stay with you until you have it, Nanani." Cyrus grumbled.

"Mister Atkins needs you more than I do, dear. I'll be just fine~" And then, much to his surprise, she stretched forward just a little bit more to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Y-yeah. I guess..." he trailed off, the warmth of blushing cheeks permeating beneath his fur.

"All I want you to worry about is untying us rather soon so you can sleep." she whispered, lying her head back down on the bed.

"Yes ma'am."

"And, if you can wake up early enough, after I make us both breakfast, perhaps we can have another quick round before Mister Atkins arrives~" came her sultry voice once more.

"Y-yes ma'am!" he repeated in earnest, nervously fidgeting about to see if there was any way he could pull out now.