All Bets are off

Story by Foxokles on SoFurry

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Here's another story for you to enjoy. Contains three killings.

Things went rather well for Milo, the young wolf, after the incident with that Raimundo-guy a few weeks ago. Freddie Mancini had been really pleased about the way Milo had punished Jay Raimundo. After they were done with Jay they went back to the bar where he had woken up a few hours ago. Freddie, the timber wolf, invited him for a drink. After they both had an Anisette they went back to the cellar where the dead body of the skunk whose throat had been slit by Freddie was still hanging from a meat hook. Freddie handed an axe to Milo and told him to chop the skunk into pieces as they would have to get rid of him too. Adrenaline began to rush again through the young wolf's head and whacked the dead skunk with great force and unrelenting stamina. Some parts of the body were rather hard to chops, some where rather soft. Milo produced a big stinking mess when he hit the skunk's belly and pulled out most of the slowly decaying intestines that were hidden in it. After he had finished his work, Freddie helped him to put the remains into big black plastic bags which they put into the trunk of the car. Freddie then drove the old car to a dog food factory that was located in the industrial district of the eastern part of the city. The dog food factory was one of the businesses the Don of the Monaldo family owned. When Freddie and Milo entered the factory hall with their plastic bags the workers just silently walked out. A huge meat grinder was standing in the middle of the factory. The two wolves went up a staircase that led to its top. They took turns throwing the skunk's body parts into the grinder. Freddie seemed to very amused by the sight of the grinder swallowing up the skunks meat and bones. Then he turned his head towards Milo.

"This could've been you and this is how you are going to end up if you do fail or betray us.", he said to Milo sternly.

Milo gulped and nodded. He did not want to be the in the skunk's place, but he wanted to be in the place where he was stading right now.

"But it seems that I can trust you. Also you obviously aren't a chicken. As I told you before I have to take about the Don's son and his friends while they are in town. I will call you from time to time for special assignments. Every friday afternoon you will come to the bookmaker's office at Sedgewick Street 7 where you will receive your generous salary. You will not deal with drugs, you will not take part in robberies. You will only get drunk if I tell you that I have no work for you!" Then he gave a brick of an cellphone to Milo. "I am going to call you when I need your help! Make me proud. The Don needs loyal workers in times like this."

Milo thanked Freddie for giving his this great opportunity. He knew that there was no way out for him anymore. But he wanted to make Freddie proud of him! So he slowly became a important figure in the Monaldo family business. Behind closed doors some people called him Freddie's bitch. But no one dared to say this straight in his face, he was treated with fear and respect. Deep inside him, Milo wanted to be the timber wolf's bitch. But he was too afraid to make any approaches towards him, also Freddie did not seem to be interested at all. He did not see him often anyways, because Freddie was too busy looking after the Don's son. So he mostly got his orders by phone. The last job that had been assigned to him was to punish, Tommy Saxon, the owner of a bookmaker's office at Attica Avenue who had denied to pay his protection money for a while now. From what Milo had heard they had already put some pressure on him by throwing stones through his store windows or destroying parts of his interior with baseball bats, all to now avail. Now they intended to make another visit with baseball bats to use as appropriate means of persuasion. But this time they would use the bats on Tommy's body rather than on the office's furniture. Milo was sitting in a car that was parked in front of the bookmaker's office, it was already dark outside and a rain had begun to fall. The car had been driven by Primo, a tiger that served as a thug for the Monaldos. He had been ordered to support Milo in messing up the bookmaker's office. Milo and Primo had a smoke before they began their work.

Primo puffed out some smoke. "I don't know, but I think this might get complicated." He surely was not the brightest person Milo had ever met. But Primo was experienced since he had done jobs like this more than once. "What do you mean?", Milo asked. "Usually they give in after we demolish their offices. If they don't they either have run to the police to seek for help or turned to the protection another family.", Primo explained. Milo nodded: "Means we should be careful, I guess." Primo nodded too and suddenly put his left paw against Milo's chest. "Can I say one more thing?". Milo felt the tiger's raw strength, he did not put much pressure onto his chest, but it was alreday enough to affect the wolves breathing. "What?", Milo asked. "I know that you're the boss ... But if we should get ambushed by the police: Fucking don't put up a fight. Believe me, we won't stand a chance to win. I've seen a lot of young guys who hurt police officers. They were brought into the prison up the river and hanged before they could say good bye to their mommas. Just let them arrest you if you want to have a chance to live and pray that they don't connect you with other business acts you've commited for the family!". Primo pulled back his paw. "Sorry." Milo opened the car's window and threw out the butt of his cigarette. "Nothing to feel sorry for. But now it's time for work! I go in first, you cover my back."

The circumstances for their job were perfect. They had equipped themselfs with guns which they had hidden in the trunk of their car. It was dark outside and the rainy weather had developed into a fully blown thunder storm. Also one of the street lights in front of the bookmaker's office had gone out. The wolf and the tiger left the car and walked towards the bookmaker's office. Milo entered first and looked around for a little bit. Behind the counter was a wall mounted with screens showing betting quotes for various sports. Since it was rather late now there was only one employee left: A geeky looking and bespectacled japanese badger was standing behind the counter entering data into his computer. Behind the japanese badger was a narrow and steep stair that led to the upstairs back office. Some panther-guy was staring at a screen that showed a horse race. Milo headed for the counter while Primo pretended join the panther watching the horse race. The japanese badger looked up from his computer. "Hello, what can I do for you, sir?". Milo could read the badger's nametag now, it said "Hi, my name is Toby."

"Well, Toby, I used to be in a close business relationship with your manager. But unfortunately this relationship has been overshadowed by some issues recently. So I'd like to ask you If you can ask him to see me." Milo put on the most friendly smile.

"Unfortunately our manager is not here right now.", Toby replied in a friendly manner.

"Are you sure? From the outside I saw that the lights in the office on the second floors were lit." Milo spoke in a friendly voice but looked much more serious now.

In the other corner of the office Primo noticed that the panther seemed to be more concerned about the conversation between Milo and the clerk than about the screen he had been watching. The tiger reached for the gun he hid unter his jacket.

"Umm ... Maybe he forgot to put the lights out when he left ...", Toby was mumbling.

Suddenly the panther pulled a gun out of his jacket which he wanted to point towards Milo. But Primo reacted quickly and managed it to hit the panthers nose with his elbow. The panther struggled his broken nose spurted blood on the screens. Then Primo hit him with the grip of his pistol on the back of his head. The panther's mind went blank and he fell to the ground. In the meanwhile Milo had also put out his pistol and pointed it at Toby's head. "Is your boss upstairs?", he yelled at the badger. "Yes ... he is.", Toby answered nervously. "Okay, you will lead me to him!". Then he turned his head to Primo. "And you prepare that grey bastard over there for a ride. After that you come up to the office! Seems this is going to be a long night." Primo nodded and gave a kick to the panther's head before he left the office. Milo ordered Toby to turn off the lights in the office so that Primo was able to do his work without getting watched from the outside. Then he opened the counter and followed Toby up the stairs. The japanese badger was really frightened and walked really slowly. Upstairs there were three doors, one to the left which seemed to lead to a toilets. Behind the door to the right was a small kitchen which was used as a room for the employee's breaks. The centre door led do the manager's office. Milo was standing closely behind Toby, putting the gun against the back of the japanese badgers head. Toby knocked at the door.

A voice from behind the door yelled: "I told you that I don't want to be disturbed tonight!". Toby turned his head towards Milo. Milo violently grabbed Toby by his collar. " ... But sir, it's important!" Toby was almost crying. "I'm going to kick your sorry ass if it isn't urgent!" Then door opened, Milo still had a tight grip on Toby's collar, but now he pointed the gun at the face that appeared in the doorframe. The face was that of a middle aged red panda. As soon as he noticed the gun in front of him he retreated back into his office. Milo pushed the japanese badger to the side and and followed the red panda who desperately tried to open the window at the back of the room, but the window seemed to be stuck.

"Come on, even if you'd managed to get that window I'd shoot you in the back. Just calm down and have a little talk with me.", Milo said to the red panda.

The red panda turned around and sighed. "What do you want from me?", he asked.

The wolf slowly walked towards the red panda and put the on his forehead. "What's your name, pal?".

The red panda was trembling. "Wilfred ..."

"Well, Wilfred. To assure that you know your place you will take off your clothes and kneel in front of me."

The red panda growled but his fear let him give in, he was sure that he would get out of this. He removed his grey jacket and untied his brownish tie. Then he unbuttoned and took off his shirt. Then he bend over to get out of his slippers. Milo made sure that his head was always in contact with Wilfred's head. After he had gotten out of his slippers he let his trousers down. Now his chubbiness really showed, he had hidden it very well under his belt. He looked up to Milo. The wolf ordered him to get out of his boxers too. "Kneel and put your filthy paws behind your back." The red panda did as he was told.

Milo heard some heavy pawsteps behind him. He looked at door where he saw Primo enter the room. In his right paw Primo was holding Toby by his neck. The tiger's huge paw almost wrapped completely around the little badger's neck. "Just look who was trying to leave the building." Primo smiled, Toby was gasping.

"Oh, Toby, did you not want to stay until the end of the show? See that he gets in the same position as his boss.", Milo ordered.

As soon as Primo got his command he ripped of the poor japanese badger's clothes with a few swift movements. Then he placed Toby next to Wilfred. "I brought duct tape with me, better bind their arms and feet together. What do you think, boss?" Milo nodded. While Primo was doing this Milo put out his cellphone and called Freddie for further instructions.

Freddie was hanging around at the Don's house and felt slightly disturbed by Milo's call. Freddie had been busy all night with looking for the Don's youngest son and his friends. William, a young marten and one of the Don's sons best friends, had been very fond of Freddie and was just pleasuring the timber wolves cock with his nimble tongue. Freddie was slightly angried, when he answered the call: "What is it now ... I'm really busy right now ... What? ... You think they sold out to another family? ... Seems that we are going to take over this office ... Squeeze out all the information you can get and arrange a nice trip to the dog food factory for them." Then he ended the call.

While he tried to call Freddie Milo had looked around the office and saw that there were some black plastic bags lying on a side board which the red panda used to bring his money to the bank. This could be quite useful and fun the wolf thought. He turned back to the two delinquents kneeling on the floor.

"So, where did that useless grey asshole come from? Private Security firm? The Cancio-family? Or even the Trentinos?"

Toby and Wilfred both stared at the floor.

"Hey, look up! You've seen that ugly rug often enough, I'm the one who's interesting here!"

They still looked down at the floor and fearfully moved closer together. Then Milo looked at Primo. Primo understood and grabbed their heads and banged them together with his mighty paws. They both screeched.

"... Cancio ...", Wilfred whispered.

"Cancio! But why? Did we not protect you well?", Milo yelled.

Wilfred looked down again. "It was Toby's idea ..."

Milo could not believe what he had just heard. "Is this true?"

"... They demanded less money from us ... So i tought it was a good idea ... I'm so sorry.", Toby was shivering. "But it was him who said yes to the deal!"

"Wow, one is blaming the other ... Well, it doesn't matter. We are taking over this business now. But we have to punish the guy who tried to betray the Monaldo family." Milo went to the side board and picked up one of the plastic bags. A tear was running down the japanese badger's face. The wolf looked into Toby's eyes. "I would have guessed that you are completely innocent." Toby gasped but Milo did not give him the chance to breathe fully as he quickly put the black plastic bag over the badger's head. Primo was quick to hand over the roll of duct tape which Milo then used to wrap the bag tightly around Toby's neck. The japanese badger desperately tried to breath and quickly had to realize that he had used all of the air that had remained in the bag. As he tried to breathe in the outlines of his panicking face became vaguely visible. He struggled and tried to wind himself out of his misery. But the strong tiger kept him in his place. Milo noticed that Toby's cock had become errect and was spurting pre on the badger's creamy coloured belly.

Milo was now turning to Wilfred, who was very scared now but also took some pleasure in watching Toby dying. His penis was almost as hard as the penis of his employee. "And you swine have ratted out little Toby, we don't need any rats in our business!"

"But ...", Wilfred wanted to beg. But it was too late, the plastic bag was swiftly put over his head. The world around him was almost black now, save for a few flashes of light. He tried to keep his breath in, while he felt that the duct tape was wrapped around his neck. Suddenly he felt something hard and glitchy poking at his side. It was Toby's cock that was twitching. After a few more seconds the japanese badger spurted his load onto the red panda's fur. The cum was thick and the spurts came in rapid succession. Wilfred took a final deep breath. He heard how Toby fell down on his back. The red panda knew that this was the worst thing that could have ever happened to him. Also he had never felt so much pleasure in his entire life. His body was trembling, but he felt no panic. He totally gave himself in. Then he came. The first spurt was so powerful that it reached the plastic bag. His cock was twitching and pumping out cum. And as his orgasm slowly faded out so did the red panda's mind.

Wilfred also fell onto his back. Milo smiled. "They seemed to enjoy it." Primo laughed.

"Is there enough space left in the trunk or should we get them tomorrow?", Milo asked.

"That panther in the trunk is fucking huge. I guess we should come back tomorrow.", the tiger responded.

"Okay then. Let's make sure that they won't cause no trouble anymore."

Primo put out his gun and whacked the heads of Toby and Wilfred. Milo heard the skulls crack. After that they put out the lights, searched for the keys and left the bookmaker's office. As they were sitting in the car again they had another cigarette. "What shall we do with that panther? Are we going to feed him alive to the meat grinder?", Primo asked. "No, that would be to harsh, that guy was just doing his job. But we have to show the Cancios that they should not interfere with the Monaldo's businesses ... Oh, I have an idea!"

Some twenty minutes later the car was parking in a little forest. Milo knew that the Cancio's Don went jogging there every morning with his bodyguards. Primo opened the trunk of the car in which the panther had regained his conciousness, Primo hat already stripped him of his clothes thinking that they would drive him to the dog food factory. His breath was heavy as his nose was still bleeding and Primo had shut his maw with duct tape. Primo then took the remaining rope out of the trunk and knotted a noose which he then put around the panther's neck. Milo took the other end of the rope and threw it over a sturdy branch of an oak tree. The panther was panicking but could barely move as the tiger had tied his paws and legs together with duct tape. Then the wolf and the tiger began to pull the rope until the panther was hanging from the branch. The thunderstorm was still raging so they decided to leave the scene quickly.

The car drove away and that was left was the body of the panther hanging from the tree, ejaculating his final orgasm into the heavy rain, only lit by the lightnings in the background.

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