Myrida: Episode 1

Story by FoxyRedfield on SoFurry

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Furs of old fought for their freedom from Humans to form their utopia, Myrida (MEER-IH-DA). Now, decades later, Human forces conspire to once again place Furs in chains. Fox Faldryn, a young college researcher and TA is suddenly swept into the middle of this conflict when a friend and pupil is blown up before him. Caught in the blast, Fox nearly meets the same end before he is rescued by the Magic Elimination Squad: Tiamat. Now, held captive by his own government and presumed dead by all he once knew, he struggles to adapt to a new life of working in the shadows and fighting the forces of the Gestaltian Empire. But not everyone seems happy that he's on the team, and his run-in with Humans has left him very much still inflatable and, consequently, vulnerable. Can he trust his new team-mate and romantic interest, Binx? Does he have what it takes to earn his keep on a team of killers that he never wanted to join in the first place? Will he "comply" or face the consequences the team leader oft alludes to? Check out Episode 1 of the Myrida series, an erotic inflation adventure!

This episode contains two instances of inflation, one which leads to popping. It concludes with m/m intercourse.


Fox Redfield

Episode 1

The following is an "expansive" writing project I'm working on. It's furry fetish erotica and contains explicit sexual imagery including m/m, m/f, f/f sexual intercourse. What is featured varies from episode to episode. It primarily includes inflation fantasy, in part because it's hot, and also in part because it works as a mechanic in the story. Don't like it? The internet's a big place; go find something you do like. That being said, in addition to this work being erotica, I want to convey to my reader that it is absolutely the aim of this author to world-craft and create lengthy, episodic tales that will hopefully sweep you up in their characters and settings and entertain you. I hope you will find an imaginative and engaging world to fantasize within. I welcome constructive feedback from my readership so, by all means, contact me with suggestions. Equally, if you find yourself inspired to illustrate any of this, please feel free to send me a pic or a link. I'd love to see your art. Without further ado:

This story contains full body inflation, one instance of which leads to popping and the other without and concludes with m/m sexual intercourse. Also a wee bit of violence before the fun stuff begins. This story is mainly setup for plot and characters for later stories. Inflation starts on page 8.

In the world of Urd lies the nation of Myrida, a peaceful and affluent country populated almost exclusively by anthropomorphic creatures. It is a vast nation with opposing coasts, stretching across a plethora of biomes, rich with resources and an abundance of industrious citizens localized in many great cities. Though prosperous, Myrida and its people were practically isolated by the rest of the Human world following decades of war.

In the beginning, Furs were created by Humans through magic, as Humans were--and still are-- very adept in the arcane arts. Furs were expected to be treated kindly (but still only recognized as second-class citizens) and began their existence as helpers and assistants to Humans; in practice, however, they were slaves. Over time, many Furs were able to gain independence and recognition as individual citizens of the Human world. For a time, this worked. Humans and Furs were able to live side-by-side in relative harmony. However, some Humans, driven by their jealousy of Furs' innate superior physicality and arrogance at having been the ones who created them in the first place, began to retaliate against those who would think themselves the Humans' equals. These resistant Humans, also adept at magic, began exploiting an innate weakness in Furs: they reacted poorly to most types of magic. Specifically, contact with most magic--even its most mundane forms--would cause spontaneous inflation that, unless stopped by anti-magical means, would continue on until the poor creatures burst. Furs, seeing this diabolical exploit of their very uniqueness, rose up and, after lengthy conflict, were able to establish their own stronghold in the world: the nation of Myrida. Afterwards, Humans left them to their own devices, seeking no more association outside of trade. However, as time passed, the Humans' jealousy began to stir anew and war-hungry influences once more took power. Today, though a shaky truce stands between Myrida and the Gestaltian Empire, there are a growing number of Humans who would seek to undo all that the Furs have built, and place them once more in shackles . . .


/LOGOUT. Close that program. Close the other. Click. Click. And . . . click. Okay. Shut Down. Aaaannnd . . . done.

"Oh thank the gods," Fox sighed, finally able to get up from his computer after hours of poring over one file after another. He got up from his chair and began to gather his belongings into his carry-all. Fox, as his name implied, was a fox. He heard it all the time from colleagues, students, and strangers alike: "Not a very creative name," which was usually met with an eye-roll from him. Like he could help what he was named. Besides, creative or not, it wasn't exactly a common name, and that was his usual go-to retort if someone managed to actually get him to engage the topic. At any rate, he liked it. It was who he was, and he was the type who knew exactly what he was about. Head down, intellectual, down-to-business: that was Fox. And he was fine with it.

He shut the screen on his laptop and picked it up, carrying it under one of his lean arms. Fox was by no means a muscular male. He was toned but, in general, slender. Sleek, some might say. His ass was probably his most dominant feature, a prominently sloping bubble that stuck out just enough to catch glances from females and, more importantly, other males. Fox was almost exclusively gay, another thing about himself with which he was fine. He found some females attractive, but they were usually out of his league. On average, Fox was, well . . . average. He was your typical fox: orange-ish fur all over that was only interrupted by the white that cut across the lower half of his face and muzzle and down the center of his chest and abdomen; all the way down. In addition, black adorned the tips of his ears as well as his paws up to about the middle of his forearms and calves, which created natural "gloves" and "socks." His tail was equally orange, long and bushy toward the end, with a small, subtle black stripe that marked the beginning of the white tip. Even his clothes were "average." Typically, he dressed in plaid button-up shirts that he left untucked to fall over his jeans. These shirts were usually some hue of blue, his favorite color. Today, it was blue-green.

He grabbed his bottle of water, finally finished with packing up his things and went for the door of his office, stopping momentarily to check his reflection in a mirror on the wall by his office door. Quickly, he brushed his reddish-brown headfur with his paws to make sure it was the appropriate amount of tussled. He smiled a toothy grin at himself as he admired his big, expressive, emerald-green eyes before opening the door and heading out into the main office.

"I'm out for the day, Mae," he said as he passed his boss's office. The brown and white feline looked up from her desk as he passed.

"Have a good evening, Mister Faldryn," she said, smiling over her glasses.

Fox nodded and smiled as he continued on his way. After a short jaunt, he reached a set of double-doors that required a keycard. Fumbling with his wallet for a moment, he finally acquired his card, swiped it, then passed through. Fox worked at the Institute for Magical Protective Research which sounded like an impressive job but, in reality, it was primarily mundane clerical work: research, reading, some writing . . . mostly filing. In practice, Fox was a researcher for the University of Yros, named for the city in which it was located. In addition to helping with his betters' research into ways to counteract magic, he was functionally a glorified file-clerk. He would pore over research, redirecting pertinent information to his superiors and correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in the papers they wrote. Still, he wasn't ignorant of the work the Institute conducted. In fact, it was important work, so he made it a point to try to absorb information as it came across his computer. His employers found in him an asset in how knowledgeable his grasp of anti-magic theory was. In fact, they even allowed him to teach some rudimentary classes.

Fox pushed through another set of doors and made his way up a flight of stairs. His office was located in the basement of the Administrative Building, so he was often cut off from cell reception for most of the day. As he gingerly cleared the last flight of stairs, his phone, as usual, exploded with a flurry of incoming text messages and voicemails. Glancing down as he continued down the hallway to the exit, he saw messages from both of his brothers, his parents, and one of his friends, Teri, all in regards to plans for the upcoming holiday. They'd all get together, as they did every year, drink too much, sing a few songs, argue, make up, drink and sing some more, and then pass out in various places around the house. Good times. It was around six in the evening, so Fox would have to return those messages a little later. Right now, he was hungry and looking to grab some dinner down the street at--not his favorite restaurant--but the most convenient place near the university: L'Oeuf Bleu.

As he made his way down the last stretch of hallway to the exit he was stopped in his tracks.

"Professor Faldryn!" he heard from behind. Fox turned to see a young, trim, dark haired otter jogging down the hall after him: Matthew. Fox smiled.

"I'm not a Professor, Matthew. You can just call me Fox," he replied as Matthew quickly closed the gap.

"Sorry, Pr-uh . . . Fox. I, was hoping to catch you on your way . . . uh . . . um . . . I . . . look . . ." Matthew was obviously flustered. Fox's twenty-something-year-old student stammered and then fell silent. Matthew was one of his pupils from his introductory anti-magic theory class. Fox was fond of him for his enthusiasm, but equally pitied him because his grasp of the topic was tenuous at best.

"Is there something I can help you with, Matthew?" Fox said.

Matthew stood in front of Fox for a moment, blinking. Fox looked back expectantly, waiting for the young otter to reply. As Matthew gathered his thoughts, Fox admired his physique, he couldn't help it. Matthew was tall, slender, built . . . everything Fox was after in a male. Sure, he was one of his students, technically, but Fox wasn't technically a teacher either; he was just a researcher. Plus, they were both about the same age, so Fox found it hard to resist Matthew's obvious interest in him.

"Actually-uh . . . Fox, there is. I was . . . um . . . I was, hoping . . . um . . . are you going somewhere just now? Would . . . sorry. Could I . . ." Matthew sighed, taking a moment to catch his breath before finally blurting out: "Would you like to get dinner with me?!" Matthew immediately blushed.

Fox, smiled again. "Yeah, Matthew,' he said. "I would love to. You wanna walk with me?"

Matthew said nothing, but nodded and then hurried ahead of Fox to open the door for him. Fox took a moment to admire the otter's muscled backside rippling through his black v-neck t-shirt and tight jeans. He was definitely a cutie. Dinner, eh? Fox thought. This might turn into an interesting night. Better than grading papers.

They continued on out into the courtyard, making their way to the sidewalk and on down the street to the restaurant. It was obvious that Matthew was nervous, but so was Fox, so he found it hard to come up with conversation. They walked silently together for a while as Fox admired the surrounding cityscape. The brightly colored glass buildings in downtown Yros were so tall. He never could quite get over it. Furs came in all types of sizes, so city planners had to be accommodating for the much larger ones. Consequently, he felt miniature in a lot of public spaces. It was still kind of unnerving. Matthew must have noticed Fox's wandering eyes, because he finally commented.

"So, are you from Yros?" Matthew asked.

Fox shook his head quickly, returning his focus to his walking partner. "Um," he chuckled "No. Sorry. No. I'm from a little town about fifty miles north of here. Pennystone. Ever heard of it?" Matthew shook his head.

"Sorry, I haven't. Is that up near Gallé?"

"Yeah. About five miles south. It's a tiny little place. My parents still live there with one of my brothers. It was nice though. A really nice place to grow up."

"What brought you to Yros?"

"Work. I got the offer from the University and had to take it. I like school. I've always wanted to work at one." Fox laughed to himself. "I didn't quite picture having to work in a basement, though. Not really the campus life atmosphere I imagined." Matthew smiled and nodded. "What about you? Are you from here?

"Born and raised, as they say." Matthew laughed. "I grew up on the south side in a tiny little apartment. Just me and my mom, so it wasn't too cramped, ya know? She did the best she could and all."

"If you don't mind me asking, what about your dad?" Matthew's muzzle dropped ever so slightly, his ears flattening against his dark headfur.

"Dad's dead," he said flatly. Fox stopped in his tracks, placing a comforting paw on Matthew's shoulder. Matthew looked to Fox, smiling a sad smile.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Are you alright? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want. I'm sorry for asking." Matthew nodded, holding his smile.

"It's okay," he said. "It was a long time ago." Matthew paused to sigh before continuing on. "He was a cop. He died in the line of duty. He was about my age now when it happened."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that must be like."

"It really is okay, Prof-uh . . . sorry. . . . It really is okay . . . Fox."

They continued on down the street nearing the restaurant. Fox could see the red canopy that overhung the entrance just a couple blocks away. Other Furs were also getting off of work, headed about their business, slowly crowding the sidewalk. A group of Furs slowly approached Fox and Matthew as they moved down the walk, dressed in suits, probably headed from their jobs to the closest bar to wind down the day. As they passed, Fox and Matthew were pressed closer to one another. They shared an awkward look for a moment before Matthew grabbed Fox's paw, holding it and smiling. Fox's ears instinctively perked which, in turn, caused him to blush. He smiled and laughed, turning his face away bashfully. Matthew squeezed his paw.

"Can I ask how?" Fox finally said. Matthew squeezed his paw again and sighed.

"Yeah. It's okay," Matthew said. "It was a terrorist attack. He was one of the first on the scene. The Humans had a magic-user with them, so . . . well, you know."

"Gods," Fox replied. "I'm so sorry."

"Yeah. It's okay. He got the bastard that did it to him, but, ya know, once you're exposed, you're exposed. If a Magic Elimination Squad isn't there to stop it . . . well," Matthew chuckled a nervous and half-hearted sound, "Like I have to tell you."

"No. You're right. I know. As good as the MES's are, though, magic works quickly; they have to be right there most of the time to save anyone." Fox said. "Still, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was a long time ago. I'm okay." Matthew locked his brown eyes with Fox's green ones and smiled again. "Really." They continued on for a moment more as they finally reached the entrance to L'Oeuf Bleu, standing among the dining patrons, taking in the cool autumn air amid the outdoor seating. Fox laughed nervously.

"I really brought the room down there. Sorry," Fox said. "I keep saying I'm sorry. That has to be annoying . . . sorry."

"No, no," Matthew placed a paw on Fox's cheek. "You're prefect." Fox blushed. "You've got nothing to be sorry for." Fox's face felt hot as the otter slowly drew closer, closing in for a kiss. Fox closed his eyes, letting Matthew draw his muzzle in.


"Get down!" Fox exclaimed, registering the gunfire erupting nearby. He and Matthew quickly ducked behind a nearby table, looking around frantically for the source of the attack. Fox quickly scanned the block, looking for signs of a gunman, listening intently for more peels of bullets. Finally, diagonally across the intersection, a glistening of red caught his eye. Soon after, he noticed bodies laying the ground, blood pooling quickly beneath them. More gunfire rang out in the same direction.


Two uniformed officers were returning fire, taking cover behind some small trees planted along the walk. That's an automatic, Fox thought. They're goners.


More gunfire rang out, dropping one of the police officers, a husky looking lion by what Fox could see. Her partner, a rather lithe skunk, continued to return fire, deftly dodging the oncoming barrage. Suddenly, the air was full of the pops and pings of gunfire as the first assailant's reinforcements joined the fray. From his vantage, Fox could see that most of the attack was focused across the street. Scanning the avenue, he eventually made out the rifle flares of the attackers coming from a third-floor balcony just across the way.

"We've got to get inside," Fox said to Matthew as much as to himself. Matthew didn't seem to be paying attention, his paw still firmly gripping Fox's. Despite his own warning, Fox continued to look on, captured by the scene unfolding in front of him. Another peel of gunfire erupted from the balcony and the skunk was downed as well, her lifeless form tumbling to the ground like a rag-doll.

"Fuck," Fox exclaimed, pulling on Matthew's paw to direct them inside the restaurant. As he rose to make a break for the door, more gunfire rang out and he ducked down again. This time, the shots were closer to their position. Fox instinctively turned toward the commotion to see a group of black, leather-clad Furs rushing onto the scene. They seemed almost acrobatic in their advance. It was like something out of a super-hero movie and probably would have looked ridiculous to Fox if he were not gripped by terror. Dodging bullets, returning fire, and rushing civilians off the streets, the MES began containing the grim situation. All-the-while, two of the squad members maintained fire to the balcony, keeping the Humans off their civilian targets. The most beautiful black male cat Fox had ever seen rolled over to him and Matthew, his green eyes flashing fiercely.

"Stay put, guys!" He shouted, and then gave them a wink. Fox, left with little other option, did as he was commanded. He knelt down, squeezing Matthew's paw tightly and continued to watch the event unfold. As the mysterious Furs continued their assault, Fox's eye was drawn to the balcony where the Humans were held out. He saw them scrambling from side to side, firing on the new Furs and taking cover to reload. However, as Fox watched the action, he caught sight of a mysterious figure standing behind the Humans, just inside the balcony doors. The creature, whatever it was, was clad in a long black, hooded robe, adorned with glowing blue runes. Fox, unable to make out the Human's features fully, caught a glimpse of white fangs as it raised its arm in his direction. It sees me, Fox thought, Shit! It knows I'm watching it!

As the thoughts left Fox's mind, the creature's raised hand erupted in white light and a glowing blue ball sped toward Fox and Matthew.

"Fuck! Move!" Fox exclaimed, but it was too late. The ball of blue light collided with Matthew in an explosive roar. Fox was thrown back several feet, crashing against a streetlamp. Fox recovered from the force of the blow, shaking his head quickly to come back to his senses. When he looked back to where he and Matthew once were, his eyes shot wide open.

"No!" Fox exclaimed.

Where he and Matthew had taken cover, now only Matthew remained, hovering a foot above the ground, held by an unseen force. Matthew floated, suspended by simple levitation magic, but magic nonetheless. And pretty much any magic was a death sentence to a Fur. As if cued by Fox's own thoughts, Matthew's stomach began to swell. His six-pack, visible through the black t-shirt that clung to him, began puffing up, his abs bloating and then melding together, disappearing into a gut that ballooned into a tan furry dome that quickly forced his shirt upward as his belly expanded, pressing hard against the waist of his jeans. Matthew looked to Fox, his eyes pleading for help.

"Oh gods," Fox said as he rushed toward Matthew. He took a few steps, and then stopped as a hail of bullets crossed in front of him. Shit! He thought, _they won't let me near him._Matthew, still hovering above the ground, looked down at what was happening to him. As his belly expanded larger, he absent-mindedly rubbed his paws across it. Slowly, his stomach grew from a slight paunch, to a beer-gut, to the size of a basketball, distended, straining harder against the waist of his jeans that stretched desperately to contain taught and newly-formed love handles as his sides and lower back joined in the inflation. As Fox looked on, he noticed Matthew's already bubble butt swelling against his jeans, stretching the fabric of his pants. Matthew's tail flicked wildly as he struggled in mid-air, trying in vain to stop what was happening to him. He looked from his ever-expanding belly and back to Fox.

"H-help . . . me, ugh," He said. Fox teared up, extending a paw towards Matthew.

"Just hang on," Fox pleaded. "A MES is here. They'll be able to stop this."

"Ugh!' Matthew exclaimed, grabbing his inflating stomach in both paws. "It's too much! I can't take any more!" Fox could see two bubbly domes rising like baking bread from beneath the waist of Matthew's pants as his ass inflated as fast as his belly. Gunfire continued all around them, but another sound rang out loudly on the sidewalk. Finally, Matthew's jeans gave up the fight, the button flying off of them with a resounding ping. For an instant, Matthew looked relieved as the pressure was abated. A moment later and he was panicked again, his belly surging forward, faster and hugely, rising outward like a balloon from just below his chest downward to his crotch. Matthew's shirt had risen up to just below his pecs, which also began to swell, beginning to look like breasts that lay upon his growing belly. Even his back was starting to expand along with his thighs. At first, the otter's tight muscles expanded one-by-one, looking exaggerated on his back and legs. Quickly, they began to round out and meld together, expanding and trying to match his belly and ass. As his ass and stomach expanded in competing directions, the stitching on his pants began to fail. Slowly, small gaps began to form along his thighs and the middle of his jeans, over his ass-crack. Puffy, tan, fur-covered flesh began to poke out from the gaps in his jeans, slowly growing larger until the seams finally popped one-by-one, his jeans slowly being shredded by his growing form.

Fox felt a tightening in the front of his pants and, for an instant, thought that maybe he too had been hit by the magic the mysterious Human had cast. Quickly he realized that that was not the case. He was rock-hard. Watching Matthew, his sexy, toned, lithe body blowing up like a balloon was turning Fox on! He couldn't help it. Something about it was so sexy to him. Where, moments before, stood a hot, trim, love interest, now floated an ever expanding balloon . . . and he was still expanding.

Matthew's thighs began to increase in proportion, melding with his gigantic stomach and ass and puffing up above his knees. After a second of resistance, his calves started to swell too, along with his shoulders which puffed up comically before the magic started to expand his biceps and forearms. Slowly, his extremities were becoming conical. His sides blew out further, lifting his arms to his sides. His massive belly and ass continued to grow, pushing out further and further, bigger and bigger. Matthew was forced into a spread-eagle position, helpless as, finally, his jeans tore away revealing a bright pink thong stretched across his ever-expanding lower body. Well, Fox thought, maybe they were briefs before, but it's a thong now. Fox watched as the fabric of Matthew's underwear stretched tightly against his furry flesh, disappearing more and more as the two massive spheres of Matthew's ass cheeks grew ever outward. Finally, the underwear snapped, falling from Matthew's bloated body to the sidewalk below. Fox's cock twitched in his pants. He swore he could cum at any second. The firefight continued all around him, but Fox was oblivious to it. All he could see, all he could know was the ballooning otter before him. Matthew, still groping at his expanding body, trying in vain to stop his relentless inflation, finally looked up from his helplessness and to Fox.

"Please," he said, tears forming in his big brown eyes, "not like this. H . . . help me, Fox. N'ugggh!" Another surge of inflation rocked Matthew's body. He began to expand in all directions, his conical limbs slowly melding into the larger sphere of his body. His shirt finally tore away, lying loosely atop the furry ball that his body was becoming. He looked wide-eyed at his body bloating out before him, breathing rapidly, unable to comprehend how he got so big, so fast. Still, the pressure mounted unforgivingly within him. In a matter of moments, he had grown massive and spherical; a ten-foot-wide otter balloon, his paws sinking into divots along his ballooning form. He was no longer levitating as his expanding body touched the ground below. A moment more, and his cheeks and face started to swell, puffing him up further as the magic looked for more places in his over-strained body to go.

Fox's cock gave another twitch in his pants as Matthew's body gave off rubbery squeaks and groans. The poor otter was as big around as he was tall at this point. He was getting close to popping. Fox knew from his research that ten feet was about the limit for average-sized Furs. Enthralled, Fox continued to watch as Matthew's body ceased growing and began to instead quiver from the mounting pressure within him. His trim little body had finally run out of room, but still the magic filled him further. Fox could see tears wetting the fur below Matthew's eyes as the otter looked to him again. More gunfire rang out in their general direction, reminding Fox that there was nothing he could do. Though, he admitted to himself, he would love to touch Matthew's inflated body, press himself against it and feel the otter expand against him, so close to his limit . . . so close to . . .

"Hewp . . . me!" Matthew strained through his fattened cheeks. Fox snapped back from his lustful thoughts, wide-eyed as the reality of Matthew's fate sank in. His tan, furry body groaned again, louder and low before it began to pulsate, more angry squeaks resounding from the balloon that he now was. Fox moved closer, not knowing what else to do. The next instant, Matthew's body inched outward in all directions, swelling one last time in a vain attempt to contain the relentless pressure within before: BANG! Matthew burst. Fox was knocked backward again as blue light erupted from where Matthew had once been. Scraps of furry flesh and what remained of the otter's clothes slowly floated down to the sidewalk like confetti for some macabre parade.

Fox collided with the streetlamp for a second time, sliding down it. He remained seated on the sidewalk, leaning against the lamp. What else could he do? Matthew was gone. There was no helping him now. Not that Fox could have helped if he wanted to. If the Magic Elimination Squad didn't take out the Humans terrorizing the block, then the terrorists would probably finish Fox off themselves. The restaurant wasn't far. Though the windows had been blown out by Matthew's explosive end, there was still probably cover inside. If he was careful, maybe he could--

Fox noticed a growing tightness in his abdomen. He hadn't realized it at first, thinking it was still his throbbing erection. His ears perked in surprise and he looked down at himself. Slowly, his belly began to inflate just as Matthew's had before. He could feel his small abs grow, and then expand more until a gut emerged that billowed outward and strained the buttons of his shirt. Oh shit, he thought. That was magic that erupted from Matthew's body. Oh shit! Oh shit, it hit me! Shit! Oh . . . Oh . . .

"Oooh," Fox moaned. Reflexively, he gripped his belly with both of his paws, but that turned out to be a bad idea. He could feel his stomach expanding beneath them, spreading his digits apart, inflating slowly like a balloon. It feels like a balloon, he thought. The combined growing sensation against his paws as well as the mounting pressure inside of him filled him with lustful ecstasy, his cock growing impossibly hard, dripping pre-cum into his bright blue briefs. More and more, his belly inflated, raising his paws upward against his growing gut, white fur poking out from between the ever-straining buttons of his shirt. His fingers were gradually spread wide across his stomach, as if he were palming a basketball.

Fox could feel the inflation spreading to his ass as he sat, continuing to watch himself balloon up. At first, he felt his already bubbly cheeks expand out and downward, being squeezed by his briefs as his butt quickly grew larger than the underwear was intended to hold, the briefs riding upward in his pants, sliding further into the growing crack of his ass, slowly becoming thong-like, but not quite reaching that extreme yet. The upper bubble of his butt began to poke out of the top of his pants, straining against the waist, encroaching on the base of his unconsciously listing tail from either side. The pressure mounted within him. He felt like he could pop right then and there. Matthew must have felt like this, Fox thought, before--

The button of his pants finally broke, allowing his belly to expand further outward. Fox let out an audible sigh of relief, but then quickly gasped as his stomach surged forward, popping open the bottom few buttons of his shirt one-by-one. He panted and blushed. If he were aware of more than just his expanding body, he would have noticed the almost hungry smile that crossed his face, the lust in his eyes. He could still feel the inflating, slow stretch of his belly beneath the palms of his paws, but they were further apart now from where they had started. His ballooning gut was almost to his knees; he could just barely see his feet being pushed to either side as the growing globe before him spread his legs further and further apart. He could feel the underside of his belly inflating against his cock through his ever-straining briefs, the pressure edging him closer to climax.

No, he thought suddenly. If this is to be my fate, I won't let myself cum until. . . . His thoughts were broken as he became aware that he was slowly lifting off of the ground. He was so transfixed on his belly that he forgot about his ass. The mounting pressure increased behind him, his bubble-butt growing hugely, becoming two spheres that bloated up relentlessly causing him to rise higher as he sat upon them. His briefs were definitely a thong in his growing crevice now, doing little to abate the pressure against his cock. His pants slowly slid down his legs and stretched against his slowly widening thighs to make way for the ballooning globes of his butt. As he became more aware of his ass, however, he felt the rest of his body start to expand.

Slowly, his tiny pecs puffed up, squared at first, but then billowing out into virtual breasts that pressed his suddenly sensitive nipples firmly against what remained of his shirt. He could feel the underside of his expanding pecs resting against the ever-growing orb of his belly, feeling both expand and stretch against one another. His stomach rose upward and outward ever more, popping more buttons off of his shirt, his expanding chest straining the last few buttons that remained. Distracted by his chest, Fox barely noticed his back muscles slowly inflating, starting around his shoulder blades and lower back, continuing up and down across the length of his body, melding together and inflating outward, trying to match the pace of his inflating ass and belly. His shoulders puffed up, followed quickly by his frail arms. His once slender biceps bulged and even briefly looked muscular before quickly plumping into the realm of fatness and beyond. The inflation of his extremities extended all the way down to the black gloves of his forearms which started to look like exaggerated versions of their former selves, rapidly matching pace with his upper arms. Equally, his lower extremities began to expand just as Matthew's had. First, his thighs inflated, puffing up just above his knees before his calves started to grow as well. On and on, he inflated, his outer clothing being slowly shredded by his expanding body, his arms and legs becoming conical as the rest of him began to take on a spherical shape. Fox couldn't tell if he was standing or sitting anymore as he bloated up against the streetlamp. He didn't care. He was so enraptured by his ballooning body, feeling the pressure mount and expand him in every direction possible.

"Ugh . . . mmmore," he cooed quietly, his eyes rolling back in his head. The sides of his inflating body lifted his bloated arms upward and his legs apart. Like Matthew before, he was forcibly spread-eagled, his extremities slowly being absorbed into the larger orb of his body. His underwear was stretched tightly around his spherical form, small tears forming around the waistband. Beneath him, his cock and balls were forced out of the front of his briefs, exposed to his expanding flesh and the walk below, pre-cum flowing freely from the engorged tip. The pressure on his cock and in his body was intense. He rubbed his paws around his swelling form, touching what little he could of himself. He could still feel his ass swelling behind him along with the rest of his body and longed to squeeze it, to touch it and feel just how massive it had become. He'd always loved his ass. He imagined he would love it even more now. If only he could see himself, how huge he must be. Suddenly he realized that he couldn't move his paws anymore. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed his balloon-body swelling ever more, drawing all of his paws into divots where they became trapped and immobile. The length of his muzzle was even resting upon the top of his expanding gut as his neck was slowly being drawn into his body. Fox's eyes went wide as, moments later, his cheeks and lips puffed up. He was running out of room. Oh, gods . . . I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna pop!

His body shuddered in spasms as he came, his cock erupting with cum, pooling beneath the massive orb that was his body. Fox moaned loudly. Then he felt something move within him, like an air bubble being displaced. The feeling continued as he heard his over-inflated body groan and emit rubbery squeaks. He suddenly realized that what he was feeling wasn't happening inside of him, it was happening all around him. His body was trying in vain to stretch beyond its threshold to contain the magic blowing him up. He was running out of room. With a mixture of panic and excitement, he understood that this strange new feeling was his skin stretching and straining in sudden bursts as little-by-little his body was giving way, inching ever closer to finally failing. He really was on the verge of popping. The thought of him reaching the very end of his limit threw him over the edge, and he came again, emitting another series of loud moans.

"Oh gods, let me burst," he whispered to himself. "This is . . . this is everything."

"Holy shit!" Fox heard a voice exclaim directly in front of him. He opened his eyes to see the sidewalk ahead before realizing that he had blown up so much that he needed to look down a little bit. Before him stood a tall, buxom, black leather-clad tigress, a smug smirk on her face. "We might be too late for this one, guys. He's going to pop any second."

"Get back, then," a gruff male voice exclaimed from somewhere behind the tigress. "You don't want to get hit with any residual magic when this one blows. Might be better to just let him burst." As the man finished his sentence, Fox's body stretched further, emitting another series of angry squeaks. Fox moaned audibly, still enraptured by the ecstasy of his balloon-body at its very limit. "Fuck," the man exclaimed. "Hurry! We gotta get out of here!"

"Get out of my way!" Fox's ears perked as a new voice joined the group around him. Still looking to the tigress, he saw the black cat from before jump in front of her, shoving her out of the way. Quickly, he raised a tome before him and began to read aloud in some foreign tongue. The cat raised his paw up, directing it at Fox. He continued to read from the tome, his eyes closed as he concentrated. He broke the incantation for a moment. "The rest of you get back! You're right; it might be too late!" He looked up at Fox, his eyes wide, full of worry. "C'mon, kid. Don't pop on me." Fox's over-inflated body quivered with fullness, unable to contain the magic within him anymore. Too late, Fox thought, you're going to get yourself blown up, too. Just run while you have the chance. Besides . . . I want this.

The cat continued his mantra, his legs apart, his body tensed as the air whipped around him and the balloon that had once been a slender fox.Not this one, the cat thought. _I can save this one . . . I know I can._The force of the wind rose all around Fox and the young male before him. Fox felt his ballooning form quiver and expand once more, squeaking and straining yet again, the tension in his body becoming too much for him to take. Fox saw a flash of blue light . . . then everything went dark.


"Gonna pop," Fox moaned, groggily. "Let me . . . just let me." He turned his head sharply and then opened his eyes. He blinked a couple of times, as he slowly realized he was in a large room. A second later, he felt the pillow against his head, then noticed the big, fluffy white bed he was in. He sat up, his slender paws reaching for his stomach reflexively. He lifted the sheet and looked down at his body. He was naked, but back to his normal self, slim as ever. He sighed, whether from relief or disappointment, he couldn't say. He felt around to his backside, happy to feel that his butt was still its usual almost disproportionate bubble.

"You're okay," he heard a voice say from his side. Fox looked over and saw the black cat from before, gorgeous as ever. His big yellow eyes locked with Fox's and he smiled. "If I'd known you wanted to pop, I guess I could have let you," the cat continued, giving Fox a wink.

"Huh? W-what?" Fox replied.

"Just messing with you, kid. You were talking in your sleep." The cat extended a paw. "Binx. Binx Wilder."

Fox looked at the paw and blinked a couple of times before shaking hands with Binx. "Um . . . Fox . . . Faldryn."

"A fox named Fox, huh? I guess your parents didn't subscribe to the 'cleverness' stereotype."

"Where am I? H-how did I get here? Oh gods! Matthew!" Fox said, ignoring Binx's jape. He rubbed his head with his paw.

"Slow down, kid. Breathe. I'll explain everything." Binx said. Fox took a slow, deep breath as commanded. "How you got here, well, it wasn't easy anyway. As to where you are . . . well, let's just say you're safe. As for your friend," Binx paused and looked to Fox again. "There's no coming back from that. I'm sorry." The large double-doors across the expansive room were suddenly kicked open. From between them, Fox saw the rest of the MES from earlier emerge along with some other Furs he hadn't seen before. There was the tigress who had mocked him on the street as he inflated, a smug smile still on her face. Next to her, clopped a large brown horse, wearing an eyepatch that matched his black attire. He stood around eight feet tall and was massively built. Towering behind him was a huge dragon-kin, his scales gold, shifting beneath his rippling musculature. His was easily fifteen feet in height, a huge rifle strapped across his back, poking up over his shoulder between his folded wings. Finally, Fox saw a petite rabbit with glasses and a lab coat followed closely behind by a brown fox. Shorter than Fox, he was carrying a binder and a backpack. He had the same, youthful, boy-next-door kind of appearance that Fox had save for the newcomer's overly large, tell-tale Fennec ears.

"I see he's awake," barked the horse.

"He recovered fast for someone who was a cunt-hair away from popping like a balloon all over the street," the tigress smirked. "Kind of a shame. He would have made a pretty mess of confetti."

"That's enough, Sheila," the dragon said, disgusted. "The boy's been through enough." He locked his red eyes on Fox. "We need to talk to you, mister . . ."

"Fox is fine," Fox replied. Everyone except for Binx, the dragon and the horse snickered.

"Fox," the horse chimed in. "Do you understand what has happened?"

"There was an attack, I guess?" Fox said, still kind of groggy. "My friend is dead. I almost died."

"That's it in a fuckin' nut-shell," the horse continued. "Do you know where you are or why you're here?"

"He doesn't have a clue," Binx replied. The horse nodded.

"Very well. Introductions then. Then I'll let Binx here tell you why it is you've come to be sleeping in a comfy-ass bed in the middle of a gods-damned airplane hangar. Firstly, my name is Brock. Just Brock. No mister this or that, understand? You call me sir or you call me Brock. None of that formal fuckin' bullshit under my roof. For all intents and purposes, I'm your new fuckin' boss, clear?" Fox went wide-eyed and looked to Binx then back to Brock. "And I'll let Binx explain that to you here in a minute. Moving on, this giant motherfucker behind me is Auron. He's our jack-of-all-trades-murder-your-fuckin-ass-in-a-second-real-life-flying-fire-breathing-mutha-fucking-dragon. This motherfucker is plan B. There is no plan C, understand? This motherfucker is the real deal. You Do. Not. Mess. With. This. Motherfucker." Fox was pretty much terrified at this point, looking at the massive golden dragon-kin. His ears flicked as Auron stared at him. For a moment, Fox swore he saw the dragon blush before he abruptly turned his head from Fox, looking off at nothing in particular. "Continuing," Brock snapped at Fox, bringing Fox's attention back to him. "You've already met Sheila briefly while you were creaming the motherfuckin' sidewalk. This bitch here is a badass bitch, understand? She doesn't take shit and she's not going to take any of yours. You already saw that she was going to leave you for dead a few hours ago. That's not going to change a few days from now." Sheila smiled at Fox, and shifted her weight, placing a paw on her wide hips, her ample breasts bouncing slightly. "Sheila's my fuckin' right hoof, understand? If you can't find me, you find her. And you do what she says!"

Fox already didn't like Sheila, and he could tell that she knew. She seemed to savor it, in fact.

"Rounding out our little team of professional public ass-wipers: you've met Binx. He's another killer, just like the rest of us. Just as deadly as any other motherfucker on this team. And yeah, you might have already gathered that he's got a big heart. But I'll tell you this right now: one, he can take you from the living, breathing, cum-guzzling son-of-a-bitch that you are and put you in the ground before I finish this sentence. Another bad-ass motherfucker. Two, he ain't here for you to get your dick wet, understand?"

"Brock!" Binx interjected, blushing.

"He's already got a soft spot for you--even likes you I'd wager--and I'll tell you now, forget it. Just put that to bed right now. You ain't here to find no husband. You're here to be a killer too."

"A . . . a what?!" Fox's ears perked. "H-hold on a second."

"Shut the fuck up until I'm done speaking at your ass!" Brock barked. "Now, this sweet-looking lady behind me is Erica. She's our head researcher. Can't go 'round puttin' magic in its place without knowing what you're doing. That's where Erica comes in." The rabbit nodded curtly at Fox, then shifted her glasses on her face. She was about Fox's height if you counted her ears. She seemed small but, even concealed by her lab coat, Fox could tell she had a little weight on her with wide hips and an ample ass. "Now, don't be fooled by her appearance. Sure, she might have a desk job, but she's as a good a killer as anyone else in this room, save your green ass. The same goes for Tyler there." The brown fox took a step forward, smiling at Fox. Tyler waved a paw. "Tyler here is Erica's assistant. Given what little we know about you, Fox, you and Tyler will likely be working together. Alright, then. That's everybody. Mister Faldryn," Brock said, and Fox turned his attention back to the horse. "And that's the only time you'll hear that come out of my mouth. Welcome to MES Squad Tiamat." He raised a hand, gesturing to Binx. "I'll let Binx here handle any questions. I'll be in my office when you're ready to report for duty." With that, Brock turned on his hooves, accompanied by the rest of the team. As they left, Fox saw Auron give him a glance over his shoulder. He seemed to be taking in what he could of Fox before he finally turned his head back and left with the others.

"Don't mind them," Binx said cheerfully. "They'll come around to you. So . . . where would you like to start?"

Fox looked at Binx, disbelief crossing his face. "What the fuck is going on?!" Fox shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, kid. Calm down. I'll explain everything."

"No! What's this shit about me being a killer?! Tiamat?! What the fuck are you guys doing?! I have rights! You can't just keep me here! I want to go home! I . . . I . . ." Everything was hitting Fox all at once: the attack, Matthew's death, his shame at being aroused by his inflation, this strange place with these strange people. He started to cry, covering his eyes with both of his paws.

"Hey, hey . . ." Binx said, crossing over from where he was standing and taking a seat on the bed next to Fox. He wrapped his big dark arms around Fox and cradled him. "Shh . . . everything's going to be okay. You just need to know what's going on. I understand." He rocked Fox lightly as Fox continued to sob. "Let it out." Fox cried harder, sniffling. Part of him wanted to shove Binx off of the bed, but he let the cat hold him. He needed comfort, so he'd take it from his captor if he had to. Besides, Binx--in the moment at least--seemed nice. After a while, Fox began to calm down, wiping tears from his big eyes. He sniffled again.

"What is going on, Binx?" Fox finally asked. Binx continued to hold him, perhaps tighter than he really needed to.

"I'll tell you everything," Binx said. "But it's kind of complicated. So . . . maybe I should start with where you are and how you got here?"

"Okay," Fox said, wiping his eyes again.

"Okay. There we go. Alright. Well, you're about three stories underground, beneath the University of Yros's Engineering Building. So . . . not far from home at all, huh?" Fox sniffled, wiping his nose.

"H-how?" He said.

"Well, it's important to have MES's available in large cities and a university campus is a pretty good spot for a headquarters really. Inconspicuous, near the city's center. Lots of other Furs to blend in with. And the university administrators are pretty reliable when it comes to keeping it a secr--"

"No . . . h-how did you get me here?"

"Oh, well," Binx laughed. "Well it took some doing. First off, you need to realize how lucky you were. We had intelligence that there was going to be an attack, we just didn't know where exactly. Secondly," Binx took Fox's muzzle in a paw and turned Fox's head to look him in the eye. "You were really close to popping, Fox. Like . . . you probably don't realize how close you were. When we cleared the balcony across the street and the bastard who was leading the Humans got away, I immediately went for you and your friend. I was hoping I could save you both, but the otter was already gone. And there you were, a huge orange and white balloon fit to burst."

"R-really? Th-theory s-says it's . . . *sniff* . . . about t-ten feet . . . for a-average Furs." Fox managed to whimper.

"Yeah. Ten. And you were easily that big, if not bigger. Your body was pulsating and making little rubbery squeaks . . ." Fox was staring to get hard. Binx noticed. "Oh, sorry," he laughed. "We'll get to that," he said, giving Fox's cock a quick flick with one of his fingers. Fox blushed. "Anyway, you were just about to blow and I saved you. I used a spell Erica found for me a few years back."

"A spell?" Fox turned to look back at Binx, shifting in the bed to face him. "H-how could a spell save me? Magic is what did that to me."

"Ah, well, that's the thing, isn't it? We don't let the public know about things like this, but there's a huge difference between magic and spells. You see, magic is cast, like from the hand or wand or some other contraption. Spells have to be conjured. Conjured magic can still be deadly to a Fur but, in this case, it actually helped."

"So . . . the spell you cast deflated me? Made me normal again?"

"Not exactly," Binx replied. "In time, it did, but not at first. Which brings me to how you got here. We had to . . . uh . . . roll you in."

"Roll me in?"

"Yeah. The spell stopped you from popping, but it takes time to disperse the magic and return you to normal. So we had to get you somewhere safe, and quickly at that. So, we all had to roll you down the street a ways to a truck and into the base. Tough going too, with all of the glass and shrapnel everywhere. Gods, if I hadn't made Sheila be careful, one of her claws could have popped you right there. Honestly, she wanted to do it. She likes it when people pop. She's like you."

"L-like me?

"Yeah. Ya know. She gets turned on by it. Other people inflating, herself inflating. Just like you." Fox blushed and turned his face away. Even so, his cock remained erect.

"Hey," Binx said taking Fox's muzzle into his paw again. "It's okay, kid. It happens. You can't help what floats your boat."

"It's embarrassing," Fox said, jerking his muzzle away and looking down at the bed beneath him. "It's shameful. I should have helped Matt, instead of just . . . of just watching him blow up like that." Fox started to tear up again.

"I saw it happen, Fox," Binx said. "There was nothing you could do. Those Humans had your position covered. They weren't going to let you near him."

"I could have tried, though!" Fox barked. "Instead I just stood there, caught up in . . . in . . . whatever this is." He looked to Binx again. "I should have died. I should have . . ."

"Shhh. C'mon kid. Don't be so hard on yourself. You didn't know you were like this."

"Like 'this?'" Fox exclaimed. "Some kind of sick voyeur who gets off watching his friends explode? How . . . how can I live with this, Binx? Can you tell me that?"

"Fox," Binx said flatly. "It's normal, really. Most Furs don't know they have these kinds of feelings until it happens to them. Sheila didn't know until it happened to her. You're not the first and you won't be the last."

Fox looked down, refusing to meet Binx's eyes. For a long time, he said nothing, letting himself wallow in his shame, confused and scared at what lay ahead of him. Finally, he looked to Binx. "So . . . what now? How do I live with this? What do I do now?"

"How you live with it is up to you."

Fox sighed. "I think I'd like to go home. Back to Pennystone, with my parents."

"Well . . ." Binx replied. "Here's the thing . . . you can't leave; you're one of us now."

"What?!" Fox said. "You can't keep me here. I know my rights."

"Yeah, um . . . about that. You're dead, kid."


"Yeah. As far as your family and friends know, you died in that attack. They . . . uh . . . all think you popped. Easier that way really. No remains and such to mess with."

"The fuck?! You can't do this to me! I have brothers! I have a life! I'm a gods-damned person!"

"Calm down, kid. I know this is a lot to take in. But we can't let you go. It's for your own good."

"My own good?!"

"Yeah. You liked it, man. That shit gets you off. We can't have you running around getting yourself into situations where you might get yourself killed. Shit, we don't even really know you. You could go around exploding other Furs."

"You're wrong! I wouldn't do that. I don't want that to happen to me again. Fuck! I don't even know magic to do that to someone else."

"You're not my first, kid. Whether you want to admit it or not, you do want that to happen again." Binx pulled the sheet off of Fox, exposing his erection poking out of his white sheath. "The proof's right there. Gods, we're just talking about it. It's okay, though. It's okay. Just listen to me. I've got . . . well I've got another bombshell to drop on you. You see . . . you don't need to know magic to inflate a survivor of a magic attack. Once you've been exposed you, uh, stay inflatable."


"Yeah. Gas, liquid, other . . . doesn't matter. I could grab a garden hose and pop you right now if I wanted. That's just how it is. So you've got to understand. We can't let you go because we have to keep you safe. You like it, Fox. And that's dangerous. You could put yourself in situations where you get blown up or just flat-out refuse to find help. So we've got to keep an eye on you. Well . . . more specifically, I do."

"You do?"

"Yeah," Binx gave him a wink. "I'll be the one looking out for you."

Fox went quiet again. Binx was making sense. Through his work with the university, Fox was somewhat familiar that this was not uncommon; keeping survivors in protective custody. He thought it was only temporary, though. He'd never heard of someone being pronounced legally dead and then held by a MES. Then again, he thought, he probably wouldn't have heard about such a thing anyway, right? He looked around the room. It was huge and mostly empty save for the bed and a couple lockers off to the side. He looked back to Binx.

"Does it have to be like this? Really?" Fox sighed. "I just want to go home."

Binx smiled and gave Fox's shoulders a squeeze. "You are home, kid." Fox looked away. "Hey, hey," Binx said, lifting Fox's muzzle back to face him. "You're okay. You're not alone, Fox. I'll be here to help you." Fox gave a weak smile. He couldn't help it. Binx was beautiful, and after Brock spilling the beans that Binx liked him, well . . . Fox could at least find one comfort in his predicament.

"So . . . do I have to live here then?"

"Yeah," Binx said. "At first. Just until we're sure we can trust you. Ya know, we're not just worried about you going after other survivors. Some Furs know this stuff. They seek out people like you who're still, uh, inflatable and, uh, well . . . you can probably guess how that turns out."

"Gods," Fox whispered. "Is it really that bad?"

"Yeah, kid. Humans aren't Myrida's only problem. We've got some bad apples ourselves." Fox looked into Binx's yellow eyes for probably too long before he noticed Binx had stopped talking. Fox blushed and turned away again.

"Alright kid. We've got to get you started. Your training will start tomorrow, so we better find you some quarters and uh, some clothes," Binx said casting a glance at Fox's erection. Fox's face felt hot.

"What training?" Fox didn't know where to start with the new information Binx just blurted out. "Isn't this my room? And yeah, why am I naked?"

Binx laughed. "One thing at a time, kid. This isn't where you'll be staying. This is the, uh, holding area . . . for survivors. You can probably understand why it's so big, why the doors are as large as they are? So, knowing that, you can probably figure out why you don't have any clothes."

"Oh," Fox said flatly. Looking down at himself again. He blushed once more, this time in embarrassment.

"As for your training, well . . ." Binx brought his face close to Fox's. Really close. Fox was eye-to-eye with the cat, his muzzle almost touching Binx's small, dark nose. "Nothing's free, kid. You're going to have to work for us. Like Brock said, you're one of us now; part of Tiamat."

"Is . . . is that what he meant by me being a killer?" Fox asked quietly. Binx's eyes widened slightly with an almost sorrowful look.

"Yeah, Fox. You're probably going to have to kill some people. I'm sorry." Fox sighed. He'd probably cry about it later but, for now, he was all cried out.

"Okay," Fox finally said, not really knowing what else to say.

"Alright," Binx replied. "Come on. Get up and follow me. Let's get you sorted out. One thing at a time, kid. Remember that going forward: take it one thing at a time." Fox nodded and stood, wrapping the sheet around his naked body. Binx stopped him. "Uh, that's got to stay here. Sorry. Don't be bashful. Everyone's already seen you anyway." Fox grew hot all over, embarrassed. Binx held out a paw. "Come on."

Fox took his paw, feeling Binx grip it tightly, and followed the cat through the double-doors and out into the hall. It was a long hallway, stainless steel and huge. Fox imagined that Auron probably didn't have much trouble getting around the facility. He felt so small again, but was equally relieved that his claustrophobia wouldn't be an issue; with rooms and corridors so spacious, it was hard to feel like he was three-stories underground. Eventually he and Binx reached an intersection and Binx stopped.

"Ahead are the elevators that will take you to the main exit." Binx noticed Fox's ears perk. "You need a key-card to access those, so don't get any ideas. At first, you won't be able to leave without one of us accompanying you. Rules and all, ya know? It's for your safety though. So try not to think of yourself as a prisoner. You're not going to be treated like one." Fox wasn't sure he bought that, but he said nothing anyway, letting Binx continue. "To the left is the rest of the facility: armory, offices, kitchen, all that stuff. But, for now, we are going this way," Binx went to the right, pulling Fox along.

As Fox turned, he stopped in his tracks, immediately seeing Sheila leaning against the wall a short distance down the hallway, her striped tail swaying playfully at her side. She eyed Fox, grinning.

"Don't mind her," Binx said giving Fox a tug and getting him moving again. They grew closer to the tigress, her eyes locking with Fox's as he and Binx passed. Fox finally looked back to Binx as they cleared Sheila. Suddenly Fox yelped, feeling a sharp stab in his butt-cheek. He rubbed it, glaring at Sheila.

"Sorry," She said--anything but sorry--brandishing her claws. "Wasn't sure if you were fully deflated. Got a big ass on you, Foxy." She gave him a wink followed by another toothy grin.

"Come on, kid," Binx said, pulling Fox along. They continued down the hall. Sheila gave a lazy salute behind them.

"Pop ya later!" She called after them . . . after Fox. He felt a stirring in his balls but shook it off as best he could.

They continued down the long hall for a while, Fox saying nothing. Binx seemed content with dragging his naked friend behind him by the hand. Though, Fox admitted, he was glad the cat was touching him. Binx didn't seem like he wanted to let go anyway. Finally Binx stopped at a door. It was stainless steel, like the rest of the hallway, though it had big blocky numbers printed across it: G-1.

"The 'G' is for 'Guest,'" Binx said. "So, don't get too comfy. This is temporary. We'll move you down to the MES quarters in time. As you can rightly assume by the '1,' you're our only guest." Binx slid a keycard down the slot by the door. The door slid open and Binx gestured with an open paw for Fox to enter. "Go on," he said.

Fox blinked and took a slow step inside the dark room. Immediately the lights came on, illuminating what, for all intents and purposes, was a spacious, furnished apartment. The walls and carpet were white, pretty standard for most housing. On the far wall appeared to be long blinds covering a patio exit, backlit with artificial sunlight. Probably a good thing, considering they were underground. There was a brown couch, and next to it, a small desk with a computer. There was a TV mounted across from the couch. It wasn't very large, but at least it looked new. Fox looked to the right and beheld a galley-style kitchen, small, but functional. Beyond the kitchen appeared to be access to a bathroom and master bedroom. Fox stood in place, not knowing what he should do. Binx made no indication of leaving him alone.

"This is all yours, kid,' Binx said. "Now go wash up and I'll fetch you some clothes . . . and hey! Don't get any ideas with the shower hose. If I hear any squeaks, I'll come in there and shut the water off." Binx winked. Fox rolled his eyes, making for the bathroom. Like he'd do that. He'd been through enough, and Binx knew it. Still, maybe it was better to laugh at all of this than wallow in it. Was that what Binx was aiming at? Fox hoped so. After Sheila's prodding, he could only hope that Binx was coming at him from a playful place. He was sure the tigress would kill him if she got the chance. All the better that Binx is here, Fox thought. He wouldn't let her near me . . . would he? He didn't know, and he was out of options. Like Binx said: go with the flow; one thing at a time. Fox made for the bathroom, finding the shower stocked and inviting.

Binx heard Fox turn on the shower. He smiled a sly grin to himself as he quickly moved to the bedroom's chest of drawers. He couldn't wait to dress up his new boy-toy. Boy toy?_He caught himself thinking. _Hold on, Binx. You barely know the kid. Still . . . he is sexy, and he's mine for the time being. Binx grabbed a few garments from the drawers, looking over this piece and that. There wasn't much he could do in the way of colors, black being pretty standard around the facility, but there were some interesting style choices to play with and a great variety of sizes to choose from. He grabbed a pair of briefs and a jock-strap, debating over which one he'd give Fox before finally deciding on neither. He'd keep his boy commando for now. At last Binx settled on an outfit and had just finished laying it out on the bed before he heard the shower shut off. Moments later, he saw Fox walk off toward the living-room, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"In the bedroom," Binx called after him. Fox turned around, stopping in the doorway, eyeing Binx, the bed, and then Binx again.

"W-what's all this?" He asked.

"Told ya we'd get ya some clothes, kid." Fox said nothing, and slowly approached the bed. Binx smiled as Fox extended a glove and picked up the top Binx had picked out. He looked it over, a grimace slowly crossing his face. It was a shrug, a sort of small, sleeveless vest that cut off just at the bottom of his ribs, leaving his abs exposed. By what Fox could see, it didn't close either, so the middle of his chest would be exposed as well. It was mostly black, with fluorescent blue trim around the shoulders and neck, flowing down on either side of the open middle and along the bottom where the shrug ended.

"I . . . I don't really know if this is my style." He said, looking to Binx. Binx just smiled.

"Just try it on first, kid. I think it'll really suit you. Here," Binx said, handing Fox the pants he picked out. "Put these on first, it'll make it all come together." Fox sat the shrug down and took the pants. They were black and had the same neon blue trim around the waist, the top of all of the pockets and the bottom hem of the legs. Some of the stitching was even blue. They appeared to be made of some kind of blended fabric, strong, but comfortable-looking anyway. Fox looked to Binx, expectantly. Binx cocked his head.

"Um . . . ," Fox stammered. "D-did you, um, did you happen to find me any underwear?" Binx didn't miss a beat.

"Sorry, kid. Gotta supply those yourself." Binx shrugged. Fox looked down at the pants again.

"Oh," he said. Binx just smiled at Fox, that same toothy grin as always. Fox removed his towel and threw it on the bed then slowly put a leg through the pants, then another and pulled them up. He found the space along the waistband for his tail, positioned it accordingly, then fastened the button above the base of his tail. That part felt comfy anyway. As he pulled up the pants the rest of the way and fastened them at the front, he couldn't help but notice they felt snug. Really snug, especially in the back. Unbeknownst to Fox, the pants looked painted on where they covered his ass, riding up his crack generously, showing off the orbs of his bubble-butt. "These are kind of tight," he said to Binx. Binx, however, said nothing as he stared lustily as Fox's ass. "Ahem," Fox coughed. Binx snapped back to attention, Fox could hear him purring.

"What? N-no. They're perfect." Binx went back to staring at Fox's ass. Fox blushed again. "Go ahead and put the top on." Fox did as instructed, sliding one sinewy arm through the vest, then the other. Once it was on, it felt a like it was almost tailored to him. A bit on the drafty side, but it was comfortable at least. "You have to see yourself," Binx said, directing Fox over to the full-length mirrors that covered the closet doors. Fox looked at himself, his long, lean form dressed in black and blue. It wasn't a bad look on him, honestly. The shrug looked a little feminine on him, but he was okay with that. It showed him off and that made him feel good. He turned this way and that, admiring himself in the new clothes, also noticing his ample ass packed into the back of his pants. His tail listed lazily.

"You don't think the shrug is maybe a little too girly?" He said to Binx.

"Not at all. And so what? Look at you," Binx wrapped a muscled arm around Fox's chest, nuzzling his neck before meeting Fox's eyes through the mirror. "You're so cute. Trust me; this suits you. The others are going to love it."

"You think so?" Fox reflexively put his paw on Binx's arm.

"Yeah," Binx said, and gave him another nuzzle. Fox bunched up his shoulders, leaning into it. He realized his heart was racing. Binx was really into him, wasn't he? Even after seeing Fox like that on the sidewalk. Fox let go of Binx's arm, broke his embrace, and turned around, sighing quickly.

"So, what now? Brock said something about seeing him when I was ready?" Binx looked a little disappointed at Fox breaking away from him. Did he have other plans in mind?

"Is that what you want to do?" Binx said. Fox didn't really know what else to do.

"Yeah. Might as well get the ball rolling."

"We, uh, did that earlier," Binx replied giving Fox a wink. Gods, Fox thought, he really knows how to push my buttons. "Come on. I'll show you the way." Binx took Fox's paw in his own again, tightly as before, and led him out of the guest quarters and down the hall. To Fox's relief, Sheila was nowhere in sight. He didn't doubt that she'd find some way to make fun of him in his new getup. Together they passed a few nondescript doorways, making their way past the intersection from before and down to the rest of the facility. After a while, windows started popping up along the hall, displaying the interiors of various rooms. Fox saw what appeared to him to be a couple of different laboratories. One was very stereotypical, with vials, beakers, Bunsen burners, sinks, Formica tabletops, and little gas dispensers rising from the centers of the tables; it looked like a typical university lab. The other was equally stereotypical in its way, engineering wasn't his thing, so he didn't really know, though wires and circuitry were splayed all about on shelving like he'd seen in engineering labs before. He guessed there were other benefits of being housed beneath a university than what Binx had mentioned. His ears perked as he spied a library. It was huge, easily the size of the university library. The thought of what possibly lay within, information he hadn't been privy to before in his research, piqued his interest. He hoped he'd get to spend some time there.

A while longer and the stainless steel walls abruptly shifted to wooden wainscoting, the floor now covered by a dark, but worn blue carpet as they entered the administrative section of the facility. A few paces more, and Binx drug Fox into Brock's office, the tall horse waiting behind his desk. All of a sudden, Fox wasn't sure if this was the right idea after all.

"Well, well, well. Look who fuckin' finally decided to show up! And all dressed up at that. Well, I'm sorry to have to spoil the ball for you, princess, but we got some _real_talk ahead of us. Binx!" Brock shouted. "Wait your ass outside while I lay it down for our newly rammed-up-our-ass colleague." Binx said nothing, turned on his heel and left the room. Fox, flustered and not knowing what else to do with Binx gone, pulled out one of the chairs across from Brock's desk and went to sit. "Did I say you could sit?" Brock barked.

"Uh . . ."

"Did I say you could sit?!"

"Um . . . no. I'm s--"

"No, what, recruit?!" Fox's ears flattened against his head. What the fuck? What does he want? Does he really want me to call him 'sir?'

"N-no . . . sir?" Fox finally replied.

"There you go!" Brock said, smiling. "Military life will suit you yet. Now put your arms behind your back and listen close." At first Fox didn't move, but it became more and more clear that the horse was serious. Fox did as commanded and interlocked his paws behind his back. "Good. Now stand up straight, spread your legs, and lift that muzzle." Fox did as he was instructed; he didn't want Brock yelling at him again. Brock looked him over, standing from his desk. "Good. Good. This is how you present yourself to a commanding officer. Now, I know I said before that I didn't stand on formalities, but you've gotta know how to present yourself to the tight-asses that come through here now and then. I ain't your only boss, kid, understand?" Fox nodded. "Good. We're gonna get along better than pricks and pussies. At ease." Once more, Fox didn't seem to know what Brock wanted from him. "Stand your ass like it was before when you brought it in here." Fox relaxed, letting his arms back to his sides. "And speakin' of ass, I see Binx has you all shown off. Hoo-boy. He's got some plans for you, son." Fox flushed and cocked his head.

"W-what do you mean?" Brock plopped down in in his chair, thumping his huge, muscled legs up on the desk.

"What? You think you're his first? Got-damn! You're no smarter than the rest. You'll find out though. I ain't gonna do you the solid of telling you either. You'll figure it yourself and be a mother-fuckin' contributing member of this team, or . . . well. You'll find that out yourself then, won't you?"

"What do you mean by that?!' Fox demanded. Surely Brock wasn't implying that Binx was just using him.

"We ain't here to talk about that, boy. Now shut up and listen." Fox flinched, his ears still flat against his headfur. "Just in case Binx was too caught up with his new cum-dumpster, I want to reiterate: you're a dead motherfucker. You're dead. Understand? And that puts you in a pretty fucked up predicament. You have no one to run to, except us. Everyone you ever loved: they think your big bloated ass exploded all over the intersection of Benson and Monroe." Brock stood, placing his hands on his desk and leaning closer. "You're dead. Except," and he paused. "You're obviously not. Now, you got two choices: you work for us, and we _know_your motherfuckin' ass has some knowledge about anti-magic theory, or . . ." and Brock leaned closer. "I walk your ass down to the storage room with Erica and we try out some spells she's been workin' on. See if you last longer than the other motherfuckers who didn't want to comply. Do you understand, dead man?" Fox gulped.

"Y-yes sir."

"You sure, Foxy? Sure you that cock of yours isn't aching for you to burst all over the hangar?" Fox's cock gave a twitch in his tight pants, but he remained still.

"I . . . I want . . ."

"Yeah?" Brock leaned over his desk some more.

"I want to help." Fox finally finished.

"Swell," Brock said pointedly. "Then we're all set. Only thing left is to orient you. Report here at ten tomorrow morning and I'll sort your motherfuckin' ass out. Bring some fresh drawers 'cause tomorrow's gun training. And we use some pret-ty big guns around here. Dismissed." Fox just stood there, again unsure of what to do next. Brock looked to him and raised an eyebrow. "Get the fuck out of my office!"

Fox quickly turned and left. As soon as he rounded the corner, he saw Binx. His heart fluttered in his chest at the sight of him. Even so, what Brock implied still hung freshly in his mind. Binx smiled at him and extended a paw for Fox to take, but Fox didn't. He looked at his feet and then to Binx. "What now?"

"I'm supposed to take you back to your room," Binx said quickly. "Hey, is there something wrong?"

"No," Fox said, but he was being obviously distant. "No. Let's, let's just go, okay?"

"Alright," Binx said and, placing a paw on Fox's back ushered him back the way they came.

Is something wrong? Fox thought, mentally scoffing. Yeah, Binx, fucking everything is wrong. I'm "dead," some kind of sexual deviant, and I'm being held against my will by the government. He wanted to yell all of this at Binx. He wanted to tear away from Binx and sprint down the hallway. He wanted to spin around and punch the beautiful fucker right in his beautiful fucking face. But, instead, he continued on, still looking at the floor. When they reached G-1 again, Fox turned to Binx, refusing to make eye contact.

"Alright. Well . . . goodnight then," he said. Binx swiped his keycard and the door opened. Binx then extended the keycard to Fox.

"You'll need this. It won't open much, but you can at least get into your room."

"Uh . . . thanks," Fox said, taking the card. "I'll see you tomorrow." He entered his room, followed quickly by Binx. When he turned around, he cocked his head inquisitively. "W-what are you doing?" Binx smiled a sad smile, shrugging, the door shutting automatically behind him.

"Can't leave you alone, kid. Already told you this before."

"S-so you're staying here?_With _me?" Fox's ears perked on his head. Against his will, his tail lilted behind him.

"Yup. You're on suicide watch."

"Suicide watch?"

"Yeah, kid. Like I said, you're not the first person to be in this predicament. Right now you're feeling pretty bad about yourself. Everyone you've ever known is gone from your life for the rest of your life. Any plans you had for the future went right out the window along with any other dreams or aspirations. You discovered something new about yourself that you didn't know you liked before. You're being held here when all you want to do is go home, so . . ." Fox sighed. "You leave some people alone with those kinds of thoughts and they start to feel trapped, claustrophobic; they drift in and out of anxiety and into panic and depression. In that darkness, some of them find a way out. The wrong way out." Once more, he lifted Fox's muzzle to look into his yellow eyes. "We won't let that happen to you. _I_won't let that happen to you. Ya got me?"

Fox teared up and broke away from Binx's paw. Binx was right. All of this did feel claustrophobic after all. Like the entire weight of the building and the earth was very presently above him and he had no escape. He indeed felt a swell of panic in his chest and sat down on the couch, looking to the faux-sunlit blinds, breathing, trying to convince himself that, just beyond lay the outside, fresh air and freedom. Binx took a seat next to him, wrapping his arms tightly around Fox.

"You're okay, Fox. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Fox took a deep breath and relaxed a little. "Trust me." But Fox broke away again, shifting to the far end of the couch.

"What's going on?" Binx asked. "You can talk to me."

Fox's mind finally went from "flight" to "fight." He stood up and whirled on Binx. "You want me to talk, Binx? Fine! I'll talk." He put a paw on his forehead and sighed, turning away and then back again. "Everything you said just now, about what I'm going through? Well . . . you're right! That's exactly how I feel! And it doesn't really help that you knew all that before I did! And it's no wonder," Fox exclaimed throwing his arms out to either side. "Brock told me there were others. He told me about your 'plans' for me! You seem to really like playing the 'white knight' to people like me! What is it? Can't help yourself when you see a damsel in distress? Just have_to be the one who fixes someone needing fixing? What is it? You say you like me, fuck, I can tell by . . . by . . . everything that you do. So what is it, Binx? Am I just a plaything to you? Some, some captive you can take advantage of? Well I can't exactly go anywhere, so if you want to add _rape to the ever-growing list of crises in my life then by all means! Go for it! What does it matter anyway? I'm fucking dead! And you want to sit here on 'suicide watch?' What the fuck does that even mean?! I'm fucking dead!"

Binx looked at him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well?" Fox threw his paw up in Binx's direction. "What is it? Don't have anything to say?" Binx finally stood, his eyes wide with that same saddened, compassionate look from before.

"I don't," he said. "I'm just here for you, Fox. To listen, to be your punching bag, for whatever you need."

"I'm not your plaything! You can't . . ." Fox started to cry again. "You can't do this to me." His paws covered his face. Binx rushed to him, catching Fox in his strong arms before he could collapse to his knees. Fox, though he didn't want Binx touching him, despite himself, fell into Binx's arms, pressing his muzzle against Binx's chest and sobbed. It felt good to be held. He needed it. Binx rubbed his head, tracing his fingers behind Fox's ears.

"Shhh," Binx whispered. "You're okay. You're okay."

In time, Fox sniffled and raised himself up to face Binx, his brilliant golden eyes also welling with tears, smiling at Fox. Fox smiled back; he couldn't help himself. Binx was so damned pretty. They said nothing, just staring into each other's eyes for a long while. In waves, the events of the day and the horrors of their aftermath washed over Fox. Matthew was gone. So was life as Fox knew it. There was no turning back and, to top it all off, Fox found himself wrestling with a newfound kink--one thrust upon him by his attackers and now threatening to kick down his resistances and force him to succumb to its alien and feverish pleasures. And he was afraid that, if he let it in, he would find himself utterly out of control. Finally, reaching out for something--anything--that he could control, Fox leaned in, pressing his lips against Binx's, opening his mouth and letting their tongues swirl over one another. Binx embraced him hard, pulling him in tightly as he kissed Fox, his big eyes closing. Fox could feel the hard feline body pressed against him, could feel Binx's erection growing against his thigh. He raised his leg ever so slightly to press against Binx's cock and moaned into his mouth, his ears slacking back on his head as he gave into the moment. Fox wasn't happy with Binx and even less happy with himself for giving into him but, gods-damn, he needed this. If Binx wanted to comfort him, this was how he could do it. They passionately kissed, Binx's paws sliding ever lower along Fox's slender back until they reached his ass. Binx squeezed the supple mounds hard with both paws, letting his claws slide out just enough for Fox to feel them. Fox moaned again, reaching a paw down to stroke Binx's ever-growing bulge over his tight leather pants.

Binx unbuttoned the tailclasp on Fox's pants and then slowly slid his paws along Fox's waist until he finally found the front button, loosing it before sliding his paws back to Fox's butt, gripping the spheres of his ass in both paws tightly as he let Fox's black pants slide down his sinewy legs. Fox kicked them off, glad at this point that he didn't have underwear to contend with, his tail swaying back and forth. Binx moaned into Fox's mouth as he gripped his ass tighter, lifting him up from where he was standing, turning to place Fox on the couch. Binx broke away from their kiss, giving Fox a wink.

Fox blinked in lusty disbelief as Binx started to undress. Binx gripped his black, leather vest, his claws digging in before he forcefully tore it open, slipping out of his top in one singular motion. Next, he went for his pants, his deft paws popping the fly open, not bothering with his tailclasp, letting his tail fall flat as he slid his pants quickly down his muscular legs. In an instant, Binx stood naked before Fox, his muscled frame rippling beneath his velvety black fur, his sizeable bright pink cock jutting out from its ebony sheath. Fox couldn't help himself, he leaned forward, gripping Binx's thigh, pulling the cat's big cock into his mouth. He swirled his tongue all along the shaft, taking Binx's heavy balls into one paw and massaging them as Binx began to thrust against his mouth. Fox opened his throat allowing the huge cock to slide further down, already tasting Binx's salty pre-cum. His eyes rolled back in his head as he moaned.

"Mmmm," Binx joined in. "You're s-so fucking hot, Fox," he whispered. Fox bobbed his head along Binx's cock faster as Binx's thrusting increased in speed. Fox gripped Binx's muscled ass with both paws, forcing Binx back and forth in his mouth, wanting to taste his full load. Binx's sack tapped against Fox's muzzle with every lunge forward as he fucked his boy-toy's mouth. Fox could feel Binx tensing up, he knew he was about to cum. Fox sucked him off even more furiously, wanting to make the cat release inside of him and fill his mouth with his hot seed. Suddenly, Binx pulled away, sliding his cock from Fox's mouth. Fox looked up to see Binx smiling, panting. "Not just yet."

With that, he extended a paw, helping Fox up from his knees. Binx jerked him forward, embracing Fox again, kissing him tenderly, tasting himself on Fox's tongue. Finally he broke away, taking Fox by the shoulders and turning him around. "Bend over the couch," he said softly. Fox did as instructed, placing his paws on the back of the couch and arching his back out, presenting his bubble ass to Binx. Binx was very pleased, Fox could hear him purring. Then he felt it! Binx went to eating his ass, licking all around the pink starburst of his hole, his gentle purrs sending vibrations up into Fox's body. It felt incredible. Fox shuddered and moaned, pressing his butt back into Binx's face as the cat continued to lick his crack. Binx lifted Fox's tail as he caressed around the globes of Fox's ass, eyes widening with delight as he saw his black fingers sink into the bubbled cheeks as he squeezed and tenderly bit at them, all the while licking furiously, purring and moaning. Fox couldn't help himself, it felt so good. He reached below him and started to jerk off, letting the gentle licks and vibrations against his ass edge him ever closer to orgasm.

Finally Binx stopped. "Mmm. You're nice and wet now."

Fox looked back at the cat, his face flushed, his eyes half closed, lost in his lust. "Fuck me," Fox whispered and reached back to spread one of his cheeks aside, exposing his soaked pucker. Binx spat in his paw and went to lubing up his cock, finally grabbing Fox's waist, moaning as he squeezed the fox's cheeks again. Slowly, he slipped his long, fat cock into the waiting hole, taking his time to not hurt Fox. He forced the entire length of himself into Fox's hungry hole then stopped. Fox moaned and arched his back, like he was trying to get even more inside of him.

"You want me to fuck you, boy?" Binx asked. Fox moaned and pressed himself harder against Binx. Binx smiled hungrily and began to thrust.

"Oh! Oh gods! Yeah! Fuck me, Binx." Binx slowly increased the pace of his thrusts until he was pounding Fox's ass hard, watching his bubble ass slap and jiggle against his body. He slapped it and squeezed it again as he furiously rammed his cock in and out of Fox's tight hole. Fox moaned, light, almost effeminate cries of pleasure escaping his lips with every stab of Binx's huge cock. Fox could feel the long cock deep inside of him, sliding against his walls, pounding against his prostate, edging him even closer to climax. He stopped stroking his own cock beneath him, trying to stave off his orgasm until Binx was through with him. Binx noticed and smiled wryly.

"You want me to fill you up with all this cum, boy?" Binx said. Fox's ears perked as Binx continued to pump into his ass. Binx reached his paw under Fox, rubbing it along his belly. "You wanna blow up with my cum? Feel that belly get bigger and bigger . . . " Binx leaned in next to Fox's ear, "and bigger?" Fox moaned. Fuck, he thought, he knows exactly what to say to me. He's gonna make me cum. Binx squeezed Fox's ass hard. "You wanna feel that big ass blow up again, boy?"

"Oooooh," Fox moaned, his cock twitching between his legs. "Binx. Y-you're . . . you're . . . gonna . . ."

"Gonna what, boy? Gonna pump you full of jizz until you're too big to move? You can be my huge cum-balloon." Binx fucked Fox even harder, faster. "You want that, boy? Do you want me to pop y--"

"Oh! OH! Oooooooh Gods! Fffffffuuuck!" Fox exclaimed as his cock erupted with cum, splashing a massive load into Binx's awaiting paw. Fox's body shuddered against Binx's cock as Binx took his cum-drenched paw and forced it into Fox's mouth. Fox moaned as he tasted himself, swirling the jizz around in his mouth before swallowing. His eyes rolled back and he forced himself back on Binx's dick in rhythm with Binx's furious pumping.

"Mmm. Good . . . boy," Binx moaned. "You're . . . j-just . . . about . . . t-to . . . aaaaarrrrraaaahhh!" Binx growled as he came into Fox, filling his boy's ass with his huge load. Fox could feel it inside him, hot and deep. To his relief, and a little disappointment, Fox felt Binx's orgasm slowly abate, not actually filling him up as much as the cat had teased. Binx pulled out and Fox rolled over to collapse on the couch, panting, his fur a little matted with sweat. Binx sat down next to him, pretty much in the same condition. For a long while, they said nothing to each other, both breathing heavily, basking in the afterglow of their sex. Finally, Fox looked over to Binx, the cat smiling at him. Binx reached a paw over, beckoning Fox to let him hold him. Fox leaned over, his shoulder against Binx's chest.

"S-so," Fox said. "is that your 'plan' for me?" Binx was quiet for a moment. He caressed Fox's shoulder and sighed.

"Brock's just being cautious; he doesn't want to see anyone get hurt." Fox sat up, looking to Binx.


"Yeah," Binx replied. "Look, I try to be here for the survivors we bring in--we all do. Because of the vulnerable state that you all are in when you come here . . . it's easy for you to get attached. It's easy for us to get attached for that matter," he paused, gesturing to his uniform on the floor. "But . . . because of the line of work we're in . . . well, some people don't think that's such a good idea."

"Oh," Fox replied, his eyes dropping to the floor. "Is that why there isn't any other survivors here?"

"Yeah, kid." Binx said. "There were others though. Like I've said, you're not my first. I guess I tend to get a little attached to you rescues, especially when you're so cute." Fox blushed. Binx rubbed his headfur.

"Where are they? You said I was the only guest here."

"Ah, that, well . . ." Binx paused. "Probably shouldn't tell you this because it's part of your orientation but . . . you're different, kid. We usually only hold survivors until we're sure they're psychologically safe to release back into their old lives. _You_on the other hand . . ." Binx paused to look into Fox's eyes, smiling. "You're special."

"Special? H-how? What do I have that you guys could possibly need?"

"Knowledge, kid. And the smarts to use it."

"B-but, surly Erica and Tyler are more than sufficient for what you guys do. You guys don't need me. You could let me go."

"Maybe you're right, Fox, but you've got two big problems: first, you're dead." Fox went to protest, but Binx stopped him. "Second, it wasn't our choice to bring you onto the team. Someone higher up the ladder made that call." Fox looked blankly at the floor in disbelief. "Somebody wants you here, kid."

"But . . . why me? Why any of this?"

Binx shrugged and smiled. "That's beyond my clearance, Fox. Brock might know but, so far, he isn't coming off the details. So . . . looks like you're stuck with us."

Fox looked to the floor and saw his clothes. Suddenly he felt very exposed by his nakedness. He became a little embarrassed too as he felt the warmth of Binx's cum still inside of him. Why was this happening to him? Why him, of all people? Surely there was some kind of mistake. As he sat there pondering his situation, wallowing in self-pity a bit, he slowly came to the realization that if he were ever going to get answers and get out of this place, he was going to have to go along with everything. He sighed and looked to Binx. The sight of his big, toothy smile making his heart leap in his chest again. At least there was one bright side to his captivity. And if what Brock said about Binx was true, then the cat would make an excellent trainer to boot.Fine, he thought, if this is the way out, then I'll do it. What choice do I really have?

"What now?" Fox said, his new home still feeling alien to him. He guessed he was already leaning on Binx pretty hard for any sort of direction. Binx stood, offering a paw to Fox. Fox took it and stood as well, Binx drawing him close to his chest.

"Round two?" Binx said, smiling. Fox blushed, his ears perking. He smiled and gave an adorable little nod, his big eyes looking eagerly at Binx. Binx gripped his paw and led him to the bedroom.