Gym Rats

Story by Tyrade on SoFurry

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This is just a little something I wrote to stave off writers block. Expect lots of these since I find this is the best way stay in practice, short and sweet smut!

Anyway, please leave a comment if you enjoyed it and message me if you had any ideas for future short stories since I'd love to do some writing with other fur's characters. Thanks!

Have a great day!

Chance throws his weighty, jet black sports bag down with a thump, landing squarely on the dividing bench of the locker room. He's drenched from head to toe, his navy swimsuit clinging to his smooth, scaled torso. It was cold out, but that didn't mean he could take it easy, hence why today's routine had been so intense. He was working through some stuff mentally and all that emotion just seemed to pour into his morning routines. He knew he'd be sore the next day, but it didn't matter to much to him, his working days were over and he was on the tail end of his retirement. Just like his father before him, he'd worked as a lifeguard due to his natural ability to out-swim almost all competition.

As far as he knew, he was the only one brave enough to tackle the outdoor pool in the winter, but he figured being cold-blooded gave him a pretty big advantage. It was a nice ego boost however, especially for a middle-aged guy like himself who could put some of the peak performing young athletes to shame. Sometimes, he'd swim the outdoor pool just to prove that very point. Today however, he'd hit something of a roadblock and ended up overworking himself. Despite having all the energy in the world, all that emotion fueling his muscles, he'd gotten frustrated and pulled a muscle or two. He wasn't one to limp, but it hurt enough that he took to the changing rooms early.

The gym is looking pretty empty, with only a few early-bird patrons filtering in. The shark's domineering size alone is enough to capture some envious gazes. Arriving in the locker room, the elderly shark wastes no time undressing, eager to limber up and work out some of the pain in his shoulder. His tight-fitting swimsuit was digging into his collarbone a little rough, and he wanted the thing off. He tugged, eventually tearing the thing seam from seam. Whatever, he thought to himself. I can just buy another, maybe one that fits a little better. He slumps down on the bench, rotating his shoulder up and over in a wide circle, scrunching his face up at the pain that only seems to irritate him.

He catches sight of a pair of toned, athletic looking rat boys, gossiping and washing each other across the locker room in the showers. They're both quite lithe, shaped like skinny pears, but their musculature is defined and it's immediately obvious they work out. Their tails flutter back and forth as they chatter away, but that isn't what's catching Chance's attention. No, he's getting a good look at their plump rears, lined up side-by-side, perky and gratuitous. The line of their fur creates a heart shape over their exposed asses, pretty pink skin contrasted by a shimmering silver coat.

One of the rat boys turns to meet Chance's gaze, who's still admiring his physique. He cracks a sly smile, giggling to his companion. Chance knew this gym was pretty laid-back about patrons messing around in the locker rooms, he knew it when he signed up, but he'd never actually caught any tail because typically he was the earliest to arrive and was already on his way out by the time anyone else had shown up. He figures now is as good an opportunity as he's gonna get, so he devises a plan.

Chance stands up, making sure to stretch his hefty arms outward in an exaggerated motion, letting loose a yawn and playing it cool. He saunters over to the pair, taking his place next to them in the shower wordlessly. With a twist of the handle, hot water splashes over his form and he begins to lather himself up and down, making sure to soap up his most intimate parts. The rat boys become almost silent, the occasional whisper being shared and their sideways glances becoming frequent. This wasn't the first time he'd given someone a little show on his way out of the gym, but it had been a couple years. His last steamy post-exercise encounter had been disappointing and short and after that, well, he'd lost interest. Chance, rinses down, grabbing a palm full of his junk, his fat pair of smooth, hairless balls glistening in the steamy, hot air. Stepping out, he whips a towel from atop the lockers and begins to wipe it back and forth across his bare muscles, splattering his wetness across the floor. He can feel the eyes of the two rat boys wandering over his naked form, but decides not to return the favor, instead waiting confidently for his voyeurs to make the first move. He's sure they can't resist.

Stretching out, his little routine finished, Chance takes a seat and spreads his legs wide, smokey grey cock dangling below and resting atop his smooth sack. He crosses his arms and watches the two rat boys carefully as they begin to approach.

The first of the two meekly wanders to his locker, both hands cupping his junk suspiciously as he hobbles away, whilst the other seems a little more confident. He sits his plump behind down next to the shark with a wet _plap, _and arches his back, arms raised to the sky. Chance can see the two rows of cute little nipples that run vertically on his chest. Despite his sturdy abs and defined pecs, the rodent comes off as quite the feminine little lad.

"Sooooooo..." He chimes in, head tilted to the side as his eyes wander up and down Chance's body. "We've never seen you before, you must be new..." He says, sliding a hand from his own lap to grasp the shark's solid thigh. The touch is dainty and careful, as if the rat is testing the waters.

"Aha, no! I've been coming here for a while little one, but I much prefer to get here earlier." Says Chance, flexing the bicep that the little rodent was now exploring. "A shame too, if I'd have know you two catches would be here..." He says, trailing off as his gaze catches an eyeful of the grabby little rats half-hard cock. His suspicions are confirmed. He's sure the two of them are dirty little cocksuckers.

"You're not shy at all are you?" Says Chance with a smile.

"Not me, but my brother can be a little shy. Don't mind him, he's a sucker for older guys like you y'know." Says the rodent, grinning over at his brother who's blushing a deep red, desperately attempting to subdue his erection. "I'm George and this is Colton. What's your name, big guy?" He asks, scooting over to press up against the bigger shark, his warm fur tantalizingly soft.

"The name's Chance, nice to meet you two, and well..." Chance reaches back to grasp George by the waist, just above that seated ass. His palm almost circles the rodents entire waist with ease. "I couldn't help but admire those delicious rear ends of yours, if you don't mind me saying." He says, licking his lips.

"Hm, not at all mister. Maybe my brother can give you a little hands on experience? But first," Says George. "I wanna taste of that thick cock you got there."

The words escape the sexy rodent scamps mouth and Chance can already feel his member giving a telling throb, the green flag given. He straightens up, planting both hands on his knees as George swaggers into position before the shark, dropping to his knees almost routinely. It's obvious that he's done this kind of thing before, but to Chance that just makes it all the more sexy. The rodent grasps his own cock, squeezing tight so that a bead of pre drips from the rosy pink tip. "You don't mind if I..." He huffs, firmly grasping his rosy pink member.

"Really got you worked up huh? Well it's only fair that we both have fun." He's about half the size of the shark just flaccid, already salivating at the fattening cock before him. George reaches out, encapsulating the sharks steadily growing cock with both hands, feeling the weight of it as the thick head begins to emerge from its foreskin. He presses a greedy tongue against the piss-slit, rolling it around in circles beneath the hood. "Mmph, good boy." Grunts Chance, running a gentle but firm hand through the rodents fluffy mess of hair. The rat moans deeply, echoing rumbles caressing the sharks cock like a vibrator.

Soon, Chance finds himself at full-mast, throbbing proudly inside of the rodents maw. The little rat is looking up at Chance with a glint in his eye, his innocent expression betraying his lustful actions. Chance grasps tightly at George's hair, guiding him downward for the first time so that a few girthy inches disappear inside of him. He can already feel the rats throat tightening around his cock, wet and warm and slick. It isn't long before George hits his limit and pats at the sharks thigh, pulling off with a sloppy pop, a combination of drool and sticky pre splattering the sharks lap.

"" The rodent pants, wiping the spit from his maw as his other hand fondles his leaky little cock. Chance can't help but admire the state he's gotten the rodent into. George's hand returns to the towering cock, guiding it back to his sloppy, needy maw. "I can take it all. I need it" He whimpers, before wrapping his lips around the head and forcing the girthy cock down his throat as best he can, a visible bulge forming on the rats neck as he pushes down hard. The rats maw is tight and the pressure of his throat is intense, providing an exquisite sensation for Chance. George's eyes are squeezed shut, tears streaming down his cheeks as he aggressively swallows the sharks full length, bottoming out with a quivering bottom lip against his tightening sack.

"Yeah...stay right there." Says Chance, gripping the rats face with both hands and giving a few deep thrusts. "You want me to cum inside?" He says, watching the rat huff and squirm for air. His throat rumbles, a stifled moan attempting to escape, and that's all the motivation Chance needs. He perches closer to the rat, pistoning his cock in and out, watching George's eyelids flutter and droop. His destination steadily approaches, ready to unload deep inside the dirty rodent. Each thrust is violent and powerful, splattering drool back and forth in sticky strings. His cock pulses deeply within the rats throat, the sharks loins stirring in anticipation of impending orgasm. "Ready? Gonna fill you up, slut." Commands Chance, feverishly approaching his limit.

The shark growls with ferocity, pressing the rodents mouth into his lap, fully impaled. Chance can feel his cum shoot through his urethra like lightning, the pressure bringing forth a mighty spurt of cum that rockets directly into the belly of the awaiting rat. It's followed by a good five or six heavy liquid injections overflowing the abused maw, before the shark releases his grip, dropping George to the floor as he descends the peak of his orgasm. The sharks cock pulses in the open air, a hot stream of cum running down its length, twitching with white hot intensity. Meanwhile, the little rodent below fires a few shots of his own, splattering across his pink belly and puddling in his bellybutton, before he slumps down, still gargling on the sharks load. "Fuckkkkk..." Groans Chance, pumping his cock for a few dribbles of errant seed.

From the other side of the room comes a squeak, and Chance looks over to see Colton masturbating furiously, clearly enamored by the lustful display. The rat boy is suckling a finger hungrily, beet red but making no attempt to hide his dirty actions. Chance rises to his feet and steps over to the voyeuristic lad, cock still wet with a sheen of saliva and cum. He stops right in front of Colton, standing a good three foot above him. "What's got you so worked up, hm? See something you like?" Says Chance.

"I want...I wanna..." Mumbles Colton, hips thrusting his needy cock into his closed fist. "I want you to fuck me, sir."

"Then you'd better turn around and brace your ass." Grunts Chance, stroking his still-hard cock.

Colton spins towards the lockers, arching his back and hiking his tail on command. He pulls his wet finger from his mouth and presses it up against his tail-hole suggestively. "Gonna need more prep than that." Says Chance, kneeling down so that his face is inches from the shy rats buttocks. He spreads those pink cheeks and presses his warm tongue between them, causing Colton to squeak in surprise. The shark quickly settles into lathering the rodents tight rear end with his thick tongue, stretching it nicely in preparation for his even thicker cock. It isn't long before the rat starts to push back, clearly enjoying the sharks efforts a little too much. Chance pulls away, catching his breath.

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. You'll cum when I get this whole cock inside of you and only then, understood?"

Colton whimpers, having to force himself to take both hands off his member, but quickly moves them to his prepped butt, spreading his cheeks wide for the shark to admire. And admire he did, but only a few moments. He was quick to grab for himself, cupping his hands tightly around the rats waist. His cock throbbed just inches from the rodents eager hole. "Ready for it?" He says. "You better be."

Chance presses his tip against that wet target, pushing with force until that tight hole gives way. His cock sinks inside, eliciting a guttural moan from the ecstatic rodent. Inches disappear inside of Colton, the sharks girthy cock forcing its size deeply within his ass. "God, you're so tight." Grunts Chance, pulling the rats hips closer. He can feel the rodent clenching down on his cock, hungry for more, and he obliges. With a powerful thrust, the shark crams the last of his cum-slicked cock inside, bottoming out against the rats quivering body. Beneath his hands, he can feel the outline of his cock bulging Coltons tummy.

Then, much to his surprise, his dangling sack is assaulted by a greedy maw. George is kneeling beneath the two, nuzzling against the shark. His tongue runs out across the hot, heavy nuts, tasting that deep, sexual musk with vigor. "Back for more, eh?" Chance says, beginning to slowly push in and out of the ass before him. The rat firmly penetrated upon his cock tenses up, masturbating fast and hard as his tail hole clenches hard, desperately racing to orgasm. It hits hard, locking his body in place and his ass firmly clamped down on the shark dick. The sensations of both being completely locked in by the rats rhythmic spasms and the endless assault of wet tongue on his nether regions drives the shark to a second, earth shaking orgasm, and both he and Colton call out, cumming hard. The audible splatter of seed on the lockers beneath him spur Chance on, pumping his load deeply within the rodents ass, forcing his hands further from the rats hips as his otherwise flat tummy slowly distends. Beneath him, George holds those pulsing orbs with glee as they deliver their payload.

"That's it sharky, breed him good." He cheers, grabbing at his brothers ass and stretching a cheek out. Cum dribbles out from his hole, splattering the floor at George's feet. He quickly ducks beneath, tongue firmly wedged between the sharks cock and that leaking ass, lapping at the excess cum greedily. A full minute passes, and finally, the shark pulls away, entire glazed cock slicking out with one motion leaving the rodents ass gaping wide, his pink cheeks decorated with a layer of thick, white cum. At that moment, a group of males entered the locker room. Chance, gives the rat one last dominating smack, just to let him know who's boss, and grasp at Georges head once more, pushing that entire cock inside his maw, then pulling out just as quickly. "There, nice and clean." He laughs.

He turns to the group, a shocked and aroused look on their faces. "All yours." He says, throwing a towel over his shoulder and heading to his locker. "See you tomorrow boys?" He calls out, although the two are already preoccupied, quickly surrounded by males and fresh, hard cocks. Yeah, he'd have to push those gym sessions forward from now on.