Creature Comfort (3)

Story by Foepaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Creature Comfort

"Creature Comfort"


"Drunk with power, and enamored with the idea of experiencing things a little more firsthand, Creature begins looking for a body to take along for the ride. When Chase wins the 'honor' of becoming Creature's own personal avatar, things grow - a little less personal and a lot more pleasurable."

Part 3 (of 5 or 6)

Okay! Sofurry does NOT handle BBcode very well. (Oops.) Gotta remember to take tags out before I submit these.

Anyway, this time, we let Creature get to have a little fun.

It's a nice reward for all that exposition-machining he did in the previous two parts.

Back down to sane lengths for this version (if i ever re-publish this (ha!), I think the last section of 2 would go at the beginning of 3 ... so just pretend I left you a nice hook in the last peice.)

I had extra fun writing this week's.

Makes a nice little stress-killer, yeah?

Hope ya have as much fun reading it.

  • 3 -

Creature gorged himself. The sheer amount of energy produced in that final moment of passion far exceeded anything he could have predicted - anything he could have hoped for. The surge he'd felt in his home plane had been a tiny drop compared to the tidal waves of pure power created by this preternatural pairing.

For a moment, the room was bathed in warm golden light as the sex god and goddess - still locked in a lover's embrace atop the bed - _ glowed _ with the intensity of the power they were generating. Then, Creature absorbed even the light, and the room faded from view as blanket of darkness swept in. Creature withdrew back into himself, releasing Chase and Elise to the soft embrace of sleep.

Creature stood, shivering in excitement at the feeling of _so much _raw, unadulterated power coursing through him. He hunkered low to the ground as the shivers grew to convulsions - energy pressing up against the very walls of his being. He swelled with the power, letting himself expand to accommodate the new energy, lest he be torn apart by it. The world closed in around him as he grew, burning energy to increase his size until he could feel the strain begin to ease.

When at last he found a comfortable equilibrium, Creature occupied most of the small dormitory room. Where he had once struggled to maintain a link between Chase and Elise as they had casually switched positions during their lovemaking, he could now read their thoughts easily while still having enough reach to scan the minds of passersby in the hall outside.

Creature flexed his new form approvingly, feeling the captured energy flowing through him. He glided over to the bed, eager to see what state Chase and Elise were in - eager for a repeat performance. Still, as much as he had enjoyed their last sexual encounter, Creature had merely been an observer. Now it was different. He had power to spare, and he intended to enjoy this next session as much as the lovers themselves.It certainly wasn't beyond his power to sample some small part of their pleasure himself ...

His heart sank as he examined Elise. She was deep in an exhausted sleep, brought on by a sensory overload. Creature's tinkering had caused her to experience more pleasure than was naturally possible, and it had wiped her out. He had known it would, but in his excitement had completely forgotten about the recharge time. Replacing some of her energy was possible, but it would be taxing - and Creature was loathe to part with so much of his power now that he had it.

His preliminary observation of Chase raised Creature's hopes once more. The young fox had certainly experienced sensation above and beyond normal stimulation, but he was becoming used it. His mental capacity for sex was quickly catching up to his physical prowess. He lay in bed - merely at rest, his mind already moving on to fantastic dream-fueled fantasies. Creature smiled. He could work with this ...

Creature left the two alone to do a quick sweep of the rooms beyond. Most of the occupants were still out, enjoying the night, but in the dorm next door, he found a female hyena who made a rather promising candidate. She had been kept awake by the rather immodest cries of passion coming from Elise's room, and it had spurred her imagination. As she tried not to picture herself in a similar position, Creature reached out and touched her thoughts - using a trickle of power to firmly plant the idea in her mind.

Try as she might, she could think of nothing else, and as she reached the early stages of arousal, Creature began to fill in the details - first adding Chase's muscled form. Then, as she accepted the fantasy as her own, he began to change her image of herself. He released the woman who was trapped inside - bound by the mundane nature of the world she lived in. When at last she gave herself completely to the fantasy, Creature returned to Chase's sleeping form.

He drew himself in, sinking the entirety of his room-filling form into the fox's body - linking with every nerve. In that instant, he and Chase became a single physical entity. Creature could feel the blood flowing through his veins and the breath in his lungs. He relished in the feel of flesh, coaxing Chase's hand lightly over his stomach. He traced the smooth lines of muscle there, delighting in the feel of the soft fur and tight skin.Creature slid Chase's hand down lower, lightly touching his sheath. He felt himself draw a sharp breath at the sharp sensation elicited from such a simple motion.

Creature was suddenly aware of his maleness, laying heavily on the soft bed. There was a power there - an unadulterated need. It grew by the second, stimulated by thoughts of the deeds to come. Creature was drawn in by the inexorable tide of passion - hardly noticing as his conscious mind was swallowed up by the sea of arousal. He focused on the hyena waiting in the next room, locked in a state of sexual stimulation and need that would - by now - rival his own, and his imagination began to run wild.

Chase stirred, pulled from sleep as the strange tingling sensation once more set in. Thousands of tiny needles pricked at every joint in his body, and his skin felt uncomfortably tight - as if he wasn't the only one wearing it. As if to affirm his suspicion his hand started moving, seemingly of its own accord. Chase felt panic well up in his chest, as he tried to fight the motion.

His resistance was quickly drowned as the sensation of his hand brushing against his chest reached his brain. The simple motion brought soft pleasure - as if he were feeling his own fur for the very first time. Everything around him felt strangely amplified. He was acutely aware of his own heartbeat, and the rush of air entering his body seemed the most novel thing in the world. Soft sheets caressed him more intimately than they had ever done before, and Elise's firm body pressed up against him sent all sorts of electric sensations straight to the pleasure centers of his brain.

Then, his wandering hand found his maleness. Chase drew a sharp breath as excitement surged anew - building as his libido stirred. Pleasure flooded him as his member rapidly swelled with arousal. He pushed himself upright, trying to find a position where his shaft wasn't tickled by the soft fur on his stomach, and found himself staring in wonder as his erection quickly came to full steam.

He felt rush of childlike exhilaration with the sensation of it - the heat, the tight feel of arousal, and the sheer power of his pulsing shaft. It was as if this were the first time he'd ever been aroused. The sheer intensity of the feeling took his breath, and already he could feel the need - the hunger - building deep within himself.

It rolled over him, desire fogging his mind, lust numbing him to all other thought and sensation. Precum surged from the tip of his member, sending cool waves of pleasure flowing back through his body as it rolled down the shaft and pooled on the bed. He felt a whimper rise in his throat as he nudged Elise, gently trying to wake her. When she didn't respond, he felt some distant part of himself reach out and touch her mind. He was frantic as he felt her exhaustion - even if he could somehow wake her, she wouldn't be able to help him.

His mind reeled. He needed release more than he ever had before. The hunger was burning - immediate - and the one person he might have gone to was beyond his power to rouse. Wild, desperate thoughts shot through his mind - this was the female's dorm. There should be plenty of willing dates for a male like him ...

He sniffed the air, his senses assaulted by a thousand different scents. Through the intensity of his need, he was able to focus past the simple pleasure just smelling the air - and his heart leapt with joy when he found what he was looking for. The sharp smell of female arousal hung in the air - distant and faint - but there nonetheless. He left the bed, moving as if in a dream. He could see the female now - as if in a memory of something wonderful he'd once experienced.

In his mind's eye, the hyena was a bountiful creature of pleasure - impossibly curvaceous, sensuous, voluptuous. He was at her door before he realized he'd even left the room. From this distance, he could reach out and touch her mind - could feel her thoughts as if they were his own. Her fantasies played before his eyes, ludicrous scenes of pleasure and passion - every single one of them involving him.

It struck him as odd, but before he could concentrate enough to figure out why it bothered him, desire swallowed the thoughts. At last, he could stand it no longer. He tried the door and - finding it unlocked - wrenched it open. The hyena sat on the floor - one hand frantically teasing her breasts, the other working her wet sex as fantasies more vivid than any reality she'd ever experienced spurred her on. When she saw Chase walk in, she ran to him without hesitation - without conscious thought.

She was beautiful by conventional standards - high, firm c-cup breasts filled out a slender frame as long brown hair accented a warm face - but the image he saw behind her hungry brown eyes was beyond beauty. It was potential - what she desired herself to be. Somewhere in the back of his mind, in that distant part of him that was touching her thoughts, Chase realized he could bring that image to life. It was so simple, now that she was touching him - held close in such an intimate manner.

He felt the power flowing around him while she clutched him - a warm golden glow caressing her form. As they fell to the floor in a tangle of lust, he could feel her in every profound detail as she grew against him.

Creature delighted himself in the feel of the change - the intimacy of using his physical body to control the flow of his power. He cupped her breasts in his massive hands, reveling in the feel of them as they pressed outwards against him. When they spilled out of his grasp he began moving his hands in tight circles, leaving golden trails of power as he went. He could sense the pleasure in her mind, and her thoughts excited him - spurred him on.

His hands moved down to her stomach, over her hips and thighs - shaping as he went. He lightly touched her arms and shoulders, sculpting her with his hands - guiding her body along its path to perfection. At a thought, she rolled off him and onto all fours, as continued his work on her back, and massaged her already shapely rear. When at last he was finished, he let his power flow through all of her. She grew up and out in every direction, and Creature sat back to admire his work.

Where Elise was a creature of sexual prowess - grace and energy barely contained in a physical form - this hyena had become a goddess of fertility. She was a full-figured vision of femininity. Voluptuous breasts flowed back to a slender waist around a soft stomach before sliding back out into an ass that screamed ' woman' with every tight curve. The golden glow of his power accented her soft brown fur, making her shape all the more alluring.

Creature fought a heated battle with lust as he watched her, fighting with all his being to let the process finish - to let her have her perfect form before he took her. He held out as long as he could, but when - at last - he felt the flow of power ebb he could stand it no longer. He was back up against her before the light faded from her fur.

He mounted her from behind like a wild animal in heat, gripping her thighs with powerful hands. He felt his massive member press up against the walls of her wet and waiting sex - tight, binding, but wonderful beyond words. Just as with Elise, she wasn't able to take all of him in - but Creature had designed Chase's physique - and his muscle responded with supernatural finesse. His lover moaned with pleasure as he began thrusting into her, and it wasn't long before Creature heard his own grunts of pleasured exertion.

The sounds of sex drew onlookers to the open door. Creature smiled, feeling the dozens of mostly female eyes on him. It was a revelation. It excited him to know he was being watched - to feel himself being _ admired _. He touched their minds as he redoubled his efforts with his lover, watching the spectacle through their eyes - even as he felt it through his own body. He delighted in the vision of Chase - of _ himself _ - thrusting against his hyena goddess as she braced herself on all fours, her luscious breasts against the floor - her entire form bouncing and swaying each time he rammed against her. He let a trickle of power flow into each of their minds as his touch flitted around the small crowd. Try as they might, they could no longer look away as the moans of pleasure rose in volume. They were his.

Creature was drawn back in to himself by storm of sensation - as his ministrations brought his lover over the edge of orgasm. He tried to hold on as long as he could, instinctively not wanting the pleasure to end - but the assault continued inexorably and he felt himself plummet over the cliff with her. Indescribable pleasure rocked his physical body as he came. He was overwhelmed with the force of it all, with the sense of power as his seed filled his lover, mixing with the results of her own orgasm as the excess pooled around them.

Creature was lost. He swam in a state of disoriented ecstasy so far from anything he had ever experienced - it might very well have come from a different plane of existence entirely. It seemed like he stayed in that state for an eternity before the power finally flowed through him, dragging him back to the surface. He directed the power back at himself, urging himself to grow larger to accommodate the sudden influx of energy.

For a moment, there was confusion. He felt bone and muscle swell. He felt his shaft press tighter against the walls of his lover's sex, and his orgasm struck with renewed strength as his maleness swelled. Creature realized the mistake he'd made even as he plunged under another wave of ecstasy - he'd cast his power at Chase, mistaking the fox's body for his own. The flesh had bent to his will just as readily as his own form would have - growing, just as he had urged it to. He threw a line of power out to the female, an urgent plea of ' grow' along with it - hoping it would prevent her from getting hurt as Chase's body expanded.

After what seemed an eternity, Creature scrambled to the surface - even as the energy from his lover's renewed orgasm flowed into him. He carefully redirected the energy away from first Chase and then his hyena lover - capturing the golden wash of power and expanding the areas of himself outside of Chase's body.

The lover's growth slowed and then mercifully stopped, leaving each a little over a foot taller than they had been. The female seemed fine, even if the experience had over-loaded the pleasure centers of her brain long before the second orgasm, and Creature could feel Chase's mind - teetering and lightheaded in the aftershock - but still awake.

The experience left Creature shaking. He wondered at how these animals could stand not to be fucking each other senseless every moment of every day. Had he known something could feel so good, he would have devoted his entire existence to finding it. He would risk every last ounce of energy he had just to feel the waves of pleasure lapping up against him one more time. He had tasted, and now he wanted _ more _.

Creature reached out into the swell of onlookers outside the door and urged a young male inside. The confused husky stepped forward, drawn by a compulsion he didn't understand - thoughts of the fantastic sex scene he'd just witnessed burned into his mind. Creature compressed another part of himself and sank into the the male's body, trickling power into him as he went.

Gasps came from the rooted onlookers as the husky swelled, his clothes yielding to muscle and male flesh as it rapidly expanded. The zipper on his jeans groaned and snapped with a series of soft metallic _pop_s. His boxers tore at the seams as his once loose, hawaiian shirt gave way to building muscle. He let out a satisfied yip as his maleness jumped free and he eyed the crowd of women with a feral glint in his eyes.

Creature could feel the sexual hunger swelling in his new body even as Chase's arousal returned with a vengeance. It would be only a matter of minutes before Creature was drowned in the effects of male desire. Without hesitation - without thought - he let his power flow into the crowd of women at the door.

Creature Comfort (4)

"Creature Comfort" Foepaw - - - _"While Chase struggles against his own growing libido, Creature begins to focus on expanding his empire ... and everyone in it. Boundaries fall, old fires are rekindled, and I use the word 'golden' way too much!...

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Creature Comfort (2)

"As Chase wakes with hazy memories of his transformation to find that his libido isn't the only thing that's grown, Creature stuggles with Elise's low self-confidence. Passions rise and inhibitions are cast aside as their world quickly turns upside...

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Creature Comfort (1)

"When a young couple's sexual exploits attract the attention of a strange extra-dimensional being, they find themselves in a struggle to maintain their identities as things quickly grow (quite literally) out of control." Part 1 (of...

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