A Child's Need; Drakonian part 2

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#3 of A Child's need

Thank you all who loved this story. Many of you loved it and I am glad. Again this story is somewhat based on true events.

Now, for awhile, I've been trying to make a comic for here on this site and to sell. Now, I'm having trouble finding drawers and only a few of my friends can draw but they don't know that it is an erotic one. And I know that there are badass drawers here but I kind of wished to talk to you in person but I doubt that there are any of you live in California. Well many of you do but either in Baldwin Park or Pomona.

Anyways so you want to try and draw, send me a PM. I want to have this comic title selling before or during summer.

A Child's Need: Drakonian part 2

Katie smiled, looking at the little drake that was calmly sleeping amongst her breasts. It was a bit awkward but she didn't mind it. It's not like the little drake can get a hard on if he could. He was a five year old!

The little drake yawned a bit and opened his eyes to meet the smile of the dragoness. He blinked a bit and looked down to see his head was on her breasts.

Katie chuckled and slowly reached out and pets his head.

"Sorry if you can't go back to sleep but the waters getting cold."

He slowly nodded and slowly was picked up by her. She softly let him down on the cool water, causing him to shiver a bit. She smiled and released the vale to let the water go. Then she stood up, turns back on the water and activates the shower head. The little drake jumped out of the way as the water shot out of him.

Katie couldn't help but chuckle.

"Its okay, the water won't hurt you."

He nodded.

She smiled and reached for the soap and scrub and began washing herself. The drake watched as she washed down all of her body, down and up. He moved around to avoid her stepping on him when she washed down her legs, in between and back around.

When she was done, she grabbed more soap and leaned down to wash him. At first he was a bit resistant but then he allowed her to wash off all of his dirty scales and tail. He started laughing as she brushed over his belly, tickling him.

Katie chuckled and gave a mischievous grin.

"So you're ticklish?"

He didn't have time to respond before she tickled his belly, causing him to squeal in delight. He tried his best to stop her but she just continued. He struggled to his best to stop only having him wet himself to stop.

Luckily, they were still in the tub and Katie ignored it. The drake was a bit ashamed but didn't think long of it. The urine was washed away by the water and Katie knew that he couldn't do harm about it.

About a few minutes later, the two got out with Katie walking with her towel around her waist and the little drake dry already. She set him at her bed while she put on new clothes.

A fresh pair of black panties. A black bra. Blue shorts and a plain white shirt for her. She then realized that the little drake had no clothes other then the rags and she didn't want him wearing that clothes. So she thought for a moment and came up with a solution. She could by him clothes but then... another thought came up. Should she call the police?

She was taking care of child who came out of no where and she was treating him like her own child. If she called the police, they were going to ask her where he came from and they could take him away and she didn't want that. But what if this child had a family? No, because he was all bruised up and still had scars and cuts all over his body, which might make the cop suspicious. But then what if she kept the child to herself and tells no one. Would that be wrong? She then wondered if he could talk at all instead of a few short words.

She sighed and sat by him. He looked up at her with unchanging looks. He seemed almost like a mindless pet but she knew he was intelligent. She spoke to him in a soft voice, hopefully clearing a few things up with him.

"So now that we have taken a shower, can I ask you something?"

He blinked before nodding. She smiled and continued.

"What is your name?"

He didn't respond at first but she saw him thinking and trying to pronounce it.

"Dra...Draco." He said.

She smiled.

"Well hello Draco. My name is Katie."

"Kat...Ka...tie?" he said trying to pronounce it.

She nodded.

"Yes, Ka-tie."


She smiled.

"Good. Now can I ask why are you covered in bruises? Who hurt you?"

Draco hesitated and a bit of a weep came from him.

"Mas...Mast...Master, did."

Katie's eyes went a bit wide.

"Who did?" she asked, not believing his word.

He stuttered.

"Master hit me. He...make me sleep in...hard floor. He hit me...when I do bad. He make me...eat ground." At that he was starting to shake in fear of the memories.

Katie couldn't believe that there would be a person who would do something like this to a child. She gathered herself just enough to ask him.

"Why did he hurt you?"

"He say... me do bad. Me must listen... to master. Me must... do... evy thing he says. Me run away... me no want to be wit...him."

Katie grew more astonished.

"How did you get away?"

He lowered his head a bit.

"He hurt me till... I fall sleep. I was... outside when me wake up. I had stringy thingy...holding me. Water fell from sky... I was wet... able to get free. Me cold... me hungry... me no want to go back."

He then began crying again.

"Me no want to go back! Me want to stay wit...you!" He cried.

He jumped at her and began crying in her shirt. Katie couldn't help but embrace him. He just went though beating and all things harsh. She hugged him tightly as he cried his heart out once more.

"Me want you!" he cried through sobs. "Me want you to be mommy!"

Katie closed her eyes and held him as he cried more. She didn't know what to think of except keep holding onto him.

For the next thirty minutes, he cried. She sat with him and let her shirt get soaked with his tears. Eventually, his little body fell tired and he fell asleep on her arms. She sighed and knew that she will keep him safe. She laid him down on the bed and left him to sleep.

She went to the living room and got the mop from the kitchen to clean up his earlier accident. She mopped the floor clean and did the rest.

About twenty minutes later, she finished mopping and let the living room to dry. She then went to see if little Draco was awake and saw him barely waking up. He yawned softly and looked up at her. Her shirt dried off a bit from his tears yet her nipples were showing. He seemed a bit more relaxed now that he cried. He gave a weep as his stomach growled a bit.

Katie couldn't help but chuckle.

"Guess you're hungry again. I suppose it is lunch time. Come on."

He slowly slid off the bed and walked by her side to the kitchen.

Before Katie walked to the kitchen, she first turned on the television and set it onto a little kids program. She then set the drake on the couch and spoke.

"You can sit here and watch the television and I can go make you a nice plate of macaroni and cheese. Okay?"

He nodded a bit, seeming unsure if he wanted to be left alone even though he was the whole day. But he enjoyed her presence and didn't want her to leave. However the TV became more vivid and soon he forgot about it.

About thirty minutes later, Draco was still watching to, glued to it and was even smiling at the wonderful things they were showing. She realized that he has probably never seen a television and probably only seen glimpses of one. She finished making the macaroni and was now questioning herself about calling the police or child services. She knew it was the right thing to do but she didn't want to lose him.

She sighed and went to get the phone from the kitchen counter. She picked up and called child services. She wasn't going to tell them about Draco, She just wanted to see if he was maybe a runaway or something. Maybe he thinks that he is being punished. No! Because a normal parent would put bruises on him that large and not to mention he said that it was his master. There are no slaves at all in the world.

She managed to get hold of someone and asked if there were any reports of missing children; mainly that were drakonian. The other person said they were only two but they were in other parts of the states. Then she asked if they were any complaints of drakonian parents who were abusive. Another denial however, the other person said there was only one Drakonian in the area and he was just a wanted criminal. Katie realized there and then that the little drake came from him. Finally she thanked them and hung up.

She exhaled a bit knowing that this little drake was indeed a runaway from a abusive master or more importantly, a criminal. Either she will find some way to keep him safe and secret or turn it in for child services. She was desperate here and she didn't want to lose him. In the last twenty hours, she had gone and fallen in love for the little drake. Even though he is terrified of her, she still finds him a bit cute and she knows that he is getting used to her.

"Draco." She called out. "Lunch is ready." She giggled to herself. She started sounding like a mother.

Draco heard her and slowly got off the couch and head towards the kitchen. He walked up to her and she looked down and realized that he couldn't reach the chairs for the tables. So she pulled out a chair and picked him and sat him on the chair. Unfortunately, he was still too small, the little drake could barely reach the food, so she left for a minute.

She walked down the hallway into the second room in which is just extra space. It was all empty in here and she keeps a small library shelf full of old and new books. She picks the thickest ones and walks back.

Once there, she asks the drake to stand for a bit. She set the books underneath him and he sat back down. He wiggled his bottom a bit, trying to adjust himself. It wasn't comfortable but it helped him eat a lot better. He began eating along side her with her food.

Once they were both done, she led him off the table and sat him back at the couch. She picked up the table and washed whatever dishes they were and once done, she sat by him and watched TV.

The whole afternoon was spent with the two watching TV. They both laughed and cried at different programs that were on. They both shared intimate moments when one would hug another and it made it all the best. Some of the best times of the little drake's life.

Soon, evening came and Katie was done watching TV. However the little drake was still locked on to the glowing box. She knew it was bad for him but she let him enjoy it. She hadn't realized how time has flown with the two stuck together like that.

She walked to the kitchen and began preparing dinner.

Dinner was just a steak sandwich and some juice. The little drake was delighted with the sandwich.Once they both had dinner, Katie decided that it was bed time. The little drake complained that he wasn't tired.

"Yeah you say that now," she said with a chuckle. "But it is the kids that are the most tired of all."

He was about to deny that but a loud and long yawn escaped him, making him suddenly sleepy.

Katie chuckled.

"Proves my point."

She sat the drake on the bed and stripped down, leaving only her panties and bra on. She sighed and laid down on the bed with her head back, legs spread wide and her eyes clothes.

"What some fun day huh?" she asked the little drake. She didn't get a response but then, with her eyes closed, she felt him move around the bed. She didn't know what he was doing in till he reached her legs. She didn't open her eyes but she had a question look on her face.

Then she felt him move up in between her legs and before she knew it, he pulled her panties aside and began lapping at her clit. Her eyes shot wide open and she tried to sit up but then her vent opened up and she moaned as the little drake began working his tongue in her.

Why was he doing this? How did he know how to do it? And the more important question was, how taught him? He was using his tongue on her like a pro. It was hard for her to speak, let alone think as the little drake continued to her pussy out. He get licking from her clit then went straight in for her inner lips. He lapped at whatever juices ran down her legs. She tried to speak but couldn't. All that escaped her was a moan. She had never done this before! Not even when she fingers herself. He was like a wonderer at work as he dove deeper into her vent. Her inner walls were moist, he breathes were labored and the little drake didn't have a second thought except eating the dragoness out.

He then went all out on her and used his fingers to open her up more and mange to fit his little snout in her and began licking the deepest parts of her body. She cried out a bit as she can feel him reaching her g-spot. However all of that stopped as he stopped. She was still panting, trying to catch her breath. She waited a few seconds for her to regain her breath. Her pleasure was going away and when she was ready to speak, he dove straight back in.

She cried out in pleasure as her orgasm exploded from her and the little drake lapped all the juices. Just when she though he was done, he dove right back in and this time, he clamped his mouth over her clit and locked his teeth in her inner walls. She moaned out loudly as he began fingering her and licking her. Her juices were now freely falling towards the bed, creating a puddle of her juices.

Katie was in pure bliss as the little drake worked him self harder to reach his goal again. She withered in her place, trying not to move to much. And as much as she knew it was wrong, it felt so right! The little drake was using her like a machine. He licked her up like a child with a giant lollypop in their hands. He couldn't wait to lick up the sweetness of her vaginal walls.

Katie couldn't even see straight as her eyes blurred with bliss of sweet pleasure. The little drake was teasing her when he stopped and then plunged back right in to her sweet spot. Soon, she could feel her vaginal walls closing as so the little drake began working her harder as he could see and feel her orgasm coming. Katie moaned loudly as she wanted to wait for sweet release and then he stopped once more to torture her.

She had time to think for a moment. However taught him was a master at this! Then she thought no more as he dove right back and this time he didn't stop at all. He made sure to tease her and now it was time for her release. With all final effort, Katie roared out as her walls closed and she came hard, covering the little drake's face and chest with her juices. He squealed out in triumph and lapped at all the juices. Passed over her clit made her squirt out a bit more and moans echoed the room.

The little drake did his best to finish cleaning her up, himself and what he could for the bed. He pulled the sheets up and sucked on the sheets dry of her fluids. Once he cleaned her, he set her underwear back over her opened flower and crawled up and lay by her side.

Katie was in absolute daze as the room spin around her. She was still panting and was managing to slow her breaths down. She looked at the little drake that had his eyes wide open and looking at her. With a deep breath she spoke.

"Who taught you that?"

The drake blinked.

"Mas...Master did."

She didn't have any energy in her to give a wide eye look. She just couldn't believe a cruel person would go to the extreme and teach the children about sex at an early on age, let alone how to pleasure a female, and well!

She sighed a bit and spoke more.

"Why did you do it?"

"Mas...Master says to...lick all mommies tat com... and gir...girls when they... lay down. He says to...to lick girls in pus...pussy... an' make them feel... happy. He show me... how to do... lick mommy and gir...girl pus...pussy. He said...make them happy...I be...happy."

Katie with a final ounce of her energy she laid a hand on him and brought him closer to her chest.

"Are you happy?"

The little drake was confused by her question but answered.

"If I make mom...mommy happy....I am hap...happy."

With a light yawn, he moved close to her face and gave a gentle lick on her neck and lay back down and closed his eyes.

"Good night...mommy." He whispered to her.

Katie was a bit more awake by the comment. She couldn't be his mother. They were even the same species. But did that really matter? She loved him and although he knows a few sexual things and all, she would choose to care for him as if he were her own blood. She sighed softly and yawned.

"Good night...my son."

Sorry about the way this is written, stupid computer problems.