A PROPER Proper Fusion 3: Finding Limits
#3 of A PROPER Proper Fusion
The continued adventures of Kal and Kajiit, and in this case, a moment where Kal gets Kajiit into some serious hot water without meaning to.
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A Proper Fusion
Chapter 3: Finding Limits
For Kajiit
By Draconicon
Kal sighed. When his host didn't respond, he 'tapped' against the inside of the bobcat's skull and whined.
"I'm boooooooored."
You had your fun. Almost got me arrested, too. Now, shut up and let me work.
The Crux pouted as 'paced' through Kajiit's skull. There wasn't enough room to physically do it but sending his thoughts up and down the feline's brain was almost the same thing. Pity the scenery was so dull. No fiery passion, no fun fantasies. Just endless streams of numbers rising through the black.
Buy off this debtor for a month, promise this one maps for fuel. Ugh. Not enough money, not enough -
"Would you relax, already? I can just take over, you know."
No! We lost half a day last time you did that, which put us behind, which means people that need to be paid off can't just be delayed, which means -
"Come on, live a little. It'll be - Nnngh!"
What little Kal knew of how a host was supposed to obey didn't apply to Kajiit. He was pretty sure that he'd remember stories of hosts slamming Cruxes down and pinning them under a psychic foot. Wouldn't have been so bad if he could have played with it. Kajiit's presence glared down at him, and Kal rolled his eyes in return.
"...Fine. No playing."
As soon as Kajiit released him, the Crux flopped out inside his host's mind. Occasionally he kicked at the edge of the darkness with an oversized paw, but mostly, he just sighed.
I wait this long, and I get the stuffiest, most boring host in the universe, he thought to himself. Always thinking about numbers, numbers, and more numbers. Can't you think about something fun, just for a bit?
There was no response, but that wasn't particularly surprising. His host was so deep in the numbers that -
Grumbling again at the popcorning math thoughts around him, Kal wriggled over to a quieter corner of the brain to wait it out. It would be one thing if he understood all the things Kajiit was doing, maybe even be interesting, but...
"Numbers make no sense..."
He didn't know what it was, but staring at the bobcat's mathematical thoughts just hurt his brain. It made sense to Kajiit, but to him, it was like watching the bars of a cage, all neat and orderly and -
He shuddered. No, no, better not to think about that.
The numbers were popping slower, probably due to the feline's exhaustion. Kal had been keeping track of that for a while; despite his host's constant stim dosing, it was getting worse. He rolled to the side, grumble-whispering.
"Are you ever gonna sleep?"
Not unless you promise to leave my body alone.
"You know, I had hoped for something better than this. A brave explorer, a cool adventurer, a party animal. Something. What do I get? An accountant."
You only know what that means because you're in my head.
Not for the first time, he regretted his choice of host, but it was too late for him to change. The scrambled memories in his head told him that a good Crux stayed with his host, while a bad Crux...
Kal shivered. He wasn't going to be a bad Crux. Badness got punished. Badness...Badness was bad. He needed to be good. He would be good.
So...against his better judgment...he waited.
I should have pushed Jonathan for more money, Kajiit thought. Still...it balances out, and I'll be able to cover the rent...for a while.
Now, if only Kal would keep quiet...
The constant stirring, shuffling, and grumbling in the back of his head was driving him out of his mind. When Kal grunted for the tenth time in five minutes, the bobcat slammed his fists down on the desk.
"Ugh...why can't you be quiet?"
I AM quiet! I'm not talking, am I?
"You're doing everything but, with all that sighing and grumbling and everything else."
...You're not supposed to hear that.
"Yeah, well, I am."
No, no, I mean, it's not possible. I should have my space, and you yours, and - oh, that explains why -
"Ugh, just..." Kajiit groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Just stop making noise. Just for a couple of hours, until I finish this. Then we'll talk about it, and you can explain...whatever."
Thankful for the break, he went back to his accounts. Too many debts against too little payments, but once prioritized...
It was still too much, but it was less bad than he thought. He tapped his fingers up and down the columns of numbers, forcing himself to take it slow, reminding himself that there was always a solution.
Deal with her stuff first, he thought, the silhouette of a shadowy dragoness in his mind. Her debts first. Always first.
Kajiit glanced towards his stash of stimulants at the edge of the desk. He'd already consumed more than half of them to keep himself too awake for the Crux to take over, but their effects were diminishing. Much as he hated to admit it, he needed sleep, despite the risk of possession.
Just finish this, then talk to Kal, then go to bed. That's the list.
Taking a deep breath, he put the stimulants out of his mind and turned his attention back to the accounts. The numbers blurred, focused, blurred again as he went down the page. And then...
So are you done -
The feline slammed his fists on the table, sending pill bottles, pencils, and memory chips flying. He jumped out of his chair, still screaming at his disruptive companion.
"I asked for a couple hours! Can't you give me that?!"
But...but I did. See? Look at the time.
Growling in annoyance, Kajiit glanced at the clock...then stared at it.
"That's...that's impossible."
I knew you needed sleep. It doesn't make any more sense to you than me now, does it?
The Crux was right. He'd been staring into space for far too long without getting anything done. It was time to stop.
"Alright...bed time. I'll...I'll get more work done in the morning."
And talk tomorrow?
"Yeah...but no taking my body. Okay?"
Fine, fine. I won't have any fun.
Losing what energy anger had lent him, the bobcat stumbled back to his bedroom and flopped into bed. His eyes closed, and in seconds, he was asleep.
Kal opened the bobcat's eyes, looking up at the ceiling. As the blue latex of his body spread down the feline's form, he had to fight to stay still.
I promised I wouldn't have fun, Kal reminded himself. Good Cruxes keep their promises.
And he would be a good Crux. He wouldn't be...caged...even if he was tempted to play around. The more he spread, the more tempted he was to reach down and...But no. He said he wouldn't do anything tonight.
But in the morning...
"Finally," he said again as the sun poked through the window. "I thought it'd never come."
It was surprisingly easy to keep Kajiit asleep as he rolled their body out of bed. The bobcat had pushed himself too hard and wouldn't wake up anytime soon without help. Kal planned on making the most of it.
"What was it that he said about going out in public? Something about clothes, right?"
The Crux thought about it, stretching latex from his thighs up to his crotch to form a makeshift thong. Kajiit wore more than that, he remembered, but so long as he covered the 'naughty' bits, he'd be fine.
As he stepped outside, the dawn sun reflected off him, sending blue speckles along the wall and ground. The pavement was cool under his paws, and he smiled, wriggling his toes.
"Okay, now where can I find someplace fun?"
The bobcat had expected to wake up somewhere between ten and two, still in bed and hopefully well-rested. Only one of those things turned out to be true and it was the one that mattered least.
He stared through the blue-lensed eyes of the Crux at many rounded tables, each one stuffed to bursting with men in either leather or rubber fetish-wear. Some had their pants around their ankles and their arms jerked in tell-tale motions, and as their massive feet stomped around on-stage, he could feel credit chips nudging his toes. Kajiit screamed in their head.
KAL! Where the hell are we?!
Mmmm, no idea, but it's some sort of club. You have no idea how hard it is to find one open all day.
When did you get here? How?
Kal didn't answer, at least not right away. The Crux was too busy swaying around the stripper pole, tail wrapped around the upper part to swing them around it for the crowd to see. As they pushed back, the cool steel of the pole resting between their ass cheeks, Kajiit blushed. They were...really whoring it up.
And it was turning him on despite himself. Deep inside the Crux, he could feel...things. Hard things. He looked around, desperate for some kind of distraction.
It came in the form of a dozen credits flying through the air. They landed at Kal's feet, shimmering before the Crux stepped on them. Some were absorbed through the sole while the rest were gathered between his toes and lifted to his hand. Kal dropped them into his thong, just like a professional, and the rest were absorbed out of sight. Nobody seemed to notice, either.
In an act of desperation, he 'reached' through Kal's body, examining the credit chips that were held inside. It was tricky counting them up when he could only feel them, but the slight differences were there. One, two...
It totaled to over fifteen-hundred credits already, more than enough for rent for the month and a few more things besides. His jaw metaphorically dropped.
How the hell did you earn this much?
Oh, dancing, shaking my tail. That kinda thing.
There is no way you earned this just by dancing.
But I did! Just look!
Kal opened his memory and Kajiit 'reached' for it in the same way that he had for the coins. It was like grabbing a datapad, opening recent memories like video files.
The bobcat didn't waste time; he checked the timestamp when the Crux entered the club - the Pink Pucker - and fast-forwarded to the current time. Eight hours; 8 AM to 4 PM. Eight hours for a month's rent was insane, but Kal didn't seem to be doing anything more than dancing. It seemed...legit, even if the name of the club rang a bell.
As Kal spun around the pole again, the Crux swung his hips around, flashing his thong-covered ass towards the crowd. The bobcat blushed at the feeling of so many eyes on 'his' body, but that damnable excitement was still growing. Why was he getting turned on? Was it just because nobody but Kal could -
"What do you guys say to a closer look?"
The money was already flying. A hundred, two hundred, three hundred credits at the offer alone. Kajiit had no choice but to swallow his pride as a lizard and wolf stepped onto the stage, already groping him along the front of the thong and along his -their - ass. There was not enough Crux-body in the world to keep the sensation from reaching him. Particularly when they started pulling the thong away from his ass.
The Crux wasn't listening. He was having too much fun. Instead of pushing the lizard away, Kal just pushed back further and -
Both of them jerked as a scaly finger pushed past their rim. If the bobcat had been in charge, he would have run, or at least squirmed to get away, even though that thick digit was rubbing his prostate...too well...
Kajiit squirmed inside his other half even as Kal giggled, grinding back for a second before pulling forward like the tease he was. The bobcat was still swimming in pleasured confusion in their head, groaning, shivering. Yet, for all his confusion, he saw something Kal didn't. He saw the annoyed faces, the expectant expressions on wolf and lizard as the Crux slid out of their grips.
"Ah ah ah. I said a closer look, not a deep finger. Maybe later, hmm?"
Kal was nervous, he realized. Nervous in a way that the Crux hadn't been before, even as the playful slut called to the rest of the bar.
"Who wants to buy me a drink?"
Every hand in the club went up. Kal jumped down and made his way to the bar, grabbing a couple credit chips on the way. The bobcat was still lost in his own head and couldn't react before the Crux started slamming back shot after shot.
What...what are you...doing...
I don't want you complaining. I just wanna have fun.
But...something's wrong...
No, you just don't like fun!
Kal slammed the glass on the counter and called for more, but Kajiit knew he wouldn't need it. The bobcat was already tipsy, a lightweight getting hit with the full effect of the booze. He would have wobbled if it weren't for Kal still being sober.
More and more alcohol didn't help. He didn't know how his other half was staying sober, but he was losing what little focus he had left. Struggling against the waterfall of alcohol, he tried to think about the one thing that mattered; the faces of those males.
They...they wanted something...where...
The Pink Pucker.
He remembered now. Way off at the edge of the city, where the streets were dark and dirty and the signs were neon and flashy, where the red lights blazed, that's where the Pink Pucker was. It wasn't a strip club, either. It was where the whores hung out. The men...they wanted...they wanted more than a show. They wanted -
Another shot, another drop. Another shot, and he was out.
After drinking six shots just to make sure his other half was out, Kal finally stopped ordering booze. He almost felt bad about shoving Kajiit down like that, but...
He didn't want to stop. As scared as his host was getting, Kal was starting to feel the fear bleeding over to his side of their head. If he was going to have fun, he needed to ignore that and get back to his play.
Besides, every Crux wanted to be the center of attention. He'd been denied that ever since getting the bobcat as a host, and now that he finally had it, he didn't want to give it up. They kept talking about what he owed them, but he was more interested in the stares, the need, the playful touches. It was all that any Crux could ask for.
Kajiit is wrong. There's nothing bad here. Just fun.
He walked through the crowd back to the stage as hands of all sizes grabbed and rubbed him from hips to ass. Kal's cock was slowly bulging the front of his thong as he swayed through the people, and he was just about to pull it off when one wolf grabbed him by the tail, yanking him back a step.
"Boy, get in my lap."
"Heh, your lap?" Kal smiled. "Maybe later. Right now -"
"You don't get it."
The wolf yanked on his tail hard enough to make it stretch for a second. Physics caught up a heartbeat later, yanking Kal off his feet and into the canine's lap, furry paws gripping his hips and keeping him there.
"You've been ignoring what we want all day. Guess we'll just have to take it."
The Crux was too stunned to respond. He just stared as he was ground against a throbbing bulge hidden just beneath a layer of leather. His eyes were going wider by the second, particularly as the wolf grabbed his thong and yanked it to the side.
"Heh, look at that. So hard, huh? Guess you just like playing hard to get."
This isn't playing anymore! The Crux tried to squirm free, but the wolf just grabbed him tighter, pulling him back. With the thong out of the way, he could feel that bulge rubbing him, grinding on him. The crowd gathered around him, some pulling their pants down, revealing cocks that ranged from pitiful to enormous.
"Please, um, I can play with you...just...just not like this, okay?"
The crowd just laughed at him, and not in the way that friends laughed with friends. They'd never been anything like that, no matter how he'd pretended, he realized. They were just waiting to use him.
Zzzzip. The wolf's pants came down and that bulge was no longer smooth and firm, but instead, hot and throbbing. Kal felt the tip rubbing against his ass, verging on sliding in.
"Alright, whore. Time to get what we paid for..."
Kajiit? Kajiit, wake up! I don't know what to do! What's going on?!
But there was no answer. The bobcat was too out of it, too drunk to be able to respond. That thick tip rubbed against his ass, other men stepping forward and nudging his cheeks with their dicks. All the powers of the Crux abandoned him in his panic, crushed under the fear of cages Kajiit had planted in his head and the fear of making them do worse. Tentacles, absorption, anything that the Crux could do would only make them angrier, and might get him locked up.
He whimpered, hyper-ventilating, his panic spreading across his face. He shook his head as cocks ground across his cheeks, wordlessly begging to be let loose. The wolf's cock started to slide deeper into him, one inch, two, three -
"Hands up, this is a raid!"
The wolf threw him away, cock popping out of his ass in a loud slurp. Kal hit the ground at the same time as a metal canister. It started spraying gas in his face, and with one breath, he was out like a light.
Kajiit woke to the feeling of a hammer slamming against the inside of his skull, and the light burning against his eyelids didn't help. He groaned, but not with his own voice. Kal's.
Still in Crux form? What -
The light shifted, no longer quite so harsh. He opened his eyes and immediately flinched. Crux eyes were sensitive. He recognized the room, though. They were at the police station in an interrogation cell. He groaned again.
Kal...what did you do?
The Crux whimpered in his head, sounding more pathetic and broken than anyone Kajiit had ever seen before. He hesitated, then repeated the question, only to have the Crux's response wash over him like a flood.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! They were touching and shoving and not playing, not playing at all, and I just wanted to get out and then -
It's okay, Kal, Kajiit whispered, surprising himself. They were in trouble, and he was comforting the guy who'd started it? Putting it down to Kal's blind panic and the need to handle the situation before he gloated, Kajiit 'hugged' his other half, even patting him on the back.
It's gonna be okay. But I need to know what happened.
O...okay. Well...I...they were calling me a...a whore...and then they were gonna fuck me...Someone shouted about a raid -
Kajiit groaned. Cops raided the seedy clubs all the time looking for prostitutes, and if they had him here, they either were waiting to book him for prostitution or wanted to put the squeeze on him to nail someone else. One would put him in jail, one would piss off at least a few people.
He was surprised he wasn't having a panic attack at the thought. Maybe it was because he'd gotten some rest, maybe it was because he was still tied with Kal, but he felt...better. More prepared, too, much more than usual. It was like he was ready for a fight, almost welcoming it. But there was still one more mystery to solve.
So...why am I in charge of your body?
Surprisingly, Kal seemed to blush in their head.
You'd be in trouble if I turned back. They don't know me, and...and I didn't want them to call you a whore. I don't know what one is, but you're not one.
...Since when did you become responsible?
Before he could thank the Crux, the door opened. He shut his eyes as two sets of footsteps reached his ears. The interrogation team had arrived.
Kal, I can get us out of this, but you have to trust me. Do you?
Yes, of course!
Then stay quiet and watch me work. Don't change, don't get hard, don't make tentacles. Just watch and learn.
Kajiit opened his eyes slowly as he sat up properly. He did it slowly, feeling out the differences between the Crux's body and his own. Kal's limbs were longer and thinner than his, and his body in general was lankier, less stocky. The differences forced him to think before he moved and made him all the more aware of every sensation in a fascinating - and even slightly erotic - way.
The cops sat down across from him, one Doberman and one Black Lab. The former fiddled with his files as the latter began introductions.
"I'm Officer Trent," the lab said. "This is Officer Boyle; we're the ones assigned to your...case."
"And...what is my case?"
"Playing dumb?" the Doberman grunted.
"Wish I could play; I'm too hungover for that."
"Well, soon as you tell us what we need to know, you can sleep it off," Trent said with a smile.
Well, we know who the 'good cop' is. But still, he had new information. They didn't have enough for booking him, so that was something.
Officer Boyle passed a folder over, gesturing for the Crux to open them. Kajiit peered inside. Photographs, and a lot of them, mostly showing Kal on stage dancing, but some were definitely taken after his other half had gotten him drunk. The bobcat internally winced at one picture of the Crux with a cock just sliding in, the blue alien's face a portrait of terror.
Is that what happened before the raid? Kajiit asked.
Yes...I thought I wanted it, but -
Don't you dare apologize. This was NOT your fault.
I'm sorry, I just...I wanted to have fun, and you just kept making me scared. I didn't want you to be right.
We'll talk about it after we get out of here.
With these pictures, that should be easy. He was no lawyer, but he knew what the cops were bound by, and they'd overstepped. Big time. Officer Trent had taken over again.
"These pictures were taken by an undercover cop at the club. Now, it's clear that you were whoring yourself out; nobody would be riding cock in public without incentive. But, you see, me and Boyle have been debating something. He thinks that you were a practiced slut, just doing a night's work. Me?"
The Black Lab tapped his finger on Kal's terrified face.
"I think you had a pimp there, pushing you to do something. Maybe this was your first time, maybe not, but you didn't want to do that. He got paid, you got screwed, that's my theory. But either way, we need something from you."
"And what's that, officer?"
"Where's the pimp? Where's the money?" Boyle growled.
Kajiit hid his grin as Trent tended to his partner. And that's it, he thought. No pimp, no money, no proof of anything illegal, and a cop that wasn't doing his job. We're good as gone.
Particularly as there was no way that they could find the money. Not where Kal had put it. Kajiit schooled himself back to neutrality as the cops turned back to him.
"I don't think I can help you."
"Then help yourself," Trent said. "If you tell us where you stashed the money -"
"What money?"
"Look, punk," Boyle growled, leaning over the table. "Our man saw you taking money; whether you kept it or gave it to a pimp, you took money for this stuff. Where'd you put it?"
"You mean the man that photographed me getting raped, but not getting paid?"
"You fucking wanted -"
Kajiit shook his head as Trent tried to take control of the situation again, but it was too late. He had the cops in the palm of his hand now.
"I was a victim. You can see it right there," he said, poking the picture. "Your cop was just letting it happen, and don't pretend that raid was to save me; you were just looking for criminals to fill your quota."
What are you doing? Kal whispered.
I'm reminding them how much leverage I have, and how much they don't have. Basic deal-making 101.
And he'd made a lot of deals in his past. Most had gone well, others decently. Only one had gone south, and he'd learned enough from that to never make those mistakes again.
The cops were getting uncomfortable, too. Even Boyle was pulling at his collar, realizing they might have gone too far, but they weren't giving up yet. The Doberman pushed again.
"We have pictures -"
"Of someone dancing? That's not a crime. Not in private. You have pictures of someone being raped, too. Do you really want to use them?"
"Are you saying that you were raped, then?" Trent asked.
"I'm saying that someone tried to stuff their dick in me when I didn't want it, and your cop didn't do anything."
It had been a decent attempt to turn it around at the end. If Trent had gotten him to say that, then they could have started the victim blaming, pushing him to admit other things to avoid a rape trial. Instead, he'd kept it pinned squarely on them; someone had been assaulted and they'd done nothing. If they brought any charges against him, they'd have the press nailing them every night for weeks.
How...how did you do that? I thought we were doomed.
If you just go along with people, eventually you'll get burned. You have to stand up for yourself, because nobody else will do it for you. And they weren't ready for me to do anything but roll over and do what they said; it's easy to surprise someone when they underestimate you.
"Let...let me talk with my superiors," Trent said.
"You do that." Kajiit was fine with waiting.
Two hours, a cavity search, and an awkward taxi ride later...
Kal pulled himself back after the apartment door closed behind him. Neither he or his other half paid attention to the couple of credit chips that hit the ground; they were all low-value, according to Kajiit, and the rest were stored inside of the Crux. His host walked over to the bed and flopped onto it, staring up at the ceiling. Kal stared through the bobcat's eyes, trying to sort himself out.
"Kajiit...I'm sorry for not listening to you," he whispered in his little part of the feline's head.
...It's okay, Kajiit thought back.
"But I screwed up. I made things worse, I got us in trouble, I had the police shoving their hands in us..."
1. You enjoyed that. 2...
His host's head moved, leaving the Crux staring down at the bobcat's groin, and...well, it was a great deal more aroused than Kal expected. He felt Kajiit blush.
I'll admit I enjoyed the last part.
"I'll say!"
The Crux grinned, thinking for a moment that they were going to have some fun. Even as he thought about things they might do, the memories of the club started pushing at him, forcing him to remember what had almost happened. Shivers of fear ran down his spine, and for once, his libido backed off.
Kajiit looked back at the ceiling, leaving Kal in silence. The Crux wanted to say something, anything, but what could he do besides apologize again? The silence was maddening.
"Yes?" he said quickly, eager for anything to break the quiet.
We need to figure this out. You're going to get in trouble on your own, and I...I need to listen to you when you say I'm burning out. I was killing myself trying to stay awake, and if you hadn't put me to sleep in the bar, there's no way that I would have been able to get us out of that.
"We probably wouldn't have been in so much trouble, though."
Maybe, maybe not. But...I can trust you to tell me when I'm pushing myself too hard. And maybe I need that.
"But...but you're so smart! I don't know what you were telling the police today, but you were running circles around him. What could I do?"
Watch over me. I know how to work other people, I know how to work around the law, but I don't know ME. You do. You understand...bodies. You can tell me when I'm pushing myself too far. You can keep me from going over that edge again.
"Heh...you are pretty bad at that."
His new smile didn't last very long, and in his little corner of Kajiit's head, he slowly curled up into a ball. Despite his guilt, he could feel his boredom surging up, trying to push him to do things. Kal grabbed the guilt and held it tight; he had to remember. He couldn't just forget. Not after that screw-up. He'd be good. He'd learn, so he could help.
As Kal tried to settle himself, his host got up and walked over to a datapad. The bobcat flicked through various contacts, none of which the Crux could read, but there seemed to be numbers, call icons. He cocked his head to the side.
"Are you calling someone?"
No, just finding their number. I'll call tomorrow. His other half sighed. We need help. Professional help.
"But...but what if they find me? I thought that'd put us in a cage?"
Then we'll just have to be careful, won't we? I don't think we can figure this out on our own; without help, sooner or later we're going to rip each other apart. Or go crazy.
"Yeah...crazy's bad."
Never thought I'd hear you say that...
"Why do you think I needed off that planet so bad? I...I was going bad-crazy there." Kal shook his head. "Let's do it. I trust you. You...you're smart enough to figure it out. You were...really cool tonight."
And you were...very responsible, in the way that you tried to protect me. For a second, it seemed like Kajiit wanted to ask something else, but it passed. There, found the number. I'll call tomorrow. Let's get some sleep, huh?
Kal couldn't agree more. He was one exhausted Crux.
The End