Good Times at Polestars

Story by Herr Wozzeck on SoFurry

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#4 of The Lewd Adventures of Darren and Colton

So here we are again with another commission for Tsarin over on FA: This time, he wanted something with Darren, and how could I refuse his dragon twins when they take interest?

So here is more insanity for him. Hope you guys enjoy!


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And with special thanks to my Patreon supporters:

Paul Anton Tier: Glimmerstomp

Louis XIV Tier: Sir Proko, Mama Wozzeck

Good Times at Polestars

"Gah, dammit! Not again!"

Ken stood up, waving his controller in the air rather violently as he bit down on his lip. It was his way of not screaming out in frustration at his video game: it had been almost forty-five minutes and he had still not cleared the most difficult jump of the game despite burning through his lives. It took almost everything for him not to throw the controller, before he wound up sitting back down, shaking his head in dismay.

"You could always give up there."

Ken turned behind him, seeing his twin brother Goro sitting behind him, leafing through yet another book. This one was an adventure story, set in a strange universe different from their own. From how Goro had talked about it, he was certain the only reason he kept diving into it further was precisely because he wanted to see how boring and bad it could get: Ken himself was almost in disbelief as soon as he heard what Goro had to read through in that book.

Ken glowered at Goro, before picking the controller back up. "No way in hell," he said. He then hit the option to continue, exhaling. "Just this one jump."

And despite himself, Goro smirked at this: he would not have expected any less from Ken.

It was then that the doorbell rang rather loudly. Goro nodded, putting his book down and stretching his limbs out somewhat as he stood up from the bean bag he had been sitting on. With this, he walked over to the front door, cracking his knuckles as the dragon walked over. He took a second to peer through the peephole, grinning as soon as he saw who it was on the opposite end of the door.

Goro pulled back, tapping a panel beside the door to let it slide right open. And there before him stood his and Ken's closest partner in crime, Reggie. The tall rabbit's ears were bent somewhat by the low ceiling outside of the apartment, and Goro had all the confidence that he could probably lift the ceiling up by himself if he wanted to. But the brown-furred rabbit's gaze remained very mirthful, particularly on seeing Goro at the door.

"Well hello!" Reggie opened his arms out to Goro. "Having a very chill morning, I see?"

Goro went in for the hug at that point, patting Reggie's back. "You know me, bro," the dragon replied. "It wouldn't be a proper travel morning if we were all tense about it before we even got to the car!"

"For certain," said Reggie. He then entered, tilting his head as soon as he was aware of the sounds of Ken's video game. "He's not doing--"

"Gah, dammit!"

Goro chuckled as soon as Ken had released his shout. "Yep, he is," he replied. He shook his head. "He's been at it for almost an hour on the same jump now."

Reggie sighed, following Goro as they both stepped into the living room. "Of course." Reggie then looked down to the other twin, smiling at Ken as he opened his arms out. "Hey there, little guy."

Ken chuckled, before pausing his game and setting the controller down. "Little?" He then stood up, flexing his muscles for effect as he stood in front of Reggie. "Who're you callin' little?"

"Someone shorter than a six foot tall rabbit who gyms regularly?" Reggie answered almost immediately.

Ken shook his head, before going in for the hug. "You know what I mean," he said.

Reggie nodded, stepping back. "So South Side, huh?" he asked. "Tai get up to something crazy again?"

"Yep!" said Goro. The bronze-scaled dragon went up to his twin, patting him on the bicep. "You found out what his latest job was, right?"

Ken nodded, before leaning back and adopting a sultry pose against the wall. "Poledancing, it looks like," he said. "Out in the gay district and all that."

And here, Reggie's eyes widened somewhat. "He's a stripper now?" he asked.

"Yup!" Ken shrugged, before walking back to the twins' shared bedroom. "So we're naturally curious to see what's up with that."

"You know strippers usually don't come like that," said Goro. He then shrugged. "Besides, I don't think we've spent too much time in that part of Tyrua, you know? So it'll be a good change of pace from the usual 'dragged outside the city' stuff you usually see with Tai."

"Well, we also just want to see Tai in a thong again," Ken replied.

Goro glared at his twin playfully, before waving him off. "That too," he said. "So, you in?"

Reggie shrugged. "You know what?" he asked, sitting on the floor. "Might as well see what it's about. Someone needs to keep you two on a tight leash."

And here, Ken chuckled, turning the gaming console off and walking to the bedroom. "Good luck with that," he said. "You know just as well as I do that we'll do whatever we want to do."

Reggie nodded: as much as he was loathe to admit it, they were entirely right. He'd known their antics well enough by then to recognize when the twins really wanted something, and when they would gun to get it. After all, they had a habit of popping surprise visits to Tai out of the blue like so, and all Reggie could do was come along for the ride.

With this, he stood up. "Well, we should be getting out soon," he said. "Should we get going?"

"Yeah, for sure," Goro replied. He then stood up, picking his book up and walking to his room. He then plopped it in his open bag, looking up at Reggie as he closed the bag up. "You brought the car, right?"

"Yep," said Reggie. "I hope the weeklong parking is paid for."

"Dad's got it, don't worry," said Ken. He grinned, lifting his duffel bag for effect. "Let's just go out and have fun on the town."

Reggie nodded, smiling as he walked to the door. "Alright, then let's do this," he said.

And with this, the three of them gathered the twins' remaining things, before exiting the apartment and making their way to the vehicle.


It did not take the entourage long to roll into Tai's side of Tyrua. It certainly took a couple of hours (particularly after a bad traffic accident along the way), but eventually Reggie had found a place to park the car. Before long, the twins and Reggie were up and about Tyrua's gay district at sundown, seeing the way the neon lit the place up with innumerable rainbows across all of its many shops and bars.

Goro could only look on, crossing his arms as he took it all in. "Damn, Tai's got access to all this, huh?" he asked.

"I know." Ken crossed his arms, grinning at the whole display as they walked through the streets of the gay district. "Damn guy's lucky as hell, and I bet all the guys here are super attractive, too!"

"I guess we're going to get a sample of that soon, eh?" Goro chuckled at this, before turning to Reggie. "Who knows, maybe we'll find a sweet little twink for you somewhere!"

"Oh, I think I'll be good for now, but thank you," Reggie replied.

Ken rolled his eyes. "If we know you, you'll find _someone_who takes to you really well," he said.

"I suppose." Reggie only shrugged in reply, looking forward as they ducked into one of the bigger streets of the district. "It's all in the chemistry, I guess. Most of them will be expecting me to go rough, but then..."

Ken grinned at this. "Element of surprise, buddy," he said. "It'll drive the twinks wild, trust me."

And then, after a few more minutes, they arrived: Polestars seemed to be that glamorous kind of strip club. The place had no windows and only a heavy iron door at the front, but the signs that blazed overhead threw Ken and Goro for a bit of a loop, from the royal reds and purples that made up the marquee to the way they even provided contour under the awning.

Ken tilted his head to the side. "Wow, these guys really went all out for a strip club, didn't they?" he asked.

"Well, the reviews did say the high class stripping was their selling point," said Goro. "Stars indeed, huh?"

Reggie nodded. "You wonder what Tai would be wearing to strip out from, then," he said. He then gestured to the twins, before looking to the door. "Shall we go in, then?"

Ken and Goro looked to each other. "I mean, we've come this far," Ken replied. "We might as well see this through."

"Yep." Goro then pulled out his holo-ID, walking up to the bouncer as he checked IDs and tickets. "Let's do it!"


The inside of Polestars was even classier, although very modern. The tables further to the back were adorned with older-style lamps, but these were lit with bright neon lights that were just bright enough to give color but at a soft enough glow that they did not radiate past the table. The rest was red and blue and purple neons, all of which emphasized the shadows, and all of which highlighted the four center poles onstage. The music in the background was very clearly electroswing, with synthetic saxophones doing battle with real clarinets on recording.

Goro settled in with a cocktail in hand, his own tail waving around as he regarded everything around them. He had opted to go for the table closest to the stage: it would not do to visit their brother only to sit where the lankier dragon could not see them, after all. It was part of the fun, to see if Tai would get thrown off his game.

"Damn, no wonder he would work for this place," he noted, glancing at the décor all around them. "It's exactly his class of establishment."

"No kidding." Ken sidled up next to his twin, winking at him as he and Reggie both moved into place. "I think we were right to think about coming." He then clinked glasses with his twin, the grin coming to his face as he lifted it. "Cheers to that."

"Cheers." Ken and Goro both downed their drinks quickly, both of them looking up as Reggie settled in next to them.

The rabbit would have gotten a word in edge-wise, but before he could do that, the music slowly faded away, and soon from the edge of the bar a white bunny in a puffy orange wig stepped onstage, holding a microphone in her hand. From the orange sequined dress, the twins and Reggie guessed that this rabbit had to be a drag queen of some sort, and as she cleared her throat it was clear from the rather deep rumble of her voice that it was so.

"Good evening, girlies and boys!" the white rabbit began, her deep, masculine voice reverberating through the club's speaker system. "How are y'all doing tonight?"

A general cry of greeting sounded throughout the room. With this, the bunny sashayed forward, grinning at everyone. "Well, that's good to hear!" she replied. "I'm Bellisa Delamore, and welcome to Polestars! We've got a great show for you guys tonight, and I hope you gaybies are ready to show some skin here!"

Goro and Ken joined in on the ensuing shouts and applause from the crowd. Ken even raised his fist in the air, waving it high in appreciation before setting it down as Bellisa knelt down.

"Well, first on our list is a rarity among us: we have an anthro dragon in the house tonight!" she shouted. "His mystical charms should bewitch anyone who looks upon him, and you'll find his moves to be just as silvery as expected."

With this, Ken leaned close to Goro. "You think it's who I think it is?"

Goro nodded, before looking back up to the drag queen on-stage.

"So without further ado, our newest model on the stage," Bellisa continued. She then gestured to an opening on the far end, a spotlight shining on a red sequined curtain as the trio gazed on. "Please welcome, the mystical, the enchanting, the Tantalizing Tai Foon!"

And indeed, the trio watched as the tall, lanky dragon slithered up so that his form was just visible past the sequins. He then stepped out, and the twins could immediately see the magician's robe he wore for what it was: cheap, recycled, and clearly not meant to stay on for very long. This was most apparent when Tai began by sliding his back up against the frame of the curtain, allowing the robe to part slightly to show some of the scales on his leg.

Even as the music began to play with a flourish of an exotic stringed instrument, the twins could tell that Tai was only playing this up for a shtick. Slowly, he made his way to the poles, this motion accompanied both by the music and by appreciative whistles from the crowd.

It was right as Tai got to the pole that he finally noticed the twins standing there. Ken lifted his glass as soon as Tai noticed them, and it was enough to get Tai to widen his eyes very briefly. Goro even noticed Tai's hand twitch around the pole nervously, and for a second it threw him off his groove.

But, as was so typically Tai, the dragon gave a brief shrug, before circling around the pole, letting the magician's robes slide off of his shoulder somewhat to reveal the pale sea-green scales that lingered underneath.

This drew a few whistles from the crowd, but Tai was far from finished. His act was a slower-burning act than either the twins or Reggie were used to seeing from such an establishment, but every bit of exposed scale felt earned, from the way Tai had slowly exposed the scales of his arms through a tearaway sleeve to even the first bit of lithe yet powerful thigh he showed when he wrapped it around the pole. Piece by piece the obviously fake robe gave way to more of Tai's lithe body, and the twins ate it up with a cocky smirk.

Before long, he was down to a small little thong which highlighted the curve of Tai's ass. By then the roars of the crowd were almost deafening, and Ken had joined along with them as Tai gyrated against that pole, his moves emphasizing every curve from the curve of his back as he leaned back to the way his ass jutted out when grinding against it.

Of course, it had to end, and with a flourish of Tai posing and holding the pole with one hand, a final chord from whatever mystical string instrument signaled the end of the routine. At that point, the crowd went absolutely wild, with Goro and Ken looking at each other with a grin.

"Well, bro's got chops, huh?" Ken asked.

Goro's teeth glinted in the light as he nodded. "Oh yeah," he said. "Guess it was well worth the trip just for that."

"I wouldn't know," said Reggie. The large rabbit leaned forward, shrugging at the twins as he regarded the stage again. "We've still got the entire rest of the show. Including our headline act, I suppose."

"Yeah, Tai wasn't the headline act," Ken replied. He then leaned closer to talk to them as Bellisa began speaking again. "I don't think I caught who the headline act was going to be."

"Oh, we'll find out soon enough," said Goro. He grinned. "I just hope he's hot as hell."

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I give you our first performance from tonight's headline act! Give it up for the one, the only, Tyrua's mainstay stripper, Dressy Darren!"

Perfectly timed to an aggressive chord from a jazzy pop song, the sequin curtain exploded outward, and there he was: the biggest stripper that Goro and Ken had ever laid their eyes on. His scarlet eyes leered at the audience from underneath his fedora, which was tipped over his eyes in a way that highlighted the danger they held. The curves of his muscles were visible even under the layers of old gangster suit that he wore, and the way his dark green scales glimmered in the light was nothing short of jawdropping.

Goro's jaw nearly dropped to the floor as this man confidently swaggered towards one of the poles, immediately gripping it and sliding the fedora down his torso. Once the fedora reached the big crocodile's groin, he even thrusted a few times, maintaining his confident smirk the whole time.

It was then that Darren made eye contact with Goro. With his smirk growing somewhat more cocky, the crocodile then threw the fedora, the hat landing on Goro's muzzle with no effort whatsoever.

Ken grinned, watching as Goro seemingly blushed under the hat, but he made no comment on it as he turned to watch Darren. Next to go was that shirt, and as he peeled it off and loosened that tie the musculature popped out. Ken blinked, admiring the way the musclular scales glinted in the light, and how they highlighted every motion of them as he danced his way around the pole.

And then, he seemingly ripped the whole thing off, leaving his torso bare to everyone. And then Ken watched the light as it bended around his body, from those perfectly sculpted pecs to the light glint of sweat making its way down his back even to the way the spines of his back seemed to glisten from some kind of oil. It was a beautiful sight, and Ken could not look away.

Eventually, Darren reached down and forcefully pulled his pants off. And there, he saw the one-sided thong that the crocodile sported. Both twins immediately reared back, getting a chance to see just how massive the croc's ass was, particularly under that heavy tail. He took that moment to thrust into the pole, and as he did Ken and Goro glanced at each other, their eyes rather wider than usual.

It was only with a final flourish from the music, however, that Darren bodily lifted himself off the ground, twirling around that pole and extending his arm out in a final pose. It left Darren on display in only his one-sided thong. And as he held this position, Goro and Ken could see the power that laid behind those tensed muscles, how obvious the power behind them was, and just how amazing his cream-colored belly looked in that light...

The crowd's roar did not affect either of them. Instead, the twins just turned to each other, giving each other one look. Exactly as if they had rehearsed it, Goro nodded.

And that was all the confirmation the twins needed that somehow, someway, they had to speak to this crocodile stripper.


"You know, I really should have expected you guys to show up at some point into the run."

"Yep, you should've. How'd you even get into this, anyway?"

"Suggestion of a friend. He said I had the body for it, and here we are."

"Well, he wasn't wrong about that..."

Tai's dressing room was rather simple, all things considered: it only consisted of a single mirror on the wall and a closet full of outfits. From what the twins could see, it was mostly magic robes and scholarly outfits, all of which looked gaudy and outdated by at least a century. And in the center of it all, Tai stood, pulling on his shirt as he checked on the status of everything else near him.

The twins and Reggie stood by the door, watching him gather his things. And as this happened, Reggie stepped forward. "And of course, I came along as well."

"They're always dragging you along for something," said Tai. He rolled his eyes. "But I guess you just wouldn't be you if you didn't tag along anyway, you know?" He then looked to the twins. "Anyway, you want to head home, or...?"

And with this, Ken leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Actually, we were wondering if we could talk to that Dressy Darren fellow over there," he replied.

Tai leaned his head forward, his muzzle angling towards the floor. "Just 'talk', huh?" he asked, lifting one of his brows. "He might be around shortly." He then closed his closet door, meticulously making sure all of the sleeves were fully inside the closet. "In addition to being the star act, he's also the personnel manager, so he has to stick around and make sure all of us are doing fine and all that. So he'll be around--"

And then, the door opened. Sure enough, there the crocodile was, the muscles seeming to bulge even more in the scale-tight shirt he wore. It was only then that the twins noticed the black streaks on the gator's dark green scales: it added a dangerous beauty to him that they could not resist.

"Hey, Tai," Darren began. He then looked around at the three others standing at the doorway. "Are these guys bothering you?"

"Oh, not at all," Tai replied. He smiled, before gesturing to the twins. "Actually, most of them are family, so it's not an issue. These are my twin brothers Kentaro and Goro." He then noddied to Reggie. "And that's their friend, Reggie."

Reggie extended his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, sir," he replied.

Darren smiled, nodding at Reggie as he shook the large rabbit's hand. "The pleasure's all mine," he said. He then turned to Goro and Kentaro, pointing at them. "You're not living on Rua, right?"

"No," Ken replied. He then grinned, looking to Tai. "We heard he'd gotten in with a strip show, and we had to see it for ourselves."

"That it was," Goro replied, running a hand through his turquoise head fluff and looking up at the crocodile. "But why put him in so much magician robe?"

Darren sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "That's a question to take up with management, as it turns out," he said. "Tai didn't pick his aesthetic: they figured with the whole anthro dragon thing the magic theme would work best."

At this, Ken and Goro scoffed simultaneously. "Of course they did," Ken replied. "Hey, we're not all magic researchers! We've got other shit to do."

"As I hear." Darren then leaned back, drumming his fingers against his bicep as he regarded the twins before him. "I remember seeing you two in the front row. I hope you enjoyed the show!"

"Oh, we very much did," Goro replied, the smirk coming to his face almost immediately. "It was a great little show, and the men looked incredible."

Ken hung back, surveying the crocodile's body pointedly. "They really did," he said. "You choose your stars well."

And Darren chuckled, nodding his head at the twins. "Why thank you," Darren replied. He swung his heavy tail confidently, before strutting towards the door. "If that's everything, Tai, you can go ahead and pack up for the night. Once all the guys are cleared out, I'll be decompressing a little at Eros." Darren then grinned, cocking his eyebrows at Tai. "You're welcome to join me if you wish."

Tai blinked, which caught everyone's attention. Goro and Ken glanced at each other briefly, giving each other confused stares before they turned to Reggie. The rabbit returned their gaze, although his confusion was not quite so pronounced.

"Colton's alright with that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," Darren replied. "I told him I'd be going there when I left for tonight's show, he won't mind too much."

"Got it," said Tai. He shrugged. "You can go on ahead, I'll probably just be going home." He then looked to Reggie. "I haven't seen these guys in a bit, it'd be good to catch up."

At this, though, Goro lifted a finger, pointing between the two of them. "Hold on," said Ken. "What exactly is Eros?"

"Oh, you didn't look that up?" Tai asked. "It's the local bathhouse!"

Upon hearing the words local bathhouse, the twins blinked in surprise. They exchanged a quick glance, before turning back to Tai.

"Ah." Goro nodded, still processing this information as he glanced down at Darren's body again. "I see..."

Darren chuckled, giving his tail an extra flick. Ken blinked in surprise, swearing that the tailtip had brushed against his shin briefly. "Well, I'll leave you to it then," Darren replied. "You guys have a good time with your brother, yes?"

"Will do!" Goro replied.

And with a nod, Darren left the room, leaving Tai, Reggie, and the twins standing there. Reggie took a short breath in, before crossing his arms and looking at Tai.

"Well, let's get going, shall we?" he asked. "I bet you're tired and sore after all of that."

"Yeah, let's go," said Tai. He then moved towards the door. "If you need a place to crash, my apartment's open."

Reggie shrugged. "I think the twins were banking on that, right?" he asked.

At this, Ken and Goro gave each other a look. And there, Goro saw the mischievous glint in his twin's eye that he knew very well. They were both precisely on the same page at that moment, and they both wanted the same thing.

And it was so that Ken shrugged. "Actually, do you mind if we split off?" Ken asked. "We've got some other... things to take care of."

Tai immediately sighed, as did Reggie. "Already?" asked Tai. "You've barely known him for a few minutes!"

And here, Ken snerked in amusement, crossing his arms as he regarded Tai. "You can't tell me you've never wanted to tap that," he said.

At this, Tai blushed, immediately glancing away from the twins. Reggie only shook his head, crossing his arms as he regarded them.

"Well, I guess we can't fault you," Reggie replied. "Just... be careful, yes?"

"Of course," said Goro. He then tapped his fingers against his bicep. "We're always careful, after all."

Reggie nodded. "Then I think I'll take the couch," the rabbit replied. He turned to Goro and Ken, bowing his head. "Whatever happens, let us know when you have a bit of time."

And with this, Tai and Reggie filed out of the room, Tai nodding at them encouragingly. Goro and Ken glanced at each other, before Ken glanced out of the door in the direction Darren had headed off to. Ken crossed his arms at this, with Goro uncharacteristically swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Eros, huh?" asked Ken.

Goro nodded, grinning at his twin brother. "Let's do it."


Goro and Ken had found Eros with almost no trouble at all. They had already seen stairs on the way to the lockers, so they figured that it was a multi-levelled bathhouse. Those were exceedingly rare back home, but in Tyrua they supposed nothing else would suffice.

Thus, as Ken pulled his shirt off and threw it into the locker, he grinned. "You think he's a total top?"

Goro nodded, wrapping the towel around his waist and yanking his underwear off. "I mean, with a musculature and a confident swagger like that," he admitted. He then grinned, looking to his brother. "I'm fairly certain he's a total top."

"Yeah, probably right," said Ken. He then grinned. "Still, pretty sure he's got a gifted mouth."

"We'll have to see," said Goro. He then glanced around the area past the lockers. "I'm betting this place is huge, as well. I don't know if we'll find him if we stick together."

Ken rose his eye ridge at this, regarding his brother with a tilted head. "Are you suggesting we split up?" Ken asked. "You'll just find him and keep him all to yourself at first."

And here, Goro grinned, standing up as he wrapped his own towel around his waist. "Really, Ken, were you ever one to turn down a competition?" he asked. "Whoever finds him first gets to have their way with him, and then after that we reconvene somewhere." Goro then leaned forward. "How about this: if we go our separate ways, then whoever gets him first gets to have fun. If we don't find him, we'll meet back here in fifteen-minute intervals until one of us finds him. You game?"

Ken examined Goro. On the one hand, he wanted Darren just as much as Goro did, but he could not pass up a good opportunity to get a competition. After all, if he did wind up meeting up with Darren first, he would have the crocodile all to himself for a little while. And really, how was that a bad thing.

Thus, Ken nodded, attaching the padlock to the locker door. "You're on," he said. "First one back here's a rotten egg!"

Goro locked his door, and he grinned at Ken. "As you say."

And so, the twins split off. Ken immediately went up the stairs, but Goro remained downstairs. He knew that in such an arrangement as Eros', the water features would be downstairs, pool and hot tub and all. And what more did a gator like Darren like more than water? It was certainly cliched logic, but Goro went by instinct. Thus, as soon as he saw his brother make his way upstairs, he ducked over to where he assumed the hot tub would be.

It took curving around the corridor, but as soon as he had, he looked over at the hot tub. There was no sign of the large gator there: all it was were a couple of older men lounging in there, saying nothing to each other. Having seen this, he sighed, before turning away.

Down another corridor, he found the dry sauna. There, he found no sign of the gator either, neither the scales nor those beady red eyes he recalled so well. He then frowned, checking the steam room right next to the dry sauna. There, too, he found no trace of Darren, even walking inside and peering through the steam. He did find one pair of men getting down and dirty in the steam room, however, and as he left that Goro began to wonder if perhaps he had given Ken the advantage.

And then, that left only one place to look: the showers. And as Ken peeked inside, he saw that there was nobody else in the showers, not even his target. This left him to sigh, rubbing the back of his neck futilely.

He then paused, glancing at a nearby clock. As far as he could tell, he still had a little bit of time before he had to reconvene with Ken, and anyhow he had to take a shower to access anything wet in the facility. He supposed there was no time like then to get himself washed up a little bit.

With this, he nodded, unwrapping the towel from his waist and hanging it on a rack against the wall. He then turned to one of the shower heads, looking for the one furthest in and turning that on slowly. He stood back, feeling the water fall on his hands first: bathhouse water could run either extremely cold or extremely hot, although Goro found himself relieved the water came out just right the first time.

Thus he stepped in, letting the water run over his body. He exhaled, getting some soap onto his hands from one of the dispensaries and slowly rubbing it over his scales. He closed his eyes as he did so, his tail swishing in the air behind him as he did so. He was aware of how the water ran over the curves of his shoulders, his chest, and his ass, and he allowed the water to wash over him as he moved.

It was only then that Goro realized just how relaxed he felt: everything had been so much about seeing Tai or making sure affairs were in order or figuring out plans that he had not really had the time to just sit back a little bit and enjoy the moment. And there he was, under a reasonably warm shower, feeling the water wash over his muscles. It was a relaxing state, such that he could finally take a moment and--

"Hey there, little guy."

He immediately felt a big hand curl around his belly, and suddenly Goro was pulled back onto a scaley belly. Jolting in surprise, he looked up, and inhaled sharply upon seeing the beady crimson eyes that leered at him from above. He could suddenly feel the power behind those hands, and the added musculature that pressed against his back only made it more present.

Goro swallowed. "Hi there," he said. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Likewise," Darren replied, his teeth glinting in the lowered light. "Taking a little shower before the hot tub, huh?"

"Uh... Yeah?" Goro asked, all the confidence drained from him as he pondered how to explain this to the gator.

"Indeed, and I'm here for the massage parlor." Darren leaned forward so his snout gently pressed against Goro's ear. "Following little old me here after a show... Tsk tsk, such a naughty boy."

With this, Darren leaned forward, his tongue brushing against the side of Goro's face. The hand on the torso pressed down further suddenly, those big fingers framing Goro's groin and massaging it so slowly that it drew a moan out of the dragon. Goro found himself pulled back into Darren, even as the crocodile licked up the side of his neck.

And then, Darren reached forward, gripping Goro's cock and giving it a stroke.

"Aaaaah..." Goro absolutely melted into the crocodile at that point, feeling the way that hand slowly stroked his cock. The wanton moan it drew out was so unlike Goro that he wondered what Ken would say if he were there to witness this.

And then, just as quick as it had started, Darren peeled back and smacked Goro on the ass. This drew a yelp out of the smaller dragon, and he found himself blushing hard as he looked to the grinning crocodile.

"Come on, you naughty boy," Darren said. "Follow me. I know a place where your twin'll find us with no problems, and I want him to watch..."

And with this, Goro heard Darren walk away. The dragon turned to look at the large croc as he exited, feeling a strange rush in his body.

He had no idea what to make of any of what had just happened. Maybe it was how forward Darren was, or the way he spoke as if he knew Ken and Goro had taken interest in him, or the way that he had just handled him there: all of that screamed in Goro's face that it was not how things were supposed to be. He and Ken were the ones who usually sprung on the other party, and now that the dynamic had flipped, he was not sure what to make of it.

And then, he looked down, and saw that he had popped the hardest boner he'd ever had in his life.

He then sighed, turning the water off. He then grinned, before walking to his towel, pulling it off, and seeing Darren's thick tail lingering by the corner.

"Well, this was a good call," Goro whispered to himself.

With this, he walked forward, following Darren's tail slowly.


They had climbed up the stairwell, Goro walking through a hallway of doors. No doubt they led to the rooms, and as Darren ducked into one at the end of the hall he noticed the interior looked rather larger than usual. Darren kept the door open as he entered, Goro no doubt knowing to make it easier for Ken to find them later. As they stepped in, Darren pulled the towel away, before turning around and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Goro could tell immediately that Darren wanted it just as badly as he did: the crocodile's cock had already slid out of his slit, and it was throbbing in the air as he sat down. It was also rather large: fleshy, and Goro could tell that it was going to be a tight fight. He also knew from watching the gator's gyrations on the pole that muscles like that could give it, so he knew Darren was likely not the gentlest of lovers. Goro's own cock twitched at the thought, however: he and Ken rarely allowed the other party to take charge, but if he had to let someone take the reigns it would be to someone like the crocodile before him.

As he pulled his towel off, Goro stepped towards Darren, breathing in with a sense of anticipation he'd never had. "You knew, didn't you?" Goro asked.

Darren chuckled. "I could tell from the minute I saw you in Tai's dressing room that it would've happened eventually," he replied. He then swung his massive tail behind him. "I can usually tell when a guy wants to have a night with me."

Goro nodded, looking at the crocodile before him. "You don't seem like the kind of guy who takes it up the ass?" he asked.

"Oh, you'd be surprised," Darren replied. "But for you and your twin... No." He shook his head, before pointing to his cock. "You talk too much, kid. You know what you want..."

Goro immediately got onto his knees, stroking that hard cock before pulling it into his maw. He indeed knew what he wanted, and as he lifted his hands to explore the crocodile's large muscles, he got exactly what he wanted. He pressed his fingertips into every hard crevice of Darren's body, the muscles pressing back softly as he worked his way down that thick cock. It tasted rather of fresh water in his mouth, and as he bobbed there he felt a scaley hand work through the tuft of hair on his head.

"That's a good dragon," Darren intoned sexily. "Suck on that big crocodile cock..."

Goro closed his eyes, his hands roaming down Darren's torso wantonly as he felt the big gator begin to thrust into that maw. That cock sank deeper down Goro's throat with each single thrust inside and Goro could only hold on as he sensed Darren standing up.

And then, Darren began to thrust faster, gripping Goro's ears as he used that as leverage to thrust into the dragon's throat. Eventually, Goro started to swallow frantically, trying beyond his own capabilities to avoid gagging on that thick cock. But the crocodile just kept at it, thrusting in harder and faster with each passing second.

And then, Darren held himself deep within Goro's muzzle, the dragon's eyes widening as he sputtered around it. He felt that cock hit the back of his throat, and it was shortly after he realized that his nose was pressed up against Darren's slit. The hand behind his head held him there, leaving Goro to look up at Darren, partly in panic at how his airway had cut off, and partly at just how good that cock felt being that far down his throat.

"Well hello there."

Goro would have recognized Kentaro's voice at any moment, and to hear it then sent a thrill rushing down his spine. As if on cue, Darren's cock pulled away, before slamming back down into Goro's throat.

"Hello there..." Darren paused, Goro looking up in confusion. "Which one are you, again?"

"Ken," Ken replied. Goro could hear his footsteps enter the room, closing the door behind him. "I imagine if anyone would be deep throating that cock of yours, it would be Goro!"

"He's talented," Darren replied, pulling back before thrusting back into Goro's throat. "You play with him often?"

"All the time," Ken replied. Goro heard him settle against the back wall. "We'll only do threesomes or more together, though. It's more fun that way." He heard footsteps approach, before a new hand ruffled the hairs on his head. "Looks like he found you first, though, huh?"

"Yup." Darren pulled out, before thrusting back in. "I can tell you want some of this too, huh?"

"Oh yeah," Kentaro replied. "I think we could--"

And then, Goro looked up to see Darren suddenly grab Kentaro by the back of his head, the cockier dragon's eyes widening in surprise as his muzzle was pressed up against Darren's pecs with some force.

"You talk too much," Darren said. "Why don't ya show me how much of a man I am with your tongue, hm?"

And then, Darren guided Ken's head down, almost as if forcing it down. Ken immediately brought his tongue out, following along with Darren's gestures. At this, Goro felt the cock in his mouth pull back, and then the regular rhythm of thrusts into his mouth began anew. Goro blinked, meeting his gaze with his brother, seeing the surprised expression as he was guided lower and lower...

"I don't think you've had to lick a good ass in a while," Darren continued. "Why don't ya give this ol' croc ass a good lickin', eh?"

Darren's laughter was deep and rumbling, and as Goro looked on Ken was shoved directly into the cleft between Darren's plump asscheeks, his nose just covered by that thick tail. Goro could only groan as he saw Ken begin to move his tongue around there roughly.

From the gator's groan, Goro guessed it felt as good as it looked. "There ya go, babe," Darren intoned. "Lick that hole up like the good boy you are..."

Ken's tongue proceeded to dart even further into that cleft in the gator's asscheeks, and Goro could sense how the shockwaves affected Darren. The gator remained in place now, using his hand to rock Goro on and off that girthy cock. The whole time, Goro heard Darren groan encouragingly, particularly on the motions where Goro had managed to take the croc's entire cock in his mouth.

After one such time, he grinned, before pulling Goro off that cock. He then grinned down at the twins, before stepping away and patting the bed behind him. "Now that we've established who's in charge here, I figure one of you would want to get on here," Darren said. He winked at Goro first. "You're the one who found me first, so you get first dibs."

Ken growled lowly, but before he could say much else, Goro quickly climbed on, the dragon giving the biggest shit-eating grin to his brother. "I won't say no to that," Goro replied.

Ken crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall. "Showoff," he replied, giving a huff that was certainly not as annoyed as it likely should have been. "You always were one to take it anyhow."

Darren grinned, looking at Goro as he lifted his tail and revealed his own entrance. "He looks as eager as ever," he commented. He quickly grabbed a bottle of lube from the side of the bed, lubing his cock up before lining it up with Goro's entrance. "Hope you're ready, it's big for a cock going back there."

Goro grinned. "Oh, I can take it, big guy," he said. "Just ask me how--"

With this, Darren slowly thrusted in carefully, the cock head breaching the rim of Goro's hole. The action interrupted Goro, who arched his back somewhat and cried out in pleasure. He looked back up at Darren, looking at the way the crocodile leaned in close, slowly thrusting into the smaller dragon even further, all the way until his hips were flush against Goro's ass. Darren grinned, looking to Ken as he gripped Goro's hips.

"He's got a natural talent for this," Darren replied. He then grinned, before stroking under Ken's chin. "I'm surprised you don't let him do this more often."

"W-well..." Ken glanced down to the place where Darren and Goro met in as one. "I mean, I don't..."

And then, Darren gripped the underside of Ken's chin, drawing the dragon closer to his snout. "You don't what, boy?" Darren asked, taking the time to pull back and thrust into Goro beneath him.

Ken took a second to breathe in deeply, before exhaling as he looked Darren in the eyes with a bit of hesitation. "We don't, uh... usually get in a position like this," said Ken.

"Aaaah!" Darren grinned, patting Ken on the cheek. "Used to holding the cards, hm? Well..."

And with this, he gripped the back of Ken's head, before guiding it straight down to his groin. Darren briefly pulled out of Goro, replacing his cock with two fingers as he proceeded to jam it straight down Ken's throat.

"...Allow me to take that further," Darren replied. He ended with a chuckle as Ken gagged around that cock.

"Aaaah..." Goro moaned at the way those fingers shifted within him. "Fuuuuck..." He then turned back, seeing Ken choking on that dick briefly. "It's a good cock, isn't it?"

Ken could only growl, but he turned his attention to the cock in his mouth, dutifully sucking on it as he started to bob his head.

It was at that moment that Darren pulled right back out, before turning to Goro and thrusting back into the other twin's ass. Goro let out a languid moan at that, looking to his twin brother as Darren began to hump that rear in earnest. Darren only grinned at this, before shoving Ken's head back against his belly, forcing him to lap up the sweat that was beginning to build on the croc's torso. Goro moaned underneath the crocodile, giving louder, more intense moans as Darren's thrusts grew faster.

And then, the crocodile paused, before pulling out and pulling Ken's mouth on that cock again. He gave a few thrusts into that maw, before he had an idea. "Goro, under him..."

The other twin grinned, before sliding underneath his brother. He hooked his tail just past Ken's shoulder, the twin dragons' bodies pressed up against each other. Darren looked over at Ken, who looked up defiantly at Darren. The croc only grinned, before thrusting into Ken's mouth. The dragon gagged around that cock, with Darren holding it all the way in as the twin struggled.

Almost as suddenly, he angled his cock back down, sliding back into Goro with ease. His thrusts picked up in speed, and as he thrust in he directed Ken's muzzle down to the top of his sleeve. The other twin could only groan at this, but by this point all he could do was lap at that slit. The sensation drove Darren wild, and it only made him thrust into Goro with wild abandon.

And then, Darren switched between Ken's muzzle and Goro's ass. He would do a couple of thrusts inside of Goro, a couple of thrusts inside Ken's muzzle, and so he alternated tongue and anus, switching between the two orifices with increasing frequentness. Eventually, Ken started to get into it, and as he would suck on it he would start to bob along even before Darren could guide his cock back to Goro.

Eventually, Darren's speed began to equalize: he would thrust once into Goro, before pulling back and thrusting inside Ken's maw. After a while, he sped up his repetition of this cycle, and he growled, looking at the twins under his thrall.

For Goro and Ken, it was the strangest they had ever felt in the act of sex. Normally they would be on top of the third man in their threesomes, taking charge of the whole situation. And yet, as Darren bottomed out in Goro's ass, they found themselves stuck on it. Ken's initial hesitation had given way to fervent desire, and every time Darren moved up to thrust in his maw Ken found himself meeting it.

Darren loved the look and sound of it, Goro's moans matching up to Ken's eagerness. And as he finally felt something stir in his loins, he nodded, keeping his member inside of Goro's ass and speeding up his thrusts.

"Fuck..." Darren squeezed his eyes shut. "Gonna cum soon, little guys... Gonna blow... on your faces... fuck..." He grit his snout, thrusting harder and harder into Goro's ass.

And then, right as he hit the threshold, he pulled out, angling his cock up towards Ken's face and beginning to stroke furiously. Darren then let out a guttural groan, squeezing his eyes shut before cumming all over Ken's face. The dragon stuck his tongue out, lapping up every bit of cum that spilled out past his face. He was only able to get a couple of laps in that way, though, before Darren took the time to thrust back into Goro, shooting the rest of his orgasm into the moaning dragon beneath Ken.

And then, as soon as he came, he held himself in Goro's ass, looking down at Ken. The crocodile took a moment to catch his breath, watching Ken's body language as the three of them stood perfectly still. None of them felt it appropriate to move, and as Darren watched them he felt a strange harmony between the three of them.

Ken blinked, looking up at the crocodile. "That's not all you've got is it?" he asked.

In response, the crocodile let out a guttural laugh, throwing his head back. He simply shook his head, pulling out of Goro slowly. As soon as he did, Ken gasped: Darren was just as hard as he had been earlier, and in fact the large crocodile showed no signs of slowing down just yet.

"Hardly," Darren replied. He rubbed Ken's head. "But, I've got a way we can spice this up."

And with this, he leaned closer to Ken, his teeth glinting in the night. He glanced up at Goro, who had turned his neck past his twin brother's legs to lock eyes with the huge croc. Once he had both of their attention, Darren's grin only deepened.

"What say we add a fourth person to our little jamboree?"


Colton sighed, sipping his cold tea as he sat at the couch. The shark thumbed through his instant messaging app slowly, finding that not one of his usual fuck buddies were present. Either they were all off-world, or busy, and he knew that Darren was probably going to be spent from being inside the bathhouse that night.

He thus sighed, before turning back to the digital tag game he had been watching. It was three worlds away, after all, and while Colton was not necessarily in the sport anymore he rather liked watching it from that distance.

It was then that he heard the alert that typically told him when someone was coming in. He frowned, cocking his head to the side: Darren was home unusually early. Typically he liked to spend several hours at Eros: considering when his show would have ended and when he usually returned, he found the alert was too early.

And then, Colton raised his head: what if he had come back specifically for him?

With that, Colton rolled off the couch, pausing the feed as he walked up to the front door. He did not bother to pull on some clothes as he moved to the door: he was buck naked, but with each footstep he took towards the door he grew more convinced that Darren and his guests would not mind. As soon as he did, it slid open, and Darren walked in. Behind him, however, he found two bronze-scaled dragons, all of them peering into the apartment as they stepped in.

Colton nodded, glancing to the two dragons before turning to Darren. "You picked up twins at the bathhouse this time, huh?" he asked.

"More like I picked them up at the show," said Darren. He chuckled. "They're from elsewhere in the city, and it turns out their brother is one of our current dancers. And, well..." Darren then gestured to the twins. "This is Kentaro and Goro."

Colton smiled, walking up to the twins, shaking their hand. "Hi," he said. "I'm Colton. Welcome to our little flat."

The twins nodded, before one of them turned to peer past Colton. "Mm, you weren't lying indeed," one of them stated. It was then Colton saw the tent in their pants. "He really does have a really cute ass."

"And it takes cock like nobody's business," Darren replied.

Colton chuckled at this: he knew exactly what game Darren was playing, and as his hemipenis began to poke out of his slit, he leaned against the counter, purposefully hiking his tail up and displaying his hole for the others to see. "Oh," said Colton. "Explains why you're back home so early, and with company." He grinned, looking back to the twins. "Lucky for you two, I was looking for some company tonight anyway."

"Heh, good." One of the twins suddenly came towards Colton, standing behind him and promptly grinding his hips into the shark's ass. "We got some action at the bathhouse, but Darren here thought we could have some fun together, too."

Colton grinned, winking at Darren before turning back to the dragon behind him. "He thought right," he said. He then turned to the twin, placing his hands on the chest and feeling the pecs with a grin. "Oh, and you feel like a sportsman. Always liked them." He then looked up, noticing the hairstyles of the two dragons were different. "And you're... Kentaro, right?"

"Call me Ken," the dragon replied, leaning close to Colton. "It rolls off the tongue faster."

At this, Colton chuckled. "Much like your cum will if you don't shut up and put me to work."

Ken laughed at this, before gripping the back of Colton's neck. "Darren was right," he said. "I think I will enjoy this."

And with this, Ken leaned forward, capturing Colton's mouth in a hot kiss. The shark immediately reciprocated, pushing into the kiss and battling with Ken's tongue as his hands moved to pull the dragon's pants off. They slid off quickly, and Colton was quick to reach for the cock that had been freed up. He stroked it, and at the dragon's rather loud moans he grinned: he knew it was going to be a good fuck, and since Darren was there and there were two of them...

Colton pulled away, before sliding off the counter and directly onto his knees. The shark wasted no time whatsoever, taking the dragon's cock into his maw and sucking on it, being careful to mind his teeth. The dragon groaned, gripping the back of his head as he lightly began to thrust in and out.

"How's his mouth, Ken?" Colton looked up, seeing the other twin approach with a grin on his face.

"Ooh, fantastic," Ken replied. He rubbed Colton's head. "Fuck... You wouldn't even know he's a... shit... shark from how smooth it is..." Ken threw his head back, letting out a soft groan as he gripped the shark's head. "Mm, fuck he's good."

"Didn't I tell ya?" Colton looked up, seeing Darren smack Ken's back heartily, a huge grin on his face. "I'm not one to oversell someone like that."

"I guess not, after all," Goro replied. Colton heard the sound of pants hitting the ground next to him, and when he looked there he saw Goro's hard cock flop out. "I wonder if he'd--"

But Colton beat him to the punch, popping off of Ken's cock and placing that mouth on Goro's immediately. Goro let out a surprised moan, but this did not stop Colton, who took to stroking Ken's cock in time with his bobs on Goro's own length. He thus increased the speed, feeling Goro's hands come onto his head as he sucked eagerly.

"Ooooooh, fuuuuuck!" Goro's thrusts grew faster. "You guys weren't kidding, this is some... fuck!"

Goro leaned forward, and Colton could tell with the way the hands pressed into the top of his head that the other twin was into it. He felt Darren's footsteps come up behind Goro, but the shark only continued his ministrations, listening closely at the crescendo and increase frequency of Goro's moans.

And just before Goro could hit his limit, Colton pulled back, before he began fellating Ken again. Ken groaned in surprise, but Colton ignored this as he saw Darren pick up Goro and pull the dragon's pants off of his ankles.

"Heh, he's got a good mouth, doesn't he?" Darren asked into Goro's ear. "But I'll tell you an even better asset he has."

"If his mouth is this amazing I'm looking forward to his ass," Ken replied. He then looked down. "I wonder if he can take two cocks at once..."

At this, Colton pulled off, giving Ken a confident smirk as he stood up and shed his pants. "Why don't you come find out, handsome?" he asked. He then walked to the couch he had been laying on, moving the laptop off of it and lifting his tail to reveal his asshole to the confident dragon. "We are here to fuck, after all..."

Ken licked his teeth, stepping forward and kneeling before it. "Oh, I hope to," said Ken. "But first, you could use a little lubing back here, huh?"

Without wasting any time, Ken drew his tongue across Colton's entrance. It was far wetter than Colton was used to, but regardless it drew a moan out of him. The shark leaned forward, pressing his head against the cushions as that tongue pressed into Colton rather deeply. It was a lewd display for Goro and Darren, the crocodile and the dragon watching as Darren lifted Goro's tail up.

"Damn, this is fuckin' good," Goro said. "Just wish Reggie were here, but..."

"Not much for this kind of thing?" Darren asked.

"I mean, kind of," Goro replied. "But he's not nearly horny enough to keep up with Ken and I." He then scratched his finger under Darren's chin. "And he sure as hell isn't going to keep up with you, if _we're_having trouble matching that."

Darren laughed gently at this, before lifting Goro up by the shoulders. "Then come 'ere, you little flatterer." He then sat on the bench, angling his cock up at Goro's hole as he pulled the little dragon closer. "Let's watch the show on my... special seat."

Goro groaned even louder as Darren's cock sank into him again. This time, though, Darren's thrusts were slow, really meant to give the smaller twin a real sense of the size inside him. It was almost enough to pull Goro's concentration from Ken, who had peeled away from Colton's asshole just long enough to line the tip of his cock up against the shark's entrance.

The shark's cry of pleasure at the way Ken immediately thrust into him sent a chill down Goro's spine. And as Darren slowly thrust into Goro, Ken pulled back, slapping his hips hard against Colton's as he began a rather punishing rhythm of thrusts. Goro knew how pent up Ken must have been at that moment, but he was almost shocked by how Colton's moans never seemed to sharply rise up in a way that indicated he was in pain. The shark instead took the thrusts like a champ, pushing back as best as he could.

Ken adjusted his grip, hanging on to the shark's tail as he leaned over. "You likin' that, shark?" Ken asked.

"Yeah..." Colton turned his head, looking up at Ken. "Thrust that big dragon cock into me!"

"Yeah..." Ken growled possessively, one hand tracing up Colton's torso as he began to nibble on the shark's shoulder. "Fucking driving you wild, little sharkie..."

With this, he gently bit down on Colton's shoulder, the shark moaning out in delight as he brought one hand to Ken's head to keep it close. The shark squeezed his eyes shut, wrapping his tail around Ken's waist and using that as leverage to push back into the thrusts.

Goro immediately felt the hands around his waist tighten. Soon after, he felt himself get shoved forward, gripping onto the opposite chair by the countertop for leverage as he felt Darren reposition himself. The large croc then began to thrust into Goro in earnest, the dragon breathing out as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.

"There ya go..." Darren grinned, smacking Goro's ass with his free hand. "Watch them fuck like the good boy you are..." He then leaned down, speeding up even more. "You'll get another load in your ass for your trouble, little guy."

Goro could only moan in response, lifting himself up as he watched Ken fuck Colton senseless.

"Rrrrrrh..." Ken screwed his eyes shut, and as Goro watched his twin's thrusts grew ever faster. He could immediately see that tail raise in that tell-tale sign. "Rrrrrh..."

Colton growled, looking back to Ken. "Yeah," the shark whispered. "Fuckin' breed me, big guy..."

That was all the permission Ken needed. With this, he reared his head back, crying out loudly as he hilted within Colton. The shark let out a guttural groan, and before long Goro could see the cum spilling out of the shark's asshole around Ken's cock. The sight was hot to Goro, and he found himself growing harder by the minute.

And then, he felt Darren's pace increase exponentially, the crocodile's hand reaching around to stroke Goro's length. The dragon's moans increased in volume as the contact brought him ever closer to the edge, and he arced his back as Darren leaned down, biting on his shoulder once again.

Darren began to bellow into Goro's shoulder: it was at this point that Goro felt his balls pull in. With a guttural moan, Goro came hard all over the floor, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from pleasure. As his hole tightened around Darren, he felt the crocodile's thrusts increase in speed, and before long he found his insides flooded with more crocodile cum.

Goro pressed his hands against the chair, looking up at the look that Ken and Colton gave him from the couch. Goro only breathed in and out, looking over to his twin and winking at him. Ken winked back, before smacking Colton's ass for effect.

"Damn, this has been some amazing fucking sex," Ken replied. "Two guys who know what they're doing isn't a bad thing after all." He then leaned back, idly thrusting into Colton. "Makes me wonder if they've got anything else."

At this, Darren chuckled, before he pulled out of Goro. "'Wonder', huh?" the crocodile asked. He then picked up the smaller dragon, walking over to Kentaro with a grin on his face. "I don't plan on stopping if you don't."

Colton lifted himself up as Goro was deposited on the couch next to him. "Yeah," said Colton. "Trust me, that's part of the reason I moved in with him: turns out I can keep up with him in libido." He then grinned. "Besides, I haven't cum yet. You better get me there, huh?"

Ken and Goro then shared a glance. They smirked mid-glance, before they both turned to Colton.

"Well, how could we say no to that?" Ken replied. He then grinned up at Darren. "Let's do this, shall we?"

And the crocodile only smiled, before pulling out of Goro and stepping next to Colton.

"Yes," Darren said. "Let's do this."


Darren had not been exaggerating, as it turned out: both him and Colton were able to keep up with Ken and Goro's sex drive. Thus, all four engaged in various lewd acts across the entire night. No position went untouched between them, no surface was safe, and the twins got to have their way with Colton even as Darren had his way with theirs. The twins even got to shove both of their cocks up Colton's ass, with Darren's slow thrusting into Goro being the cherry on top of that.

They had only gone to bed just after the sun rose. Thus, when Ken woke up in Darren and Colton's bed, he had to blink, shaking his head to get the sun out of his eyes. He raised his hands up, looking over to every other occupant of the bed. Goro was nestled comfortably against Darren's chest, and Ken grinned as he rubbed Colton's belly where the shark had spooned up against him. Ken only looked up, seeing Darren let out a soft yawn.

Ken smiled at this, exhaling as he let out a yawn himself. "I guess it isn't really morning, is it?" Ken asked.

"It really ain't," said Darren. He shrugged, petting Goro's shoulders. "Your twin's real pretty, Ken. Good thing you don't live too far from here. Means you get to come back."

"That's true!" Ken replied. "That means we get a repeat performance."

"That you will," Darren replied, winking at Ken.

Ken nodded. He then turned to up at the ceiling. "I wonder what Tai and Reggie are up to now. Probably some normal stuff."

"You worried about 'em?" Darren asked.

Ken shrugged. "We'll be here for three more days," he said. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up with him then. But for now, I don't plan on leaving here."

Darren grinned at this, reaching forward and stroking his clawtips under Ken's chin. "Awfully sweet language for someone so cocky," he observed. He then grinned. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good." Ken grinned, looking up at Darren. He then leaned back, turning his gaze to the ceiling. "You... might have to start by getting the ice though. I don't think Goro and I ever imagined we'd see the day where someone could outdo our sex drive, I'll tell you that."

Darren let out a quiet chuckle, before pointing to Goro, who was still fast asleep on Darren's chest. "I'll get that when these two sleepyheads wake up," he said.

Ken nodded in response, before leaning back on his pillow and looking up. All told, he had not quite expected to wind up in this position visiting Tai. Still, it had turned out far better than he expected: he'd expected only to rib Tai for a little bit of time and then to be on his merry way. The fact that he and Goro had both had some of the most mind-blowingly good sex they had in a while was just a bonus.

And so, he grinned, humping into Colton's rump ever so gently.