Walking The Distance - Part 2

Story by SPmats on SoFurry

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#3 of WTD

A full plate of spaghetti later, Leo was back at the computer. A long message stared back at him as he sat down.

Jess: Good they had a room open. I'm worried about my parents snooping around my computer... Not sure how much she's onto us, but my mom is getting really snoopy. Asking questions after almost every school day. I don't want to tell them about it cuz I'm not sure how they will react.

Leo: Just stay quiet about it for now, you don't need any problems when you're so close to graduating. Once you do graduate then you can tell them. If anything goes wrong I'll be here for yah. =)

Leo felt satisfied with that answer. No matter when happened he wanted to be there for jess. He didn't have the comfort of making your own decisions like Leo did. A buzz from his desk made him jump, his phone skittered like a plastic bug as the vibrate went off.

Jess: Hey, my parents pulled the plug on my computer. they said I was staying up too late.

Leo repeated his answer to Jess's concerns from messenger. Speaking of being there for Jess, Leo opened his bank account on his computer. He had enough money saved away to last him a good while, even with food and rent. Next, he opened an interactive map of the country. He could type in his location and Jess's and figure out the fastest way there. While Leo waited for the results his phone crawled smoothly across his desk again.

Jess: Thanks *super hugz* Guess I'm just a bit stressed out about it all. You work this weekend?

Leo: Only Sunday, so I'm free Saturday. =3

Jess: Cool! I'm going to get my fur trimmed and treated for the summer on Saturday. Think I should dye it?

Leo: Nah, I hear it leaves a funny smell. =(

His computer flung results at him, they were roughly five hours apart. Leo quickly thought about gas as he clicked on Jess's town. A list of apartments and open houses came up with prices listed.

Jess: Any smell yah want? I think they do those also. The one where they use a treatment so your natural oil produces a scent?

Leo: They can do that now?!

Jess: They sure can. silly. =3

Leo rolled that thought over. Jess's sleek grey coat sliding across his hands and groin, a thick yet comforting smell between them as they enjoyed each other. Jess on his side on Leo's bed, his smell beckoning him to move closer. Soon, they held each other, basking in each other's presence. Pressing their lips together, Jess slid his hands along Leo's stomach. His touch sending tingles across his skin. Leo could feel the heat between their groins as Jess moved his hand around Leo's length.

A bang form upstairs brought him from his dream. He glanced at the screen and saw Jess had tried to get his attention but had logged off. He sighed, going to investigate the noise. When he opened his door he came face to face with Debbie who looked concerned. "Your parents are upstairs."

It was odd for Leo to not respond for this long. Jess crossed his arms as he balanced on the back legs of his chair, gray tail thrashing behind him. Was something up? Did he fall asleep? He sighed, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. Once school was over, what did he do then? He flopped his chair down and took out a notebook.

School, check, grades are pretty much set in stone. Job, need to work on for money to see Leo. Jess's ears folded back in annoyance, getting to Leo might take longer than he thought. If he could work over the summer, using that time to ease his parents into it. Crap, his parents. He thumped his head down on the desk. How the hell was he going to explain this to them? Meeting a guy online, working so he could move away to live with him when they hadn't even met him.

He spent some time writing his musings in the notebook, most dealing with finding a job, some on getting to see Leo. As his eyes grew heavy he found himself writing Leo's name in funny ways. A few were in a flowing style while he tried to make box's for an 8-bit kind of look. Soon, he eased himself into bed, hoping the next day would bring better answers.

Time passed on, Jess working hard to finish school with top grades and was moving smoothly. Leo , on the other hand...

My dream....

A dream I chase in vain, that I know I will never have. As Dante loved Beatrice and couldnt have her, I feel for him. But their is hope.....or atleast the thoughts, to remind me and let me live it. Another sunny day, the rays of pure light...

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Sigole, Roy's distraction.

"Your gonna be late for work again! Hurry your ass up!" "Shut up yah old woman!" She acted like his mother, not his landlord. Some stomping and a door slamming...

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Walking the Distance - Part 1-1/2

REALLY short this time! Sorry, life's been kinda moving fast. My desperate attempt to fix a hole is below. =) I'm getting a few days off in a row from work so I'm hoping to hash out a larger chunk. Lets hope! Leo's...

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