Walking the Distance - Part 1-1/2

Story by SPmats on SoFurry

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#2 of WTD

REALLY short this time! Sorry, life's been kinda moving fast. My desperate attempt to fix a hole is below. =)

I'm getting a few days off in a row from work so I'm hoping to hash out a larger chunk. Lets hope!

Leo's room was modest, at best. Single bed on one side, dresser, closet, and computer on the other walls. Tucked into the corner of the house gave him two ground level windows that currently had shades drawn. He liked his room dark, it felt comforting. Throwing his work uniform to the side he threw a t-shirt on, a simple band logo on the front. While waiting for his computer to boot up he brushed his thick brown fur down, admiring his own toned chest and arms. Not overly muscular, but enough to show is how he liked it.

Jess: How was work hun?

Leo: Okay, I got busted when I texted you back hehe.

Jess: Aaaww, I'm sorry!

Leo: How was school?

Leo stretched against his computer chair, this was their one difference. Leo was put into school one year earlier than Jess. While Jess was worrying about graduating, he had to worry about what to do with his life. Living with Debbie and Corban wasn't exactly where he wanted to be for his life.

Jess: It was okay, my mom is starting to wonder about my computer habits. =(

Leo: Habits? Like why you're on so much or what?

Jess: Yeah, basically. She's also whining about making my own decisions. lol

Leo: Well you are, you could log off and find some other hot guy at your school I bet. =P

Jess: NO! Don't say that! It's my choice to deal with you! =)

Leo: And mine to deal with you. <3

He felt so cheesy, but it was how he really felt. No matter how hard he thought about it he couldn't find a reason why he wouldn't want to be with Jess. All they had to do was remain loyal till they closed the distance.

Jess: How are your parents doing?

Oh no, this was what Leo feared. Did he tell him the truth, that he was staying with Debbie because the fighting had finally gotten on his last nerve? He wouldn't worry, Jess would probably be happy for him getting away from it. But, away from the shelter and protection of his parents might set him off. Leo shook his head, honesty is a big thing in relationships. If he can't be honest now when he could 100% hide it, what would it be like when they finally met?

Leo: I'm staying with Debbie, that long time friend I told you about.

Jess: DEBBIE!?!? Your living with your assistant manager/best friend? How'd you move out so fast?

Leo: I left some stuff, I just wanted to get out.

It sounded really odd the way Jess put it. Debbie was his assistant manager at the store, Steve being the manager. Steve apparently saw something in Debbie, explaining why she was assistant at the age of 21. Leo and Deb had started at the same time, despite being a year above him in school, they hit it off as friends almost immediately.

Leo: Yeah, She and Corban had an open room so I took it.

"Hey! You ran away so fast you missed the spaghetti! Come get some!" Leo knew the infernal screech from anywhere. Debbie had apparently spent "So much time and energy" making supper it "Just upset" her that he didn't notice. Quickly telling Jess he'd return shortly he bolted upstairs.

Walking The distance - Part 2 1/2 teaser.

Just a teaser for ya'll. =3 Working on a big segment tomorrow, Thursday, I'll make a big post then. =) Really working on getting things solid, never meant for myself to focus on this one so much lol. Gotta get character ironed...

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Walking The Distance - Part 2

A full plate of spaghetti later, Leo was back at the computer. A long message stared back at him as he sat down. Jess: Good they had a room open. I'm worried about my parents snooping around my computer... Not sure how much she's onto us, but my mom...

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Walking the distance.

Time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something, or something that shocks you into a stupor happens. In this case, Jess was waiting for class to end....

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