The Psi-Drake Wars

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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The Psi-Drake Wars

by Von Krieger

Ilia moaned softly, a spasm wracked her body, followed by a wet, sticky sound. The near comatose girl had changed again, and not in a productive way either. Her elder sister, Rali, mopped her brow with a damp cloth.

"That was her tail emerging." rumbled a deep, but gentle voice from behind Rali, the Psi-Drake known as Samantha. Rali knew the creature's true name was unpronounceable by the human tongue, so like most of her race, the huge draconic humanoid took a name given by her summoner, in this case Ilia.

"I am sorry, my lady, but Mistress Ilia is nearing the point of no return. Soon breaking her bond to me will not stop her change. Once she reaches that point, her transformation will accelerate. She will live, Lady Rali, but as one of my race."

Rali nodded, it was the risk a summoner took when a Psi-Drake was summoned under the power of an individual. A circle of summoners could call and bind many of the extraplanar dragonkin, the plane's power flowing through them in only tiny amounts. The more in the circle, the less energy each caster was given from the Drake. Twenty summoners could call and bind twenty Psi-Drakes without risking energy transformation.

The energy flows directed themselves at different aspects of the summoner's life essence, never did two flows cross. Beyond a certain point, they began to cross, energy flowing from one to the other like arcs of electricity over closely placed wires. Draw too much on the energy of the Drachenplane, and you risked becoming one of its creatures yourself.

That was what Ilia had been counting on. The two sisters, one a mage, the other a warrior, had been fleeing their homeland, Drow and the servitor races of Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and other less intelligent creatures, had swarmed up from the depths of Onerana, out of the twisted forests and planes that the civilized races of the plane had managed to drive the creatures into.

They had come with powerful draconic creatures under their control. The skies were soon darkened with the pitch black rain clouds that some of the creatures could exhale, blocking the sunlight and allowing the sensitive eyes of creatures the lived in the depths of the earth to fight on the surface.

There were so many of the creatures, scaled monstrosities that were little more than animals, serving as engines of destruction. Powerful mages, skilled warriors, stealthy and silent assassins, all could be brought with a simple summoning spell. But such power came with a price. Each Psi-Drake had a spiritual link back to the Drachenplane, which went through its summoner, suffusing them with the draconic soulstuff that swirled unformed around the barriers of the plane.

Open the flow too far, and you would slowly start to become a Psi-Drake yourself. You could be bound, but unlike those called, you could not be unsummoned or banished. Nor could those that you had summoned, though a majority of the summoners had to be transformed if the drakes summoned by a circle were to stay.

Ilia had no choice but to summon on her own, she would die otherwise. She had been bitten by a serpent warrior, the Drake's venom flowing through her body, sapping her strength. It wasn't a physical toxin, but a magical one, and all those that could heal were called into service to defend Onerana from the Drow and their thralls.

So Samantha had been summoned, not a warrior of great skill or a mage of limitless, but a scholar of medical lore. Or she had been, once. She had been summoned many times, cast back into her home plane after her callers had asked her questions, by her summoner's death, or by the banishment spells of an opposing foe. Both surface dwellers and the Underdark hordes used the Drakes now. In the years of conflict, Samantha had grown into a powerful creature, her body's natural growth accelerated by the magic used to keep her in Onerana.

"Th-thirsty." murmured Ilia. Rali nodded to Samantha, understanding. The few spells the Psi-Drake could cast bound the two together even more. The Drake had pulled as much of Ilia's pain into herself as she could, also managing sort of tie a knot in the flow of Drachenplane energy into her summoner. It had been nearly a week since Ilia had been bitten, six days since Samantha had been summoned. Without the Drake's assistance, Ilia would have passed away, or been consumed by her transformation several days prior.

"I hunger, my lady, might you attempt to hunt again?" the Drake purred, shifting her loincloth. Rali nodded and turned away, picking up her bow and walked out of the ruined temple that the three of them had taken refuge in. Taking on the effects of the poison herself was draining on Samantha, and required that she eat a great deal more than usual. But as a side effect Ilia grew more and more dependant on the Drake to provide her sustainable.

The summoner couldn't keep anything down that Rali could acquire by hunting or foraging. Water that wasn't at the Drake's body temperature was similarly rejected by Ilia's stomach. Ilia's 'feeding' was performed with the human's mouth and the hermaphrodite Drake's manhood. Rali couldn't stand to watch the sight of it.

In the end the transformation of a summoner to a Psi-Drake was the only thing that could possibly keep Ilia alive. Psi-Drakes were immune to the venom, or at least Samantha's species were. The changes were unpredictable, but the hope that the immunity trait would come before Ilia reached the point where the Drachenplane energy in her body was self sustaining was all they had.

The progress of the poison had slowed, the angry purple-black glow in Ilia's veins had dimmed and ceased to spread with Samantha's intervention. Ilia would live, Rali knew that. But neither wanted it to be as a creature that could be bound to another, forced to obey without hesitation at their whim.

Psi-Drakes took traits from those that bound them, Samantha had told her that, and had shown it was well. The Drake's silvery-blue crystalline scales were tainted in places with pitch black coloration, her blue mane pure white everywhere but the tips. A series of rapid summonings and returns by male Drow wizards transforming her from a shy scholar to their House Matron's personal plaything.

Samantha's time under Drow captivity was easily seen with the sheer number of small horns and spines that were once piercings. They ran in two parallel rows up her legs and sides, another set down her back and tail, more of them on the outside of her forearms. The Drake's thin skin had become tough scales, and the magical conduciveness of the Mythril piercings had fused them to her body after repeated summonings.

Rali could imagine what they were used for, to bind and restrain the Drake, able to bind her with ribbon, any struggling causing her pain. Samantha had not been well used by her Drow summoners. There was little fight in the creature, and little free will either. The Drake would keep her eyes to the ground, call her summoner 'Mistress,' and everyone else 'My Lord' or 'My Lady.' The look in her eyes was heartbreaking, she was perpetually on the verge of crying. She would take fault for everything, and if Rali seemed upset, would offer to let the warrior beat her.

The Drake seemed almost insistent on it, she would tell Rali that it would make the warrior feel better, and that it was alright to strike her. If Samantha hadn't been bound to Ilia, Rali might have done just that. Psi-Drakes were responsible for her sister's fragile condition, and the warrior desperately wanted to take out her frustrations on one. But the moment Ilia no longer needed the creature, Samantha was fair game.


Ilia purred softly, the sound mimicking that of Samantha, as the transforming human lay snuggled up in the nine foot tall biped's arms. The summoner's belly was full, and the Drake had felt just wonderful pleasure in the act. Samantha stroked Ilia's forehead gently with a taloned finger, "Do you feel better, Mistress Ilia?" she rumbled.

"I do." the human said, barely above a whisper, "I'm feeling a bit better. Not as dizzy or achy. I wouldn't want to try walking just yet, but I think my fever is going down."

Samantha nodded, lifting up the blanket that covered Ilia and checking the discoloration caused by the poison. It seemed to be lessening. The Drake activated her mage-sight, looking over her summoner, and found that the glow of magic that ought to be present had vanished. "The poison is gone, Mistress."

"Good." Ilia said softly, "That means that I can drink your milk again."

The Drake's lactation was a result of her being bound by Renakana, summoned by several sitters on the Council of Matrons to tell them of Psi-Drake history, physiology, and spirituality. It was never for more than an hour or two, and none seemed to be bothered by their acquisition of Psi-Drake traits. They were kind, and had treated her well, they were also all pregnant.

Renakana that delved deeply into their own hearts sometimes happened upon a hidden power, a strength granted by their goddess to strengthen those who were with child. Warriors could find themselves flying into a powerful rage, or have their reflexes enhanced. Mages found a greater effect to their spells, and a clarity of mind that was not present before.

Unlike the Drow, the Renakana seldom kept a Psi-Drake bound for very long, only to accomplish the tasks that were needed. To the great felines, summoned Psi-Drakes were allies, not slaves. With each summoning, the Drake found that she wished to stay with them, and not to return to the Drachenplane. She had spent most of her time on Onerana since the Psi-Drake War, as they called it here, had begun. She had been at the House Matron's side for five years, and now thought of Onerana as her home.

Ilia no longer needed her. Samantha could be unsummoned, and the human could be saved from the fate of one day being bound to the will of another mage. The Drake gently pushed Ilia's head away from her breast. "No, Mistress. You mustn't take in any more Drachen essence. You have to unsummon me."

The mage shook her head, "Nuh uh. You're soft, and warm, and you taste so good." the human purred, "I'm keeping you."

"You can't, Mistress. Please, I don't want you to be bound like I was. And you will be. The summoning rituals will get you almost immediately. Both sides actively summon newly changed Psi-Drakes, in hopes of acquiring a summoner from the other side, or saving on of their own from a similar fate." Samantha protested.

"I bet you know a way to prevent me from being bound." Ilia said, feeling her strength beginning to return.

Samantha nodded reluctantly, she could not lie to her summoner. "Yes, Mistress Ilia, I do, but it would alter the bond between us, it would strengthen it, and it would go both ways. You and I would never be unbound from one another. You would fully become a Psi-Drake like me, you wouldn't be a human any more, not even as a base."

"But I would gain Psi-Drake traits? The strength, the innate magical power, the long life?"

Samantha nodded again, "But you would no longer be my mistress you would be my..." Samantha grasped for the word, and when she found it, she was hesitant to say it. "My equal. You would be degrading yourself, Mistress, lowering yourself to the level of a... a..."

"Of a high born scholar Drake who was summoned, enslaved, and had be mind and spirit broken by the Drow. It's not a problem, Samantha. Tell me how do to it." Ilia said.

"My brood pouch. It is meant to hold offspring, but it can also create them." Samantha said, looking down at the ground. The Psi-Drake brood pouch as a sort of modified second stomach, originally meant for holding their eggs, keeping them incubated at the right temperature, and safe from predators, as well as keeping young Psi-Drakes safe from the elements and predators as well. They also worked well for carrying goods, and on occasion, people. Ilia and Rali had spent a night inside of Samantha when the weather had turned for the worse, becoming an icy downpour that the two humans would have frozen to death in, but not the elementally resistant drake.

"It will only work with my bound summoner, and I cannot do it without permission. The ability is known to few of my people, and fewer still know the way to trigger the process. I advise against it, Mistress."

"Is there another way?" Ilia asked.

"No, Mistress. There is something similar, but it would only work if you didn't have any advanced outward traits."

With Ilia's transformed arms and legs, which were fully scaled and reshaped, as well as her new, fully grown tail, the mage had been passed that point several days prior. Ilia suddenly moaned loudly, shivering, scales appearing on her shoulders, belly, and back. Both summoner and Drake felt a shift in the flow of energy.

"That was it. I'll change no matter what now." Ilia said with a smile, "You have to do it now, or else I'll be summoned and bound, like you were."

Samantha nodded, "As you wish, Mistress." the Psi-Drake said sadly, licking her lips.

Ilia's clothes had long since been torn away by her transforming body, only the blanket covering her, which Samantha cast aside. The Drake's tongue caressed the human's face, shoulders, arms, back, and breasts, slow licks leaving slick saliva on the mage's body.

Samantha gave her mistress one last pleading look, to which Ilia shook her head, "No, you said it yourself, there's no other option."

The Drake leaned forward, her jaws opening wide, her draconic mouth sliding over the human's raised arms, down past her head. Ilia moaned softly, the dragonkin's warmth spreading over her. Samantha lifted the human with her hands, tilting her head back, letting gravity aid in her swallowing of Ilia.


The mage went down easily, her thin, five foot frame giving the Drake little difficulty. Samantha gasped at the burst of arousal that accompanied the act. Taking eggs or young into one's pouch meant that you were perfectly available for breeding again. The Drake closed her eyes, concentrating. The entrance to the brood pouch closing by muscular contraction. Ilia would quickly find herself falling asleep, and thus unable to escape. But it was best for Ilia's safety if nothing else could find its way into the pouch while it was functioning as a secondary womb.

The Psi-Drake purred happily at the sensation of fullness, stroking her rounded belly. She had been forbidden from bearing hatchlings in the Drachenplane, the alterations the Drow had performed had made certain that the Breeder's Guild found her too impure for reproduction. It had never really bothered Samantha before, but the feeling of a fat, round middle several nights before, though it had simply been two humans in her pouch rather than a pregnancy, had excited Samantha beyond anything she had felt before. She actually felt longing for sex, a lustful desire that she had thought forever stripped away with her cruel treatment at Drow hands.

Samantha smiled for the first time in a long time. She was going to have a baby, kind of. Though Ilia would emerge at the size she was now, maybe a little bigger. But she was still going to be Samantha's hatchling. The Psi-Drake could no longer be summoned, or unsummoned. Her summoner was a part of her at the moment, and once Ilia's changes began, the blood and flesh of the two would mix for a time. They would be one body, summoner and summoned creature one and the same.

She no longer had, nor would ever again need, a mistress. She no longer needed to obey the instructions the Drow had seared into her mind. Ilia had found her behavior unsettling from the start, so Samantha would do her best to learn how to think and act for herself. Best of all, she could remain in Onerana forever, no longer able to be banished either. Samantha would go and live amongst the Renakana. She loved the wonderful, sweet, caring, soft, snuggly feline people. They were so loving and kind, and fun. The Psi-Drake particularly liked how they slept, close friends and family snuggled up together.

Her hand found its way to her manhood, stroking it slowly, savoring the pleasurable sensations that shot through her body. Sex felt so good when it wasn't forced upon you by your summoner. She was never allowed to play with herself unless her summoner ordered. Even when in the Drachenplane, Samantha had refrained from self-stimulation, just in case any of the Drow that had known her summoned her again, and asked her if she had broken the rules the House Matron had instructed her to follow.

She imagined the Matron bound as Samantha had been, forced to beg and plead for it, to be brought near the edge of climax so many times, only to have it cruelly yanked away from her. The Matron bound, helpless, and disgraced, admitting that she was nothing more than a wet little bitch for fucking, a creature who existed only to please her mistress. Samantha would slowly thrust into her, inch by slow, agonizing inch until...

"What the hell are you doing?" Rali growled, seeing the Psi-Drake laying on the stone slab where he sister had been resting when the warrior had gone out to hunt. "You didn't eat Ilia, did you?!" she demanded, sword out, pointed at Samantha's throat.

"Kind of, she's inside me. In my brood pouch. She's changing, becoming a Psi-Drake, becoming my hatchling." Samantha purred, not stopping her self pleasure, one hand on her cock, the other rubbing slow circles on her belly.

"Spit her out. Now." the human warrior snarled.

Samantha chuckled softly, "Can't. My pouch has sealed itself. She can't be removed until she's become a Psi-Drake. She is my anchor, tying me here, making Onerana my home. We will share blood, summoner and summoned mixing. I will be both in one, and so shall she. Never having to know the terror of having your will ripped from you by an evil master or mistress. She is safe, happy, and content to be reborn as my hatchling."

"I don't think so. I think you bewitched her. She wished to become one of you only as far as curing the poison within her body."

"Which occurred, however she passed the energy threshold. She would become like me, with or without my presence. But this way she will serve no one." Samantha said with a smile, completely ignoring the blade.

"You lie. Since you refuse to set her free, I'm going to have to cut her out of you!" Rali growled, swinging her blade, only to find a shock traveling through her arms, as if she had struck solid, immobile stone.

Summoned and unsummoned, bound to perhaps hundreds of summoners, huge amounts of magical energy poured into her body, Samantha was much stronger, much quicker, and much smarter than she seemed. One black scaled hand gripped the blade of Rali's sword without harm. The dragonkin's other hand grabbed both of the human's.

The Drake sat up, curling her tail around the human's ankles. "Such an act would most certainly end her life, and I will not allow my mistress and daughter to come to harm. But you are her kin, and thus should not be harmed. But then again I cannot have you scheming and plotting to 'free' her from me. So you shall truly experience what it is like for a Drake of my power to bewitch someone.... UUUUUH.... UUUUUUN!" Samantha grunted, her cock erupting, her thick, white seed splattering all over the human's face and chest, dripping down her body.

Rali spit the thick, salty-sweet fluid from her mouth, her eyes clamped shut, feeling it run down her face. It tingled, and she felt something strange. It felt like her armor was getting lighter. With a few clanks and the wet noise of liquefying leather sloughing off her body, Rali realized that such was the case. In moments she was completely naked. Her sword was pulled from her hands and thrown aside as a strange warmth began to seep into her, aiming right for her loins.

The warrior felt her mind fogging, thoughts of desire and lust pushing away those of anger and combat. She opened her mouth to protest, only to find it filled with one of the Psi-Drake's nipples.

She felt the Psi-Drake lift her up. Rali's legs spread seemingly of their own volition, wrapping around Samantha's cum covered belly. The warrior pulled her head back and cried out as the creature's prick was forced into her. Her cry was muffled as the Drake shoved Rali's head against her breast. The human couldn't breath, and was forced to inhale, bringing a trickle of sweet milk into her mouth with it.

Rali now realized why Psi-Drake milk was so prized, it tasted so good. She couldn't stop herself from suckling, she needed more. The human drank it down hungrily, suddenly feeling famished. She barely felt the pangs of pain and pleasure as the Psi-Drake fucked her, all that mattered was the milk, and that she keep taking in more of it.

Time soon lost its meaning, seconds and minutes evaporating into nothingness, Rali's world narrowing to the teat in her mouth, and the ache in her belly. There were pleasant feelings of warmth as the Psi-Drake came into her, again and again, and even more wonderful shivers of pleasure that Rali couldn't quite identify, usually occurring along with the sudden warmth.

The human whimpered as Samantha pulled her head away, only to find that she was being shifted around a little, allowed to nurse from the other breast. Rali was dimly aware that the amount of milk she took in was far too much than she ought to be able to handle, as well as far more than ought to be able to be contained in the Drake's breasts, large though they may be.

She felt herself drifting of to sleep, still nursing from the drake. She awoke feeling a dreadful chill on her naked body. She felt fine now, except for a strangeness in her mind, and the chill.

Rali opened her eyes, looking around. Her belly felt funny, large, clumsy, full. She heard sloshing as she sat up. Her belly was massive and round, filled with the Drake's milk. Rali found she had been sleeping between Samantha's legs. She founds her gaze going to the creature's cunt, the deep blue lips looking wet, swollen, and somehow inviting.

"Go ahead, little one," Samantha purred, "You've been in my brood pouch, so you know how warm I am inside. It's where your sister is after all, and the two of you are never apart for long. I would have brought you in sooner, but I decided that you would need the nutrition of my milk for your change. You will accompany Ilia as you always have, as her warrior guardian. I think the form of a War Wyvern ought to grant you the strength to do so nicely. Be big and powerful, make sure no one ever lays a hand on Ilia, hmm?"

"Ilia." Rali said softly, smiling. She knew that this was wrong somehow, that she shouldn't be doing this. But she was so cold, and Ilia was inside, and she needed to be with Ilia. She didn't see how she would be able to fit into the Drake's sex, but she found that the slick, wet, warm lips parted easily before her fingers, her arms easily sliding up to the elbow.

"Mmm... warm..." Rali purred in Psi-Drake fashion, pushing in deeper, feeling the chill begin to vanish as she put her head in. Samantha's tail curled between her legs, helping to push her in, the Drake's smooth scales rubbing deliciously against Rali's own cunt. The human's tongue left her mouth, lapping at the warm, slick walls, wanting to return the favor. She heard the drake moan with pleasure, felt her buck her hips.

Rali giggled and began to wriggle a little, continuing her crawl forward. She felt her breasts slide in with a slurping sound. The human wondered how Samantha was going to manage to get her big, milk filled belly in, but somehow the two managed. The feeling of her full tummy rubbing against the Drake's slick inside made Rali moan with pleasure, as did the replacement of the tail between her legs with the Psi-Drake's fingers.

They pushed her in deeper, until Rali's hips had disappeared into the Drake, where Samantha began fingering herself, the Drake's sex now had a good enough grip to pull Rali in deeper and deeper on its own. She felt Samantha growing warmed around her, gripping her tight for a moment and pulling her forward, then relaxing.

Rali could hear Samantha's cries of pleasure, muffled by the dragonkin's body but still audible, she found they were in time with her own twinges of pleasure, her moth... the Drake's increasing heat feeling better and better on her belly.

She felt everything going foggy again, everything except her belly and loins. Her pleasured mirrored Samantha's own. Rali moaned loudly, finding it escaping her mouth in bubbles. A powerful white hot sensation of pleasure filled her entire being, forcing her to suck in a deep breath, fulling the fluid into her lungs. She barely felt her mother moving, her back arching as she climaxed, pulling the soon to be Wyvern fully into her womb.

The fog continued to build, but the wonderful feeling remained. Rali felt her body growing heavy, weary, tired. It was time to sleep. Sleep inside her mommy. No... she had to find Ilia! Rali wriggled, feeling around until she found a place where the wall felt different, felt a round bulge in the wall. Her hands could barely make out the shape, but it felt liked a curled up human. Shoulders and hips were in the right place.

Rali mmmed softly, snuggling up against her sister through the barrier that separated them. She didn't need to worry, Mommy would protect them both while they were inside. Mommy was making everything better. The sleepy girl kissed her sister on the cheek through the membranous wall that divided them, felt the faint vibration of Ilia's purring, and curled up to sleep.


Samantha purred just as happily, her belly well rounded with the presence of two humans inside of her, and belly that would only grow larger as the two girls inside transformed, one becoming a Psi-Drake biped like her mother, and the other becoming a massive, powerful dragon that would make sure that no harm would come to her new mother, or her sister.

The pregnant Psi-Drake yawned, curled up into a ball, and and rolled Ilia's blanket up into a ball, using it as a pillow. She hugged her belly, caressing it. "I wonder how the Drow would react," Samantha said with a chuckle, "If they knew that this was what a Psi-Drake was supposed to do with her summoner."

She yawned again and closed her eyes. Tomorrow she would begin the journey North to Renakana lands. The Council of Matrons, she was sure, would be incredibly interested in the things that Samantha had known, but had could not reveal unless she was asked. Until now that was. Poor Drow, little did they know that the war was about to be over, and that they were going to end up as soft, sweet, fuzzy, obedient Renakana kittens.

The Psi-Drake giggled at the thought. The Matrons likely had enough Drachenplane energy built up inside of them to cast the spells that would make it work. The abilities that had converted the Drachenplane into an entire world filled with scaled, draconic creatures. These gifts would be much better utilized in the handpaws of Renakana. Sweet, caring, loving, felines. They wouldn't set up a breeding guild and force their citizens to be summoned by magic to other planes, in order to bring more worlds into the Drachen Empire. Nuh uh. The Renakana would be nice, and sweet, and wonderful. They would snuggle and love the Drow into submission. They wouldn't make an empire, just lots and lots of new black furred kittens with white hair.

Samantha was quite sure that her first mistress would make an exceptionally cute kitten, and if anyone needed love and snuggles, it was that ice-cold Drow she-bitch. The Psi-Drake would make sure that particularly unpleasant Drow was gobbled up and turned into a happy little kitten personally. Or a hatchling. Perhaps one of her daughters would be up to the task? "Yes... that would be nice." the proud mother-to-be said to herself as she drifted off to sleep.