Run The Blitz Part: Part 2

Story by Kayden Silvertongue on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Part 2 of Run The Blitz; Part 3 will wrap everything up!

==Part 2==

Fuyu grinned, stroking his shaft."Did I stutter, dumbass? Both of you, over here, now. On your knees in front of me. And remember, you try anything, and all I have to do is hit a button to send the link to the stream to the principal. I've got nothing to lose, but you two? Oh, you two would be the laughing stock of the school. Big tough Jacob, showing what a pussy he really is, just like everyone always says. And the nightmare of the football field, Crush Rivera, taking orders from a cocky son of a bitch like Stantz and showing up to fuck another guy in the bathroom like some sort of pervert?" he laughed, low and slow. "You'd be worse off than I ever was, boys."

They both stopped as reality sank in, causing them to slouch as they thought about it. They knew he was right, but they weren't about to give up that easy. Jacob took a step closer, voice low and quiet, barely above a whisper. "You don't have the balls, fag. You'd be thrown out of school too, and then what?" Fuyu simply held up his phone, his thumb hovering over the screen on some random app as he watched Jacob stop. "You really want to try me and take that chance, Jacob? Your choice: Do what I say, or you can have the whole school and your parents seeing this."

That seemed to drain the fight out of them enough, Jacob sighing and Austin slumping as he relented. 'Fine. But we do this, and this never leaves this room. That stream gets pulled, and no one mentions it again?"

Fuyu had to roll his eyes. "It's the internet Austin. Once the stream's over, I can't control what anyone says or if anyone took a capture. But; I know you won't say anything, and we both know Jacob won't, so I guess your only choice is to hope you do a good job and I don't feel like spreading it, isn't it?" The bull nodded, then sighed. "Jacob....let's get this over with." he said bluntly. And for once, the horse didn't say anything, simply nodded and followed Austin's lead.

Both of them lumbered over to Fuyu, then dropped to their knees in front of him, looking down as they did. Fuyu actually giggled, and then rubbed their head like dogs. "Good boys. Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Now for the second part. Worship this baby dick like you would want a slut to worship yours." They both winced, but Austin seemed to hesitate a little more, as if fighting an inner battle briefly. He shook his head and squared his shoulders, his breath hitching ever so slightly before he slowly leaned forward and kissed the head of Fuyu's cock. Jacob followed suit, but on his balls, looking over at Austin, who seemed to be lost in thought. The femboy snorted and gripped their heads as he growled low. "Come on, fuckboys. You can do better than that!"

Austin actually whined at that, but then gave a lick to the entire shaft with his broad, soft tongue, causing Fuyu to moan. "That's better. Now you, Jacob. Show me more." Jacob responded by opening his mouth slowly, then sucking in one, then the other, then both of the tiny balls in Fuyu's sac, running his tongue around them as he did. When Austin's eyes met Fuyu's, the femboi wondered what was going on in his head until the bull gently whispered: 'What are you planning on doing to us, Fu?'

Something inside Fuyu's heart snapped, and the heat inside changed. From blazing, all consuming inferno to a tempered pile of hot embers. Still there, still driving him, but his mind was clear. He moved, as if on autopilot. The moment his name left the bull's mouth, his hand flew and the back of it slammed into Austin's cheek. "No. From now on, you both refer to me as Sir or Master. You don't get to use my name, ever."

He half expected them to fight back, for Jacob to spring up and slam him into the locker. At the very least, he expected another snarky remark. To his honest surprise, neither happened. In fact, Austin seemed to change entirely, as he quietly amended his question. "Yes....Sir. What are you planning on doing to us?" Beside him, Jacob stiffened as his downward gaze caught sight of Austin's cock; quickly hardening and standing at attention like a pillar, clocking in at 13 inches.

He choked, but couldn't stop himself from sputtering out "'re're not honestly enjoying this are you?" Austin growled in response, and that was when Fuyu saw what Jacob had just seen. He barked out another laugh as his eyes danced with joy and mischief as he realized just what it meant. "Crush, Crush, really are gay, aren't you?"

Jacob started to defend his teammate, his voice returning to anger as he spoke. "Of course he's not! I've played ball with him for 2 years now, I would know if he was...wouldn't I?"

Austin hung his head and slammed his fist into the floor. "No, you wouldn't. Because it would ruin the team, and my parent's reputations. One of the star players on the team, the biggest guy, the most brutal. Colleges lined up to headhunt him, any choice of school he wanted. But god forbid he turns out to like dick!" tears streamed down his face as he screamed one last confession: "No one can ever find out that Austin Rivera is a submissive who just needs someone to take the lead!"

The silence in the showers was so heavy it could be felt. The only sounds daring to cut through the heavy canvas the dripping of the shower heads, Crush's tears hitting the floor...and the leaking of his and Fuyu's cocks. The little fem's finger reached out, brushing under the heavy chin of the bull, pulling his eyes up to stare into Fuyu's. Although they had nothing on Alan's, Austin's eyes were a rich gold mixed with a warm honey. Soulful, but when he showed passion, a crucible of molten metal and fire that could easily be lost in. "It's alright, little bull. Is that what you want from me? Do you want me to restrain you and give you release?"

With a little nod from Crush, his fate was sealed as Jacob's draw dropped. " you can't be serious. You're fucking with him, right? You're not gonna let him boss you around with that little cock!"

The newly outed submissive didn't answer right away, keeping his head down and his eyes averted from Fuyu, as a sign of respect. After a moment he took a breath, and said in a monotone yet somehow satisfied voice: 'It's not up to me what I do. It's my Sir that decides.'

Fuyu's smile was cold as ice, and sharp as steel. Whatever had changed inside of him earlier found that response incredibly appropriate and completely appealing. He didn't offer any words of praise just yet, preferring to have his new bitch earn them with actions. "I told you what I wanted, boy. I want you to worship my cock like it was your own personal god." The words pulled a whimper out of the big bull bitch as he ran his soft, broad tongue over the stumpy shaft once more. This time looking Fuyu straight in the eye as he spoke softly.

"This cock owns me. I need it to use me, to be reminded of my place underneath it. I need this cock to violate my holes and make me a sissy fag for it. Please; Master, I need you to fuck my mouth and breed my bitch hole!' Every sentence seemed to rile and excite him more, his tone increasing in pitch and sincerity with every line. At the very end of his plea, he almost sounded like a small girl.

In response, Fuyu's cock jerked, the femboi lacing his fingers into Crush's fur and gripping it tightly as he rubbed the head of it over his face. The miniscule size of the thing made it all the harder for Jacob to watch, and all the more humiliating to the bull that he had given into it so easily. Pre was leaking from the tip, but not in any great amount. It seemed, if the prelude was any indication, that in addition to being smaller, Fuyu also didn't have much in the way of a load.

After a few moments of covering him in the sticky, yet pungent mess, Fuyu pulled Crush's maw down onto the small shaft, pushing it in balls deep. An easy feat, since it barely passed the lineman's lips before it bottomed out, leaving him feeling as if he had a small hotdog in his mouth. That didn't deter either of them for milking this for all it was worth, however. Austin moaned at the taste, while Fuyu began pumping his hips in a strong, hard tempo. He wasn't feeling gentle, and he was going to show Crush that his mouth was now just a sleeve for the boy to use.

Jacob watched in sheer horror as this all unfolded, unable to accept that the strongest, biggest, most tough player on the team would give in so easily to this. He and Crush had known each other since middle school, and Jacob had always looked up to him as the pinnacle of manliness and bro culture.

He didn't seem to notice Fuyu had pulled out his phone, taking video of Crush sucking him and moaning. The little runt laughed and ordered: "Speak, boy. Tell everyone who you're serving."

Crush looked up, ears back as he saw the phone, but spoke up anyways, his voice high and feminine as he panted for breath. "I'm worshipping Fuyu's baby cock. It's so small and weak, but it's my addiction. It owns me now, I'm his big bull bitch."

The statement made Jacob cross his legs, his cock stiffer than ever as something in him started to twist and change. If the legendary Austin "Crush" Rivera broke this easy and was happily a fag to such a tiny cock...maybe it wasn't so bad for him to do the same. He inched closer as he caught a whiff of Fuyu's pre, wondering how potent smelling his spunk would be as he found himself nuzzling Crush's cheek. He spoke in a similar voice as he nudged the other aside "Hey, let me have some, Crush! Please, Master, may I taste your baby dick?"

Fuyu barely heard the question as the dragon inside coiled upon itself and flew through his veins, feeling him with a superiority and confidence he had never felt before. He had broken his bullies, made them beg him for his attention and his cock. He had won! But then...why did it feel so hollow? He mentally shook his head, not ready to give up yet. "Yes, Jacob, you can nurse it while Crush bends over and offers me that big, fat bull ass of his." he breathed out, waiting to see his prize.

Austin turned and snack lower to the floor, nearly laying flat before he planted his knees and raised his ass to eye level for Fuyu. Grabbing a handful of that round, toned ass in each hand he spread his dark cheeks wide, revealing a surprisingly pale pucker set between them like a dusty rose colored jewel. Fuyu grinned again, a vague thought in the back of his mind wondering if Alan would be enjoying the sight as he moved closer.

Alan! The shock that slammed into his nerves made him realize the hollow space he was feeling. He had found this new side of him, he had broken his

bullies....but it wasn't them he wanted to Dominate. It was Alan that he wanted to be with, and it was Alan he wanted to be this for. With that thought in mind, he grabbed Crush's ass and took a breath. "Get ready to lose any pride you had left, bitch."

==End of Part 2==

Run The Blitz: Chapter One

Run The Blitz Fuyu sighed as he splashed some semi-cold water onto his face and looked into the mirror. Thankfully; he didn't look half as ragged as he felt. Sometimes he wondered if high school was really a necessary step in the educative process or...

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Kill la Kill: Alterations Part 1

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