Run The Blitz: Chapter One
Once those fell away, fuyu had to stop himself from almost biting his lip and gasping.
Run The Blitz Part: Part 2
When austin's eyes met fuyu's, the femboi wondered what was going on in his head until the bull gently whispered: 'what are you planning on doing to us, fu?' something inside fuyu's heart snapped, and the heat inside changed.
Run The Blitz: Chapter 3
But first, he had to make sure fuyu didn't send out that video or the link to anyone at school who could hurt him or jacob's positions. after about 5 more minutes, fuyu couldn't take it anymore.
intertwined. part four
One more time, fuyu."
intertwined. part three
"ready, papa fuyu?" peko asks him, softly, playfully. fuyuhiko manages a soft laugh and nods against her neck. "yeah. are _you_ ready, mama peko?" he asks in return. she gives her answer without hesitating. "absolutely. let's do it."
Coming out of Loneliness
It was Monday morning. Nick was fast asleep when his alarm went off. RINGGG!!!!! The small eevee was so startled that he jumped up and landed on the floor with a soft thud. Reluctantly, he got up. Nick hated Mondays, it meant the end of the weekend and...
Realm of the Winter Prince: A Pirate's Tale Chapter 3: The Don Is Born
Their names were fuyu, a brown ocelot with blue spots all over his pelt; aki, a female ocelot with blue fur and brown spots; and natsu, a pup with a brown torso and undermuzzle fur and golden yellow covering the rest of his body.
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Seven
Lifting a decanter of arcadian ice wine, a chateaus de fuyu, zeyd filled her waiting cup. "like a fine wine." he let healing magic flow into her body as he massaged her tense shoulders. "you just get better with age." she gave him a coy look.
Real of the Winter Prince: A Pirate’s Tale, Chapter 4: The Fox’s First Love/making
"yeah, you got a strong smell on you," fuyu declared as he sat on the fox's chest. "we don't know what it is, but we don't like it."