an endless voyage ch 39

Story by MercenaryCanine on SoFurry

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Trinary pulsar asteroid belt............

Maya had been partly right. Xenia hadn't made it ''home'' to X, but then that hadn't been her destination. Instead it had always been her intention to rendezvous with her king Jerry's flagship, XSS Destroyer, hidden in this asteroid belt. The ship was far from complete, of course, but it had hyperspace capability. The massive engines were horribly inefficient as they currently were configured, operating nowhere near their potential, but until Xenia could secure her ultimate prize, it would have to do. The ship was enormous, even larger than Excalibur, or any heavy dreadnought class. It was intended to beesiege planets and batter them into submission.

Upon Xenia's return, and following her report of what Admiral Maya and her battlefleet were up to, Jerry had given the order to make a hyperspace jump to the enemy fleet's last known position. Unfortunately when they arrived, they found only debris, and smouldering slag where the huge device Xenia had described had been.

"Looks like we don't have to worry about them anymore, my king." the sensors officer said. "Their invention whatever it was malfunctioned from the look of it."

"No." Xenia said. "Ah know Maya. This 's deliberate. Whatever the thang did, it did it, an' then self destructed."

"Why would they waste precious resources like that so far from home, my queen." Jerry asked.

"T' Denah the device t' us, a' course." Xenia said.

"Insolent fools...They will pay for defying us!" Jerry glubbed. "It is unfortunate you were unable to capture your target, but perhaps we can scavenge her DNA from the wreckage of the device."

"Doubt it mah love." Xenia said. "That same genius set those warheads. She'd a' made shure the yield 's high enuff t' erase any trace a' DNA from handlin any a' it." she paused then. "Maya had a fleet 's ah mentioned mah love. we aint dealin with jus one ship anymore. She smashed through mah fleet lahk 's paper. We lose ever'body, cept mahself an' a couple a' slaves Ah had pilotin mah escape' we only got two a' theirs."

"You need a larger fleet." Jerry returned.

"Aint a question a' numbers, Mah love. That'd certainly help, but 's a matter a' technology... We Need Karen."

"I want her here as much as you do, my queen." Jerry said. "To see my mighty flagship at full power....that would be perfect."

After discussing such matters for a while, King Jerry, and his queen, Xenia retire to their royal chambers aboard XSS Destroyer, for some private time.

Xenia shed her "Galaxy Commander'' robes revealing she wore nothing underneath, and dropped to the floor on hands and knees, flagging. Her canine anus puckered and bulged out as the little french bulldog she had up her ass squirmed to get out. He managed to extricate his bulbous head while Jerry was retriving his bucket.

Jerry positioned the bucket behind Xenia's furry kuvasz rump, and climbed atop it, freeing his thick slimy tentacle-like cock in the process.

"N-no p'please!" the bulldog in Xenia's ass screamed at the sight of the grotesque appendage.

"Shit aint supposed t' talk." Xenia spat. She reached around, grabbing the bulldog's head and pulled him out, only to turn him around and shove him in head first.

Looking over her shoulder she noticed Jerry give her a questioning look, to which Xenia explained; "Ah got megacolon, hun. Ah need slaves t' eat the shit outta mah butt, 'er ah need enemas."

"Waste of a good slave though." Jerry said. "So much more you can do with them."

"Ah know, hun. When we're dun here, Ah had mah slaves put in the dungeon s' we kin torture 'em t'gether."

"Sounds wonderful, my love." Jerry replied.

His slimy tip wiggled and squirmed as he fitted himself to her huge (Y). It helped to spread the flesh, as he slowly pressed in.

"Up an' in hun." Xenia said. "Jus' lahk las' tahme."

Jerry did his best to comply. it took several tries, prodding first her clitoral fossa, and then urethral opening, before the squirming tip finally found the right hole. The fat slimy tentacle-penis squirmed its way past her vaginal sphincter, and deep inside as the Dick-head finally managed to hilt himself.

Xians didn't do a lot of thrusting, as Xenia had discovered. Once hilted, they just sort of rocked back and forth increasingly with the building pleasure, while their tentacle-like dicks squirmed about doing all the work. The sensation took a bit of getting used to, but it was intensely pleasurable.

"Fuck yes! My Queen. So wonderful!" Jerry remarked.

Xian females didn't have a vaginal sphincter, or the sort of fine muscle control a bitch has. Not to mention the Xian body temperature being a chilly 94 degrees thanks to their internal ''air conditioning'' fluid circulated by the 5th and 6th heart chambers to cope with the heat of their world's binary suns.

As such, Xenia's Honeypie felt boiling hot at 101.3 degrees, and the way her powerful vaginal muscles worked his tentacular cock, was pure perfection.

"Fuck yes! Deeper! Ahh that's it!" Xenia remarked, panting heavily from the pleasure. Her thick fluffy kuvasz tail wagging nearly knocked Jerry off the bucket the first time they did this, but this time he was expecting it, and kept his footing better.


Meanwhile on Excalibur........

As the fleet sailed on, each passing hour bringing them closer to the planet X, and the battle to come, Maya and Tom had retired to the Admiral's Quarters to make love before turning in for the night.

"Anal only hun." Maya reminded. "Sahdes Ah prefer anal anyway."

"Yeah me too, my love." Tom said, buring his face in Maya's furry rump. He inhaled deep of her divine anal scent, rubbing his nose all over her huge canine anus so he could enjoy it more. then he put his tongue to work immediately.

Maya relaxed completely, allowing Tom's tongue to explore her huge musky kuvasz shithole freely. His tongue was barely long enough to reach past the muscular external sphincter, but even so he was only just able to taste things as the tip of his tongue toyed with the internal sphincter.

Curiously Tom noted, that Maya had a faint hint of Karen's butt taste still, left over from the FMT. He didn't mind in the least of course, in fact it added more intimacy to the act.

"Gods yes! Good boy!." Maya barked. "Tongue mah dirty ass nice an' deep! Suck mah glands dry!"

Tom was more than happy to comply.

"Good boy! that's it! " Maya panted, tail wagging hard in pleasure. "Ohh Gods! Take me!, Mah love!"

As usual, Tom just rubbed a few drops of lube onto his thick curved uncircumcised cock, and pressed his tip to Maya's huge canine anus. Together with his spit mixed with her anal gland juices, the light coating was all the lube he needed, and he hilted himself in one good thrust.

The FMT had seemed to help somewhat with Maya's megacolon too. it couldn't change genetics of course, but nonetheless her scat pressing against the head of his cock when fully hilted, felt somewhat malleable rather than the cement bricks he was used to hitting.

Maya pushed back against him, panting and yipping in pleasure.

That was all it took, and Tom was thrusting away like nothing else mattered. He gripped the fur of Maya's back, as he couldnt reach any higher, in his teeth, for added grip. He couldn't get enough fast enough, and by the way her huge canine anus quivered and her butt-muscles worked his shaft, neither could Maya.


On the Hangar deck, ajoining the main fighter bay, Karen was helping Sarah design a new fighter. It was sort of a pet project they'd been working on, a supplement to the fleet's Phoenix mkV's rather than a replacement. It was one of a kind, and would be impossible to mass produce. Originally Tina had been onboard with the project too, but upon learning the details of Sarah's design, expanding the ''jump drive'' to a full-on hyperdrive engine, and yet making the thing invisible to sensors, Tina had remarked it would never fly and went back to Engineering.

Karen hadn't been so skeptical however, and as she installed the avionics while Sarah worked on attaching the sensor-scattering skin, it was finally all coming together. Unfortunately there would be no way to test it until time for launch, as Maya didn't want to risk dropping out of hyperspace unneccessarily. The fleet would drop out one time before reaching what they hoped was X, about a day in hyperspace from the target, and launch the experimental fighter. Its mission, make a hyperspace jump to X, if it was indeed X, take detaild scans of orbital and planetary defenses, number and types of ships in orbit, and jump back to the fleet.

There would be no chance to test the ship ahead of time, and they had to be finsihed before the deadline, but considering how hard Tina had tried to convince Admiral Maya it was a ''waste of time'', the fact the Admiral had given the project the go-ahead was at least, a good sign.

"Are you sure you want the RCS pedals that close?" Karen asked. "And the stick and throttle here and here?

"Yeah." Sarah said. "You said it had to be all digital in order to cram a full hyperdrive in there as well as the sensor package. So I only need a tiny movement in the controls."

"True." Karen agreed. "But this thing is going to be a pain in the ass to fly, with the controls laid out like that."

"I'll manage." Sarah said.

"If you run into any trouble out there..." Karen said.

"I'll either fight my way out of it, or use the self destruct." Sarah said. "Don't worry, I have no intention of becoming one of Xenia's ''pets''. "

"Good." Karen said. "Bring me that spool of fuel line."

"This one?" Sarah asked, lifting a reel of hose.

"No, that's hydraulic line." Karen said. "The fuel line is the spool next to it."

"Got it." Sarah said. She brought the spool to Karen, who was now on her back having worked a 'fishing' wire through the channel in the airframe for the line. Taking the spool Sarah brought, she set about attaching an end of the line to the fishing wire, and pulling it back through the channel. "You really think this thing will fly?" Sarah asked. "I'm a pilot not a design engineer."

"It will fly." Karen said. "I wouldn't want to fly it with the cockpit set back so far, and the rcs pedals just about shoved up my ass, but it will fly."


XSS Destroyer, Torture chamber

Following their romp, Jerry had joined Xenia in ''having some fun'' with one of her slaves. This one, a husky Xenia had captured on a planet the mercs had stopped at to mine deuterium, was being interrogated as well.

Xenia had the girl suspended by her tail in such a way she was forced to urinate and defecate on herself whenever she needed relief. the girl had made a habit of ''holding it in'' as a result, but that only earned her hot-sauce enemas. Now, Xenia applied a shocker stick to the nipples of her teats, as the questioning began.

"How many ships does Admiral Maya have in this Expanse?" Xenia asked.

"I don't know." the girl said, earning her another zap. "Fuck! I really dont know if I did I would tell you."

"Liar." Jerry joined in. "You hold your tongue, hoping that damn merc bitch finds you before you die."

Jerry applies the zapper this time, and asks "Where is the fleet headed?"

"Fuck you. I hope Maya shoves that damn thing so far up your ass it fries your brain." the girl retorted.

"Cut her down." Jerry told Xenia. "She seems to have a thing for shoving things in asses, I think we should indulge her."

"I agree, my love." Xenia said.

As Xenia worked to let the girl down for a rape session, Jerry freed his thick tenacle-like cock, and let the tip wiggle about the husky's nose. "See this." He said. "This is going up your ass, you filthy little slave. You want that don't you. Having a god fuck your dirty little shithole."

"What you do to me pales in comparison to what Admiral Maya has in store for the both of you." the girl said.

"Y'all keep thankin that." Xenia said. " She gave y' false hope. she tol' ya that, maybe even defended yer world while she took yer Deuterium, an' then left ya unprotected."



When she finished her shift on the bridge , and the nighttime comm officer took over, Erika went to talk with Lori once more. Their previous talks had seemed to help the girl feel better about herself, and to be honest Erika found it enjoyable sharing experiences with someone who had gone through the same thing.

Hank spent the night making love to and snuggling Hira, as Karen had worked through the night, but when Karen woke him up, finally coming to bed around 05:00, she told him the project was finally finished, and then they made slow passionate anal love with her on top so they could look into eachothers eyes and exchange passionate kisses the whole time. They didn't do vaginal because Karen had a surprise for Admiral Maya, but they kept at it until Hank had to get up to start his shift.

The surprise was, Karen had been to see Doc Natalie as soon as she finished with the fighter, and got impregnated using Trina's eggs which had been stored for exactly this sort of thing.

It was the reason everyone had to keep fresh eggs or sperm on file in Sick Bay upon joining the Aces. This way, when someone dies in battle, their genetics is not lost. Doc Natalie even had samples on file from old May (Maya's mother) and her command staff.

Doc Natalie had checked with the Jackson's chief medical officer, to see if they had Vicky's eggs on file as well, but unfortunately the humans hadn't implemented that precaution. Karen's friend and Hank's old school friend Kaci had said she would have volunteered to have the fallen pilot's baby if the eggs had been on file, however. It was a shame such a talented pilot had not stored a sample.

Karen's pups from Trina's stored eggs would be smaller, due to being half spaniel, as well as only growing as big as the uterine horns they were inside would allow, but still, Karen knew the birth would not be pleasant.

It wasn't until Karen awoke later around lunchtime, that she told the Admiral the good news.

"Gods! that's wonderful news, hun." Maya said. "Ah really appreciate it." They shared a deeply passionate kiss, and Maya gave Karen's shapely rump a playful squeeze in the process.

When they broke the kiss, Maya asked. "Y' tell Tom yet?"

"I have not had the opportunity yet." Karen said, gesturing to the fighter she was showing Maya. "So what do you think?"

"Ah thank it looks nice." Maya said. "The composite skin's a nice touch too."

"You don't think the cockpit is too far back?" Karen asked.

"Not fer the intended purpose." Maya said. "Ah reckon 's perfect. What're ya' callin 'it?"

"I was thinking we should name it the Raven." Karen said. "At least that way she'll still have some legacy, even though the Jackson didn't have her eggs on file."

"Ah lahk that." Maya said.

"I signed the inside of the engine housings myself, but I think its only fitting the Admiral of the fleet sign it too." Karen said.

"Ah agree." Maya said. Taking the permanet marker Karen offered, she climbed up on one wing, reached into the cockpit, and scrawled "Adm. Maya Dawn" across an empty space between guages in the instrument panel.

"There." Maya said, handing the marker back to Karen.

"That's perfect." Karen said.

Karen went to find Tom to share the good news before returning to her duties in the transporter room.

Maya continued her inspection of the Hangar deck. She wanted to make sure all of their fighters were in good working order for the battle to come.

Sarah spent the afternoon, and well into the evening drinking with her best pilots in the recreation lounge. They spent time discussing the recent battle, and things to come, as well as generally the way drunken fighter pilots tend to do.

"Heard you're gonna be flying the stealth ship this weekend." Melanie said, between lapping her drink. "Glad its not me going on that little joyride."

"The Raven?" Yeah. I'm going." Sarah said. "I couldn't very well let anyone else do it. It hasnt even been tested."

"Exactly why I'm glad its not me." Melanie added.

"Same here'' Several pilots agreed.

"Anyway I'm the only one that will fit." Sarah said. "Every ounce of weight had to be accounted for in the design, and it is tailored to my exact bodyweight. "

"A day there and a day time to take the scans." another pilot said. "what will you do about sleep...or a latrine?"

"I'll sleep on the return leg, the autopilot can get me home." Sarah said. "As for a latrine, the ship's got a pie funnel same as our Phoenixes, as for the other... I'll take a really good enema an hour before wheels-up, need to shed the excess weight anyway. Should be no big deal holding it after that."

"What about food?" another pilot asked.

"Powerbars and water." Sarah said. "Its only two days. plus time to take the scans."

"So when are you going to show it off?" Melanie asked. "I mean we've all seen it...but I mean up close."

"Tomorrow." Sarah said. "Admiral's presenting it to the fleet in the morning. she paused then "It's never even had fuel in the tanks or anything yet. Karen filled the oil an hour ago, and the hydraulics, and she's going to pump the fuel herself before going to bed. Its her masterpiece, she wants to make sure the maiden voyage goes without a hitch."


Karen worked to wash the fuel from her furry hands, before going to bed.

"Long day, my love." Hank asked sweetly.

"To put it mildly." Karen said with a yawn. "The plus side is, the Raven is fueled and ready to go. and Doc Natalie verified my pregnancy took successfully." She undressed for bed as she spoke.

"Come over here." Hank said. "I know exactly what my girl needs."

Karen climbed into bed, but before she could reach for the bottle of lube, Hank pulled her into a deeply passionate kiss, and then began to massage her tired muscles lovingly.

It was dowubtful her short little fancy tail thumping kept anyone awake, but it could probably be heard in the cabins directly ajoining theirs, at least to some extent.

All the stresses of the day melted away under Hank's strong but gentle hands. It was pure perfection.


The next morning, after breakfast...

The captains and the head fighter pilot's of each of the earthships had beamed aboard Excalibur, and were gathered in the main fighter bay to see the stealth ship Admiral Maya had been telling them about.

Tom, Hank, Melanie, and several other pilots helped Sarah roll the new fighter out from hangar deck storage, onto the flight deck of the main fighter bay. The fighter had been draped with a (Y) Avenging Aces flag tarp, which Karen prepared to remove upon the admiral's orders.

"Captains a' the fleet." Maya began. "Until now we've had t' make do with long-range sensors, not havin a full picture a' what we's facin till the battle began. Not anymore." She paused, directing Karen to remove the tarp. Then once the fighter was unveiled; "Ah present, our new stealthship. The Raven."

The captains and head fighter pilots all applauded.

"Anybody have a bottle of champagne?" Mike asked.

"Ah reckon this deserves a toast." Maya agreed. "But Ah's thankin somethin a bit more potent." She handed him a bottle of very expensive aged Canid whiskey."

"This will do, Admiral." Mike said, examining the ornate amber bottle. "Seems a shame to break this over the fuselage."

"What! No! You can't!" Karen shouted. "The senor package in there is delicate!"

"Relax I was just fooling." Mike said. "But that is how we commemorate new ships back home." He handed the bottle back to Maya, who pulled the cork using her canine teeth, and sprinkled a bit over the nose of the fighter, before filling a tiny crystal glass for each of the humans, and standard lapping glasses for the other canines, including herself. Then Maya re-corked the bottle and set it aside.

"To The Raven." Maya said. "May 'er firs' mission go smoothly."

"Here, Here." everyone echoed.

Everyone drank up after that. The humans all commented how potent the drink was, and their faces showed it. Even captain Poloniev could not help making a face, as he remarked; " Hahaha yes! That is just what I needed this morning Admiral!"

"Glad y' lahk it, Dimitri." Maya said. " 'At bottle's older'n Ah am."

"The Raven looks impressive, Admiral, but what sort of specs are we talking about?" Captain Patterson asked.

"Ah'll let Karen explain that one." Maya said.

"Thank you, Admiral." Karen said, beginning her presentation. "The skin as you can see is a composite material designed to absorb or scatter all known forms of sensor beams, including primitive radio echolocation, or 'Radar' to use the human term. But that is just the beginning. Rather than the tried and true twin JP9850 afterburning turbojets used in the Phoenix Mk V, we went with a whole new design. the jp9850 is a solid engine, but the problem was, its heat profile was much too large for a stealth ship. To minimize the heat profile and thus the demand on the exhaust cooling baffles, we went with a quartet of the smaller JP3850 engines. The engines do have afterburner capability, but using afterburners nullifies the heat damping thus reducing stealthiness. The Raven's absolute top sub-light speed is approximately 0.7 the speed of light, in space, or roughly Mach 12 in atmosphere, as atmospheric drag reduces top speed. Top speed without engaging afterburners is roughly 28,000kph in space, or Mach 4 in atmosphere. Inertial dampers work just like on any ship. The Raven also features a fully functional hyperdrive, rather than the short range ''jump'' drive of the Phoenix Mk V, the Raven's Hyperdrive can operate indefinately provided the fuel holds out.

The life support system carries seven days worth of O2, and four days worth of water, though waste water is recycled to replenish that. Solid waste is another matter, and will be addressed in future revisions of the design. Anyone familiar with the liquid waste system of the Phoenix Mk V is familiar with the system used on The Raven.

The ship carries enough powerbars to comfortably sustain a pilot for five days. A week with rationing. The autopilot system is capable of handling the ship in hyperspace, theoretically enabling a pilot to sleep before transitioning back into normal space.

The bulk of the ship's weight, aside from the hyperspace window generator, that is, is fuel. the internal structure of the wings, and most of the fuselage are hollow, containing Deuterium tanks, as well as the sensor package in the nose just behind the refueling probe.

The sensor package is designed to take detailed scans using the entire EM spectrum and record to high capacity data crystals, as well as Earth style AMD flash memory as a backup. The fore and aft optical cameras have a resolution of two hundred gigapixels, and can zoom up to 100x optical (1000x digital).

"So who gets to fly that thing?" Captain Cheng spoke up.

"Gunner'll be pilotin' the firs' mission." Maya said. "After that, any ship kin request t' use The Raven an' Ah'll allocate priority t' whoever needs it more."

"Requests to use the ship should include the name of the intended pilot, as I have to calibrate the inertial dampers to the pilots weight, and factor in additional fuel burn. For every 50kg of pilot or payload, increase projected fuel burn by 1 GPH." Karen said.


XSS Destroyer.........

In addition to the husky girl, Xenia also had other slaves in her ''fun-room" as she refered to the torture chamber.

Some were twisted medical experiments, like the two golden retriever girls which were connected in such a way that thick tubes ran from eachother's muzzles to anuses held in by a double balloon. similar tubes ran from their pissholes forcing them to live off eachother's waste.

Another example was a basset hound boy suspended by his ears, with rough textured weights hanging from his testicles. Xenia liked to anal rape him with a strap-on as the act of cumming made the weights really chafe.

Xenia's "living Toilet" was perhaps the worst. a Komondor girl shackled inside a contraption so that Xenia could swuat over her muzzle or a huge funnel inserted anally, and the girl either had to swallow it all, or take it anally as a plunger forced the funnel contents up her butt.

Then there was her "Karen Plushie" A spaniel shaped fursuit which she forced rape victims inside and played out a fantasy where she was dominating, raping, and being worshipped by Karen. Xenia was never satisfied, of course. The victim in the suit would ultimately do something or other un Karen-like that shattered the illusion, and Xenia would get furious. She would extract the victim from the suit, beat them severely, and subject them to various means of slow and painful death. from being forced to drink hot turbine oil, battery acid, or various industrial cleaners, including amonia, gasoline, bleach, and acetone, to removing internal organs or slowly disemboweling the victim and forcing them to consume their own intestines.

Xenia was also a cannibal. She enjoyed making other slaves watch as she consumed one of them alive.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully for the fleet.

The next morning marked the final day before Sarah would make her flight. As such Maya had made R&R mandatory for the pilot, as well as insisting she get thoroughly sexually satisfied.

In fact, with only three days counting the time Sarah would be gone, before they had to plan the largest battle yet, Maya had ordered all command-level personnel fleetwide, take at least twenty four hours personal time so they would all be well rested and thinking clearly when the time came. She left what they did with that time up to each individual to decide, so long as it was in some way relaxing.

For her sexual relief, Sarah had chosen Hank, as she knew he was VERY experienced with smaller girls, plus Karen's shower tales of the various things they did told her all she needed to know.

"Mind if I come in?" Sarah asked, when Hank answered the door to his and Karen's cabin.

"No not at all." Hank said, then called out "Honey, Gunner is here. I assume she wants to talk about the mission."

"I'll be there when I finish getting our youngest litter to bed." Karen replied.

"Actually I came to see you." Sarah said, handing him a paper. "As you can see I have orders from the Admiral to get sexual relief, and well, I know you are skilled with smaller girls."

"Spaniels." Hank corrected. "And a certain sheltie girl." he paused then "I never done anything with a beagle."

"There's a first time for everything." Sarah said. "Chief Karen, do you mind if I borrow Hank for a while? I have orders from the Admiral to get relief." she called out.

"Go ahead, just dont take all night. We have plans later!" Karen shouted back.

"Thank You!" Sarah replied. then to Hank. "Come on, we'll go to my cabin so we don't disturb the little ones."

"Lead the way." Hank relented. "Let me just grab my khackis first. Can't go walking the corridors in my boxers now can I."

"True." Sarah said.
