I Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Part 2

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of I Can't See The Forest For The Trees

I Can't See The Forest For The Trees.

Written by, Wolfie Steel.

Part Two.

Here come the usual rules, all characters used in this story belong to their owners and are used with their kind permission. There will be references to homosexual acts and violence, you have been warned!!!!

This one is for us Rion.

I awake to a strange feeling, the feeling of something soft and furry, rising and falling, my clouded vision begins to clear, it's then that I realise that I have been using Rion as a pillow. I quickly scoot away afraid that Rion might take flight. My sudden movement alerts my sleeping companion, he looks at the fur upon his back which has been flattened down by my head resting upon it, and he looks at me and gives a weak smile and speaks.

"Wolfie, I know that we got a little close overnight, you were completely shattered and you lay your head on my fur, I will admit that at first that manoeuvre scared the living daylights out of me, sure I know that as a species you and I are basically of the same family, but you are so much larger than I am, with quite a bit more power, I was afraid that if I made any moves to remove you from my fur, that you would probably at best kick me back out into the forest and leave me at the mercy of the Andersons, at worst kill and skin me. However, something strange happened, after five minutes it felt almost as your head had become part of me and was no longer uncomfortable, so I decided that I would just allow things to progress to their natural conclusion"

I stand and walk cautiously over to my companion trying not to show any aggressive movements, I'm mere inches away when I realise that he is staring at me with his muzzle slightly agape, I follow his line of sight which leads to my undercarriage and I realise that I have sprouted a boner, my thick tapered cock is fully unsheathed and my knot fully formed, a thought springs to my mind 'Damn, this can't be happening so soon' I begin to try and will my erection to subside, but try as I might nothing is working. My head lowers and a deep crimson blush fills my fur. I turn and slowly walk away from him as I speak.

"R-Rion, I'm sorry, that should not have happened, but the truth of the matter is that I have been alone for ten summers and suddenly you are here and if you don't mind me saying so you look very handsome, hell I would even go to the point of saying.... sexy, and I don't know what to do about it. I know that if I make any sort of attempt with you that you will most likely turn and take flight and run deeper into the forest to get away from me, I know this because we are both male and as such coupling would be complicated and you would be repulsed, that is when you would run into danger and probably get yourself hurt or even killed"

Rion walks in front of me and using his paw clamps my muzzle shut as he makes his reply.

"You over analyze situations, you saw me looking at your erect penis and immediately thought that I would get upset, use your nose Wolfie, take a sniff of the air around you, what do you smell?"

Rion removes his paw from my muzzle and I tilt my head back and begin to sniff the air, at first all I can smell is the scent of my own heavy musk, but then a new smell begins to permeate my senses. The new scent is not unlike my own, my head begins to follow the track of the scent back to its origins, that is when realisation hits me full force, Rion has his very own erection complete with a generously sized knot at its base. Rion continues his speech.

"You see Wolfie, you may feel embarrassed about the fact that you have a boner whilst in the presence of another male, but the fact that I have one too usually means one of two things, first it could be that there is a female in heat close by, second that you and I are both feeling something for each other. Well now factor in the presence of only two scents, yours and mine, and that kind of removes the female option. I have known for a while that I am bi, I can go with either males or females, but I do have a stronger liking for males. I sense in your case that you may be gay"

The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks, I had been alone for ten long summers, my previous companion had been male but I had never given it a thought to do anything with him, also I had never had the desire to mount a female, sure I have one or two females as friends but nothing more than friends and never had I experienced a boner like I was experiencing right now. Rion then instructed me to sit on my haunches, at first I was confused as to why, but that was only until he spoke again.

"Ok Wolfie lets test a theory out, with your permission I'm going to lick your penis, I am fully prepared for a beating because if my assumption is wrong then you will probably beat the crap out of me, if however my assumption is right then you will feel a pleasant sensation and maybe even produce a drop of precum"

I remain sat on my haunches and allow him to slowly move his head between my front legs and then lower his muzzle close to my still erect dick. I can feel his warm breath against the tip of my wolf hood which in itself sends a blast of pleasure through my body, but that is nothing compared to the pleasure shot I receive when he finally licks my cock. I close my eyes and let out a soft moan of contentment. I open my eyes and look down at him, his head is still close to my cock and sure enough my precum begins to leak. He laps up the dribbles of precum and swallows them before returning his head back up to face me.

"Ok, providing that I'm not standing here with a harp in one paw, I would hazard a guess that I'm still alive, and the fact that I am standing tells me that you haven't broken any of my limbs, so from that I can only assume that you enjoyed that feeling?"

I look at Rion and realise that he is still erect, so I make my reply.

"That was one of the best feelings ever, but I was wondering if I could maybe try licking your penis, because while the feeling of receiving felt good, I don't know how it feels to give"

Rion gives a gentle nod and then sits on his haunches, he allows me to lower my head down between his forelegs, but as I lean down my footing gives way and I end up yelping and taking his cock into my open muzzle. Rion lets out a sudden gasp and I quickly remove my muzzle from his member, he places a paw on my shoulder.

"Wolfie, relax, even though you thought that you had done something wrong when you heard my gasp, in truth the gasp was a gasp of pleasure, you see what I did to you was a simple lick, but what you did would have led to what is called a blow job, which can be an incredible experience both to give and receive. Now, do it again but this time when my cock enters your mouth, wrap your tongue around it and give it a gentle suck, I promise you this, at first it will taste weird for you, but stick with it and you will see what I'm talking about"

Again I lower my head between his forelegs but this time my muzzle opens on purpose. The tip of Rion's cock enters my muzzle, as it does so Rion instructs me to gently close my muzzle, which I do without question. Suddenly my taste buds are flooded with new tastes, musky and salty and at first I want to pull off, but with Rion's encouragement I remain on his cock.

I wrap my tongue around his meat and then begin to gently suck; this rewards me with moans of pleasure from the dog. A drop of his precum dribbles into my muzzle, suddenly I'm faced with a dilemma, do I swallow or do I spit it out? If I spit it out surely that will upset Rion and he will leave. I decide to swallow his precum, which I find is not that much of an unpleasant taste. Rion pats my head gently and speaks.

"You have taken your first step towards giving oral pleasure, and for a first time you have done very well, now we could continue this to its end or we could stop, if we continue this to its end it will ease my erection and of course I will repay the favour by finishing you off"

I sit on my haunches looking at him while mulling over the taste of his precum, I then make my reply.

"Well, I need to go on a hunt to get some more food and I can't very well do that with this thing between my legs, so I guess we continue until the end"

Again I lean my head down between his forelegs and take his cock into my muzzle, this time what I had learned automatically kicked in, I wrap my tongue around Rion's cock and begin to suck, he then instructs me to begin a bobbing motion which I do, this adds a whole new dimension to my play. Rion gently eases me up he then instructs me to follow him to the bed that I had made for him. Once at the bed Rion lays on his back, he then instructs me to straddle him but in a way that means that my muzzle is over his cock and his muzzle is under mine, in what he calls a 69 position.

I find this an easy position to take up and begin to suck his penis without thought, then I let out a gasp as I feel his mouth wrap around my own member, and then I feel him begin to suck on me.

We stay like that for several moments, then I feel a new sensation washing over me, frightened by this new feeling I stop my sucking. Rion knows all too well why.

"Wolfie, judging by the way your balls have just tightened up I would say that you are pretty close to your climax, which is good because so am I, do not be afraid of this, just let your climax happen, as I will, fair warning though, you need to keep sucking hard because when I blow if you don't suck the semen will go everywhere and make a big mess, however, if you keep sucking, a wolf like you should be able to swallow all that I have to offer"

I am unsure about swallowing, but I figure that it would be better than a clean up, so I again bury my muzzle onto his cock and resume sucking. Rion resumes his sucking of my cock and soon the feeling returns, this time I relax and let it continue, I watch as Rion's balls get tighter. Wait, Rion said that my balls got tighter which meant...... climax; my thought comes too late though as Rion's cock explodes into my muzzle, at first some of his offering leaks out from my muzzle, but then I start sucking hard and I swallow what is left.

The increase in my suction sends my own penis over the edge and I cum hard into Rion's muzzle, I feel his swallowing reflex against the tip of my cock. I am in ecstasy but my legs begin to weaken, so I remove Rion's cock from my muzzle and then slowly pull myself free of his muzzle and then I lie by his side and drift off into a beautiful morning sleep.