Waiting for Master

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#9 of Proper Kinky

2048 words

A dog waits patiently for his master, but one form of desperation turns into another, and then a huge mess, before their time is done.

Something I threw together quickly because I was in a mood... not EXACTLY what I wanted, but... Eh, I thought it was funny, what can I say?

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Stanley stood near the door, whining a little at it. The black and white hound dog had been inside all day, and he was having a few issues as far as holding things in were supposed to go. He was house trained, knowing that inside wasn't at all the place to make a mess, and the loyal dog had spent all day holding it in. He was skittering along the tile near the door, waiting for his master's return.

Lawrence, his master, was driving back from a long day at work, cursing his luck. Halfway through the day, his second, hidden hole he did so well to make sure nobody knew he had had started to engorge, puffing up and swelling with need. Pheromones had started to waft through the office, and corgi had had to do some serious work with paper towels to absorb the juices and hide away the smells. Despite everything, he still had a huge wet spot on the back of his pants, his balls sitting in a swamp and his cock throbbing at his own arousal, making it very hard to concentrate on the road.

He'd stopped by the store to make sure he had things for the next day, as trying to explain his... unique predicament only ever got him strange looks and stranger questions, so he found it best to just suffer through, pretending every single man in the office wasn't sporting bulges around him and he wasn't wishing he could be sucking and bouncing on every single one of them.

Stanley heard the car pull up, his tail wagging and relief already starting to hit the back of his mind. He jumped up, barking happily, sticking his nose out of the mail slot as the car door opened. Immediately that smell hit him full in the face, and he stopped, all thoughts of the lawn replaced with breeding instinct, his mind blanking on the familiar, masculine hints of the scent heading his way. After all, he'd been Lawrence's pup for less than a year... how was he supposed to know his master's little secret?

Lawrence opened the door and found Stanley hopping up, licking at his face. He just chuckled, petting the dog happily. Lawrence had always had a dog as a pet, and had been devastated when his last one had passed on. He still had a little shrine to Colin, but Stanley was starting to really become part of the family. But he was young, and while normally Lawrence's parents had taken care of fixing the dogs early, Stanley hadn't been yet. It was on the to-do list, but hadn't come up yet. As it was, Lawrence was finding his hidden lips clenching at even the smell of his own dog, feeling that warm, smooth shaft pressing against his legs. He looked down at it, then shook his head. "No, Stanley. We can play later, and I know you're excited, but I have some things I have to do in the bathroom first."

He closed the door behind him, moving into the bathroom and kicking it closed with his foot. The corgi wasn't paying too much attention, though, and the door remained open just a crack, his scent wafting through and filling the house. Stanley stood outside, experiencing his first rut as his cock throbbed underneath him, his balls suddenly aching with need. He'd never smelled a heat before, but his mind knew exactly what to do. He nudged on the door, and it swung open on quiet hinges.

If he'd had the smarts to know what he was looking at, he'd have been even more aroused, as Lawrence was bent over, leaning against the counter, his cock throbbing downwards and his swollen spade on full display, leaking honey down his legs. He was reaching around, wiping the area down to clean it up and try to take care of the matted fur, focusing on getting ready to deal with the heat further. He sighed, steeling himself for the next few days, when he felt a nudge at his knee, pushing him off balance. He landed on all fours, then froze, his tongue lolling out as he let out an ecstatic bark, his body shooting with electric bliss as Stanley buried his tongue deep in those swollen folds.

The taste was immaculate, his master's feminine arousal sweeter than any treat Stanley had been given before. His cock throbbed and bounced beneath him as he lapped up that musky scent, not caring about the male overtones or the fact that his long, loving licks were catching and teasing some full, bouncing balls as much as they were delving into the hot, clenching tunnel above them. Lawrence moaned, his legs spreading, letting Stanley get in deeper, the thick arousal clinging to his muzzle and drools of pre dripping from his master's throbbing cock.

Lawrence had the thoughts that this was wrong, but he honestly didn't care right now. This had been a secret wish of his for years on years, and it's not like there weren't ways to make sure he wasn't filled with pups... If he wanted to go that route. He knew the stigma of having a litter of puppies that weren't all anthro, and trying to explain a mysterious belly bulge wouldn't be easy, but... a tiny part of him found his walls clamping down and his cock throbbing at the thought... He looked back at Stanley and growled. "Well, if you're going to get me this worked up, you might as well go for it. Make your master your bitch."

Not a word of that got through the feral's head, but it didn't matter, as he hopped up behind his master, his tapered cock bouncing a few times. It hit both ass cheeks, then the tight pucker under the tail, getting a small yelp from the corgi, before the hound found his mark. He pressed forward, waddling on his back legs to sink in inch by inch, while Lawrence held his ground on the bathroom tile, his little tail wagging away as his heated spade was stuffed full of exactly what he wanted. Stanley's longer tail whipped back and forth as he fully mounted, his cock slipping fully into those wet, drooling folds, and his breath washing over the back of Lawrence's neck.

Lawrence moaned and yipped in pleasure, pressing back into the motions as Stanley thrust forward. The dog's first few thrusts were erratic and awkward, not fully knowing what to do, but as his legs clamped down around Lawrence's waist and his teeth did the same around the scruff of Lawrence's neck, the dog suddenly took control, pistoning in and out beautifully, hitting spots that made Lawrence sing with the pleasure his body was feeding him. His voice went high, echoing through the bathroom in a beautiful moan as his dog did everything to breed his master.

Stanley was in heaven, the few thoughts the big guy had all focused on loyalty, on breeding his master, on making him feel good... He thrust quickly, making sure to get every single inch in there, pressing against his inner walls as their balls slapped together, his knot starting to spread out and stretch the hole it was in.

Lawrence's cock throbbed, drooling underneath him as he pressed back, feeling his inner walls clamping and getting stretched wider and wider, pressing against his prostate and his g-spot at the same time, making him groan and shudder as his own knot swelled rapidly. He pushed back, leaning into the wet panting that washed over his neck, giving himself fully to Stanley for the time being. He groaned, wincing, then yelping in pleasure as Stanley's knot popped in one last time, too big to slip back out, tying them together.

Stanley panicked slightly when he couldn't thrust as far as he had, but he soon figured out that those little tugs felt amazing, thrusting deep as his cock drooled and throbbed right against Lawrence's cervix, ready to paint those inner walls white. His balls pulled up, aiming to fire all they had, while Lawrence's own did the same in anticipation, his walls quivering, his breath short as he waited for that blissful moment.

A dominant growl vibrated through him as Stanley came, clamping down on Lawrence's shoulder while he filled the anthro corgi with a throbbing, bouncing dick unloading rope after rope of feral hound cum right into this fertile womb. Lawrence howled out in pleasure, his pussy spasming and gushing around the huge knot stretching it, his own balls emptying themselves across the tile floor beneath him, spraying it down with spurts of white that splashed off of it and clung to his hands and knees. He shuddered, groaning, and held himself steady, feeling the heat blooming inside him and riding out his orgasm into an amazing afterglow.

Or, he would've had Stanley not, a few moments after tying with his master, felt that urge he'd been holding in all day. The puppo whined a little, tugging at the knot that held them together, making Lawrence groan and yell in annoyance. "Stanley, stop! We're tied! You can't go anywhere!" He shuddered, grabbing onto the base of the sink to hold himself steady while Stanley tried to pull him back, knocking the bathroom door closed in the process.

The scrabbling of claws and the yanking of the knot was rough, but damnably pleasurable to the tied maleherm being subjected to it, his body in small blips of pain, but the pleasure masking all of it. Still, he tried his best to relax, knowing he wasn't going to be firing off again any time soon and hoping to help his dog slip free. It took a couple of minutes, but eventually, between his relaxing and his dog's need to go speeding up the knot deflating, Stanley popped free, leaving a gaping, cum-drooling hole and a dog flopped face down in his own cum, drooling with unbridled pleasure.

Stanley scrambled against the door, wanting to get outside, but it was shut tight, and he whined. The pressure from those walls clamping on his cock and all that thrusting only had him on the edge, a very different liquid starting to drip down his cock than that which drooled from his master. He looked at the door, then at his master, instinct starting to kick in again, though the loyal dog fought it. In the end, though, with no way out, he had no choice but to give in. He walked up to the dazed out dog, lifted his leg, and let loose.

Warmth splattered over Lawrence's chest, then up to his face, and he moaned, loving the feeling, until his eyes finally focused, his ears flicking and his nose picking up just what he was being showered with. He looked at Stanley, which only served to splash his face further, and started to yell, which only filled his mouth and made the dog pee harder and faster out of fear, running his claws across the floor and getting a mess everywhere. The two scrambled in the bathroom, Lawrence trying to stop the dog that had just bred him, and Stanley a confused, scared, but rapidly more and more relieved pet.

A few minutes later Stanley was in the living room, a confused look on his face as he nibbled at the spot he'd been gently swatted on the ass. Meanwhile, Lawrence was in the bathroom mopping up the mess, a sour expression on his face. One type of pee and two types of cum were all in a big, messy puddle on his floor, and he was just happy it was on the tile and not the carpet. He bent over, swirling the towel he had through it, and felt a few drips trickle down his leg, hot cum still escaping the pool of warmth inside him. He sighed, then chuckled. "Hey Stanley... you want another treat when I'm done?" The thumping tail slowly getting closer told him all it had to. He stopped cleaning up, spreading his legs for the door again. After all, the damage was done, and what point was there in making two messed instead of one big one? This one, at least, he vowed to enjoy.

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