Circus Cats

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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A circus gets some new fantastic feline performers!

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A circus was being built just outside of town in the woods, and it was ready for a special showing. Normally, such places would be frowned upon, as a circus in the woods was often the premise for a horror movie. This circus however, had roads, a parking lot, it was much better built compared to other circuses of its kind. The circus sent special invitations to select people that lived in the town near it. In this case, a total of fourteen people were invited to visit the circus and check out the big top before its grand opening. Many of them were married, or related in some way.

Ross and Steve were two brothers in the large group of fourteen people. They both had short brown hair, brown eyes, and were fairly tall and muscular. Ross wore a long sleeve shirt and jeans, while Steve had cut off jeans and a t-shirt. The weather was warm, but not so hot that a long sleeve shirt was questionable, though a sweatshirt definitely would have been too warm. Both were fairly hairy, and in their 20s.

The two men were accompanied by their wives, Nola, who was married to Ross, and Caitlyn, who was married to Steve. Nola had tan skin and blonde hair, as if she were the 'pretty girl' of the group. She had blue eyes, and while not as tall as Ross, she could easily hug his arm, which was what the exact thing she was doing. She wore the skimpiest thing she could wear, so long as she could get away with wearing it in front of children. Caitlyn was more of an average woman in terms of shape. She had glasses, short brown hair, but longer than her husband's, and much more taken care of. She had green eyes, and she wore more modest clothing compared to Nola.

Caitlyn was also accompanied by her two sisters, Rose and Ashley. Rose was the older sister, while Ashley was younger, and Caitlyn was the middle child of the three. She walked behind the pair, near her husband.

Rose wore a red dress to the circus and high heels. While the circus itself was a dirt path, and a poor choice for such footwear, she had insisted on looking good. She helped lead her group to the circus in Rosses car by using a GPS, and getting a few turns wrong.

Ashley skipped happily behind the five others, but at a pace that kept her behind them. She had athletic shoes and clothes on, as well as a big smile on her face. She had only been to a circus once before, but she had to leave early due to family problems.

The six was a large group. They took two cars to get to the circus, and had a little bit of fighting along the way, but it was married couples and siblings, it would have been awkward for them not to have some conflict.

Not long after the first six arrived, two more cars pulled up, and two more couples exited from their vehicles to join in on the festivities. Two were African-American, and two were Asian.

The first couple was Nia and Jamal. Both had dark skin and dark hair. Jamal, the man, had a shaven head, while Nia had very short black hair. Both had green eyes and wore a standard t-shirt and jeans with black shoes. Jamal carried a small pack with him that had a miniature desktop, while Nia, on top of her normal clothing, had weights on her wrists and ankles.

The second couple were Gary and Maya. Both were born and raised in the US from their parents that migrated over.

Gary had short black hair, though much of it pointed upwards or at an angle. It was short enough that it was passable to have. He had a long sleeve button white shirt with black pants, and slit almond eyes. He had thin glasses on with a build that looked a bit nerdy.

Maya had much longer black hair, almost down to her ass, but it was very well taken care of. She looked a lot like an Asian model, though she worked in retail. Her clothing included a short top that showed off quite a bit of her large chest, and a black skirt. She was either ignorant to how revealing her outfit was to others, or she didn't care about it as she walked along with Gary very casually.

There were four other individuals that also came to the circus, two men and two women. These four individuals came alone, but ended up travelling with the rest of the group.

Bradley had blonde hair and was fairly muscular. Had one looked at him, he could have been mistaken as 'Fred' from the 'Scooby Doo' series. It was a running joke that he was compared to the character, so he wore a similar outfit, but he didn't have an ascot.

Jerry was likely the oldest in the group of fourteen, in his late 30s he was a bit chubby with a plaid shirt and dirty jeans. His hands were somewhat dirty. It wasn't that he never washed his hands, it was that his job was very hands on and outdoors, so his fingers were stained with a blackness that just would never wash off.

If Jerry was into outdoors, then Amanda was the exact opposite. Her skin was lighter than most considering how much time she spent indoors, just spending her time away at her computer, waiting to get her parents inheritance. It made her appear a bit selfish, but she did have a job, it was just she didn't work that much to begin with at it. She had a white dress on that hugged her body with straps over her shoulders.

The very last person to the circus was Diana. She wore a red skirt with shorts underneath, though the shorts were well hidden underneath her dress. She kept her arms wrapped around her body as she looked at the many other people.

The fourteen people traversed through the circus and, while the circus was largely put together, many of the stalls were not yet occupied, nor were the carnival games filled with prizes to win. All of them were doing their own thing. Some of the people spoke to each other, others walked along quietly, but all of them, regardless of what they were doing while walking, were going to the same destination that was the big top.

The big top was more than big enough to hold all fourteen people. Lines of wooden seats lined up the left, right, and back of the tent, while a massive entrance served for the performers. The fourteen people were instructed to walk through the big entrance, right to the large metal cage in the center of the big top. The cage looked almost like one for wrestling, and inside of it sat a few large balls, rings, standing rings, and various other supplies one might use for circus animals.

"I thought this place was animal cruelty free?" Rose spoke up when the rest of the group began to fall silent. "What's with all of these animal supplies?"

Caitlyn looked around curiously. "Maybe it's for animal holograms. You know, they make holograms of animals doing tricks instead of actual animals? I don't see any special equipment for that, though."

Examination of the central ring revealed tons of platforms too, there was a set of platforms positioned as if it was a staircase that travelled upwards to a line of rope, and across that to a variety of large boxes. It looked like a place for a playground for massive cats, it was just missing playful balls.

"I guarantee you that no animals are harmed in this circus, ever! In fact, many grow to like it!" a deep voice spoke out, one unlike the rest of the group. A man walked into the large metal cage. He stood at least seven feet tall, taller than anyone in the group. He had a long horizontal mustache, a single monocle, as well as a red top hat with a red suit on that just screamed 'circus ringmaster' to anyone that looked at him. His short hair was well hidden beneath his top hat. "Welcome one and all. We have decided to go with a much bigger crowd than normal, and I know you'll all grow to love it together."

The large group of 14 people looked at the man, each with many questions, although when the man spoke with his boastful deep voice, the large group was silent.

"I can tell you are all very curious, and that is good! Curiosity drives the mind of both man, and feline alike." The man chuckled. "The invitation you were all sent promised you all a fantastic show, and rest assured, you are all going to get that show, for you are all going to be IN the show!" he stepped back to the entrance of the metal cage. The cage top then moved down, slowly at first, before it quickly slammed down to seal the large group of people inside, while the ringmaster stood right outside of it. "So dance! Perform! Enjoy the circus to your heart's content!"

Just as the metal entrance slammed shut, sealing the group in, there was talk amongst all of them with one another.

"The hell are you sealing us in for?" Ross shouted. He rushed to the cage entrance, but it sealed before he could escape. The holes in the bars were simply too small to get out of. He could fit his arm through the square holes, but nothing else.

Nola rushed up to the gate when Ross did. "You let us the fuck out right now!" she shouted with anger in her voice, angrier than her husband certainly sounded. "What is this, some sort of game?!"

"Maybe that's what it actually is." Caitlyn spoke up quietly, but loud enough for Nola to hear. "Maybe they're recording us or something? Maybe it's one of those weird reality shows where people get trapped somewhere and need to escape."

Nola scoffed at Caitlyn. "Normally there's a CONTRACT for that sort of shit. I didn't sign no fucking contract!" She dug into her purse, and pulled out a wrinkled sheet of paper. "Look at the invitation for yourself and see what it says!"

Steve walked up, and snatched the paper from Nola. "We know what it said. It was an invitation to an early show at the circus, that's all it said in a nutshell. You know how contracts like to wordplay though. They could have specified that WE are the show."

Rose took the time to look at her own invitation. "One and all, you are all invited to an early show at the circus, located off of Loch Raven Drive and on Dulaney Branch. Arrive at six PM, bring your friends and family for a life changing event." She read aloud. "It is a little vague."

"It sounded kind of like a timeshare event." Ashley grabbed one of the large hoops, and bent her body down as she held onto it. "A boring event, but they promised free food and entertainment too. That I remember!"

Nia made her way to another part of the metal cage. She put her fingertips through the opening, and put her body weight on it as she dangled off from the cage, but only briefly before she put her feet back on the ground. "It's a really sturdy heavy cage, but there's nothing sharp or dangerous about it, I mean unless you climb to the top. The fall from up there has got to be at least thirty feet."

Jamal walked behind Nia. "Are you really thinking of climbing up to the top?" he tilted his head upwards to the spherical cage tip. "It looks about as sturdy and strong as the rest of it. If this is some stupid reality show like they're saying, there would NOT be a way out in a place as dangerous as up there."

"There are platforms that are really high up though." Nia pointed to the red platforms that looked as if they were made of plastic. Indeed, there was a variety of them placed around the interior, many of them lead upwards, and one set of the platforms, in fact went to the top of the cage.

"That still looks far too dangerous." Jamal raised his head with Nia's. "I mean, they're big platforms, but they don't appear to be sturdy at all."

"One way to find out!" Nia walked up to one platform, put her hands on it, and crawled her way up. The platforms were placed higher up than stairs would have been arranged, but Nia managed to climb up platform by platform.

Gary meanwhile studied the metal cage with curiosity. The cage was silver in color, and when he tried to shake it with one hand, it didn't budge. He looked down at the ground, and noticed it seemed to be both buried, and bolted. "They definitely have this secured tight. This is no ordinary pop-up circus to have something so reinforced so quickly, unless it's just somehow made a farce and just LOOKS reinforced."

Maya watched Gary from behind. She looked at the dirt ground beneath them, and then back at her husband. "What do you really think they're planning on doing? Is this really just some sort of show?"

Gary turned to Maya with a smile. "We're with fourteen other people. They can't do anything since we have power in numbers, and even if they tried anything, they'd get punished." Gary pulled out his cell phone, and with a quick few button presses, he hit record. "Worst case scenario situation, we'll get proof of whatever they do on tape, and it'll go right to my answering machine too."

Bradley was off at another part of the gate. He rubbed his bare chin as he studied the bars, and then the empty wooden seats outside of it. "This is so bizarre. Why would they lock us up? What would they have to even gain from it? Money?"

"Lots more important stuff in the world than money." Jerry replied as he wrapped one hand around the metal cage. "Recording us doing things, forcing us to do things, we may have numbers, but I doubt any of us brought guns."

Bradley tilted his head slightly towards Jerry. "What did you bring then?"

Jerry let go of the bars, and pulled out a metal device from his pocket. "A multi-tool device, screwdriver, knife, the works, it doesn't have much range, but if we got to dig our way out, well this thing can prove to be some help."

Amanda went to her own part of the metal cage. She then looked around to try to find some way out, though the most she found was that Nia was climbing up to the top. Unsure of what to do, she watched Nia curiously.

Diana walked over to Jerry, and she glanced down at the device. "Yeah right, you think digging would work? They probably got hidden cameras everywhere. I don't know what they're going to be doing, but if we started to dig, they would probably catch on and do something about it."

The lights around the big top began to dim, and the flap the group entered slowly shut as if a curtain were falling behind a stage to signal the beginning, or ending of something. The lights didn't completely go out, although it became much harder to see anything beyond the metal cage the group of people were in.

Just then, a spotlight lit up, just above the top of the metal cage. The light shined through, somehow completely going through the metal bars, and shined on the group of people, one at a time.

"The heck?" Ross went underneath one of the platforms as the spotlight suddenly lit up, but despite the platform, the light somehow managed to shine right through it and onto him. "That's just not possible! Dammit, you know what, fuck this." He pulled out his cell phone, and tried to call the police. The lack of reception however, made it impossible for the phone to work. "The hell? We're not THAT far from town."

Steve watched Ross try to call the police, and he pulled out his own phone. He double checked to make sure he had the data and the ability to make calls. He could get on the internet, though when he tried to call anyone, the call just couldn't go through. "This is weird. I know I can get reception, look, I can connect to just about any website."

Ross gave Steve an angry glare. "Then maybe you should post or text the damn police then!"

Caitlyn glared right back at Ross. "Maybe you should try it with YOUR phone."

The spotlight shifted from one person to the other as they were either talking between each other, or studying to try to find a way out, or in some cases, working with their handheld devices to figure out a more creative way out. Jerry even took out his pocket knife and began to cut at the metal, but he was sooner shaving away the metal at his knife before making a dent in the cage.

"I don't...I feel....I feel weird." Amanda said quietly under her breath. She slowly kneeled down with her back towards the cage, and her front to the many others that were doing their own thing. The cage was big enough that most did not hear her, although Jerry, whom still worked at the cage with his pocket knife, picked up on what she said.

"Don't be getting sick now. I doubt death awaits us, but I'm not sure when we'll be getting out here." Jerry muttered. He hated to admit he was feeling uneasy too, but he was one to hide such things incredibly well. The spotlight shined on him, and he felt a growing warmth on his neck.

Bradley heard what the two were saying, and he rubbed his head too. "No, I feel it too. Maybe they're releasing some sort of gas." He tried to hold his breath, but it did little to help. He could feel his pulse begin to race as fright took him. "These clothes are just getting so hot."

Amanda nodded with a feeling of unease. "Y-yeah, hot and itchy, right?" she reached underneath her clothing to scratch and itch at her sides, though she paused as she felt something very unusual on her chest. Amanda put the tips of her fingers down on her chest, and then quickly took off her shirt. She knew she was surrounded by strangers, but she didn't care. She had to confirm the feeling she felt, and when she looked down at her side, she screamed. "Fur?! Black fur?!" She tried to pull at the fur, but she let out a yelp of pain. The fur was attached to her skin, and firmly at that.

Amanda's scream was enough to get the attention of everybody in the big top. As they glanced over, they slowly came to the realization of why they were growing hot and itchy. One by one, each person took off their own shirt to reveal fur on their chest and sides. The fur was little, but it was undeniably there, of varying degrees, color, and length of the fur.

"The hell?!" Ross looked down at the light color fur, just a shade darker than his normal human skin. He brushed his palm along it. "It's got to be something in the air. They're drugging us, we're hallucinating. People don't change, not like this."

Steve watched Ross. "Hey, I remember the time you spiked my drink with some weird hallucinogen, and this is NOTHING like that." Steve brushed his own fur, the same color that was Ross's own. "I shouldn't be able to feel this, but I can feel the fur, the skin, the sweat...everything on me."

Nola looked between Ross and Steve. She was used to seeing Ross topless, but Steve not so much. "Well," Nola turned to Ross. "You're harrier than your brother, that's for sure."

"...It's an age thing." Ross turned his eyes to the side. "L-look, can we forget the body hair thing? Fur is not something we should have, and you have it too."

Nola looked down at the fur on her side. She noticed that the fur was on the same patch of skin that everyone else had. The feeling of warmth and itchiness still filled her body, as well as likely the others, but she was not ready to take off her pants. Her top was one thing, she still had a bra, but not her pants, not in front of everyone, and especially in front of Ross's brother. "I know. What the hell are we supposed to do about this?"

Caitlyn had been silent as she listened to the others talk. She was still in disbelief about her own fur. She stroked it again and again with one finger. She hated to admit that it felt good to pet her light fur to the point where she felt an arousal between her legs. She stopped with a look of embarrassment on her face, not knowing if anyone had been watching.

Ashley looked at Caitlyn the entire time curiously. She had her own fur where Caitlyn's was, and in fact, where so many others had their fur too. "This is too weird, what exactly is happening? That circus guy needs to come back and do some explaining!" She rushed to the side of the cage where the entrance was. "Ringmaster! Or whatever your name is, come back! You owe us an explanation for what's going on!"

Rose rolled her eyes at Ashley. "He's not coming back. If there's a gas, or...SOMETHING changing us, then nobody would want to come in and get themselves changed too, assuming that's what's happening." Rose moved herself away from the five others. She felt warm, and yet she shivered. It felt almost as if she were sick, but she wasn't experiencing any symptoms besides what was on her very skin, and a warmth between her legs that was difficult to ignore. Maybe they want us to put on a show with one another... Rose thought to herself. She looked at her sisters, and then their husbands. Something deep down inside of her just imagined them having their way with her, and her enjoying it, but she pushed those urges deep down.

Nia had made it to the very top of the platform by now. Like the others, she had also taken off her shirt, but she wasn't as exposed as the rest of the group was. She looked up from the highest platform she was on, and while she could just barely reach the top of the cage that confined them all, she still couldn't get out, nor did she see any way to get out. She swore there was a doorway the ringmaster had used, but she looked down from how high up she was, and she had seen others try to work on it already, not that she could identify whom those others were.

Jamal had taken his shirt off too, and he saw a strange orange patch of fur on his skin, but he was more worried about Nia. "Get down here! Who knows what's happening to us!" She was quite high up, as high as many tightrope acts would have been, and there was nothing to save her, should she fall.

"I'm fine!" Nia could just barely hear Jamal, and they were definitely loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. She looked back up at the top of the cage, and then at the platform she was on. The platform was plenty big enough for her to lay down and spread her arms and legs, and still have plenty of room so she so desire. She also felt a warmth in her body that grew especially worse as the spotlight hit her. "What...the heck is this even..." she said to herself quietly. She was ready to take off the rest of her clothes due to the heat, which was just more tempting when she knew she wasn't going to be spotted, but she was still hesitant.

Ross felt the heat in his body build up to be simply too much to bear. "Fuck it." He kicked off his shoes, and then he took off his pants to leave him only in his underwear. He showed off his toned hairy legs, and a bulge in his white boxers. "There, are you happy?!" he shouted.

Maybe it was the convinent timing, or maybe someone heard Ross. Whatever it might have been, the entryway to the big top opened up to reveal the ringmaster once more. He kept his stereotypical clothing on, but with him was a whip, and a small stool. "A little, how is your day?" The ringmaster responded.

The ringmaster returning was enough to bring attention to everyone. Even Nia climbed down the platforms. They all clamored to the ringmaster, each of them shouting various things, but many with a common theme about how they wanted to get out, and what exactly the ringmaster was doing to them.

"Now now!" The ringmaster held up his hands in a stop motion, at least as best as he could with his equipment. "You will all get a chance to speak, but I cannot hear ANY of you with your constant shouting." He put down his stool, and readied his whip. "If you will all be quiet, I will explain."

One by one, each person fell silent, though many begrudgingly, others with curiosity in their eyes. If there was some sort of deadly gas, or something around them that was affecting them, then surely the ringmaster would have been affected too. It just raised more questions.

"Now, for starters, I am sure you all know our circus is known for being animal-cruelty free. The sheer fact of the matter is, yes we DO have animals, but they are...shall we say, conditioned to be happy here?" the ringmaster smiled at the people. "I suppose there is no point to beat around the bush. The simple truth is, you are all going to be the animals. We need a variety of large cats, and all of you are going to become these cats, and be very happy in this zoo."

No one was happy about such a thing clearly. It was hard to pick up on what they were saying as the large group shouted again, but with a single whip from the ringmaster, their words were halted. "I have no intention to bring harm to any of you! If anything, these changes should be enjoying, and pleasurable for all, but you have to ACCEPT what you are becoming!"

"You're a fucking madman if you think we're going to just accept becoming housecats." Nola's hands clenched themselves into fists. She reached out to slug the ringmaster, but he was too far away.

"You're not becoming housecats." The ringmaster explained calmly to Nola. "You're becoming large cats. Inevitably, you will all transform, regardless of how much you resist, but if you enjoy it, then you will find yourselves in a much happier place during, and after the change."

"Yeah right, you just drugged us or something." Ross crossed his arms. "Nobody grows fur and gets super-hot without some kind of drugs. You just have some sort of immunity."

"You are free to believe what you wish to believe. You are correct in that I am immune though." The ringmaster took a slight bow. "However, surely many of you notice some...urges?"

The group of 14 people were scattered at the front of the massive ring near the ringmaster, each with their own looks of concern at him, and at themselves.

Maya turned to Gary with a concerned look. "What does he mean by urges?"

Gary looked to the rest of the group, and then at Maya. "If what he says is true, then the urges may likely be something about large cats, and things large cats have a tendency to do, as silly as that sounds. Perhaps something such as cleaning ourselves with tongues, or undressing completely?" Gary adjusted his glasses. "I would sooner think undressing I am pretty warm."

Maya looked away from Gary. She rubbed her arm. Like everyone else, her top was off and she exposed her pink bra, though the bra hid her breast very well. "I am too. I would gladly undress more, but...not in front of all of these people..."

The ringmaster smiled upon hearing Maya's words stand out from the crowd. "Ah, but surely it would feel so good to take your bra off, would it not? Under boob sweat is quite an annoying thing after all."

"Are you suggesting she take off everything?" Gary chimed in. He was a nerd, one that often didn't stand up to bullies, but he wasn't going to take someone who mocked his very wife. "She's not a whore!"

"She is an animal." The ringmaster replied to Gary. "A wild animal, well, I SAY wild, but she is going to be quite tame. That is getting off topic however." He smiled at Maya. "You will take off your pants."

Maya heard the ringmaster's words. She had wanted them to fall on deaf ears, but it felt as if his words went through her ear and directly to her mind. She couldn't help herself. She reached down to her waist, and pulled down her pants to reveal her underwear that matched the same color as her bra with little hesitation, but also almost no emotion in her eyes either. It was only after her pants were off that she suddenly blushed and covered the front of her crotch. "W-what did you make me do?!"

"Simple, I made you undress on command." The ringmaster said with a firm nod. "The rest of you will do the EXACT same thing. I want to see you all pantsless, and now!"

Anyone in the group of people that thought Maya had been acting for the ringmaster soon had that thought dismissed when they found themselves taking off their pants with wide eyes on their faces, and complete shock as the massive group was soon in nothing but their underwear.

"And throw your clothes on the other side of the fence too. I don't want you to even have the chance to put those things on."

One by one, the group found themselves obeying. Many of them, particularly the females, were horrified to watch their own arms throw their pants through the holes of the fence. "Fucking hell!" Nola in particular yelled as her pants were tossed away, and almost made it into the benches beyond.

"It's quite alright, you won't need pants!" The ringmaster approached Nola with a happy expression. "Just imagine all of that luxurious fur covering you instead. You can even get help grooming from, well, anyone with you!"

"Fuck you." Nola spat, though her aim was off, it landed right on the ringmaster's red top.

"Oh, there will be plenty of fucking too. I bet you can't hide how aroused and wanting you are. Don't the others smell absolutely lovely to you?" The ringmaster looked over to Ross and Steve with a wicked grin.

Ross glared angrily at the ringmaster. "You need to shut up, let us leave, and stop this shit now!"

"So much anger." The ringmaster casually shrugged. "Tell me, are you going to be the alpha lion? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Just imagine it, fucking your wife, and then her sisters, and then your brother's wife. You can't tell me that idea doesn't arouse you."

The group of six all had their own responses of anger. The rest of the group were unsure what they should even do.

Nia was still looking for a way out, though she was less confident with each passing moment she found nothing that looked different in the massive enclosure. The entryway was sealed, and she saw no visible point where she could have kicked it. Her shoes had been taken off anyways, as well as her socks.

Jamal was near Nia. The two had since moved away from the ringmaster, but it didn't help their situation. He was stuck in his underwear, and his clothing had been tossed away. He showed off his body and how he worked out slightly, but not nearly enough to be muscular. "I can't believe he actually ordered us to do something, and we did it...we all did it."

"What else do you think he can order us to do?" Nia replied in a hushed voice. The last thing she wanted was for the ringmaster to hear what she had just asked Jamal.

"I don't know. I don't WANT to know. Maybe if we move far away, and cover our ears, we can't hear him, so we can't obey." Jamal looked up at the platforms. He recalled how Nia had climbed up them, and while the spotlight was easier to shine on them on the platforms, it shined through them anyways, regardless. "There." Jamal pointed. "If we climb up them and cover our ears, maybe we'll be unaffected, and he'll forget us. We are a very large group after all."

"What are you two talking about?" Gary suddenly said from beside Nia and Jamal. The man had also thrown his glasses away, which made sight more difficult, but he could very much hear the two, if only faint whispers. "Whatever you're planning, we want in." he slightly pointed to Maya, who looked at the three of them with pleading eyes.

Nia and Jamal looked to one another, and the pair nodded before they looked back. "Let's go."

Meanwhile, the group of six people had been arguing with the ringmaster in their own special way, while the other four watched with their own looks of worry on their faces. The ringmaster was getting annoyed with the various words coming from the six people. The words were mostly slander, swears, and various other things.

"Silence!" The ringmaster yelled, with a crack of his whip loud enough to echo throughout the big top.

The chatter in the air was suddenly filled with silence. The group of six, as well as the rest of the group, looked upon the ringmaster with wide eyes in their faces of horror.

"Now, I've already explained to all of you what will happen, and what you can do to better enjoy yourselves. If you need an example, I will be happy to provide it." The ringmaster curled up his whip, and pointed it to Steve. "You, front and center. You are going to become the center of attention, along with her." He pointed to Nola. "The two of you are to separate from the rest of your group, together."

Steve and Nola were confused, but they obeyed, partially out of fear as to what the ringmaster might do to them, and another part because they felt compelled to do so. The two stood up front in the cage, while the remainder of their group circled around them. Steve glanced to Nola, and Nola looked back. The two were friends, albeit a little distant, as much as someone could be friends with their brother's wife. They met on holidays, and not much else.

"Now, the two of you will remove the rest of your clothes and become fully nude." The ringmaster explained with a stern voice. "Right in front of your family and friends."

Steve and Nola both had a similar reaction of refusal, but their bodies found themselves obeying. Nola unclipped her bra to reveal her modest chest with a bright blush on her face, and her waxed crotch. She hated pubic hair, almost as much as she hated the fur she had partially grown on her.

Steve pulled down his boxers to show off his cock which was partially erect. It wasn't from being forced to do things, nor was it the situation in particular they were in, but it was something unnatural that gave him a feeling of arousal.

Nola grimaced at Steve's erection. "The hell are you turned on by this for?" It was the kettle calling the pot black. Nola felt arousal, but she could hide it better, purely because of her gender.

The ringmaster chuckled at Steve's embarrassment. "All men and women are aroused, you cannot hide it. You all have natural urges and primal instincts. Instincts to mate, to clean, to jump and play" The ringmaster paused briefly as he looked up at the platforms, as if he were looking up at somebody. "To stalk and hide. The more you give into those instincts, the better you all will feel, and the faster you all will turn."

Steve covered his crotch with his hands as best as he could. He glared angrily at the ringmaster. While normally he was quiet, he loathed the predicament he had been placed in. "I don't care what you're talking about, I'm not giving into...whatever it is you're suggesting!"

"Between you two? I'm suggesting sex of course." The ringmaster casually shrugged. "Not that everyone has to do such things mind you. In fact, I'd prefer if people were changed into their beautiful feline forms in a variety of methods. Sex however, is going to be the fastest way, especially if the couple are not married."

"We're not doing that!" Nola shouted. "I don't give a damn what you say. You can try to fucking...order us, or whatever it is you're doing, but nothing will make me have sex with him!" Part of Nola wanted to tell Steve that she didn't mean any offense, but she was too filled with rage to care about such things.

"You forget how easily I can order you two to do it, and you would with little hesitation." The ringmaster crossed his arms. "Neither of you can tell me you haven't thought about it during your lives, having sex with another man or woman that wasn't married to you. It's not a terrible thought of course, it's all pure instinct that a man wants to spread his seed as much as possible, and a woman wants the best man to get impregnated with. Now, here is your chance to do it, all while becoming the wonderful lions you were meant to become."

"You're a sick bastard." Nola covered her crotch with one hand, and her breast with another, although her ass was on display for those behind her. "Fantasy or reality, whatever, I'm not doing anything here."

"Me neither." Steve had urges, urges that felt stronger than normal, yet he was a human that could suppress such things. He didn't want to admit that he did have thoughts about sleeping with other women, but thoughts were just that- thoughts. To think about them was one thing, it was to actually do them that was entirely another. He didn't doubt that other men and women thought the same way he did.

"Perhaps it's time to bring out the lion side in the two of you then. Let's show your friends, your family, and everyone around us exactly what fantastic future awaits them." He stretched out his hand. "Let us take this in stages though, just so we can keep you looking fabulous throughout. You two, Steve and Nola," the ringmaster referred to them by their names. "Grow out that lion fur all throughout the rest of your body where appropriate."

The command felt absolutely alien to hear. He may as well have told them to handstand on the moon. The ringmaster's order should have been a virtual impossibility for any normal human, but in the situation the massive group was in, Steve and Nola's bodies took the command. Light brown fur began to sprout more rapidly throughout the two bodies. Nola's fur was a very light brown, while Steve's was a slightly darker color. The fur on their bellies were also a shade lighter than the fur on their backs.

The fur growth started from the small spots of fur the two already had. Steve could feel the warmth spread throughout his body, and as he felt the tingling on his hands, he raised one hand to see the fur spread up his arm. "H-hey! Stop!" he shouted, although it was partially to his own body.

Nola's eyes were focused on Steve at first. That was until she felt the fur spread on her own body. Nola looked down at herself with a grimace, and kept her hands covered over her private parts. Both her pink vagina and her nipples became even more pronounced underneath the fur that sprouted. "Dammit! Stop this! I feel like some fucking furry being posted on the internet!"

"Technically you still have your human feet. You have hands, you have faces, all of which are still pretty human." The ringmaster explained as the fur grew on Steve and Nola. It wasn't that fur on the rest of the group didn't grow, it was that since the ringmaster had ordered the fur to grow, it did so much faster on those two. "Now, Steve, wrap your arms around Nola from behind."

Steve couldn't help himself. His body trembled with each step forward. He tried his hardest to resist the ringmaster's orders, but whether the order was to do something, or become something, he couldn't disobey it. His furry arms wrapped themselves around Nola's naked body. His hands could feel her furry full chest. He couldn't help but blush underneath his own darker fur.

Nola wished she could struggle. Her body could make jerking movements, but her feet felt as if they were glued to the ground, and she couldn't get her arms on Steve's own to pry him free. She couldn't explain why she couldn't perform the actions she wanted her body to do, it was like she was hypnotized to subconsciously not be able to free herself. "Stop it you fucking pervert! Get off of me Steve!"

"Don't you think I would if I wanted too?!" Steve replied with a hint of anger in his voice. He turned to Caitlyn with a huge blush. "I'm sorry Caitlyn, I'm trying to let go. I really am!"

Caitlyn stared with shock in her eyes. She didn't care about how the others reacted to seeing Steve and Nola get fur, but she couldn't believe that Steve had his arms wrapped around another woman, right in front of her no less. "Fight it Steve, I'm you're wife, not her!"

"Oh, wives aren't a thing in the wildlife." The ringmaster said proudly with a chuckle. "A male lion loves to spread his seed to as many lionesses as possible, especially true if they're the...oh what's the word for the leader lion...the king?" he shrugged. "I know a lot about felines, it's my job, but I don't know everything."

"The king? What the heck are you implying?" Ross glared at the ringmaster, and then he looked over at Steve. He was ready to try to punch and interfere with Steve, but something in his head told him not to, something that felt as if it weren't his own thoughts originally, but it was hard to question his own head.

"Oh, no need to be jealous Ross. Steve was always the better of you two, and now he'll be the leader of the pride." The ringmaster spread his arms slightly. "I'll make sure you have some sex too of course. The first of the transformed need to put on a show for the others!" the ringmaster looked beyond the group of lions. "Not that you all will have sex! Well, it might be fun to see a few certain of you do so, but this will be the most enjoyable way to watch them transform for certain, don't you all agree?!"

There weren't quite as many visible people watching, as some were on top of the platforms. The consensus was clear that they were all in complete shock, not just at how Steve and Nola were covered in fur now, but how they were seemingly obeying the ringmaster's every word, whether it was to transform, or to do something physical with each other.

Ross's hands clenched. He knew he couldn't strike the man, he was just too far from the cage entrance. He looked down at his cell phone, the things the man didn't tell them to toss. He thought about throwing it right at the man, but even if he hit the man, it wouldn't have been nearly with strong enough force to do anything. He still felt a burning rage that was hard to contain. "You're going to fucking let her go!" Ross suddenly yelled, and charged for Steve. He knew it wasn't Steve's fault, but maybe, just maybe if Ross did something, he could help separate the couple.

"You are not to interfere with them!" The ringmaster was quick to notice Ross. "None of you are to stop the couple from doing what THEY want, or what I want! In fact Ross, you should start licking your arms clean."

Ross froze in his tracks mid-charge. He glared angrily at Steve, and then he looked to his hands that were still human. He heard the ringmaster's order, but he wanted to refuse. "Fuck you! I'm not some...stupid..." yet, despite his argument, he could feel his head move down to his left shoulder. He tried to pull away, though his body could only shake and tremble as he gave his shoulder a soft wet lick. As his tongue brushed against his shoulder and moved a quarter of the way down his arm, brown fur sprouted that was darker Nola's, but lighter than Steve's.

Nola stared at Ross in horror as fur sprouted from his arms. It wasn't nearly as much fur as she had, but it was still alarming. "Make him stop you bastard!" She yelled out to the ringmaster.

"Oh, he will have the same fate that you will have." The ringmaster spoke calmly to Nola. "But in a different manner. I would just like to show you there are other ways to...transform you. Now Ross, keep licking your left arm like that, make sure to get your elbow when your tongue grows long enough and you get flexible enough! I want to see those muscles form underneath that fur." He then turned to Steve and Nola. "Steve, gently push in Nola's nipples with two of your fingers." He smiled at the couple. "And feel what happens as a result."

Ross continued to lick his arm in disgust and shame. His arm tasted slightly salty, but he could feel his tongue against his growing fur, which made him all the more disgusted. He wanted to stop, he yelled at himself that he had stronger willpower than this, yet no matter what he mentally screamed at himself, he couldn't pull away. He winced as his arm grew with both bone and muscle mass, and he could feel his tongue licks become rougher with less saliva. It made cleaning fur an easier task, but it didn't help him enjoy it.

Steve meanwhile moved his hands around Nola's breast. While he knew how wrong it felt, it was impossible to hide his lust. His cock, not covered in fur and surprisingly still quite human shaped, brushed up against Nola's ass cheek while his index fingers gently pushed in Nola's nipples. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't WANT to do this!" he yelled to both Nola, and Caitlyn.

"You say no, but your body says otherwise." The ringmaster teased. "Now, go ahead, push that cock of yours in her waiting vagina. Let's get the two of you changed!" The ringmaster smiled gleefully, and then after a short pause. "Well, with some minor details of course. Nola, help him out, and be quiet while you're doing it. I don't want to hear your cries of 'no', I want to hear your cat calls of 'yes'."

Both Steve and Nola wanted to shout and scream, but in silence as both of their mouths opened wide towards the ringmaster, they couldn't stop themselves. Steve's erect cock pushed into Nola's pink awaiting wet nether folds.

"Typically, lions will cum very quickly." The ringmaster said as he watched with a smile. "But you're not allowed to cum Steve, not yet. Nola however, for each orgasm you have, you will become more and more of a lion. Now, slowly hump and pump."

Steve slowly pushed his cock in Nola, and then pulled out, though not completely out. He then pushed back in as he slowly humped and pumped as the ringmaster ordered. He felt humiliated, degraded, and he hated how much his body liked this.

Nola felt the exact same as Steve, although unlike Steve, her pleasure wasn't limited. She could feel a heat in her body grow stronger until she felt a small orgasm, and despite the orgasm being small, she let out a silent moan and closed her eyes. When she reopened her eyes, she noticed whiskers grow out from her face, long white whiskers with hints of black at the base. She hesitantly, and shakily touched them with an expression of fear, but unable to scream.

"Beautiful!" The ringmaster applauded. "The first of many changes, I hope you all are watching as this is a magnificent way for you all to transform. You two may speak again, but you can only moan, and talk about how pleasurable it is!" he grinned. "Let's find a way to encourage the others."

The rest of the group continued to watch in horror. Caitlyn wanted to look away, but she just couldn't She felt angry, afraid, and a hint of jealousy. Steve was her husband. If anything, she was the one that should have been mating with him in public! She had no words to yell at Steve. She wanted Steve to fight the urges, but she could tell how strong the ringmaster's words were. She then looked over to Ross briefly.

Ross's left arm was bulky. It wasn't entirely muscular, but its shape was off compared to a human arm. With every lick of Ross's rough tongue, his arm looked more like a lion's foreleg, except for his hand which was still very human, but covered in lion fur. "How uch ore cleaning do I half to do?!" Ross yelled out. At this point, he was angrier that he was forced to lick himself than Steve and Nola mating.

The ringmaster heard Ross, but he didn't even glance over at him. "Start licking your hand until it becomes a full lion paw, and then you can stop cleaning yourself."

Nola experienced another small orgasm. She noticed the orgasms, however small, lasted longer, and as they lasted, another part of her changed. This one she felt a tugging sensation on her furry, but still human, ears. Her ears seemingly melted onto her head as they pulled up, not quite to the top, but very close. Another orgasm caused long strands of fur to grow out inside the roundish ears as they took on the shape of a lioness, with all of the sensitivity of an animal's.

Steve could feel the pressure in his human balls. He wanted to orgasm, he wanted to cum, but thanks to the ringmaster's orders, he just couldn't. He could only watch with orgasm after orgasm Nola had, she lost one human feature for a lioness's own.

The ringmaster glanced back at the remaining group members, those that were becoming lions were either watching, or in Steve's case, cleaning his now very lion looking front leg. "It will be so much easier for you all, and so much more enjoyable for you, if you give in to your primal instincts. If you want to have sex, then have sex. If you want to clean yourselves, then clean. If you want to sleep, play with things, do whatever you want, you're becoming wild cats, and the more you give in to your natural instincts, the more you will change."

Of course much of the crowd was hesitant to do what the ringmaster said. Nia and Jamal had climbed up to the top of the very platforms. They were uncertain what to do. They both watched with curiosity at a height that was difficult for the ringmaster to see without looking up, but the two could look down at the two that were having sex.

"Do you really think they want to do that?" Nia asked. "I mean, they kind of act like they know each other."

"They came in together." Jamal replied with a stern look on his face. He didn't look over at Nia when he answered her though, he kept his eyes on the 'lions' below. "I could say that was all a show, and the small bits of fur on us was nothing but some kind of drug hallucination, but..." Jamal looked at Steve and his massive forearm. "There's only so much of this you can fake."

Nola's new lioness ears picked up the sound of Nia and Jamal from up high. The ears even adjusted themselves to hear them better. She could pick up a lot more noises from the crowd watching her in fact. She could hear the tent flap, and with another small orgasm, her nose blackened and she could smell things so much better. She picked up the combination of scents of human, and feline. The feline scents were much closer, and she was quick to realize that the lioness scent she was picking up was of her own. "" she wanted to beg to stop, but thanks to the ringmaster, she didn't have that ability.

"You want to beg to stop, don't you?" The ringmaster chuckled. "You know, this isn't Disney. Lions cannot exactly communicate with some English words that humans can't understand. They have limited means of communication, and while I'm absolutely sure all of you will be just fine telling one another what you want, you are all VERY intelligent after all, well you simply can't 'tell' someone to stop mating with you."

Nola glared angrily at the ringmaster. As another small orgasm hit her, she closed her eyes with a small moan, and then reopened them to reveal lion slit eyes, although they retained the same color as her human eyes. She could feel her body still change slowly, even when she didn't orgasm, but the orgasms quickened the changes by at least one step for part of her body.

Ross was still stuck licking his hand. His hand grew in size, though his fingers shrank. His thumb pulled back too. He was disgusted as he kept licking himself, more than even most lions normally spent cleaning, at least that's what Ross thought.

Caitlyn wasn't sure what to even do to try to help. She watched Nola become less human far quicker than the rest of them. Fur covered her body, her head looked more and more like a lioness. She then looked to Ross to see that his arm looked completely like a lion's own, although it lacked claws and his paws were awkward, each lick fixed that issue bit by bit, except for his nails.

"Of course, when you're transforming, the transformation process has to consider the parts of your body that are...well not alive. The nails you have aren't really alive, the hair outside of your head aren't alive, and some skin isn't alive..." The ringmaster casually shoulder shrugged. "These parts cannot be transformed, but must simply be...disposed of to make room for the cat parts."

Nola was about to ask what the ringmaster meant, but another orgasm occurred. Nothing changed on Nola's skin, but she could hear something crack and shatter in her own mouth. There was sharp bits of pain in her mouth as if she had a toothache, but the pain was quick to subside, though she opened her mouth, and remains of her human teeth fell out. Nola was horrified, yet she could only let out a squeak. Tears began to drop from her eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening to her.

Ross felt enraged. His fingernails loosened until they felt as if they were a hangnail, but with a few more licks, the one hand he licked was cleaned of all nails, and there was nothing left but a clawless lion paw. Ross felt he was back in control of himself afterwards, and he was quick to try to pounce on the mating couple.

"You are going to stop and watch. You ALL will stop and watch the two mating and fucking." The ringmaster shouted loudly, loud enough to echo throughout the tent. "And you will not stop them."

Ross fell down onto the ground, as if he had just hit an invisible wall. He tried to get back up, but he found his changed lion arm did not want to get him up. He found it so much easier to be on all fours, though since only one arm had changed into a lion's, including the height of an adult lion's forearm, he was unbalanced to even be on all fours.

Nola gasped as another orgasm hit her. She felt her body pull and extend as it grew taller, but only because she was standing on two legs. She winced and groaned as her spine extended and a furry tail pushed outwards, one that rubbed Steve's belly. Nola could feel the new appendage behind her, and as much as she tried to control it, her tail had a will of its own, though she could still feel everything that it touched.

Steve felt the tail, but he couldn't stop himself. He felt as if he should have orgasmed tons of times, yet thanks to the ringmaster's orders, he couldn't even once. He didn't want to feel so pleasured at fucking another woman, but it felt worse than human nature, it felt like another nature entirely within him that wasn't human, one that wanted to create as many cubs as possible.

"You will change mentally if I hadn't already clarified that." The ringmaster added, as if he could tell that Steve was going through such things. "I figure it will make the...task easier on our male lion pride leader to be if he has that mindset more of a lion than a human." He turned to Ross with a chuckle. "Would you like to think more like one too? You might become more jealous at the sight than angry though."

Nola felt another orgasm hit her, and she tried to talk to the ringmaster, to Ross, to anyone, but instead it came out as an inhuman growl, the growl of a lioness. She tried to speak again, but her voice was distorted. She couldn't even form coherent words. She felt her tongue change in her altering head as well as her mouth took on the shape of a lioness's own. Her head looked entirely like that of a lioness, except for the hair on her head, but a short orgasm started to cause the human hair on her head to fall out too.

"Ah perfect, the head of a lioness on the head of a human! Well, a furry human with a tail." The ringmaster laughed. "Her body is a bit taller too. Just look at her shape and beautiful fur. Don't you admire the sensation of the tail on you Steve?" the ringmaster looked to the rest of the group that were forced to watch the first of many transform more and more. "She still is her normal self, don't worry, but soon the instincts of a lioness will fill up that human mind."

"That is EXACTLY what I'm worried about!" Steve shouted as he uncontrollably humped and pumped Nola. "What if she turns and attacks us?"

"Like I said, she will still have her normal human self with her mind, sort of." The ringmaster tilted his head slightly. "Besides, you all will have tough bodies at the end of the change, you can deal with tiny claws and tiny teeth; they'll grow in slowly compared to the rest of the body."

Nola's flatter tongue reached around her mouth. She spat out bits and pieces of her old human teeth with a frightened expression, but unable to do anything about it. She felt as if she were in a nightmare where one lost all of their teeth, except in this case it was for real. The pain in her mouth subsided, but she could feel sharp teeth, although very tiny ones, as if they were baby teeth. Nola's body had grown a bit as well, and she could feel, and hear organs and bones inside her reshaping, shuffling, and changing. The faster her heart pounded, the faster she underwent the changes. She tried to shout no, but it was just an inhumanly roar.

"Do you all see her? Her beautiful fur, her wonderful shape, she is truly looking like a beautiful lioness bit by bit. Her sex and anus hasn't changed yet, but purely because she has to be pounded by a human least for the time being." The ringmaster chuckled at Nola. "Surely, standing on two legs must be getting harder for you."

Nola didn't want to admit it. She shook her head rapidly as her head started to fill with thoughts of a lioness, and the sex that took place. At first, she felt a sense of panic when she turned to see Steve, at least the lioness in her panicked, but then her nose picked up the scent of Steve being a lion, a male lion, an alpha lion. It helped calm her, but in a way that also panicked her human self at the same time.

The rest of the group watched quietly, silently. None of them could believe the sights, and thanks to the ringmaster's orders, none of them could do anything about it either.

"Is this really going to be our fate?" Maya asked as she watched from the other end of the massive cage. "We're going to be stuck turning into something like...that? She can't even talk anymore, can she?" It wasn't entirely easy to hear from the other end of the cage, but the ringmaster was loud enough that she could still hear his orders.

Gary shook his head. "There has to be something we can do, anything..." he looked at himself and his naked body, and then at Maya's. He had gotten over his embarrassment of being nude, and as he looked around at the rest of the group, he realized that the others had as well. That was REALLY quick for everyone to get over their nudity. He thought to himself. He thought part of it must have been because of the horror that was a human transforming into an animal in front of their eyes, but another part of it told him that maybe they were all changing mentally slowly as well.

Nia watched with the other two from atop the platforms. Many of the platforms, including the one she was on, was big enough to support Gary and Maya, as well as her husband. "Our phones haven't been able to reach out, and even if they could...hey...can't a lion's roar reach for miles? I mean, we're not that far away from town either...what if they roared super loud and repeatedly? Maybe they could attract attention from others. That stupid ringmaster might have us all trapped, but he can't trap the entire nearby city!"

"Yeah, sure." Gary said in a sarcastic tone. "Just tell them to roar super loud and attract attention."

"I've soundproofed the tent better than you realize." The ringmaster suddenly shouted, as if he had picked up the entire conversation the group had above him. "Her roar will sound throughout the circus, at most, and the only ones here are the carnies and the clowns! Perhaps you want to see the clowns though? I can have that arranged! A few of them like to play with the big cats after all!"

The group's eyes widened at the sound of the ringmaster. Each of them had the same thoughts about how the ringmaster had even heard them.

"He's not human, is he?" Gary asked in a normal tone with his eyes now focused on the ringmaster more than the mating couple.

"You won't be soon enough." The ringmaster replied back up at the group. "Now, back to the main attraction, at least the CURRENT main attraction." He smiled at Nola. "How do you feel?"

Nola glared angrily at the ringmaster, at least as angry as a lioness could. The hair on her head was gone, replaced by luxurious soft fur. From head to toe, she had the fur of a lioness, and the head of a lioness that spread down her body. She was taller than Steve, but she could barely stand on two legs anymore. She just felt so top heavy, plus mating started to feel strange. She was unaware that her anus and vagina shifted slowly as Nola's form tilted more down in front of her. She felt like a caveman, except in this case, she was becoming a lioness. She felt more lion than human, and she very well looked it too as her torso filled out. She fell to the ground with a heavy thud on her thickening swelling palms, and her feline ears picked up the noise of a light crack that came from her spine. Deep down, she knew that she was not going to be able to stand up on two legs again.

"And there is the biggest sign of her becoming a lioness! But it truly is no fun if others are not changing at least a little more with her. Do I have a volunteer so another can transform in new ways?" he glanced to Ross with a huge grin on his face. "Maybe he needs more cleaning, he only got one hand after all!"

Ross glared angrily at the ringmaster, and then he looked down at his changed lion leg, and then his other leg. "That won't be needed!" he shouted with an angry tone.

"Oh, but it's only fair you become a lion while your wife becomes a lioness. There's something so poetic about that." The ringmaster grinned at Ross. "Steve is currently having his way with your wife, perhaps you'd like to have your way with his?" The ringmaster smiled. "Did I already suggest that? Well, perhaps you need to transform in another method with her. What do you think about cleaning each other instead of just cleaning yourself?"

"F-fuck you!" Ross retorted. He hated how his younger brother was just fucking Nola into a lioness, yet there was nothing he could do about it.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't have him fuck her into a lioness entirely. It isn't right for a mostly human to be fucking a mostly lioness." The ringmaster shrugged. "I can sense your egotism feels so shattered already. Maybe you'd like to perform the finishing touches on your wife?"

Ross looked over to Steve with mixed emotions. He was angry, he was jealous, but he couldn't be entirely fully angry at Steve. He knew Steve wasn't entirely at fault. At the same time, he hated how Steve couldn't fight his urges. Ross tried to move, but his body felt as if it were made of stone. Movement, while possible, was extremely slowed. "I'd sooner rip your heart from your chest you perverted bastard."

The ringmaster casually turned to Steve and Nola. "Steve, enough fucking her, she has changed quite significantly, and I'd rather the final touches be something worth remembering other than a mind blowing orgasm." He chuckled. "We can save THAT for another couple."

Steve and Nola felt a relief wash over them. Nola burst free, but as she did, she heard many of her bones crack gently as she leapt forward with the grace of a lioness. Her ass stuck up in the air slightly higher than the rest of her body as her legs and arms hadn't quite yet changed much in size, but her torso made it almost impossible to stand up on two legs. Her vagina and anus were still human, for the most part, but they were shifted back where a lioness's should have been. She also still had her same breast. She looked a lot like a lioness with boobs and ass in the air.

Nola's mind was muddled with conflicted thoughts. She was still herself, but she could feel her instincts grow stronger in her head. Humans had instincts, they could just suppress them unless in times of stress or emergencies. Nola felt as if she could still suppress these new strange instincts in her head, but it was harder for her to do.

"I can sense your new urges and instincts." The ringmaster chuckled at Nola. "Steve was a good fuck, wasn't he? You want more, don't you?"

Nola's head quickly raised up at the ringmaster. As she was on her hands and legs, she had to look up to see him, and she quickly shook her head. She couldn't talk, but she could always use nonverbal communication. She winced in pain as she felt her hands and toes crack and crunch as they shifted under her weight, but much slower now. She didn't want to let out the truth that it was fun, and she could always go for more. Sex between lions never normally lasted so long, and she doubted it always felt that good either. She knew something about feline barbed cocks, something Steve thankfully didn't have yet.

"Oh don't lie. I'll make sure you get Steve's cubs when you are all fully transformed. It makes no sense you'd get cubs from a...lesser lion after all." The ringmaster smiled at Ross.

Ross glared angrily at the ringmaster. "I'll have you know that if I were a lion, I'd be stronger than he was!" he felt his heart pump as his body filled with anger. He could feel fur sprout past his arm and all over the rest of his body, but his rage blinded him to such transformations.

"Ah yes, anger, hatred, jealousy, let your emotions come to a boil, it will make your transformation all the faster."

Ross told himself that mentally. He looked over to Nola, whom looked much more like a lion than human. "I don't give a damn! Ross felt the strength build up inside of him, and then he charged the cage. He knew he couldn't reach the ringmaster, but he sure wanted to try. His other arm began to swell, and bones began to crack.

Nola wanted to yell at Ross to stop, but when she opened her maw to reveal her lioness teeth that had grown in slightly, she let out a roar that sounded identical to that of a lioness. Her round ears twitched, and she winced as she felt her torso expand more. More of her bones shifted, as did her organs, her muscles, she could feel so many changes, but she couldn't describe them in detail, nor could she do anything about it.

"You're upsetting the lioness, Ross." The ringmaster said in a calm tone. He was well far enough away that Ross wasn't even close to reaching him. "Just look at her!"

Nola's eyes squinted as she looked at the ground. She felt the final changes in her body take place, the final adjustments. Her arm and legs shifted to be a similar height, her muscles and bones made their final shifts, and she felt a tingling sensation in her vagina, the same one that had not gotten any relief, just fucking, but not an orgasm from the man to fill her with cubs. Nola was a lioness, and a sad looking one at that.

The rest of the group, the group that had changed so little, was in disbelief. Of course the first few changes were hard enough as was, but there was Nola, a true lioness, one that looked and sounded just like a real lioness.

Ross was still filled with rage. His other arm filled out, and his fingernails fell, but he was still so angry at the ringmaster. He turned back to Nola, but it just filled him with even more rage. "Step into this cage, come on, I fucking dare you!" Even with his other arm changed, he waved it at the ringmaster and tried to swipe at him like a lion would attack.

"Such a shame, a lion that wants to attack rather than aid their pride, no wonder Steve makes a better leader compared to you." The ringmaster casually stepped closer to Ross. "Your spine will crack and force you to be on all fours."

Ross picked up the sound of a loud crack. There was a sharp pain where his spine ended, but it was quick to pass. Once the pain had ended, Ross found himself leaning on the cage much more for support than before. He realized that, if he had stepped away from it, he would not have been able to stand on two legs easily again.

Steve was at a loss for what had just happened. He had almost fucked Nola, not even his wife, into a lioness, and there she was, a full-fledged lioness. Yet the sight of the lioness was arousing, more so compared to even his wife. He turned to look at Caitlyn, whom was at a loss for words just as well over the sight that had just happened. He couldn't blame her. Not only did he cheat right in front of her, but she also lost her sister to becoming a feral lioness.

"Now, this has gone on for too long." The ringmaster looked back over at Steve. "Steve! You and her are to fuck until you BOTH become lions!" the ringmaster pointed at Rose.

Rose was the least changed, at least compared to the rest of the lion group. Upon hearing her name, she glared angrily at the ringmaster. "You're trying to break us all apart aren't you? You're ordering all of us to do stuff that we never would have, all right in front of each other!"

"I'm trying to unify you as lions." The ringmaster explained calmly. "Humans have monogamy, that's disgusting. Lions have the survival of the fittest! The best lion is the leader and gets to mate with all of the lionesses, whoever he wants! Nola out of all of you was the best lioness too, just look at her! Her fine grace, her beautiful fur, she is a marvelous lioness, a fantastic feline, just as all of you will be by the end of the day."

Rose couldn't stop moving herself to Steve. Rose still only had the small patch of fur on her, so many others had the same, although the fur on everyone was slowly spreading bit by bit. The more they couldn't control their emotions, the more the fur spread.

Jerry was perhaps the least of the transformed. His age and experience helped him control his emotions, although he was mad and frustrated, as he was sure everyone else around him was. He turned to his side to see Amanda, whom was in a bit more of a panic though.

Amanda's breathing was hard. She hated the fur that grew on her, and she couldn't stop stroking what fur she already had. The more she stroked her fur with her fingertips, the faster her heart pounded, and the more she felt the fur spread around her entirely until it covered her elbow. "I can't...I can't...I can't control it." She said in a panic. Nobody could help her, nobody could save her. She had seen what happened to Nola, and she knew it was only a matter of time before the same happened to her.

"Calm down woman! You already screamed so loud earlier!" Jerry spoke with furrowed brows. "You're only hastening your demise. Control yourself, calm yourself. This is nothing. We can get out of here if we work together."

"B-but look at her." Tears fell from Amanda's eyes as she pointed to Nola. "She's an animal! A complete...a complete animal." She couldn't stop herself from petting her fur. She hated to admit it, but being pet felt soothing, and her fur felt like a luxurious pelt. The fur slowly spread down her arm, her torso, and wrapped around her front. Her quick heart beat made the changes just that much faster with her.

Jerry looked back to Nola. It was hard to see with the other people in the way, but he couldn't ignore the sight in front of him. There was a lioness, one that used to be a human. There was another human with two muscular lion front legs, and one very furry human that almost screwed a woman into a lioness. "Thinking about their changes won't help. You have to think about ways out of here."

Bradley stood beside Jerry. "And do you have a plan to get out of here?" he didn't even bother trying to keep his crotch covered. Few others seemed to be hiding their shame at this point, and he didn't even think as to why.

"Witty retorts won't get you anywhere." Jerry rolled his eyes at Bradley.

"Yeah well, you're not exactly doing anything to help comfort her either." Bradley walked up to Amanda and stroked her back where she was covered with fur.

"And petting her helps?" Jerry asked with a raised brow.

"More than how much you're helping!"

Amanda heard the two argue. She felt her ears twitch and lower, and when she felt the twitching, she had to reach up to confirm that her ears had shifted up slightly. She could feel her ears migrate upwards, and as much as she tried to hold them down at the side of her head, it was too painful to hold onto them for very long.

Steve and Rose were too busy doing their own thing to notice what went on behind them. As much as Rose hated the idea, she turned and presented her vagina to Steve, and as much as Steve didn't want to, he found himself once again thrusting his cock into another woman's vagina, one that was not his wife's, but definitely right in front for his wife to see.

The ringmaster applauded. "Yes, emotions are definitely the way to drive your transformations. Arousal is by far the most satisfying to see, but I won't complain if others change in different methods." He smiled to Ross, and then glanced past the lions, as if he were looking to the group in the back, including Amanda.

Steve looked over to Caitlyn while his human shaft was inside Rose. "I can't help myself, I...dammit, someone do something!" He hated to admit how good the pleasure was, but he just couldn't stop.

"Now, why don't we have a little more fun by having a two for one in transformation?" The ringmaster said with a smile. "Steve, Rose, you will both become lions as you mate, together. Let's symbolize their...well I'd call it love, but who knows if that's why lions truly mate for that."

Ross didn't care about Caitlyn, but he felt a sudden nudge from a massive furry body against his back. He turned to see Nola, the full lioness, brush against him. Ross felt his heart shatter as he stared at the lioness. "Dammit Nola..." he mumbled. His lion forearm reached out and stroked her backside, as if he were petting a giant cat.

Nola couldn't make any human noises. She could still make gestures, and while she was definitely furious at the ringmaster, she also cared too much about Ross, and she wanted to show him that she still cared as much.

Caitlyn wasn't sure what she could do. She felt heartbroken and helpless. She turned to the ringmaster with a frown on her face. "What do we have to do to make you stop this? It isn't bad enough you made my husband fuck my sister into a lion, now you're doing it with my other sister?"

The ringmaster casually shrugged. "You have a hint of jealousy in you, don't you? You want his cubs just as much, if not more than your fellow lionesses. I do think it would be fun for Steve to have a good time with you, but if you wish, we could arrange for something else."

Caitlyn shook her head. "The only thing I want is...I want this all to end." She turned back to Steve and Rose.

Steve felt his body change more this time, though his changes were slower compared to Rose. He could feel his fingernails wriggle and push themselves out with only slight twinges of pain, enough to be able to ignore it as his body was pleasured.

Like before with Nola, Rose's body grew out lioness fur that resembled Nola's in color as she shed her human air. Her orgasms were quicker, and the pleasure was just a bit more intense that resulted in her transforming just a bit faster than her sister.

"Once you become a lioness, your pain and suffering will be over." The ringmaster said quietly to Caitlyn. "You will have the mindset of a lion. Just look at Nola. She was angry, she was depressed, and she had all of these human emotions. Now, as a lioness, she is much calmer. Her transformation is finished, and the only thing she has to worry about is the rest of her pride who have not quite finished changing yet."

Caitlyn turned to Nola. She still couldn't believe that her sister was now a lioness, a very beautiful lioness at that. And here she was, in the exact same cage as she was, changing slowly, although she was able to control her emotions, her fear was getting the better of her, giving her more fur than many of the people in that cage, but not quite enough to cover her whole body. One of her arms were covered, but she still had her normal hand.

"All you have to do is give in. If you all give in, your changes will occur faster, and you'll be much happier." The ringmaster smiled at Caitlyn. Of course he was well aware that there were so many others that needed to be transformed, so many that were watching, hiding, and slowly transforming on their own, but so much slower. The ringmaster glanced around at the various people as he considered his options on who to encourage changing next.

Caitlyn was stuck on the ringmaster's words. She hated to admit her jealousy, but there was something in her that just said that Steve was the leader of their pride, and he needed to give every lioness his cubs, including her. She looked down to the fur on her arm, and with a defeated look on her face, she gave it a lick, as if to imitate a lioness cleaning her arm. Her tongue quickly shifted, and much like Ross, the arm she licked slowly converted into a lion forearm.

Ross noticed what Caitlyn was going through, and he was still filled with rage. His ears, the same ears that flickered with new life as they became rounded lion ears picked up what the ringmaster was saying. "Stop fucking mocking US!" Ross yelled to him.

"I'm not mocking you, I'm telling you how to make your lives easier." The ringmaster explained calmly. "The sheer fact you wish to get so emotional over this is almost amusing. Granted the saddened ones are a little depressing to watch, but it will speed up their change too, into a happier feline. I'm sure Nola is already forgetting all of her human worries, aren't you girl?" he smiled down at the lioness.

Nola's ears perked upon hearing her name. She looked at the ringmaster with her lioness eyes, and an emotionless face. She couldn't move her lips now if she wanted, and she could feel her whiskers shift as she tried to make some sort of emotional expression, but failed. The more she looked at the ringmaster, the more confused she started to feel. She remembered her human life, but now she had lioness instincts, and far less human worries, and more lioness ones. She was still slightly angry at the ringmaster, but the ringmaster wasn't doing anything to bother her besides make confusing human noises, some of which she couldn't even understand anymore.

Ross kept his eyes on Nola. He could tell there was something different about her, not just physically obviously, but there was something mentally unusual about her too. "What else did you do to her you sick bastard." Ross muttered quietly. "She doesn't...I mean..." he could tell she still had feelings for him, just like he had feelings for her, but the feelings felt less about love and more around a mutual bond of wanting to survive together.

"It isn't what I do, it's about what she becomes, and it is about what you all become. I know so many of you need attending too as well." He looked back to Steve and Rose. "Once you two are done creating cubs, help out Ross and Caitlyn finish their transformations, will you? Lots of cuddling and hugging and nuzzling though, no sex! We can't turn this place into an orgy after all."

Rose gasped and let out light squeaks with each thrust Steve pushed into her. Unlike her sisters, Rose was a virgin, but no longer. She felt humiliated, degraded, but at the same time, there was another sensation deep down that said she should be honored to be getting cubs from the pride leader. Fur covered her from head to toe now, just like Steve, and her body filled out in a manner that resembled Nola's own transformation. She barely even heard the ringmaster's words, but her mind understood the order, and she'd do just as he requested once the couple were finished.

Steve heard the ringmaster's words even though he was still very much preoccupied with Rose. He still hadn't orgasmed himself, but the more he felt himself change, the more he felt his bones twist and crack, and his muscles grow, the closer he felt to finally reaching an orgasm.

While the ringmaster was still so amused watching the group, and watching the others stare at the transforming people, he was getting a little bored of the monotony, even if it was sexual. He had to mix things up with something different, and he had just the idea about how to go about it. The ringmaster's feet suddenly lifted from the ground as he rose up into the air. At first, one might think he had magical powers, at least until the wires were visible in the light. It did still have to make one wonder exactly where the wires were coming from though, as if they looked up above, there was no visible indication of where the wires were hung, or where they ended.

The ringmaster floated up to the platform that Nia, Jamal, Gary, and Maya were all on. He smiled at them, and spread his arms. "Hiding is quite feline, but not enough to transform all of you. Perhaps we can have something different arranged so we don't have one massive orgy. Would you all like to be transformed in some specific way?"

Nia stared up at the ringmaster with fright. She could see the wires, but it did little to comfort her. "N-no!" she backed up, but she didn't back up quite so much to back off the platforms.

Gary and Maya were quick to see the ringmaster float up, and they jumped down the platforms until they were back on the ground. Gary felt a bit guilty over leaving Jamal and Nia so suddenly like that, but the less attention they were paid to, the better.

The ringmaster chuckled as Gary and Maya quickly crawled down. "A pity, but two at a time is fine with me." The ringmaster reached behind him, and he pulled out a long stick, and attached to the end of a stick was a full size human dummy with a silly fake smile. The dummy was almost bigger than the ringmaster which just raised more questions with how he could have hid such a thing behind his back. "Felines do more than mate and clean and sleep." He reached the dummy inside and dangled it right above Nia and Jamal. "They like to play. Even the big adult cats will play."

Nia and Jamal both stared up at the dummy. The dummy was clearly inhuman with painted on clothing and a very thin head. Jamal turned his attention to the ringmaster with a glare. "You've got to be kidding, right? The last thing we want to do is 'play around' when we're in this predicament!"

"Ah, but surely you already realize you don't even care about your nudity anymore. You're not even trying to hide it." The ringmaster knew he had pointed it out earlier, but in such a situation they were in, he couldn't blame them if they didn't hear him.

Nia looked down at her nude bare body, and then the little bit of fur that looked as if it had doubled in size, although double the size of what was probably the palm of her hand still wasn't enough to cover that much of her body. It was only when her lack of shame was pointed out that Nia felt a sudden embarrassment wash over her. She really didn't mind being naked. Clothing felt itchy, hot, but nudity just felt so much better. She could see herself wrestle out of clothes if someone tried to put something on her. "T-that's a lie." She wanted to deny it, but it was true. She was beginning to actually hate the idea of clothes.

"Is it?" The ringmaster dangled the dummy over Nia, and then Jamal. "You know felines have instincts to chase and attack. This is one way to get those instincts out without injuring someone." The ringmaster looked down below the platforms. "Or do you think Ross would prefer to play with it?"

Jamal wanted to look at the ringmaster angrily, but instead his eyes were focused on the doll that swayed overhead. There was something inside of him that just wanted to attack that doll, but he wanted to hurt the ringmaster even more.

"I know your intentions to want to harm the very one that trapped you inside of there..." The ringmaster said quietly to Jamal, but he grinned. "Understand though, that I will be the one feeding you and taking care of you, so it's best not to attack me. Take out your frustrations on this instead!" The ringmaster floated above the massive cage as the doll on the string followed the ringmaster to another empty platform.

Nia clenched her eyes shut. The swaying doll was actually far more tempting than she thought it should have been. She thought the doll would have been a much better target for the lions underneath, but she knew those people were likely doomed to become felines, especially after having been transformed so much. She had to fight it though, she could win this.

Jamal wasn't so lucky. He continued to watch the doll, and as it moved to a different platform, Jamal's body followed, almost instinctively jumping to the new larger platform without even trying. He was unaware that his legs and arms grew powerful with muscles that allowed for much better jumping.

"Just don't look at it Jamal." Nia said with her eyes still closed, yet she heard no response. She opened up one eye, and noticed Jamal had left after the dummy on another platform. She looked up at the dummy, and uncovered her eyes. Her pupils swayed with the dummy as she imagined herself just pouncing on it and ripping it to shreds. It would have been one way to take out her anger. She closed her eyes, and turned her head. "Come back here Jay-me!" she called out his nickname.

Nia's words fell on deaf ears. Jamal suddenly leapt up and tried to grab the dummy, but the ringmaster pulled it up at the last moment. Jamal looked to where he was going to land, and instinctively put his hands out in front of him. He landed down on his hands and legs with a loud crunch. It wasn't that he broke any bones or injured any muscles, it was his body taking a large shift as he gave in to his feline instincts. His bones grew stronger, his muscles shifted, and he could feel the fur spread more throughout his body as his arms grew longer, and his torso barreled out.

The ringmaster smiled down at Jamal. "That's it. Let out the playful big tiger. Even the largest adults need play, don't you agree?"

Jamal heard the ringmaster, but he didn't answer. Orange fur covered his backside and sides, complete with black stripes. His belly and front of his neck took on a more whitish color, but it still had the stripes. He looked up at the dummy, and lowered the front half of his body. He gave his rear a small wriggle, and then jumped, higher than before to attack the dummy.

The ringmaster let Jamal reach the dummy, but only with his hands.

Jamal felt a sense of pride rush through him when he grabbed onto the dummy with his hands and dug his nails into it. His pride was short lived when he felt small twinges of pain as his nails separated from his fingers and he fell down onto the platform below. His heart raced as he knew if he fell from the platform that it was going to be a very long drop down. He estimated the drop was maybe one story high. He would probably survive, but he might hurt something regardless. The realization that he could fall was enough to bring him back to his senses. That, and the sharp pain he had when his nails came unattached from his fingers. "W-wait...what's going on? What am I doing?!" Jamal looked at his hands in horror. His hands, his entire body was covered in fur.

"Ah, I see you're catching on." The ringmaster chuckled. "Maybe we shouldn't play on these high platforms, it can be quite dangerous." The ringmaster looked down at the lion group. "Perhaps we should finish up their...changes instead." He looked back at Jamal. "Be a good tiger and let me finish up the lion changes, and I'll be sure to reward you." With that, the ringmaster took the dummy back down to the ground level, right near the group that were transforming into lions.

Steve and Rose were about halfway turned into lions by now. Their bodies were furry and their torsos were filled out. Steve's human hair had shed, but he had the makings of a very large dark mane. Steve noticed the Ringmaster approach the two of them as Steve was on top of Rose with rapid thrusting, but when he opened his mouth to speak, an inhuman lion noise came out, along with a few of his human teeth. It was clear he was now lost in the lust that was sex as his form changed.

Rose was just as distracted. Her lion instincts were getting the better of her. She wasn't necessarily mating for the enjoyment of mating, she was doing it to better the pride, to get the strongest cubs. Mating with male lions wasn't too enjoyable anyways. Both her cunt, and Steve's cock shifted during the mating, and it made sex uncomfortable. Rose's breast had shrank down, and it also started to migrate down as her nipples also looked as if they were splitting into two.

Caitlyn, Ross, and Nola were all still fixated on the couple, unsure of what they could do. Nola didn't seem to be as concerned though, at least as concerned as the other two. In fact, she laid down like a lioness and watched with more interest than she did worry.

"It looks like we're all having fun down here! I bet you all can't wait for lots more strong healthy cubs." The ringmaster said with a chuckle.

"F-fuck you." Ross said with a deep growl. He still had his lion arm as well as the lion ears. Fur covered more of his body, and he shook visibly with rage.

"Oh, you know I did just play with Jamal up there, but it looks like you could really let out some aggression." The ringmaster waved the dummy over Ross with a grin on his face. "Come on, pounce at him. Bite down on him hard. He's able to take a TON of punishment!"

Ross looked at the dummy, and then he looked at the ringmaster with hatred in his eyes. "I'd rather bite down on YOU hard." He wasn't even sure where that came from, it sounded like a threat a non-human would have made.

"Well, I'm sure you can mate with Caitlyn if you'd like to bite someone and claim them as your mate. I know some felines do that." The ringmaster shrugged casually. "But if you'd also prefer a more...realistic dummy, I'm sure one can be arranged." The ringmaster pulled the dummy back, and then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small metal device that looked like a CD-ROM of sorts, but about three times as thick. He tossed it into the large cage and stepped back into the shadows.

Ross watched the ringmaster with a confused look. His nostrils grew and shrank slowly as he instinctively tried to pick up the smell of the ringmaster. His ears twitched as he wanted to hear him, and his eyes watched the shadows intensely. "Where did you go..." he mumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, the CD-ROM device flickered to life as it recreated the ringmaster inside the cage. One could see right through this ringmaster, but it still had the same smile as before. "What do you think? Now I can interact with you without any risk or harm to myself! It's a shame I can't feel myself pet you though, all of you will have such fine fur after you're done changing."

Ross stared at the hologram in confusion. It looked like the ringmaster, but he could see right through him. Still, the hologram acted and behaved in a nature that reminded him of a human. Wait...I'm still human too! He thought to himself. He shook his head as he felt more fur along his head than he recalled. He could feel himself changing and shifting more and more into a lion, though he didn't look directly at his body to see how he was transforming.

"Come on, I can tell you want to attack me. Don't you still want to do that? I know you might not be able to attack me in a...physical sense, but surely this will make you feel better. Just look at your pride and tell me that doesn't make you furious."

Ross turned back to Nola the lioness. He felt a sense of ease and relaxation from her. She had nothing to worry about now, she was done transforming. He could still feel some form of worry from her, but it was not about her body, but about the body of her pride members as she watched Ross. Ross then turned to Steve and Rose. Ross couldn't even picture the two as humans anymore. They had the heads of lions, the body of lions, and their arms and legs were shifting to that of a lion's. Ross's own lion ears could pick up the cracking and crunching noise of their adjusting muscles and bones.

Ross's ears picked up the sound of a soft spray, and then he immediately glanced back at the hologram. His nose flared as he picked up the scent of the ringmaster. He couldn't describe the smell of the ringmaster very well, just that it was a scent of one. "What the hell is that supposed to make me do?" he growled, though his growling stopped as he felt a few of his teeth wriggle and fall right out.

"Make me more believable that I'm a person and not a hologram." The ringmaster replied with a chuckle. "I honestly don't even know if it works on real lions, though if you're intelligent, you would know anyways."

"You're a fucking hologram and I know it." Ross turned away from the fake ringmaster in disgust. He felt his bones pop as he turned. He could tell his own body changed bit by bit. The only one in their group that hadn't changed that significantly was Caitlyn, but even fur covered her entire body by now.

Caitlyn didn't know what to do at this point. She had lost one of her sister's to becoming feral, and she was losing another. She walked over to Nola with a grimace. " does it feel?" she asked quietly.

Nola looked at Caitlyn with a wide-eyed look of curiosity. She opened up her mouth to reveal her feline tongue and large sharp teeth. She truly had turned into a lioness inside and out. She suddenly shifted her head upwards and head-butted Caitlyn's shoulder gently. She rubbed her head on Caitlyn, and then her back, and finally her slim feline tail.

Caitlyn stroked Nola as she walked by her. "Your fur feels so soft..." she said quietly. She knew very well that she had fur that looked a lot like Nola's own. She hated to admit that she almost felt a sense of jealousy that Nola felt so much at ease. She could almost sense Nola was worried about Ross and the others, but at the same time there was little to be so worried about if this was the end result. Caitlyn could feel her muscles shift and hear her bones crack as she shifted and changed faster than others. She wasn't sure why she was, she wasn't behaving any more of an animal than the rest of the group, but it was perhaps because she was accepting her fate. She was already losing her husband when he was fucking not one, but two other women, she may as well surrender now.

Steve was too focused on the mating by now to pay attention to his wife. He felt more lion mentally, and he looked far more like it too. In fact, it was hard to distinguish any human features he even had. His torso was barreled out like a lion's, he had the lion mane, muzzle, paws, although no claws, and the long lion tail. He looked like a truly powerful lion that would have definitely been a leader in a pride.

Rose was just as much of a lion as Steve, and just as transformed. She could feel Steve's shaft inside of her shift and change too, and that made the mating actually a bit unpleasant and semi-painful with a feline barbed cock. Sure Rose had the feline cunt to deal with it, but it didn't help her that much. She let out a soft inhuman roar, and much of her human teeth fell out as she did.

Ross looked at the couple almost turned lion, and then Caitlyn who didn't seem angry or upset. In fact, Caitlyn looked as if she were more at peace as she transformed faster than Ross. He turned his attention back to the hologram ringmaster with an angry glare.

"You're mad because you're helpless." The ringmaster put his arms behind his back. "You know you can't do anything to help them, but they're much better off as lions. Just look at Nola, she's happy and content, Steve is so close to an orgasm and he'll surely help strengthen your pride." The ringmaster smirked. "If you give in like Caitlyn, you might transform quick enough that you might be able to help strengthen your pride too, lest you want Steve to fuck all the lionesses and give all of them cubs for himself."

"S-stop with the sex talk!" Ross hated to admit that the lion part in him was jealous of Steve. He wanted some cubs to himself, but not at the cost of his humanity. He felt his own cock and balls change between his legs. While Ross didn't look down, he could feel the barbs form on his shaft. "It isn't all about sex you know!"

"That's true, but as lions performing for the circus, you don't have much to worry about in the way of life. You clean, you sleep, you eat, and you mate. Is that not the life humans want in the first place? No more job to worry about, no more bills, just a simple life as a simple lion." The ringmaster looked behind him. He knew he had been putting most of his attention to the six lions, but there were so many others that could use his attention to, and other ways to change them.

Ross growled inhumanly. He could feel his teeth crack and crunch as he spit them out one by one. He, just like the rest of his group, were more lion than human. He heard another roar, this time louder and manly, and he turned to see what had happened.

Steve and Rose had just finished transforming into lions, and while it was impossible to see inside, Steve finally released his tension and orgasmed to gift Rose his seed. As a lion, the orgasm was short lived, but he slowly pulled his barbed shaft out of Rose, and then looked over to Nola, and licked his lips.

Nola watched the entire situation unfold. Physically she was all lion, and mentally it was hard to detect, but she turned her back to Steve, and lifted her tail to show off a black lioness sex invitingly to him. It was then that anyone could tell that her human nature was gone. The only thing that remained was the lioness that she had turned into.

Steve hopped off of Rose. His muscles shifted and twitched, and many popping noises could be heard as his insides readjusted themselves. He had fully transformed into that of a lion inside and out. He had soft luxurious fur, and a massive mane that radiated dominance. Had his sharp lion teeth and claws grown in, he would have looked absolutely fierce.

Ross wasn't even sure what to do. Steve looked even stronger than Ross now. Even as Ross looked down at his changed lion arms, both of which had fully transformed, he didn't look nearly as big as his younger brother. He turned back to the ringmaster, and with a loud roar, he lunged at the hologram. Rage blinded his rationale thoughts about how charging at a hologram would do nothing.

Ashley had been quiet as everything unfolded. She was normally an energetic and peppy woman, but she was at a loss for her own family transforming. She had changed quite a bit like the rest of the lions, but she couldn't believe it. She watched Ross without a single word, though when her mouth opened, human teeth fell out.

The ringmaster chuckled as Ross went through the hologram. "Yes, keep trying. After all, only one of you haven't given up yet." The ringmaster hologram briefly glanced at Ashley. Even he had forgotten about her, but with so many people to transform, it was hard to keep track. It didn't matter at the end of the day to him as they all would be transformed regardless, it was just a matter of when, and how much he wanted to watch and enjoy it.

Caitlyn heard the ringmaster. She couldn't help but wonder what he meant. Her muscles had swelled up and her arms and legs had changed to make walking on all fours easier, although she hadn't quite gotten to that point yet. It was then that she realized that she had also forgotten about someone! She turned her attention to Ashley. Ashley was normally the talkative one, she was the one that would be the most active, but instead she had fallen quiet. She looked like an anthro lion with a human face, but she couldn't believe she had forgotten about her younger sister. Caitlyn had given up, but now she realized that she couldn't surrender, not in front of Ashley. She opened her mouth to tell Ashley to stay strong, but only a lion roar came out from her mouth.

"She's telling you that you should give in." The ringmaster's hologram walked over to Ashley with a smile. "Look at her. In fact, look at Steve, Nola, Rose, they are all much happier as lions, and much more carefree."

Ashley bit the bottom of her lip. She felt her teeth fall out effortlessly with just that little bit of pressure applied, and she gasped. She felt so degraded without teeth. She took such good care of them! And yet, she could tell that the others that had fully changed were growing lion teeth. The growth of the new teeth were slow, but it was undeniable she could see the small white things in the mouths of the lions that had fully transformed already.

"Don't you listen to him!" a voice spoke up. Bradley yelled from afar with his arms crossed. "You can fight it and you know it! You have the strength! You may have lost your friends and family to becoming lions, but you're stronger than that!"

The hologram ringmaster's head quickly turned to Bradley. "You know nothing about the situation are you in." he spoke softly, yet it was somehow loud enough for Bradley to hear, as if there were speakers right next to his ears.

"I know well enough!" Bradley shouted back. Most of the group glanced at him wide eyed, as if he were shouting to himself. Bradley grimaced at the hologram, and clenched his fists. He could feel that his nails were lose, but he didn't care.

"You are all going to transform." The hologram said in a calm voice. "I know I've said it before, but I will say it until it gets through all of your thick skulls. You have no choice but to accept your fate. Should you have any idea how to get out, by all means you may try. But if you resign to your fate, you will transform faster and live happier with your body, mind, and spirit that of a feline."

The feline suddenly cut out as Ross picked up the hologram and tossed it with his teeth. "Enough with these stupid games! Why don't you come in here and 'help' us yourself?"

There was a brief moment of silence before the ringmaster reappeared. "Some of you are rather emotional, so I'd avoid it. Wild animals can be unpredictable, even when trained. But I'm sure all of you can fend for yourselves once you change." He smirked at Ross. "I do assume that's a 'no' on mating with the other lionesses then? You could always help out Ashley."

Bradley wanted to say more, but Jerry put his hand out in front of Bradley before he could rush forward.

"You can't save them." Jerry said in a serious tone. "Don't try, just look at them."

Bradley grimaced at Jerry, but then he looked at the group of people that had been given so much attention by the ringmaster, at least more than everyone else. While everyone in the cage had been transformed slightly, a few more than others, it was undoubtedly true that the lions had changed the most. "What are we supposed to do then? Sit around idly until our thumbs become nonexistent?"

Jerry closed his eyes, and he took a deep breath. "I'm not sure. We would have to find a way to convince them to open up this place before the changes were finished." Jerry turned to Bradley. "I do have one possible answer, but I don't know if it will work."

"Anything is better than standing around and waiting for us to become...THAT!" Bradley pointed at Nola.

Ross felt his body change with his rising anger. He charged at the ringmaster, and slammed against the cage. As he backed away, his spine cracked as he fell onto all fours. He didn't notice his own form as his muzzle pushed out and he turned more and more into that of a lion. He was a bit more scraggily compared to Steve, and much fiercer looking. He didn't even notice Steve began to mate with Caitlyn, whom was quickly converting into a lioness even faster now with Steve.

Caitlyn was at odds. She felt defeated, but at the same time she didn't want Ashley to surrender. She knew she had to fight her changes for Ashley, but it was hard when Steve mounted on her like the lion he was, and the lioness she was becoming. "I-I thought we weren't all going to be changing with sex!" she shouted to the ringmaster as her face pushed out into a lioness muzzle, and her teeth fell from her mouth one by one.

"Not all of you are, but I figure personally you could use some pleasure to make you happier." The ringmaster smiled down at Caitlyn, and then he looked back at Ashley. "What about you? Wouldn't you like this lion to give you his cubs? Just look at him!"

Ashley would have glared at the ringmaster over such a comment, but her attention was already focused on Steve. Steve's body looked so strong and powerful. As her face pushed out into a feline muzzle, she picked up his scent too. "Y-yes..." she said quietly. She slowly walked closer to Steve, but not so much as to touch him.

Caitlyn could see out of the corner of her eye that Ashley approached. She was having mixed emotions. Steve was right on top of Caitlyn and, not only penetrated her cunt that had turned into a feline's own, but came in it almost instantly after penetrating. She let out a quiet roar at the bit of pain the barbed cock made her feel. Tears fell from her slit lioness eyes as she looked at Ashley. "Frrright...rrrrow" she tried to speak to Ashley, but there was a sudden 'click' in Caitlyn's mind as her spine made a loud crack. She was a lioness, what was she so worried about? And now, she was getting cubs from a very powerful pride leader, something she should be more than excited to have. Caitlyn turned away from Ashley, and her eyes widened as an orgasm hit her and stripped away more of her humanity physically, and mentally.

Ashley just barely understood what Caitlyn said. It was a bond between sisters that made it all the easier to understand, but she knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. She watched her sister lose what was left of her humanity right in the lioness's eyes. She then turned to the other lionesses with a grimace. Now all of her sisters were truly gone, and Ross was converting too, not that Ashley knew Ross too well, but he was blinded with rage to even notice his form was almost entirely that of a lion.

"Your friends, your family, look at them." The ringmaster told Ashley. "They look so much better off as lions, so much happier and carefree. Is that not the kind of life you want? Imagine all the freedom you'll have being a lioness."

Ross roared after the ringmaster finished as he kept trying to attack the ringmaster behind the cage. He had lost all rationale by now. With each lunge, his mane puffed out more prominently. With each land onto the floor, he heard his bones crack and muscles pop as they shifted into place that a lion should have. His face, his arms, legs, torso, he looked entirely like that of a lion, although a very angry lion. Even as his mind shifted and altered from a human to a lion, he was still furious as the ringmaster. He didn't remember WHY he was angry at the ringmaster, just that he was.

Ashley watched Ross's change complete. Everyone she knew in the cage were lions. She turned and looked at the rest of the people that were stuck in the cage with her and saw that some had changed more than others, but none of them had fully transformed into felines. "Why are you picking on us?" Ashley said quietly under her breath without directly looking at the ringmaster. "There's so many other people in here, and so many others out there."

"I believe I have already explained that my dear." The ringmaster walked around the cage as an angry Ross followed him. "But rest assured that everyone else here will join you as large felines. I just think it's easier to focus more on one group at a time rather than everyone as a whole....although a little variety while changing you doesn't hurt every now and then." The ringmaster chuckled. "Either way, you are the only one left that must become a lioness. What must I do to convince you that they are much happier now? Even Ross is much better off, well once his teeth and claws come in. As of right now the most he can do is gum me to death."

Ashley watched the lions and lionesses. Steve finished mating with Rose, and then he looked at Ashley with lust in his eyes. Ashley hated to admit the idea of mating with such a big strong lion felt incredibly strong, but she remembered that she was told to fight these urges. She couldn't give in, she just couldn't.

Rose and Caitlyn both looked at Ashley with their round lion eyes. Their eye color was still the same as they were when they were humans, although the eye color was very dominant in their eye with only the black spot where they looked out from being largely different. The rest of their body, and minds, were completely lionesses. Together, the two lionesses stood up on all fours, and walked over to Ashley. Both of them circled their sister as their bodies gently brushed up against her, and their tails on Ashley's arms.

Ashley watched the lionesses with her jaw dropped, and the last of her human teeth falling from her mouth. Her tits had shrank down, and they were migrating down her body and splitting into another pair of nipples. The rest of her body was also becoming that of a lioness bit by bit, faster even as the two lionesses circled her. Ashley noticed Steve 'sat' with his back legs lowered, and his front legs held up his upper body. Ashley could see it in his eyes, as well as strongly pick up the desires of what her sisters wanted now, even if they were lionesses. With a small nod, Ashley let the lioness in her overpower her human self, and with both body and mind, the rest of her body swiftly turned into a lioness, almost instantly.

The ringmaster clapped his hands happily as the final lioness transformed. There they were, a group of six lions, and an angry Ross. Steve would likely get all the lionesses to himself to mate with while Ross would lose out until he became too exhausted to even try to attack, at which point the rest of the humans in the cage would have been transformed by then. Of course, the ringmaster could not forget that there were still so many other people to transform, some more changed than others. It was simply a matter of deciding who to change next. "Perhaps we can bring some special effects into the mix and really get this circus show going."

Amanda was still in the back and watched the transformations unfold with disbelief. No longer were there six humans, but six lions. With the exception of Ross, the other lions were all calm and collected. The one other male lion even mated with the other female lions without a care in the world, although the mating was quite quick as it were with lions. "They're all really full sized animals...just look at them." She didn't want to admit how beautiful their fur and bodies looked, but she was too afraid to go up close and see for herself.

Suddenly, a fog filled the large metal cage, and the lights dimmed. It looked like the ringmaster wasn't lying about special effects, and while it focused on separating each group apart, it left Amanda on her own. The lights and fog made it look like she was alone in the darkness in the metal cage, with nothing but her naked body around her.

"H-hello?" Amanda wrapped her arms around her chest as she visibly shook. She knew she was near two men earlier, but she didn't know their names. "Is anyone there?!" she called out loud enough that anyone nearby should have heard, yet there was no response.

"They're not going to be able to help you." The voice of the ringmaster spoke. That same ringmaster suddenly appeared right in front of Amanda with a smile on his face. There was no cage in the way, no thick fog between them, just him and Amanda less than six feet apart.

Amanda stared at the ringmaster with wide eyes. She could see his full sized ringmaster suit and body that was very stereotypical for a ringmaster. "Y-you're lying! They're right here! There's no way they wouldn't come for me, and that one lion is super mad at you and he's gonna attack you while being in the cage with us!"

"Do you see him nearby?" The ringmaster asked as he casually spread his arms. "No, he's not. It's just you and me, and you don't have the ability to defend yourself, at least as a human. You know, humans are quite fascinating creatures. They are vulnerable to so much of the wildlife, and yet they won in the evolution race because of their intelligence. Yet, imagine a panther with that kind of human intelligence. They would be quite powerful too, don't you think?"

Amanda had the picture of a black panther and how powerful they were compared to humans. She imagined their two massive fangs and sharp teeth, and it made her own teeth tremble and shake. She shivered as she pictured their black luxurious fur that surrounded their body, and she itched herself as she felt that same fur grow all over her. She looked down at her blackening hand, and then at the ringmaster with a frown. "W-what are you doing to me?" she asked with a quivering lip.

"My fantastic feline, it is not what I am doing to you, it is what you are going to do to yourself." The ringmaster stepped closer to Amanda. He was close enough that he reached down with his gloved hand, and stroked her furry chin. He lifted her head up to meet his, and smiled. His hand was cold to the touch, and he had a scent that was indescribable from what any human would smell like. The best way to describe his smell was of wilted flowers. "You remember Ross. He transformed out of anger. You should transform for another reason entirely. You need to protect yourself, do you not? You have nobody to help you, no tools around you. If you were a panther, you could easily defend yourself from me. Look at you now though. You're helpless, you're weak. You're nothing."

"N-no...that's not true." Amanda tried to cover her ears, but when she put her hands at the side of her head, she realized that her ears had shifted up. She raised her hands up, but she gasped when her hands felt different. She pulled back from the ringmaster, and looked at her left hand to see it had become padded. "N-no!"

"But you would be SO much more if you were a panther." The ringmaster crossed his arms. "Why, just imagine if Ross were to attack YOU instead."

There was a sudden inhumanly growl from behind Amanda, one that sounded just like the lion that Ross had turned into.

Amanda turned her head slowly to see that lion. While the lion resembled Ross, its nails and teeth had grown in fully. There was no cage to her back anymore, just a vicious lion poised to attack. Based on what Amanda could see in its eyes, it was ready to attack her. Amanda's hands swelled up, and her fingers merged together as they became black panther paws. "I-I don't want to fight him!"

"But in the wild, you would have little choice. Our big cats may be smart creatures, but they are still wild, and therefore unpredictable." The ringmaster floated upwards. "Defend yourself against this lion! Become a panther to fight back!"

Amanda watched the ringmaster fly away just like that. She winced as her feet arched upwards as they shifted, and she could feel the muscles in her body swell and shift. She hated to admit the ringmaster was right, she had to fight for herself, and she had to defend herself. She could feel her teeth and nails fall from her body, as well as her human hair shed from her head, but she didn't care. She growled at the lion creature as she fell forward and hit her front paws onto the ground with a soft thud. Her heart pounded with fear and adrenaline as she knew what she had to do to fight for herself. Whiskers grew out from her face as it pushed out into a panther muzzle, and much swifter than the lions changed, Amanda herself changed into a black panther. Her transformation finished when a black tail burst from her spine which now forced her onto all fours.

The fog faded and Amanda found herself back in the large cage with the others, except she was no longer human, but a pitch black panther with feline eyes. She noticed she was close to Bradley and Jerry still, as if she had never left them. She couldn't stop herself though. She pounced up to Bradley, and brushed up against him repeatedly.

Bradley couldn't believe what had just happened. Amanda was gone one moment in a dense fog, and she came back as a full panther. "He's speeding up the transformations now." He said to Jerry with a grimace.

Even Jerry was amazed at what happened with Amanda. Amanda didn't seem to react meanly to them, in fact she seemed more afraid of them than they were of her. "So he is..."

The ringmaster appeared in front of Bradley with a chuckle. The fog was still dense, but now it was easy to see they were still in the massive cage. "Oh yes, she could use someone to help calm her down, someone that is her species. Perhaps our 'hero' would like to volunteer for this?"

Bradley watched as Amanda backed into a corner. He could see her fur stand on ends, and her tail twitched nervously with her back slightly raised. He wasn't sure if that's how panthers defended themselves, but he thought maybe that's how Ashley thought they did. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not transforming into some panther for her!" He knew he had the exact same fur on him though, and that fur slowly spread.

"Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you're going to do then? I'm here within attacking range. Maybe you'd like to try to hit me?" The ringmaster teased. "But Amanda is so afraid. She needs someone to comfort her, someone willing to do more than just pet her."

Bradley looked down at Ashley. He could feel his own fur spread along his body. While to him it felt as if his hair stood on ends, in truth it was the black fur. He reached down and stroked Amanda's head. She's like a big giant cat. He thought to himself.

"Don't do it!" Jerry shouted firmly as a father might scold a child. "He will trick you into transforming as well!"

The ringmaster chuckled at Jerry. "You will all transform, every single one of you, there is no use fighting it, so why continue to do so?" the ringmaster turned back to Bradley. "Join her in becoming a feline. Help calm her by becoming the same species as her, and protecting her. After all, felines have less standards than humans..." the ringmaster looked back to the lions briefly, and then at Bradley. "I'm sure if your goal was to...get laid, she would be more than happy to help you with that."

Bradley didn't want to admit that was something he wanted. Maybe not with a full panther, he wasn't into such things, at least he swore he wasn't into such things, but now he wasn't so sure of himself. He grabbed his head as his mind filled with conflicting thoughts. "This isn't all about sex." His hands were placed right where his hears would have gone, but his ears migrated to the top of his head and developed fur on them. In fact, the familiar panther fur that Ashley had grown was now growing all over Bradley at a much more rapid pace.

"This is true, but I know it was YOUR goal. It doesn't have to end in sex though." The ringmaster looked to the lions briefly, and then the other unchanged humans that were watching, still in horror. He then looked back to Bradley. "It could also very well be about...comfort, reassurance. You don't have to mate with her to make her feel relaxed, but look at Amanda. She's afraid of all of these humans, and intimidated at the lions. Surely another panther would make her feel better, wouldn't you think? Perhaps one that's been through what she has went through."

Bradley looked at the frightened Panther. Normally large animals, or at least somewhat large animals that were frightened had a look about them that said to stay back, but Bradley didn't pick that up from Amanda. Bradley's back cracked loudly once, and then he hunched over. There were more cracks, and with each following crack, he hunched down just a bit more. Fur was quick to cover his body entirely, short black fur that resembled Amanda's. In fact, his very torso made multiple smaller cracks as it reshaped to resemble her more and more, although a bit larger.

Amanda watched Bradley with a shiver in her body. She was still physically herself, but there was something in her she could tell was different mentally too. She eyed Bradley with a greater comfort than she had eyed the others. The other humans hadn't changed fully yet, some had changed in some way, but not entirely. Bradley however had a scent that comforted her, the scent of a male panther in this unfamiliar territory, and this unfamiliar land. She couldn't defend for herself, not yet, but something told her that Bradley could at least help her with it. She inched forward to Bradley, and brushed herself against him.

Bradley gasped as Amanda brushed against him. He couldn't control his own transformation, nor could he slow it down. There was something about her, about their situation that just made his change so much swifter than the others that had been changed. He couldn't fight it any longer. His fingers melded together, his teeth and nails fell from his body, and he slowly closed his eyes as his growing paw brushed against Amanda's back. His eyes then opened up with the feline slit eyes, and his growing tail stroked back against Amanda. The change was swift. It wasn't long before there was another panther in the cage. Just like that, his change had finished.

Jerry watched speechless as the transformation finished. "You aren't even giving them a chance to fight back anymore." Jerry muttered to the ringmaster. "You're a cruel, heartless bastard..."

"Am I?" the ringmaster floated with an inhuman presence. He watched as the two now fully panthers consoled each other in their new forms. "They have a better life. The lions have a better life, and soon, you will have a better life. Do not think I didn't study anything about you Jerry. But I know you will be...tougher to convince than the rest that your life is better off being an animal than human."

Jerry crossed his arms. He could only imagine that the ringmaster had a partner in mind for him. At least, that seemed to be the theme. He knew the only other person that was alone besides himself though was Diana. person Jerry hadn't even paid any attention towards, even though she had been next to him all along. He glanced to the left, and then to the right. Jerry didn't know her name, but he knew that she was near him, at least, she used to be. "Hey, where's that other woman?"

Diana had since vanished into the fog when it appeared. She was naked, alone, and unsure about what she should do. She had seen the transformations unfold, at least the lion transformations, and that had left her speechless. She had fur on her like everyone else, though her fur was small. Her fur was yellowish with a few black circular shaped rings that had an orange spot inside of it. She recognized the animal pattern, but she didn't believe that she was becoming that very animal. Still, she didn't know how to help herself, let alone others. "Hello?" she called out. She heard an echo in response, as well as a strange animal noise. "What...?"

The ringmaster watched from behind silently. Diana had been given a vision to transform, similar to a few others. It made transforming individuals without interference that much easier to do, and he could create his own unique scenarios this way as well. In this case, he went with something the others hadn't...

There was a sudden growl from in front of Diana as a leopard appeared in front of her from seemingly nowhere. Diana's eyes widened at the creature. She had seen other humans transform into large felines, but she didn't remember anyone becoming a leopard. Worse yet, the leopard looked at her angrily, and she sensed that this creature was hungry too. "E-easy there kitty." she said nervously and quietly. "I-I'm not going to hurt you."

The leopard let out what sounded like a feline snarl that Diana had no clue if leopards could even make. The leopard then pounced right at her, but instead of making physical contact, the leopard vanished as it went through her body. Diana could feel as if something entered her body, but at the same time, it also felt as if something left her too. She spread her arms and glanced down at herself, but she didn't see anything different physically. "What...what just happened?"

Diana no longer saw the leopard, and while she swore she didn't look different, she felt different. She felt a burning heat inside of her, one that wanted to come out. The blackness around her faded, and she was greeted with the familiar sight of the six lions, the panther, and the other humans that hadn't transformed quite yet, but she could sense that they were going to. All of them had something inside of them that was transforming them, she could sense it. Although she had no idea how she had such capabilities to sense the transformation progress in others.

"I see you're quite spiritual unlike the rest of them." The ringmaster said as he stood right in front of Diana. He grabbed onto her hand, although it was so gentle that it would have been easy for her to escape his grasp. He specifically put pressure on her fingernails on her left hand. "You can see the animals, the animals they're all going to be. The animal you are going to be."

Diana pulled back, but the ringmaster held her hand hard enough that, when she did pull away, her fingernails separated from her hand as if they were loose teeth. She gasped at the sight of her fingers, and stepped back from the ringmaster. "J-just leave me be!"

"Oh come on now, you've already accepted the leopard inside of you, all you have to do is become it. Let the soft fur cover your body, your teats down at your belly, your tail..."

The ringmaster was cut off when Jerry threw a punch. He didn't know Diana, but the ringmaster was in the ring now, and that's all he cared about. He was going to give this ringmaster exactly what was coming to him! Unfortunately, the ringmaster grabbed Jerry's hand.

The ringmaster turned to Jerry with a smile. "I would like to focus on one of you at a time now to make the process easier, but if you would like to join her in changing at the same time, then that could possibly be arranged." He gripped Jerry's fist as hard as a vice.

Jerry pulled back with a grunt. "I'm not...I'm not changing dammit! If you think I'm going to go down easily too, then you've got another damn thing coming!" Jerry was finally able to pull free, but only after he heard his bones crunch and crack multiple times. He pulled his hand free, but his fingers were fused together, and much shorter than before, as well as covered with fur. He still had his nails, but they looked very frail.

"Now, before we were so rudely interrupted," the ringmaster turned back to Diana. "Your spirit is that of a leopard, it will be much easier for you to just give in and say farewell to your human life and your human problems."

Diana frowned at the ringmaster. She looked at her other hand which lost its fingernails just as swiftly as her first. She panted at the sensation of heat as her fur crawled up from underneath her skin, and her ears began to migrate upwards. Her changes were definitely going quickly, and no matter how much she tried to calm herself, she could feel her heart pound, and the changes continue quickly. "W-why aren't you giving us a chance...a chance to keep our humanity?" Diana asked.

"You would want to KEEP your humanity? Why would you want all the stress and worries that a human gets?" the ringmaster stroked Diana's head. The human hairs on her head shed for the leopard fur underneath. "Wouldn't being a big cat be so much better? You have no worries in this cage, you just perform every now and then, and that's it. You get food, water, shelter, and of course entertainment that are toys."

"Don't listen to him!" Jerry shouted. He couldn't use one of his hands now. Paw pads formed at the bottom of the paw, but he lacked nails, he lacked claws, the front paw couldn't even form a punch.

The ringmaster suddenly reached out and grabbed Jerry by the throat, as if attempting to choke the man. The ringmaster's hands weren't quite as thick as Jerry's, but they were powerful enough to wrap around Jerry. The ringmaster let go a moment later. "If you are just going to keep interfering, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to change you more with her."

Jerry tried to shout again, but his shout came out as a guttural inhuman leopard noise. The noise he made when he shouted could have been compared to that of a sawing sound moving back and forth. It just made him more frustrated at the ringmaster. There was one of the causes that was transforming people. He looked to the rest of the people in the cage and couldn't help but wonder why they weren't doing anything, but a glance confirmed they were either too afraid, or in the large cats case, didn't seem too concerned. Even if the large felines could attack, they lacked claws and teeth. Jeremy wanted to shout to them if they worked together, they could beat the ringmaster surely, but his words only came out as the noises a leopard would make.

Diana grimaced at Jerry, and then she looked at herself. She couldn't understand what Jerry made, but when she saw what his paw looked like, and the fur that sprouted across her body like quickly growing grass, she noticed their fur pattern looked the same. "We...we're becoming the same, aren't we?"

"Two lovely leopards." The ringmaster replied. "Don't worry, once your claws and teeth grow back in, I'm sure he'll protect you." The ringmaster turned his attention to Jerry. "Are you going to try to bite me too? Come on, let's watch your teeth fall out from trying that."

Jerry wanted to tell the ringmaster that he wasn't an animal, but his meowing with the sounds of a leopard would have easily disproved that statement. He could feel his own fur grow in that matched a leopard's own. His fur was short and mostly yellow with a hint of white where his chest was, as well as around his arms. He had the signature spotty look leopards had too, just like Diana. As much as he wanted to deny it, he really was becoming an animal, but it just made him all the more furious at the ringmaster. He wasn't sure how to attack him, but definitely it wasn't by biting. His teeth felt strange as it was. At his age, his teeth weren't that perfect. He had fillings, missing teeth here and there, but that never really bothered him too much.

"I take it that's a no? A pity, it would be a much more entertaining way to watch them all out." The ringmaster looked to Diana, whom was losing her own teeth. The sound of her spine snapping could be picked up by the ringmaster, and very likely Jerry as well. "They will fall out eventually, just as your human hair does."

Jerry already had a balding spot to begin with. He remembered that he had a tool, but his tool had been tossed out with his clothes. He turned away from the ringmaster, and crossed his arms.

Diana watched the ringmaster and Jerry with a frown on her face. She winced as her spine popped right where her legs connected to her rear and sent her down onto her hands and feet. By now, her hands had also merged into paws too, just like her toes. Bit by bit, she was turning into a leopard. She wasn't sure what she could do to stop it, but something told her what she could do to calm her down, as well as Jerry. She inched toward Jerry, and brushed her body up against him.

Jerry looked down at Diana as he felt her fur against his own. His ears that were migrating to the top of his head flickered as he heard his spine pop, and his face grimaced at Diana. You're not even going to try to fight this anymore, are you? He thought to himself. He reached out and stroked Diana's back with one of his clawless paws.

Diana deep down partially wanted to fight back, but she knew she had already lost. She was more feline than she was human at this point, and she doubted either the ringmaster, or anyone else around there, were willing or capable of fixing her. She felt a sensation about being more at peace in her cat form than human. Humans had so many problems out in the world, and the goal of one human often conflicted with the goal of another, going so far as to often be counterproductive to one another to prevent anything from getting done. A leopard in a circus didn't have to worry about that. A leopard just had to perform a few times, then they could laze around all day and not be blamed for it. Diana looked down at the ground, and felt her fur stand on ends as her own breast shrank down and migrated to her belly. Her teats doubled to a total of four, and along with some other changes to her torso shifting and shaping along with her legs and arms, she was soon a full grown leopard, right next to Jerry. Her fur was ruffled, but mentally she felt more at peace with her form, even if she felt a little panicked when she looked at the ringmaster.

Jerry could only watch as Diana seemed to accept her fate. He could almost feel how much more at ease she felt now that her change was finished, but she was still quite nervous at the ringmaster. Jerry glared at the ringmaster, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it either. His hands, now both of them paws, stroked Diana's side. He didn't want to say it, but her fur felt luxurious, and he was almost envious, even though much of his own fur had already grown in.

"I know you, Jerry." The ringmaster tilted his head at him with a soft smile. "You are the dependable type. You're the type that wants to do everything for everyone and do everything yourself. That kind of stress takes a toll on anyone, hell you're balding and you're barely in your 40s! Let go of that stress and become a leopard with her. You two can be happy together in the same cage and the same shows. After all...I'm sure your wife won't mind."

Jerry's ears flickered at the mention of his wife. He felt his torso crack, and he could almost feel his very organs reshape themselves inside of him. He understood why Ross became so angry with this ringmaster. The ringmaster just pushed all of the right buttons that frustrated Jerry beyond belief, yet there was nothing he could do. "Frr...frru...yoooo." he said with a glare. Anger got him nowhere, attacking got him nowhere, but he was at a loss for what else to do.

"You're not even sure what you can do for yourself against me." The ringmaster chuckled. "It's okay. Just take a breath, relax, and let the circus care for your every needs. Trust us, and you will be much better off."

The ringmaster still angered Jerry, even if the ringmaster spoke quietly with a comforting voice that made Jerry's growing tail flicker. He could feel his shaft shift behind him as his balls covered themselves in fur, and he lost what pubic hair he had between his legs. He let out a guttural growl, but a brush from Diana distracted him. He began to think to himself, why should he be so angry at the ringmaster when it accomplished nothing, and there was a leopard in need of comforting right next to him? He could feel his body shift with every breath. He felt his nose flatten, what teeth he had fell out, and his head reshape.

"That's right." the ringmaster said quietly. "We're here to protect you, we're here to help you, our little leopard."

"rrrrritt...rrrreeee" Jerry mumbled. His head felt cloudy, and he had a twinge of pain to it. With a groan, he felt his transformation finish in its details. His lengthened tail twitched wildly and he slowly closed his eyes. He opened up his eyes as they became that of a panther's. The eyes were very similar to a lion where the color of the eye was dominant with a small black pupil. With his eyes done, his own transformation finished.

"And that makes many, many felines." The ringmaster spread his arms happily. "But there are...oh...four more left unchanged? All of our tigers are still watching and need changing!"

Nia and Jamal were still on top of the platforms. Jamal still had the guilty sensation that he had played around with a dummy earlier, and he had more fur on his body to show for it.

Nia was with Jamal, but uncertain about what to do, just like so many other people. She was horrified at watching all of the transformations, and while she was in denial, she knew that the same fate would befall her, as well as Jamal.

Gary and Maya were on the ground, both of them were as far away as possible from the other felines, but they knew the fate that would happen to them, it was just a matter of when. The two had been the least changed, but they were also the most quiet. They looked at each other, and the various other giant cats that had been transformed.

"Gary...I'm scared." Maya said with her hands over her chest and crotch. "We went from in a cage with a bunch of people, to now in a cage with a bunch of wild animals."

Gary nodded at Maya. "I'm scared too, but they don't look that scary. They're big, but look at them...they don't have teeth, they don't have nails, and they're not paying attention to us. They also used to be human like us too."

Maya looked around from large cat to large cat. The lions had long finished mating, although Ross was definitely upset as it looked like he didn't get in on any of it. The others were mostly cuddling and comforting each other, even the two new leopards. "Weren't there two other people though?" Maya scratched the top of her head, and grimaced when she saw her fine hair fall out.

Jamal looked down at his lack of fingernails, and the fur that covered his body. He felt warm, and at the same time, as his hand stroked his fur, he felt more at ease, but the more he stroked his fur, the more he could hear his own body change. He heard her very ones inside of his pop as he stroked his side, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

"What are you doing?" Nia watched him curiously. She noticed all of that fur on his body almost seemed to fit his form, something that disturbed her. She could feel her own fur continue to grow in too, as if she were changing to match her mate.

"I don't know." Jamal said quietly as he stroked himself. The green in his eyes swelled up bit by bit as they took over the whites in his eyes. "It- It just feels so good to be stroked. Can you pet me?" He didn't know where these feelings were coming from, but they were very hard to control.

Nia shook her head with wide eyes. Her own eyes matched Jamal's in their growth. "Listen to yourself! You're not an animal, you don't need to...need to..." she paused as she felt a hand stroke her back slowly. The feeling of the hand made her feel so good, and just that much safer. She had no idea who could have a hand with so many people transformed though, and a quick look back confirmed as to who was petting her, the ringmaster. She jumped back with her growing fur on ends, and an angry look in her face.

The ringmaster chuckled down at Nia. "What? I could tell you liked it. Your tail raised up and twitched so happily. It's much nicer than having to worry about bills to pay isn't it? You don't have to buy necessities, including happiness, it can be given to you for free here." He quickly went back behind her, and stroked her bare furry back.

Nia let out a gasp. She didn't think she had a tail, but she looked back to see that there was a tail, however small, right above her rear. As her tail grew, her chest shrank too. "B-but...uuhnn..." she wanted to grab the ringmaster's hands, but her own fingers felt stiff and rigid. She could tell that her own hands were becoming paws and that she was changing bit by bit into another large cat. Based on her orange and black fur, she could tell it was a tiger of sorts, but she didn't know her large tigers that well.

"Get away from her!" Jamal shouted with hatred in his voice. He wished he knew what he could do to actually get the ringmaster to stop, but even though he could feel his very arms and legs grow with a power that felt inhuman, he had seen what the ringmaster was capable of. He doubted he could actually do anything himself to stop him.

"Are you jealous?" the ringmaster teased. The two were close enough that the ringmaster reached out and stroked Jamal's backside with his other hand, and with a grin on his face.

Nia squeezed her lips with a frown. She could feel her teeth and her nails tremble. She had seen them fall out from other people, although she herself feared what it felt like. The sensation was as if she were losing her baby teeth for a second time where the teeth were loose enough to be shaken and a small little pull would easily get rid of them and reveal new teeth underneath, but not nails. "'t...stroke him too."

"Oh you two love it. You both may be big large tigers, but you're as playful as house kittens, and just as vulnerable to enjoying being petted!" The ringmaster laughed as he continued to stroke the pair slowly, yet softly.

Gary and Maya could tell the ringmaster had gone on top of the platforms, the platforms that they had come off of. "He's been...partaking in helping out the transformations." Gary said quietly. "So there have to be some people up there."

"What can we do?" Maya tilted her head. She glanced at the fur she still had with the black and white color. The fur looked very beautiful, but she hated how it was on her, even if she thought it did make her look so much cuter.

Gary looked around the ring. He saw the large cats, all of them seeming to be doing their own thing. He doubted any of them could help out, even if they could understand him, which he had no idea if they were even capable of doing that. "I don't know..." he felt like that had been said so many times before by others. He didn't want to think it was hopeless and that they had to resign their fate as large cats, but he wasn't sure what he could do. He thought about a sneak attack, but the ringmaster seemed to be the all-knowing kind of being, so he doubted that would work, but he knew something had to be tried. "I guess...I'll try something..." Gary took a deep breath. "Just stay here." Gary started to climb up top of the platforms.

Back on the platforms, the ringmaster stroked Nia and Jamal. Both of them were covered with fur, and both of them also had grown tails. The more the ringmaster stroked the two of them, the cloudier their minds seemed to appear. Their very large eyes, lacking white by this point, were half closed in happiness.

Jamal wanted to fight it. Mentally he struggled to regain any control of himself, but it was difficult. He could hear his bones crack and muscles shift bit by bit. He hunched closer to the ground as he felt top heavy, and he could feel his own spine adjusting with stroke after stroke. "Strrrop." He called out with a voice that was a mix of human, and feline.

Nia watched Jamal struggle, and it frustrated her to no end. Even a large feline should not have liked being stroked this much, she could only guess as to what exactly the ringmaster had done to them. She inched her way to the side to break free and get far enough away from the ringmaster's hand. Like Jamal, her own spine had shifted and she felt top heavy. She wasn't on all fours yet, but it would have been more comfortable to do so than to keep standing like she was now.

"A pity seemingly all of you must fight instead of accept your fate. Look at the other felines below us. They are quite content now. Some are cuddling, some are sleeping, and some are humping. Their human worries are all gone now. They no longer have to worry about changing any more either. You don't want the life they all now have?" The ringmaster looked down at the group of felines. He noticed one human hadn't changed much at all which he found bizarre as he knew he had brought them in even groups, so there was one missing. "Hmm..." the ringmaster had a good idea where that last person was, but he kept his back turned to the platforms that led up to him.

Nia looked down from her platform at the content felines. Her mind raced with thoughts as she wondered why they weren't doing anything to the ringmaster. She recalled the one man, now fully a lion, that despised him and wanted to attack him, and now there was that same man, now sitting and watching the rest of the lions, likely with jealousy as the first lion was able to mate with the rest of them. "N-no..." she said quietly with hesitation in her voice. She could tell that there were so few worries the lions had to be concerned about, and she could only imagine how the rest of the felines felt.

"Do you not see them? Even the most aggressive of humans is now passive as a beautiful lion. As soon as their claws and teeth grow in, they will be ready for the show, although right now we may always do private shows if you so wish." The ringmaster smiled at Nia. "I will simply need a volunteer from our many large cats!"

Gary crawled up to the platform directly below the ringmaster, right behind the ringmaster. He grit his teeth as he glared up at the fat floating man with hatred in his eyes. He wasn't sure what he was doing entirely, but he had to do some sort of last ditch effort. He had to do something, ANYTHING so that his fate and the fate of Maya's were not the same as the rest of the group, but he wasn't sure how to attack as he was unarmed. He let his natural instincts take over, and his movements slowed. He shifted his feet around, and placed his hands on the upper platform where the ringmaster was. He stared up at the ringmaster as his body froze as if he were imitating a statue. He wasn't sure that humans attacked like this, but it was just something he was doing purely based off instinct.

The ringmaster could very much tell there was someone behind him. He kept his focus on Nia. "And it does appear we may have a volunteer already, unless you wish to join in on the fun." He made a small fist, and a large circular ring appeared in front of him. He grabbed onto it with both hands, and waited.

Nia felt her shifting ears flicker as she looked at the ringmaster. She understood what he was saying, but she found it hard to grasp what the words he said fully meant. She looked down at the cats, and noticed that the panthers, after some time, had gotten to a brief moment of sex. She was almost envious of the pair with now such carefree lives.

Just then, there was a loud yell as Gary pounced to the ringmaster. His attack felt so off though as it was a combination of both a tiger and a human's attack. His hands were in front of him in fists as he leapt in the air and hoped to land some sort of blow on him.

The ringmaster quickly rose up into the air, just in time for Gary to miss him and jump right through the hoop, as if he were some sort of trained cat. "Bravo, bravo! An attempt at a 'surprise' attack, only to leap through the ring! A marvelous trick to present to the masses indeed! At first I thought Ross was going to be the star performer, but he may just be the star breeder. We may have one better at performing yet!"

Gary couldn't believe it. He had jumped through a hoop like some kind of trained animal. His heart pounded, and he let out a deep inhuman growl at the ringmaster. He didn't know what he could do to stop him, but he wanted to do something, ANYTHING. He remembered everything he had to fight for. It wasn't just his wife, but everything he had at home, things he just couldn't outright abandon, mostly collectibles. Sure, they were trivial for almost anyone, even he could probably forget about them someday, but for now, he had to muster the willpower to fight back and think of everything he had to fight for, no matter how trivial it may have been.

"Ah, I can see the fire burning in your belly. The nerd that is pushed too far is often better than the hot headed jock." The ringmaster hopped down to the lower platform, the large ring still in his hand. "Come! Leap through the ring again. We transform humans into large felines largely for their intelligence, but you must still perfect your leap!"

Gary heard his body crack and pop. His ears flickered, something he knew they weren't capable of doing before. "I'm not here to perform in your ridiculous show, and I doubt anyone else will want to, even if they are fully changed!" Gary jumped at the ringmaster again, quicker this time. His arms and legs had shifted just enough to make his pounce easier for him to do.

The ringmaster and the large hoop shifted places in the blink of an eye, and Gary jumped through the hoop once more. "Bravo. A few more times and you should be ready! Of course, your body is still touching the hoop, and that simply will not work when we set it on fire." The ringmaster went to another platform lower than the one they were on. "Come, again!"

Gary heard the ringmaster, and he could tell that he was being taunted. He was angry, but he tried not to let rage blind him. He looked between the ringmaster, and the large ring the master had. He thought that if he was so quick to switch places, he could jump to the place the ringmaster was going to teleport to and catch him off guard. With that rationale, he jumped to the large ring, and right through it. His leap was greater than before, and he ended up on the platform below the one the ringmaster was on. As he hit the platform with his hands and feet, he heard his body crack and pop several times. There was no pain, but walking around on all fours was a much easier task than it was before. Gary could tell something was up. His torso felt strange, while his arms and legs felt muscular and much more around the same size. He recalled how Ross had changed from anger, and he was going down that exact same path.

"Ah, I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're catching on to what will happen to you." The ringmaster said with a laugh. "Yes, through sex, anger, or any other way really, you will eventually become a large feline. You will still become one even if you sit around doing nothing, but it will be much more interesting if you change doing an action."

Gary grimaced down at the ringmaster. He could feel his ears migrating up to the top of his head, and he picked up the sounds that he had never been able to pick up originally. He could tell the two were behind him watching him and likely hoping he'd be able to do something to the ringmaster, but he was doubtful. "Well, what if I don't want to attack you anymore? What's it going to take to turn us back to human? You want us to invent hologram tigers for you or what?" He recalled a circus that did that.

"Holograms? I recall that being mentioned earlier, I believe by one of the lions." The ringmaster rubbed his chin. "While holograms are possible, we don't treat our felines cruelly at all, they live much happier lives than they did as humans too. Why, to use holograms instead of humans transformed into felines would be the true animal abuse! Now, why don't you try to attack again? That is, unless you're already tired."

Gary wasn't sure what he wanted to do now. He was the main attraction for the ringmaster, and he doubted there was any way to escape it. Even if he left now, he would still change, and talking seemed to result in nothing. The ringmaster wanted his large cats, and Gary wasn't sure what he could do to stop it. "We don't WANT to become these cats though, can't you see? You're making our lives so much worse this way!"

"You say you don't want it, yet the current large felines are living quite happily." The ringmaster moved the large ring behind him and it vanished into nothingness behind his back. "There are times in one's life when one must experience something they consider horrible before they realize that they are better off for it. Such is the case with becoming a large cat. You must lose your teeth, your nails, grow fur and the mindset of a cat, then you understand. You are already trying to attack me like a tiger would, and you look much more like a tiger because of that."

Gary had already thought talking to the ringmaster would get nowhere, and this just proved it. He could still feel his body slowly changing and shifting. He was already on his hands and legs. His legs had shrank down, but gained plenty of muscle. He could feel his fingers swell, and his thumb retract. Bit by bit, the changes were more subtle when he wasn't behaving like a lion, but when he focused on his own body, he could still feel himself transforming, faster than the others most likely thanks to the ringmaster doing something to him. "I don't believe you!" he shouted, but he didn't want to attack him, not when it resulted in him just getting changed more.

"As what they all thought I am sure." The ringmaster looked down at the felines, and then he noticed the one lone human standing there, one human that was likely the least changed compared to everyone else. He then looked back at Gary, and smiled. The human down on the ground, as well as Gary had resemblances to each other. Couples usually did start to look like one another after some time of being together. "Is that your wife down there? You're leaving her alone for the other cats. You know cross breeding with some of you large felines is very much possible."

"She's not going to do anything with those other large cats." Gary spoke with confidence. He looked down at his hand and his swollen fingers, and he noticed that in addition to clothing, his wedding ring had been tossed away too. Maya's was likely gone on hers, but he knew it shouldn't have made any difference. He could feel his torso shifting, and his nipples migrated downward as they split, not that he had any use for them as a male, but they had to move into their new position regardless.

"It isn't an impossibility for large cats to mate with others. Are you familiar with ligers?" The ringmaster looked down at the large group of lions, specifically Ross. "To have him mate with your...'wife' would not be out of the question. Ligers are almost a creature practically of myth due to how lions and tigers don't normally live in the same habitats. Who knows though, if you all live together there may be new species of large cats created that one can only dream of!"

Gary hadn't heard the word 'liger' in a long time, although he had heard that crossbreeding cats was something mankind probably wanted, or had even attempted, he never really looked into such things himself. He didn't WANT to look into such things himself. "Why is it always about sex and fun?" Gary wanted to walk away, but he was still walking on all fours. It felt so awkward to argue with a man while he himself had been transformed, at least partially. He was still about as tall as he normally was, and he knew tigers were at least wider than humans, though on all fours they were shorter height wise.

"What else would you like to do here?" the ringmaster asked with a casual shrug. "You don't have any other worries about, and you simply can't use electronics as a large tiger. Well, you might, but you wouldn't understand them now." The ringmaster chuckled. "The brain changing is truly the most complex part to explain though, it's best just to go along with it." The ringmaster looked down at the group, and noticed Ross slowly approached Maya. "You may want to do something about Ross, lest he gets another large feline to fuck."

Gary wasn't sure what else they could do himself. He doubted that they would all stay together, but if that large lion and his wife mated, well he didn't want a child that wasn't his own. He had to get down there and stop that lion from approaching his wife. Maya was his, not that lion's! Gary hopped down, his newly shifted adjusted muscles allowed him to hop down the platforms easily, and he jumped down between Maya and Ross.

Maya was amazed that the lion had been approaching her. She wasn't really sure what to do when she first saw Ross walk towards her. He seemed to be peaceful in his steps, but she was still intimidated. She jumped when Gary hopped down, and in truth it took her a moment to recognize him. "Gary? What happened to you?!"

Gary looked at Maya, and then at himself. The best way he could compare himself was to that of a furless tiger, but instead of a head of a tiger, he had the head that was of a human's own. His torso wasn't quite as stretched out as a tiger's, but it just felt more natural to be on all fours, plus his arms and legs were now all legs that made walking easier. He could even feel paw pads at the bottom of all of his 'four' feet. "The ringmaster keeps changing me, but I'm not letting you get changed or fucked!"

"Get...what?" Maya seemed oblivious to the actions that the lion desired, then again, she was oblivious to a lot of things. She knew they were transforming into large felines, but that was all she understood. "You mean, he wants me?" she asked with uncertainty in her voice. "But...he's a lion."

Gary didn't want to say anything. He could sense it, perhaps with senses that weren't entirely human at that. He could tell that Ross wanted to do something with Maya, and Gary didn't want that to happen.

Nia and Jamal were still watching the entire time. The ringmaster had left them alone, but now they still knew they were going to suffer a fate of becoming large felines. Nia herself had her eyes gloss over the many large cats down below. "So...Jamie," She said, calling Jamal by his nickname. "If we're really going to transform into big cats, can we do it on our terms?"

Jamal looked at Nia with a confused look. He felt like a strange sort of caveman with the way he was hunched over. "What do you mean?" He had given up on the ringmaster. The guy seemed to be invincible and he couldn't stand the taunting. Even at this point the rest of the humans couldn't gang up on him. Those that were changed into large felines just didn't seem concerned with him anymore, and he wasn't even sure how much they would understand them anyways.

"I mean if we're going to become...I think tigers, then I want to do it on my terms." Nia made her way beside Jamal, and brushed up her fur against his own. She felt her back pop, and she finally landed on her swollen linked hands that looked like a combination between fingers and paws. "I don't want to sit around and just wait. I want to be comfortable and happy, with you."

Jamal wasn't sure how to react to what Nia wanted. He wanted her to be happy of course, but as tigers? "Well, if that's what you want..." Jamal nodded, and gave her a nudge. He could feel his body change more as he landed on his hands and feet. The length of his arms and legs were already shifting and changing the more he gave in.

Nia nodded. She wasn't sure what was going on with her. Part of her thought it had something to do with the transformation mentally as well as physically, but she was tired of running. The two of them had already transformed so much, and there was no way they were going to go back. Her torso shifted as her breast shrank and began to migrate down her body. She felt her nails fall out, though painlessly so. "I just...I just want to relax. I'm done trying. Nothing any of us have done worked, and they all look so much happier the way they are now."

Jamal hated giving up as an option, but then again, what more was there to do? The two were unlikely to transform back, he could see it. "Okay..." Jamal rubbed his forehead up against Nia's neck. He didn't think it was something humans normally did, it was just something he did out of instinct. "If that's what you want." He repeated, unsure of what else to do.

Nia wasn't even sure what she wanted anymore. The more she accepted her tiger form, the more she felt it overtake her physically, and mentally. She felt calmer as her tiger ears flickered, and her whiskers grew out from her shifting muzzle. She knew she wasn't going to win against the ringmaster, nor was she going to win against the circus. "Just...I'm not even sure if I want to mate or not...but I don't want any of those other felines to get to me." Even she sounded unsure about that though. The idea of monogamy was pushed farther in the back of her head as something humans did, and after all, she was no longer human.

Back down below the platforms, Gary glared angrily at Ross. His mind and his body was flooded with all sorts of emotions and instincts that mingled, the thoughts of a human, a tiger, it all gave him a mild headache.

Ross wasn't even sure what he was doing. His humanity was still deep down in there, somewhere. He was human enough to know compassion and what Gary was doing. Ross felt this urge and instinct to mate with as many felines as possible, and that Maya, while she LOOKED human, would inevitably turn. He knew better than to fight for it though. His claws and teeth, while slightly grown in, were not nearly big enough to defend or fight with. Plus, he wasn't the violent type anyways. Ross half circled Maya while he watched Gary, as if to make sure Gary's intentions were clear, and then he turned around and walked away casually.

Gary was ready to defend Maya with his life. He wasn't sure how he could with his changed body. He felt more tiger than man at this point. Even mentally he wasn't thinking about his life as a human, but a life of what being in the cage would mean. Entertainment for humans would be hard to come by, but the ringmaster had already shown he was willing to humor them with basic needs to be kept happy.

Maya watched Gary with her fingers interlaced with one another. Out of the entire group of people, she was the least changed, if one reason being she was the least interacted with when it came to the ringmaster, or with others. She could see it in Gary's growing pupils what he desired though. "I don't...I don't want to be left alone here." Maya said quietly. She walked over to Gary and stroked his side. His torso was far more tiger than it was human. She could see the white and black fur growing in too, and she knew it was a matter of time before the same thing happened to her. She raised her hand off of Gary, and looked at it to see that she was already developing paw pads from having just touched him.

Gary could feel his face stretch and pull. He turned to Maya once Ross had left, but he couldn't make an expression with his face. He knew he could open and close his mouth, but at this point he wasn't even sure what voices that came out of him was going to be human. He still loathed the ringmaster with a resentment that was only slightly weaker than Steve's, but he cared more about Maya than he hated the ringmaster.

The ringmaster was nowhere to be seen in the cage by now. The catalyst that would transform the rest of them had begun, and it was only a matter of time before the changes were finished. All of the large felines would retain a personality, but it would be harder to tell who was whom once their changes had fully finished. He looked back up and noticed Nia and Jamal had started mating. Sex was not the main way to transform others as he had demonstrated, but it definitely helped accelerate the process.

Gary collapsed onto the ground with a frustrated sigh, and Maya laid next to him. The scene looked surreal as the man became more of a tiger with every passing second. Whiskers grew out from his changing nose and muzzle, his teeth fell out, as well as his nails, but he had given up fighting. It looked like many of them had, at least in transforming.

Maya, while the least changed, grew black and white fur that looked much like Gary's own as she laid near him. She had no intention for 'sex', at least not unless Gary wanted it. For the time being, she just wanted to sit with him and spend their last moments of humanity together. A lone tear fell down her eyes as she closed them, and when she reopened her eyes, the white faded to be replaced with the eyes that a tiger would have had.

It was only a matter of time before the remaining humans had all finished transforming, and the cage was full of large felines of all sorts. The ringmaster had won against a large group of people. While many had been transformed through pleasure, others had changed through other means, although pleasure and basic entertainment would be the main focus that they would do, when they weren't performing that was.

Months later, the various felines had been separated according to how they had changed. Lions in one large cage, panthers, two different kinds of tigers, each group had their own cage to do as they pleased in. The cages were stereotypical cages for a circus, but twice the size as normal. By now, all of the large felines behaved mostly on animal instinct, but with a human glint of intelligence in their eyes. The circus was bound to have guests for years to come, and possibly in the future create more stars for their attractions.