Blast from the Past

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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This was posted a few weeks back on my Patreon and voted for by my patrons!

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A cucking story where a guy gets in contact with his old highschool bully to confess his fantasies of being humiliated and cucked by him.


Blast from the Past

Charlie sat in his car, the fox fidgeting about, shuffling around in his driver's seat and gulping hard. He looked out at the pub he'd parked in front of... _He_was in there... Brock; his old highschool bully. The same highschool bullied he'd gone crawling back to on Furbook just a week prior asking to meet up. He was ashamed of himself. He'd let his dick get the better of him. He'd never told anyone this, let alone Brock himself, but every since the two of them were in highschool together he'd had... thoughts about him.

He couldn't help it and he felt so humiliated with himself for having feelings like this for the guy who'd made his time in highschool hell, but Brock was so powerful, so domineering. Every day after school Charlie would scurry home, strip himself off and throw himself in bed, hand furiously pumping his cock as he imagined the horse knocking him to the ground, stepping on him and humiliating him before inevitably giving him the honour of sucking on that massive horse schlong.

He'd been idly going through his Furbook feed one day and had actually cast his memories back to his school days when it had suggested Brock as a friend. He'd grimaced at first and initially dismissed the suggestion, but the more he thought about it, specifically under the shower with his dick in his hand, the more he began to wonder... Would Brock bully him again if he got in contact? Or more, would Brock actually... fuck him...?

Charlie had shook the thoughts from his head. No way, that was crazy. The most he could hope for was that Brock would make fun of him a bit, giving the fox some more wank fuel... And with that in mind, he'd sent a friend request which his bully accepted that night. They'd gotten to talking; Brock had mellowed out a bit, to Charlie's honest disappointment. As humiliated as he was, he was hoping Brock would have opened their chat with "Hey, you fucking faggot!", or "Suck any dick lately, fucking loser?" But instead it had been civil... Mostly, at least. Brock seemed short and uncaring and when Charlie asked to meet up he'd originally declined. Charlie actually had to stoop to begging to have the bully meet with him, which in itself was pathetic enough to give the vulpine a raging hard on.

But there was more to it than that. It was more than just him wanting to be fucked by his old highschool bully. Charlie had found himself a boyfriend soon after leaving highschool. A mouse boy, Brian; same age as him, lithe and petite, innocent-looking on the outside but a total filthy whore in bed. One day the two had gotten drunk together for no real reason, they just felt like having a night in, drinking. While drunk to all hell, Brian had spilled the beans on some of his deeper fetishes. Mainly: other men.

Brian had never cheated, but he confessed that he always fantasized about it. He fantasized about bigger, strong men using him while Charlie with his small, four-inch dick was forced to watch. Brian had, without thinking, actually called his boyfriend's dick small right to his face then, but Charlie didn't care; either because of the drink or because he was too busy at that moment imagining his boyfriend being fucked by bigger men... And those thoughts inevitable ended with Brock, his highschool bully, ramming his huge cock up his boyfriend's ass.

Brian thought the fox had just been playing along or even teasing him when Charlie had told him he'd always wanted to be humiliated and degraded, but after a while of fervent talking, Charlie had managed to convince him that he was totally serious. Charlie wanted, needed, to be degraded, and he was more than happy to sit in the corner whimpering while better men fucked his lover.

And that conversation was on his mind when he got in contact with Brock. It would be a dream come true if his bully came back into his life to fuck his boyfriend. Now, sitting in his car, just minutes away from meeting him once again, Charlie gave out a quivering sigh.

"This is a bad idea," he gulped. Brock was an asshole, he'd beat him up, pushed him around, even pantsed him in gym class, more than once even. He'd teased him, laughed at him, forced him to do his homework... And here Charlie was about to beg him to fuck his own boyfriend. "I can still go back. Block him on Furbook, tell Brian the meeting was a dud. He'll understand. Mm, Brian..." Suddenly his mind was filled with images of his bunny boyfriend, bent over naked, a cock in his ass... and not Charlie's cock. The fox's ears flattened and he sunk in his seat, giving out another quivering breath as he imagined his bully breeding his boy, making him scream and moan; moan louder than he ever did on Charlie's tiny four-incher.

He cursed to himself when he felt his cock twitch and begin to harden in his pants. He looked down, his growing package barely noticeable. The fox was having an internal battle: drive away and keep things vanilla with his boyfriend, forget this whole cucking thing... or give his dick what it wanted and go crawling to his old bully.

"Fuck." He knew it was no use resisting. He always gave in to his cock, always. He gave in when contacting Brock, gave in when he messaged him and gave in when he climbed out of his car, slamming the door shut behind him and making for the pub doors.

"I shouldn't," he kept telling himself, pushing his way inside with a whimper. "He's going to fuck my boyfriend... And I'm going to let him... He'll make me a cuck... A filthy fucking cuck. Pathetic little bitch... Oh god..." He absent-mindedly groped himself, wincing as he squeezed at his now fully hard bulge. He looked around the place and found his bully in an instant, gulping hard when his eyes rested on that huge, hulking example of a male: a big, strong, muscle-gut equipped horse. Brock was a handsome stallion, a powerful, dominant male. The exact kind of guy a horny cuck like Charlie wanted fucking their boyfriend.

His legs seemed to move on their own, crossing the room while the fox shook nervously. The horse looked up from his phone as the fox drew close, plopping himself down on the seat across from him and getting comfortable.

"Li'l Charlie?" Brock smirked wide, the nickname making him wince. Charlie was quite a bit shorter than most guys, but that's not where the nickname came from. He could blame the full pantsing Brock had given him in school for that.

"H...Hey," Charlie gulped. "Brock?"

"Yeah! Shit, never expected to see you again," the stallion laughed. "Alright, you gotta tell me... Why the fuck did you want to meet up? I figured you wouldn't want to see me ever again after highschool."

"I..." Charlie hesitated. Brock had cut right to the point, no bullshit. "I... just wanted to meet up... And stuff..."

"Stuff, huh?" Brock scoffed. "Bullshit. You didn't call me out here for 'stuff'. What's your deal?" He paused and looked around. "Hey, this isn't a fucking revenge scheme or some shit, is it?"

"Wha- no!" Charlie gasped quickly. "N-no, I just... Oh, fuck..." Brock could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"What're you hiding, asshole?" Brock grunted. "Look, I know I treated you like shit in highschool, so I damn well know you ain't here just to make nice or whatever. You want an apology or something, that it?"

"No!" Charlie gulped again.

"Then what?" Brock pushed. "Come on, if you're not gonna tell me then quit wasting my time. You must have some reason for calling me all the way here, yeah?"

"I... I want you..." to fuck my boyfriend. The words caught in Charlie's throat.

"Yeah?" Brock kept pushing.

Charlie sat there for a few moments, collecting himself, his small, foxy dick twitching in his pants, still rigid despite how nervous and frightened he felt.

"E-ever since we were in highschool, I h-had... thoughts... about you..." Charlie started to explain. Brock, who had looked like he was about to leave, sat back in his seat.


"Dirty... thoughts," Charlie explained. It was like he was forcing the words through a brick wall. The two remained silent for a few moments, a sly smirk twitching on Brock's equine muzzle.

"You've... been jerking off over me." It was a statement, not a question. Charlie nodded.

"S-since highschool," he told him. "I... I jerked off thinking about you b-bullying me, and how you'd push me around a-and everything."

"Heh... Haha... Ha! Oh, fuck! That's funny!" Brock laughed out. "So, all those times I knocked your books out of your hands or punched you in the gut, you were getting off over it?!" Charlie nodded slowly, glancing around in a panic. People could definitely hear what he was saying...

"P-please not so loud," Charlie begged.

"Oh, afraid people will hear how you sprung a tiny fuckin' stiffy whenever I beat you up in school?"

"Oh fuck..." Charlie whimpered at the memory, a hand sliding off the table to squeeze at his package.

"Are you touching yourself?" Brock laughed, leaning over the table to catch a glimpse of the little bulge in Charlie's jeans. "Shit, you're hard as fuck! You're not kidding, are ya?!"

"N-no..." Charlie whined. "I got off when you beat me up a-and when you bullied me or laughed at me... Sometimes I'd sneak into the bathroom and jerk off there."

"Holy fuck, well ain't you a shameless little fucker?" Brock laughed and Charlie's cheeks burned bright pink with humiliation. There was a brief pause before Brock shuffled over and nodded to the seat next to him. "Sit next to me."


"Just do it," Brock huffed. Charlie whined and did as he was told, legs shaking as he sat where he was told to. Brock looked up and down him, glaring at the tiny bulge between the fox's legs.

"You want me to bully you again." It was another statement.

"Y-yes," Charlie whimpered. Brock smirked wide, shuffling close and leaning towards the fox, a hand going and smacking down firmly on Charlie's leg, making him gasp.

"Tell me what you want," Brock ordered.

"I... I want you to degrade me," Charlie whined. "Make fun of me. Treat me like shit. A-and... I... w-want you to fuck my-"



"Boyfriend!" Brock gazed in surprise. "Li'l Charlie got himself a boyfriend! And, what was that you wanted me to do, huh?"

Charlie braced himself, cursing silently before going limp and submitting to the bigger, stronger male; this hulking, muscular horse.

He whimpered out, "I want you to fuck my boyfriend..."

"Haha! Oh, shit, that's rich!" Brock roared with laughter. "So beating you up in highschool's not enough, huh? Now you want me to wreck your boyfriend's cunt?" Charlie's ears lay splayed against his head and he grimaced at the horse's harsh words. "And what if I don't want some skank's ass to fuck, huh?"

"Please!" The word was out of Charlie's mouth before he could even think about it. "P-please. I'll do anything. Please, I'm begging, I'll pay!"

He chastised himself. What the hell was he doing? Offering to pay? Pimping his boyfriend out? He cursed to himself once again, but he didn't take it back. The offer was still there.

"Wow," Brock gave him a downright sickened look. "You're... really fucking pathetic."

"I know..." Charlie whined.

"Does he know you're doing this?" Brock asked. Charlie gave a nod.

"H-he's interested in bringing other men into our relationship," he said.

"Yeah? He ain't satisfied with this?" With that, Brock grabbed at the fox's crotch, making him gasp in shock as the horse squeezed him painfully. "Yeah, still fuckin' tiny! Have you even grown since highschool, li'l guy? How many inches?"

"F-four," Charlie gulped.

"Four inches," Brock laughed and shook his head. "I gotta take pity on your boyfriend, stuck with a bitch runt like you." His fingers kneaded Charlie's hard, aching fox cock through his pants, rubbing it hard, squeezing and tormenting it, the vulpine's dick starting to leak in his underwear as he was mocked and manhandled.

"Let me see your wallet," Brock said, a hand still grabbing the fox's dick and making him squirm.

"Huh? U-um..." With a trembling hand, Charlie grabbed his wallet from his pocket and handed it over. Brock went through it, shuffling through its contents and pulling out a total of about £90 in notes and change." He tossed the wallet back to the fox, pocketing the money.

"This'll do," he shrugged. "It's enough for me to fuck your boyfriend at least."

"T-thank you," Charlie whimpered pathetically, his cock twitching against Brock's grip, his hips occasionally humping up into him. Brock just glanced down when he noticed the humping and shook his head with a disbelieving smirk.

"I've never seen a more pathetic fuckin' sight," he scoffed. "Say it again. 'Thank you, Sir, for taking my money, laughing at me and fucking my boyfriend'." He gave Charlie's crotch a squeeze which pushed him into action.

"Thank you, Sir," Charlie whined. "Thank you f-for making fun of me a-and taking my money... and for fucking my boyfriend..." Brock gave another laugh and gave an amused shake of his head, giving the shameless fox another hard grope of his crotch before letting go.

"You got a pic of him?" Brock asked.

"Um, y-yeah," Charlie gulped and fished out his phone, quickly pulling up a picture of Brian, just chilling on the sofa, fully clothed. Brian scoffed.

"Not that kind of pic!" he growled.

"W-what do you...?" It took the fox a moment to click. "O-oh! You mean a... a dirty pic... N-no, I don't have any like that..."

"Tch! What kinda guy doesn't have dirty pics of his boyfriend?" Brock scowled but gave the pic he was shown a look. "Heh... Yeah, he's a looker. I'd fuck the shit out of him. Wreck his fuckin' ass." Charlie blushed furiously.

"Oh, fuck..."

"He'll never be able to feel your tiny dick again once I'm done with him."

"Thank you..." was all Charlie could say. Brock gave the pic a bit more of a look before letting the fox pocket his phone again.

"Alright, let's get goin', then," Brock grunted, pushing Charlie out of his seat as he stood up. Brock turned, stopped, and then turned to face Charlie again. "Hey... Kiss my feet, to thank me."

"O-okay," Charlie gulped. "When we get to my place-"

"I didn't say at your place," Brock glared.

"Huh?" Charlie looked around. They'd drawn quite a few gazes. Just about everyone in the pub had heard what they were talking about, Brock hadn't exactly been quiet. About a dozen people were either glancing over at them or outright staring.

"Well? Get down there and kiss my boots already," Brock crossed his arms, staring the fox down.

"But... people can see..." said Charlie, glancing around and wringing his hands.

"Yeah, so?" Brock scoffed. He left it at that, those strong, blue eyes glaring down at the vulpine who cowered in his shadow, his whole body trembling and his cock quivering.

A few of the pub-goers chuckled and whispered among themselves as the fox slowly knelt down and brought his muzzle close to Brock's feet. Brock stood there, arms crossed, a shit-eating grin on his face as the guy he'd bullied all those years ago leaned forward, puckered his lips and began kissing at his filth-encrusted boots, and unlike all those years ago Charlie was doing it willingly now.

"The fuck is going on over there?" Charlie picked up one of the watchers' whispers.

"Didn't you hear? Some weird-ass kinky shit, guy wants the horse to fuck his boyfriend or something."

Charlie's ears kept twitching as the people around them whispered and laughed, "Can't they get a room before they start pulling this BDSM shit? I'm trying to eat."

"That's fucking shameful..."

"Can you imagine being that pathetic?"

"I feel bad for the guy..."

He tried to ignore them as he planted kisses all over the horse's boots until Brock spoke up again.

"Lick them," he ordered. Charlie nodded slowly and did as he was told, opening his mouth and letting his tongue slip across the horse's boots, licking and cleaning them, the taste of dirt filling his maw and making him grimace.

"Urrgh... Nghh..." Charlie groaned, spit dripping from his lips, tongue working all over the boots while the people around them laughed at the disgusting display of submission.

He was like that for less than a minute, but it felt like hours for the poor, humiliated fox. Eventually, Brock pulled his feet away and turned to leave.

"That's enough. Let's go, fuckboy. Where's you car? You drive, right?"

"Y-yes..." Charlie whimpered, pushing himself to his feet and ignoring the mocking looks from the rest of the customers as he hastily left the place and lead Brock to his car, his little foxy dick bouncing fully erect in his pants the whole time.

Brock made himself comfortable in the fox's car as Charlie started it up and drove off.

"This car's shit," Brock said off-handedly. Charlie ignored the comment and kept driving. He kept looking over at the stallion every now and then, a flustered look on his face as his eyes kept snapping down to Brock's crotch, eyeing the bulge in his pants. He'd never seen Brock naked before, Charlie had always been too shy to shower with any of the other guys in gym class and the like, but he'd always wondered just how big he was down there... Especially considering him being a stallion. He could already hear the screams a huge equine cock would get from his boyfriend as Brock jammed it up his ass...

Occasionally, Brock would reach down and adjust himself, tugging at his bulge, already impressive despite his horsey cock being flaccid at the moment. Charlie licked his lips, his mind full of filthy thoughts, imagining Brian's fuckhole being viciously stretched around his bully's girth.

"Fuck..." Charlie breathed to himself.

"You say something, cocksucker?"

"N-no," Charlie said.

"Huh... You know what, since I'm going to fuckin' own you and your boyfriend from now on, how 'bout you call me 'Sir' instead?"

"Fuck...!" Charlie gasped again. His whole body was shaking. He never imagined something like this could happen. He'd always dreamed of it, but to have his bully here, in his car, demanding to be called Sir... Charlie nearly jizzed in his pants right there. "Y...Yes, Sir..."

"Heh, that's good. I like the sound of that," Brock smirked.

It wasn't long until they reached Charlie's place. A small house, nothing fancy; it was a cozy place. Charlie lead the way from his car and up to his front door before hesitating. He wondered if it was too late to back out but quickly dismissed the thought. Even if he did decide to tell Brock he'd changed his mind, there was no way the stallion would settle for that. This was happening whether Charlie wanted it or not.

Brian greeted him almost the moment he stepped in.

"Hey, honey!" The bunny hopped up to him, hugging the fox and placing a kiss on his lips. "Did you meet with your friend?"

"Friend, huh? That's what he called me?" Brock made his presence know, pushing his way past Charlie and looming over the rabbit who looked up at him with a surprised and impressed look on his face.

"O-oh, wow, um... Hi! My name's Brian. Charlie says you went to school together?" Brian held out a hand which was quickly brushed aside as Brock drew close and placed his hands on Brian's hips, the bunny gasping and taking a surprised step back only for the stallion to quickly close the distance, hands still caressing those lapine thighs.

"Yeah. Sounds like he's still the loser he was back then," Brock smirked, his hot equine breath billowing over Brian's face, rustling his fur.

"Aw, he's not that bad," Brian said, smiling nervously at the horse.

"Ah, don't try to spare his feelings," Brock laughed. "The little pussy gets off on being laughed at. Go on, say he has a tiny dick, he'll love that."

"Well, um..." Brian hesitated and glanced over to Charlie who was just standing nearby, doing nothing to stop the bigger male molesting his lover. "Um, your dick is pretty small, Charlie. It's... hard to feel sometimes." Charlie shivered. His legs were weak, he felt like he was about to collapse.

"I... I know i-it's not that big," he gulped. "I mean, I don't think it's tiny but... I know I can't please you, that's why I brought him..." He glanced at Brock.

"How many inches is the little loser anyway?" Brock asked.

"Three," Brian answered.

"Four!" Charlie said quickly.

"Oh, three and a half, but, honey, we round down, you know that."

"Ha!" Brock gave a short, mocking laugh. "I thought you felt smaller than four inches." Charlie fidgeted about, watching the two of them, his cheeks blushing red under his orange fur.

"So," Brock smirked. "This little pussy ain't doing it for you?"

Brian shook his head, "He could be a bit bigger. Um, a lot bigger..."

"You need a real man, right?" Brock kept smirking, his deep voice echoing in Charlie's ears. Brian glanced over to his lover nervously. Brock growled, "Don't look at him. You're talking to me." Brian looked back up at the stallion who was already exuding an overwhelming air of strength and dominance. Brian nodded in answer. "I want to hear you say it," Brock growled.

Brian nodded again and finally managed to speak up, "I need a real man." He said it quietly, almost under his breath.

"Louder, you slut! Let your loser boyfriend there hear you!"

"I... I need a real man!" Brian obeyed, repeating himself, louder this time. Charlie shrunk back, his cock giving a twitch in his pants. Brock moved his hands around Brian's waist, grabbing his ass and making him gasp as he started to grope back there.

"You need me, right? Because your pussy boyfriend's too much of a bitch?" the stallion grinned wickedly.

"Yes! Brian gulped. "Fuck, I n-need you! Charlie's too small and pathetic for me, I need a real man like you- ah!" The rabbit gasped when he was forced against the wall, a framed, hung picture of him and Charlie being shook from its place and sent hurtling to the floor as Brock shoved his tongue into Brian's mouth.

"Oh god!" Charlie gasped, a hand snapping to his crotch and his eyes going wide as his highschool bully aggressively made out with his boyfriend. He could hear the two gasping around each other's lips as the horse forced his tongue deep down Brian's throat, the bunny squirming and whimpering under his much bigger and stronger body, the stallion grinding against him.

Charlie could never kiss Brian like that... He was meek, weak... He'd tried to be more aggressive and dommy in bed, but it always fell flat, and now here Brock was, giving Brian exactly what he needed for the seven or so years they'd been together. Charlie could only watch, silently gazing at the two as the stallion made out with his beloved rabbit, that thick horse tongue making Brian whimper and moan, trapped between the wall and the hulking form of the horse.

Brian panted and whined, hands going to caress the horse's body, running all over his strong muscle-gut, rubbing him through the tight, black t-shirt he was wearing, Charlie watching helplessly the whole time. Brian lost himself in the moment and returned the kiss. Fuck it, he thought. Charlie brought him here, Charlie admitted to being into this, if Charlie objected at this point then it was his own fault, and so Brian gave the horse what he wanted and pushed his tongue into Brock's maw, their tongues dancing, spit mixing, their growing bulges starting to rub against each other.

Charlie gulped at the sight of their growing packages. Brian was really enjoying this... Shoved against the wall, Charlie's bully's tongue down his throat, and Brian was springing a boner in seconds. Charlie winced at his conflicting feelings. On one hand, this was the bunny he loved, his boyfriend who he'd been with for years; he couldn't just let another man, let alone Brock of all people, fuck him... It would be like violating something sacred; the whole time they'd been together Charlie was the only cock Brian had gotten, but Brock was here to change that, to violate their relationship... But, on the other hand... it was so fucking hot, and his cock was screaming for more.

They kept kissing for a while longer, hands roaming over each other's bodies, Brock paying special attention to the petite bunny rump, making Brian squeak and moan at his hard, rough gropes and squeezes. Soon enough, Brock pulled back, a trail of spit connecting their tongues for a split second.

"Mmm! Y-you even kiss better!" Brian panted.

"I'll do more than that," Brock smirked. "Bedroom. I'm going to fuck you on that pussy's bed."

"O-okay, it's this w-way," Brian panted, still out of breath from the hard kissing he'd just gotten. Brock followed him upstairs, barely even acknowledging the flustered, watching fox who hurried after them, deeply ashamed of himself.

Brock was lead into their bedroom and Brian had barely turned around when Brock lunged for him, tackling him onto the bed and shoving his tongue down his throat again, Charlie stepping in after them and watching as Brock had his fun, baring down on his rabbit boyfriend and violating his throat. Charlie watched as those big, strong hands of Brock's grabbed at Brian's clothes, tugging and pulling at them, practically ripping the short from his body and tossing it to the floor, leaving Brian shirtless.

His hands roamed all over that fluffy, white-furred body, the horse grunting with approval and Brian moaning back at him.

At that point, Charlie spoke up, "Um, maybe, um, we should t-talk a bit first-"

"Quiet, pussy!" Brock spat, glaring at the fox before jamming his tongue back down Brian's throat.

"Y...Yessir..." Charlie stepped back, still fondling himself through his pants. Brock kept roaming his hands across Brian's body, making the bunny shiver at his touch until the stallion finally brought his hands down and began unbuckling Brian's belt, opening it in seconds and hooking his hands into the waist of Brian's jeans and underwear. Brian gave out a quivering sigh and lifted his hips up, helping the stallion pull his pants off.

"This is it," Charlie told himself. "He's getting him naked. Brock's getting your boyfriend naked. Oh, fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm actually going through with this. Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He was restless, shuffling about nearby, not lifting a finger to stop his bully as Brian was stripped down, the last of his clothes tossed to the side, leaving him completely naked.

Brock grunted and pulled back, standing up at the foot of the bed and looking down at the horny, naked rabbit who gazed up at him with need in his eyes that Charlie had never seen before.

"Fuck me," Brian panted. "Please, fuck me..."

"Heh, you need it, huh?" Brock chuckled.

"Fuck yes," Brian whined. "I need it so much more than his tiny thing." Brian's words hit the fox like a truck, and yet his boner never faltered. It remained stiff, hard, rigid. Twitching in his pants, begging for attention.

"Speaking of his tiny dick," Brock looked over at Charlie. "Let's see it. Get naked."

Charlie began undressing in an instant. His cock was tired of being groped through his pants, it needed a proper stroking already. Within moments he was fully naked, his not-quite-four-inch dick springing to attention. Brock looked at it, a cruel, wicked look spreading across his face which made Charlie shiver at the sight of it.

"So, that's why I need better men," Brian said, glancing over at it.

"Heh, oh, I don't blame you," Brock laughed. "I told him before, I feel sorry for you having to settle for that tiny thing. C'mere, bunny. Sit up."

Brian sat on the edge of the bed, Brock pulling off his shirt and revealing his strong body, Brian's eyes lighting up and mouth watering at the sight of it. The stallion drew close, shoving his still-clothed crotch towards Brian's face.

"Get my pants off," he ordered. Charlie watched as his boyfriend reached over and began working at Brock's pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them and then hungrily pulled them down, the two smaller males' eyes going wide at the sight of the massive, semi-hard horse cock twitching between Brock's toned legs.

"Fuck, it's huge!" Brian gasped. Even for a horse Brock was huge. Massive and thick, a throbbing, fat tip which had started glistening with pre, the shaft growing harder and longer.

"An inch or two bigger than your pussy boyfriend's, yeah?" Brock scoffed.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Brian said, licking his lips. "C-can I...?"

"Get licking," Brock ordered. Brian reached out and took the shaft in both hands, stroking at the lower half as he began to lick and slurp all over the rest, covering it in his spit, whining pathetically while his hard rabbit cock throbbed and twitched between his legs.

The trembling Charlie could only watch as his lover pleasured the bigger, more manly horse, licking him all over, savouring his taste and cleaning the thick cock head of pre. Charlie kept touching himself, fingers wrapping around his shaft and tugging at it. And then, his and Brock's eyes met, the fox blushing furiously but unable to break eye contact. Brock had a confident, cocky look on his face. A smug, mocking look. Brian was already his property; he'd chosen Brock's superior horse cock over Charlie the moment he'd stepped through the door.

"Get it in your mouth," Brock grunted. Brian moaned in reply and opened wide, Charlie watching in shock as his boyfriend managed to take the head inside him, Brock thrusting forward and inching his massive rod inside the rabbit's body, Brian's throat bulging as it was made to accommodate it, Brock's cock now fully erect and leaking pre inside him.

There was no way Brock was getting it all inside him, but he forced in as much as he could, Brian gagging and choking on it the whole time but pushing onwards, desperate to pleasure the superior male.

"Come here," Brock ordered the fox, a hand going down to grip Brian's head fur and pull him down on his shaft as he began pistoning back and forth, Brian gasping and whimpering as he felt that huge thing being rammed in and out of him.

"Y...Yes, Sir," Charlie was nervous as all hell, but he figured he'd passed the point of no return at this point and did as he was told. He stood next to Brock, the horse forcing him to watch as he pistoned his cock in and out of his lover's face.

"Mrrph! Nghhrrr! Urrf!" Brian kept making lout, guttural, choking sounds as he took the horse cock down his throat.

"He make those noises for you?" Brock smirked at the fox who shook his head.

"No, Sir..."

"No, I didn't think so," Brock chuckled. "He's really going to town on my dick. He must have been really fucking thirsty for it. Who wouldn't be after having to put up with your shrimp dick?" He gave the fox's dick a quick slap which had the vulpine yelping, both in pain and humiliation. "Why do you look so nervous? You wanted this. You begged me for this. Paid me even."

"I know. I want it," Charlie gulped.

"Heh... Show me how bad," Brock held Brian in place and kept him still as he pulled his cock out of his mouth but kept his tip resting against the bunny's lips. "Put your hand on his head... and push him down on my cock."

"Y-you want me to...?" Charlie gulped.

"You heard me," Brock smirked, letting go of Brian's head and looking down expectantly at the fox. "Push him down on it."

Brian and Charlie looked at each other. Charlie could see how badly Brian needed it. Like Brock had said, he was so fucking thirsty for it. He needed that horse cock inside him. And so, like a good, loving boyfriend should, he gave his lover what he needed. He placed a hand on the back of Brian's head and pushed him towards Brock's cock, Brian giving out a muffled moan as he felt the head slip past his lips and start rubbing up against his tongue, Brock's pre-cum smearing across it, the salty, musky taste filling his mouth as it was quickly gulped down.

"Good cuck," Brock smirked. "Yeah, that's what he needs. Good, hard horse cock down the throat, not that pathetic 3-inch pencil you've got, pussy."

"I know," Charlie whimpered. "Thank you for giving him what he needs, Sir." He kept going, pushing his boyfriend down on that huge equine cock, watching as the aching meat rod was enveloped by those eager bunny lips until Brian began to choke and Brock stopped him.

"That's enough. I can work with this. Now hold him in place." Brock began pistoning once again, fucking Brian's face, ears filled with the bunny's submissive, muffled gasps and moans, Charlie obediently holding Brian in place as he fucked.

"How's it feel, cuck?" Brock grunted. "Seeing your boyfriend sucking a better man?"



"And... degrading..."

"Keep going."

"It makes me feel inferior. I'm a bitch with a tiny dick who can't pleasure my boyfriend... A-and... it... f-feels so natural."

"Natural, huh?" Brock chuckled.

"I-I'm a cuck, so I should be here helping my boyfriend find bigger and better men." Charlie could barely believe he was saying this. This was stuff he'd fantasized about; porno stuff that he never dreamed would actually come true...

"Yeah," Brock grinned. "Yeah, you are a cuck. A natural cuck who's only here to get your boyfriend bred by real men." He suddenly reached around Charlie's body and grabbed him by the ass, the fox gasping in surprise and giving a soft moan when the horse shoved a finger between his cheeks and began grinding it against his hole. "Stroke that tiny dick, cuck." With that, he thrust his finger in, Charlie gasping out and his free hand gripping his shaft tight, jerking it furiously while his other hand kept Brian held in place, keeping him there while Brock fucked his face.

Charlie shivered and groaned, his body tensing as Brock shoved that thick finger in good and deep, getting in right up to the knuckle, his fingertip pressing against the fox's walls, pressing against his prostate and driving the vulpine crazy. His fingers were already a mess of pre, the stuff wetting and darkening his fur as he stroked himself off like a good, obedient cuckold, gasping and panting and looking down as his boyfriend took horse cock deep down his throat.

"That's it, keep him right there," Brock grunted, thrusting harder and deeper, his low-hanging nuts tensing up as he felt the eager, horny rabbit slut sucking and licking at his manhood. Charlie kept stroking, wincing as he began pushing his ass back against Brock's finger, the horse jostling it about inside him and accentuating the pulses of pleasure surging through Charlie's crotch as he tugged at his tiny dick.

"Mm!" Brian kept moaning, his own bunny cock aching and throbbing between his legs, panting through his nose as he pleasured the horse, sucking and slurping at it, Brock pounding away at his face harder and faster. His moaning intensified and Charlie gasped when the horse jammed his finger in right up to the knuckle, crying out in pleasure as he rammed forward, his heavy nuts swinging and body tensing.

"Fuck!" Brock gasped, cock pulsing, finally reaching boiling point and erupting down Brian's throat. Charlie watched, giving out a shallow gasp as he watched the thick, white stuff licking out the sides of his boyfriend's mouth, the horse still humping into Brian's face as he came, cock pulsing and firing load after load into Brian's mouth which the horny bunny hungrily gulped down. Brock grunted and gasp, huffing through his equine nose before suddenly pulling out and gripping his cock, pumping it furiously and coaxing several more loads of hot cum all over Brian's gasping fact, covering his fur in the stuff while the helpless, pathetic cuck fox looked on, his own cock quivering, his ass still being violated by that thick horsey finger.

"Ooh, your boyfriend's got a real good mouth," Brock grunted, gripping his erect equine shaft and slapping it across Brian's cum-drenched fact, the rabbit squeaking as he felt the fat thing smacking his cheeks. "How's it taste, bunny boy?"

"So good," Brian panted. "Better than his..."

"Mrrrph..." Charlie whimpered, ears splayed, cock twitching and ass growing sore around Brock's finger. He gave a soft, almost disappointed whine, when the horse finally slipped the finger out, smacking his hand across the fox's cheeks with a mocking smirk.

"How 'bout you give the cuck a taste?" said Brock. "Give him a little kiss for me." The two lovers looked at each other, Charlie's shaft and fingers drenched with cum as he tugged on his little vulpine dick. Brock pushed, "Come on, kiss!" Brian puckered up and Charlie leaned down nervously, moving close and finally locking lips with his boyfriend.

The thick, powerful taste of the other male's cum on his lover's lips hit him immediately, the taste growing stronger as Brian shoved his cum-covered tongue into Charlie's muzzle, kissing him deeply and moaning around the fox's lips. Charlie gave out his own groans, tongue rubbing up against Brian's, excess horse cum being pushed into his mouth. Brock watched as they kissed, giving his own huge dick a few tugs. It still wasn't softening despite just blowing his load all over the rabbit's face. Charlie gave out a soft, shaking moan. The fresh taste of another man's cum on his lover's tongue made him whine. That thick, musky taste that covered his boyfriend's face...

Soon enough, the kiss was broken and Brian looked back up at Brock who glared back down at them with a cocky, domineering look on his face. Brian couldn't help but once again ogle that huge thing between Brock's legs.

"I need it," Brian said, voice dripping with need. "I need it up me..."

"Yeah?" Brock's smirk widened. "Tell me where, bunny."

"In my ass," Brian whined. "I need you in my ass. I need it so bad." Brock looked down at Charlie, the fox panting as he kept stroking off, listening to his boyfriend begging for that bigger, manlier cock.

"Here that?" Brock chuckled. "He wants me bad. Fucker's thirsty for my dick."

"Y-yes, Sir," Charlie whimpered.

"You want me to, don't you?" Brock said in a mocking tone. "You want to watch me shove my dick up this cocksucker's ass."

Charlie nodded, giving out a quick, breathless answer, "Fuck yes."

Brock looked back at Brian, "Get on all fours. I'm going to wreck your ass right on this loser's bed." Brian couldn't obey fast enough. He scrambled into action, hurling himself onto the bed and getting into position, kneeling down on all fours and presenting his petite, snow-coloured bunny ass to the big, horny horse. Brock looked at Charlie, snapped his fingers and nodded to the bed.

"Kneel down next to him," he ordered.

"Y-yessir," Charlie did as he was told, crawling onto the bed, his and Brian's eyes meeting and the fox blushing deeply, humiliated and embarrassed.

Brock took up position behind the rabbit, steadily stroking himself off, dripping cum onto the couples' bedsheets. He nodded to Charlie.

"Grab his cheeks," he said.

"Um, okay, Sir," Charlie wondered where this was going as he grabbed a cheek in each hand and held them firmly.

"Mm, now show me how much you want me to fuck him," Brock smirked. "Spread his cheeks for me."

Charlie hesitated. He wanted this. He wanted this so bad. But he was very well aware that there was no going back if he went through with this. Sucking dick was one thing, but letting another man have actual, full on sex with his lover was different. They'd been together for so many years and it had always just been the two of them, and now Brock was there ready to take that from him. Brian would have been fucked by another man and Charlie would have let it happen. The fox gulped. He wasn't sure why he was questioning it. Even if he wanted to, he was too meek and passive to disobey this bigger, stronger and more manly male; this superior man who already had his lover begging for his massive cock.

"Well? Hurry up, cuck! My dick needs some ass!" Brock was growing impatient, as was Brian who kept letting out whimpering, pathetic whines, pushing his ass back and silently begging to have his cunt stuffed. Charlie caved, though it didn't take much to convince him. He gripped his lover's asscheeks tight and slowly parted them, Brian giving out a soft sigh when he felt his tight fuckhole being revealed to that big, hulking stallion.

"Mm, fuck yeah," Brock growled, waiting until Charlie had spread the bunny's cheeks good and wide, the fox presenting his entrance. Brock pushed forward, the quivering Charlie's eyes locked on that huge shaft as it slipped between the spread cheeks and began rubbing at Brian's hole, smearing it with cum and making the bunny gasp. Brian pushed back, desperate to feel that fat thing inside him.

Brock finally gave him what he craved. He thrust forward, cock straining against Brian's hole for a moment before managing to be shoved in there.

"Ahh! Oh fuck!" Brian gasped out. Charlie gave a concerned look, worried that he might be hurt if he took too much of that thing inside him. But, Brian just kept moaning for it. "More! Oh, fuck, more! Please!" He pushed back against Brock's thrusting, groaning and grunting as he was spread wide around the girth.

Brian gripped the bedsheets, head buried in the pillows and ass clenching around the horse's fuckstick as Brock drove in deeper, Charlie keeping his cheeks wide open the whole time.

"Mm! Fuck, this is tight!" Brock gasped out. "Can't say I'm surprised if you're all he's taken this whole time!" He gave a grunt as he thrust in deeper, over half of his equine cock slammed into Brian's tight ass at this point.

He stopped there, most of his dick lodged inside and enjoying the tightness and warmth of Brian's body.

"Fuck, am I glad I agreed to this," Brock chuckled. "Finest ass I've fucked for a while. How 'bout you get a better look, cuck?"


"I said, get a better look!" With that, Brock grabbed the back of Charlie's head and forced him down, the fox gasping as he felt his muzzle pressed against Brock's shaft, rubbing up against it, his face inches away from the whole it was buried inside. "Lick it!" Brock ordered, keeping his hand on the back of Charlie's head while his cock pulsed inside Brian's passage.

Charlie gave in and gave the horse what he wanted, his tongue licking all over the twitching shaft, the taste of cum still clinging to it as he ran his tongue up and down, flitting across the fat shaft. Brock pushed him upwards, forcing his face against Brian's hole, Charlie still licking it, tongue working all over the cock and, now, the hole it was fucking. Brock pulled out a bit and let the fox lick over the several inches that had just been lodged inside Brian's ass.

"Can you taste your boy's cunt on my dick, cuck?" Brock smirked, hand gripping Charlie's head painfully, the fox whining the whole time.

"Y-yes!" he panted, the smell and taste of superior equine cock washing over him and making him light-headed.

"Keep at it," Brock ordered. "Keep licking my dick while I breed him, you fucking cuck."

"Mm!" Charlie whined and obeyed, tongue hungrily lapping over Brock's cock while one of his hands went down to toy with his tiny vulpine dick.

Brock began to fuck, spearing Brian on his cock and making the bunny cry out, Brian's own erect dick bouncing and twitching between his legs as Brock used him. The horse didn't waste time. Within seconds he was brutally and aggressively fucking Brian's ass, Charlie licking away the whole time, covering Brock's length in his spit as the stallion pounded away at Brian's body.

Charlie could easily make out the taste of Brian's body mixed in with the manly taste of Brock's maleness. Charlie's hand was a blur as he jerked himself off, cock leaking copious amounts of pre onto the bedsheets. His ears twitched as he listened to the pained yet pleasured moans escaping his boyfriend's throat in droves, Brian's voice echoing around the room and mixing in with the guttural grunts from the stallion breeding him.

"Doesn't moan this loud for you, does he, cuck?" Brock laughed, his thrusts growing harder and deeper. Charlie groaned and shook his head in reply. "Bet it's real damn nice to get a real cock in his ass... Well, bitch? How's this feel?" He slammed his cock in deep and got a loud cry from Brian.

"Ahh! It's fucking amazing!" he cried out, pushing back and letting the stallion fill him with cock. "S-so much bigger!"

"Tell the cuck that!" Brock laughed.

"H-he's so much bigger than you, Charlie!" Brian moaned out, eyes watering and wetting the pillows with his tears. "So much better! Oh, fuck, thank you, Charlie! He's fucking amazing!"

Charlie's cock throbbed harder at the sound of his lover's voice, the lust and need oozing from his moans, the sound of his loud, nearly deafening moans... Charlie's toes curled and his body tensed up. He kept licking, hand furiously pumping at his cock, drawing closer and closer to orgasm until he couldn't hold back any more. He suddenly tilted his head up and gave out a loud, high-pitched howl which reverberated through the house as he came, hand still working at his shaft as he blew several loads of vulpine cum all over the bed, the horse looking down and laughing at him.

"Ha! I didn't think a dick like that could cum so much! You must really get off on watching your boy being used, huh?" Brock laughed, watching as the pathetic cuck kept stroking himself, the fox shivering and shaking, giving out loud whines as he emptied the contents of his fuzzy nuts, his stroking slowing to a crawl and eventual stop.

He was ready to collapse onto the bed but Brock kept him held up, hand gripping him by the head fur and forcing him to watch as that huge stallion cock pounded away at his lover's ass.

"Keep watching," Brock ordered. "I want you to see this slut's ass being filled!"

As the superior male wanted, Charlie kept watching. He watched as that huge shaft pumped in and out of Brian's fuckhole and those big, dark, low-hanging horse nuts swung back and forth, ready to pump Brian's needy, desperate body full of equine cum. Charlie kept watching and listening to the moans coming from both of them, Brock pounding harder and deeper, nearly getting his entire horse cock slammed into Brian's ass at this point, the bunny pushing back and enjoying every inch that he took, that aching cock viciously pummelling his prostate.

"I...I'm... I'm going...!" Brian's words were a garbled mess. He could barely speak or let out anything that wasn't a moan or a scream. The feel of Brock's cock inside him was overwhelming. He felt he could pass out from how hard of a beating his g-spot was getting, his cock aching painfully, preparing to unload and blow hands-free, purely from the pounding his ass was getting.

His eyes went wide he managed to give out a single, high-pitched, mangled word out his lips, "Y...Yes...!" He gasped out, his prostate taking one more hit before sending him over the edge, cock pulsing as it fired load after load across the sheets, his nuts starting to ache as they emptied themselves all over the bed, his body twitching and squeezing down on Brock's cock, getting an approving moan from the horse.

"Mm, holy fuck!" Brock gasped out, slamming himself in deep and getting more gasping cries from the bunny as his fucking grew even harder, the bed groaning and squeaking underneath them. Charlie kept watching, shocked that his lover was able to take something that big so deep and so hard inside him.

Brian lay panting on the bed, ass up in the air from the stallion to fuck while his own smaller bunny dick twitched between his legs, steadily softening after painting the bedsheets with his cum. He kept giving out weak groans as Brock kept pounding away at him, a hand on his ass and the other gripping Charlie, making him watch as the stallion himself quickly drew close to boiling point.

Brock gritted his teeth, tensing up before giving out a loud cry of pleasure and slamming his entire cock into Brian's ass, Charlie gasping in shock as he saw that tight bunny ass enveloping every inch of Brock's dick. He could see those dark-skinned balls pulsing and clenching as Brock began pumping Brian full of his seed, flooding his bowels with the stuff, painting his walls and making the rabbit moan in submission. Charlie could see the stuff leaking around the sides of the shaft, dripping down Brian's taint before falling onto the bed underneath, Brock giving a few more shallow thrusts and coaxing the last few drops of horse splooge out of his aching dick before his orgasm finally subsided.

"Mmm, oh, fuck yes," Brock panted, slowly pulling his cock out, his dick making a loud _pop_sound as it left the bunny's body. Charlie watched, still in shock, as Brian's ass leaked cum, his hole stretched wide, punished and used without mercy.

"Whew, I really did a number on that thing, huh?" Brock laughed. "Yeah, he's never gonna feel your tiny dick ever again." Brock paused, a wicked look soon spreading across his face. "Here, have a closer look!" He gave out another laugh and shoved Charlie's face against Brian's used, dripping hole, both males gasping as the fox's mouth was smooshed up against his taint, face becoming a mess of horse cum in an instant.

"Eat him out, cuck!" the horse ordered. "Get in there deep!"

"Mrrpph!" Charlie gasped and groaned but did as he was told, opening wide and shoving his tongue in deep, panting as he felt the mixed taste of Brian's ass and Brock's cum invading his mouth and assaulting his taste buds. The stallion's load dripped onto his tongue and into his mouth, Charlie grimacing as he was made to gulp the stuff down, tongue flitting around Brian's used, wrecked fuckhole and making the bunny squirm and writhe, a wide, ecstatic smile spreading across his face.

Brock watched, chuckling to himself as he watched Charlie eating out his own boyfriend's flooded ass. The horse felt so powerful. These two were his total bitches, and he loved it. A loving couple turned into a cock-hungry slut and his whimpering cuckold within a couple hours of him stepping foot in their house.

Brock let Charlie give his lover's ass a good eating for a while before pulling him back, Charlie gasping, his face fur matted with cum. Brock then tossed him onto the bed as simply as if he were disposing of a used condom. Charlie lay on the bed next to Brian who collapsed next to him, both lovers panting in exhaustion.

"Thank you," Brian panted. "Thank you so much." He took Charlie's hand in his, holding him tight as his ass leaked the bigger male's load.

"Heh, how cute," Brock scoffed, climbing off the bed.

"Thank you." It was Charlie's turn to say it, looking over at the stallion. "Thank you for fucking him. He's... needed that for so long."

"Oh, I can fuckin' tell," Brock laughed. "Never heard a bitch moan on my dick more than him." He paused and then added, "Hey, you guys got any beers?"

"F...Fridge..." Brian managed to pant.

"Sweet. I'll just grab one and make myself at home." Still naked, Brock turned to leave but then stopped and looked over at the exhausted bunny and humiliated cuck. "Hey, I know you two are gonna get all lovey-dubby and shit, and that's fine, but when you're holding hands and kissing and cuddling and all that crap, you two're gonna remember, 'specially you, cuck, that bunny boy's ass belongs to me. Yeah?"

"Yes, Sir," Charlie whined.

"Say it."

"My boyfriend's ass belongs to you."

"Yeah, that's a good cuck." Brock smirked, leaving the room to grab his beer, his now flaccid horse schlong swinging between his thick, legs.

It was true, what Brock said, about Brian's ass belonging to him, and both rabbit and fox knew it. Charlie had given it away, begged for Brock to take it, held his lover's cheeks open for him to steal it away from him, just like a good cuck. Charlie was an obedient little cuck, willing to give away his boyfriend's body so that he could get what he needed: a big, hard, real man's cock up his ass.


Starfox: James's Confession: Part 2

**James's Confession: Part 2** "This better be important," Fox grumbled, following his rival as Wolf lead him towards his apartment. Wolf hadn't stopped smirking since he'd grabbed McCloud coming out of the academy and cajoled him into coming with...

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Among the Commoners

**Among the Commoners** The young wolf prince tugged at his cloak, pulling it around him as he followed his servant down the stone passageway. The place was old, run-down. His family hadn't needed to use the secret escape passage for years and as a...

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Deltarune: Ralsei's Capture

**Deltarune: Ralsei's Capture** The Spade King sat on his throne, dressed in nothing but his dark, black cape, as per usual. He sat back, legs splayed and his big, blue-skinned, flaccid junk resting between his legs, also as per usual. He reached...

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