14th December

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#14 of Camp Snow

And it goes on. A little more twist? But the heart is a delicate thing.

Fragile and steady. Immutable and ever changing.

But all will become good. You just need a little bit love and trust, and a bit of pixie... no that was a different story. :)


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

14th December

"That was quite a show, wasn't it?" Jen yipped by the sudden whispered voice. She turned her head and saw a shadow next to the walls of the house, that was not visible because it was too dark at this spot.

"What? Who..." she was confused but the other took a step towards her and made "Psssst!". Jen remembered that she was in front of Jake's house. Luckily, she had not been too loud.

"I also enjoyed the show." It was Leon who now got out of the shadows and stood in front of her. His eyes looked sparkling towards the skirt of Jen.

"I did like the show last night better though." He licked his lips and Jen realized that Leon must have watched her getting mated by Jake in the last night from the same spot she just spied on Jake and Lisa.

Jen turned away from him and wanted to run away. She did not want to talk with Leon. Her mind was spinning, she felt confused and on top of that she felt humiliated about him having watched them the night before.

"Wait a moment." Leon stepped in her way and she bounced against him. The lion held her back with both hands. "You don't want me to tell everyone about you and Jake, do you?" he whispered, and Jen opened her eyes in shock.

"Right now, only I know about your night together. But maybe the others will be interested..." he dragged his words a bit into length and Jen panicked. "You can't tell them." She demanded and she saw him smirk from one ear to the other.

"Well... there is a way to make me keep silent about this. Not just about you and Jake, but also about Lisa." Jen gulped. Even though she felt betrayed, she had to protect her friend as well.

"How?" she asked frightened.

"Well, you know, I got quite excited watching you and tonight Lisa. And you spoiled a bit of the fun, when I had to hide from you and you took my spot, so..." he moved closer and put his muzzle at her ear.

"If you come with me to our house and allow us to learn about that too, I will not tell anyone." Jen dropped her Jaw. "What?" she asked in disbelieve. Her heat was driving her crazy, her head was spinning in need and her mind was getting more and more confused with the feelings for Jake, Lisa and the fear from this proposal.

"Well, if you do not want, we can't do anything about it. Then I will have to tell the others... and how about your parents when they get you?" she choked in shock.

"Come on!" he whispered. "It is not like you don't want it too, right? You wanted it too when you watched them, am I wrong?" Jen closed her mouth, unable to say anything.

She did not want anyone else to know about this. Leon was already bad, but the other kids would be even worse. And the worst would be if he told her parents.

Her insides tingled and her body heated up, demanding her to look for the mate that would quench the fire.

She gulped and just nodded. Leon grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the house, that was next to Jack's.

Jen was like in trance, shocked and her mind was spinning even harder, when the blood rushed into her head when Leon led her into the house.

She did not hear the words, when Leon told the others about what they were about to do in excitement.

She did not even see the others because she just looked to the ground, standing next to Leon.

In his house were all the oldest boys. The wolfs Zen and Brandon, the German Shepard Milo and the Horse Steven, and naturally also Leon.

She did not fight them when they started to strip her out of her clothes. Even though their hands were shivering in excitement, they were quite careful, especially with her wings.

When she stood in front of them naked, they started to feel her up from all sides. Two were caressing her wings and one her hind and tail, while Leon directly went for a kiss and someone else caressed her belly.

Jen moaned in the muzzle of Leon, who was inexperienced in kissing. He was nothing compared to Jake, but all the unexperienced hands together made her body heat up even more and her moan vibrate through it.

They pushed her on a bed and made her crouch on all fours. Jen just closed her eyes and imagined it being Jake, just acting like a doll that was being played with by the boys.

She moaned loud when Leon licked her snatch and pushed his tongue into her pussy.

"She tastes great." He said and every boy stepped behind her and licked her vagina for a minute, before they switched.

Jen just endured it, but her body reacted to it and already twitched slightly.

"I brought her, so I get first." Leon announced and stepped behind her. Jen felt his penis push through her labia and into her tunnel.

It felt much smaller than Jake and her flesh only gripped softly around it, but then he pulled back. Jen had been used to the barbs of Jake, but they had been nothing more than nubs and if all were massaging her insides.

The barbs of Leon were much harder and sharper and scratched her insides raw. She groaned and wanted to struggle, but Leon held her, and the other boys helped him.

The boy was merciless, not caring about her wellbeing but just pumped in and out of the girl. After a few minutes, Jen's insides went numb and her groans became softer, until Leon pushed in a last time and she felt a small spurt of his spunk fill her tunnel.

"That felt great." Leon remarked and sat down on another bed to rest. His spot was filled by Steven. "Now it is my turn." He declared and without giving her any chance to prepare, he pushed into her and made her emit a moan.

Her insides, raked raw by Leon, were very sensitive and Steven was nearly as thick as Jake and his length.

The boy pushed into her eagerly and Jen soon forgot all around her and just concentrated on the strong stimulations in her oversensitive tunnel and mewled in the rhythm of Steven's pushes.

A few minutes later she felt him push through her cervix and the tip of Steven flared, before he let out spurt after spurt of his spunk, which was nearly the quantity of Jake.

Jen did not know who went next. It did not matter anyways. All three, Brandon, Zen and Milo, had knots and hammered her hard until they were stuck inside her and gushed their nuts into her tunnel.

She could feel their balls contracting, while they lay against her heated and wet scales.

After each of them had a round with her, they started to team up. It was Brandon, who had the idea first.

When Zen was balls deep inside Jen, keeping them locked together with his knot, he asked him to spin around, so that he lay below Jen and then she felt Brandon penetrate her then former virgin tail hole. She groaned loud when he spread her sphincter hard and even stronger, when he later pushed his knot into it. She felt the spurts against her gut and finally came around both boys, milking Brandon's spunk out of him with her ass, while she massaged the shrinking member of Zen.

After that, all boys wanted to try it out and soon they even pushed into her muzzle at the same time, making her serve three boys at once.

At some point, Jen fell asleep exhausted, with the spurting dick of Steven in her snatch and Milo in her rear. She was totally exhausted but the one good thing was, that her heat also was satisfied and did not bother her anymore. She was able to drift into a deep sleep and the boys also stopped, dropping all around her and covering her like a cover made of fur.

The next morning, Jen was woken up by Jake, who picked her up while he scolded the boys. She did not hear every word, but she got as much, that the boys were punished to run rounds around the sports field for the whole morning, without breakfast, and not to talk about this to anyone else, to not embarrass Jen even more.

He brought her to the shower and waited outside, until she was finished. Jen took much longer than normal, because she cried while she had the warm water run over her scales.

It was less the things that the boys did with her. Her body had been as demanding as they had been and her heat had found their actions as a great relieve for the lack of Jake in the night, but she felt embarrassed, that Jake had seen her there.

She realized that she had not been better than him. She betrayed him just like he did. Even though she took a bit of a rescue line to justify it by him betraying her first and her doing it to protect him as well, but if she was true to herself, she did not do it for him. She had been so angry at him, that she would not have done it, if it would have been just for him.

After she left the shower, now with her clothes on again, Jake led her to his house, where he first made sure that she was well, and she was not injured by the eager boys.

She felt a rush of blood in her head, when he inspected her rear and put some ointment on it, because it was sore from their advance. He was very caring with her and she cried again from feeling so lost at this moment.

"What happened." He asked whispering, while he pulled her pants and skirt up again and started to caress her wings to make her feel comfortable. He knew all her good spots and where she liked it and she felt a rush of comfort and safety pass through her body.

She began to tell about the night. How she went to his house and how she watched him take Lisa. She told him about the threat of Leon and how he got her to agree to his terms and then led her to the house.

She cried a bit when she talked about the pain when he first pulled out and how Brandon penetrated her rear and then all others joined in but she also told him that it felt better with time and she, in the end, climaxed and got a bit of satisfaction out of it as well. She felt guilty when she told him that and she did not even know why she went into these details.

"So, you enjoyed it at least?" He asked softly and caressed over her head. She thought a bit about it and then softly nodded.

"Good." He just said and continued to caress her. "They will keep silent about this and I will also not tell anyone." He ensured her. Jen felt relieved that this would not be the talk of the camp. She felt embarrassed about what happened now, that she thought about it in hindsight.

"I am sorry." Jake whispered and Jen looked to the side to look up to him surprised. "This all happened, because I did this with Lisa."

Jen felt like he took all the guilt about what he did upon himself and her anger, that she felt the night before, melted. She wanted to argue against it, but Jake put his finger on her lips.

"I expected you, but it was her and she was just like you. She said she felt ill and I realized quickly that she was in heat." He rustled.

"Well, as I said I expected you and you know the scent of heat is quite powerful for a man. I had been prepared to mate with you, but when she stood there, with her dripping snatch, I could not hold back. I am sorry for that. When we were at it, I totally forgot that I waited for you and I only remembered, when I woke up with her on my belly."

He looked into her eyes for over a minute and Jen was transfixed by his black orbs. Then he crouched down and pushed his lips against her, joining her in a short kiss.

"Tomorrow, I will make sure to serve you both, okay?" he whispered and after a few minutes of thinking about it, Jen finally answered.

"Okay, but you have to promise me, that I will always be your girlfriend and I will come first." She demanded.

Jake kissed her again and smiled. "Whatever you want, princess." He said.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" he asked, and she smiled as an answer. He hugged her and pulled her up from the bed.

"Then you go first. I will wake up the other boys." He chuckled and padded her hind.

After lunch, Jen found a moment to be alone with Lisa and she told the lioness all about her and Jake and that she saw them. She did not want to have any secrets before Lisa, and she felt that the girl deserved to know.

"This will be our secret, okay?" she closed, and Lisa agreed. They talked a bit about their heats and how confusing it felt when it was acting up and Jen told her that they would visit Jake together the next night.

They spent the rest of the day giggling a lot, when they looked each other in the eyes for a bit longer every now and then and even though Jen had felt very unhappy at the last night, she loved the secret she shared with Lisa and felt excited to share Jake with her and feel good together.