
Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Something inspired by Sunderlovely written in August 2019

James sighed and sat back on the park bench, staring off into the cloudy sky. It was a cool albeit somewhat sunny day and he was enjoying his time off, glad to be away from the bureaucratic bustle and glowing screens of the average workday. He felt something nudge him and he looked over to see his girlfriend Olivia regarding him curiously, her eyes surprisingly off her held phone.

"Whatcha looking at?" She asked.

"The clouds," James replied.

"The clouds?" Olivia laughed. "Is that where your head is at?"

"Well..." James blinked and leaned forward. "Yeah?" He reached out and held her hand. "Are you bored? Sorry, I'm just really enjoying the peace and quiet and--"

"Don't worry, dear!" Olivia said, smiling. "You enjoy your quiet time. I'm enjoying mine." She squeezed his hand. "We'll have plenty of time to talk somewhere else like...dinner later?"

"Of course," James said.

"It's a date!" She said, letting go of his hand.

"Our fifth one today." James murmured.

"How do you figure that?"

"Coffee counts."

"Coffee counts?"

James nodded and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say," she said, looking to her phone. "Back to daydreaming for you."

"Ok, honey."

Again, James sat back this time with a smile on his face. He looked towards the clouds and--

"Ooh, honey," Olivia said, thrusting her phone in front of his face. "You like this kind of weird stuff, right?"

James looked at the screen.

"Hot, horny, milky cow girls in heat are in your area?" he read, raising an eyebrow as he examined one such cow girl. The smiling, black and white furred bovine lady lay on her back, one arm propping her up while the other teased at her very full looking udder. She also had a swollen pair of breasts that James had to tear his eyes away from to read the rest of the text. "Click here to match your moo?"

He stuck out his tongue and pushed the phone away, before glancing to his girlfriend. His face flushed red while she gave him a teasing smile.

"Olivia, no!" he said.

"I think you mean 'Olivia, moo,'" she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"No, I don't," James huffed.

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked. "Because Jamesie seems a little excited by the cow..."

"Don't call it that!" James whispered, glancing around the park. There were a few people walking around here and there, but no one seemed to have picked up on their conversation. "I don't like..." his voice lowered. "I don't like anthros."

"You sure about that?" Olivia asked. "What about that doe over there?" She nodded towards a slender doe who was having a picnic with a just as slender stag. "You don't find her cute at all?"

"I feel like this is a trap," James said.

"It's not!" Olivia assured. "I think she's cute. And the stag is too. It's just that I thought you liked anthros is all!"

"I like you."

"I like you too but--" she shoved the phone in front of his face again. "You're telling me you don't have any attraction to this cow? Not a single part of her?"

As she said this, James had the stop at looking at not only the cow's large breasts, but her swollen udder as well. He snatched her phone away and yet felt his eyes drawn to the screen. He looked down at the busty cow with her udder so swollen and teats so tight...

He blushed because of it. Why was the sight of the voluptuous cow girl getting him so hot and bothered? Was it because he actually did find her attractive?

"No," he said under his breath, frowning as the image on the ad change, now showing a brown cow girl who was happily presenting her plump posterior, her hefty udder hanging heavily between her spread legs. He furtively looked around, gulped and lowered the phone momentarily when a jogger ran near. When the runner had passed, he looked back to the ad. "How now, brown cow?" The ad read. "Get some beef and milk for yourself!" James frowned and glanced at Olivia.

"Why are these even popping up on your phone?" He asked. "They're sort of--"

"Lewd!" Olivia said, poking James in the ribs. "Isn't it funny?"

"No," James huffed.

"Oh come on," Olivia snorted. "I'm just teasing." She shrugged. "I don't know. I downloaded a trial for, er..." she shrugged again. "The something-o-matic. A new application for a new age or something."

"Bit intrusive, isn't it?" James grumbled, trying to swipe away the app. Instead, the phone dinged and he felt the device go hot in his hands. "Wha--?"

Suddenly the device sparked and a bolt of electricity zapped James. The man yelped, dropping the phone as he stood up. When it clattered to the ground, he swore and scrabbled for it.

"Sorry, honey," he said. "I didn't mean to--"

"James?" Olivia said, also getting to her feet. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, gripping the phone. "Just a little shocked is all." He laughed. "Nothing to--"

"James!" Olivia gasped.

"That's my name," he said.

"Your face!"

"My--" James paused and frowned. His face did prickle oddly and there was a spreading feeling of warmth across his chest. He lifted his free hand to touch his face, but stopped midway when he saw his hand. He yelped, the phone clattering to the ground again when he saw the brown hairs covering up his palms. Not only that, but his fingers were thickening and hardening and slowly starting to merge together. He gaped at the sight, the warmth across his face surging.

"My hands!" He wailed, whimpering as his fingers simply refused to move as they clung together.

"Your face!" Olivia said.

"What about my face?" James snarled. "It's--"

He coughed and groaned as his face began to stretch forward, jaws and nostrils aching. He brought both hands up to his face, his fingers splitting apart so he now had three hardened hoof-like fingers on each hand. He touched at his stretching snout, shuddering as it felt like something was pulling his face forward. He stumbles forward, thickening tongue hanging out of a broader, near bovine muzzle. His nostrils flared and he felt them grow thicker and more leathery and broader in size, his nose now more prominent in his vision.

"See!" Olivia said. "I told you something was happening with your face!"

"Dat's hoshly hlepful," James sputtered, clenching his teeth as he felt them grow thicker and flatter while his snout continued to stretch. "Ish dat..."

He paused when he felt his ears wiggle, then flop out on either side of his head as a feeling of warmth swept over then. Olivia reached up and grabbed them as they grew lengthier and pointed.

"Oh, look at these!" She exclaimed. "They're so fuzzy now!"

"Shtop!" James protested, slapping her hands away, only for her to grab at his altered hands.

"Ooh!" She cooed, holding his arms up. "Look! Brown fur! And spotted! Like a..." she smiled. "Like a cow!"

"W-What?" James stuttered, but it was true. Light brown fur mottled with darker brown spots swept up his arms. Not only that, but their spread eroded his muscle, leaving his arms more slender. He tensed his shoulders when the fur reached there, and a moment later he let them relax as he felt them smooth slightly. He pulled his arms away and backed up.

"S-Shtop!" He demanded, glaring at Olivia. He put his hands on his hips, shivering as he felt the fur spread down to his collarbone and then to his neck. "I..." he blinked, and winced at the sound of his voice. It sounded higher, lighter...

Before he had much time to ponder this, his snout surged forward just a little bit more so that he now had a bonafide bovine muzzle in his vision tipped by a brown cow nose. He went cross eyed to look at it more closely just as his eyes watered. He closed them and shuddered as they relocated slightly farther apart. When he opened his eyes, something else fell across his eyes and he lifted a hand to brush it away only to find the hair atop his furry head had grown longer and silkier and smoother and also as a sort of mane down the back of his head, which wasn't very masculine...

"Oh!" Olivia laughed. "I think I know what's happening!"

"What?" James said, wincing again at the sound of his voice. It was higher now, like a woman's. He clutched at his thickening neck and--

Where was his Adam's apple? He panted, longer, thicker tongue lolling out of his mouth while two points of pressure appeared on his forehead. He gasped when he reached up and felt something growing out of those points, hard protrusions that pressed out into--

"Horns!" Olivia said, pointing at the stubby pair. "See! You're totally turning into a cow!"

"I am not!" James huffed, placing his hands on his hips again. "I'm not turning into a--"

His eyes widened when his hips abruptly ached and then pressed apart. He heard something rip and he looked down just in time to see his jeans tear. His thighs were thickening before his very eyes, fat accumulating on them until they brushed together and jiggled when he shifted uncomfortably. He blushed at the sight of his thick thighs, holes in his pants revealing spotted brown fur instead of human skin.

"No," he whimpered. "No, no, no--"

He stumbled back just as his heels abruptly lifted. He yelped and landed hard on his butt, though his rear seemed to take the fall well. In fact, it was starting to feel softer, plumper...

James looked over his shoulder in horror to see his posterior was growing. He watched as it expanded, his formerly flat rear pressing out against his pants where they had been barely noticeable before. His jeans began to tear, allowing some of that furred, fattening flesh to escape as his rear continued to expand and grow plumper. He placed his hands over his expanding cheeks and felt how soft and pillowy there were becoming. Dismayed at this development, he removed his hands from his rear and watched as it jiggled, his torn jeans slipping and revealing parts of his plush rump to the world. He sat up and then sat back down again and was surprised just how padded his rear was now. He felt his facial fur become hot as he stared at his rear. It was large, round, and heartshaped now and he couldn't quite believe that the fine piece of ass was his ass. He shuddered as something tugged at the base of his spine shortly afterwards as a ropy strand with a tuft of brown fur snaked its way out above his rounded rear. The strand flicked to and fro as it grew longer and longer. No, not a strand--a tail, a cow's tail, his tail.

The changing man looked away and tried to focus on getting to his feet. Instead, his feet throbbed and he heard another rip, this time twin sounds. He looked forward and gawked at the sight of his feet, his toes merging with the rest of his foot into a substance that was harder and darker.

"Well then," Olivia said, kneeling down to touch at the keratin just as it split into what were now James' cloven hooves. "I guess no more piggies going to the market for you!"

James relocated his feet out of his ruined shoes, his torn socks falling away as he clopped his hooves against the ground.

"This isn't..." he began, pushing his hoof hands against the ground to help himself up. "This isn't funny!"

With that exclamation, James hauled himself to his feet--or at least he tried to. Instead, he stumbled uncertainly on his new hooves, the feeling of them on the ground and his new digitigrade stance causing him to fall forward. He caught himself on the park bench. He huffed and panted as he felt the warm brown fur continue to cover the rest of his body, stiffening when something suddenly tugged at his tail.

"Hey," He said, awkwardly turning towards Olivia. "Quit it!"

"Sorry," Olivia said, then giggled.

"What's so..." James' eyes widened as his loose jeans slipped off his wide hips along with what remained of his shredded underwear. He made a grab for them, but the tattered cloth slipped between his awkward fingers. One moment he was clothed. In the next, he was half naked and squeezing his fattening thighs together to hide his member. Except--

"Where's Jamesie?" Olivia asked.

James' heart sank and he looked down, opening his furred legs to find that Jamesie was missing. No, not missing, but shrunken, shriveled, and out of place on his otherwise furred crotch. Then his penis shrank further still and all James could do was shriek and grab at it before it slipped through his hooved hands along with his likewise shrunken testicles. He shivered when he felt it slip inside of him next, the fearful man pulling his hands away only to find that she was no longer a he. Between her legs was a new opening, an orifice soon engulfed by a set of pink lips, the petals of her new flower of femininity. She gasped as these fresh folds quivered, growing darker and thicker as they configured into alignment. James blinked as something nestled itself at the top of her new feminine lips, a nubby pink clit that throbbed with need. She reached down and brushed a finger against her clit and instantly drew her hand away at the pleasure and warmth that bloomed in her crotch and mind. Her pussy pulsed and she couldn't help but moo lustfully before looking down at her new sex. It was a slit, her slit, and she could feel other adjustments besides them, a churning in her abdomen causing her to double over and clutch at a stomach that felt flatter, lacking her former firm muscle.

"Ohhhh," the new cow moaned, then began to low. "Mooo..." She paused when she felt something wobble between her legs. Something still dangled there, but it wasn't her dick, that was for sure. "Moo?"

She stood up straight and felt something wobble again. She looked down and stared at what appeared to be a fleshy pink sponge that originated somewhere between her belly button and her wet slit. The pink sac swelled as she stared at it, not only growing physically larger and rounder and gaining four pink prominent protrusions, but also filling with something that caused it to slosh. She groaned, spreading her legs apart and whimpered when she felt the swelling udder hanging down to fill that new space, its four protrusions brushing against her thighs. She shivered. Her teats, those protrusions ached as they also grew thicker and slightly longer so that they looked like proper teats, their taut points already dribbling with--

"Moo-ILK!?" James lowed, her exclamation causing her swiftly swelling udder to wobble and slosh as milk started to fill it.

"Looks like it!" Olivia said, bending over to look at the inflating pink mass. "See, I told you!"

"No!" James said, holding up a hand to ward off the advancing Olivia. She shuddered again as her udder wobbled. It already felt weighty, and yet it continued to swell. "Stay back! You're not going to touch these!"

"Why would I touch that?" Olivia asked, tilting her head and smiling slyly. "I was actually more interested in your titties!"

"MY WHAT?!" James screeched. She looked down. There were two prominent bumps on her upper chest and they were swelling faster than her nascent udder. "No, no, no--"

James' denials did nothing, the new cow sighing when she heard her shirt strain, pulling up from a new weight on her chest. She looked down as her shirt lifted, revealing a furred stomach that looked a little pudgier than she remembered, a waist that was certainly more pressed in, but most important were her breasts. Yes, her breasts, rounded, jiggling brown furred mounds that looked small on her chest, but they wouldn't stay small for long. They demanded to hang heavily on her chest, to slosh with her sweet milk, and so they swelled, her shirt tenting as her burgeoning breasts made their presence known to the world. She shivered as her nipples grew along with them, stiffer and increasingly sensitive so just the touch of the pink points on the fabric caused her to tremble and rub her thick thighs together while her sex slickened. Abruptly her the rate her breasts grew quickened as she felt something liquid and warm that rushed to fill the expanding space, causing her breasts to hang heavily on her chest. She groaned and rubbed at her back, feeling them only growing heavier and yet they felt...right? Natural? They hung on her chest as if they belonged and that startled her. She let out a deep, panicked breath, her inflating tits jiggling and sloshing with that liquid she didn't want to think about. She groaned and slouched, bringing her hooved hands to press back against her billowing breasts. They pressed back, spreading her hands further and further apart and ultimately causing her to pull them away when her hardened fingers brushed against her stiff pink nipples through the cloth. She gasped, an electric tingle shooting straight down her spine to her slit and she felt her feminine lips tighten before they moistened. She only had a moment to enjoy this sensation before she heard a resounding rip, her bountiful breasts bouncing free on a now mostly bare upper chest. She stared at her breasts, so large, so firm, so ripe, and she considered just feeling them up for a moment. They looked so soft, so tender, and they were already starting to feel full and heavy too. Would it really hurt her to milk some pleasure out of her new mammaries? Her taut nipples felt so tight, so swollen, and it felt all of her willpower not to tease and touch at them. Maybe just one squeeze to ease the pressure?

Before she could decide one way or another, her girlfriend was upon her.

"My turn!" Olivia declared, reaching up to cup James' growing tits. She could scarcely fit them in her palms for but a moment before they surged larger. Olivia playfully squeezed the sensitive flesh. James shivered and moo'd. That felt...quite good actually. She closed her eyes and moo'd again when her girlfriend gave her swollen tits another squeeze. When she squeezed again, she felt something trickle out of her stiff nipples, wet and warm.

"H-hey!" James protested meekly, looking down at her own cleavage to see she had lactated--actually lactated!--and the milk was dribbling down to stain her light brown fur darker.

"Did you like that?" Olivia asked, smiling at her.

Before James could answer, Olivia was in motion, this time directly squeezing her taut nipples. James moaned out a moo, shuddering and feeling her body wobble as it softened as a whole, the last of her male muscle dwindling away in favor of a gentle layer of fat. Milk dribbled out of her nipples and she shivered, enjoying it until her girlfriend gave them a sudden hard squeeze. James heard her yelp and she opened her eyes to see that her girlfriend was wiping away a sudden spray of milk.

"S-sorry!" James stuttered. "But that's what you get for...for--"

"Milking my busty cow?" Olivia said, licking at her fingers. "Mmm, tasty! Mind if I get some more?"

"I do mind!" James snorted, folding her arms over her chest and coming in contact with her breasts. She quickly lowered her arms, but it was too late--her seemingly overfilled breasts dribbled out more milk and she shivered at the sensation of the liquid wetting her fur. "I'm--"

"Bustier than me, did you know that?" Olivia asked, eyeing the cow's breasts.

"I am?" James looked between their busts. She groaned and placed a hand on her head. "I am...and they just won't stop growing!" She grabbed her breasts and frowned at them, only just able to place her hands around them. The were so heavy and full already--could they really get any bigger? Did she want them to? "Stop it!"

"Oh come on, James," Olivia chided. "That's no way to treat your girls!"

"They're not my girls!" James protested. "They're my--"

"Tits, breasts, boobs, baps, puppies, mammaries, melons, but in this case, I think..." Olivia winked. "We can call them milkers."

James shuddered at the word. Just thinking about milk caused her to realize just how full her milkers were--and not just her upper pair, but her hefty udder! She let go of her breasts and watched them jiggle and bounce, momentarily entranced by the sight before she looked lower to where her udder rested, if rested was even the right word. It wiggled and jiggled with every one of her movements, no matter how minute, and it looked so large and full now. The fleshy pink sac was just as large as both her breasts put together, if not a little larger and gosh did it look full. It felt full too, hanging heavily with who knows how many gallons of milk in it.

"So how does it feel?" Olivia asked. "Having that huge milksack hanging between your legs? Looks heavy..."

"It is," James groaned. She shook and the tattered remnants of her shirt fell away, leaving her completely nude. She froze. She was naked, totally completely naked in a public park and it wasn't just like she had some dangling bits to hide. No, now she had her pussy, her large, swaying udder, and also her bobbing breasts to conceal from the public eye and there was no way she was doing that. Her clothes were next to useless now, and the person who should be helping her seemed to think her sudden transformation was all fun and games! She felt the fur around her face go hot as she looked to Olivia, hoping beyond all hope that no one had somehow seen her change from normal man to busty, beuddered, and bewildered cow.

"Olivia," she breathed.

"Yes, honey?"

"Can you--"

"Milk you?" Olivia asked, eyes brightening. "Sure!"

"No!" James snapped. "No mooo..." She sighed and shifted away from Olivia, large udder swaying. "No milking. Get some help! Or better yet, call someone!"

"Why?" Olivia said. "Aren't you enjoying this?"

"What?" James hissed. "No, not even--Mroooo!"

James lowed as Olivia reached forward and pinched one of his taut teats, a stream of milk spilling out onto the ground. The cow panted, shoulders slumping. That felt so good, so right but--

"Olivia," James said. "Seriously, please!"

"Oh, alright," Olivia said. "You're right, of course. Look, I didn't mean for this to happen. Sure, I downloaded the trial version, but that was just an ad, I didn't expect--"

"Doesn't matter!" James huffed, groaning as her udder...swelled? She looked down and sighed. How did that make sense? She had just been milked a little, but apparently not enough for her udder bulged even bigger with milk and her teats itched with the need for something to touch them and relieve them of so much milk, warm, sweet milk that would feel so good to--

"Olivia," James moaned, hefting her udder in both hooved hands but careful not to touch her teats. "I'm a cow now--"

"How now, brown cow?" Olivia teased.

"Olivia!" James exclaimed. "I'm naked in a park and I've got HUGE tits and a BIGGER udder and..." She whimpered. "Mooooo...I mean, please milk me, no, I mean please help me!"

"By milking you?"

"No!" James groaned and blinked as she saw movement beyond Olivia's shoulder. There were people in the park watching her, a small gathering, but a gathering nonetheless. She felt her face go flush. "Olivia, people are watching us and--"

"Aright, alright," Olivia said, holding up her phone. "I'll call for help. You know, I think I did read something about this happening with that app--I didn't even think my phone had the specs for it! At least that dingo was right about the parts upgrade..."

"Olivia, please," James panted, squatting down to sit on the bench. That was...that was better. Her udder was still overly full and her breasts were nearing there too, but at least some of the weight was relieved. She shuffled her hooves, spreading her legs apart to give her hanging udder some breathing room. Again, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye and looked to see that the deer couple they had seen before were staring at them, pausing apparently midway through enjoying their desert. James smiled and waved awkwardly. Midwave she gasped, feeling something well up deep within her. Her pussy twitched and she gasped again as warm arousal dripped down her thick thighs, mixing with some of the milk that dribbled down there from her teats. What was this now? She struggled to remember the ad.

"Hot," she panted, one hand drifting towards her slit before she realized what she was doing. "Horny...milky..." she touched at her other with one hand and her breasts with the others, shivering as milk dribbled from her teats and nipples. "Cow...girls in...moo...heat!"

Her dazed eyes widened and she shook her head, her ears flopping back.

"Oh come on!" she exclaimed. "Olivia, I'm--"

"Getting you help!" she said, swiping at her phone screen. "Ugh, your milk made my fingers stick. Huh! What's this?"

"What?" James asked hopefully. "Can you turn me back with one press?"

"'Smoking hot dragonesses are waiting for you!'" Olivia read. "'Tip their scales today.' Huh."

"Really?" James panted, unconsciously squeezing a breast and mooing at the relief of some pressure. "Why didn't I get that ad?"

"Wait, you like dragons better than cows?" Olivia murmured. "Never figured you for a scaly."


"Right." James watched Olivia try to swipe, but instead she heard a familiar ding. Her eyes widened.

"No!" she shouted.

But it was too late. This time smoke rose visibly from the phone and what looked like fire leapt out and engulfed Olivia. James stood and clopped towards her girlfriend, groaning as her fat udder bounced against her thick thighs. Olivia was already extinguished however, her flesh mysteriously untouched though her clothes had burned away. The phone lay on the ground, a smoking mess. Olivia looked up to James and smiled apologetically.

"Oops?" she said with a shrug.

Now it was time for James to notice something was off. Her eyes widened and she stopped milking herself to point a finger at her girlfriend.

"Olivia!" she said. "Your skin, it's--"

"Glowing!" Olivia said. "Huh."

Not only was Olivia glowing, she was growing, her muscles and bones snapping and creaking with every bout of growth. James stared and watched in mute shock as dark blue scales started to cover her girlfriend's skin while her shape shifted and contorted. Olivia fell on her hands and knees and roared, face rapidly stretching into a long, reptilian snout, nose sinking away to be its two nostrils that smoked started to spiral out of. Olivia's jaws fell open, revealing not only a light blue tongue that stretched, thinned, and forked at its ends as it hung out, but also teeth that were not only sharpening to a razor's edge but multiplying, filling the carnivorous muzzle. Olivia snapped her jaws shut and blinked her eyes as the rest of her cranium followed her suit with her snout, scales subsuming skin and hair while her ears grew long, pointed and frilled and a pair of light blue, backward sweeping horns sprouted from an elongating forehead along with frilled horns that ran from the center of the top of her head to between her wings. Those green eyes that blinked in confusion darkened to a light blue. She hissed and her voice sounded slightly lower as her neck stretched to a more serpentine span.

"Not bad," she said. She smiled for but a moment, screeching in the next when light blue wings burst from her back, flapping and causing leaves to swirl around her. She coughed and hissed as her wings continued to grow along with her, fingers turning into talons that dug into the soft earth, while dark blue scales swept up still slender, but certainly larger and thicker arms. Her shoulders only grew the barest bit broader as the light blue scales spread down her chest, the perky, firm breasts that hung from there suddenly swelling. James stared at Olivia's swelling scaled breasts and felt a bit of envy as they continued growing past her own size, though they remained firm and pert, not like James' sloshing set. Olivia seemed to enjoy her own size too, squeezing them each once with her taloned hands before she suddenly fell on her chest, her rear raising. She hissed in a mixture of pleasure and pain and then mostly in pleasure in the next few moments as a long, thick tail coiled out above a plumping up rump. Olivia opened her mouth and belched out fire as she experienced another surge of growth, hips setting slightly further apart while her legs stretched longer and larger, the toes on her feet melting into three cruel claws while her heels gradually lifted and ankles ached. She stumbled to her feet, wobbling and flapping her wings as she grew used to a stance that depended on her talons rather than her soles. She looked down at her body as the last of the scales spread over her curvy, draconic form. When she was completely covered, she let out a sigh and another brief breath of light blue fire before she put her hands on her hips and looked down at her boyfriend.

James looked up at Olivia, for the azure scaled dragoness was now taller than her, at least a head...or two or three if the horns counted. She stood proudly, confidently, as if her newfound draconity was a gift and not something to bemoan like James' bovinity. Though James could see why--Olivia was curvier and bustier than she had been before and those scales did smooth and shiny. She had wings too and a nice thick tail, not a wimpy ropy thing with a tuft of hair at the end, and she real horns too, magnificent and striking. James bet she even had a better butt and she definitely didn't have a ridiculous, bloated pink sac hanging between her legs begging to be milked. No, the only thing between her legs was a glistening scaled slit hot with her fiery arousal. And her voice! Even her hisses sent a shiver down James' spine. His dragon girlfriend sounded so sultry, so seductive,

"Hello down there," Olivia said, smiling a toothy smile as she looked at James.

"Um..." James murmured. "Hi?" She smiled weakly. "How's the weather up there?"

"Just great, thank you," she said, snorting out smoke. She tilted her head and scratched her scaled chin. "You know..."


"You look tasty."

"W-what?" James stammered, backing away and wincing as her udder sloshed--again. Annoyed, she squeezed at one of her hanging teats and cried out when milk spurted out, staining the ground.

"Yes, so scrumptious," Olivia murmured. "Did you also know that dragons eat beef?"

"Wait, wait..." James said, retreating as Olivia took a step forward with a playful sway of her hips. "Olivia, you aren't--"

"Going to eat you?" she said, still moving forward. "No, no, of course not. I love you, James."

"I..." James blinked and bumped against the park bench. "Love you too."

"I know," Olivia chuckled, reaching down to grab James' plump rear. She gave it a squeeze and James shuddered and moaned. "The thing is...I'm a little heated. And you know what heat does?"

"Moo...makes you horny?" James squeaked as the dragoness brought her closer, her large rack pressing against James' milkier set. The cow shivered as milk spilled down both their chests. "Moo?"

"Well, yes," Olivia said, rolling her eyes. "But it also makes you thirsty."

"W-wait..." James pleaded as Olivia took one of her taloned hands from her rear. "O-olivia, we should--"

"What?" Olivia asked. "Milk you like the cow you are?"

"Moo!" James protested. "I moo...mean, no!"

"Why not?" Olivia hissed, hefting James' udder in her hand. James squirmed at the coldness of her claws. "You seem so full. Both above..." She eyes James' swollen breasts. "And below."

"But..." James whimpered and lowed as Olivia squeezed one of her teats, milk spraying against the dragoness's thighs. "But..."

"But what, honey?" Olivia murmured, nipping at James' ear.

"There's..." James gulped. "There's people watching."

"So what?" Olivia said. "All that's happening is me milking my cow." She hissed and squeezed James' teat again, eliciting another spurt of milk. "Because that's what going to happen."


"Yes," she purred. "I'm going to milk you right here and now. Actually..." She sniffed. "You're in heat, aren't you? Oh, my dear little cow..." She lowered her snout, now nostril to nostril with James. "You know what I'm actually going to do, don't you?"

James sniffed and took in her smoky scent. It was equally intoxicating as it was arousing.

"I'm going to make you cum," she said. "Just by giving you a good milking because that's what kind of cow you are, aren't you?"

"Olivia!" James moaned. "You can't--"

"Do it?" Olivia laughed. "Of course I can. Hmph. I take up your challenge. In fact, I declare it!"

"Olivia, no--!"

"Did you all hear that?" Olivia boomed, her voice echoing throughout the park. "I'm going to milk my cow boyfriend until he orgasms. Come and watch!" She giggled. "Heh. Come and watch."

"Olivia--!" James squeaked, feeling all of her fur go hot. She trembled, ashamed and yet--intrigued?

"Well then," Olivia hissed. "Let's get started!"

She lowered her head, poking her snout between both of James' swollen tits. She looked up at the cow with her glimmering blue eyes.

"That is..." she whispered so only James could hear. "Unless you don't want me to. I could just let you go here and now. Leave you to your own devices, leave you to milk yourself. And you know what?" She snorted. "You'd do it. You can't help yourself, can you? You..." Her eyes gleamed. "You like this, don't you?"

"N-no! It's just this damn udder! No, no, definitely not!"

"Funny, because all I hear is you saying yes," she said. "Isn't that right?" She squeezed one of James' untouched teats and the cow lowed. "Come on. You can tell me."

"M-moo!" James whimpered. "Moo...moo?"

"Oh, that far gone, are we?" Olivia chuckled. "How about this then. One moo for yes, two for no."

James paused. Here was her chance, her opportunity to protest her bovine changes and end this encounter. But...did she want to? Olivia was rather hot as a dragoness, her breasts and udder were pretty full, and...and...and--

She did want to be milked. She had to, needed to, was positively required to be milked. She couldn't take this feeling of fullness any longer.

"Moooooooooooooooo," she said.

"That's what I thought," Olivia hissed. "Now then..."

She hugged James closer as she enveloped the cow in her wings and shortly afterwards placed both of her hands on James' swollen udder. She ran her talons over the cow's taut teats, but merely stimulated them, causing their constant flow of milk to strengthen. Then she hefted and massaged her aching udder, feeling its taut surface wreathed with visible veins.

"So large, so swollen..." Olivia murmured. "It must feel so heavy, so full, so ready to be milked...such a shame..."

She shook her head and let the udder drop, James panting as it flopped against her thighs. Next, the dragoness hefted her tits in her hands, her palms now large enough to almost hold the swollen mounds.

"And these tits!" Olivia exclaimed. "Quite a pair! Breasts and udders, you're quite a lucky cow. Oooh..." she squeezed them, James shivering and moaning as the dragoness lapped up some of the milk. "Such sweet milk. You're a sweetie, James, you know that?"

"M-moo!" James lowed, indignantly.

"What's that?" Olivia asked. "I don't speak bovine."

"Hurry up!" James begged. "P-please."

"Are you sure? We could always wait a little longer." She squished James' breasts together, smiling as the cow shuddered. "I wonder how big these can get. What if we held off for a few days? Do you think they'd be bigger than mine?"

"C-come on, Olivia!" James pleaded. "Just moo...moo..." She huffed. "Milk me!"

"Fine, fine," Olivia said, her smile broadening. "Just give me a moment."


"As you wish!" Olivia hissed, both hands suddenly on James' udder. Before the cow knew what was happening, the dragoness was tugging at his teats and immediately James felt an amazing sense of relief and pleasure as milk sprayed out of her overfilled udder. The reprieve was only temporary, however, for what followed afterwards was the need for more, more milking, more pleasure, more of the predator taking care of prey. Fortunately, Olivia was willing to give more, switching to the next pair of teats while she lifted her snout and licked at one of James' swollen tits with her tongue. The thin, forked appendage was stronger than it seemed and the cow moaned as the lick lifted her breast before it came wobbling down. Then James was mooing as she tugged at his teats while her tongue wrapped around a nipple, teasing the stiff point before a strong lick released a great flow of milk that splashed onto the dragon's snout. Olivia giggled before bringing her snout closer to suckle at the flow in earnest, James shivering at just how good her warm maw felt on her sensitive nipple. The cow brought her own hand up to squeeze at her other breast and the dragoness nodded approving while she continued to work the cow's udder, spurt after squirt of milk soaking into the grass and soil below.

Soon that sense of relief arose again and this time it coexisted with that need to be milked. James panted, her needs and wants finally being met, her tail swaying behind her with every pleasurable pump. A milky haze settled around her mind and her vision blurred, the only thing that it allowed her to see was her and her girlfriend, her predatory persuader. She looked at the dragoness, her eyes glazing over as continued to be milked, her reverie only unbroken even when Olivia stopped suckling and leveraged her wings to move the cow closer to her. Afterwards, their breasts pressed together and James moaned as her sodden, stiff milky nipples brushed against Olivia's stiffer set, eliciting more milk and thus more pleasure while the dragoness's pulls and tugs below became stronger and more frequent. More milk was spilled, more moos were heard, and more and more James felt her arousal build. Yes, she was hot, yes, she was horny, and no amount of spilled milk was going to cool her down. She was a lusty, busty, hot and horny cow and she was also in heat, and yet the dragoness across from her even more inflamed was going to beat that heat, the damp need between her legs. She huffed and embraced the taller dragoness, squishing their breasts their breasts even closer together, warm milk dripping down their bellies, soaking into fur and sliding down smoothly scaled surfaces. That felt good, that felt right, and that sense of shame slowly began to drift away. Sure, she was usually male, sure, she was usually in the dominant position, sure, she wasn't used to feeling so vulnerable, but neither was it usual for her to be a cow, to be so achingly full, for her girlfriend to be so scaly yet soft, big and busty. She squirmed and let out a moo, begging for more and her dragoness continued to aid her, those talons tugging harshly now at her stiff teats, but that's what she needed. Finally that feeling of needing to be milked was fading away, finally that relief of releasing so much milk outweighed almost other sensations except for that heat, the heat that was finally going to be beaten.

With a loud, bellowing moo, James climaxed, her orgasm overwhelming body and mind. She shivered and continued to moo and moo, the dragoness's wings holding her cow close as the bovine's heated pussy pulsed and tightened before release came and her satisfaction trickled down her thighs, mixing with her milk. A pleasure so deep and warm swept over that milky haze even as more milk spilled from her body. Both fell against the bench, the cow blinking, dazed, as her dragoness licked at her bovine face and hissed softly to match her mooing moans. She ceased tugging at that much emptied udder, gave it a gentle pat, and then placed her hands on the cow's plump rump, giving the supple rear a nice squeeze. James moaned and mooed while Olivia leaned forward and licked at the cow's floppy ears.

"I told you I could do it," she hissed.

"Moo..." James lowed. He blinked, some semblance of understanding entering her eyes. "Moo--wha?"

"I said," Olivia whispered, turning her chest slightly so that their tits rubbed together. "I told you I could do it."

"Do what?" James asked, then her eyes widened.

"Oh, you know," Olivia whispered, before raising her voice. "The powerful dragoness made you cum just by milking you!"

"Olivia!" James whimpered. "Keep your voice down?"

"Why?" the dragoness asked. "People saw us. Oh yes, they saw us and they especially heard you, mooing as I milked you of every ounce of your shame!"

James' eyes grew wider and she looked around. She pressed her thighs together and felt just how wet she'd gotten. She shivered.

"Oh no," she said.

"Oh yes," Olivia hissed. "Now, if you're really upset, don't look now because--"

"Because?" James hazarded, ears drooping.

"Because," she said, nuzzling her horns. "I think we're just about to be arrested any second now."


Sometime later, James stood in a cell, her breasts pressed against the bars as she stared at the wall. She rattled the bars with her hooved hands to no avail.

"Public indecency and exposure?" she shouted. "How is that my fault?"

"Well," Olivia hissed from the back of the cell. "You were the one letting your breasts and udder hang out all exposed. Oh," she winked. "And your cute pussy."

James quickly spun around and immediately regretted it, her udder swinging and hitting her left thigh. She grumbled and steadied the swaying sack, before putting her hands on her hips and staring down at it accusingly.

"This never would have happened if you hadn't milked me in public!" she said.

"Oh come now," Olivia purred. "You practically begged for it."

"I did not!" James denied, her face going hot.

"You so did!" Olivia said, looking down at her talons before smiling at James. "In fact, I think your exact words were 'moo, moo, milk me, momma.'"

"I did NOT call you momma."

"You were this close," she said, holding up two talons barely spread apart. "I bet you will this time."

"This time?" James said, then shook her head. "No, no. You're not going to milk me again."

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked. "That udder looks so swollen. And your girls! They need a milkin', don't they!"

"Blah, blah, blah, not listening!" James sang, covering her ears. She sighed and dropped her hands to her sides. "At least they could have given us clothes."

"What clothes?" Olivia said. "I think you tore them when you grew that fat ass. And those nice milkers."

"Stop calling them millkers!" James screeched.

"You know you like it," Olivia said, standing and slinking over to the smaller cow. "Now come on. Let's have some fun."

"No," James grumped. "You're going to get us in more trouble."

"More trouble?" Olivia snorted. "It's just in here, honey. We can have all the fun we want and we're only in here for the night. We don't take all the blame here. If it wasn't for that malfunction with that app--"

"Was that a malfunction?"

"Who's to say?" Olivia hissed, blowing smoke into the cow's face. "All that matters is I'm here with you, you're here with me, and well..." Her nostrils flared. "I can smell it still. You're in heat. So...?"

"Fine," James sighed. "Milk me."

"You can do better than that," Olivia hissed. "In fact...I think we're going to go a little beyond milking this time."

James looked up at the dragoness just as she pulled the cow in close, their breasts pressing together.

"O-oh yeah?" the cow murmured.

"Yeah," she said. "Dragons do get a little hungry too, you know, and I think my tongue would be enough to satisfy you."

"I think so too," James said, smiling slightly. "And, uh..." She held up her hooved hands. "These should work with satisfying the lady dragon?"

"Should work," Olivia said, dipping her head. "You know..." She licked at James' bovine snout and stared her in the eyes. "You make a pretty cute cow."

"And you make a seductive dragoness," James said. She squeezed at Olivia's plump rear with one hand while the other traced under the sensitive underside of her tail. "Now, are you going to milk me or what?"

"If you insist..." The predator purred, sending shivers down the bovine's spine

Needless to say, both predator and prey enjoyed their time together that night.

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