Pony Soldier Blues

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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One poor unfortunate young soldier horse in barracks learns there are consequences for fucking around with a young local bull when on leave. Our bull's dad doesnt take too kindly to his son being deflowered, but the stallions Company Sergeant Major has a remedy for a young dumb full of cum stallion, one he enjoys performing.

Pure pornyness. Or pony pornyness.

The company sergeant major's eyes were impressive. I didn't really want to look into them, given the circumstances, but found I couldn't somehow look away.

The wolf had eyes with deep pools of ice blue, with black rings round the irises. They blazed with an inner fire right now as he sized me up from mane to hooves and back, then bored through my eyes and into my brain like a perfect shot from a .223. And the message was clear.

You are going to regret making yourself my problem today soldier.

There was something else there too in the gaze, something that made my buzz cut mane stand up extra straight, and the hairs on the nape of my neck tingle. Heat, like liquid honey.

"So private...busy morning?"

It was delivered in an ironic tone, so utterly reasonable. If you had only heard the words and not seen the look, and the way every muscle in his compact body rained down contempt, you might have mistaken it for a casual conversation.

"Yes Sergeant!" I tried to look innocent and not shuffle my hooves like a convict but failed in the last. He looked down and back up, his fangs showing in a grin.

"Any particular reason why you were late back from leave then? We were going to declare you AWOL private. I know it is a mistake to give newly assigned grunts like you leave in the big smoke here, especially big dumb stallions like you, but rules are rules. If you cannot respect rules yourself though..."

"It won't happen again Sergeant, you have my word, I just lost track of time is all and..."

His sudden screaming snarl of pure wolf malice caught me by surprise, knocking the wind from my sails. I deflated like a pricked balloon.

"Do you take me for a fucking moron soldier? There is only one fucking moron in this room and I am looking at his sorry ass!"

I quailed, ever so slightly. Swallowing, I stared back into the eyes, which had gone wide like saucers of anger and disgust. I swallowed again, sweat now streaming down my spine, pooling in the hollow just above my ass and threatening to slide into the top of my cleft, the tendrils of slick heat reminding me of other things. In spite of everything, I felt my cock begin to drop. Betrayed by my own body, as well as my own stupidity.

He circled now. I went to follow his movement but he was having none of that.

"Eyes front soldier!"

I couldn't resist a glance though. My eyes swivelled left and I caught sight of his muzzle inches from my left ear. His eyes were bulging now, muzzle set in a thin hard line, eyebrows dancing, ears pointing forward. I felt a slap to the back of my head, hard enough to echo through my skull. I shifted my eyes forward, trying to focus, suddenly terrified with my ears painted to my skull. He was fucking certifiably insane.

"Do you want to try that explanation again soldier?"

"I lost track of time and..."

Another slap to the back of the head. I gasped, but held my pose. At attention; in more ways that one I was horrified to find. My cock had begun its pre-combat preparations in spite of me. It probably was enjoying what I was thinking, which was the unbidden memories of why I was late. There was also something else though. The scent. I could smell him now, up close. Sweat, musk. Male. Powerful and domineering. He reeked of it, and I drank it in like nectar. I nickered.

"As you appear too thick to get the message, let me give it to you soldier. I had a visitor this morning, before we managed to track you down. An irate father, to be precise, a bull. And can you imagine what he was angry about?"

He was behind me now, stalking, like a wolf stalking his prey. I tried hard to not shake. Never let them see fear; it had been part of my life for a while. I was terrified though. When I joined the unit straight out of training, there had been one constant piece of advice from my bunkmates. The Company Sergeant Major is bad news, and he hates horses with a passion. Do not give him an excuse to get on your case, as he will be on it from day one anyway. But if you do...

"N...no Sergeant..."

"I think you do soldier. He was raising hell, this one, about how one of my men, a soldier from this garrison no less, had been raping his son."

I lost it then and gave myself away.

"Rape?! I...no way Sarge, he begged me for it that hot bull..."

Too late smart, I stopped, my head bowed. My Sergeant came around the front again, now I was done for, and reached for my chin. He lifted it, and I expected the gaze of death again. Instead I was shocked by something else; amusement, victory, but also compassion. Of a sort.

He shook his head.

"What happened, private Manning? Tell me all of it soldier. No holding back."

Maybe he was playing bad cop/good cop. Using my name finally was the last straw. I caved.

"I went into Townsville on leave Sergeant. I...I was lonely, didn't know anybody or anything but I wanted to have some fun. I went to a bar, not a great place they are all pretty shit in Townsville. This is a pretty hick town." I caught a frown of warning and coughed. For all I knew he was from round here. I needed my brain back to stop my mouth fucking with me pronto.

"Sorry Sergeant... but this one was used to army types at least. I saw this guy at the bar, he smiled and looked at me. The look...I knew the look."

"Indeed soldier. So you struck up a conversation and he invited you back to his place it seems. To view his etchings no doubt."

"Etchings Sarge?"

It was a mistake. His eyes blazed again.

"Education is wasted on the young. So...you fucked him. Was it worth it soldier?"

The question shocked me. I stammered, brain in neutral, and reviewed the available intel. The answer was unequivocal.

He was shy on the surface this one. Not in bed though. Once I got him back to his place, that went out the window.

An apprentice builder and bricklayer, still living at home at 20, he was a bit of a mummies boy I felt, in need of direction. His parents were out for the weekend though, and he was determined to have some fun. And have me.

He was exactly what I liked too. I had a preference for big guys like me. In school I had lusted after my teammates on the rugby squad, big hips, big shoulders, chests and thighs fat with muscle, big muscled asses that looked like two wombats fighting in a canvas sack stuffed into their rugby shorts. I was the biggest on the team, a prop, and I loved showing off in the showers, my stallion cock hanging low, muscles popped from training, taking in and giving admiring glances.

My first cherry had belonged to a fellow member of our forward pack, Kade, a hot as fuck calf budding into a bull, just like the guy last night. One night of weed and beer turned into a spontaneous exploration of his straight boy sexual curiosity and I managed to parlay a blowjob that almost burst his huge nutsack into a shot at his perfect crinkled pucker. His moans and cries as I slow dicked him while I yanked on his cute little tail tuft still haunted my erotic fantasies.

This boy reminded me a lot of Kade, and not just because he was a bull. He was good Irish Catholic stock though, with a name to suit. Declan. Big, about 6 foot 5, a couple inches under me. Covered in cute red-brown fur, big green eyes, and an ass wide enough to have its own timezone. When he undressed, I just drank him in. Body well developed, from his work he told me.

A fat pair of nipples surrounded by a little ring of red gold hairs, lighter than his base colouring, a little patch too between his pecs, then a treasure trail that began just below his cute outie belly button and delved into a small patch above a pendulous cock and the biggest set of nuts I had ever seen with only a dusting of hairs on the underside of his scrotum. A scrotum that danced as I gently rubbed, only barely touching, while I kissed the life out of him and raped his throat with my tongue. That rape I could cop to.

Laid back on his bed, hooves held high, I felt the muscle in his calves while I feasted on a different muscle, the firm tight muscled pucker between equally muscled cheeks covered in that delicious fur. It had its own little ring of fire, this pucker, which I lapped before driving my tongue into his snatch and drawing a begging moaning stream of obscenities from his mouth. He swore like a bricklayer should right enough.

The sight of his eyes widening as he saw my horsecock, then wider as he felt me enter him for the first time, my flare spreading him painfully wide, would join the scrapbook of my erotic highlights reel beside the feel of Kade's virgin hole. I just wondered how much I was going to pay for that addition to the collection.

"I asked you a question soldier!"

Like a good soldier I told the truth. It couldn't do any more harm anyway.

"Yes Sergeant! He was a good lay. The best."

That drew a laugh, and a shake of the head.

"His father was apoplectic. Threatening to sue the army, sue the Commonwealth, go on television, the works. He calmed a bit after I settled him down. Talk of 'rape' mysteriously disappeared, to be replaced by 'corrupt'. He was almost crying, soldier. I think he had high hopes for his calf, which somehow you have destroyed in his mind. A pity. He was angry as all hell though. He wanted to geld you, I think, if he could. I gather he gave you something to be going on with?"

I nodded ruefully. I couldn't get enough of this guy, his perfect tight ass and that body and the sound of his throaty voice calling my name, begging, urgent, followed by deep bellowing moos of passion as he spunked out a gallon of bull milk all over his chest and belly. We would fuck until exhausted, sleep, wake and fuck some more. I finally had him with his ankles over my shoulders, pounding as deep as I could, when it all went to shit.

Lost in the moment, I never heard the door open. I did hear the deep bellowing moo of anger, and the swish of a cricket bat. Declan had his old Gray Nicolls in his room, and his enraged father had taken to my ass with it. He probably had a perfect view of my cock disappearing into his son's distended ass from that angle. He may have been aiming for my nuts and missed.

"He got in a couple of hits Sergeant. I managed to disengage from the combat area and evacuate but had to take some time getting back."

"Well at least we have taught you some fieldcraft soldier, if nothing else. You stupid, motherfucking idiot Manning. I am at a loss soldier."

I let fear enter my brain a little then. His tone of exasperation, and the set of his muzzle did it. Still tight and thin but turned down at the edges. I licked my lips, swallowed hard, and went for it.

"Sergeant, what happens next?"

He sighed, but then reached for a cigarette. Lighting up, he gave an exploratory puff, and smiled at me from round the fag. I relaxed, prematurely.

"I could push this up the line. I probably should soldier. But the aggravation would be colossal. And after a little chat, the enraged daddy wasn't too keen either. I don't think he relished the idea of his son being drawn into the matter. So I discussed an alternative with him. Administrative punishment. One he seemed keen on; now the question is, will you be keen on it too soldier?"

Now the feeling that had reached the nape of my neck began a slow, aching progress down my spine. A tingle, heated and caressing, like a lover's tongue. Betrayed by my body again.

I had heard whispers of it. Rumours. And they made me anxious and aroused in equal measure. I looked him in those ice blue eyes again and nodded, biting my lip. He took the cigarette out and grinned wide now, eyes dancing.

"I hope for your sake private that he hasn't done too much damage already with that cricket bat."

My body tensed. The rumours were true, it seemed. My cock lurched, reaching full erection inside my camouflage trousers. The betrayal was total now, and my Sergeant noticed, giving a low throaty chuckle, his grey and black tail swishing in anticipation behind him.

"Young, dumb and full of cum. Sometimes I think it is a mistake taking you lot in as eighteen year olds, especially stallions. Your brains are a long way behind your bodies and all you think about is your dicks. Still...it has its compensation. Now, go to the gym private. And wait."

I marched, with difficulty due to the invasion of my cock into places it shouldn't be, but I marched. Discipline...I was going to see a different side of it now. He was behind me by thirty seconds, locking the door carefully. He had taken the time to prepare though, I could see.

In his hands it looked small, but I knew it must be large enough. Dark brown, well worn. A heavy riding crop, with a thick leather strap at the end. Golden highlights in tassels at the handle, and I could see, and as he brought it up to my eyes, an Army crest burned into the leather of the strap. A weapon to be feared and admired, and calculated to make any horse quiver in expectation, and submission.

"Do you agree to receive this administrative punishment private?"

"Y...yes Sergeant!"

"Kiss the crest horse. Remember what you are here for; to be a credit to that symbol, at all times, no matter what else happens."

I obeyed, trying hard not to shake. The moment of truth had arrived.

"Now take off your t-shirt, lower your fatigues, and get over that vaulting horse private."

I had tried not to look at it, but now I was leaning against it, could not avoid it any longer. A gymnastics horse, sturdy with a leather padded top. I took off my t-shirt as ordered, motions robotic and remote, while feeling the leather on my hips. It almost burned my skin, though that was impossible. I realised my nerves were in overdrive. Along with other things.

I dropped my trousers and stood, preparing to move over the bench, but he stopped me. My humiliation was complete, cheeks flushed red. My secret, my last secret out.

My cock, freed from restraint, had swung up to slap my abdomen then settled into jutting forward and slightly out. He stared, and reached forward, cupping the underside of my exposed flare almost gently. My swollen flare swelled more, and I felt precum well in the tip.

"Well soldier, I can see we have a problem here. I can see why the good father was protective of his son. We cant have this loose in Townsville, plundering an unsuspecting populace. They might feel like they are under occupation from an army of conquest, and not protected."

I hated that I loved his touch so much, and the note of admiration, but it felt good. I was proud of my cock. The looks always stuck with me, like the one from Declan when he saw me hard the first time. Hunger and fear.

In school I was called Fosters. While thick as a beer can though, I was longer as befits a stallion, a good thirteen inches of pink and black mottled horsecock with a thick medial. My flare was way fatter than the shaft, always pink and swollen it felt, and always leaking. In the showers after rugby I could feel the stares. I had had a few girls, even thought that wasn't my thing, because they had been told about my cock as happens in school gossip and wouldn't let fascinated touching be the end. I also found it useful, displacing rumours about my preferences into stories about how I was a total fuck em and leave em type, not gay, just a total louse. It was surprising how many found that attractive, and it gave me a veneer to cover my real self.

My Sergeant knew the real me though now, had to as he felt the heat his touch drew from my cock. He jacked slow, sliding his paw back slow as he slicked me up with my own precum, and drawing a groan.

"No more random hook-ups in town soldier. This weapon is strictly military issue from now on."

His strong rough hands gripped my neck and guided me over the horse. I clenched my eyes, suddenly feeling the moment. The same rough hands became gentle again, almost loving, as he ran fingers over my rump. I hadn't had time to feel the bruises, but I knew they were there under my coat.

"Not too bad. He must not be a batsman, that one."

A finger reached the hollow of my spine just above my dock, playing in the sweat and the little tuft chestnut hairs I had there. I loved it when a guy licked there before continuing down under my tail. I had to content with a finger now, but he covered the same territory, circling my tail and then sliding one clawed fingertip just barely inside my cleft, teasing the soft skin there, so close, so close...

"Now relax as much as you can private. This is going to hurt. It is supposed to pony...this is how you learn the lesson."


The whistle of the crop in flight came like an incoming mortar round. The impact felt almost as damaging. I heard a loud crack, like a rifle round, and heard a cry. I realised the cry was me. My sore cheeks burned like fire. I held my position, but with difficulty.

"You stupid equines. We got a proper leathering at home if we fucked up. I bet your sorry ass has never had a proper beating before. Try to take it like a stallion soldier and not some mewling colt. You might have the brain of a stupid colt, but you are supposed to be a soldier. Prove it."

I clenched harder this time, eyes, lips, ass. My cheeks danced in anticipation, as did my cock, tip sliding against the rough wood of the horse, stimulating and hurting in equal measure. My tail lifted high, as if demanding what was to come, I realised in shame. He gave it a long stroke with his paw, lovingly caressing my silken hairs.


With pride I realised I managed to hold it in this time. Just. Sweat poured off my back, I felt the leather under my chest slick with it. I held on for dear life. He would not break me, I promised myself.


It was relentless, methodical, precise. He was a soldier, and he thrashed my rump like a soldier would. That was strangely comforting; nothing angry, nothing wild, just routine. Twenty seconds, then another. Then another. The ache, the burn, the pain built and I held on grimly, until he lifted my tail painfully high and landed one on my taint, the leather strap just kissing my pucker. I let out a strangled whinny, but held on. Then one back to centre target, but off to the side. The tip curled round and kissed the depths of my crack. Now I howled, and stood, sobbing.

"Back down soldier."

Now I was crying, but no more came in those places. He stopped a moment, letting me rest, and ran fingers through my mane and down to my neck.

"You are doing well private. Only six to go. I am proud of you."

I knew I could take them then. The last six were hard, harder than any before, the sound so loud in the echoing confines of the gym, but other than my shuddering whinnies, his grunts of exertion, and the creaking of the horse under my bulk there was no sound but the sound of leather meeting battered horse rump. I lay there, exhausted, beaten but not broken, pain coursing through my body, but strangely triumphant. My earls lifted.

"You can stand soldier."

When I finally did, it was with a sense of pride. I was a stallion after all, and pride was something we had in spades. My pride extended to other parts of my anatomy. I had remained hard, even leaking through the punishment, but I couldn't care any more. I had survived.

He laid the crop carefully on a bench to the side, and watched me as I stood, rubbing my battered rump. I could see him shaking his head as he stared at my length. I gave a cheeky smile; I figured I had earned that at least. He grunted.

"Oh we definitely have a problem here soldier."

His hand was back, caressing. He cupped my nuts, letting them roll in his grip. I gasped. I shook. I needed.

"Here is the problem soldier. Right here. Too full of cum, overpowering your little horsey brain. Sometimes I think we should be able to remove these from you studs at eighteen and return them when you reach twenty five or so and have your head screwed right. That would be a shame though...a real shame..."

His other hand found my chest, via the treasure trail of short white hairs over my chestnut coat that ran from my crotch to the patch between my pecs. Playing there a moment, he slid a finger sideways to find a nipple, erect and tender, and rubbed just the tip.

"You can leave now if you want soldier, and no more will be said. We have one more formality later, but there will be nothing on your record, and nothing more between us. If you want though, you can resume the position, and I can take care of this for you..."

There was no choice really. My cock had overridden all. I was in heat.

Lying over the horse, the slickness against my belly and chest felt cold against the heat of my body. I spread my hooves wider, inviting.

"I know you aren't a virgin on the giving side private. I assume you aren't here either?"

"N...no Sergeant!"

"Good...I have some scruples private. But a well worn hole in need..."

Looking behind, I saw him prepare. Nothing much, nothing sentimental, strictly business. His camouflage shirt came off, carefully placed on the bench beside the horse where the strap already lay, gleaming with my sweat. His chest was impressive, and covered in a thick pelt of grey and black fur like his tail, salt and pepper to match the short buzzcut headfur. He had a thick bush above his sheath, unlike most guys my age, unkempt, and a fat red angry cock about eight inches with a thick knot and a tapered tip already pumping out precum by the bucket and a set of fat nuts in a furry scrotum hanging low but dancing in anticipation.

A small tube of lube, and a packet of canine pattern condoms completed the picture. He rolled it on like a pro, and coated the length well. A good soldier, he knew the importance of preparation for the assault.

"Eyes front."

I clenched my eyes and tried to open my stinging hole. The tinge of fear was back, and grew when I felt the thick mass of his condom clad wolfcock, slick against my pucker.

A slap on my raw ass made me cry out, and forget to be afraid. He took advantage of the diversion to invade, but only a probing attack. My hole spread, reluctantly, as the tip and the first inch entered, spreading me wide, my ass trying to repel the invader too late, skin fluttering in pain and the unfamiliar sensations of a good hard cock spreading my tunnel.

"I said relax, soldier."

I managed it, and he slid in deeper. Back, until just the tip remained, and I almost cried out wondering if he was going to leave me, knowing what he probably knew now, but instead he slid into the knot in one long steady thrust with the fat bulbous mass knocking on my raw pucker and I let out a moaning whinny the whole way. I felt his chest, the rough hairs on my back, and his muzzle next to my ears.

"You lied soldier."

"Y...yes Sergeant."

He fucked me like he beat me, rhythmic, methodical, controlled, dispassionate. I could hear the panting gasps of his breath, as the hot furnace of my virgin hole consumed him, but he wasn't to be hurried. He had all the time in the world. He thrust, hips jerking into my raw sore cheeks, the burn in them melding with the burn deep in my hole into one molten fire that reached my groin. I moaned. And I came, shocked by the sudden climax, when I thought my balls had been emptied by the young bull in town for all time, splashing a load against the woodwork of the vaulting horse.

"Good pony. Now, you aren't going to fuck around in town any more are you private?"

"No Sarge!"

A harder thrust now, deeper, right into my soul. I yelped. The knot slammed against my perineum, right where the crop struck. I felt the tingle, and a burn.

"We are going to find you a nice soldier here you can use that magnificent cock of yours on aren't we private?"

"Yes Sarge!"

Another wild thrust. All the way out, just the tip resting on my ravaged hole, then all the way in with his hips slapping my rear painfully and the knot almost taking me and my body crushed on the bench. I pushed back, wanting more.

"And if you need this pony, you will come to me. Agreed?"

"Oh God...yes..."

"Yes who?"

A slap on my rear, flames rekindled.

"Yes Sarge!"

The second ride was the wildest. I was broken, holding on, like I had been under the crop. He fucked with passion now, and without restraint. I felt my hole tortured, rubbed raw, my nut pummelled like an enemy position. I could not contain myself any longer, moaning loud, begging.

"Cum soldier...cum....cum...CUM!"

I may be a failure as a solider, but I knew an order I could not disobey. I spurted, not much as my balls were achingly empty, but came all the same. A second line of spunk onto the woodwork. A final clench of my ass on him, and I felt the response, fast hard short thrusts and a growl like a wolf on a kill and he lay on me, sweat on sweat , heat on heat, his hips just rocking a little in teasing jerks into my conquered depths bathing in the heat of completion as his knot strokes my pucker. I whimpered, wanting that knot but fearing as well.

He pulled out, pulling his fatigues back over a condom clad cock still hard, the condom filled with spent wolf cum. I imagined him with that in his fatigues all day, evidence of my deflowering, and almost begged for another, but my body knew its limits. I could barely stand, resting against the gym horse, my trousers down around my ankles, cock still hard. He stared and shook his head in admiration.

"I didn't say you could stand though. There is the small matter of you lying to me."

An extra dozen strokes on my sore rump was more than I could take, especially with my body on fire post cum. I screamed out a whinny, but it didn't stop him giving me the full measure. He let me lay there afterwards, gentle hands all over. My neck, my spine, my ass, my balls. I whimpered, not from pain.

"Oh we really have a problem with you private."

I had to agree.

I felt him pull my tail again, and heard the sound of steel sliding on steel. My eyes went wide, and I felt him tugging on my tail and then a sudden pulling and a humming of steel and I felt my dock drop. There was nothing much attached to it though, I realised, and I turned to stare and saw him holding my long silken tail as he grinned his most feral grin at me. Looking back all I had was a short stub tail now. I almost cried.

"Reminder to do better next time pony. Or this might not be the only souvenir we have to take from you..."

I quivered as he ran the tip of his claw over my scrotum, and then as he slid it into my wide open hole, I spread my hooves wide again and felt the kiss of claw on my prostate.

"We will take good care of you though soldier. Cant have those mounted on my wall, they looks so perfect where they are..."

I shot a final load with a squeal as he massaged my nut into a frenzy, and realised he had been jacking my flare all the time. He put his paw up to my muzzle and I opened for him without thinking, suckling his fingers until I had taken every last drop of my own jizz. His feral grin returned, with added heat.

"Good pony. You are learning."

I had one more trial to endure. Made to stand to attention in my Sergeant's office, while the angry father bull and his cute but contrite son watched me receive a humiliating dressing down. And then my Sergeant showed them the crop, and made me drop my fatigues and let the daddy bull run his rough hands over my raw rump. I closed my eyes in shame but couldn't avoid little nickers of pain as he found every sore spot, and then a final whinny as his fingers delved into my abyss and found my leaking wide open hole.


I had to bite my tongue to stop responding. I realised the question was for Declan's father, and noted his astonished gaze as he brought his fingertip to his snout and sniffed. He nodded, a little sorry I felt. Maybe he realised what his son was enjoying.

I also noticed Declan, green eyes close to tears, full of hurt, anguish, and something else. I gave him a wink, when his father was speaking to my Sergeant. I was rewarded with a shy smile, like the one he gave me first that night in the bar. He said sorry, silently, and blew me a kiss.

From that moment, I was pretty sure I was going to be over the gym horse again, and soon.

When they left, my Sergeant gave me a cigarette, and a fatherly rub on the back. I looked up at his wall, and realised it had trophies all right. A good dozen horse tails, like mine. And mine was in pride of place on the far left. I swallowed, imagining all those studs taken like me. I wish I could have watched.

"You know Manning, you could be a good soldier, at least for an equine. Oh, I know I don't say it much, can't have you thinking we are going soft, but you have the makings of one. I just hope you can keep that beer can horsecock in your pants long enough to get there."

"Sergeant, permission to speak."


"Sarge I...I think I need..."

He didn't need to know any more, just shook his head and looked slightly tired.

"You are going to wear me out private, I just know it."

Bent over his desk, with my erection lying on the rosewood surface, I gave him a grin and showed him I might be more of a handful than he realised.

"Looks like youth is better at some things than maturity Sarge..."

My reward was a good merciless fuck that drew a final, breathless cum from my nuts all over his immaculate desk when he let out a wild wolf howl and tied me, his knot spreading my hole painfully wide and sending my whole ass into spasm.

Eventually he pulled out, once his knot subsided enough, but the withdrawal was almost as painful as the penetration. I stood on unsteady hooves, my legs wobbly, as I rubbed my sore pucker and he casually reached for a cigar, lighting up. Finally he looked at me, with a little glint in those ice blue eyes, and gave me a wink. "Clean that up boy."

There is something about taste. Sweat on a nipple. Beer on a guys lips when you kiss, hesitant but hot, after a session at the pub. The taste of a willing hole, musky and ready. Precum and piss when you lap at a guy's open piss slit as he begs for more. Cum on rosewood was new though. I think I liked it. And I might need some more, sooner or later.

The Mouse That Roared

Fitting in was never my speciality. To be fair, it was always going to be difficult in any case. Physically, I was going to invite comment no matter where I went. I was six foot five of painfully thin teenage guy with a big nose and bigger front teeth,...

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I studied my textbook with a sigh, eventually giving up and turning to the laptop open beside me. I was surfing yifftube, but discretely. I had the volume off, for starters. Given where I was, I really had no option. My parents, in what I can only...

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I sat across from the mare and tried not to look as nervous as I felt. She wasn't helping; she looked worse, her eyes darting round the little café and rarely able to look me in the eye, her tail swishing and her ears were back. I decided it was time...

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