A Child's Need; Drakonian part 4

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#5 of A Child's need

A Child's Need part 4 The end of the young

Okay, this is the last Chapter of young Draco's Life. The last chapter in which was based on a true story. I couldn't find a way to extend it more for it was a short lived story. Again, some of it which I have changed and I again pray that who ever watches the child's soul, will take care of him in the after life and his mother in this life.

A Child's need part 4

Katie quickly opened the door to her house and saw that her mother, her sisters and Draco where all sitting down and watching the television. Everyone turned to her and Draco ran to her and hugged her legs.

She smiled a bit before slowly lowering the bags onto the floor. Her mother stood up and smiled.

"He seemed nervous at first," she said. "But he stayed by me the whole time. Though I think he is nervous from the girls." She chuckled as she saw her daughters eyeing Draco. He was both embarrassed and nervous at their gazing.

Linda smiled and looked at her daughter who seemed troubled.

"Is something wrong Katie?" she asked.

Katie was spaced out for a moment before she shook her head and smiled.

"No I'm fine mother. Thank you for taking care of him."

Linda smiled.

"Anytime dear. And don't worry, I will find a way to let Draco be your adopted son."

Katie smiled and hugged her mother.

"Thank you so much for this. You have no idea what this will mean to me."

Linda hugged her back before separating.

"Come on girls, were going home."

Both Natalie and Samantha waved bye to their sister before each girl muttered to one another. They quickly approached Draco and gave him a lick on his checks before giggling and quickly walking away, leaving Draco with a embarrassed face and a lowered tail.

Both Katie and Linda chuckled before Linda left, saying bye once more at her daughter and little Draco.

Katie closed the door and sighed. She picked up the groceries and walked to the kitchen to put them away.

The clothes that she bought had fit in perfectly and he seemed to like it now that he was no longer in the nude. He smiled at Katie who began making dinner.

The night came quickly and Draco and Katie where eating on the table with their steaks and rice. Draco was sitting on the books, trying to get used to it while Katie was enjoying her meal.

Draco was talking more and he said that when he grew up he wanted to build a space station on the moon. He saw it on one of the shows when Katie left him with her mother and caught his interest. She smiled knowing, that even though he may not be with her, he would be that person who builds the base on the moon. He also talked about how he would find a way to make bad people good again and be hero, in another show he watched. His mind went aimlessly at many thoughts.

The two finished eating and Katie and Draco sat on the couch to watch a few more minutes of TV before going off to bed.

However, a sudden knock on her door caused them both to stop watching.

Katie looked at the television clock. It was nearly nine. Who could be at the door at this hour? She slowly got up and opened the door. Draco stood up on the couch and watched as Katie opened the door.

Time seemed to stop. The television became mute and the rest of the world faded as the two saw a tall Draconian stand at the door. Draco's heart stopped dead as did Katie as the two saw the Dake Stone was standing in the front of the door. He had an evil smile on his mouth as he saw both Katie and Draco in the same house.

He managed to track her down when she left the dark alley way. When she got home, he hid on the side of the house and watched everything. It was also the best when her mother left and the two were the only ones in the house.

Katie was about to react but Dake beat her to it and punched her so hard on her face that she was knocked unconscious fell against the floor. Dake smiled as she fell to the floor and turned to Draco.

Draco watched slowly as Katie fell to the floor with hard hit. He quickly cried out and quickly ran to her. Before he could reach her, Dake quickly kicked the little drake hard enough to send him flying and skidded across the floor. Dake laughed darkly before closing the door shut.

Katie awoke some time later. She opened her eyes and cried out as she felt her face her so much. She could feel the swelling all around it and couldn't see out of her left eye. She tried to move but found herself bonded. She opened her right eye wide and saw that she was tied by rope from where she didn't know. She was tied all around with her hands behind her back and her legs tied up as well. However, the true shock came when she saw that she was completely naked and had a cloth in her mouth to keep her from screaming out. She tried to scream but it was only muffled by the cloth.

She found herself on her bed lying down. She looked around franticly as she tried to look for Dake and Draco. She listened to hear grunts and small noises. She turned as much of her body as she could to face her bathroom. What she saw made her bring tears to her face and grow sick as she saw that Dake was sitting down and was forcing Draco to suck his cock.

Dake was enjoying himself as he forced the head of Draco against his cock. Draco was whimpering softly and did his best to please his master. Dake made him open his mouth wide as the large cock was forced in his mouth. The taste was not as bad but it was the force of the movement and the way it chocked him was that was hurting him.

Pre kept dripping onto his tongue as Dake groaned with dark pleasure as he used his mouth. His balls kept slapping against Draco's chin. The worst part for little Draco was that his sheath was out of his vent. The smell of aroused male caused him to open up a bit.

Katie couldn't help but close her eyes at the disgusting sight. It only made it worse when she can hear the sounds of Dake's moan and the whimpering of Draco.

Draco was beginning to cry as Dake forced his head faster against his cock. Dake smiled as he heard the child's whimpering. It was all the more of the pleasure. Evidently, Dake growled and grabbed Draco's head by force and rammed it onto his cock, causing him to come inside of his mouth. Draco gagged hard as the cock hit his throat and the cum flood his mouth. Dake smiled as Draco coughed violently before removing his cock and throwing the drake onto the floor.

He stood up and picked the drake up by the neck. Draco didn't squirm for he knew it was useless. Dake walked out of the bathroom and threw Draco onto the bed, landing near Katie.

She growled as she Draco crying and knew that he was hurt.

Dake smiled evilly and looked down at Katie.

"Yes I know," he said in a dark voice. "It's cruel and vicious!" He chuckled as he looked at Draco's fear. It fueled him to all extent.

"But you know what? I don't care. The little drake is nothing more then a little brat. HE was useless the day his mother left and now he is just a toy. Play with him and he is good but the little bitch complains about everything." He pulled Draco back to him and stared him down, causing Draco to whimper as he looked back into the eyes of evil.

Dake smiled darkly before grabbing him by his neck and throwing him out of the room, causing him to cry loudly as he hit the hallway wall.

Katie cried, muffled by the cloth and struggled strongly against the restraints. Dake laughed evilly as he stood up and was walking to Draco.

"Your nothing but a useless drake!" he screamed at him as he stared down at the cub. "You are pathetic, just like your mother of a whore! You runaway and now because of you and that whore, I got in jail!" Draco whimpered more and tried to run, only to be kicked again sending him into the living room.

Katie struggled more as she saw Dake walking away from view. She knew her son was in trouble and she wanted to help him. She would and she will not fail. With a small effort, her tail wasn't tied so she bent it forward and stuck it under the ropes. She slid more of it in and soon, it was starting to break. With a strong and powerful effort, she growled loudly and broke the rope. It ripped quickly and she was free! She quickly removed the rope and the cloth from her mouth. She heard another squeal from Draco. She quickly saw her clothes and the floor and put them on. With that, she ran out of her room and saw Dake beating Draco with his fist. She growled loudly and ran at Dake.

Dake heard her growl and didn't have time to react when she talked him and dropped Draco, who was already beaten badly and now was bleeding from the corners of his mouth. The little drake was barely moving and breathing as he watched Katie fight.

Katie growled as she started punching the draconian with hard punches. Dake tried his best to rid of the female on top of him but it was hard when she wouldn't stop punching him.

When she punched him hard enough to knock him down hard, she quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to get the knife. Dake however recovered with a growl and did his best to chase her.

Katie reached the kitchen and quickly opened the cupboards and pulled out a large knife.

He however managed to get to her and stop her hand from pulling back and stabbing her. She struggled as he held her hand with the knife and tried to hit him with the other hand. He quickly held that one too.

With a snarl, Katie spoke.

"How can you be so cruel to a child? He hasn't done anything to you!" she yelled.

Dake snarled back.

"His whore of a mother left him when he was three! She couldn't deal with me and for what? TO find a better job then as a fucking stripper! That bitch said that I wasn't good enough for her and she decided to leave, not caring for me or her own son! It was her own fault for leaving him with me! At least then, I don't have to deal with the little fucker!" With a strong effort he twisted her hand, dropping the knife and threw her back into the living room. Katie landed hard and groaned as she landed on her arm, spraining it.

Draco was still breathing as he watched Katie fall on the floor.

Dake came after her with a growl and picked her up by the neck and pinned her next to the wall by the television.

He laughed as he began choking her, her doing her best to break his hold against her. Draco only grew tears as he couldn't do anything thing to help her. She protected him and loved him! She was actually going to die to save him. He cried out before slowly getting up. He struggled a bit and stood up, revealing more of his body. He was now fully bruised with a black eye and blood leaving his mouth. His body hurt all over but not as much as he would know that Katie was dying by Dake's hand.

HE suddenly grew angry and didn't care what happened to him. His mother was the only thing that mattered.

He knew that he couldn't hurt him but he saw the knife on the floor that Katie had dropped. He quickly but with pain, ran to the kitchen and picked up the knife.

He picked it up and held it tightly in his hands and turned to Dake. Katie was turning blue and her struggling was all becoming weak. Draco grew angrier and braver as he cried out with anger and charged Dake with the knife.

Dake didn't hear Draco cry out as he came running with the knife. He didn't have time to react before he roared out with pain as Draco impaled the knife on to his leg.

Dake dropped Katie, causing her to gasp and breathe again and hold her throat. Dake growled angrily as he fell to the floor and hold his leg. Red blood ran down his leg with knife still embedded in it. He snarled and looked at Draco who was now angrily snarling at him. Dake growled loudly before pulling the knife out of his leg. He roared out with more pain as he pulled it out his leg, causing more blood to run out. He dropped the knife and roared at Draco.

"You little cunt face bitch! I will fucking kill you!!!" With a large reach of his arm, he grabbed Draco, causing him to struggle before he held him high in the air before slamming his body onto the floor. There was a sickening crack and Draco cried out his little lungs and then he fell silent. He had no more energy to cry or to yell. He sobbed as he felt his whole body hurt badly.

Katie saw this and struggled to her feet and pick up the blood knife. Dake was ready to slam his body before he saw a shadow pass him.

He turned and saw Katie with the knife and she roared out and stabbed him in the chest. He roared out was more before letting Draco go and fall to the floor with blood running down his chest. His breathing was labored and he groaned heavily with pain.

Katie was panting heavily as she looked at Dake. He saw him and knew he wasn't going do move. Her focus then went to Draco who was lying down on the floor, not moving much.

She grew tears and quickly ran to him and picked up the little drake and held him close to her arms. The little drake's breathing was labored and he was bleeding badly.

"Please Draco!" she said, crying and held him close to her. "Please Draco don't die on me! You are my son! You are always my son and I love you!" She held him close to her chest and cried out as Draco was not responding.

About ten minutes later, police and ambulances came to her house. Dake was barely alive and the paramedics quickly put him on a stretcher. They also did the same to Draco who was losing a lot of blood and was slowly losing his breath.

Katie was by his side as they quickly put him inside the ambulance. She was crying as the paramedics began strapping everything onto him. I.V and breathing mask where on him. The little drake was struggling to breathe.

Katie held his little hand as they drove off. She leaned in close to him.

"Please son, don't die on me! Please! You are all that I have I love you! I swear with all my heart I love you!"

Draco slowly moved his head to her and gave her a small, weak smile. He spoke with a weak voice.

"I....love....you...too....mommy." With that his head fell back and he stopped breathing.

Katie cried out more and began screaming at the paramedics to do something. The two that where there did all that they could. Draco was barely alive to see the tears of his mother fall onto his hand before all became white and then nothing....

**The story was a bit fast and it wasn't done by me so much of the mistakes are some one else's. Now as for the story.

This was............ a hard story for me to do because it was a sad thing for the child to die. At five years old, he left the world because some human didn't know what it means to have a child. To love and take care of one and treat it like a true soul. I hate HUMANS! For what they did to him and I pray, that the guy who killed him, died a slow and painful death. I pray that whatever hell there is, he is receiving the worst parts of it.................... I and several others miss him very much.**

**As his childhood dream was, he wanted to fly up and build a space station on the moon. He was smart and I know that he wanted to do it when he grew up.

His mother had promised him, just before he died that he would always be her son and love him like one, even though he wasn't. She loved that child with all of her heart and I know that everyday she is torn apart, knowing that she had him taken away from her. The guy died before he can reach the hospitable as did the child.

It tears my heart up too as when she passes by his grave, she cries and won't stop. His biological mother never visited his funeral. Only his adopted mother and her mother came. Although it was the male who killed him, it was the mother's for leaving him. She is now in jail for abandoning the child.**

His adopted mother now lives with her mother and is still grieving till this day, five years later...... She wrote this on his grave.

February 16, 2000 - April 23, 2005

_**Though I have know you for a little while,

You shall always bring me a smile.

You may not have been my true son,

But I still loved you with my heart like one,

I will always be your mother, my dear sweet son.**_

I will also ask that none of you critize about this story.