
Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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A dark house boat-yacht cruises the waters of the Pacific somewhere near Hawaii in international territory. A red haired Caucasian woman and an orange tabby cat woman, both in string bikinis sunbathe as a red and black German shepherd dog man contemplates the waters my pair of tiki board shorts designed for him by Tiki Shark (Brad Parker). Above the two hybrids and their human minder is trio of human males in Hawaiian shirts multitasking of driving boat and fishing.

An African American nervously looks over at the girls and keeps an eye on the technical specs of the ship as he occasionally checks his line. A Hispanic man monitors communications and their heading as he leers at the ladies and keeps an eye on their Captain. A slightly pudgy elder statesman of a Caucasian keeps watch over all; it's his boat after all.

"We're right on course, Captain," Jamal "Widget" Jackson says as he looks to his superior United States Marine Crops Captain Harry "Phantom Patriot" McGuffin, "No anomalies I can see."

"What is that dog contemplating?" Fernando "Wormhole" Cortez grouses as he sees the dog adjust his collar and put on a pair of goggles. "Does he know something we don't?"

"Apparently Adolf takes this mission more seriously than you two do," Phantom Patriot shoots back, "I told you, my sources in GUARD asked me to investigate U.S.O.s in this area. He's just eager to get started."

"Show off apple polisher," Worm Hole grumbles, "Just out of curiosity are officially attached to the Government Unit for Alien Research and Defense?"

"I think we are," Widget answers, "What is a USO anywho? Refresh my memory."

"Unidentified Submerged Object," Phantom Patriot says with a smirk, "Basically underwater UFOs."

"There he goes, Anna," Felicity "Catastrophe" McGuffin says to Anna-Marie "Analog" McGuffin, "You think he'll find anything?"

"Who knows, Felice," Anna replies as Adolf "Darkling Dog" McGuffin jumps overboard. "But he's been looking forward to this for sometime hasn't he?"

"Yeah, Adolf, loves a good swim," Felicity admits, "He's much more into water than I am."

"The water's great, Felice," Adolf's voice teases from Felicity's collar. "Nice big shark! Jelly Fish! A whole school of them."

"I'll be right back, Anna," Felicity say to which Anna just giggles. "I need to calm him down."

"You do that, Kitty," Anna giggles as the cat joins the dog. "Don't look too disappointed, boys, but I think I'll remote view them."

"Keep us posted Anna," Phantom Patriot says than looks to Widgets, "Are the cameras working?"

"They should be," Widget says as he attends a monitor. "Spy eyes are go."

"Alright, Shadow Company," Phantom Patriot says. "Look lively now. Remember, this is a working vacation."

"Right, Boss," Worm Hole states, "This should be good. Can we actually sell the tape if it proves to capture anything good?"

"Even if it has to be censored in spots it's going o get sold," Phantom Patriot promises, "Tapes like this are usually good sellers. Let's see what we can see."

Adolf and Felicity can swim with confidence among the stinging nettles of the jellyfish as the process that created them made them immune to all poisons and toxins. Hidden among the terrestrial jellies is an extraterrestrial evil. Where the material in a normal jellyfish is rather non-descript and functional beneath the translucent dome of the aquanazi is a huge brain and a vague face of eye sockets and mouth.

The aquanazi are a psionic races of aliens bent on the conquest and enslavement of all lesser creatures; which basically boils down to everyone who isn't an aquanazi. Up until now humans and other land dwelling beings have been unaware of their presence as they are water dependant; they expire just as readily as their mindless brethren when washed up on a given beach. A few of them are on land in aquariums but the glass that keeps them alive in such situations nullifies their psychic mind control abilities and keepers that come into telepathic contact with them apply for psychiatric care soon after with complaints of hearing weird voices.

Since surface dwellers have been so successfully resistan of their mental abilities, the aquanazi have come to the conclusion that the surface dwellers must die. Felicity and Adolf are blasted mentally which disorients them for a moment. But when they recover the hybrids get angry and seek out their attackers with help from Analog.

Anna picks up the psychic chatter and relays this to her adopted father, the Phantom Patriot who has Widget and Worm Hole prepare a holding cell for one of them and then has Anna relay the order that he wants one caught. He then calls the submarine city of Lemuria, secreted in American territorial waters in the Hawaiian Islands, a G.U.A.R.D. fortress beneath the waves. While the aquanazi are unaware that the dog and cat are in communication with boat above they are aware that the pair is herding them somewhere.

Once a few of them are captured by the surface dwellers the other aquanazi flee the scene, but not before taking note of the "invaders" to their realm. Lemuria radios back that they have encountered these aliens before and know approximately what they call themselves. Snickers abound when the team learns the name with Adolf adding a fake moustache to his muzzle to mockingly address them until Harry remonstrates him.

The references are lost on the aquanazi themselves until they use their natural telekinetic abilities to manipulate the computers in the room with them and learn. Unsurprisingly the captured aquanazi soak up the knowledge...well, like sponges. While they are unable to convey what they have learned with the rest of their kind now, they make plans to escape and share this information as soon as possible.

Phantom Patriot's house boat submerges to make its way to Lemuria where they learn that what they caught have been sporadically attacking the base with huge bullet shaped ships. While the Phantom Patriot has his meetings with the high command of Lemuria, Adolf and Felicity explore the sea bed around the facility. But unlike earlier they do so in full battle gear: Armored wet suit, collar, goggles, gauntlets and boots.

Suiting up proves fortuitous when a long bullet shaped ship cruises up to the base to release smaller saucer ships that make strafing runs on Lemuria itself. Lemuria fires torpedoes to defend itself but it does little good. Adolf and Felicity use the blasters in their gauntlets to greater effect and eventually drive off the invaders.

Their boots and gauntlets are not standard G.U.A.R.D. equipment but were picked up on the job on the mainland. Phantom Patriot is the Commanding Officer of Shadow Company and vouches for them as Widget gives his findings on the alien equipment. Worm Hole is utterly bored and soon makes his way to Maui to both keep an eye on things topside and get away from the freaks below.

As he soaks up the rays on a Maui beach Fernando finds himself wishing for a "normal" super villain to take down and finds rumors from a few folks of a mad scientist operating from a volcanic island that's kept stable by means only he know how to control. Against his better judgment he reports the rumors to Harry and gets the green light to investigate. Phantom Patriot knows Worm Hole wants to do this solo but he can't have that so he sends Analog, Catastrophe and Darkling Dog to aid him with special instructions: Analog will help openly, Worm Hole has little problem with her (he wants between her legs after all) but Cat and Dog will help out clandestinely, as Worm Hole hates Adolf eve if he wouldn't mind sleeping with Felicity.

Worm Holes takes a speed boat to the location and is astonished to find a technological fortress floating where he expects to find a smoking volcano. Analog remote views the place and finds it totally automated with the volcano at the heart of the island used as a power source. Far below Catastrophe and Darkling Dog discover the place has swarms of jellyfish as well as at least one giant octopus and patrols of sharks.

Catastrophe and Darkling Dog make notes about asking Widget to add a camouflage circuit to their suits as they look for a way in. Suddenly a door opens and a lady skunk whose white stripes are green with purple hair swims out in equipment similar to theirs. Toxica is super villainess well known for her use of poison gas of various types she makes herself.

While Toxica collects materials, the other two human-animal hybrids swim in to the area she came out of. It turns out to be a laboratory but also a kind of cell. The idea that Toxica is a prisoner here gives the pair an idea of recruitment.

They lie in wait for Toxica with Darkling Dog molesting Catastrophe sexually in the interim. When she comes back and strips off her wet suit the pair shoots globs of a sticky green material from their gauntlets. Toxica is very surprised unto she sees the heroes.

"Catastrophe and Darkling Dog," Toxica says with a smirk, "What are you two doing here? Did the Phantom Patriot find out and send you to fetch me?"

"Worm Hole heard about the island and went to check it out," Catastrophe answers honestly, "He sent ups to back up Worm Hole. Finding you was a bonus."

"This is what I get for not acquiring a taste for shark steak," Toxica says ruefully to remonstrate herself. "So what now?"

"I can think of a few things," Darkling Dog says with a lustful smirk while he molests Toxica as Catastrophe shakes her head.

"Please," Toxica moans, "Don't stop it's been awhile since I had that itch scratched. Damn Hanger keeps me prisoner down here..."

"Hold on," Catastrophe says, "Who's Hanger? There's more than you here?"

"Hanger is the aquanazi that took over from Cybermense and reduced him to a massive program running the place."

"Cybermense threw away his humanity years ago," Darkling Dog growls, "How did you get mixed up in all this?"

"He had it where it counted," Toxica counters with a seductive coo. "But now he's a machine with vague memories of being human that are in the process of being purged. It's only because we had a relationship that I'm still alive."

"How long is that going to last?" Catastrophe asks mockingly.

"As far as I can tell he's already forgotten," Toxica admits, "Which is why I just exist now. At this point I've been hoping to get caught. Prison sex at this point is better than no sex."

"I think we can do you even better," Darkling Dog suggests, "Help us out and we'll see if the Phantom Patriot will let you join us."

"Worm Hole, Analog, you two and who else is part of this team?" Toxica asks. "Worm Hole will do in a pinch but honestly, I think I'd rather wait for quality time with you, Darkling Dog or maybe do a fuck share with Cat."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Catastrophe giggles, "Analog likes him too. We also have a gadgeteer on the team, code name: Widget."

"Never met him before," Toxica states, "But we talk sometimes on the Common Grounds. If Darkling Dog would like to fuck me, I'll consider that confirmation of a truce and my agreement to your offer."

Catastrophe giggles and keeps watching and fingering herself through her wet suit as Darkling Dog strips so he can fuck Toxica. Upon release Toxica kneels before Darkling Dog and sucks at his scrotum to help him get hard enough to leave his sheath. It doesn't take him long to get firm enough to penetrate her folds which then prompts Toxica to spread herself on a table to allow him to do just that.

Darkling Dog takes Toxica slowly and surely at first which teases her no end but she licks her muzzle as she enjoys his invasion. Toxica arches her back as Darkling Dog licks and suckles her tits as he fucks her nice and slow. Months of frustration are released for Toxica as she lets go and just lets the dog do what wants to her.

Catastrophe continues to finger herself as she watches them and watches the surrounding area. She recognizes the need of the skunk as the dog gives her his full attention and has sympathy for the other. Felicity can ride Adolf pretty much whenever she wants and if not than Widget or occasionally Worm Hole but have no outlet for that can be maddening.

Up on the surface Worm Hole and Analog are looking for a way in when a mechanical octopus attacks them. Analog is quickly caught and molested as Worm Hole proves more difficult but the longer range of his mutant ability is temporarily denied him. Sophisticated software allows the robotic kraken to finally capture him and the two heroes gain entry to the facility as prisoners.

Adolf finishes inside of Theresa just in time for them to be spotted. True to her word, Terry stands with her fellow hybrids when the security robots burst in. Working together the trio are more than a match for the robots.

Cybermense has occasionally sent assassins to kill her any way so the loss of a few security bots will be nothing to him. As they wander outside her cell the signs of Hanger's obsession becomes obvious. Navy blue flags are everywhere featuring a white circle in the middle in which is a black buzz saw blade.

The robots are painted in the same color scheme throughout the base. The three hybrids move about relatively unseen thanks to Toxica's knowledge of the island. They eventually find Analog and Worm Hole naked and floating in tubes with wires attached to various parts of their bodies.

"Monitoring or analysis?" Darkling Dog asks of Toxica as he looks at the unconscious humans.

"Both more than likely," Toxica answers, "Other heroes have come and be captured like this. Their minds are eventually devoured by Hanger along with their bodies in hopes of gaining their powers or skills."

"Has it ever worked?" Catastrophe asks.

"Not really," Toxica freely admits, "But Hanger says it's because the humans are resisting him."

"Well, we better break them out of there before too long then," Catastrophe says and then notices Darkling Dog going over the computers somewhat intensely. "What are you doing Adolf?"

"Among other things, looking for a way to get back to our mobile home," Darkling Dog admits. "We have ample protection..."

"Good point," Catastrophe concedes, "We need to find or make a sub for those two." She points to Analog and Worm Hole.

"There are old subs from when we first got here," Toxica offers. "But I'm not sure if they're still intact."

"You vill need to be intact in order to use dem!" A German accented synthetic voice yells behind hem. "Und zhat is not happenink!"

A walker tank whose body just so happens to be head of Adolph Hitler in steel confronts the hybrids as it walks more fully into the room. Cat and dog take one look at the tank and break down laughing. Naturally, Hanger, whom Toxica knows is somewhere in there, takes umbrage at this.

Tentacles telescope out of the mouth of the tank that have blasters attached that it uses to fire at the hybrids. All three dodge as the blasts shatter the tubes containing Analog and Worm Hole. Catastrophe and Darkling Dong fire back with their gauntlets and barely manage to stagger it with a combined blast.

"We need a plan 'B', any ideas?" Catastrophe asks her fellow hybrids.

"I think there are crewable walker tanks in the hanger above us," Toxica suggests as she opens a pneumatic tube up near them.

"Better than staying here," Darkling Dog ascertains. "Grab the humans and let's go."

"I swear if you grope me," Catastrophe growls to the unconscious Worm Hole, "I'll drop you and deal with the consequences from Phantom Patriot."

Toxica leads the other two to a garage/hangar with mechanized walker tanks that can also fly as well as serve as min subs. All five of them cram into a Crewed Robotic Anti-Armor Boat as Darkling Dog sets himself up as driver. Catastrophe checks on the vitals of the humans as Toxica give Darkling Dog the access codes for all the CRAB's systems.

Just as soon as the three hybrids get the CRAB powered up and its weapon systems on-line the Hitler head walker tank finds their hangar they broke into but not their exact location as the CRAB rises like a flying saucer and attacks it with stinger missiles fired from the claws. The missiles do a bit more damage as hairline cracks start to form. It's at this time that two of the trio learns that the tank has a driver that tries to contact them.

If it weren't for the fact that the pilot of the tank is trying to kill them its image on the communications video screen would be quite comical. Apparently Hanger is an aquanazi that so admires Hitler to wants to be the man for his people. Hanger has darkened his dome to approximate Hitler's quaff and his face to simulate Hitler's moustache but it's the attitude that brings it home; know what theses things are Darkling Dog finds it exceedingly hard to take him seriously.

"Pathetic land walker!" Hanger screams at them as Catastrophe giggles behind Darkling Dog's back. "How dare you commandeer one of MY vehicles! This is an outrage!"

"Well, this whole situation is outrageous," Darkling Dog concedes then tries to hush Catastrophe behind him. "You're not helping the situation, hon."

"I'm sorry," Catastrophe says as she tries to stifle her giggling but can't, "It's just so..."

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?!" Hanger demands to know. "Show some respect to a superior being!"

"What 'superior being'?" Adolf asks with a smirk. "All I see is a mutant jellyfish with an attitude."

"I realize you're trying to get him off his game, Dog," Toxica says with a twinge of concern in her voice. "But be careful how much you rile him. It could backfire."

"Advice noted," Darkling Dog growls, "If this tin can has any manually utilized defenses, please get on them. I have the feeling we'll be needing them soon enough."

"I'm on it, Dolf," Felice says as she takes the controls and activates her monitor.

Hanger lets loose his response with ordinance as a multitude of mini missiles launch to try and pound the hybrids into the ground. The alien smirks to itself as there is no way in its thinking those inferior beings can hope to survive its attack. But much to its consternation the defensive lasers on the CRAB destroys each and every missile that threatens the craft in a flurry of activity.

Catastrophe smirks to herself as she and Darkling Dog pown Worm Hole and Widget when they challenge the hybrids in Tank Wars which requires terrific team symmetry. Tox gets a little frisky with her tail that Cat does her best to ignore. Darkling Dog continues to pound Hanger with rockets before he gets in close enough to use the claws in melee.

Darkling Dog bangs on Hanger with the full hammering force of the CRAB's claws. Sections of Hanger's mech start to buckle; then tear as its tentacles lash ineffectively at their opponent. Then Darkling Dog starts to rip out the tentacles which throw Hanger into a panic.

Hanger sets his mecha on self destruct before attempting to grapple with Darkling Dog. Once Hanger has entangled the two as completely as he wants, Hanger activates his escape pod and leaves the hybrids to be obliterated while he runs away to enjoy his pyrrhic victory. But then Adolf does something crazy.

Relying on centrifugal force Darkling Dog spins his CRAB like a top to hopefully disappoint Hanger and undo the entanglement before it's too late. Both Catastrophe and Darkling Dog have had basic astronaut training so the G forces are withstood fairly well even if Toxica gets dangerously close to losing her lunch. Hanger is personally insulated from the crushing pressure even as the tentacles holding the mechs together start to tear; what concerns him is the fact that the centrifugal force is making his efforts to escape his own death trap more difficult that he can deal with right now.

When the two tanks separate Hanger's vehicle slams its way to the outside and explodes harmlessly in the air as the alien jellyfish ejects just in the nick of time. Hanger lands safely in the Pacific but is extremely pissed. Determined to have his pyrrhic victory at any cost, Hanger seals his own island and orders it to self destruct.

The only avenue of escape is through the lava tubes that Hanger can't seal but the CRAB can survive if the trip is quick enough. In addition to the time restraint the other robots in the facility now register the CRAB the hybrids are using as a hostile which means they are being attack every step of the way. While Terry starts to make out her will Darkling Dog and Catastrophe look at each other and smirk at the challenge.

By this time Worm Hole is actually awake but faking sleep as he takes the opportunity to molest a still unconscious Analog. Catastrophe notices this and "accidentally" kicks him in the balls which cool his jets but quickly as he doubles over. This move is telegraphed to Terry who has her own plans for the stinker.

Toxica fondles Worm Hole's scrotum to lull him into a false sense of security before she shoves a dildo drill bit in his ass and turns on the machine. Anna smirks in her "sleep"; she's been using her remote viewing abilities to keep abreast of the situation while her body is in a trance like state. In all actuality she been aware of what is going on since she was in the tubes but wasn't about to reveal that to anyone except maybe Darkling Dog and Catastrophe.

In fact she's trying to mentally reach the Phantom Patriot but is being blocked somehow. She knows the hybrids aren't actively blocking her as she can sense that Darkling Dog and Catastrophe are still on the same page as agents of Shadow Company and Toxica is working with them, probably for a pardon and induction to the team but from what Anna can see the skunk has earned her shot and she'll report how she helped Darkling Dog and Catastrophe to Phantom Patriot when the time comes. Worm Hole is being an ass but Anna is used to that so him trying to take advantage of her in a "helpless" stat is of no surprise.

Analog is tempted to reach out telepathically to Darkling Dog and Catastrophe to ask for their opinions but is afraid of disrupting their groove. She had seen them basically pick the other two humans apart in virtual reality games despite the fact that they are a dog and a cat working together but now they are in a fight for their very lives which up the stakes considerably. While they take a break in a cleared elevator shaft Darkling Dog and Catastrophe switch seats but really as they activate the optional gunnery chair for Darkling Dog while Catastrophe takes over as pilot they are merely going back to how they usually play and get comfortable.

Toxica is still in charge of engineering duties such as keeping the CRAB from exploding as the robot tank is now a lot more nimble with Felicity at the controls. As one might expect Adolf is an expert gunner and uses all the CRAB's weapons to great effect as the link their music players to the boat's sound system to play Disturbed's "Indestructible" as they fight. It takes all the self control of both humans not to laugh at this as Terry giggles and shakes her head as she remarks how crazy they are.

Cybermense tries to upload his consciousness to their CRAB by remote to take it over but Toxica will have none of it. A horde of miniature mechs like the CRAB they're using swarm the team as a version of Drowning Pool's "Bodies" comes up next as all three perform the song in their own way. The CRAB must do a series of jumps over collapsing platforms while fending off flyers as Asia's "Heat of the Moment" plays while Terry tries to get the flight function back on-line after it shut down from a lucky shot from one of the flyers.

Toxica gets the patch done just in time as the flight function becomes necessary for a controlled dive to the island's fiery core as "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins plays and is uncannily appropriate. At the core boulder hurling robots greet the CRAB as the next song in the rotation is Corey Hart's "Boy in the Box" that causes everyone to smirk as they fight their way to the centre. Cybermense calls the next tune in the form of "Sons of Plunder" covered by Disturbed as his visage comes up on a gigantic screen television as animatronics arms and weapons come on-line to take out the escaping CRAB.

It may seem like it's a little unbalanced but with Cat piloting, Dog firing the weapons and Tox doing damage control the advantage is actually theirs as they are three minds acting in concert with one another. Cybermense may be a genius but he's still just one mind fighting three and they're clicking together as a team. In face they're fighting as a pack even though it's only Darkling Dog that's any kind of wolf.

Darkling Dog is more or less playing tank commander from his central position with the two females obeying him implicitly. Cat keeps the CRAB nimble while Tox keeps the force field up and running. The fact that Darkling Dog knows how and where to pick his shots should be obvious as they find a secret ammo dump for the CRAB and nab it during a period of hide and seek in the conflict.

Prodigy's "Firestarter" plays as Darkling Dog blasts holes to allow the central core to be flooded with lava. Another Prodigy song: "Mind Fields" plays after the first as they take risks to destroy Cybermense's ability to strike back at them. Terry meanwhile calibrates the energy absorbers on the CRAB for lava in preparation for their escape.

It takes a few minutes to take affect which affords the team time to listen to some music. Cruxshadows plays as the songs "Citadel", "Winterborn" and Defender" give them some confidence that they can do this. As they enter the lava tube Rush's "Force Ten" plays to give them even more encouragement as they try to get through this as quickly as possible.

The intense heat boosts their speed as it gets more and more intense. Rush continues in the rotation as "Prime Mover" and "Lock & Key" helps keep everyone calm throughout the ordeal. Cat and Tox navigate the tubes expertly and Dog is only called upon to use the claws to dig their way out at the end as debris had clogged a vent that needs to be cleared so they can escape.

However instead of the open sea the team finds themselves in a submerged sea cave that will lead to freedom once they get past the guardian. It was napping here, an octopus about the same general size as New York City, all of that metropolis including its suburbs like long island and the Bronx, but the way the CRAB exploded out of the tube it woke up the leviathan-kraken and it's looking at the vehicle as a tasty treat. Ironically "Dandy" by Herman's Hermits starts to play as they make a break for the exit with Darkling Dog doing his best to dissuade their new friend from following.

Fortunately the entrance chamber is small enough for them to get through easily while the octopus will have to take its time to squeeze through the same aperture. Lemuria is under siege when they get back and the base does not recognize their craft as friendly so it is initially treated as another hostile. Felicity puts in a call to the base as they approach.

"Catastrophe to Lemuria; Catastrophe to Lemuria; come in Lemuria; over," Catastrophe sends out from the CRAB.

"Phantom Patriot here, what happened to you all out there?" Their superior asks with a twinge of concern. "I take you took that thing from that base? And where is where are Worm Hole and Analog?"

"Asleep behind us, boss," Darkling Dog calls in answer to the one question. "Turns out, Fernando's hunch was right. But more than likely it's been destroyed now."

"We have a new recruit as well," Catastrophe says. "Toxica helped us escape and we kind of told her we'd take her in."

"I hope there's room for me, sir," Toxica says respectfully as she suspects that being a punk would be counter productive.

"I think we can make room for you," Phantom Patriot says congenioally. "You're expertise could come in handy actually."

"How long has the siege gone on, Boss?" Adolf asks respectfully.

"It just started about an hour ago." Phantom Patriot admits. "Drive off these alien subs and you can come in.

"Orders acknowledged," Darkling Dog states, "Initiating now."

The invaders consist of one huge cigar shaped craft launching multiple sauce shaped drones to attack Lemuria. Rather than attack the drones the team focuses on the mother ship. Darkling Dog shoots torpedoes to take out the launch tubes for the saucers and gets some success with that.

The "Mother ship" has roughly fifty such launch tubes and the drones are their defense and offense. After the team takes out ten of these tubes the cigar ship takes for the surface. Hanger curses them out and vows revenge in typical megalomaniacal super villain fashion over the radio as the ship departs.

Once the team reaches Lemuria and the humans redress as the debriefing begins. Phantom Patriot praises Darkling Dog and Catastrophe for their efforts as Worm Hole fumes in the corner like a naughty child. Toxica is officially welcomed into Shadow Company by all, begrudgingly by Worm Hole but he does welcome her.

The CRAB the hybrids stole from the enemy becomes a Shadow Company vehicle and Widget makes sure it has no hidden programming to harm the rest of them. Understandably Widget is like a kid in a candy store as he has fun with the vehicle as the hybrids enjoy some surfing in Honolulu. Worm Hole receives special attention from Phantom Patriot as the older hero decides to train his subordinate on how to conduct a proper investigation.

While Worm Hole is having a not so great time getting extra training the beach party that Analog, Widget, Toxica, Catastrophe and Darkling Dog were going to have is interrupted by a sudden storm that sometimes comes onto the islands during monsoon season. Analog does a head count and finds the cat and dog are missing. Out on the choppy seas in an inflatable tent raft the missing heroes have absconded themselves.

Their special gear is nearby so there is no real danger as Kitty and Dolf get some quality time together. Part of this is a good stiff yiff but it's more them enjoying the storm and watching the fish and stars together. At some point Terry joins them and it becomes a bonding experience as they make sure it's just them as they have to make sure everything is right between them so they can better operate as a unit with G.U.A.R.D..

Part of this working out the sleeping arrangements as the girls are agree to share the dog. They also work out their positions when using the C.R.A.B.. But as it turns out how they did it on the back end of their escape run works just fine as far as they are concerned although they know that this arrangement will have to be approved by the Phantom Patriot.

Once he straightens out the data in his own head, Harry is more than happy to approve the arrangement as it uses the three of them optimally. But that discussion will take place after he is done with Fernando. Until then the three hybrids lounge together and play together in relative harmony.

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