DragonZ 2 Chapter 1

Story by Azur the m0vi3drag0n on SoFurry

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~20 Years Later~

I drew in a deep sigh and listened to the constant nagging of Chancellor Black, he sounded like the testosterone filled Police Chef in those TV shows I used to watch as a kid. He was enraged at how my team and I had handled the situation on Vellra-Cruz.

"Adrian you couldn't have done worse," he shouted. "Leveling the factory by creating a landslide?! REALLY?! There ARE other ways you can destroy a building or at least going in and taking out the facility."

"Sir I had no other choice they were going to destroy the plant anyways and let the chemical pathogens release into the air." I stood proud, "Causing the landslide would assure civilian safety and minimize civilian AND terrorist casualties."

Black's forehead suddenly became great friends with the maple desk, "Adrian...ugh just get out I will speak of this later."

I bowed and walked out of his office to see Kiddo leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and with a paper in his hand and envelop shredding around him. He didn't say a thing when he gave me the paper. It wrote:

"Dear Adrian Rains and Kiddo Garrus, We regret to inform you that 2 weeks ago we have intercepted a message from Fox and Falco. These two brave soldiers have been announced KIA and the bodies were found in the Segma-Quester Galaxy completely disintegrated. We are sorry for your loss. Signed General Talon UGAC Star Fleet."

I crumbled the paper in my hands and took a seat on the bench near Kiddo. "An attack on one is a attack on all of us Adrian..."


"I already tried contacting the others...they don't want any involvement."

"I know..."

"So...what are we gonna do then? We cant get the team back together, Fox and Falco are dead, and...among other things"

"Don't go there please." I whispered. Sasha had died from Heart Cancer 4 years ago and Gun went rouge after the whole Darkness thing. As for everyone else we don't know, 3 years before Sasha's death they had split up doing regular blue collar work in the Ark. The Ark. Their view on the team and the Dragon race is split in two, some believe they are the greatest thing to happen to the Ark, some think they are insects taking everything in sight and within arms reach.

"Adrian...their...Funeral is tomorrow."


We made our way to our home. Only Kiddo and I owned it. Kelsey had cheated on Kiddo with some punk who was cheating on his girlfriend with her and 3 others. Aw well I thought, she was a dumb bitch anyways didn't know what she was missing. It was 1:27 in the morning and I was in a drunken state, the bottle in my left hand and a picture of the DragonZ team.

We had such an amazing run with it. One figure stood out amongst everyone else. It was a small dragon about early childhood year.

I threw myself to the bed and for the third year in a row I began to cry myself to sleep, dreaming of the better time with that little Dragon.

Morning came. As usual, I wake up, rub my face, go to the bathroom, take a piss, cold shower in deep thought, put my clothes on eat breakfast at Barney's Diner, and leave to work as a Merc for Hire. Today I didn't goto work. Today I went to the Funerals of Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi. None of the remaining DragonZ members showed, The Dragon soldiers from Ragnarok had. No one came but Dragons. No one even cared to see, stop to hear the thousands cry and morn for their deaths.

In the telegram Kiddo and I received from the UGAC said that a 21 Gun Salute would be present, they never showed. Not even the people that was to bury them showed. 5 long agonizing hours we waited and the Dragons had to leave, each one giving their condolences and bowed to their still King Garrus.

"This is wrong..." I said to Kiddo.

"I know. Lets...lets just do it ourselves."

We both grabbed shovels and began to dig 10 feet under in the heavy heat of the summer day. The earth we dug into was strong almost cement like, the dig was brutal and frustrating. 4 hours later the hole were finally dug and we both gently placed the ashes of Falco in his hole and ashes of Fox in his.

Bowing our head in prayer we hoped they would go off into the great beyond in Heaven and join Wolfgang and Jeremy. I finished my prayer and walked over to Kiddo nuzzling into his arms slowly. He reaches his arm over my shoulders and holds me to him closely.

"Let's go home." He quietly said and we walked off back to our house.

Once we arrived at our home me and Kiddo relaxed on the couch and watched the Ark News together. Nothing new, just same shit different day. Galactic disputes and oppression. Then suddenly we heard our names being brought up.

"Welcome back to ANN I'm Cassy Yomata here to bring you the top Story of today. It has been almost 20 years since an elite group of soldiers in the UGAC, known as The DragonZ Squad, saved the Ark from a still mysterious 'entity' they claimed. To shed some light upon this 'entity' we have Relic Talson, a Dragon Philosopher with us. How are you Mr. Talson?"

"I'm doing fantastic Mrs. Yomata."

"That's always great to hear. Now tell us Mr. Talson, what exactly was that 'entity'?"

"Well after many years of research I have discover that it was a sort of "Darkness" that the Dragon Race had believed been the Creators dark brother."

"The Creator being God correct?"

"Correct. The Dragons also believed that multiple Gods of each element bound the Darkness in a prison and thought it would last forever. Well that obviously failed."

"How do you suppose it failed?"

"Maybe the DragonZ Squad had something to do with it." At that moment I stood up furious and called ANN.

"Um it seems we have the DragonZ Leader, Adrian Raines. Mr. Raines?"

"THAT IS TOTAL BULL****! WE HAD NO IDEA THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! We were sent to Ragnarok to save the Dragon Race and we did that! The Darkness was behind the Dino Invasion SO DON'T PUT THAT ******* **** ON US!" I roared into the phone.

"Then answer me this Mr. Raines. How does a Human transform into a Dragon? Hmm?"

"That is classified information and I will have you arrested if you dare go any further."

"Why is it classified? It seems like a fair question to ask after 20 years. Just tell us what you did."

"That's it. Under Section 369.45.1 of the UGAC Military Police and A-Sec, I'm putting you under arrest."

I teleported to the news station and cuffed him instantly and teleported to A-Sec and they took care of it. Then I teleported back to the news station, just to say, "We did our job to save ALL of you...My Team and I risked our lives for you...one of ours DID! And you still give us this?! All we want is to keep you all safe from harm. My wife is dead, my kid gone, and Fox and Falco are dead and you don't even FUCKING CARE!" I roared, spewing out a hot blue flame. "You all should be ashamed!"

I teleported back to the house and clinged to Kiddo holding him tight, "I just don't get it Kiddo..."

Kiddo licked my cheek and kissed me lovingly, "I don't either honey...we just need to get out of here. Away from the Ark, this place should have burned to ashes."

"But it didn't...I want to see her again Kiddo."

"I know...I know"

"My own daughter...just gone from my sight..." I began to cry onto his chest. He held me to him, rubbing his hands up and down my back tenderly.

"Baby she is 20 years old...she need to go out on her own. You cant watch over her 24/7."

"Still. The least she could do is call...oh Kiddo."

I cried like a little school girl after not getting her way onto his chest, he grabbed my face and brought my muzzle to his and kissed me ever so lovingly. I wrapped my arms behind his neck and held the kiss, his saliva was like an irresistible candy to me and I urged for more. My tongue dancing with his and he was purring loud and warmly.

He broke away from the kiss and looked into my purple eyes and said, "I love you Adrian..."

"I love you too Kiddo...so much."

He picked me up and carried me to our bed and we slept the night away. Together.

DragonZ Chapter 21

**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act IV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** 21 --The Final...

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