A Tale of Two Siblings

Story by ArkS0ng on SoFurry

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Alex and his twin sister Lily have always been close. But now that they're finishing high school, it seems Lily likes him a little more than he expected. So she decides he might just need a little help realising that he likes her just as much. Slow-burn story with lots of teasing that ending up WAY longer than I thought. Guess that's what happens when you sit down to write something without any kind of plan.



"You love me, right?"

"I am very concerned where this is going."

"And remember how you said you'd do anything for me after I got you that job?"

Alex closed his book and rubbed his eyes with a paw. "I have no recollection of saying any such thing."

Lily frowned at him from her position in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe in a loose Saturday blouse and a pair of jean shorts. "Well you should have. I did you a big favour convincing them you weren't a lazy slob."

Her twin brother sighed. "You've broken something haven't you?"

"--And then you tried to hand in a resumé without any references! I pretended to be the manager of Farley's for you! Do you have any idea what would have happened if we we're caught?"

"What did you break?"

"Your globe, but that's not what I need you for." Lily padded in and perched on the end of the bed, wringing her paws. "I've been talking to Dia again. You know, the girl I'll be sharing a dorm with next year. She kept talking about how great her life is, and how she has this awesome boyfriend and how he takes her to all these fancy places and when he finishes his apprenticeship and she finishes university they'll move in together and have a million puppies and live happily ever after. So I--"

"You broke my globe?"

Lily turned to face Alex and her expression was earnest enough to quickly sullen him. He let out another sigh. "Alright. What have you gotten yourself into?"

"Well I... I felt like I needed to brag a bit. She spent an hour telling me how she won this special citizen's award and how she spoke to this famous celebrity who offered to donate money to her charity and then went on even more about her dreamy guy and then... she asked me what I'd been up to."

"So you told her about the scholarship, right?"

Lily blinked. "Uh... no."

"About the state science award?"

"I forgot about that."

Alex looked at her in exasperation. "The STEM commendation?"


He threw his paws in the air. "What other awards do you need?"

"I told her I had a boyfriend."

Alex was quiet for a moment. His sister was a peculiar kelpie, probably the smartest girl he knew but completely lacking any kind of social aptitude. She lived in her own world and always seemed surprised when reality came crashing in. It didn't help that she was attractive, though of course Alex said that only as a brother. Lily was soft and lithe and petite when most of the other girls where trying for sexy and curvaceous. She was like a breath of fresh air, with a naivety that attracted the attention of a lot of guys.

But Lily was blissfully unaware of them all, preferring to spend time by herself, with her tight little group of friends, or most of all her twin brother. He'd have been flattered if it hadn't meant his own relationships suffered -- girls didn't seem to bother approaching him when Lily was always around. Perhaps it was because they looked so different... or perhaps it was because he was equally as socially inept as his sister.

"Lily, you don't have a boyfriend."

"You're starting to see the problem."

"It is quite the problem. Do you want a boyfriend?"

"No. I mean-- yes, but not, like, just for this." She gave him a weak smile. "I don't need you to help me find a boyfriend, if that's what you were wondering."

"Then what do you need me to--" An idea dawned on him and he peered at his sister. Surely she didn't mean... no, there was no way. That would be ridiculous.

"I think you're getting the idea." She said.

"I really don't think I am."

"Yes you are." She nodded.

"I really, really don't think I am."

"Then it's settled." Lily stood and ushered Alex out of his room. "You'll pretend to be my boyfriend for thirty minutes while I take some pictures in return for all the nice things I do for you."

"You broke my globe_._"

"In return for most of the nice things I do for you."

"Doesn't she know you have a brother?" Alex grumbled as his sister opened the door to her room and steered him in.

"But she's never seen a picture of you. And everyone always says we don't look alike." Holding his shoulders, she turned him around and sat him on the bed. Alex gulped, looking directly at his sister's bare midriff. The fur on her stomach was short and silk, a dusty reddish brown that was lighter than his own.

"I really don't think this is a good idea." He said quietly, head filling with images of the questionable erotica he sometimes indulged in when the mood hit him.

Lily sighed and sat next to him, crossing one leg beneath her and letting the other dangle just above the floor. Taking his paws in her own, she looked into his eyes with her own chocolate brown irises. "I really need this room if I want to stay on campus. And I need Dia to like me so she'll fill out the rest of the paperwork before summer ends. But..." She looked down, her grip on his paws loosening. "I get if you think it's weird. I mean, it is pretty weird. So if you don't want to I won't ask again."

Alex looked at his sister. She was thoroughly examining the bedspread beneath them, a simple pastel blue with a diamond-stitched pattern. Her ears drooped a little at the sides and the leg that was dangling off the bed was twitching. He grimaced. "You're doing that on purpose aren't you?"

Lily looked up at him, eyebrows slanted and expression anxious. "Doing what?"

"Looking all sad, guilt tripping me so I go along with your bizarre plan."

"I'm not, Al, I'm being serious. You really think I'd risk infecting my room with your gross boy germs if I wasn't?"

He laughed. "Fair point. Last time I came into your room you threw your globe at me and... wait a second..." He narrowed his eyes at her and she gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'll buy you a new one, I promise. I'll get that antique wooden one you wanted, but only if you take some photos with me first."

"Lily, are you extorting me?"

"...is it working?"

He sighed, pulling his paws away and glaring at the floor. "Yes."

She let out a happy squeak and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He could feel her lithe, warm body pressed against his and struggled out of her grip. "Save it for the pictures."

"Oh shush, you used to love hugging me. I miss it." She grinned at him and jumped up, grabbing her phone from her desk and readying the camera. "Alright, now pretend you're my boyfriend and we're madly in love and you've just come over to hang out with me. What would you be doing?"

"Turning myself in to the police because we're related."

"Alright, but then they let you go because it's not technically illegal. So you come back and then what do you do?"

Alex looked around. "Uh... play games on my phone while you do your boring girl stuff I suppose."

Lily frowned. "I'm literally the only one with a Raycast in this house."

"Then perfect, I'll play that. Give me a controller."

"We can play together! Just like old times." She smiled and threw him a pair of joysticks. Alex caught them and rummaged for the television controller.

"Is it on the right input?"

"Yuh, just turn it on and--" Lily's face went pale and she dived for her brother. "Waitactuallynodon'tpressthe--"

Alex hit the switch and the room filled with the sound of pleasured moaning and wet slapping. In front of him a wide LED screen exploded with two well-endowed canines going at it in a vicious sixty-nine. Alex's eyes widened and he fumbled for the mute button but the controller flew out of his hand and skittered under the display cabinet. He rolled off the bed and thrust his arm under it, trying to feel for the elusive controller as above him one of the pornstars starting orgasming.

"Fuck! Wait, let me-- shit!" Lily's cries matched those of the canines as she punched the keyboard of her connected computer, desperately alt+f4-ing until the damn thing responded and the screen changed to the judgemental blue glow of her desktop.

The siblings stayed where they were, panting quietly. Lily's eyes were wide open and she was still stretched over the desk, staring intently at the screen, and Alex found the remote and stood up, straightening his shirt and brushing the dust off his arm. Then he folded his arms and frowned at his pretend girlfriend. "Really? You promised you'd quit porn while we were dating."

Lily breathed out slowly and gave him a weak smile. "You've just been gone so long."

"You could have asked me for photos! But no, clearly two gay huskies are hotter than your own boyfriend." He let out a dramatic huff and Lily giggled.

"Well if you'd agreed to have that threesome this would never have happened!"

Alex turned to the door. "I don't know if I can do this anymore, Lily. You've hurt me so bad."

"Don't leave me Alex!" She fell to her knees and grabbed the hem of his shirt. "I know I messed up, but I still love you!"

The words cut into the act and he looked down at her. She was staring up at him, eyes wide and pleading. She was a much better actor than him.

"I... love you too, Lil."

They stayed where they were for a moment, looking at each other with a mixture of emotions neither could describe. Lily was about to say something when Alex looked sharply away and held his paw out. "You should stand up, I can see right down your shirt."

She wasn't wearing a bra, and the image of her soft curves etched itself into his memory. He found himself disappointed that he could only see the tops of the soft mounds.

"Then don't look." She grumbled, ignoring his paw and clambering up. As she did so she leant forward a little more but Alex had moved away. She frowned.

Alex put the remote back on her desk. "Should we do this later? I see you were rather... busy."

"No, no, I just forgot to turn it off."

"What was it, a feature length film?"

"Actually, yes. 'Kings of Cocklia.' I can definitely recommended."

"I'll pass for now. Honestly I'm a little big shocked."

Lily crossed her arms. "I don't see the big deal. Gay porn has double the dicks, what's not to love?"

Alex pointed at the screen. "I meant I wasn't expecting it. I thought we were going to play Super Smash Sisters."

"Oh, right. Well, I guess you got the smashing part right. And it was pretty super."

"If they were only sisters you'd have achieved the trinity." Alex chuckled, sitting back down on her bed.

Lily giggled as well. "Perhaps not, but they were broth--" She stopped herself with a paw to the muzzle. Thankfully Alex didn't seem to notice. She cleared her throat and picked her phone back up. "Stay like that for a moment, you look real cute. Annnnd... perfect. Now give me one of those adorable smiles of yours."

"This is so weird," he mumbled to himself, but did as he was asked.

"Just think of that gorgeous wooden globe." Lily retorted, snapping another pic. She checked the photo and nodded. He really did look cute. "Alright, now let's do a selfie."

"How old are you?"

"Shut up and smile." She leaned close and kissed his cheek but before she could take a picture he pulled away. Lily's smile fell. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head slowly. "I don't know... I guess I'm just not used to you being this close."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? We always used to hang out and play games and wrestle and stuff."

"When we were twelve, maybe."

"More like fourteen. Seriously, what's gotten into you?" She put the camera down and sat back, looking at him with concern. "Don't you like me anymore? Or do you just really not want to do this?"

"No, no it's none of that." Alex sighed and looked down at his paws.

"Then what is it?" She reached out a paw and titled his head up to level with hers. "You're not treating me like a girlfriend."

Alex pushed her arm away and stood up. "It's this, all of this. I'm not your boyfriend, Lily. I'm your brother. And you can't do things like this and not expect me to... to... think of you in other ways. It isn't fair."

Lily's eyes widened. "You think of me in other ways?"

"That's what you take out of this?" He stood up and strode out of the door, slamming it shut behind him. Lily remained where she was, listening to his pawsteps stomp down the hall and into his room. A door slammed seconds later.

He thinks of me in other ways. She felt a tingle work its way down her back.

Alex lay in his bed, staring at the dark ceiling. The covers were strewn on the floor, leaving him in just his loose-fitting boxers. Why is she being so weird? Granted, their relationship was exceptionally amicable, especially compared to others in their year. But he'd never thought of her in a sexual way. At least, not since he was twelve, though at that age he found everything sexual, even his DinoHero plushie.

There was a soft knock on his door. No car had pulled up outside, so parents weren't home yet. Which meant that it could only be his sister.


"Can I come in?"

Alex grimaced. God, this is just like one of those stories. The girl comes in wearing some kind of skimpy nightie, asks if she can get into his bed because she's cold, and then he wakes up half way through the night with her paw on his dick, or 'nestled between her soft, round cheeks.'


He snapped out of it, grabbing the sheet from the floor and pulling it over himself to ensure no errant thought made itself too clear. When he was properly settled in, he sat up and said told her to come in.

The door opened and warm orange light pooled in, framing the silhouette of his sister still wearing the same blouse and jeans she'd been wearing earlier. Well that's a good sign, at least.

"You're in bed already." She said quietly.

"I was tired. And sulking."

She rolled her eyes and padded over, perching on the same spot she had before, when she'd convinced him to start this whole mess. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know that I deleted the pictures without sending them to Dia."

"You didn't have to do that Lil. That wasn't why I left."

"Then why did you leave? Because I was flirting with you? That's what girlfriends do."

Alex looked at her. "But you aren't my girlfriend. You're my _sister._I already went through this with you. You might remember it was a couple of seconds before I made my dramatic exit."

"I know, I know. But I was method acting. I wanted to make the pictures realistic."

"What next, you were going to make out with me in front of a camera?"

Lily was quite and Alex balked. "You were!?"

"Of course not! I... was just going to give you a quick kiss."

Alex shook his head slowly. "You really live in a different world to the rest of us, don't you?"

"That's why I'm so cute and quirky."

An exasperated grunt was all he could reply. His sister stood up, smoothing down her shirt and looking out the window. "Mum and dad aren't home yet."

"Mum's working through a big contract, dad went up to help her."

"So they probably won't be home for another few hours."

Alex turned over, pulling the covers up. "Yup."

Lily sighed and walked to the door. Placing a paw on the handle, she turned back to him. "You know, my room's kind of cold..."

"Lily, it's summer."

"Oh yeah." With that she slipped out and closed the door behind her, leaving Alex in the darkness to wonder what the hell was happening.

Morning came far too quickly. Alex hadn't slept well, worrying over whatever was happening with his sister. The problem was that she was far too naïve; for her, flirting was just being really good friends. That's all this is -- she's just being really friendly. Nothing to worry about.

He made his way to the bathroom and opened the door.

"What the-- Hey! Get out!"

Alex's eyes widened. There was his sister, topless and getting ready to pull off her light blue pyjama pants. She glared at him. He remained frozen to the spot.

"What are you doing just standing there?" She waved her arms at him but stayed where she was. Alex kept her eyes locked on hers, backing away until she could close the door.

He stared at the white-painted door. "What are you doing in there?"

"What does it look like? I'm showering." She called through the door.

That couldn't be right; he'd been awake a good few minutes and hadn't heard the door open or close, or the water start up. Unless she was just standing there, staring at herself in the mirror. Maybe she was, she was a girl after all.

"I'll leave you to it then."

"Better than you ogling my tits."

"I didn't look at them once." He hadn't, and for some reason it felt very important to state as much.

"You didn't?"

"We had eye contact the entire time, and you know it."

"Oh, right. Well, good. Because that would be gross."

"It would."

The door was quiet. Then: "You think I'm gross?"

"Oh for crying out loud." He turned on his heel and started toward his bedroom. Behind him, the door opened and Lily told him to stop. He sighed and wheeled around, ready to berate her. Then he stopped -- she hadn't put her shirt back on.

Her expression was anxious. "Alex... am I pretty?"

This time he did look, but it was more of a reaction than anything. She was certainly pretty. He'd always found her face adorable, with her little black nose and tall, pointed ears, kind brown eyes and fluffy little cheeks. But now he appreciated a whole new part of her -- her shoulders were slender and sleek, the fur well-groomed and short. Her ribcage was just visible beneath the soft skin of her sides, and her waist was trim and flat, opening out to soft, curved hips that disappeared down into her pyjama pants. Her breasts were small but cute, without any sag or excess to them, and the nipples were dark and stood out a fair way from the fur that surrounded them. Her neck was small like the rest of her, and slender.

"You're alright, I guess." He said, returning his gaze upward. He caught his sister looking down at him as well, a disappointed from on her face, before her eyes widened and she looked back at him. Then she pouted.

"That was too long of a look to just get an 'alright.'"

"What do you want me to say?"

"'You're gorgeous, Lily. The prettiest kelpie I've ever seen. And it was an honour to pretend to be your boyfriend.' Something like that."

"You've got nice shoulders."

Lily glared at him. "Seriously? That's all?"

"I like your ribs?"

Her expression turned to confusion. "What?"

"And you've got a good waist."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Anything else, Mr Slick?"

"I guess your tits are pretty good."

She shook her head and disappeared back into the bathroom. "Ugh, is that all you guys think about? Pervert."

He caught the grin on her face just as she closed the door. He shrugged and made his way to the kitchen, paws in his pockets. Strangely, that encounter had been the more like their normal banter than anything else since the incident. Though of course, usually with less nudity. Still, maybe things were returning to normal.

"Mornin' Alex."

"Hey dad." He poured himself some cereal and sat opposite his father. Unlike his children, Alex's father had dusty black fur that was thick and shiny. Apparently he'd been quite the looker in his prime, and even now some of the handsomeness remained. In some ways, the specks of grey that marked his face and shoulders only added to his kind-hearted aura.

"Having a good weekend?"

"Pretty boring really. Looking forward to getting back to school."

"You sound like your mother. Why don't you go out somewhere?"

"I have literally no money."

His father snorted. "That's why we keep telling you to get a job. But here, take a fifty." He pulled out his wallet and handed over the note to the amazed kelpie. "Buy something stupid. Like a football, or some tap shoes. Or both. Become the world's first tapping quarterback."

"Thanks, dad. Really. But what's with the sudden charity?"

"No reason, just in a good mood." His father put down the newspaper and ate the last bite of his toast. "Your mother might be getting a promotion."

"Really!? That's amazing!"

"Yeah." The dark-furred kelpie wiped his mouth and stood up. "Means she can be home a bit more too., which'll be nice."

"Where is she? I wanna go congratulate her myself."

"Still at the hotel. That's actually where I'm off to now, just came back to grab a few things. It's a long process, but it's nice to go and support her."

"You're a good husband, dad."

"Thanks, Alex. I'm sure you'll make a good husband too. If you start hanging out with girls that aren't your sister, anyway."

Alex's mouth twitched. "That is probably very good advice."

"I've got heaps more. Like; 'if you think a girl is pretty and perfect in every way, then be very careful. But if she makes you unnerved, slightly uncomfortable and extremely confused, then ask her out.' That's how I met your mother. She kept throwing sticks at me in the schoolyard."

"I've heard the story a million times Dad. One day you threw one back, she rugby tackled you into a tree and you knew right then that she was the perfect match for you."

"True love, right there. Alright, you have yourself a nice day alright? Tell your sister I'll give her some money when I'm back. I'd give it to her now but I think she's in the shower and you know what women are like in there."

"Dad, you have thirty minute showers."

"There's more of me to clean." He flexed an arm, a surprising amount of muscle showing from beneath his shirt. "Which you'd have too if you ate more." He pulled his son into a tight hug and ruffled his hair, then grabbed a pile of bags and shoved them through the front door. "I'll see you tonight, hopefully with a whole bunch more money."

"Have a great time!"

Alex finished eating his cereal and flopped the beige leather lounge in the living room. He held the crisp note in the air above him, thinking about all it things he could buy with it. A moment later it disappeared, and he shot to his feet to confront the towel-wearing thief.

"Hey! That's mine."

"Not anymore. Did dad give you money? How'd you manage that?"

"He'll give you yours when he gets home."

"Well, he can give it to you now." She cocked her head. "You know, summer just started and I really need a new swimsuit. So you do." She grinned. "Take me shopping?"

Alex groaned. "I would rather die."

"We could buy some rope while we're out?"

"Don't even joke about that."

"I was thinking I could tie you to a post and make you my own little pet."

"That is a very weird thing to say."

She shrugged. "Alright, I'll get dressed why you have a shower and then we'll meet back here." She turned around at the note flittered out of her hands and onto the floor. She giggled and bent down to pick it up, her towel lifting up above her tail. Alex couldn't help but watch as her cute, perky butt started to come into sight, morning light illuminating her as he nearly saw--

Snap out of it you perve. He cleared his throat and pushed past her, leaving Lily to stare in annoyance after him.

"What about these?" Lily held up a plain black one-piece with a thin yellow stripe running down the side. "Bumblebee? Or..." She swapped it with a pair of tight pink and grey swimming shorts and a matching top. "Little Miss Modesty?"

Alex started into the blackness of his paws, upon which his head and sanity teetered dangerously. Around them the swim shop bustled, bang in the middle of the late morning rush. "Both of them. Lil, we've been here four hours."

"Shush, it's barely been two. And we're making good progress!" She looked at the two garments, narrowed her eyes at them, then put the pink and grey set back on the rack. "Not sexy enough. Alright, now it's just between Bumblebee and Girl Next Door."

"How about "Lords Above, Please End it Now, Oh the Pain, the Pain, the Pain and Never-Ending Suffering."

"Nah, that one didn't quite fit." Lily sighed. "Can you at least look like you're having fun? People are going think I dragged you here."

"That is exactly what you did."

"But people don't need to think that."

"Sweetie, if I may?" A smooth, velvety voice broke their banter as an exceptionally tall, obsidian-furred wolf appeared beside them. She wore black jeans and a maroon top over her curvaceous body, the staff uniform of 'Waterside Wear.' She was an intensely fashionable woman that just oozed sensuality, her long, dark purple hair swept to one side over one eye. She looked at them in amusement, speaking low and quiet like she was imparting some great secret. "Have you had a browse through the back of the store? Perhaps your boyfriend will find the apparel there a little more... attention grabbing." She looked Lily up and down, her eyes lighting up a little. "You certainly have the body for it."

Alex stepped away from his sister and stuttered "Oh, no, we aren't going out, we're just--

"Sure, sure." The wolf's eyes twinkled. "Well, I'm certain your lady friend wouldn't mind checking it out. It's by the men's, too, so maybe you could both try some things on. The changing rooms are unisex, after all." She winked at Lily who giggled and grabbed Alex's paw.

"Come on, let's check it out."

"Have fun, sweetie. Swing by the counter when ya'll are ready." The curvaceous woman swept away to talk to another customer, leaving Alex to be dragged along once again by his sister.

Lily navigated the aisles of people toward the back of the store, squinting until she could make out the unassuming sign that hung near the changing rooms. She should really wear glasses.

"Uh, Lil? You don't seriously want to--"

"Woah, look at that."

Lily pointed to the beige-furred mannequin positioned at the entrance to the 'intimate swimwear' corner. It was slender and toned and modelled like a lioness, and smirked at them from its position atop a showy white dais. Its top was made of a soft black fabric with leopard-print trim, cut into a low triangle that covered the middle and bottom of each breast but left the top standing proudly out. A leopard-print band encircled each hip and around the tail to meet at another small black triangle, barely enough to be considered beach-appropriate.

"Should I get it? How do you think I'd look?" Lily walked up to the stand beside the mannequin, running her hands over the material of the bikini. "This would cling pretty bad if it got wet. That's kinda hot."

Alex pulled his eyes away from the display. He didn't want to think what she'd look like in it. "Shouldn't you really be trying on something more practical?"

"I'm bored of practical. That's all I've ever been. I want to feel a bit more sexy." She put the bikini back and delved further into the corner. It was much quieter here -- in fact, Lily was the only other animal Alex could see.

"What about this?" She held up a mint-green bikini, smaller than the other one but with a thicker band. "Would be less likely to fly off in a hurricane."

"I think you'd have other things to worry about in a hurricane."

"Hey, I wanna look good when I get thrown through a window at 200 mph by raging tropical winds."

"I'm not sure about the colour, it's too green. You'd look like a reverse Christmas tree."

He was right; her reddish fur clashed with the light green material. Lily grinned at him, a little impressed. "Look at you dishing out the good advice. See, I know you could help me. wasn't going to pick it anyway. Mint is just green that wanted to be blue."

"You'd look good in blue."

Lily felt herself smile a little. "Really? Why's that?"

"You had that old one on holiday. It looked good on you, before you lost it."

So he did notice. Her first bikini; Lily had liked that swimsuit. Unfortunately, her mother did not, and two days into the trip it had mysteriously vanished.

"Go on, find me a blue one then."

Alex glanced around nervously. "I don't want to be seen traipsing around the women's intimates. People will think I'm weird."

Lily leaned over and kissed his cheek. "People think you're weird anyway, sweetie." Alex flinched but she ignored him, turning him around and pushing him away. "Come back with something I like and I'll buy you a new book or something."

"How about you replace my globe?"

"Come back with two things and I'll do both."

And he was off.

Alex kept his paws in his pockets, shoulders hunched in an attempt to remain inconspicuous. What was his sister planning? She couldn't buy anything too outrageous, considering they were only allowed to use the pool when their parents were home. His dad said it was because he was the only one who knew how to check the levels, but Alex suspected the real reason was that Lily had once tried to skinny dip when no one was home and got herself stuck in the pool cover. It was a remarkable feat, really, if extremely embarrassing for both Lily and their dad who'd had to get her free. That was ten years ago, but their parents still didn't trust them.

A duo of attractive tigresses passed by and Alex kept his head down, but he could still feel the glares piercing his fur. If he was younger, they'd have assumed his mother was somewhere nearby. If he was older, they'd have thought he was buying a gift for his girlfriend. But right now he was apparently the prime age for 'creepy and seedy teenager.'

Finally, something caught his eye and he headed over. There, between a one-piece that had enough holes to be a no-piece and a bikini that was entirely strings, a cute blue two-piece hung like treasure on the rack. It was probably the most practical item here, and he wondered if perhaps it had been put here by accident. The cut was a lot smaller than he thought necessary, and the band was very thin, but when he tested the material it held firm with just a bit of stretch. This wouldn't be coming off in any waves.

He picked it up triumphantly and headed onwards, looking for a second item.

Lily ran her tongue over her teeth, considering the garment in front of her. It was bright red and lacy, looking more like lingerie than swimwear. The tag proudly said that it could be worn as both, and the material did at least _feel_waterproof. It covered more than a lot of the items here, but was just as sexy with its various trims and carefully-placed holes. The top was more of a quarter-circle than a triangle, meant to enhance the wearer's curves and bring attention her cleavage. She liked the sound of that.

Lily had always been sensitive about her size. She was definitely the smallest in her class, and back when she'd done sport a lot of the girls had teased her about it. She knew most of the taunts weren't malicious, just cheeky jibes and banter, but they still hurt. She always felt embarrassed buying bras from the smaller cup areas, just like a lot of the girls there. Everyone kept their heads down and hurried past each other, like they were keeping some sort of dark secret. Lily knew it was silly, but seeing all the posters and mannequins of ample bust still made her cringe.

"Solved the murder yet?"

Lily jumped and Alex gave her a concerned smile.

"Sorry, you had your detective face on. Any deep thoughts you can share?"

Lily made a show of looking around, then leaned in close. "I'm starting to think it wasn't the butler after all."

Alex grinned. "Found anything good?"

"A few. There's a lot I wish I could try on, but mum and dad would kill me if I brought them home."

"Why not just try them on anyway? You don't have to buy them."

"Really? I thought you wanted to get home. I thought this was 'pain and suffering.'"

Alex shrugged. His sister was looking at him with wide eyes, surprise and excitement behind her gaze. He liked seeing her happy. "I've suffered with you for sixteen years. I'm sure I can suffer for a few more."

"That's what I like to hear. So what did you get me?"

Alex handed her the two items. She examined the first, a yellow one-piece that curved high on the hips and dipped low in the chest. If she had cleavage, it would show a lot of it. She shrugged. "It's cute, but I don't know if it's me. Rather conservative, too." She gave him a look. "I was hoping for something a little more exciting."

"If you wanted exciting than why'd you ask me?"

Lily sighed. He really doesn't want me in something sexy, does he? She put the yellow one-piece to the side and held out Alex's first choice in front of her. She felt her heart flutter a little. Or maybe he does.

"I thought it was a nice colour."

"Mmn hm." She fixed him with a curious gaze. "You like this?"

Alex frowned, a little nervous at the breathiness of his sister's voice. "Yeah? Why, shouldn't I?"

"No, no... I like it too." He was right, it was a gorgeous colour. The blue trim matched her fur perfectly and the lighter blue of the inner material complimented it just as well. She hoped it would look just as good in the water, with the extra benefit it provided. "You really think I should get this?"

"Sure. I don't think mum would approve though."

Lily laughed. "Absolutely not. Which is exactly why I want to get it. Not that you'd let me swim with you while I was wearing it, though."

Her brother shrugged again. "I mean if you want to, why not?"

"Really?" Lily felt her heart flutter again. "It wouldn't bother you?"

"I managed to not drown when you had that other bikini on. Jeez, Lil, what's gotten into you?"

"Nothing! No, I'll... I'll get it." She supressed a smile and held it tight to her chest. Her head felt a little weird, and her lower body was warm. Maybe things will turn out after all. "Right, uh... I might try a few of these on, but how about we swing by the men's first?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Then sure!"

In contrast to the aisles and aisles of women's assorted swimwear, the men's section was confined to a single square space with little more than twenty or so racks. A few animals milled around, mainly boys dragged around with parents or older furs looking to relive their youth. Alex quietly followed his sister to an empty corner and stood by as she examined the racks.

"I don't really see you in a speedo. You suit something tighter." She glanced back at her brother. "Gotta show off that tight butt of yours."

"What?" He looked at her in confusion. Lily giggled and threw him a pair of skin-tight bathing shorts.

"Nothing. Here, something looser to appease the parents." She added a standard pair of swim trunks to the pile. They were black with a yellow stripe, perfectly matching the one piece she'd kept from the first haul. "And lastly... how about you try this?"

Alex looked sceptically at the tiny heap of material that had been thrown on his shoulder. "You sure this is the right size? Looks kind of small."

"Surprise me and I'll get a bigger one."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She nudged him back the way they came. "Let's try these on! And you've gotta show me each one, okay?"

"I'm big enough to put my own pants on mom."

Lily's brow furrowed. "Don't call me that. It's weird."

They arrived at the changing rooms and looked at the line in dismay. There was no way they were going to get two rooms at the same time, let alone ones next to each other. And they'd probably be hurried, too, which meant Lily wasn't going to get to see him in each suit after all. Probably a good thing. Alex thought.

"And how did you two darlings go? Found a few items, I see." The obsidian wolf from before appeared behind them, breath smoky and warm. She scrutinised Lily's pile and her eyes widened slightly. "And is that the Ella Roe? I admire the confidence, it's very sexy."

Lily grinned, "Alex picked it out."

"Really? Well, he's one lucky man that you're willing to show off a little. I'm sure you two will have a lot of fun with it."

Alex frowned, confused by the conversation, but then most talk between women made him confused.

The wolf straightened up to her full height and glanced over the line. "And look at that, changing bay four is wide open with no one in it. I must have a word with Sera about managing her space. Follow me." The crowd parted with impressive ease as she set off to the entrance. Nervously, the twins followed in her wake.

"Sera, how's it going?"

"Busy but efficient, why?"

"No reason." With a casual movement she ushered the twins into the sizeable changing room and closed the door with a foot. "How about you take an early lunch? I can manage here for a while and Kane is a whizz on the counter."

"Sure thing. Could you let the next in line know that number four is free?"

"But it isn't." The obsidian wolf grinned, nodding to the locked door. "Do keep a closer eye on your surroundings, Sera. It's bad for business."

"What just happened?" Lily whispered. The changing room was like an oasis, where the outside noise was muffled and the light inside was soft and flattering.

"I'm not sure, but I think we can sue for kidnapping." Alex folded his arms. "Is this even allowed?"

"No idea, but let's not waste the opportunity. It'll be ages before the next room is free."

Her brother glared at her. "You're not seriously planning on getting undressed together?"

"Why not? Then we don't have to keep coming out and showing each other. Oh, don't look at me like that. Just keep your back turned and we'll wait until we're both ready."

"This sounds like a very bad idea."

"So did throwing your own globe at you, but it got us here." She turned her back. "And no peeking in the mirror, alright?"

Alex let out a long sigh, but his heart started beating just a little faster. "Fine. Put on your one-piece first."

"And you put on the board shorts."

They turned their backs and Alex took in a deep breath. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his sister in the mirror. She was taking off her light pink tank top, and he knew she wasn't wearing a bra. Before he could change his mind he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. He'd worn his dark red underwear today, the nicely tailored ones that fit his physique. He wasn't sure why, something had just told him to.

"Nice underwear."

"Hey!" His head snapped to the mirror and he glared at his sister, who was topless but holding the one-piece in front of her. "You said no looking!"

"Sorry, couldn't help it." She gave him a sweet smile. "I won't do it anymore, promise."

He growled and finished taking the jeans off, stepping into the swim trunks and pulling them up. They sat a little low, hanging off his hips, but looked pretty good. He kept his eyes ahead and crossed his arms. "You done yet?"

"Do you know what it's like to put these bloody things on?" Lily growled. "Give me a minute. You wearing underwear?"

"What? Uh... yeah?"

"You normally wear underwear when you swim?"


"Then get 'em off. If I have to, so do you."

He was about to refuse, even just up and leave, but his body wouldn't follow. Instead he felt himself pulling the trunks back down along with his underwear. He looked down, saw his sizeable sheath jutting freely from above two furred balls. Just out in the air, inches away from his sister. He glanced briefly at the mirror and saw her pulling the one-piece up her torso. He couldn't help but look at her chest again. Her breasts were just as cute as this morning, though something about them was different. They were just so... natural. Lily wasn't trying to show anyone, they were just... there. And that made them even prettier.

Alex shook his head and quickly pulled on the trunks just as Lily bumped his butt with her own. "Ready?"


They turned and looked at each other. Perhaps 'admired' would have been a better word. Neither said anything, just enjoyed the image of each other. Lily's suit was form fitting, running up from her long legs to her smooth, flat belly, over a gentle incline at her chest and around her slender neck and shoulders. The stripe climbed up her left side, just like his. They made a good pair.

Lily stepped toward him and took a hold of the hem of his shirt.

"Hey, woah, what're you doing?"

She pulled it up and over his chest and he relented, letting her slip it off. "There, much better. You look nice."

"So do you." They exchanged a soft smile and another quick up and down of each other's bodies, then turned back around without a word.

Next, he chose the tight swimming shorts Lily had picked out first. Taking off his trunks was easier this time, though he couldn't help wondering if his twin sister was looking at him. But he kept his word and didn't peek, stepping into the correct leg holes and pulling them up. It was a tight fit, and there was barely room to get his tail through the back, but he managed and gave himself a quick appraisal. He doubted his parents would approve. The legs were longer than he'd thought, and the skin-tight material did give his body a toned look, but the front didn't hide much. Standing side on, he could make out the shape of his sheath and even the two round balls beneath.

"Ready?" His sister asked.

"I'm not sure this is entirely appropriate for me."

"Shut up and turn around."

He acquiesced, and as soon as he saw his sister his heart skipped a beat. She was wearing a black micro he hadn't seen her pick up, made of two thin triangles for a top and a string-tied triangle for the bottom. He could make out two bumps showing through the material of her top, larger than he'd have thought normal. The material was slightly meshy, enough to show a little of the colour of her fur, and around the bumps was the faint pink of her areola. The triangles of her top were kept together with a narrow black string, and the way it encircled her chest and neck was rather beautiful. The modest mound of each breast was nearly entirely visible, meaning the bra tilted over the mounds and made her breasts even more apparent than before.

"That's... quite nice." He croaked.

Lily blinked and dragged her gaze away from his groin. "Huh? Oh, right... thanks. I like yours too, they're very... showy. In a good way," she confirmed.

They spent another couple of seconds gazing at each other before Alex noticed a problem. He could feel his pants getting tighter, and when he glanced down he saw the noticeable point of his length starting to emerge. When he saw Lily gulp he spun around, breathing deeply.

"How about we move on?" He stuttered.


He forced down the trunks and his red cock bounced out, flying at about half mast. He glanced at Lily but she was busy untying her bikini. He blushed and mentally told his dick to behave itself. Unsurprisingly, it didn't listen. With no other choice, he picked up the last garment.

What the hell Lily... He held a tiny jockstrap in his hands, obviously designed for tanning more than anything. It was made out of stretchy material, but even then it would hardly cover anything. He stepped into it, pulled it up, and came to an even more horrible realisation. With his dick as hard as it was, there was no way he'd be able to get it on.

"Ready Alex?"

"Uh... no, just hang on a sec." He brought to mind images of old, hairless kelpies with no clothes on and extremely hairy alligators squatting in various positions, but they all morphed into trim, petite kelpies with brown eyes and cute breasts.

"There's isn't much for you to get on, what's taking you so long?"

Alex angled himself so that even if Lily looked in the mirror she'd only see his back. "I'm just... fixing it up."

"Is it really too small?" There was a hint of excitement in her voice. Alex's shoulders slumped.

"No, I... well, yes, it's too small. But only because... uh..."

Behind him, Lily bit her lip. He's hard... he's hard, from looking at me. She gulped and glanced into the mirror. The clever bastard had turned away from her, but she still got a nice look at his trim butt. She decided to play naïve. "Because why?"

Alex felt a little bit of him wither away. Unfortunately, not the bit he wanted. "Look, this suit was not designed for... looking at attractive women, alright?"

God, he makes it sound so clinical. "You liked it that much?"

"Well... yeah. Obviously." Alex cleared his throat. What the hell was he going to do now? Here he was, naked and throbbing with his back an inch away from his... his...


Lucy adjusted her bikini bottoms. "How about we just turn around anyw--"

"No, that's enough." Alex pulled the ridiculous thing off and bent down to grab his underwear. Lily cocked her head, back still to him.

"What? Why, what's wrong?"

"You're my twin sister, that's what's wrong." He found them and searched for his jeans. "We shouldn't be doing this. That's not what siblings do."

He stepped into the underwear and pulled them up but suddenly there was a paw wrapped around his cock and he couldn't pull them up any further and he froze. His eyes met Lily's and she gulped. Her breathing slow and heavy, she kept her gaze matched with her brother's. She spoke slow and deliberately.

"Alex, I'm going to say something that you're probably going to regret. Not me, because I've been wanting to say it for a very, very long time. But I'm really not sure how you're going to feel about this." She gulped again but Alex stayed quiet so she kept talking. "I know you've caught on by now, there's no way you couldn't have. And sometimes you act like you think the same way I do and then other times you just act cold and like you hate me and my body so I'm just going to say it once, and then you can do whatever you want. Slap me, kiss me, throw me into an adjacent changing room or shove me into a wall and press your body against me and pretend to choke me and bite my collarbone and... uh..."

She cleared her throat. "Sorry, got a bit carried away. Alex, I like you,way more than a sister should. I don't want to move overstate to a different uni to you and live with that bitch Dia and deal with her shallow crap but it was the only way I could see myself getting over you. And I can still do that, if you won't have me. But if you will... then I'll very happily spend the rest of my youth with you and hopefully my adulthood too, if the planet hasn't been burned up by a war or all the trees eaten by radical herbivores or we enter another ice age or something." She removed her hand from his dick but Alex didn't pull finish pulling his jeans up, just kept looking at her quietly. She squirmed a little.

"I know it's screwed up. And we're going to have to work a lot of things out and maybe things will be very weird for a while, but if it means having you to myself than it's worth it. Because you know what's just as screwed up? Searching 'sister naked cute softcore porn' on my computer while I was out, which I know you did because you forgot to delete your history. So... maybe you're as fucked up as me? Even just a little?"

She looked down, heart beating a million times a minute and eyes wide as she waited for a response.

Alex wasn't sure what to say. It was a lot to take in.

"This is a lot to take in." He said.

Lily let out a short laugh. "Yeah, sorry. I was going to wait for a more romantic opportunity, but then you started putting your clothes back on and I really wanted to see your dick."

Alex nodded slowly. "And?"

"And what?"

"My dick. Is it... good?" Alex mentally slapped himself but Lily looked at him earnestly. "I don't really know, I still haven't looked. But I think it felt nice? Like, kind of hard but also soft and warm. Like if the handle of a controller was longer and more organic. Does that make sense?"

"No." Her brother smiled at her. "But I suppose that's what I get for saying 'you have nice shoulders.'"

They both giggled. Alex glanced around the room, wondering what he as supposed to do next. Lily poked him in the arm.

"I'm going to look now."


Lily licked her lips, stepped back and looked down. She frowned. "Where's it gone?"

"What?" Alex glanced down too. His sheath looked back at him. He grimaced at Lily. "Sorry, I guess I got a bit caught up in your declaration of love."

"Hey, I was being serious."

"Right, sorry."

"...and you still haven't responded."

"I haven't." He leant against the changeroom wall. "I'm not sure I can right now. I like you too, Lily, but there's still a part of me that says it's wrong. And I don't know if I can get past that. Twins aren't supposed to have sex."

"That's not all that it's about." She whispered, stepping close to him. She held out her paws and he took them. "Love is everything else too. Being able to remain in close proximity without the aid of a taser, pretending to listen to each other well enough that it seems real, having someone to look forward to coming home to so you can bitch about your incompetent managers and shallow co-workers. And to me you're already all of that. That's how I know I love she." She glanced down. "It's just that I also want to cuddle you and make out with you and feel your cock and for you finger me and lick me and bend me over a table so you can ram your thick hard cock into me and-- oh hey look your dick is coming back out."

Alex knocked her paw away before she could make a grab for it again. Lily made a good point; he did like spending time with her, more than anyone else he knew. She was perhaps the only animal he felt genuinely cared about him, sometimes even more than his own parents. But could he kiss her? He decided that was the test. Thinking of her in a sexual light was such an alien thought to him but it also felt so... right.



"Kiss me."

He didn't have to ask twice. Lily pounced, pushing him against the mirror, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on tip toe to kiss him forcefully. Being the first time for either of them, it was sloppy, with confused tongues scraping teeth and lips quickly feeling chapped, but at the same time it was glorious. Wonderful. Like an itch that had been building for seventeen years that could finally be scratched.

Lily pulled away, panting, her eyes hazy. "Fuck. That was amazing."

Alex nodded, just as lightheaded. Why hadn't they kissed before? "Let's do it again."

They kissed, and this time Lily's paw trailed down his back, scratching the skin beneath his fur in electric lines of pleasure. She reached his butt and squeezed, approving of the firmness, then swept around and reach for his balls.

Alex stopped her, speaking into her mouth. "Stop."

She pulled back slightly, brow furrowed. "You gonna launch into another monologue about how incest is wrong and we shouldn't be doing it?"

"Fuck no, incest is awesome. I was just going to say we've been in here for thirty minutes. They might be getting suspicious."

"Oh, crap, yeah. Right, I'm buying you the first two, they looked hot as hell on you." She closed her eyes. "And it feels so good to finally say it."

"Only if you get all three of yours. Which, speaking of, the one you're wearing now is gorgeous. You look great in blue."

"Just wait until you see it in the water."

Alex wasn't sure what that meant, but shrugged it off and picked up the outfits. A minute later they burst out of the changing room.

The obsidian wolf was waiting for them, arms crossed. The twins hesitated when she saw them.

"So... you two really aren't dating." The wolf said slowly. "You guys weren't exactly whispering. It was quite the drama; I was almost moved to tears." She looked at Alex. "Just got a little bit of a shock when you broke out the 'twin sister' convo."

He stared at her, unsure what to say. The wolf waved her paw.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I mean we all have our kinks. I like cuddling with my gorgeous wife and eating nachos, you like practicing an ancient taboo that has remained controversial for millennia and even now creates much discourse over its ethics and exploitability. But you both seem pretty into it so... I'll let it slide. Head over to the counter, scoundrels, and I'll see you back soon, hm? I've got a string bikini coming in that I'm sure your brother will love."

Alex breathed out a sigh of relief. "Yes ma'am."

Lily pushed open the front door and collapsed on the floor in a fit of giggles. Between deep breaths she managed to wheeze out "what kind of question even was that? 'Is it good?' Is your dick 'good?' What, you wanted me to rate it or something?"

Alex frowned, looking down at his sister. "You grabbed my dick and stared at me, what was I supposed to say?"

"Something a lot hotter."

"What, like 'your cock reminds me of a controller handle?' I touched your controllers, Lily. I don't even want to know what you were using them for."

"It was just the once and for the record it wasn't anywhere near as good as your fur brush."

"Is that why it keeps disappearing!?"

"Well I didn't want to use mine, that would just be gross."

"I can't believe you."

Lily held her arms out, still lying on the floor. "I love you Alex."

"Sure you do. I think you just want to take advantage of me." He folded his arms.

"Hug meeeee." She waved her arms more insistently.

"You don't deserve my affection."

"Please? I bought you a new globe."

"I'm not getting on the floor."

"Fine." She stood up and grabbed his paw. "Then we can do it somewhere else."

Alex was too surprised to resist, letting her pull him up the stairs and into his room. She spun him around and pushed him onto the bed and before he could struggle she knelt above him, a knee on each side. He gulped, looking up at her. Her tank top hung loose enough that he could see the fur on her flat belly and the beginnings of her breasts, which rose and fell with each breath.

He gave a half-hearted attempt at pushing her to the side but she grabbed his wrists and held them above his head, her face hovering inches from his own. He smiled.



They were both quiet for a moment.

"Are you going to kiss me?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were into it." And Lily pressed her lips against his. They fell once again into that electric zone, where they could feel every inch of each other pressed against them. It was as if their bodies were two pieces made to fit together, and she relaxed into him so naturally. Between kisses they professed their love, and their tongues lapped at each other's faces as their paws began to move.

Lily ran her claws over his chest, feeling down his stomach to his jeans. She fumbled for the button, popped it open as Alex ran his own paws up and down her sides and she hummed quietly at the sensation. The hums turned into moans as his paws cupped her breasts and massaged them slowly, thumbs running over her hard nubs that protruded against her tank top.

"Take it off." She whispered and sat up, raising her arms above her head. He acquiesced, pulling it up and revealing her stomach, ribcage, chest and then up over her head. He gave her another quick kiss, then nipped her neck and she gasped, pulling him into her. He grinned and nipped her again, pulling at the skin and leaving little red marks beneath her fur. He slowly moved lower, licking her collarbone between nibbles, following the bone to the nape of her neck and then licking his way downwards.

He continued down the valley between her breasts and once beneath them circled around, continuing his kisses. She gasped and brought her paw to the back of his head, curling through his fur and pulling him onto the gentle incline of her breath. But still he teased her, licking around her areola and nipping gently at the soft flesh.

"Stop teasing me." she moaned, running her claws up and down his back.

"What are brothers for?" But he relented and finally moved to her nipple, biting down on it firmly. She hissed in pleasure and he did it again but this time lighter, and again until he was suckling on it and waves of pleasure were rippling through Lily.

"D-don't stop," she moaned and pressed her claws harder into his back. Alex tended to her other breast with his paw, messaging the flesh and tweaking her nipple, each gentle twist eliciting another gasp. Finally, she pulled him away, gasping.

"That was amazing..." She fell beside him and stared at the ceiling, her gaze soft and eyes half closed. "You're really good."

"How about I do it some more?" He grinned, glad for the affirmation. He traced circles slowly in the soft fur of her stomach.

"Later. I can only take so much attention before it gets a little sore, heh."

He nodded and stored the information to one side. The circles he was tracing slowly travelled lower until each rotation brushed against the hem of her shorts. He felt Lily turn her head to him and he looked at her questioningly. She gave him a hopeful smile. "You can... take them off, if you want..."

He kissed her again, their faces too close not to. Then, almost reluctantly, he pulled away and moved down her body. Taking her shorts in his paws, he pulled them gently down as she raised her butt to help. He found time to appreciate each inch of leg he passed, admired how silky and smooth her reddish fur was, how soft yet toned her muscle. When he finally slipped her shorts off his eyes widened. She was without underwear. A dark pink slit peeked out from her fur, inviting him forward, already glistening with excitement.

"You went shopping without underwear?"

"N-no... I just didn't put them back on in the changing rooms. I thought it might make things quicker if we, uh..." She took a deep, shuddery breath in as she looked down at him, completely unclothed for the first time. After a moment he met her gaze and realised she was shaking with nerves.

Lily bit her lip. "Do you... like it? Is it good or..?"

Alex raised an eyebrow and Lily gasped.

"Fuck! No, I didn't mean that!"

"Did you just say--"

"It didn't! You just... heard things."

"You want a rating or something?"

"No I--"

"Because you're perfect." He said. Lily stopped, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.


"You're adorable and beautiful and yes, that was extremely cliché, but I mean it."

Lily felt herself blush and hoped he couldn't see it through her fur. "I like cliché. Thank you, Alex. I think you're perfect too."

"Well I already knew that." He grinned and scooted closer to her legs. She nervously spread them and he licked his lips, admiring the way her lips parted slightly. Stretching out a digit, he ran it lightly down her length and Lily let out a shuddering moan. With his other paw he massaged her stomach lightly and she squirmed happily.

He kept fingering her labia slowly, occasionally easing her lips apart and gently pushing his finger in. Then, heading the advice he'd learned from numerous internet resources, travelled to the top of her slit to find the little hard ball of flesh just barely inside her lips.

Lily let out a long, pleasured moan and grabbed his paw, motioning for him to keep rubbing. Alex smiled, pleased with himself, and kept up the motions, gradually hastening his actions and changing up the rhythm, keeping her at his will. Occasionally he dipped his paw lower to circle her soaking entrance, lubricating his fingers to resume his loving assault. With his other paw he continued to explore her sex, touching her in all the right places.

Lily let out another moan, her legs tense and paws grasping at the bedsheets as she panted "Keep going, Alex, please. Don't stop..."

Alex had no such plans, only working harder to pleasure her sensitive clit. He added in his index, rubbing her between that and his thumb and hitting it just right. Lily was breathing harder now, a low growl rumbling behind each exclamation, doing all she could not to yell out in pleasure.

Alex pulled her lips open further and slipped a thumb down into her hot, waiting hole. He explored its depths, figuring out which spots sent the most powerful sparks of pleasure shooting up her canal, then cocked the finger and felt upwards for the roof of her pussy. Lily yipped and squirmed even harder and Alex had to hold her leg down so that he wouldn't accidentally scratch her. He experimented with inserting another digit, all the while still manipulating her clit with his other paw. He couldn't push as far inside her virgin sex with two, but the thickness spread her out and Lily groaned. Stars were fizzling up in front her and her head felt hot and heavy, and her stomach started to tighten as she felt herself approaching orgasm.

Lily began to move her hips against his strokes, pushing into him with more and more urgency. "I-- I'm going to... oh my god..."

Alex grinned and strengthened the assault, determined to make her finish. He curled his fingers inside her again and she let out a whine, her hips raising off the bed and shuddering as she moaned long and loud. Her orgasm lasted a whole minute as she stretched out on the bed before falling back down into its covers, panting.

"Fuck... you're a natural," she said between breathes. "That was amazing."

Alex crawled up alongside her, sliding his paw between her legs again but she pushed him away.

"No, not yet. Normally, yes, but that was... too much. Fuck... I think I'm going to faint." She shook her head slowly, staring up at the ceiling, and Alex couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself.

Lily turned her head to kiss him, pulling him tight into her body until she had to gasp for breath again. Then she fell into his arms, resting her head on his chest.

"You're the best brother in the world, Alex. I hope you know that."

"Feel free to keep telling me," he smiled.

Alex lay there for a while, listening to Lily's breathing slowly return to normal. He thought about the last two days-- it was crazy to think that yesterday morning, Lily was just his sister. Sure, his attractive, friendly, loveable sister, but nothing more. He'd never even considered she was infatuated with him. That she loved him.

He felt paws on his jeans and batted them away. "You don't have to, Lil. Just rest with me."

"Fuck off, I want your cock in my mouth."

"Oh. Right. I... guess I can't argue with that."

He watched, somewhat bemused, as Lily wriggled down to his waist and finished pulling his jeans off. Through his underwear she could clearly make out the long, thick line of his cock, and the two full balls beneath. She licked her lips and wrenched them down, giggling when his cock sprung out and stood at full attention.

"Someone's eager."

"You were literally wetter than a horny shark."

"It didn't say I wasn't just as eager. Also, shut up."

"Sharks need love t--"

She leant forward and gently kissed the head of his cock. Alex grunted and promptly closed his mouth, and she did it again, slower this time. Her tongue slid out and enveloped him with warmth and wetness and he fell back into the pillows, closing his eyes and enjoying the flare of colour and fire that formed before him.

Lily pulled back and examined her brother's cock. Two palm-sized, furred balls hung below his tight sheath. From it emerged his cock, a thick knot lurking just below, tapering a little before bulging again at in middle, the perfect size to wrap her paw around. Above, it tapered to a soft point from which drops of clear fluid leaking slowly. She licked her lips and advanced hungrily, dragging her tongue along Alex's length from balls to tip. Her brother moaned quietly and she felt his body shudder. From the top she kissed downward, wrapping her lips around his middle and sucking gently. She arrived at his balls and kissed each in turn. Alex grunted and she did it again, drawing one of the soft orbs into her maw and suckling on it. She could almost feel them churning, preparing for his release, and the thought made her wet again.

She returned to his cock and engulfed its head in her maw, and even just that made her feel so full. She made sure to keep her mouth wide and her teeth out the way, pushing forward slowly so as not to accidentally catch him. She tried pushing forward more but the tip of his cock hit her throat and she felt herself gagging so she retreated, licking his cock again.

Alex was in heaven, an arm resting over his eyes as he tried to comprehend the pleasure he was feeling. There was an urge to thrust deep into her, grab the back of her head and force her to take him all but he quelled it, content to enjoy her virginal efforts. He glanced down and watched her take him again, just a little deeper this time before pulling back for a breath. A long string of saliva connected her lips to his cock and he almost came at the sight. She licked it up, enjoying the taste before returning to pleasuring him.

She enjoyed it, in a strange way. It was almost therapeutic, inching down on him little by little until he became too much and she had to pull back, ready for another try. She had a long way to go -- she hadn't even reached halfway yet -- but he was bigger than she expected so she didn't mind. She had plenty of time to practice.

"Lil, if you keep that up I'm going to..."

"Cum for me, Alex." She moaned around his cock, determined to taste his seed. She wanted to take it all, to be a good girl like she'd seen on the internet. She wished he would call her that. Next time, perhaps.

She pushed down further, feeling her throat bulging slightly from his size. She used her tongue to rasp against his cock while it was still inside her and Alex moaned even more, his fists clenching and unclenching and his breaths short and sharp.

"Wh-where do you want me to--"

"In my mouth," she growled, bobbing her head up and down faster and faster. Alex moaned and grabbed the back of her head as tides of pleasure crashed over him, and he couldn't help it. He shoved her down onto his cock even as he felt her struggle and then he was coming, streams of seed spilling right into her throat. She swallowed urgently, just managing to get it down before the next spurt came. Five, six, seven spurts, before finally they slowed and he let her go.

Lily gasped for air, semen trickling from the corner of her mouth. Alex immediately felt bad for forcing himself on her, checking to see if she was okay. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, you were just so--"

Lily, still unable to speak, grabbed his paw and held it tight. Collapsing on top of him, she closed her eyes and listened to his quick heartbeat as she waited once again to get her breath back. His chest was warm and cosy and she just wished she could stay there forever, wrapped in his arms, feeling more content than she'd ever been.

Alex let out a sigh of relief. "Lily, that was amazing. You're a natural."

"So are you. Jeez, we are so good at sex."

"And lots more where that came from."

She giggled, nodding slowly as her eyes closed. "Just you wait."

She yawned, her body heavily and her mind foggy, still coated in the pleasure of both herself and her brother. She could scarcely believe what had happened. Finally, after years of waiting for Alex to show some sign of love, it had all come together so quickly.

It was cliché, but it just felt so natural so she just had to say it:

"I love you, Alex. So, so much."

"I love you too, nerd."

She giggled. "Call me that again and I'll break your globe."

Alex shook his head. "You're never touching it again. Or my fur brush. I'm hiding them both."

"Think about it; none of this would have happened if I hadn't broken your dumb globe. Or if dad didn't give you money. Or if you hadn't picked that transparent bikini."

"I beg your pardon?"

"The blue one. That one that goes see-through when wet. That's what really told me that liked me."

Alex supressed a groan. That would explain all the weird comments. Still, she was right. He did want to see her in that bikini.

Lily poked him. "Or if Shaya hadn't forced us into a changing room together. That was pretty weird."

"It was, yeah -- wait, how do you know her name?"

Lily blinked. "Uh... she had a name badge?"

Alex looked at her suspiciously, then shrugged. "But I think more than anything, it was the random porn you had playing on your tv that kick-started it all. What were the chances of that?"

Lily kept her smile to herself. This had been a long time coming. She was just relieved that when the time came, he felt the same way she did.

"Night, Alex. Wake me up before mum and dad come home."

But he was already asleep. Lily snuggled into her brother, drifting slowly off, feeling better than she ever had before.