Haunting You Pt 2

Story by Lithier on SoFurry

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#2 of Haunting You

Oh my! I've really let my stories slip away from me. It's been a while since I got any writing in on them, which is a shame, but I do have a few more lying around that I managed to finish somewhere along the way... and completely forgot to post. I always mean to try to post them roughly in alternation with my game updates, but this is the first time in a good while that I actually remembered that around the right time. Sorry to keep you guys in suspense!

After a long, strange night, Jared has to go back to school. But the specter of his past cannot be escaped so easily...

It was a lot harder to be sure of just what had happened in the morning. Really, he didn't have any experience with drugs. Maybe some of them make you experience extensive, intense, sexual hallucinations while otherwise remaining lucid? Okay, that sounded more like insanity, actually. How do you tell if you're suddenly extremely insane in a very specific way? Or uh... dreaming? Maybe the second part was a dream, and he'd "only" met a ghost last night. And then dreamt about getting fucked by her. And woke up a sticky mess.

Really, that did sound the most plausible. Jared was struggling to ground himself, to get a handle on just what had happened to him in the last twelve hours of his life. He got ready for school without really paying attention, just trying to... find some explanation, something to grasp onto, to put a stop to this strange feeling that he was suddenly floating a little bit outside of reality. Maybe that was what it was really like, to be crazy?

He shook his head, slipping out of the apartment. He couldn't just dismiss all of this as... him breaking down. Something had happened. Something impossible. He was going to have to deal with it as it was. Somehow.

That didn't stop him from jumping when she asked, "so, what was that about?" A single, visceral shock rushed through him, and he spun around, staring at the open road. The chill breeze was already starting to make his ears a little numb.

He turned again, searching all around. "...Veronica?"

"I'm here." She sounded faintly amused, and after a moment, the fence next to him resolved into a barely visible outline of a person. In the bright morning sunlight, he thought he could make out her face, but not very well. "Why's it so important to be quiet at your place, anyway?"

Jared... wasn't sure if he was relieved to be seeing her again or not. Well, that ruled out raunchy dreams, he supposed. Pretty sure he wasn't dreaming right now. He looked away from her, shrugging his pack on a little more snug. "It's my dad. He... well, you know bats. Good hearing. He has to wear ear protection all day at work, and it's still a really rough job. He comes home angry, and he just wants everything to be quiet so he can relax. Every day. All the time."

She was quiet for a time. He almost looked over to see if she'd disappeared again before she spoke. "You seem kinda... afraid of him."

He glanced around the intersection, and moved quickly to cross the road. "So what're you following me for, anyway?"

That brought a few beats of silence, then she snickered softly. "You didn't seem to be complaining too much last night. I gotta admit... I didn't think that would turn out so well..." She drew closer, her voice throaty. "You were really cute when you started gagging on my cock, Jared..."

The cold wind only made him more aware of the heat rising in his cheeks as he glanced around, searching for anyone nearby that might have overheard. "Shouldn't you be hiding somewhere dark or something? What's a ghost doing out in broad daylight where anyone can see?"

She did giggle at that. "Only you can see me... or hear me. So don't worry, I won't be spreading it around how much you like playing with girl dicks."

Jared frowned. "Only me? Why? Don't tell me you're like... bound to me until I find a way to fulfill your dying wish or something?" Or that he really was just crazy and his imaginary friend had a convenient excuse for being invisible.

"I don't mean forever." She tsked. "I mean, right now, I'm making it so I'm invisible to everyone but you. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what I'm doing. Hang on." She drew a deep breath, cupped her paws to her mouth, and shouted. "HEY! JARED LOVES TO SUCK DIIIICK!!"

The bat jumped, bristling and blushing brightly as her noisy declaration rang in his head. "Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?" He rubbed over his ear, wincing, and peered around. The street was still pretty empty, but he did see a few others a bit down the road. Nobody seemed to have... reacted, that he could see?

"Oh, sorry. Ears." She giggled again. "Still, looks like it's working." She paused. "I'm probably haunting you though, yeah."


"Haunting. Is it haunting if it's a person? I know you can haunt a house, but I'm only inside you some of the time."

"You're really get--" getting off on that was not the phrase he wanted to use. "You won't shut up about that. You're the one that jumped me. After I'd said no!"

"And you're the one that came twice! And you didn't say no, you said you weren't into girls. Which was a lie!"

Jared huffed a sigh. "Well, I mean, I do like some things about girls. I just... You know."

"Suck dicks."

"If you're going to keep making fun of me, you can go back to being invisible."

"Making fun? I'd never! I had a stellar time humping your face. I never knew it could feel so good." Her tone lingered in some strange place between amusement and pure, smoky lust that had him shooting flustered glances her way. "If anything, I'm mad I didn't get to find out till I was dead how good boys have it. I missed out on everything!"

He didn't know what to say to that. She fell quiet for a moment, so Jared went back to his question from earlier. "...What did you mean, you're haunting me?"

"I dunno." Her voice was low for a moment, but picked up quickly. "I'd been hanging around in that room for a while, being bored as hell. Pitying myself and stuff. But you came along, and I got all excited, and... now I'm following you around. I mean, there's... something else to it. Like, I'm not sure I could have really left that room, or gone very far at least, till you showed up. Or, maybe not that I couldn't, but I just... would never want to?"

The bat considered that for a moment, striding down the sidewalk, eyes on his shadow, lying sharp before him. "So... now you're trapped staying near me?"

"Ehhhh... I dunno about trapped. It's more like... it doesn't take any effort to stay near you. I mean, look at me. I stopped walking a couple blocks back."

He frowned, squinting down at her legs. "Are you... floating?"

"Hell yeah. Ghosts float, right? Why shouldn't I?" Veronica paused, and actually sounded a little bashful. "...I didn't try it until just now. I'm, uh... still kinda getting the hang of what all I can do."

"You seemed to know what you were doing last night." He paused, and blushed again. "Uh, when I first saw you, I mean. You were scary as hell."

She giggled. "I loved watching horror movies." A moment, and she corrected herself. "I mean, I probably still do. Just, not many horror movies in an abandoned classroom. Anyway, I got a little practice spooking people that came to bother me. That was my room, and I didn't want people just holding classes and shit in there. I shoulda scared off the guys that came to take my body."

"You really miss your body, huh? It'd probably be pretty gross by now if they left it... no offense."

The wolfess was silent for a little while. Jared looked over at her, trying to make out her face.

"Wait..." He scanned over her a little more. "...Are you naked?"

She made as if to cover herself, then burst out laughing, though it sounded a hint forced. "Well, why not! I don't feel cold or anything. Don't need shoes. Nobody but you can see me, and I think you got a pretty good look last night."

He snorted. "You were half hidden under my blanket for most of it, and I couldn't see very well for most of it anyway. But sure, I mean, I guess I can't complain."

Humming, she rolled her shoulders back, her voice smug. "Enjoying the view, then?"

"I might," Jared answered with a rueful smile, "but I can't really see you so well. You're pretty much a slightly lighter spot right now."

"What!" She squawked. "I've been showing off all this for nothing? No wonder you weren't staring!" She harrumphed, moving closer. "We'll just see about that..."

"Wh--?" Jared turned his head as she slipped behind him-- and she pushed herself to his back as if his backpack wasn't there, arms slipping around his middle. For a moment, her legs tangled with his and he damn near tripped and fell. "S-son of-- watch it!"

"Sorry!" She was laughing, her legs fading so that he felt only a strange tingle sometimes as he walked, where he must be... walking through her? But her chest and belly, warm, soft weight, pressed snug to his back as she hugged to him... and a firm lump nestled against his rear, making it feel just a little odd as he walked. "There... how's that?"

"Kinda wondering what the hell you're trying to do," he answered, trying to keep a straight face. It did feel... nice, he supposed, but it was hardly... practical.

She hummed, considering. "Just trying it out..." A moment, and it felt like his clothes melted away-- she slid through them, naked breasts pressing to his hide, their fur intermingling, her balls and sheath nudging snug to his backside. "What do you think? We could probably do it just on your walk to school, like this." She giggled softly.

He glanced over his shoulder. Seriously? "You know... I do remember talking to you a couple times, before you... before last night. You seemed really shy, and quiet. Now you're...? I mean..." He turned his eyes forward again. The school was in sight now. "I-I'll admit, last night was... pretty fun, in a... weird way. But... you seem really different now."

For a few moments, she considered that in silence, slowly resting her head on his shoulder. It felt so strange just walking with her like that, wrapped around him like a second backpack. She didn't seem to weigh anything, and he kept expecting some resistance or something, for her to tug on him as he swayed or started or stopped, but she was just... right against him, soft and warm and... distracting. Finally, she spoke. "I guess I just... I don't see any reason to hold back anymore. I'd been so... frustrated, and so... afraid. I didn't want to say anything, or do anything I wanted to do. But now, I'm... I don't know what I am. But I don't think I have anything to lose now, I guess." She laughed faintly. "So I might as well just... have fun, and do what I want to, right? Everything I couldn't when I was... alive."

Jared let that stand as he finally turned onto the school grounds. There were others around now, and they'd certainly notice if he started talking to the air. He glanced around, eyeing the other students, wondering if just maybe any of them saw something strange on his back... he could just barely see the ring of her arms, a faint, cloudy vision around his middle. Climbing the stairs, she didn't seem to weigh a pound, but he did feel her breasts jiggle extravagantly against his back. He tried not to think on that too much as he stepped inside, slowing a moment to let his eyes adjust to the relative darkness.

"Okay..." He sighed, making his way down a side hallway, somewhere quiet that few people went. "Listen... I gotta get to class, so... I'll talk to you later, okay? Just..." He glanced back at her, and grasped her arms, gently pulling them open and turning, pulling her off his back to face him as he turned. ...Whoa. In the dimmer light, he couldn't help but stare down over her significantly expanded, very naked form. She grinned, striking a little pose, hips cocked to one side, chest out, and he swallowed. "Um... Yeah. I-if you want, we can, um... work something out later. Just... chill for now, okay?"

Veronica seemed rather amused for some reason. "Yeah, I'll chill. Maybe I'll see where all I can go now. Maybe I can wander more now I'm haunting a person stead of a room."

He smiled. "Sounds good. Just... don't go getting lost." He took one more long look down her broad curves, with that strangely familiar sheath at the center. "I wouldn't mind seeing you again." She grinned at that, but he paused, feet shifting to start moving again. "Uh... by the way, did you...?" He pointed at her crotch, his brow furrowed.

Her eyes darted away, lips pursed. "Well... I mean... I didn't have a lot of examples to go by. Is it weird?"

Jared smiled ruefully. "A little. You haven't seen a lot of dicks?"

"What kinda girl do you think I am?"

"A girl with access to the internet."

"Shut up!" She laughed. "It's easier with a proper model."

"Alright, alright." He grinned, shrugging. "Just thought, you know... wolf girl, maybe..." He cleared his throat, glancing away. "I've always kinda thought knots are... pretty hot, so..."

She purred softly, considering. "Is that right? Well... Maybe we'll just have to see, then."

Clearing his throat, the bat started walking, smiling through a rising blush. "Good talk! Okay. Uh. Radio silence."

She giggled. "For you, maybe. No reason I can't keep teasing you."

"I do try to actually listen to the teacher. Weird, I know."

"Ugh, fiiiine. SOME silence, then. Maybe."

In his head, he had been leaving her in the quiet hallway to go up to his class, but he supposed it only made sense that she simply drifted behind him as he walked. Was she seriously just going to be, like... a fixture of his life from here on? He really wasn't sure how to feel about that... besides adjusting the crotch of his pants again. He might have heard a snicker behind him.

When class finally started, Jared still had a hard time focusing. Even putting aside the thought that she might be watching him right now, just... this was the first moment he'd had to stop and come to terms with what was happening, without the excuse of it having been a dream, or someone slipping him bad weed or something. This was happening. Either he was really really crazy, or she was real. Real. Okay. Wow.

So he guessed that raised a lot of questions about death and all, but he had the impression she probably wouldn't know much anything. Still, maybe he should ask her. Were there a bunch of other ghosts, and he just couldn't see them? Ghosts. That was really what was happening here, wasn't it? Spooky story ghosts. Slowly, he set his head in one hand, fingers spreading over his face. ...Okay. Why not. She, uh... didn't quite seem to match the typical behavior, though.

Jared tried to focus on the class, and for a couple minutes he almost managed to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. Then a familiar, pale glow coalesced to one side, rising slowly from the floor next to his desk.

"Sooooo guess who found a huge hunk of wolf downstairs that is probably feeling very confused right now?" Veronica purred the words, her paws down between her legs. "Poor boy is probably all kinds of blue-balled now, and it's all your fault... Maybe I should get you to make it up to him sometime." What was that supposed to mean? She wasn't one of those girls obsessed with pairing guys up in fanfiction and stuff, was she? His thoughts were immediately cut off by the tremendous, wet slap of heavy flesh landing on his desk. She'd just laid out what had to be a foot of veiny, fat, pulsing wolf cock on his desk! Mouth hanging open, he stared at it, his face trying to pale and blush furiously at the same time. He was dizzy. This... she wanted to use THIS THING on HIM? He was pretty sure it had to be twice his size, and he'd been just about ready to cry when she stuck his own dick in him! Well, okay, maybe not cry, but it had been intense! If she seriously hadn't like, modified hers or something, he felt like he'd have to be careful putting his own thing in anyone. And now she was swinging around a monster that had to be nearly as big as her forearm! Might have been thicker around, actually.

Okay, he was staring at it a lot. With difficulty, he dragged his eyes up, nailing them to the teacher, and Veronica giggled over him.

"C'moooon... I got it just for you... aren't you going to say thank you?" He pursed his lips tightly. She knew he couldn't talk. The wolfess sighed dramatically. "Fine... well then, you could at least touch it. I had to jack off some weirdo to get this, all cause you were just begging me for a knot to put in you!"

He was definitely blushing now, and very annoyed with the persistent boner he was getting. He was pretty sure he could smell that thing... Could you smell ghosts? It did seem a little faint. Finally, with what he told himself was reluctance, he pushed his hand up his desk enough to rub his fingertips along the side of it a little. H-heavy... it didn't even budge at his touch.

She snorted. "More than that! C'mon, don't make me slap you with it." Her tone was playful, but there was just enough menace threaded through her amusement to make him worry. He glanced around the class, and quietly, he raised his paw, carefully curling his fingers around that shaft, really feeling it. Oh my fucking god, it's hot. Literally hot! He let a shaky breath go as the sheer heat of that monster soaked through his pads. He almost thought he could feel the heat rolling right up his arm. It started pulsing a little faster. It was just a little slick... enough that he found his fingers sliding down it a little, just to feel the way it stole away friction, letting him glide sluggishly over the flesh. It was fucking... magnificent. Before he could really think, his fingers slipped down, to the edge of the desk, curling just a moment around the bulk of that deflated knot, grasping behind it. The wolfess gasped softly and cooed happily, snapping her teeth at him playfully.

He realized he was shaking a little, and he finally dragged his hand away, shaking his head a little. That was enough for now. More than he should've...!

"Mmnh... glad you like it. Alright... promise you'll think about me, cutie..." She straightened, or rose, or something, as if to go-- and casually turned, the pointed tip catching him across the cheek in what should have been a tiny slap, but the sheer weight of that beast, it made him jump, his head rocking back a little. F-fuck! "Oops!" She giggled, and floated away into the ceiling, her toes curled. He turned to watch, frowning, and found the girl sitting next to him, the one who Veronica had been whipping at with her wagging tail, was frowning at him. He swallowed, managing a queasy smile, and turned to look straight ahead. Not even at the teacher. He was too busy dying inside.

A minute later, he finally scratched at the warm spot she'd left on his cheek. He was a little surprised to find a bud of juice caught in his fur. Gods, she'd left some pre on his face? He could've been walking around like that...! He scraped it off on a finger, and popped it in his mouth before he could think. W-why had he gone and done that?! Well... maybe he knew why. Still, it tasted... strange. This didn't taste like his own cum either. He only really followed through on tasting himself maybe half the time, but he knew the flavor well enough by now. Maybe wolves were just different.

It was official, though. She didn't show up again for the rest of the class, but she didn't have to. His brain was pretty much fried, and he could not focus on what was going on. At all. What he did notice, though, was that there was a thin trail of juice on his desk. Was this... from when she'd slapped that thing down? Had it actually left like... a splatter of pre? He almost felt like it should disappear when she did, but... He glanced around. Did... would other people see this stuff? Could this prove he was... sane?

Well, but... he wouldn't get very far in the "being sane" department if he started asking people if they could see the slime on his desk. When the next class came in, and someone came in, they might... but he couldn't just sit around and watch, either. Still... it was still here, and it seemed a little more... real? Maybe he could find a way, later, to... make sure. Just for his own sanity. Uh... well, yeah. Check on his sanity, so he didn't go insane wondering if he was insane. Sure.

Finally, the bell rang, and everyone made for the door. Jared, though, stopped short a moment, making everyone grumble as he blocked the doorway. There, jutting out into his path, was that cock again. She was hiding behind the doorframe. He was pretty sure he could hear her giggling. He barely stopped before forcing himself forward, blushing slowly as he walked right through. It thumped audibly off his thigh, and she gave an exaggerated yelp, swinging around as if struck a mighty blow. She was quick to catch up as he hurried down the hall and out of the way, of course.

"Soooo? Whaddya think?" He glanced back at her, and down, despite himself. It was hanging out in front of her as she floated, leaning forward precariously, passing through the other students without a glance.

He focused on pressing through the crowd, weighing his words. "It's a little big," he finally said. Nobody really noticed or cared in the throng.

"What? This old thing? Naww..." She giggled, and finally burst out laughing. "Oh, fine. I thought you might at least try it! I saw those girls you were looking at..."

He blushed brightly. So she really had been watching him looking at porn! S-sure, he liked looking at art of women with... crazy huge dicks, but that didn't mean he actually wanted... w-well, it didn't mean that he could handle them, anyway.

The wolfess sighed dramatically. "I suppose I could size it down a little... maybe it's just as well. Was starting to feel like I might pull something just swinging it around. Can a ghost get a hernia?" He didn't respond, and she slowly drew closer. "So hey... you wanna try it out or what?"

He couldn't help but turn and look at her incredulously, though he ended up nearly walking flat into another girl for it. "S-sorry!" He managed, twisting around her, and he hurried on with a huff, taking a moment to just breathe. She must have been... really pent up! They just did it twice last night, and...! Well... Actually, that had been super draining for him all at once, but... she'd only really gotten off once, hadn't she? So... maybe just a little pent up, and still getting used to having a dick... Maybe it wouldn't hurt for him to help her out a little. But... he had three more classes before lunch! She knew that, but she was making it sound like she expected him to just... what? Skip class? He knew some kids did it all the time, but Jared had never. Not even once. He might not be one of those 4.0 super driven types, but he figured it was the least he could do to show up and try. He kept up pretty good grades that way. But...

If it was anything like last time, he wouldn't learn a damn thing anyway. So maybe...? NO! No. He wasn't going to skip. Even if he was distracted, it was better to be there, if only so he could know what all to go back over later, when he was a little less... flustered. And Veronica was a little less needy. That was a weird thought. Was this seriously going to be an every day thing? For how long? Maybe she'd find somebody she was more interested in haunting down the road or something. M-maybe he should... enjoy it while he could?

He stopped outside the door to his class. He turned, and she was there, smirking, wagging her dick slowly from side to side, her toes a foot above the floor. What was he gonna do? Grimacing, he pulled out his phone and made like he was doing something with it. Then he held it to his head. "Hey. Yeah. No, I'll do it by hand." He glanced up at her, and she grinned. "Just don't make a mess, okay? Alright." He mimed hanging up.

"That was fucking adorable." She followed after him, giggling a little as he retreated quickly to take one of the back seats in the room. Okay. How to do this? Something where he could... touch her... without everyone seeing. She could go right through objects, so maybe he could jerk her off under his desk? He visualized that for all of a second. Okay, no, that would just look like he was jerking himself off or something. It wasn't like they could see her dick or anything, right? So... Finally, he slouched back in his chair and slung his arms behind him, over the back. He glanced up at her, hovering to one side with a smirk, and he curled his finger, hands curling down behind him.

"What? You want me to get down on the floor for it?" She folded her arms, putting on an air of indignation, and he rolled his eyes. She giggled softly as she slid down into the floor, her feet disappearing, and she eased in close to his side. His back was near the wall, making for just a small gap behind his chair. Should be pretty much out of sight... She probably had half her shoulder through the wall just to reach his hands. "Let's see..." She sighed, slipping an arm around his chest to steady herself as she slid close in behind him, pointed towards his other side. "Like this...?" She pushed one heavy breast to the back of his head as that hot tip grazed his hand, then pushed through his curled fingers.

Jared let a faint, shuddering sigh go as he took hold of her in both hands, just... wrapping his fingers around all of her that he could manage, really feeling the weight and girth of her. He could tell she'd reduced the size, though not by near as much as he might have suggested, and... even so, he found part of him wishing he could... feel the whole thing. Well. Maybe someday, if he got lots of practice, she could... size it up again. Chewing on his lip, he let his fingers wander over that thick, pulsing creature, feeling the veins surge eagerly under his fingerpads, her warm coos and giggles filling his ears even as the one was almost crushed, her breast surging over his head as she snuggled closer.

"That's it... you like that? This boy's got a much bigger cock... and now... I have a bigger cock than you too..." She whispered over his head, throbbing in his grip.

Jared closed his eyes, shuddering, his face flushed and his own arousal grinding across the underside of his desk. W-was he seriously...? He wasn't into like... humiliation, but it was just... true. This thing felt amazing, and it was... hers. His fingers traced down her shaft, and down, and gods it just kept going. Inch after inch he crawled down that monster until he found the knot, deflated but still intimidating. And past it, he stroked over her sheath, and over her body... He couldn't feel any seam or anything. It was just... hers. One hand gripping that heavy rod, he reached down. Her balls were immense-- he couldn't even get his hand fully around one of them. Had she not sized these down too? He swallowed drool, feeling up the potent weight of just one broad orb as the sweetest, most feminine sighs of pleasure rasped over his head. Her breast was smothering him, pushing his head to one side, her delicate little paw stroking over his naked chest, ignoring his clothes.

For a moment, he had to glance around. Nobody was looking at him, but as he glanced up, he thought the teacher might have just been frowning at him. Clearing his throat, the bat straightened a little. Okay. He could handle this. Just... keep a straight face, and... take care of business. He let both hands return to that log of cock slung out behind his seat, and he drew a deep breath, working over her. She was so smooth and slick, making every little texture, the bulge of veins, the taper and ridge of her canine form, stand out all the more. And her point... and the tender slit... she actually yipped when he rubbed there, clawing into his chest as slick juices coated his teasing thumb. Oh, she did like that... He was nearly panting himself, feeling so warm, as if just touching this furnace of a phallus was soaking more and more heat into his body. His hands were hot, half his head was sweltering under her ample, rolling bust, and his brain was sizzling in his skull. Dazed, he could hardly think but to try and keep a straight face, staring at the wall beyond the teacher as he stroked across this drooling monster behind his seat.

His fingers coursed over her on their own now, gliding across her natural slick and the messy pre he was spreading over her. He almost thought he could hear the whisper of flesh on flesh as he stroked up and down her girth, his fingers hardly brushing each other as they passed in their wandering, restless attention. Every inch of that shaft was wonderful, how it utterly filled his hands, how it throbbed with life, her knot slowly swelling each time his fingers hooked behind it, her tip drooling a thick mess to string between his fingers, and everything in between stirring with a life of its own, swelling to stretch his fingers apart, thrusting through his strokes, and always sizzling hot. She was constantly mumbling and moaning her pleasure over him now and, eyes unfocused, he silently agreed, his mouth hanging open, tongue playing over his teeth, his briefs slowly soaking with his own pre as they stretched painfully.

But she was throbbing faster with each moment, tensing against him, her claws kneading into his chest as she panted out. "Jared... I know you... said not to make a mess, but uh..." She giggled faintly. "Dunno how to avoid that now..."

Faintly, he remembered wanting to know if anyone else could... see this slime. If he could prove she was real. Letting her cum all over half the classroom probably wasn't the way to do that, though. He shuddered heavily, both with the terror of such an act, and with the realization of... what he had to do. What he had, perhaps, known he'd have to do from the start. He swallowed, and he gripped her tight, pulling on that pulsating superweapon.

The wolfess grumbled at getting shifted around, but she followed slowly where he guided her until she finally realized what he was going for. "Ohh...! Now that's more like it..." She purred, and promptly shoved that hot point between his cheeks, as if his pants weren't there. S-she certainly took to it quick enough!

It was all he could do to bite down on his tongue and contain himself as she ground in against him, mashing that broad, pointed head up and down his crack. He leaned forward, barely daring to breathe, trying to guide her with two shaky hands toward her target. One hand stretched back, wary of her making too much of his... invitation... and slowly wrapped around her knot. It bulged angrily under his grip, rapidly growing bigger and bigger as she wrapped both arms around him now, burying his head between her fat breasts. Suddenly he couldn't hear anything-- the world was cut off, and there was only the rumble of her body, of her shaky moans as that hot point jabbed down his crack one more time and finally hooked on his meek little pucker. He was still just a touch sore from last night, and the sudden, wet heat was at once soothing and an aching shock. There was no way he could handle the whole thing, but maybe... just enough...!

He gripped tight at her knot, but that hardly seemed to stop her first hungry buck, which very nearly punched a frantic cry from his throat as she plowed in against his tailhole, straining it, stretching it, practically ramming his poor little ring right up into his body ahead of her. The world swam before his eyes as she ground on his backdoor, growling hungrily, wedging in tighter and tighter against his backdoor, stretching it impatiently, soaking his insides with her pre. His own manhood might have thumped the desk audibly a few times as his body jerked with every heavy grind, her paws clawing and stroking over him in alternation. She moaned something to him, but he couldn't make it out, besides his name and the word "fuck" in there somewhere. He pushed back on her knot frantically, trying to insist, and she giggled, mumbling something over him. That at least seemed to get her to ease back a little, for which he was profoundly grateful.

Now she was only sawing on his tailhole relentlessly, grinding maybe half her cockhead through that poor little ring over and over, pulsing alarmingly between his fingers. She growled over him, her heart thundering in his ears, which he faintly thought should be strange, but... she certainly seemed functional in every other way, so why not? He was barely upright now, half blind for tears and breasts clouding his eyes, his cheeks shoved wide around that monster as she fucked at his tiny hole again and again, stretching it just a tiny bit more every time as she flared and snarled over him, gripping him tight, clawing into his abs--

And she cried out, something frantic with the sound of cursing, and lunged forward. His throat clamped shut as the full, terrible bulk of her cockhead punched through, stretching him well beyond what he'd ever thought possible in a single, pre-lubed squelch, and she set to stretching him further still with fat, rhythmic pulses as her seed scored up the walls of his intestines, flooding him suddenly, violently, with a force he'd never imagined. W-was this how a guy in this school came? Like a godsdamned firehose?! Body arched, he took it, mouth hanging open, body quivering, his own briefs quietly receiving their own load as his belly pushed out against his desk, his toes curling in his shoes, his fur bristling under his clothes. Her breasts wobbled and bounced around his head, trying to reach around enough to suffocate him as her body rocked emphatically, her knot trying to spread his hand out flat entirely around its terrifying bulk as she bred him, pumped and pumped him full, her cockhead alone enough to lock tight with his tailhole. Not a drop could escape that straining tight seal to stain his briefs, or his pants. He was still fully clothed.

And in the middle of class. He could barely think, but he struggled to push himself into a pose a little closer to a student's, blinking, trying to see, his mouth snapping shut. Had he-- had he let one of those moans rattling in his head go? He was still trembling with orgasm, he could still feel the thunder of her load pumping into him wad by wad by thick, bloating wad, but he tried to find a few brain cells to rub together through it all.

The other students w-weren't looking at him, somehow. And the teacher-- the teacher was frowning at him. He melted into his seat a little, though he couldn't move far with that thing lodged in his ass. He coughed, and with shaky hands, he pulled a tissue from his bag and blew his nose. Just... sick. He frowned apologetically. The teacher frowned deeper, but seemed to go on with the lesson. Jared couldn't be sure, as his head was still buried between two breasts he couldn't see.

Slumping with relief, he let his head fall back against her, content to be buried. To be filled. Just... just for a moment, he'd... enjoy this. Despite the trembling pain radiating up his back, stretched to the point of breaking around that battering ram, he... he loved it. He'd dreamed of this, and yes, it stung, but... the sweltering heat of it all, of her liquid love utterly filling his gut, the weight of her cream and her flesh inside him, the friction of every tiny shift between them stirring that oversized knob lodged in his ass... He suffered in ecstasy, somehow. He was dizzy and terrified and basking in the wonder of it all. This had... this was supposed to be the quick and easy one, wasn't it? M-maybe she needed to size it down more, after all.

Or... or maybe he'd get used to it, with... a little practice...

In There Pt 1

A chilly breeze swept through the trees, bringing leaves in brilliant orange and yellow raining down with it as it swept over an old, hollowed out log. The many fallen leaves would make excellent camouflage, but still the creatures stuck to the cover...

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The Legend of Parshnell

"It was on this night, five years ago, that thirteen men twisted by greed and fear opened a portal into the abyss. On that night, the Grim Demon Mephit crossed into our plane, and he brought with him an army of demons and terrible magic like we have...

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To Hold On To Pt 5

Tyler hated waking up in his own bed. Mostly because he was usually dreaming of being with her now, and suddenly realizing she wasn't there, that the soft surface under him was just some stupid fake padding, was just about enough to break his heart...

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