Silver Stream Memory 11

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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I caressed the stomach sides stretched across my belly deeply. I stretched my hands toward each.

A tube that had sucked my dick came out one a piece to latch onto Cardia's and my writing part's male organs. They started surprised but the heads which were bulbous started flexing in and out over their dicks. They both stood stock still and vacantly grinning. I settled back even more and looked toward Cardia as his bulbous tube flexed. I made the previous tube start to settle back on to my dick. Waves of pleasure reverbed through me as my dick was slicklingly coated and push pulled in and out inside the narrow bulbous very warm and pulsating tube. Each pull and push put in my higher and higher into sexual bliss. My hands dangled across the stomach flesh over my belly. I eventually found myself holding it tighter as I felt the enlarged stomach bubble and churn in pleasure. I reached my peak and cummed profusely into the sucking to be and it stayed there a while just not sucking or moving. I looked up at the Cardia at this time and dragon horns poked through.

"Wow, another head first," I commented and Cardia and my writing part leaned back lazily to look.

"Well some are okay but they are all just like everyone else and have the mouths to feed," I responded and clutched and caressed over the stomach flesh across my belly again. My stomach since it was the whole of the area was starting to give grumbles and rumbled all around in its emptiness.

I stretch my hand and arm, extending it to twice its size and place it beside Cardia. I gave him a light slap and retracted my arm and hand to normal size and remarked, "Do not encourage him."

I removed the tube from his dick and he came up and hugged me. "Oh thank you thank you!"

I grinned after him and grabbed both his love handles and smooshed his belly. I had him leap back over the pit and sit down. I glanced back at Cardiac orifice and saw small dragon paws just outside of it. I smiled and remarked, "Finally someone goes feet first." I started to drowse off dreamily euphoric again watched the sphincter's movements.

My stomach all around gurgled so I started to make water rain down pouring down past the middle and the pit. I enjoyed the beginning of the warm feeling as it settled down filling up the pit slowly. I made the tube reattach to my writing pat, which he accepted with no protest. I also did the same to Zeck.

"I wish I could have something to eat," Zeck announced.

I made an additional tube quickly move into his mouth, down his throat, and into his stomach quickly. He gripped it and started to squirm when I had it start to slowly pump sustenance directly into his belly. He soon leant forward standing up on his tip claws snoring loudly.

My writing part leant forward and removed the tube on his dick. He said, "I see the error in my ways. I should have trusted you. Now, I'm finding I might regret this and now I don't want it. I was wrong. You were right. You are very sexy and I'm not attractive..."

"Right. So now you listen," I said smugly comfortable as I was situated.

"Could you help me get out of it," My writing part asked.

Slas had recovered and went to me and situated herself, paws on my front covered in the stomach flesh. I bade her sit down and she was at my left side, sprawled out. I made a special appendage with a bumpy balled top plunge softly into her cunt. Soon, she slouched back in her sitting position.

"So, you need my help now!" I responded to my writing part.

"Will you help him out?" Cardia asked.

"I might," I scolded Cardia.