The Hunt
Alas, our collective eyes shine Blindness shall ne'er be The gathering of hearts Pounding for the glory beneath our feet Thick air embracing us tightly Directing our formation ever so slightly Warm blood hangs in the wind Its pulse harmonizing...
The flesh trade is what they call it, back home. i always thought that was a funny term, trading flesh. it makes it sound like you're paying for a commodity, the same way you'd buy a pound of meat at the grocer.
The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 2
Supping on a well cooked appendage, glistening juices dripping from my teeth another large chunk is torn off, savoring the moist flesh and deep in thought i consider todays lesson to the coven... perhaps the third chapter of the atrum exerceo (dark exercises
In The Flesh Of Man
An illumination of soft blue a haze of cooling color shimmers with a gentle hue and binds with power of iron collar vibration overtaking in piercing hum every fiber of my waking flesh head, torso, limbs go numb mind falls blank with final
Expending The Flesh
As did the wrists, fingers, toes, and spine, the machines and nanites blended seamlessly together to create a completely robotic version of the two avians that had once been flesh and blood. the Flesh
This is the first time i've been in a flesh body for centuries. how about it sexy? you want to have a romp before we kick some ass?"
Fur and the Flesh
#1 of fur and the flesh happy halloween everyone! i actually didn't think i would be able to upload this for a long time because of time constraints but i actually found a little time. this is an idea i've had in my head and kept evolving for years.
The Lust of Flesh
He felt the lack of a pearling nipple and began to use his fingers to seduce the pink nubs of flesh to hardness, pulling and twisting gently.
Transitions of the Flesh
Sara moved down his body, dragging her hair over his transformed flesh before she reached his penis, which she took in her hands, rubbing the stubs with her thumb, then taking him into her mouth, her tongue wrapping around her love's member, finding a course
Rituals of the flesh
He was running. He was not running out of fear or to flee. He was running just because he liked it. It helped him focus and organize his memories. To him it was a form of meditation, falling into the rythm of the sound his feet made when they touched...
Desire Of The Flesh
Pickles growled out loud and grasped his meaty pole harder, sinking claws into flesh.
Flesh and Bone
flesh for pleasure. a body to be used. as blake looked up again with his new snout, sight slowly recovering to see his leader before him, blake knew this was the answer.