Silver Stream Memory 12

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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"Now, Slas, did you want a full belly?" I asked the dwardra.

"Aye, okay," She responded and I removed the plunging shod ended appendage from her cunt.

"Come to me please," I instructed her.

She did obey and I put my hands around her waist and held my face snuggling with hers. She licked me until I started pushing energy int and bloating her stomach with nourishment. She went lax and her tensions released. I continued then on until her belly was sagged and heavier in my hands. She slid down in front of me all sprawled out. She left her head then down, to the stomach surface and closed her eyes.

I looked over at Sko grinning. He backed up with his hands out in a dismissive motion yet a worried expression. He topped that off by admitting, "No. Please not now."

"I don't know. Who will be next then? Who is here now. Redalis, Vigaush, could they come inside. Eckstal? Maybe Sidge. I would like to think he would appreciate this," I said exuberantly calm and in a blissful swoon. I slipped further into the stomach walls becoming more absorbed inside as my head and pelvis were now inside.

"I do keep forgetting who is here and I can't see if I missed someone," I continued.

"Everyone's quite immobilized except me. I believe that's Redalis," Sko remarked looking up at the moving Cardia opening as mouse ears were appearing with minute squeaks and a few flailing paws.

"Ah, another stomach to bloat," I remarked and I didn't have arms so I made tubular appendages move out evenly spaced all around. The two nearest me I made rub the area of the belly flesh where my abdomen was. Instead, I started them all caressing the walls all around. I grabbed Cardia and to my right. I quickly moved Sko right into the watery pit. He protested but bobbed there in the water. I then brought Zeck to my right and Slas to my left. I took an appendage closest to my Cardia and the stomach Cardia to help set Redalis calmly down. She shook through and through and was stock still nervous. I moved the hoses for the tube appendages to squirt more water that was more gooey into the pit of the stomach lower half. It continued and filled up rising Sko up to level with my feet and I felt the warm caress of the water at my toes as the gooey water tickled me there. I reached out the talons' and appendages of the tubes caressing all surfaces and even plunging a few down into the pit. I made some grow in the lower part of the stomach and they rose up from the pit of water startling Redalis. I made a decoy appendage for her that had the end of a good piece of crust of a hunk of bread. She sniffed it but didn't eat. I oozed buttery cheesy flavor from it and she started to pay more attention.

The tube changed and quickly squirted a gooey paste into her mouth. She jumped back.

"Hey c'mere," I remarked and she peered at me twitching her whiskers but slowly warily made her way around the water level and past the sleeping Slas and sniffed the belly flesh around me and then came up with both paws onto the belly flesh looking up on me. I made my hands slowly appear through the flesh again. Redalis shied away at first. Meanwhile, I had noticed the talons of Vigaush draping in through the Cardia.

I gently introduced food inside Redalis and she slowly and slowly became more relaxed until she was asleep in my hands her pot of a belly now full and big extended with a seat on my hands.

I made my appendages squirt more pink watery good down into the overflowing pit until it well covered my legs. The opening to the lower stomach was double is size now and could feel the water bloat inside me and it made one of my eyes lose focus in blissful euphoria but I brought it back to focus.

"Finally, a vore man," I remarked as Vigaush fluttered down in. He shook himself off and came over before me sniffing Redalis.

"Finally, she shutted up," he squeaked dreamily.

"Yes. I bet you'd like some food," is said calmly.

"I can eat her?" Vigaush beamed perking up.

"Oh, now don't ruin it now. Maybe many minis of her," entreated him groaning.

"To prepare? Aww sures," Vigaush remarked.

I set her back onto the stomach flesh around me and propped her up so her head and neck was just above the water.

I started to reach toward Vigaush then stopped asking, "its okay if I pick up up?"

"Sures. You made us feeling good earlier."

I picked him up with one hand under his belly and the other across his belly. His underside was feathered and his backside was scaly. I tipped him slightly back. I brought a tube appendage close and had a living mouse small but the same size and shape of a mini Redalis. Vigaush reached but with his talons but as I moved him slightly toward it he stuck his snout out and opened and his mouth cleanly and he gulped the squeaky creature down inside and licked his lips. I then made another one mouse pop out as before and brought it closer.

"I thinks I might like this," Vigaush mused even dreamier and relaxed.

"Mee too," I commented as well moving my hand rubbing his lower belly and he rumbled in satisfaction and moved his snout toward the mouse tube again.

I kept him feeding the mice until his belly physically was squirming with mousy bulges in my hand. I set him then down before me snoring asleep as I retracted my hands back.

Sko came out of the water and stood to Vigaush's right.

I looked at the inlet for a moment and a gleaming sword-like object peeked out in there. Debacho was oozed through and floated to a touch down below the Cardia He then floated and hovered in the air just before me slightly lower than halfway lower than me and looked up after giving a bow.

I highlighted Cardia's belly with a gold light and he jumped awake massaging it.

The scenery dropped into a silver pool which expanded entirely to the silver stream. The liquid then rose up and I became human-like again as the scenery formed and colored in to make my bathroom. I was at the doorway looking into it. To the left was the shower curtain of blue that had an accent of a cloth curtain in front of the plastic blue shield of the inner curtain. At the foot of the tub on the blue checker squared imaged floor was a blue fuzzy rug. Adjacent unto the other side was the vanity with a sink over a base of drawers and a cabinet underneath in the center. Above the sink was the mirror, and a big mirror at that. Then back toward the wall in into a small alcove to the left was the white porcelain toilet with an over setting shelf. Then, across from that and a trash can and towel rack was the small closet. Looked back toward the vanity and at the lights above the mirror and left was a towel rack and right was a plug outlet and a towel ring there. Debacho and Sko joined me.

Silver Stream Memory 13

"In the meantime..." I narrated and left the bathroom and went through the hall and to the living room of the apartment where I propped my feet up on the square flop top stool. "Please, go on..." Sko entreated when I didn't say anything but started...

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Silver Stream Memory 11

I caressed the stomach sides stretched across my belly deeply. I stretched my hands toward each. A tube that had sucked my dick came out one a piece to latch onto Cardia's and my writing part's male organs. They started surprised but the heads which...

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Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 10

"Come here," I said to Cardia, motioning with my head. "I know. Please don't..." Cardia started to implore. "Come! Here!" I raised my voice. Cardia came forward around the water of the slicked fundus of the stomach chamber with his head down....
