Vixen misfortune: Part 3

Story by frekwell on SoFurry

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I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to get this one done :( but there has been a lot going on a home however i somehow managed to get it finished so I hope you enjoy it. By the way if you have any comments or want to forward any of your ideas please do and please please please rate, Thx =)

Vixen misfortune: Part 3

Jenny was in the bath washing herself clean of the mess from her first day working as a sex slave, using various potions and herbs not just for her fur but also for her insides. The hot water made it easy for her to relax her body, combined with one of the potions it gave her fur a glowing shine. The music could be heard all the way from the bar area and Jenny could hear the cheers from the customers as another girl would be made to dance for them. Jenny was the talk of the town and she knew this been the only fox to become a sex slave for many years, this made her master only allow the rich to see her and there was already another customer waiting for her in the next room while she was cleaned.

Jenny could hear her owner walking towards the bathroom, she would never get used to that sound knowing that it would only be because it was time to go to work. He opened the door and quickly closed it behind him, Jenny noticed he had a bag in his paw and as he turned to walk towards Jenny, she could see he also had a small evil smile on his face. The smile on a wolfs face was not a welcome sight, Jenny had quickly learned that it was because she was in for another round with a monster who had paid good money for her services.

"Well Jenny my dear I have something hear for you" The wolf untied the knot around the top of the bag and pulled out a small dark bottle no bigger than her own paw. "This will make things a lot easier for you and I think you will need it for this one"

"Wh...why...what am I to do next?" She had come to terms with been a slave but was still new to it and did not know what to expect other than a lot of sex.

"This was hard to find....made just for vixens it is....and it's going to unlock you potential" There was a plop sound as he removed the cork from the bottle, the fumes made the wolf hold his breathe and push his paw toward her mouth. "Drink..."

The smell nearly made her puke, it overpowered the herbs and potions in the bath and Jenny knew that it was going to taste awful.

"Come on you need to get ready....don't make me ask twice" Jenny knew not to disobey him and pushed her lips to the top of the bottle. The wolf didn't wait a second and forced the sludgy liquid down her throat, It slowly rolled its way in her mouth over her tongue and into her stomach. Jenny could only thank God it was only a small bottle.

"Nearly there..." Jenny struggled to drink it to the point that some of it came back up only to be forced down again.

"And we are...DONE!" Jenny coughed as the liquid seemed to burn her throat as it went down and her stomach churned violently. A strange feeling ran through her body making her shiver all over, tears began to run down her face as she feared something bad was happening to her.

"Hay!, you will be better off with that, if you didn't know already older vixens can absorb the juices of others for energy so now you can take even more and for a lot longer"

Jenny looked up in fear thinking that now she would be working without end, without any rest, without time NOT been fucked senseless.

"Come on lets go, you have a long day ahead of you" The wolf dressed her in a maids outfit and bound her paws with a strong white fabric that matched the dress. Taking her to a room with only a bed Jenny was relived to think she wouldn't have to use any toys this time but she would not need any for who she was going to see. The wolf left the room without saying any more and opened the door to the next room. The client walked out into the hallway but was stopped before they got to her room.

"Make sure you don't come out until you get rid of it all, do you hear?

"Yes father"

"This one is a vixen so she should be able to take every last bit"

"I know mother I'll be fine"

"We paid a lot of money for this so make the most of it!"

The door creaked open, Jenny turned her head afraid to look. The client closed the door and she could hear the key turn in the lock. The voice let out a small sigh as the footsteps moved closer. Jenny started breathing heavy as they got closer and closer until stopping at the end of the bed.

"Well...umm...hi" Jenny opened her eyes and turned her head to look at the figure. Before her stood a huge muscle bound stallion with dark gray fur, a pure white face and a black mane. She had to tilt her head all the way back just so she could see his face. He must have been three times her size and was completely naked.

"Hi there what's your name" He had a calm and soft voice but also very deep.

"Umm is...J...Jenny" His waist was level with her muzzle and she could already feel the heat from his groin and the smell made her head feel heavy.

"Well Jenny my name is Aaron, to tell you the truth I didn't want to come but now that I have seen you well..." Before he finished his sentence Jenny noticed something pushing up at her chin. Looking down she saw a monster of a cock staring her in the face, the veins pulsed so hard she could almost feel them and the thing must have been half the size of her.

"My parents brought me here because I keep...umm...fucking all the servants, which stops them from working and makes a mess but I am never satisfied...they say that Vixens can more than satisfy anyone..."

"Well I urr...I will try" Jenny could feel the potion she had earlier running through her body, not knowing what it was going to do she could only hope that it was something on the lines of a very strong pain killer because this was going to hurt. What the Wolf had made her drink was an elixir made by some of the most powerful alchemists in the land, the elixir was made to change vixens into the ultimate sex machine. It was rearranging her insides so that size was no issue, creating almost like taste buds in her pussy and anus so that she could absorb the juices of others for energy and as a final effect it also acted as a permanent aphrodisiac making her constantly horny.

Jenny could feel her mind slip into lustful thoughts, thinking of Aarons monster inside her filling her up. She could feel here pussy juices dripping onto the bed and because her hands were bound she couldn't touch herself so she tried rubbing her thighs together to ease the fire brewing in her groin only for it to get stronger with each sway of her hips.

"Well I'm not too sure how I should start this ummm Jenny...I have never been to a brothel..." Jenny could not take it anymore and before Aaron could finish she put her mouth over his cock and already had it down her throat before he even noticed.

"WOW OH MY GOD!...oh o o you don't waste any time do you? Jenny tried getting as much of it in her mouth as possible paying no attention to the Stallion as her head was swimming in lust. She had the head almost in her stomach but hadn't even got half of him in her mouth. She lifted herself off the bed angling her body so that the cock could reach even deeper into her mouth.

Jenny's mind was flooded with lust as she could only think of the pleasure she wanted from Aaron's length, she was pushing down so much that she could feel it making her sick and it was not long till the stallion was almost at his limit. "OH MY GOD...not so fast I...I'm...I'm CUMMMMINNG!!!!!"

With a great buck with his hips Aaron shot what felt like a gallon of cum down into her stomach and stream upon stream gushed into her mouth. This was more than the last client had cum the whole night but to Jenny's surprise she didn't feel that she was getting full or even inflating like the last time, no wait she was but not as much as last time.

Then she remembered what her master had told her, her body was absorbing all the cum and now the energy from that was fuelling her lust for more. So she held her mouth on as long as she could but she was running short of air and with one movement she removed her mouth from around his cock and received glob after glob of spooge shower her face.

Looking down she could see trails of cum ran from her face over her inflated belly to the ground. Unlike the last client which was her first she was no longer scared, she felt a deep pleasure run through her body tingling in her groin and up her spine like a cold chill but very much warm. Jenny licked her lips gathering as much of the stallions tasty cum as she could hungry for more but now she wanted him to take her pussy, there was a great fire burning in her groin, anticipation of his cock churning her insides was almost driving her mad.

"Please sir I want it inside me" Jenny had stood up and bent herself over the edge of the bed giving Aaron a good view of her tiny pink lips. Aaron ha already recovered from his first climax and if possible harder and larger than before, this horse was a beast how could he still be that hard after unloading such a huge amount?

Aaron knelt down so he could get a better view moving his face so that it was level with her soaking wet pussy, he was not much for words but definitely liked to use his tongue. Pushing his face into her lubricated walls he moved his tongue to her entrance, he teased her at first licking around the inner thigh circling around and around making the circles smaller each time. Jenny's juices were pouring out and the stallion was happy to lap it all up, his tongue was everywhere cleaning the vixen's dirty pussy.

Jenny trembled with what felt like shots of electricity shatter her senses as her head filled with heat and all thought was removed and instinct tuck over, rocking her hips to increase the already overwhelming pleasure. She could only but try as loud moans echoed the room followed by gasps for air.

Jenny saw the naughty look in Aarons eyes as she could not control herself anymore and then he forced in his whole tongue in one movement making Jenny scream as she climaxed. "ITsss Nut oVErr eet....huhuhu" She could only just make out what he said ( its not over yet...hahaha.) Jenny smiled as she didn't want it to be over anytime soon at all. Aaron started twirling his tongue around almost churning her pussy into a squirting mess, pushing in and out with such force it felt like her walls were been punched and pulled. Then without any warning he pushed as deep as he could entering her womb with relative ease making Jenny cum another time squirting pussy juice down his throat.

He lapped up all he could but would never get it all as there was simply just too much, then removing his face from her making a plop noise almost like a cork from a bottle he left jenny to recover her senses as he licked his lips cleaning his face the best he could. Jenny had cum so hard just from Aaron eating her out, she was now drooling at the thought of what was to come next.

"Now that was a GOOD drink....and now for the real fun to begin" Jenny was still breathing heavy but was very eager to finally feel his length inside her. Still bent over the bed with her stomach laid against the sheets she started waving her hips and tail as a invitation sign for Aaron to take her hard and deep.

"I want it so much, please fuck me please" Jenny had truly turned wild with lust as nothing else mattered but been unwillingly become a bottomless cum dump.

"You don't have to ask twice girl and don't worry when I'm done with you you'll never know what hit you." Aaron held the tip of his monster cock at her entrance with both hands just to support it almost unable to even get that in between her arse cheeks due to sheer size alone but pushing down hard the tip slowly edges forward to the Jenny groaning in pain as it forced her open.

Jenny felt like she was been crushed against the bed with the weight of a house, each moment the pressure pushing her apart grew stronger and stronger almost becoming too much to take. Then with a grunt and a final push the tip of Aarons cock dug its way inside her, the walls of Jenny's pussy burned as they were stretched to their limit but to her surprise this alone made her cum.....HARD. There was no time for her to think or even recover for her climax as he continued to force his way deeper and deeper.

"Your...your tearing me apart.....I love it" Tears of joy began to flood her cheeks as she turned her head to look at Aaron.

Aaron could see that she was truly enjoying herself. "It only gets better..."

He then trusted his hips forward pushing a few more inches inside until he was at the entrance of her womb. Placing his hands around her hips he lifted Jenny up off of the bed and into the air. She was now at his total mercy, looking down she could she the bulge his cock had made in her stomach. With the aid of gravity and Aaron using his powerful arms the bulge grew upwards but only half was inside her an there was no sign of him stopping. Jenny remembered her new found abilities had taken full affect now as there was no issue with it going so deep, now only a few inches to go and he would be all the way inside.

"I've never been this deep inside anybody before, they weren't kidding when they said you could take it all" Pushing her down with all of his strength she finally engulfed his whole length.

"Holy crap it got all the way I can fuck you till my urge is truly gone!" Now that he was all the way inside he started pumping his hips lifting her up with his arms and the pulling her back down to fill her up again. Up and down, up and down, the speed of his hips increased with each thrust getting more and more powerful. Jenny was in shock of the sight of her belly been violated, it would appear to anyone who might see this that she was made of nothing more than rubber.

"Y...y your....your pussy....DON'T STOP!!!!!

"Did I ever say that I was going to?" Jenny was in pure ecstasy, face with the expression of someone insane, legs hanging motionless in mid air. Gasping for air with each thrust letting out moans of pleasure in each breath.

"I cant hold back for much longer...."

"Don't stop!!" Both Jenny and Aaron were close to climax and they both knew it turning each others heads to face each other. Panting at the other they kissed each other hard and erotically, tasting their own juices on the others tongue.

Jenny twisting her nipples to increase her pleasure and then with a massive shudder they both came at the same time. Buckets of cum shot into Jenny's pussy instantly inflating her stomach to the point that her looked 9 months pregnant, Jenny couldn't breath as she was lost in a world of lust and pleasure that can only be felt not defined with words. Aaron was cumming so hard his grip around her hips was almost crushing her shacking was the tremors from his shaft seemed the shack the room itself but he didn't stop cumming. More and more cum was pumping into Jenny and she could only take so much more, pain brought her back to her senses as her stomach was stretched beyond it's limits.

"P p pull o going to kill me" Jenny's words went unheard and fear now gripped her as to what would happen to her if he didn't stop soon. Her belly could now no longer get any bigger and without any sort of warning the pressure of the cum lifted her up making her cum again in such a shot time and flying into the air away from Aaron. A thick trail of cum remained behind her as she shot onto the bed, landing onto her back looking up at Aaron still spraying cum all over her she could feel the pain in her stomach slowly turn into pleasure.

Letting out a massive roar of pleasure Aaron fell to the floor landing on his arse now slowly finishing of the fountain emitting from his cock. Jenny watched in awe never thinking that even someone as big as him could produce such a huge amount of spooge.

Taking in deep breaths Aaron tried to regain his strength before even trying to move again. Jennies belly was quick to spurt out most of the cum onto the bed making an impressive pool but still absorbing much of it for energy. Aaron's face was bland with a hair over one of his eyes it was impossible to tell what was going though his mind.

Jenny couldn't move much as her arms were still tied together so she tried rolling over to get up on her knees, her stomach was still quite large but with a bit of effort she was able to get up kneeling on the bed looking towards the wall opposite Aaron. Her paws were really hurting with the friction of the rope so she tried to wriggle free. Moving her paws to try remove her bounds she could tell that her master had tied a very good knot so that they would not come off without a sharp blade.

"What do you think you are doing?" Turning her head to see who had said that she saw Aaron stud behind her with his cock still rock hard pointing straight at her with the veins pulsating like mad. His had an evil grin on his face looking down at her with blank eyes.

"Uuurrr...I I was just trying to get out of these...."

"And why would you want to do that we haven't even finished yet?" He grabbed her paws with one hand and lifted her up straight. He then held his length with the other aiming at her groin.

"B...but you came so much can you still have anything left?" Aaron didn't answer her and just moved in closer pressing against her.

"What...w...wait there is no way you can fuck me there it wont fit!!" Aaron's head was already pressing itself at her arse hole and pushing hard. Jenny screamed in horror as she knew that even with the elixir she was given he was just way too big for her. Aaron was now in a world of his own with no care for the safety of his fuck tool forcing his hips forward. The skin around her arse felt like it was on fire as he forcefully made his way in without hesitation.

"I can't wait to fuck you in the arse.....I love doing anal" With a final push he forced the head and a good length of his shaft up her arse. Jennies butt was in a massive amount of pain she was now full of fear and hate for what he was doing. Tears ran down her face as the pain was just too much, digging deeper without stop he was almost all inside her.

"YOUR ARSE IS LIKE A VICE I LOVE IT!!!!!" Pumping in and out Jenny could do nothing but scream in pain as he now had her pinned down to the bed. He was relentless not stopping or slowing down, he was now rapping her and hard. Jenny tried the best she could to bare it but to no avail even after half an hour of pounding her arse she could only hope that he would be done soon. Then with a final thrust he came, pulling out when she was full only to her face down in order to swallow the rest. Again he covered her in massive amounts of cum almost chocking her by forcing her to swallow as much as she could. Once he was done jenny fell to the bed crying in fear and pain.

"God dam you were good" Aaron was now putting on some clothes left in the room for him when he was finished. He didn't even seem to notice that she was in pain or maybe he just didn't care.

"Well Jenny I can truly say that you are the best that I have ever had and I look forward to seeing you again" Turning to leave the room Jenny curled up into a ball on the bed.

It wasn't long after Aaron left that she could hear him bragging about how he used her to his parents. Jenny remembered when she first left her mothers to seek a life for herself in the forest, then she wish that she had never left.

The door to the room creaked open and her master popped his head inside only to say.....

"Well come on you've got to get ready for the next one....."

Hope you enjoyed it because I loved writing it ;)

Frekwell _ xoxoxoxo _